1st Time Pt 4 free porn video

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"What?" was the way he answered. "George it's Frank." his voice sounded desperate. "I need to meet with you right now. The Davis project is all fucked up. Mr davis is threating to sue the shit out of you if you don't do something about it." George screamed at Frank to get his attention. "FRANK STOP!" then in a calmer voice. " Now what happened and what needs to be fixed?" Frank sucked in a big breath and then the phone was silent. "Frank? FRANK YOU THERE?" George waited a few seconds then hung up waited a minute and hit *69 to find the number Frank had called from. This time it was George who let the phone ring off the hook but still no answer. George tried again and again without any answer.George had spent the last fifteen minutes trying to get an answer at Frank's. He turned to the stairs and yelled up to Clair and Crystal. "Clair, Crystal come down here a minute. Something is going on at work and I can't get hold of Frank."
Clair and Crystal both came rushing down stairs, both naked as jay birds. "What's up Hon?" Clair asked as she hit the living room door. "I have no idea what it is that's gone wrong. That was Frank who called and he just said he had to meet me right away. Something about the Davis project is messed up and old man Davis is hot about it. That's all I got from him before the phone went dead. So since I can't get an answer I am just going to have to run over there to see what the fuck is going on."
George was about to ask Clair to grab his clothes when the front door burst open and Frank rushed in. He froze in his tracks as he saw George, Clair, and Crystal all standing in front of him naked. To make matters worse he could clearly see the cum oozing down Crystals legs. "Holy shit George! Are you fucking your own daughter? Who is that?" Pointing at Clair. "What the fuck are you doing?" George yelled for him to shut the fuck up and Frank just stood there with his mouth hanging open, unable to move or say anything else. Everyone was just staring at the others and the silence was nerve racking.
After a minute or so Clair broke the silence. "If you can calm down, I will try to explain." Frank turned his head toward her. "Calm down? I come here to tell George he has to talk to Davis to keep him from suing his ass off and I walk in on a fucking fuck fest!" Frank let them have it all at once. " calm down when I can clearly see George ihas been fucking his daughter and who the hell ever you are. I got accused of trying to fuck Davis's old lady and it could cost us thousands of dollars and maybe the business." He drew a deep breath and continued. " So why the fuck should I calm down? That dumb ass will be sent to prison for fucking his daughter and.............." He never finished what he was trying to say as George slapped him up side the head. "Frank shut the hell up and listen. Set down and pay attention to what I am about to say........ eithr that or get the fuck out of my house! Crystal is not my............ Things aren't what they seem. This is Clair my ummmm ex- sister inlaw and what was going on here is none of your business Frank." George was pissed that Frank had came in without knocking more then he was about what he had seen. "Who the hell gave you permission to just bardge into my house without knocking first? Do I come bardging into your house like some crazed fool? How dare you?" Clair cut him off by grabbing his arm and spinning him to face her. She looked up at him with those cum here eyes and he just sighed and leaned down and kissed her. "Okay you deal with it Clair." He walked over to the sofa and sat down beside Frank who had ended up there himself a few moments earlier.

Clair looked at Crystal and she went and sat beside her father. "Okay now lets try this again shall we? Frank. My name is Clair and as of about a week ago I live here with George and Crystal. I won't go into the details right now because I think you have a problem you need George to address right now that is more important. So we will start by you telling us what is so serious that it couldn't wait til morning." Frank had his eyes glued on Clairs body as she spook to him. He heard the words but his mind didn't receive what he heard. " Oh yea. I ugh...sorry I missed part of what you said." Clair laughed when she realized how all this looked. Frank sat fully clothed and the rest were completly naked. She also noticed Frank had a huge hard on. "Crystal please go get our robes. Frank please explain why you came here, and why it couldn't wait til morning." Frank cleared his throat and swallowed hard. "Well I really wanted to talk to George alone. But I guess I might as well just say it." Crystal arrived with the robes and after waiting for them to cover up Frank began. " I went to the Davis house with the changes his wife had wanted to the designs." Frank was beet red as he tried to talk. " His wife came to the door and said he was asleep but I could discuss the changes with her. She led me into the study and I spread the blue prints out on the table. Well I tried to but she kept rubbing against me and pushing me forward till I was having to bend over the table to keep my balance." George couldn't help himself any longer and started laughing as Frank continued telling his story. "She had her hands wrapped around my waist trying to undo my belt. I told her that she needed to stop and twisted around to free myself from her hug." George was still laughing and Clair was giving him a strange look. "Honey Please this doesn't sound one bit funny. Now knock it off. Let Frank finish explaining what happened." Frank looked at Clair. "Thank you mam....ugh Clair. Well she had pulled my belt loose and then Davis walked in to the room." That was it George burst into a belly shaking laugh. " My God Frank didn't you tell him you........ugh.......you weren't interested in his wife?" Fank turned red again before he spoke. " You mean did I tell him I like cock instead of .... a woman? Sorry I should have said I prefer men over women. No I didn't he was screaming about how he saw me with my pants half off and his wife with her robe open. Shit George I didn't even notice her. I admit I have looked at their son but I damn sure wasn't interested in his wife." George wiped his eyes and tryed his best to not laugh anymore. "Frank don't worry about it. I will drive over to his house first thing in the morning and straighten things out." Hell maybe he was jealous that his old lady was hitting on you instead of him. I know he.................." George let the rest of what he was going to say just fade away. Frank looked at him and then a smile crossed his face. Frank didn't even take time to think about what he was going to say. " He's fucking Bi? Damn and I didn't notice!
Shit and he isn't bad looking either." This brought laughs from Clair, Crystal, and George.
After Frank had calmed down Clair volunteered to explain what he had walked in on. "Frank yes we are all three lovers. I don't think you need all the details but Crystal is on George's daughter because he was married to her mother, my twin sister." Frank sat and listened to everthing as Clair spent the next ten minutes relaying the story. George excused himself for a bathroom break and as soon as he left the room. " Damn he is one hot hunk of man meat. Damn shame he isn't gay." Frank had been watching George walk out of the room. Clair and Crystal laughed at Frank's remarks but totaly agreed with him. Clair pulled Franks arm to get his attention back to her. "Frank maybe George can take care of Davis and maybe even we can work something out for you in the process. You are a good looking man. Would you be interested if we can fix you up with Davis? " That got Franks attention. "Hell Yes!" Clair was forming a plan and waited until George returned. "Honey are you sure Davis is Bi? Frank would like to get hooked up with him. Can you manage to help him out?" George thought about how he could fix Frank up with Davis without coming right out and admitting he knew he liked guys as well as females. "Yea but it will require some help from you. How much do you want to help Frank?" Without waiting for an answer, " You will have to let him seduce you. Then when he has his cock ready. I will take it from there." Clair looked at George and he saw a wicked little grin cross her face. George smiled and knew right then the plan would work. He looked at the clock, Almost 3:30 am. "Frank it's late so just crash down here in the guest room, we are going to turn in.
" Frank said goodnight and headed for the guest room. No sooner had the door closed when he started thinking about Davis. What was his first name? Oh Yea Richard. Dick for short. Frank could only imagine feeling his cock sliding in and out of his ass, or him sliding his own cock into Richard's mouth or ass. He thought how great it would feel to face fuck Richard and have him run his tongue the entire 8 inches of his cock from his nut sack to the tip. What it would feel like to have his balls tighten up ready to shoot his............."Oh Shit! George is going be pissed." Frank had just shot his load all over himself and the guest bed covers. He then realized his mind was so involved with the thoughts of richard Davis he hadn't even realized he was jerking himself off. He grabbed a wash cloth from the guest bath and clean the bed as best as he could then he showered and turned in for the night. George, Clair, and Crystal had gone straight to sleep exhausted from the long day, besides mornig was only a couple hours away.
George woke to a warm mouth wrapped around his hard cock. He knew it was Crystal's young mouth waking him and he loved it. He thought about spending the next couple hours sucking and fucking her young body but then remembered he had work to do. "What time is it baby?"
Crystal stopped her bobbing her head up and down on him just long enough to mumble "Clair is fixing breakfast for all of us. She told me to come wake you. So do you like how I decided to wake you daddy?" George didn't answer he just grabbed his daughter's hair with his left hand and started fucking her face. He slid his right hand between her legs and wasn't suprised to find a soaking wet pussy for his efforts. Letting go of her hair and grabbing her around her small hips he pulled her so he could get his mouth on her pussy. They didn't waste a moment devoring each other. George was ready to shoot his thick cum down his daughter's throat when she started bucking and spasms racked her climaxing body. George didn't even try to hold back he blasted stream after stream of his cum into her willing mouth and down her throat. crystal didn't waste a drop either. Just as they started to spiral down from their sexual highs Clair yelled. " OK you two get down here and eat some food instead of each other." George smiled and then kissed a lovers kiss. Their tongues dancing in each others mouth and a renewed passion started to build between them. George had ideas of getting a good fuck before facing Davis, but Clair calling out again stopped that idea. Crystal and George slipped on their robes and headed for the kitchen.
When they got there Frank was already eating his food and nodde when Crystal said good morning to him. George said hey Frank sleep well? Frank paused eating to watch George set down at the far end of the table." Great! Hell I didn't even think about yesterday at all. Slept like a king."
George just smiled and reached for the phone, and his plate of food.He dialed the Davis home and Mr. Davis answered. " Mr Davis this is George and I understand we need to talk about what happened yesterday. Okay I will be there about 9:00 then. As I said we can discuss that when I get there see you shortly. Gota make some more calls see you then. Bye! george wasn't about to get into a pissing contest with davis on the phone.
true to his word George arrived at 9:00 am.
Davis came storming out the door. "The guy you put in charge was caught trying to fu........." Davis stopped what he was saying when he saw Clair. "Richard this is Clair and she came along to see what the job looks like. If you don't mind before we talk I need to check things out to see where we are. I'll be in so we can talk in lets say ten to fifteen minutes. If it takes longer I am sure Clair will be glad to keep you company till I get finished." George had his plan down pat. He would call Clair's cell in about five minutes and she would then put the plan rolling. He took off across the field to where the new warehouse was going up.
Richard invited Clair in explaining his wife was working and wouldn't be back til after 5 pm. No sooner had they entered the living room then Clair started the plan without waiting for George's call. " Mr. davis could I trouble you for something cold to drink?" Richard was checking her out. His eyes were glued to the short skirt and tight blouse. he could tell she wasn't wearing a bra and when she sat down she had let the skirt ride up so he could see there weren't any panties either. "Oh sorry my mind was elsewhere. A cold drink? What... would a cola be ok or would you like something else?" Clair gave him her sexest smile and noticed his pants buldging out. "Cola is fine......ugh....Mr. Davis" Damn he is a horny son-of-a-bitch and looks like he has a good size cock. Clair was thing to herself. "I'll be right back and please call me Rich." Davis's mind was also in high gear. Got why the hell did she spread her legs when she sat down? Did she want me to see her shaved pussy? Wonder if I say something how she will react? Damn she is hot! He grabbed a cola from the frig and hurried back into the living room just in time for him to hear her cell phone ring. " Hello. Oh George is there something wrong? I'll tell him George love you to. Clair Smiled as she hung up the phone knowing this was going to be fun. "Rich George said he will be back in about a hour he needs to take care of something before you two talk. Is that okay?" Richard nodded yes as he was busy looking at Clair's pussy since she had spread her legs even further. His cock was starting to hurt but he wasn't sure if he should make a move on her or not. George was here to talk about his man trying to fuck his wife. What would happen if he hit on his woman and she said something to George. Shit his plan had been to get Frank in a compromising situation so he could demand a huge discount for the work. It had worked perfect so far, but that fucking pussy staring him directly in his face was impossible to resist. Oh what the fuck he could always deny that he hit on her if she opened her mouth. "Clair I ugh.....was wondering if.......never mind." Clair looked at him and then made her move. "Rich I can tell you have been enjoying the view. But wouldn't you enjoy yourself more if you didn't have those tight pants on. I mean I can tell the buldge is uncomfortable to say the least." then she laughed and reached over and put her hand over his." We have plenty of time to get to know each other before George will be back. Besides he is going to call when he is on his way back." Richard Davis couldn't find his voice for several minutes. When he did he had trouble thinking what to say. "Clair.......ugh........We just met.......I mean yes it is uncomfortable.....but I'm not sure........well I ......Shit yea I have been enjoying the view. I would love to.." Clair cut him off by pulling him close and planting a wet kiss square on his lips forcing her tongue deep into his mouth. That was all it took even though he stood 6' 2" and had the body of an super athlete he was immediately under her control. She used her free hand to start pulling at his shirt trying to free it from his pants, while she wrapped her other hand around his neck and continued their tongue fight. Richard was trying his best to help her in any way he could. He was working as fast as he could to unbuckle his pants to free his raging hardon. In a manner of seconds he had his pants and shorts around his ankles. His 7 inch rock hard cock sticking straight out leading the way. Clair sopped kissing Richard and turned her attention to his cock. As she wrapped her hand around his cock Richard was trying to get his finger between her legs. It wasn't that Clair was resisting it was just that Richard was so excited he was like a young boy on his first date, fumbling to get his hand were he wanted it. He was in heaven at the thought of getting her bald pussy or mouth or both wrapped around his cock. He had completely forgoten that George and her came here to discuss Frank. Clair on the other hand was completely disgusted with the idea of him fingering her, or that this stupid fucker could ever think he had a chance to fuck her. She had pushed the walkie talkie button so she knew George was hearing everything that was going on, but where the fuck was he? He was suppose to only let it get to where this prick has his cock exposed then he would walk in on them. Clair had to think fast or Richard would have his finger inside her. "Rich honey I need to go to the bathroom first. Then we can pick up where we leave off." She made sure to jack his cock several times to keep him where she wanted him. "Okay it's at the end of the hall on the right." Richard let her get up and head for the bathroom. He removed the last of his clothes and played with his cock as he waited. After a minute he saw what he thought was his prize returning from the bathroom. She still had her skirt on and her blouse had been buttoned back up. He knew immediately he had been set up, but to little to late as the front door opened and George walked in. He half expected there to be some serious shit to hit the fan. George just smiled and handed Richard a envelope. "I suggest you look at this then we can talk." Richard took the envelope and pulled it's contents out. "Holy shit!" It was polaroids of him and Clair with him shoving his hand up under her skirt. The next one showed his hard cock inches away from her and from the angle it looked like she was pushing it away. " What do you want George? Why the fuck did you set me up?" George's smile disappeared. " Listen asswhole! Do you think other fuckers haven't tried to fuck me out of my rightful money? But now it is my turn. Your little attempt to fuck me out of my money will now cost you 25% more." Richard tried to plead his case but George cut him off. " Look you dumb fuck I know your wife was in on it otherwise you would never have chossen to try and use Frank. Hell any blind man could see clear as hell he is gay. So here is the deal and you will agree to it or these pictures will end up in certain peoples hands and you will be really fucked. Do I make myself clear?" Richard had long ago lost his hardon and just stood there naked knowing he had no choice except to agree. " George I am sorry. I was wrong but I will do anything to correct it." George shoved Richard backwards on to the couch. " Understand this you damn sure will do what I want or I get the pictures into the right peoples hands. Now shut the fuck up and speak only when I ask you to. since you tried to use Frank to take advantage of me you will make amends to him also. I will have him come over here after I am finished with you and you will let him do whatever he wants to you." Richard couldn't help himself. "NO WAY IN HELL! I'M NO FUCKING QU..." He never finished because George had punched him in the mouth as hard as he could. " I told you keep you mouth shut unless I tell you to answer me. Oh yes you will let him suck your cock or fuck your ass or what ever he says." Clair had stood listening to George and enjoying every minute of it. She leaned over and whispered in George's ear. George turned to look at her. "Baby are you sure? I guess that would be an idea but are you sure that's what you want me to do?" Clair gave him a deep kiss and assured him Crystal would agree with her suggestion if she was here. Then she gave him another deep kiss. "Rich darling there is more then just your ass and the money that you will agree to give in the deal. You will call your wife and tell her to come home right away. She isn't about to get away with nothing for her part in this shit. George is going to have the pleasure of fucking each and every hole she has while Frank is fucking you. I will record all the action just in case you have the fucking idea that you will back out at some point or try some other stupid shit. Now make the fucking call!" Clair pointed to the phone and to her suprise Richard took it and dialed. " Honey I need you to come home right now. No I can't explain it on the phone. Yes it does have to do with that. Just get here as soon as you can." Richard was scared shitless and when he hung up the phone he was crying. " What the fuck are you crying about? " Clair was totally pissed at him for the shit he tried to do to her man. "Well answer her!" George was also not going to be easy on the prick. " It's just that I have never even thought about doing anything with a man, and my wife hasn't been with anyone except me." Richard was doing his best to control himself but he was so scared he couldn't stop the tears. George had been making a call and laughed when he hung up. "Frank said give an hour so he could shower and get ready for rich. I think he shot off all over himself at the thought of fucking poor old Richard here." Clair shook her head and laughed. " How long before your old lady gets here?" Richard hung his head and wiped his eyes. " She will be here in about half an hour." George looked at the sofa and then reached down and pulled out the full size bed from the couch. " A sleep sofa. Perfect1 Get your ass over here and don't open your mouth when your wife arrives." He looked at Clair and both of them started taking their clothes off. After they had all their clothes off they shoved them under the bed and sat in the two chairs to await the wife. When Debbie entered the foyer she yelled out. " Rich honey did everything go okay? George motioned for Richard to call his wife in the living room. "Baby I am in here. Come in here." Clair raced to behind the door and as soon as debbie stepped inside the door she shoved her toward the couch. "Get your fucking clothes off bitch, and don't waste our time." Debbie was to stuned to scream immediately and before she had time to recover Clair had warned her to keep her mouth shut and drove the point home with a fist to her finely tanned face. Debbie stumbled back on to the sofa bed and landed beside her naked husband. George explained what the deal was and informed her that they would wait for Frank but she better get her fucking clothes off or he would let Clair remove them for her.
A few minutes later George heard Frank's truck pull in the drive. He walked over and opened the door for him. "Frank I can see you are up for what is about to happen." He couldn't help but notice that franks cock was pushing his pant's front out as far as they would go. Frank didn't wait to be told he started stripping as he headed for the living room. Even George was impressed as Frank pulled his boxers off and freed his almost 12 inch thick as his wrist cock. " Richard I want you to have a good look at Frank's cock just so you know what you are in store for." Richard passed out. Debbie just stared at first Frank's cock then at George's cock. They woke Richard and Frank assued him it would only hurt until it was in him. " I know what I am doing and believe me you will enjoy it after it is burried in you ass. You will also love the taste of my cock as I pump it in and out of your mouth."
George moved over to Debbie and grabbed one of her 36c tits and played with the 1/2 inch nipple, as he marveled at the rest of her body. 36-25-35, almost what men considered perfect. He wet his finger and plucked at her other nipple as he squeezed her dark nipple with his other fingers. Clair had her hand between Debbies legs and was massaging her pussy. She loved the way Debbie had trimmed her natural strawberry blond hair into a small heart. with the point leading the way to her tight opening. "Damn to think your tight little pussy is going to get a real cock shoved in there. After that little pencil prick your old man has you will think you have died and gone to heaven bitch." She looked over at Frank and saw him pushing his cock into Richard's mouth. It looked like Richard was holding his breath and puffing his jaws out but she knew it was Frank's cock spreading his jaws. She thought to herself to bad Frank is gay. She would love to see his huge rod slide into Debbie's mouth, cunt, or even her ass. With that she shoved her middle finger into Debbies cunt and her Pinky into her ass. "Suck his cock bitch or I will rip you ass open!" Debbie wasn't complaining and she opened her mouth to allow George access to her throat. George shoved the head into her mouth and she started sucking and licking his head. At the same time she started bucking her hips into Clair's fingers. She would never have admitted it but the action George and Clair were giving her, and her husband being face fucked was turning her on to a height she had never know before. Frank had brought a tube of lube with him and was busy working it into Richard's ass while he fucked his face. He looked down and was surprised to see Richard's cock was half hard which meant he was being turned on by what was happening. He grabbed his cock and started rubbing up and down it's length. As much as he wanted to fuck Richard he also wanted to taste his cum in his own mouth. He moved around so they were in a sixty nine position and sucked Richard's cock into his mouth while shoving his cock in and out of Richard's mouth. Clair was trying to watch everything that was happening all at the same time. George was fucking Debbie's mouth and Frank was in a 69 with Richard and it would seem Richard was getting into it. She was fingering herself and decide it was time for George to ram his huge cock into Debbie's cunt. George was to close to pull out though as he had also been watching the scene of the men and enjoying having his cock sucked at the same time. "Oh Fuck I'mmm Cummmmmmmmmmmmming!" Was all he managed to get out before he shot stream after of his hot sead down Debbie's throat. She tried her best to pull off his cock but he wasn't about to let that happen. He held her head against his cock until he had shot about five shots of cum down her throat. When he released her head she took a deep breath and then she cover his cock again with her mouth and licked and sucked him til he was clean. She turned her head toward her husband just in time to see Frank and Richard stiffen as they both came at the same time. Frank sucked every drop of Richards cum from him and still sucked him more. Richard had swallowed Frank's cum also and was working on him just as hard to get every last drop. When they finished they turned their heads to see what George, Clair, and Debbie were now doing. George was recovering fast and was half hard. Clair had climbed on top of Debbie and had her pussy covering Debbie's mouth. Richard could see his wife tounging Clair's pussy and he watched in horror as George positioned himself between Debbies legs. He knew his wife was about to get only the second cock of her life shoved into her and it was huge. He couldn't help wondering if she would ever want him after George had fucked her with his huge cock. Richard was so involved with his wife getting ready to be fucked by George that he didn't realize Frank had moved behind him and had his cock lined up with his anal ring. He didn't have time to tense up or do anything when he felt the head of Frank's cock pop into his ass. His own cock became as hard as steel as Frank's cock entered his bowels. He felt the cock slide into him and it was making him feel something he had never experienced before. He loved having his ass filed with cock, and was wondering what it would feel like to return the favor and what it would feel like to have cum shot up his violated ass. He glaned back just in time to see Debbie raise her legs back as high as she could and George's cock drive into her slit, Her her her moan into Clair's pussy as George filled her. He could tell she was cuming herself as she was getting that big cock planted in her. He was confused as he was himself enjoying being fucked by a huge cock and about to cum without even touching his cock. He wanted it to be over so he could be with Debbie but at the same time he was glad she was enjoying what they were doing to her. He came as he felt the cock in his ass spasm and shoot sperm deep into his bowels while at the same time he saw Debbie grab Clair around the waist and pull her cunt tighter to her mouth. He also saw George plow into Debbie one last time as he filled her with his sead. Then terror set in to Richard's mind. Debbie sure as hell didn't have time to use her IUD or the Gel to prevent the sperm from reaching it's goal of her egg. George pulled out at the same time as Frank pulled out. Richard felt empty and wanted Frank's cock back in his ass. He thought his wife must be having the same feelings. He could see her hole still open and George's cum leaking out and running down her legs. Everybody was just laying there and trying to catch their breath when clair broke the silence. " Hey George I think we may have made a mistake. I think these two enjoyed what just happened." Debbie looked up at Clair and smiled. " I know I damn sure did. I have been trying to get that asshole husband of mine into swinging for years. Now he may also decide this is what he wants to do again. I hope George can get it up again and fuck me one more time before you leave." Richard was shaking his head yes as his wife said maybe he would want to do this again. He turned to Frank and grabbed his cock sliding it into his mouth and cleaning it off of cum and everthing else that had got on it from his ass.
george and Clair got up and started to dress to leave. George had grabbed his shirt and was buttoning it up when Tammy walked into the room. Tammy was the Davis's 10 year old daughter. She was straight up and down except for a slight bit of baby fat around her stomach. She screamed and ran to her mother. " Mom what are they doing to you and dad?" Debbie hugged her daughter and was trying to get her to calm down when Richard de3cided it was time for him to take back control of the situation. "These bastards broke in her and raped your mother and me. Run next door and call the police. And hurry!" Tammy broke loose from her mom and started to dash past Clair but Clair was to fast and grabbed her around her waist, and slung her back on the couch. "Davis you are one stupid motherfucker! You just enjoyed getting your ass fucked and sucking cock. Then as soon as you think you can act like the big shit again you try some shit. How fucking dumb are you? I taped everything we did and it would show you were into it as much as the rest of us." George had grabbed Tammy and was holding her in place on the couch. Clair and Debbie noticed his cock was hard again at the same time. debbie beat Clair though in commenting on it. " George The Idea of fucking my daughter's virgin pussy has you as hard as steel. Tell the truth you want to fuck her don't you. Well go ahead and fuck her maybe it will teach that prick over there that he doesn't run a fucking thing. If he hadn't tried to screw you out of your money none of this would have taken place. His happy little world would be perfect and I would still be a frustrated wife who the fucker can't satisfy." Richard yelled at his wife to shut the fuck up but all that did was piss her off even more. "George please fuck her and make that bastard watch his daughter get her pussy filled with a real man's cock. or if I offer enough would he be willing to bust her little ass open? I want to see that motherfucker see his precious little angel get fucked and turned into a cock hungry whore. I'll double your fee if you will do that for me. I want you to take her cherry and make him watch as he gets fucked again also. Please Clair tell him to do it.' Clair cut her off. "Ms Davis you are pissed! you don't really want your daughter to go..." Debbie cut her off. "Yes I do. If George won't do it then I will find someone else who will. that asshole will have to watch also." George couldn't help himself his cock was harder then it had been the first time he took Crystal and he wanted this young child. "Clair I want to show her love. I will be gentle but I want to do this. I won't unless you say it's okay but I damn sure want her." Clair looked at george and nodded yes. George told debbie to help her daughter get undressed. " Baby I know you are scared but believe me once you have a man inside you, you will learn to love the feeling it gives you in you pee-pee, or as women call it your pussy. George there has a great cock, his pee-pee, after he gets it in you, you will want it again and again." Tammy looked like a deer in the headlights as she stared at george and his cock. Debbie took Frank's tube of lube and rubbed it into her daughter's young pussy opening making sure not to puncture her hymen, but gettting her slick as she could for George. Frank had burried his cock back into Richard's ass and was slowly fucking his ass as he watched the young girl be prepared by her mother for her first fucking. George moved over the girl and leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips, letting his tongue sweep across her dry mouth. Instinc took over and she parted her lips alowing George to slip the tip of his tongue into her mouth. He played with her flat chest and then licked where her nipples would be in a couple years. Everyone else in the room were froze in place. Frank had stopped his fucking of Richards ass and was holding himself burried to the hilt resting his body on Richard's back. Richard had tears running down his cheek but wasn't making a sound. Clair and Debbie were staring at George's cock waiting for it to start it's journey into the virgin little girl's body. tammy decided she liked the feel of George's tongue in her mouth and was playing with his tongue with her own. George took his cock and started rubbing it up and down tammy's opening working it ever so slowly into the slit inch by inch being as gentle as he could. But George could only control his lust for so long. As he managed to get just the crown of his cock past the girls pussy lips he shoved forward pushing about two inches into her at once. Tammy tensed up and George was forced to wait for her virgin pussy to except his invasion. After a few moments she relaxed and he easied forward another inch or so until his cock was resting against her maidenhead. He pulled back a little and kissed her again. "Honey when I shove back in it will hurt you a little but then I promise it will feel good to you." Tammy just nodded and George got ready to take her completely. "Okay baby here it comes." He slammed into her just as hard and fast as he could. Tammy didn't scream and bit her lower lip so hard so she wouldn't that she drew blood. George held still for a minute until he saw that Tammy had quit bitting her lip. "Sorry Baby but the worst is over. Now it will start to feel good to you." George slowly pumped in and out of Tammy until she had relaxed and and had even started soft moans as his cock was shoved in and pulled out of her young cunt. He picked up speed and knew by the tightness in his balls that he wouldn't last long. About another minute of slamming into the just opened pussy he shoved in one last time and emptied his sperm deep into the girl. Tammy wrapped her arms around his neck and held him to her. He had been right after her body had gotten use to his cock being deep inside her it had felt good. She knew her mother was also right she would want it again, and again. When Frank saw George unload into the little girl he also unloaded another load deep in Richards ass. Clair had cum and so had debbie just from watching the girl getting fucked by George. Richard had shot off on himself for the second time that day before he passed out.

George replayed these events every day now in his mind. Just one more month and he would be free. Debbie had swiped the tape and showed it to the police claiming her and her husband had been threatened by George, Clair, and Frank and they would kill them if they didn't go along with what they were told to do. George knew twenty five years for raping two little girls was an easy sentence. Clair had gotten eight years for her part. She was waiting for him since she had been out long ago. Frank had blown his brains out when the cops tried to arrest him. Crystal had been placed out of state with some family. She had visited him on her eighteenth birthday to tell him she was married and wanted nothing to do with him ever.The latest visitor had brought a message from Debbie. When he got out he would know better then to fuck with her or her family. George was planning just that though. Tammy, now grown had promised him that when he was free, he would have her pussy again, as many times as he wanted her, She was living with Clair and they both wanted him.


Same as 1st time pt 4 Videos

2 years ago
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1st time sucking cock

this is a totally true story about my introduction to sucking cock,it was an amazing experience & though Im married & haven't done this often I cant wait to do it again.To make a long story short I was out with a group of friends for a get together we have annually,on this given night while out, we ran into a mutual friend of everyone(except myself,I knew of him but didn't know him personally)as the night progressed we were bar hopping & "steve"asked if we would like to go to his...

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1st Sex With Syamala Aunty Part 2

Hi readers, This is Rajesh from vijayawada. I’m a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories from past 5years but never posted a story, this is my first narration so please excuse me for any mistakes and encourage me with your feedback on   Nenu telugu vala koasam ee story Telugu rastana…This my 1st sex of my life … Story starts now.. this story is very long so I decided to divided into parts …This is 2nd part of my the story…   Na Peru Rajesh memu vijayawada unade valam ma family lo 3 member...

3 years ago
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1st sexual experience Summer of 1958

I have been ask if I was m*****ed by an older man because I sucked my 1st cock when I was only 13? NO I was not m*****ed by an older man. My 1st experience was with a boy I went to school with, he was also 13. Ricky had a tent set up in his back yard. The summer of 1958 and I used to spend a lot of time in the tent with Ricky as he was my best friend. We were not very popular with other k**s in school,we both wore glasses and were small for our age. One sleep over nite we were talking about...

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1st Foursome mfmf

I'm a musician and had joined a new band. Very successful band that traveled and has a great rep, but not a national act anyone would know. Cover type of band. Most everyone in the band had either a sexy wife or hot girlfriend. I heard some of the members in the band would fool around maybe even swing. My girlfriend and i had a nice sex life, had been together for about 6 months, but fucked almost every day. She was 29 and I was 28 at the time. I have a smaller cock only about 5-6 inches, she...

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1st tym in milan

hi my name is jp im 24 yrs old that was the 1st time i experienced sex with other guy its about 50yrs old he is italian citizen the name is lucio.The start of was on june 2010 story is when im there in place of doumo square i sat in the side of one statue there bcoz im waited my cousin and then the time has pass my cousin was late one men sat beside me and then we chatted to each other he asked me where im from and i was said from asia we had long time to chat each other and then he asked me if...

4 years ago
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1st Experience With My Love

Hi to all my readers this is Harry presenting his 1st story expressing how i took the virginity of my ex. Talking about me i am harry form Ahmedabad living in Jodhpur for my course in B.Sc. I’m a proud owner of 6″ long tool; average body, but attractive personality. My ex was quite towards fatty side but i liked her huge 38 size boobs and enjoyed them to my max. We met in our college and became close friends with passing time as we lived in hostels which were in college campus. We used to spend...

3 years ago
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1st time meet

[Desmond2tu][/user]It was the middle of the Summer..temperatures were already high. Liam, a very well packaged, passionate, lad about-town in his late 30s is driving, to meet someone for the first time,in the next town. His fat cock is swollen already in his Calvin`s. You see although he was brought up well and most of his family were naïve about sex only having a few partners each in their lifetime, he was different. Although many people claim to be obsessed with sex, he actually was, totally...

1 year ago
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1st time with her

i had been divorced for about a year, met a (divorced) woman in a chat room on the net. we got to be pretty good friends,talked about her k**s, jobs ect. her bday was coming up, i asked her what she wanted. her answer was for me to take her out to dinner, well thats gonna be difficult, we're 1400 miles apart. the more i thought about it, i said wtf, why not? i told her i'd be there sometime on friday, when i got close i'd call. she figured i'd never show, or come up with some lameassed...

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1st Class Coach Me Chudd Gai Me

Diwali k aggey ki raat thi mujhe mumbai se ahemdabad apne ghar jana tha. Mumbai me mera college hai aur me apna mba kar rahi hun. I was very tired that day and mujhe bahut zyada nind aa rahi thi. I was waiting fr my train at the station and wishing that train jaldi aa jaye. Jese hi train ayi me apne 1st class coach me ja kar beth gayi. Kyuki mere father railway me hain me 1st class me hi travel karti hun. Thodi hi der me vaha ek ladka aya jiski height average si thi well built tha and he was...

1 year ago
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1st BBC Back Seat Hook Up Sex Pts13

1st BBC Back Seat Hook Up Sex ``````````````````````````````````````````````~ Pt.1 ~8/27/2020```````````````MAN Oh MAN! I can't believe I did it...I Invited a Man to my car late at night & Let Him have his way...Fuck the Pandemic! Im Horny! No Parties and "scene" to mention nowadays. So I reached out with grasping hands to my social networks.I've had countless fellas hitting me up, and have kept in contact with a few. There is a great site here in LA for Gurls and the Men who Luv them...

2 years ago
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1st day at college

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3 years ago
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1st swing club experience

1st Swing Club Experience For many years I had wondered what this thing called swinging was like. I loved sex. You could say I was a sexual addict. But to consider having sex in front of others, possibly in group situations? I didn’t know if I could do this. I was not built like Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, Sean Connery. More like Brian Dennehy. I was 6’4′, 270, and not in the midst of my youth any more. Being of average build, would I be accepted? Whenever I read those swing ad publications, all...

3 years ago
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1st time driving dressed

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1st holiday phuk

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3 years ago
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I was stranded in California at the time and needed to get back to Oregon. So I decided to hitch hike back. I started walking down the highway and put out my thumb. After about 30mins a truck pulled over it had to older redneck guys in it both were on the stocky/chubby side with beer belly's and looked like they were in there early 40's. They said there names were john and tony and that they were going to Oregon and I said great and hopped in the back of the truck. I knew it was going to be a...

3 years ago
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1st time wearing tight jeans in public

well i have always crossdress and dressed up in my house but that recently has turned boring. i figure do something more thrilling and excited. i desided to put my tight junior size 9 flared jeans and go in public. I know that if someone saw me i probably ganna get laught at. so i started practicing by wearing the jeans and going outside my house like in the back when it was night. it really felt so good. the tightness on my hips and ass and seeing the sexy flare of the jeans made me feel so...

3 years ago
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1st Time Vacation With Mom

Hi friends, My name is Sidharth Varma,14 years old, fair skinned,5 feet tall & medium built. What I’m going to narrate is quite embarrassing but a true story between me & my mom. My dad is posted in Berlin as Dep. Accounts in the EU. He was with us here until last year but in April last year, he got transferred. I live with my mom in San Marino, U.S. My mom is Pamela Varma. She is 36 years old & works for the Pan am Airlines, as ground crew. Earlier, she was an air-hostess but after my birth,...

3 years ago
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1st time cheating

my name is sarah and i have been married to my husband for 20 years and up till this year he was the only one i was with.i love my husband but his cock (5") is all i have ever been with and i knew there were bigger ones out there but behaved myself...untill recently.for about a year now me and a couple security gaurds (about 25 or so)have been k**ding around and maybe flirting alittle but i figured it was all innocent and harmless but one day i ran into on of them at the mall and we got to...

3 years ago
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1st And Last Time My Chotu In A Pussy

Hello guys & gals, this is the 1st time I’ve seen a website like this where we can share our real life sex stories. I was browsing through porn sites yesterday (2nd Feb’15) and somehow reached this site, I was surprised and amazed with the stories,” THANK YOU; not sure how to ISS” and hope all the stories are real life. About me: This is Rakesh Cupid, athletic body type, working in a leading MNC and living in Hyderabad. I’ve stories from my childhood, even before the sperm production has...

3 years ago
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1st circle jerk

this is a run off of my other story. 2 weeks after the big discovery for me, my friend called and said his dad was gonna be gone all nite and he found his 8mm projecter and porn and stack of mags. he said he had 3 paks of marlboro and a 12 pak of miller high life. so, asked i wanted to come over and stay the nite and party,i said hell ya. i get there as soon as his dad left. went right for a cig and a beer . out of bedroom comes two other friends carrying the projector and...

4 years ago
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1st time seeing reallife masturbation and cum

when i was 12-my friend 13(he's mths. older)called me up and ask if i new about "the cools stuff" yet. i that he was talking aboutstar wars coming out or sumth ing.i said whatcha talkin' about? he says i'll be over later,my dad is going to your house to talk to your dad about work. i said ok cya then. when they got there,we let parents get lost in chat and a few beers. we then went to my room, thinking maybe he had a new playboy!!! he asked me if i ever had sperm come out of my dick...

2 years ago
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1st black cock it was 9 inches long

at a local steamroom i got fucked 2times my 1st cock was a latins 8inches very thick i let him pound my ass for 30min and he blasted cum on my cock and balls it was great my next cock was 9inches of black magic thick as my wrist he ass fucked me for an hour then shot cum everywhere i wanted moer so i sucked his cock till he filled my mouth yummy

3 years ago
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1st swing club experience

1st Swing Club ExperienceFor many years I had wondered what this thing called swinging was like. I loved sex. You could say I was a sexual addict. But to consider having sex in front of others, possibly in group situations? I didn't know if I could do this.I was not built like Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, Sean Connery. More like Brian Dennehy. I was 6'4", 270, and not in the midst of my youth any more. Being of average build, would I be accepted? Whenever I read those swing ad publications, all...

First Time
3 years ago
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1st time with Girl Friend

Hi i am Santosh from Nepal. I have been through this site couple of months back i am sharing my true experience with my gf a year back.On that day i and my gf (sunita) had panned to go to cinema on saturday coz in Nepal saturday is public holiday we viewed hindi film Bhagam Bhag and after returning my friend who is married and stay with his wife alone invited us for dinner at his house then we drove to his house. We had a dinner together after dinner my friend said to stay at home for atleast 2...

4 years ago
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1st Sex Experience

Hi, Friends, I am Alvish from Durg Chhattisgarh 21 year old: Maine jab paheli baar apne dost se ISS k bare me suna to muje vishwas nahi huwa. Magar jab maine is site me log on karke jo story padha to muje aisa laga ki my bi meri ek kahani aap logo se share karlo. Maine iske phale bhi aapse bahoot sari story share ki hai mujhe khushi hai ki aap logon ne story ko bahoot pasand aayi aur mujhe bahoot se msg bhi mile. Ab mai apni story mai aata hoon. An incident 2 saal pahle huva tha jab my 20 saal...

2 years ago
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1st Cav Trooper

I was new to the unit and fresh out of advanced training. 1st Cav was a quick strike force and we were on a distant colony world. The spiders had invaded and we had been to late to stop them. We were here to take the planet back and kill the spiders. Of course this was not the first time we had faced them and I doubt it would be the last. This time they had altered their warriors so they could fly. Think of an ant colony or more likely a colony of bees. With the spiders it was more like...

3 years ago
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The Liberation Of Father Mortimer

When Father Mortimer checked into the hotel it was eight in the evening.The room was a basic no frills double with a small bathroom. He would never stay in such a hotel if he was attending one of his ecclesiastical conferences but for what he had planned it was just perfect.He got down on his knees and bent his balding aged head over a black gilt leaf Bible he had respectfully placed on the edge of the bed.“Blessed Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins,” he muttered and crossed himself three...

2 years ago
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The Amazing Mr Mortimer

THE AMAZING MR. MORTIMER My girlfriend Rachel and I had decided to take a two week vacation to PuertoRico. I had first come across the girl on the streets of San Juan. She cameup to me and begged me for some money. At first I was going to say no. ThenI noticed how beautiful this young girl was and I was intrigued. I startedto reach into my purse to get her something, and she smiled at me. She hada very beautiful smile. It was in fact an entrancing smile. I kept her close to me with small bribes...

3 years ago
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1st time

My first time being intermit with a male was with my best friend on the way back from London after dropping off some car parts for the company who he worked for at the time, I went along to share the driving and keep him company. On the way down we just chatted about things like football, Girls and nights out we had been on.The drive down was nothing special, we found the place we needed to be at and we dropped off the car parts as planned.We found a place to eat before we began the long...

1 year ago
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1st time

This is a true story, i was searching for a gag gift. so, i went into a sex shop to purchase a big latex dildo. there were so many to choose. as i was looking, a older man came up to me and said "he would be happy to show me how to properly use it" i was quite shocked, he began to describe how he would give me a slow rub down. he soon started to massage my ass-cheeks in front of several people, i became hard. he picked up a large black dildo, that was a bout 9 inches long a nd 3 inches around....

4 years ago
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1st time

So a few yrs ago, I was sitting in my hotel with a sexy red pair of lacy thongs and a red lacy bra on looking through hamster, as I was very horny and imagining someone grabbing and rubbing my ass. I recieved a message that someone wanted to come by and suck my cock. I was hesitant to meet a complete stranger, after a few messages I gave him the room number. Roughly 30 mins later I heard a slight knock on the door, I turned off the lights and slowly proceeded to the door. I opened it up and he...

1 year ago
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Elizabeth Fleming told me some of this story in the years before she died, aged eighty, in 2010. The more graphic scenes are mine but the emotions and surrounding history are hers. She was my Great Aunt, great in so many ways for she was the third family member I ever revealed my sexuality to, the first two being my parents. I had known since girlhood that she shared a cottage in Hampshire with her friend, Portia, but had never known their relationship was more than sisterly. When I told her...

2 years ago
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1st Real Monster

When this happened I was 18 and the slut switch was stuck ‘on’. Although I would take any cock, in either hole, I was becoming addicted to black cock and, bigger ones – dom black ones. I loved everything about them; the way they smelled, the way they treated me, the larger cocks and, mostly, the way they fucked. Having a black guy treat me like a little white bitch, fuck me raw then fill me with his seed was an addiction. It still is. This is about my first VERY big black cock; not so much...

2 years ago
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1st time home in a long time part 1

As I walked down the hall I looked in Drews room. Porn magazines and posters of naked chicks were everywhere. On the bed I seen a magazine with the page opened and cum all over the girl's breast. Guess Drew finished his workout here. My pussy tingled thinking about Drew and his new body. I had to get out before I got to aroused. The back door was cracked open and I could see Dad still working out, his body more defined then I remembered. His body was wet and glistening in the sun. Once...

4 years ago
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1st Brazilian BlowJob Chapter 1

Amanda, who was my best friend in High school and I would hang out all the time after school and on weekends. She had more experience than me with sex. There was a boy next door who was an older boy she told me that had taken her to swim in a pool in his backyard with him while he was supposed to be babysitting her when she was younger and there he had taken her virginity in the pool. She never told anyone but me about it but secretly I think she liked it and wanted more. It was our...

1 year ago
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1st Group Sex

I am a pretty fit you can say. I have black hair, 5’8” height and, have had a lot of sexual adventures my whole life, have a lot of stories and this is one of them. I live in Delhi. It was my friend Sunitha’s party, it was fun she lived nearby she lived in C.R. Park and I lived in G.K. 2 so I decided to walk to my house after the party I didn’t want to disturb my husband so while I was going back the streets were silent as usual . I could hear music coming close from a distance I thought it...

3 years ago
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1st time with a shemale

I have always enjoyed playing with my ass hole, about two years ago I was in Chicago and went online to Eros and chose a shemale named with held. I called her up and she came to my hotel room. I was very nervous when I opened the door. She was about 6' tall and was a very good looking Latino. She bent down and gave me a kiss right on the lips and man where her lips where soft. She went into the bathroom and asked me to relax and she will be right out. I was lying on the bed and she came...

4 years ago
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1st Time pt3

Clair hung her head and almost wispered. " Tom kicked me out last night. Well early this evening around eight oclock. I was here earlier this evening but you and Crystal were busy with eachother. I started to call the cops on you but changed my mind." Clair raised her head and once again there was a glare in her eyes. "I need your help getting my things and getting even with that sorry bastard Tom. If you agree with what I want then I'll keep my mouth shut. If you won't help, well then...

3 years ago
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1st time Part 2

George woke first and damn did he have a hangover. His head felt like it was about to bust open, and he was sick also. He knew from the past that he wouldn't be able to get much work done today. Should he call in sick or just struggle and go in anyway. He lay there staring at the ceiling figuring out what to do. He had sick leave built up, he hadn't missed a day in over a year, he felt like pure hell, and he had to piss. He started to roll over when he realized his 9 year old daughter was...

2 years ago
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1st time2

Sarah was the girl in school that every guy drooled over. She stood 5'8" with a 36,24,36 body and deep blue eyes highlighted by her natural blond hair. She could have had any guy she wanted but had picked George. She was only 16 when they met and he was only a month older then she was. It was lust at first sight for both of them. They had even slipped away from the crowd of friends to fuck after only knowing each other for a couple hours. George could picture in his mind that first time he...

2 years ago
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1st Time Sisterinlaw

We were all playing pool games...Marco Polo...Volleyball...etc. "T" was doing the best she could to get as close to me as possible when my brother wasn't looking. At one point when his eyes were closed she swam up between my legs and rubbed her hand across my balls. She came up out of the water and smiled at me then swam away. After hours of this type of torture, I had had enough, I was getting frustrated so I left the pool and went back to our apartment. I immediately dropped my shorts and...

3 years ago
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1st time visit

Although I have been happily married for over 20 years now, there has always been something missing in the bedroom. Apart from this, I couldn´t wish for a more loving, honest and better wife. At the beginning the sex was good, but as the years have passed it has really gone downhill. I have a much higher sex drive than my wife and would have sex every night if possible, where as my wife could go without sex for months at a time. This is why I started looking through the personal ads in our...

3 years ago
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1st Time For Emma Part 4

I didn’t see much of Emma during the next four days as we both work and I usually don’t get home until about eight o’clock in the evening. When I did bump into her she was very quiet, moody and definitely not her usual chirpy and chatter self. I didn’t know if this was a reaction of embarrassment to me following our lovemaking or if it was just her having one of our standard female mood swings. She was never impolite to me during those few days, she still smiled and said hello but there was no...

2 years ago
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1st time at a sex club

Whilst working in England, I came across a ‘sex’ club that according to the website was in a house with many amenities and lots of othe sexually active crossdressers. I sent them a message and got a reply with the next meeting date and a request for a ‘donation’ to help with the website/club expenses. As a crossdresser I was promised plenty of sex from the other patrons – there were plenty of gangbang photos on the website:-) The ‘sex’ day arrived and I prepared very carefully with an enema to...

2 years ago
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1st Kiss How I Became an Exhibitionist

I love being an Exhibitionist. I love everything about it. Even now, my clit is twitching as I tell you how turned-on I get when I’m naked and being watched….OMG…my nipples just popped-up…I know that I won’t make it through writing this without having to stop to vibrate myself into an orgasm or two… Anyway… I was, of course, not always like this. There was a time when even walking around the house naked, in front of my husband was something I would never do. Sex was for the bedroom, and...

1 year ago
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1st time for Emma Part 3

Sorry it’s taken so long for me to write part 3, I’ve been very busy and not at my computer much for a few weeks… I quickly took off my top and skirt and moved onto the bed on all fours, moving over Emma and gently pushing her shoulders down so she was positioned underneath me. I looked at her directly in the eyes then brushed my lips against hers. She responded by gently kissing me back and pushing her tongue into my mouth. We kissed in this way for a few minutes playing with each others...

4 years ago
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1st time and loved it

He kept working his dick into me deeper and deeper, back and forth, till finally he had it all in me. He stopped for a little bit and asked if I was OK. I said I was and to keep doing what he was doing; it was starting to really feel nice. He squeezed my nipples harder. I couldn't believe I was being fucked, I had a man's dick in me and I couldn't believe how good it felt. After several minutes, Jim was starting to fuck me faster and faster. He said he couldn't hold it any longer and started to...

3 years ago
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1st time with a Transwoman

My first time with a transwoman was a very unique experience I must say. Having explored my options on the internet wasn't an easy one. I was nervous and curious about my first experience having sex with a transwoman. I only had sex with biological women throughout my entire sexual life and this was a new experience for me. I checked for several months on Backpage and Craigslist on the dating classifieds ads for transwoman.What I was looking for is an mature erotic, sexy and beautiful...

2 years ago
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1st time bdsm part ten

" Time for some coffee " said pat , helen said she'd go and make some , she reached for a towelling dressing gown but was told sharply by pat to remain naked , " i want to see my handy work " it was a warm summers evening so on seeing helen walking towards their kitchen, pat nodded her head in such a fashion to go and follow her , " while your gone i've got two male subs here to attend me so i left her to her own wicked intentions with alan & john , so as helen waited for the kettle to boil...

2 years ago
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1st time bdsm part nine

So with helen already on her knees and in doing so cleaning me off with her mouth and tongue, pat called in john and alan , " on your fucking knees " she said in a very harsh fashion, they both glanzed over to see helen licking my cock as if her life depended on it, alan was immediatly handcuffed face down over a high stool whereas john had to watch his wife finish her duties in cleaning my cock, shortly they were told to face each other and kiss, helen passing the remants of my seed into his...

2 years ago
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1st time bdsm part eight

Both alan and john were told by pat to leave the room and amuse themselves whilst pat and myself would have helen all to our selfs , to ensure this the door was locked after they left, no time limit was in place , we drew the curtains to block out the bright sunshine and it enhanced the atmosphere in the room, helen was ordered to stand legs apart , hands behind her head , as pat explained to me with helen listening that she had never subbed to a man before, she had only even been dommed by...

1 year ago
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1st time bdsm part seven

If you have followed my stories so far , all these i've related are true and were real life experiences backs in the 80s being a horny bisexual dom when in my early 30s having sex in all it's forms virtually on tap and there for the taking, as i've already mentioned i was young, single, and horny , i did not care about anyone's status be they single , married etc, if they where consenting in the things we did together that was enough for me , looking back i think i might have actually helped...

1 year ago
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1st time Bdsm part six

so having had a shower together pat and myself we returned to the kitchen, alan was still tied over their kitchen table, he was duly set free and told to put on his " pinny " ( apron ) and cook us some dinner, he did look quite sexy - naked aside from his apron , and seeing the various whip marks across his arse and back was a sight to savour , we had a stir fry which was quick and simple to eat, so we sat at the same table but alan was allowed a cushion to save his sore arse , while we ate our...

4 years ago
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1st time Bdsm part five

following on from our group session the previous week i had a phone call from pat ( alan's girlfriend ) wanting to know was i free to meet up on friday night and stay over ? yes i said happy to , she went on to tell me that in her relationship with alan she was the dominate partner and he submissive , she also revealed that while she enjoyed the group meeting the week before it was in her own words a bit " fluffy " i asked her to elaborate on that , she quite openly said that alan was not...

4 years ago
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1st time bdsm part four

So if you've read my story so far all of which is true life experiences many years ago , looking back maybe it was a more enjoyable scene / before the age of the internet people in my experience had to put more effort into meetings & any eventual play etc , anyway we sat watching some video's of pat being used by other people, one was a group of guys must have been five of them , but it seemed all a bit half hearted as pat revealed, none of them seemed comfortable in what they were doing,...

3 years ago
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1st time BDSM part three

Having returned to work the following week, my mind was certainly not on my job , i kept on thinking to myself what a lucky bastard i was , last friday was the stuff dreams are made of and the prospect of plenty more where that came from made for one happy chappie ( me ) anyway i got home on that monday to find some messages left on the telephone anseing machine , ( this was the 80s ) long before the arrival of mobile phones , anyway i heard a message left by pat, she wanted to know if come...

4 years ago
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1st Time Sniffing Sweaty Panties

When I was about 14, I had a really good friend that was a girl. I used to go to her house every day after school and we would hang out. Naturally, I sniffed her panties as often as I could. She was a redhead and usually had a couple pubes in them too. They always smelled so good and I got to know some different types of dirty panties. Some smelled like pee. Some had creamy spots. Some had no spots but still had a pussy smell. One day, she asked me to get something from her room.As I walked in,...

1 year ago
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1st time Bdsm part two

So having both of us climaxing at the same time was a wonderful experience considering we'd only met in a local pub of their's barely an hour earlier and as i said in my first part of this story the evening was still young, so there i was having cum myself , but much to my surprise i was still rock hard - still up inside her, so just imagine the scene, her dressed as a schooly , she wore a pair of white crotchless knickers and had on a black suspender belt which made her look very sexy, so i...

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