Nike A Go Go Pt. 2 free porn video

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By Jimmmy D.

When I pull over to the dirty, rotten gutter Nike starts rumaging in the back of the jeep, "What are you looking for?" I ask, not turning around, but still taking a peek in the back of the keep. "Nothing she says, grabbing something and spinning back around in her seat. She's found her black trench coat, she hasn't worn it in ages. She steps out of the jeep and throws it around her shoulds. Its a plain black trench coat that goes down to about her ankles, it looks relatively clean, but only Nike knows what godawful things that jacket has seen.

There are puddles of merky water in the gutters and in potholes on the street, though it hasn't rain in years. This place smells rotten, like some dead animal; like a colony of huge, fat rats gathered under the streets and committed mass suicide just to make this place smell like shit. My mind lingers on this thought for only a moment then I move on. I follow Nike into Fred's shop. She opens the entrance but pauses for a second, she starts hacking then spits a wad of phlegm on the siewalk, near the feet of a passerby. After this profound moment she disregards it and moves into the shop, I follow her.

In Fred's shop the lights are fluorescent but still dim, and considering it's location the place is relatively clean. All along the walls on either side of myself and Nike are glass cases filled with guns and ammuntion, and above these cases, on the walls, are tons of racks holding up huge guns and swords, and other things of this sort. I stop at a case, maybe the fifth or sixth along the wall. This is the case I always stop at becuase it's full of antique revolvers, like sixshooters. These days no one uses a gun unless it has seven magazine slots and five sights, infrared, and night vision; in short no one uses anything but a B.F.G.(B.F.G. meaning Big Fucking Gun). But me, I have class, I like to blast a fuckers head off with a nice sixgun, I'm particularly partial to the .357 magnum.

Not many people watch films anymore, especially since the earth has gone on menopause, I but like to watch a nice flm every now and again. A while back when Nike, Flem, Frank and myself were looting up some old scraps from some broken down beater we came across a box of films, not film reels though, more like laser discs. Either way they had a bunch of old movies; Dirty Harry, The Pale Rider, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, and other movies in that vein. I am a huge Clint Eastwood fan, probably the only one anymore, no one is 'light-hearted' enough to watch films when the world is crashing down around our ears, but I really don't care. Everyone has got to die some time.

After imagining myself riding out on the range during sundown I start walking quick, like to catch up with Nike who, despite my pausing, has kept moving on her path. "Slow down Nike, Fred's not going anywhere." I tell Nike, catching up with her, and shortening my strides to match hers. "Yea who gives a flying fuck, I don't like Fred too much and I sure as fuck don't like his goddamn sleazy ass store." she tells me, and even though she's not looking at me I can tell she says this through a rotten sneer. "Who are you calling sleazy?" I say this at a whisper, like only I can hear it, but Nike picks it up, "Yea, why don't you fuck off, instead of having a fuck with me you'll hafta choke your own goddamn chicken." she tells me off.
"Well if I don't fuck you then you don't get fucked." I say matter-of-factly.
"I'll just go out to some bar and find some random fucker to get it on with." she taunts me, "It's not like I gotta worry about AIDs or any of that fuckin' shit."
"Yea well... Fuck you..." I say this last bit at length, not knowing what else to say.

Nike gives a mocking laugh, we both know she's won the argument. At the end of this part of the building is a small office, where we'll most likely find Fred. That's where he always is. When reach come close to the back door Nike stops and turns to me, "You do the talkin' and do it fast, I don't wanna be around this faggot longer than we hafta be, okay?" she tells me, looking straight into my eyes, I nod. I reach up and knock on the door twice. "Yes, I'm very busy, who is it?" a voice calls through the door, Fred's voice. "It's me, me and Nike that is." I shout back through the door.

After a moment, and bit of paper rustling the door flies open and there stands Fred Lowe. He's probably about 6'1" or 2", he's sort of lanky but has broad sholders. He's got shirt black hair and glasses, today he's got a bit of face stubble and he looks a little worn out. "Good to see you again, my friends." he tells us forcing a, what he would think of as welcoming, smile through his constant grimace. He steps to the side and ushers us into the cramped office, "how have you been?" he asks in a friendly manner, "Good." I say simply, and Nike just nods. He points to the three chairs infront of his desk, which is cluttered with papers and photographs, I take a seat in the one to the far left, and night sets in the one on the far right.

He takes a seat at his desk and continues he's bitter-sweet smile, "What brings you to my neck of the woods?" he asks, looking from Nike to me. I hesitate for a second, but then press on, "The same thing we always come here for." I tell him. "You need rare and expensive parts then." he says putting his right forefinger to his chin. "Well you got the 'rare' part right." I say jokingly, though not really wanting to spend any money. "Of course, of course." he says laughing at my feeble joke.

"So what sort of items are you looking for?" just the usual questions.
"Well, we're looking for a p38 to 3.75mm adapter for one of our energy generators. And maybe a few guns and some ammuntion." I knock the list off.
"Well, it's going to take a while on the p38 to 3.75mill piece, that's rare, and I know we don't have any of those in stock, I'll have to order it, but it'll take anywhere from two days to a week for delivery though. And on the guns: what you see is what you get."
"Okay, well..." I pause, I dont want to stay in town for a week, and I know Nike doesn't either, "Well, we'll go ahead and take the guns I guess, but Nike and I will hve to talk about the adapter..." I pause, waiting for him to get up and leave us alone, but he doesn't move. "Can you give us a quick minute." realization hits him and he gives an embarassed laugh, "Of course, of course. I'm so sorry." he hops out from behind his desk and walks toward the door, "If you would be so kind as to open the door when your done." the he leaves the room and closes the door behind him.

Once the door is locked Nike jumps out of her seat and starts walking around his office. She looks around his three filing cabinets, and thumbs through the documents and photos on his desk, "What are you doing?" I ask in a shouted whisper. "Shutup!" she says this in the same hushed yell, "I'm looking for something we can mke money off of." I give her a puzzled look, "look, idiot, if he's got to order this fuckin' adapter then it's gonna cost us out the ass. And I dont know about you, but I don't wanna pay like that." she opens the draws to his desk and hits paydirt.

She reahces her hand into the drawer and draws it out, holding a golden antique revolver. She smiles and tosses it to me, expecting me to be an expert. "Wow..." I say more to myself than to her, "An M1869 .45 Caliber Schofield single action sixshooter, with a nickel finish." I resite this almost involuntarily while I finger the gun and turn it over in my hands, "This is so freaking cool." I'm awestruck, this is such an awesome pistol, "Glad you like it, it's a sale then, we'll take it." she says smiling in a viscious, greedy way.

"Okay," I say, preparing to change subjects, "What about the adapter?" I say this pocketing the pistol.
"Fuck..." she sys in contemplation, "I guess we'll hafta wait on it, we can't go back without it, we fuckin' need it" she makes up both our minds.
"Alright." I say, moving to the door, as to open it. As I reach for the knock it twists before I can reach it and the door opens again, "Sorry, I couldn't stand the suspence." Fred says. He's laughing when he sits back at his desk, "So what have you decided?" he asks me.

"You should know, you were fuckin' eavesdropping." Nike says before I can answer him. I look from Nike to Fred and notice Fred's face is turning red, "Well," he chuckles, "I'm sorry, I can't resist and secret" he continues to laugh, but Nike stares daggers and knives at him. "Well then, you know that we'll order it then, Fred." I tell him, looking down at my feet; fucking dickwad. "Naturally." he says smugly.

"Okay, you get in contact with your people then get back with us, we'll need to know how long we'll have to wait." I explain to Fred.
"Of course, of course..." Fred pauses for a second, crunching numbers in his head, "Come back tomorrow, I should know when it will arrive by tomorrow." he tells me.
"What time?"
"Maybe..." he looks at the ceiling, "One, no two pm, no one. Come back tomorrow at around one pm."
"Alright, fine, we'll be here." I stand up with Nike and we leave. I notice Nike has bit more speed in her steps now than when we were arriving, she must really hate Fred. Who knew cyborgs could be so prejudice.

Nike pushes the door open hard, nearly sending them off their henges, "You really hate Fred huh?" I ask as we jump into the jeep, me driving again. "I just don't like fuckety ass faggots, thats all." she says with a rotten sneer. "So what do you want to do for the rest of the night?" I ask starting the car up. The engine rumbles and the vehicle starts to rattle.
"Let's go to a bar, get something to eat, then get someone to eat." she tells me, a curly grin on her face.
"Someone to eat?" I look at her strangely, "A girl then?"
"Yea, I think another hot piece of pussy might liven things up, who knows, we might find antoher big dick to bring back with us."

We're driving down 138th again, we're heading to Clyde's, which is on 140th and 67th. It's a friday night and there are always all kinds of people staying around Clyde's a lot of hot girls, and a few good looking guys, nothing special; I'm sure atleast one will peak Nike's interest. Night falls soon enough and we're sitting outside Clyde's, sitting in the jeep. "Okay, we needta find a nice short brunette, with a nice big ass." she explains to me what kind of girl she is looking for. I nod at every new characteristic and feature she adds, "long hair, red lips, cute small boobs." I agree with everything she says, her and I have similar taste in girls.

I pull the keys out of the ignition, Nike strips off her trench coat, and we step through the doors. The instant we enter the door heads are turning after Nike, whethers it's becuase of the fact that they know who she is, or because she's sexy, I don't know. I look over at Nike, and she looks gorgeous, particularly in this light. She's checking out the bar, looking from table to table, seat to seat, looking for a prime piece of meat. "No..." "Not her..." "Too thin..." I hear her mumbling to herself, apparently about teh grls who don't meet her standards.

"Let's take a seat at the bar, have a drink, you know." I tell her making my way toward the bar, she follows, sort of. She's zigzagging her way across the floor, looking at every girl she can see before reaching the bar. "Dry beer, J & B." I told the bar tender, he turns and looks to Nike, "The same for her." I say, brushing him away. I turn around and run my eye over the bar, there are a few choice girls I'd like to have, but what does Nike think? "Like anything?" I ask her, sipping my beer, not looking at her.

She keeps looking around, lingering in a place for no longer than a few seconds, "Kinda, there are a few hotties, but mostly ugly fucking pigs." she doesn't look at me. She picks up her beer and drinks it down in one, two gulps; she's definitly some kind of machine. "Well, do we have someone that meets your requirements?" I ask her, glaring hard at her breasts. She continues looking around then turns her eye on me, "Yea, I see one." she tells me.
"Well who the fuck is it?" I ask, getting a little frustrated, she won't stop dodging my freaking question.
"Her." she says pointing into a crowd of four, maybe five girls. There are a few cutey pies, they're all looking pretty young, seventeen or eighteen years old maybe.
"Which?" I still can't tell which girl she's talking about.
"The one with the long brown hair, with the glasses." she tells me condescendingly, as if I can't understand what she's saying.

I find the girl she's talking about immediatly, and wowey, what a little honey dip. She's got curly, shoulder length blonde hair and a nice round butt. She's got a cute face and those black-hornrimmed glasses make her look even better. I wonder what sort of diplomatic way Nike will go about getting this girl to come back to a motel with us. Nke get's up and starts wandering over to the gaggle of girls, not stepping off to look at anything else, just walking straight at them, she looks like she has meaning in her face.

Nike snaps at the girl and gets her attention, but I can't hear what they're talking about, the noise in the bar is too much. Nike says something else and the girl's face flushes, she turns bright pink, and she looks even more cute! Nike holds her hands up in front of the girl, like she's talking about a fishing trip, like she caught a huge fish, then Nike points to me. What the hell are these girls talking about?

Nike leaves the girl and comes back to me, she sits down a the bar and orders another beer. "Well? Is she coming with us?" I ask, laying my hand on Nike's thigh. Nike kind of shivers, takes a sip of her beer, then looks me sqaure in the eye "She'll meet us out front in five minutes." she tells me like it's no big deal.
"What? How did you hook her?" I'm dumbfounded.
"Nothing, don't worry about it, the point is that she's coming with us, now pay the fucking barkeeper and let's get out front and wait for her." She sips her beer again and lays it down on the bar.

I wave to the bartender and he promptly walks over. He draws up the tab and gives me the bill, so I lay down the cash and leave him a nice five dollar tip, "It's your lucky day." I tell him tossing the cash on the bill. Nike and I stand up and find our way out of the bar, which is a little hard seeng as how the bar is packed to the brim with swingers and sluts looking for dirty one night stands, so I guess Nike and I are one less pair of perverts.

Nike and I hop into my jeep and we sit out in front of the bar, waiting for our little girlie. I start the engine up and turn on the heater, it's a little cold out tonight. After a few moments of sitting in silence with Nike our little girl friend comes out of the dim light of this rusty little bar, but there is someone with her, a man. He's sort of tall (at least taller than I am) and he's got long wavy hair. He has chiseled features and a puss full of straight, white choppers; and he's smiling a lot for some reason.

The little girl stands beside our ride for a second and looks at me, "Hello, I'm Gillian." she tells, trying to be polite, "And this is my boyfriend, Devin." I look Devin over once and I look Gillian over twice, then a third time for good measure. "Hop in." I tell her throwing my eyes on the road ahead of us. The jeep purs away while we drive down these mucky roads, the vibrations climb in my gut and nestle down, then crawl back out again and after that, on comes the next wave.

I find a low down motel and I pull into the parking lot, not because it's the only one that's vacant, but becuase it's only fifteen credits a night for one person, so Nike and the other two can sneak in once I've paid. I hop out of the jeep and find my way over to the office where I pay the desk clerk fifteen credits for the night. He gives me a weary glance and I wink at him, then I leave the office laughing like a jackal.

Room twenty-three on the second floor. So I whistle down to Nike and she brings up our two friends, Devin and Gillian, and I can already tell we are in for a hell of a night. The first thing Nike does when we all get into the room, and I close the door, is strip down to her bare ass. So Gillian and I start to do the same, but Devin stands their looking at me shyly. I take my time when I undress, I slowly losen my shoe laces then toss my boots off to the side, then I slide my shirt and my pants off. Gillian is undressed and staring at me while I get down to my boxers, Nike is standing to the side with her arms crossed and Devin is still standing there fully clothed, all eyes are on me.

I pretend not to notice everyone staring at me, waiting for that special moment, and I just pull my boxers off. I step out of them and toss them across the room. I stand up and look around, and put my fists on my hips, trying to show off my piece a little bit. "You were right." Gillian whispers to Nike, her face going a little red. "Yip, that's why I keep him around." she says jokingly serious. She steps up to me and grabs hold of my flaccid shaft, then she turns to Gillian and Devin and winks at them.

I put my hands behind my back when Nike kneels down infront of me; finally, Nike's going to give me a freaking blow job! She licks up and down the shaft and strokes it a little to get it hard. She holds my cock up and kisses the head, then she slides into her mouth; though not all the way, only about the first two inches. SAhe doesnt let me fuck her mouth though, she just sucks on it like a popcicle.

Nike pops my cock out of her mouth and looks to Gillian, so Gillian joins Nike on her knees. At this point Devin finally starts to undress. Nike and Gillian take turns licking my cock; Nike holds it to herself, licking it over, then holding it out for Gillian to lick it. My breathing is getting heavier as they change pace and Nike starts sliding it into her mouth, then Gillian does the very same. I'm moving closer and closer. They keep sliding my piece in and out of eachothers mouths and before too much longer they're taking turns sucking on it. I especially like Gillian's way of giving head, she's twirling and twisiting her tongue around my cock like a slimey snake.

I'm getting nervous when Devin joins Gillian and Nike on their knees infront of me, does he want to suck my dick too? "Whose gonna suck Devin off?" I ask, trying to get him away from me. "No one, silly." Gillian told me in the splick second she pulled my cock out of her mouth. "That's the deal," Nike starts to tell me, "They came with so that me, Gillian, and Devin will all get fucked by you."
"I don't know about that." I'm not gay.
"Look here fucker, you're going to let me, Gillian, and even Devin suck you off, then your gonna fuck all of us up the asses, and that includes Devin." Nike tells me, threateningly.
"I ain't fucking gay, Nike" I tell her, trying to reason.
"Gay or straight, there's no real difference anymore, that is a decades old problem." Devin tells me getting closer, pushing Nike and Gillian apart. "Whoa, whoa! Hold on!" I start to yell when Nike hands my cock off to Devin.
"Oh relax Benny-boy," Nike tries to relax me, "If some guy is sucking your dick youre not gay, its just some faggot sucking you off, that doesnt make you gay." she has a crappy logic.
I take a deep breth, preparing myself for the pain when Devin leans in on my crotch. Wasting no time he takes my entire length in his mouth and starts in by deepthroating me. When I he push down on my cock no further he sticks his tongue out and starts licking, this is probably for less endowed men though; when he sticks his tongue out he is supposed to be able to lick the dude's balls, but it's pretty much impossble to do with my cock.

NIke gives Devin's ass a nice slap before she stands up. She leans in on my and starts kissing me hard, really hard. She bites my bottom lip and she bites my tongue, she sticks her wet, writhing tongue in my mouth, and I am about to scream with ecstacy. She starts sucking my tongu, which almost sends me over the edge, then I remember there s a dude on my cock, and that brings me back off my cloud. She holds my head close to hers, gripping my hair to keep me in place. Then she backs off.

She crawls back down to where Devin and Gillian are. Gillian and Nike kiss and run their tongues up and down the sides of my cock while Devin handles the head, it's pure pleasure. I put my my hand behind Nike's head, rubbing her neck, and shouldesr gently; I do the same to Gillian. "C'mon, yea, I'm getting there." I tell them between breathless gasps.

Finally Nike grabs hold of my fat shaft and starts jerking me off, this deters Gillian for a second, but then she joins in. There is easily enough room for Gillian and Nike to fit both their hands on my cock all at the same, so that's what they do. The two girls are jerking my off, with four hands total, while Devin keeps sucking away at the head of my cock. "Oh fuck, Oh shit." I mutter, I'm getting closer and closer, shit...

"Oh, Fuck!..." I cum like a freight train. My cum spurts up in Devin's face while he holds his mouth open(though none actually gets into his mouth) I'm breathing heavly while the cum still squirts out, leaning back on my arms, "Shit..." Devin isn't done yet, he's still jerking my cock slowly, trying to milk it for every drop of cum.

I am being pulled and twisted like pink taffy at this point. I'm disgusted with myself for letting some faggot suck my cock, but at the same time it feels so fucking good... Almost as good as Nike, though I would never tell her this. I'd never live it down if I told her getting my cock sucked by a guy was almost as good as being sucked by her...


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Torture Tease

Torture Tease As I enter the room, she looks up from her seat on the couch and smiles.It's almost more of a smirk, as if she is already thinking of the fun aheadand how much she is going to enjoy my torment. Her dress is surprising ...not at all evil or threatening. She is dressed in a long plaid skirt, a whitecotton blouse, white stockings, and her hair is up in a bun. The only hintthat she is more than the innocent schoolgirl she appears is a back corsetthat peaks from beneath her blouse and...

4 years ago
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Pet shop pick up

I recently got a pet that requires fresh food on a three times a week basis, so I have been a regular at the local pet shop for a while. I have gotten to know many of the people that worked there especially a girl named Lisa. Lisa is about 5'3", almost a foot shorter than me and built tiny. She has long jet black hair and stunning blue eyes. Her tits are most likely B cup, but look larger on her small frame. What has really gotten my attention is her ass. Fantastic in her work Khakis she fills...

2 years ago
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Humble Servant

In the realm of the gods I lived from my birth and I should count myself lucky, I suppose, for I never yearned to leave my home because here I serve a purpose. To please my mistress in every way is the reason for my very existence. My mistress is a goddess, one of many here, yet she I swear is the most beautiful. Her name is Adrienna and she is so immortal in face and like in body. There in lies the problem. I, sadly, am not immortal although all humans who live here are long-lived. I shall...

Mind Control
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The Lure Power of An Werewolf Part 2

Introduction: An Night to Remember His tongue licked over my breast. I could tell he was enjoying this. My eyes and voice held fear in them. I felt his teeth clamp down on my nipple. The more I move. The more he bit harder. His teeth were not the same. Though teeth are sharp, his were sharper. As he leaned down closer to me. His free hand traveled down my smooth caramel stomach slowly into my gray short. He moved them back and forth against my laced red panties. Mike, stop it now! I was...

4 years ago
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Jing Dynasty

I went into a Chinese restaurant one day for lunch, my waitress walked up and smiled, hi I’m Jing, what would you like today?I stared into her dark brown eyes, they were so beautiful. Oh umm can I have a soda I’m still looking the menu over. I watched her walk away, floored of how adorable she was. Her shiny black hair accentuated her diamond shaped face, her body tiny, she stood 5’ 6 weight 109 pounds. Her figure was small, with small breasts 29-22-31 / 34A breasts. I was in love. I watched as...

4 years ago
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Friendship Bribe

Maryssa and Bill have been friends for nearly 2 years, during those 2 years, Maryssa told Bill "Bill, I know this may sound odd coming from me, but we have been through a lot as friends, what I'm trying to say is, I am starting to consider you as my older brother." "Why would that sound odd, I have always looked at you as a sister" Bill replied. You may think that during those 2 years Maryssa and Bill have known each other were perfect, well your very wrong. Maryssa is the kind of...

3 years ago
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Happenstance Quarantine Ch 01

Happenstance: A chance happening or event. A chance situation, especially one producing a good result. Fuck! I thought, when my mother, Jasmine, told me that we were now under a national lockdown because of a global pandemic. I guess I could understand as to the reason why; but in all honesty, the only thing that I was worried about, at that moment, was if this emergency was going to hinder me from getting laid once more.Okay, call me selfish, but listen; I'm a horny eighteen-year-old that just...

3 years ago
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Thunder Refuge

The leaves crunched under the hooves of my horse as we trudged through the dark spruces. My shotgun in one hand and the reins in the other, I watched all around me for signs of life. The branches still hung low from the past weight of the snow as if they were bowing to the cloud covered sun. It was about sunset, but the whole sky was a murky shade of grays and blacks. The wind was picking up and great claps of thunder could be heard in the distance. A great storm was on its way. There were no...

3 years ago
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The Flaming Tongue

A Story of the Cross By Roger and Phyllis 2020 The crew worked a late night and into the early morning to insure the life-sized icon of Christ on the Cross was erected and ready for the Sunday service. ”Phil!” cried out one of the work crew from the floor of the church, “be sure the nuts are tight…we don’t want the damn thing falling down like it did last time.” Phil was working up the high ladder affixing the icon of Christ on the Cross to the wall behind the pulpit. Good old...

4 years ago
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UnconventionalChapter 8

Natasha looked like a million dollars as she took on Stewart and Joey, two men who had been as thoroughly gay as possible most of their lives. She pushed back at them with her lovely hips and buns, her supple, slender, and petite body moving naturally to the primal, animalistic rhythm of the most basic urges and needs of all. Each alternating thrust of Stewart’s cock and Joey’s drove ever deeper, finally bottoming out as she bit her lower lip in pure ecstasy. This was what she wanted. This...

4 years ago
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I Have Sex With My Friends Wife

This happened a few years ago when I was 22 years old, working in an office, and living in a rented apartment. My parents lived in a village about 20 miles from me but were both killed in a car accident so I inherited their bungalow. I transferred to the bungalow and obtained a positition in a nearby office where I became friendly with Ted who was a computer expert, which I wasn`t. He persuaded me to buy a laptop computer and set it up in a room in my house. I had no idea how he did it because...

2 years ago
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The Monster Inside Me Its Second Stirring

The monster remained dormant for just over three years. During that time I was constantly afraid of his reawakening, especially while on dates with girls who didn't want to put out. Thankfully my theory that the monster only stirred for Bella turned out to be true. I went through a handful of girlfriends, all appropriate for my age, and I treated them well. I became known at my college for being a romantic: flowers, walks on the beach, presents for no reason, all that stuff. It also became...

1 year ago
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Mom and me the 2nd time

Mpte : This story is completely fictional! and I are now alone after I found out dad was going to be gone for a week. I talked my brother into asking daddy if he could go spend the week with grandpa. Now I had mom alone at home for a whole week, I knew she was mine, no way out for her. Dad leaves and he takes my brother with him to drop off at grandpas. Mom tries to get him to stay but he is ready to go. They pull out and as they turn on the highway, I look at mom and taell her she is sexy...

4 years ago
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Puss and the Cops

A storm had blown up and waves were rocketing against the Seal Beach Pier. It was about ten at night and the surfers were out in force. I caught a big one and lost my bikini top in the process. It would probably turn up in the morning on the beach with all the other debris. It didn’t take long for the Huntington Beach police to fly overhead in their copters. “Out of the water. Now!came their voices booming out of their bullhorns. They turned spotlights on us, as though that would make us...

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Another visit to the theater

My name is Lisa. I'm a slutty and experienced CD who particularly enjoys playing with groups of men.The following is a true story of one of my visits to the adult theater - The now closed Oregon Theater to be more precise. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments.I had planned this visit for about a week. I had a mailing list of about 30 guys who wanted to play with me and about 15 said that they could do it on the day I was planning to go. I arrived at the theater 15 minutes later than I...

4 years ago
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Mistress Nandi and Her kgotso

The Story of Naleli and kgotso Ishq. The Story of Mistress Nandi and kgotso. We have spent 2 years of bliss together. We have loved, laughed, and You have further enslaved Your boy to the point that i cannot refuse any order, and my sole existence is centered around pleasing You. Then You have to leave.? i go on to meet a hot, divorced, soccer mom at the gym, court her, and marry her. i "settle", because i am alone and need someone. It is nothing like what we had together, and I...

3 years ago
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Second Fuck To My Desi Conventional Aunty

Hello readers, My name is katilana. This is 2nd event I fucked my darling aunty. She is a real bhartiya nari. I already have fucked my aunty. I am a bit ashamed about how it started, but thereon I started enjoying her. So what I am going to write is something about which I am not embarrassed. Preview- I fucked my aunt just a day ago. It was so sensous and beautiful that I cant explain. But at that day I didn’t fucked like a real man, because I was shy. But this day, I was determined to fuck her...

4 years ago
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Mathew Mats Rogers SeriesChapter 5 Wilderness Park

As with my other departures this one isn’t any easier. Leaving behind all my newfound young lovers makes me wonder if I should settle down in one of these communities and forget about returning to the oil fields. It isn’t that I need the money. My investments will provide me with a very comfortable living for the rest of my life. The vision of the twins Melanie and Kylie naked in my tent has me dreaming were they older so we could have enjoyed each other to the fullest. Fond memories of...

3 years ago
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J8217s First Encounter

I met her in college and she was a fair looking girl with sexy lips, kafi moti, huge but nicely shaped boobs and long hairs in college an dI was attracted to her because of her body but didn’t feel the interest to propose her because she was very traditional, not like those party flies you generally get in colleges once we went to some famous city gardens and for the first time, felt a strange need for her. Anyways, I neglected that feeling as my friends said this happens quite often as you...

2 years ago
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Coke Whore The Next Chapter

This story is almost a stand alone, however, to better understand the characters I recommend you read ‘Coke Whore’ by RLFJ first. It is my interpretation of the next chapter to that beautiful romance. * Coke Whore No More Chapter 1 Dave looked thoughtfully at a sleeping Nancy, tenderly holding her in his arms after she pumped him dry yet again. An angel couldn’t be prettier. Yet this angel had a horrid, troubled past. He wondered as he felt her gentle breathing if this really would work...

1 year ago
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The Undress Rehearsal Part 3

I was feeling a little anxious as well as excited because, despite what Colin had said, I always had the idea that rugby players were inclined to be homophobic. So I knew I had to make the act seem like good fun as well as being sexy. What made it more tricky was that by now I was getting very excited about what I hoped might happen if things got out of control. So I showered thoroughly making sure I was clean in all the intimate areas I liked to think they would want to see and even touch. I...

4 years ago
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen: It's Getting Wet In Here!After a night of having my cock blown to the point of cumming in Julia's warm wet mouth, while at the same time I sucked on Amanda's succulent firm tits and fingered her dripping wet cunt until we climaxed at the same time, I awoke to find myself alone in the bed.Their was no sign of either girl, as the curtains were opened and the rays of the warm sun shone across the bed sheets where I laid beneath. The still sweet musky smell of aroma from the night...

First Time
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My Rape Case reverse rape

It all started with a family vacation. I was 18. Now I am 20. I was a virgin. I was staying at a hotel, and I got a knock on my door. I opened it and got hit on the head with a blunt item. I woke up and I was completely naked and had two women staring at me. One looked about my age, the other looking around 30. They were both staring at my penis. I said, "The fuck are you whores doing!?" and they started arguing. After a few minutes, they said "Whoever makes you cum gets to take your virginity...

First Time
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Cuckhold in Milwaukee Part 5

I couldn't believe Bill was the patient. He suggested we go out for a drink that night so we did. While at the bar, he told me he had been fucking her for 5 months now. He said he occasionally even brought his girlfriend over. He said one of the first times at the house he saw a picture of the two of us and asked Judy who the guy was. He was surprised when he heard I was her husband.He told me because I wasn't a good enough husband to sustain my wife that he was going to give me a really good...

3 years ago
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Pammi Ki Sacchi Kahaniya 8211 Chapter One

Hi friends, I am Alvin. I am back again with a story. First of all, I want to thank for supporting my stories and giving me feedback. I love you all. I am from Mumbai and I am 21 years old. Mail me at You can also add me on facebook with same email id. Please give me feedback and if you want to talk to me then you are most welcomed. This is a story of one of my reader, her name is paramjeet. She is Punjabi and her age is 32. He is married for 3 years now. Her figure is 36-32-38. As you can...

3 years ago
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Just Another First MC Story

Copyright 2004 by LVWolfman, All rights reserved - June 29, 2003 Forward Welcome to my first published fiction (other than perhaps my resume.) While I'm a fan of erotic mind control stories, I've noticed that many of the first published stories by amateur authors fall into this genre and use many of the same cliches. This was recently explained to me as being the "Hello World!" of erotic literature. (For those with no programming experience, the reference books for almost every...

1 year ago
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Our First Threesome Part 2

To his surprise found his favorite color underwear that Mona was wearing. Her beautiful thong was wet from her excited dripping pussy. Slowly, I made my wife stand up that Nolan can have a better look at her ass. I lifted up my wife’s black dress to give Nolan another full view of her nice firm ass. This drove him crazy and started to touch it talking and mumbling with soft words admiring how beautiful her ass was. Nolan got on his knees and started to kiss her ass cheeks telling me how lucky I...

2 years ago
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My Mom Taught Me

When this started I was a 17 year old my mom was 37. She still had a nice figure and, to be honest, didn’t go without, after all she has always been a very sexy woman. I lost my virginity on my sixteenth birthday and have never looked back. I had never looked at Mom sexually, but one morning when I knocked on her door, and went straight in as usual, I found her lying on the bed naked and masturbating. Whether she had heard me I don’t know but she apologized and I said, “It’s alright, I don’t...

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"A world turns to the edge of night, the moon and stars so very bright... Your face glows in the candlelight, It's all because tonight's the night..." It was our song, mine and Diane's. It was the song that played when we first met, the song we sang to on our first date, that rang in our ears with that first kiss, that played softly in the background the first time we made love... "Now hold my hand and take this ring As we unite in harmony... We can begin to live the dream,...

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Hijab Hookup

Sometimes a HijabHookup is exactly what you need, but honestly, it can be a little challenging to find one. Let’s be real here: the Muslim world isn’t exactly known for permissive attitudes on casual sex or hardcore pornography. That’s bad news for horny dudes who appreciate a beautiful Arab girl with a stunning figure hiding under all that traditional garb. It might be haram, but it sure gives me some raging hard wood.So what’s a hijab-chaser to do? You could risk taking a trip to Afghanistan...

Premium Arab Porn Sites
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Partners and Wives Swarm VersionChapter 3

The next phase turned out to be revealing for the new sponsors and concubines, as they witnessed how completely their lives really had changed. It was one thing to consent in theory, but to suddenly face the irrevocable nature of their decisions to go to outer space with various people, sometimes complete strangers, that was something certain to create anxiety. Even so, the deed was done, and it was likely to turn out best for most of the selectees. It fully sank in whenever they began to...

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Asses Fine Asses Two Big One Small

As I walked across the quad I noticed a girl ahead of me. I couldn’t see her face but, then again, I didn’t need to. There’s no denying that I’m an ass man and hers was beyond spectacular. Maybe not everyone’s cup of tea but I like big bottoms. Hers was like two luscious ripe cantaloupes beautifully wrapped in tight white shorts. Mesmerized, I followed her like a stalker. As it turned out she was aiming for the cafeteria, I followed her in. She got a tuna salad sandwich and a diet...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Chachi Ki Gand Mari 8211 Part 1

To indian sex  stories dosto mera naam hai akash.Mai pune me rehta hu meri age 21 hai. Patla hu dikhne me thikthak hu.Mai mba ki padhai kar raha hu.To ab baat karte hai is kahani ki heroine ki jiska naam hai neha. Neha ki age hai 36 saal. Uske do bache hai ek 17 saal ka ladka aur ek 13 saal ki beti.Neha aunty dikhne me kayamat thi.Mai to jabse dekha unke pyaar me pad gaya. Unke ka figure tha 34-32-36. Dikhne me vo bilkul apsara thi Mai apne dost ke yaha har 2-3 din me jata tha. Vahi se unse...

4 years ago
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Watching the wife part 2


2 years ago
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Lonely Twenties A New Taste

"Yeah I mean I will check to see what's up," said Kay, a bit exhausted."Careful, remember, he does get around and there is a reason for it," replied Brent, warning Kay."From what I hear, he only goes for white women so I'll be okay," said Kay."Yeah well, tastes change, you never know about guys like that," replied Brent."I'll be okay Brent, he is only a floor down in this apartment," said Kay, hanging up. Covered in sweat, Kay had just finished an intense workout and was going to...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 3 Life Below Stairs

Inez Hernandez was furious! Her fool of a husband, Raoul, had angered Mister Armand, so now her beautiful Bianca was going to have to chase around after the red haired puta for a week! That the child would be exposed to multiple sex acts was a given; after all, it was the puta's job! Inez didn't fault the puta for this -- Mister Armand had brought out the whore in her and was merely putting it to good use. Some people just had roles in life... But Bianca was a beauty, and parading her in...

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Ghost Of Kareema 8211 An Erotic Sex Tale 8211 Part 15

Welcome back, guys. For those who want to skip to the story part, look for the ‘Story starts’ tag. Those who want to skip right to the sex part, look for the ‘Sex starts’ tag. Something weird happened recently. I was asleep and Kareema came to me through a dream and said this, “What the hell, Qamar? “The dates of the story of me that you’re writing is off! Like, many dates are like full two years off from when they actually happened! “And, adding details is one thing, but why are you so...

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My Inamorata

This morning you left me, my world fell apart. Heated passions had boiled over, an argument that never should have been, now tearing my heart from my chest. Fate destined lovers with eyes only for each other. Two souls as one ripped from one another, leaving just ghosts and painful memories behind.  Your words cut so deep, the blood ran freely, I didn’t want it to stop. Scars were all that would remain. The pain so great as the door slammed shut behind you, your keys on the table. The world...

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Reflections Ch 04

Thank you to those who are following this story. A couple of chapters to go. Again I would like to thank Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. * I would like to go back and repeat some of the things I have mentioned previously. My name is Bud Brown. I’m sitting here in the church office and reflecting on my life. I was married for a year to a cheating woman and can say I never thought I would marry again. At this point in my reflections, my kids have grown up and...

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Sister Body Swap

I woke up I found a sticky note on my forehead. I quickly yank it off, and I start to read what the note said. It said “sorry little brother but I really wanted your sexy body, and I’m going to be experimenting a lot in it.” “Also I’m just going to admit this bro your really packing down here, but hey enjoy my pussy. “Oh and we can’t forget my DD tits well good day brother I know you have always wanted to abuse my body pervert.” “Oh also if you tell mom or dad they will think your crazy or...

2 years ago
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Craigslist First Time

I had been separated for about 8 months, still dealing with some issues, drinking quite a bit. By this point, I had already "hooked" up a number of times at the bookstore theater. Not just getting blown, but also now sucking cock...and loving it. I started to think about it a lot, especially when I got drunk. The problem was, I lived a decent distance from the theater. So, I started checking out Craigslist. I was amazed at all the men looking to hook up. Most were straight, or bi. The cock pics...

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