Nike A Go Go Pt. 2 free porn video

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By Jimmmy D.

When I pull over to the dirty, rotten gutter Nike starts rumaging in the back of the jeep, "What are you looking for?" I ask, not turning around, but still taking a peek in the back of the keep. "Nothing she says, grabbing something and spinning back around in her seat. She's found her black trench coat, she hasn't worn it in ages. She steps out of the jeep and throws it around her shoulds. Its a plain black trench coat that goes down to about her ankles, it looks relatively clean, but only Nike knows what godawful things that jacket has seen.

There are puddles of merky water in the gutters and in potholes on the street, though it hasn't rain in years. This place smells rotten, like some dead animal; like a colony of huge, fat rats gathered under the streets and committed mass suicide just to make this place smell like shit. My mind lingers on this thought for only a moment then I move on. I follow Nike into Fred's shop. She opens the entrance but pauses for a second, she starts hacking then spits a wad of phlegm on the siewalk, near the feet of a passerby. After this profound moment she disregards it and moves into the shop, I follow her.

In Fred's shop the lights are fluorescent but still dim, and considering it's location the place is relatively clean. All along the walls on either side of myself and Nike are glass cases filled with guns and ammuntion, and above these cases, on the walls, are tons of racks holding up huge guns and swords, and other things of this sort. I stop at a case, maybe the fifth or sixth along the wall. This is the case I always stop at becuase it's full of antique revolvers, like sixshooters. These days no one uses a gun unless it has seven magazine slots and five sights, infrared, and night vision; in short no one uses anything but a B.F.G.(B.F.G. meaning Big Fucking Gun). But me, I have class, I like to blast a fuckers head off with a nice sixgun, I'm particularly partial to the .357 magnum.

Not many people watch films anymore, especially since the earth has gone on menopause, I but like to watch a nice flm every now and again. A while back when Nike, Flem, Frank and myself were looting up some old scraps from some broken down beater we came across a box of films, not film reels though, more like laser discs. Either way they had a bunch of old movies; Dirty Harry, The Pale Rider, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, and other movies in that vein. I am a huge Clint Eastwood fan, probably the only one anymore, no one is 'light-hearted' enough to watch films when the world is crashing down around our ears, but I really don't care. Everyone has got to die some time.

After imagining myself riding out on the range during sundown I start walking quick, like to catch up with Nike who, despite my pausing, has kept moving on her path. "Slow down Nike, Fred's not going anywhere." I tell Nike, catching up with her, and shortening my strides to match hers. "Yea who gives a flying fuck, I don't like Fred too much and I sure as fuck don't like his goddamn sleazy ass store." she tells me, and even though she's not looking at me I can tell she says this through a rotten sneer. "Who are you calling sleazy?" I say this at a whisper, like only I can hear it, but Nike picks it up, "Yea, why don't you fuck off, instead of having a fuck with me you'll hafta choke your own goddamn chicken." she tells me off.
"Well if I don't fuck you then you don't get fucked." I say matter-of-factly.
"I'll just go out to some bar and find some random fucker to get it on with." she taunts me, "It's not like I gotta worry about AIDs or any of that fuckin' shit."
"Yea well... Fuck you..." I say this last bit at length, not knowing what else to say.

Nike gives a mocking laugh, we both know she's won the argument. At the end of this part of the building is a small office, where we'll most likely find Fred. That's where he always is. When reach come close to the back door Nike stops and turns to me, "You do the talkin' and do it fast, I don't wanna be around this faggot longer than we hafta be, okay?" she tells me, looking straight into my eyes, I nod. I reach up and knock on the door twice. "Yes, I'm very busy, who is it?" a voice calls through the door, Fred's voice. "It's me, me and Nike that is." I shout back through the door.

After a moment, and bit of paper rustling the door flies open and there stands Fred Lowe. He's probably about 6'1" or 2", he's sort of lanky but has broad sholders. He's got shirt black hair and glasses, today he's got a bit of face stubble and he looks a little worn out. "Good to see you again, my friends." he tells us forcing a, what he would think of as welcoming, smile through his constant grimace. He steps to the side and ushers us into the cramped office, "how have you been?" he asks in a friendly manner, "Good." I say simply, and Nike just nods. He points to the three chairs infront of his desk, which is cluttered with papers and photographs, I take a seat in the one to the far left, and night sets in the one on the far right.

He takes a seat at his desk and continues he's bitter-sweet smile, "What brings you to my neck of the woods?" he asks, looking from Nike to me. I hesitate for a second, but then press on, "The same thing we always come here for." I tell him. "You need rare and expensive parts then." he says putting his right forefinger to his chin. "Well you got the 'rare' part right." I say jokingly, though not really wanting to spend any money. "Of course, of course." he says laughing at my feeble joke.

"So what sort of items are you looking for?" just the usual questions.
"Well, we're looking for a p38 to 3.75mm adapter for one of our energy generators. And maybe a few guns and some ammuntion." I knock the list off.
"Well, it's going to take a while on the p38 to 3.75mill piece, that's rare, and I know we don't have any of those in stock, I'll have to order it, but it'll take anywhere from two days to a week for delivery though. And on the guns: what you see is what you get."
"Okay, well..." I pause, I dont want to stay in town for a week, and I know Nike doesn't either, "Well, we'll go ahead and take the guns I guess, but Nike and I will hve to talk about the adapter..." I pause, waiting for him to get up and leave us alone, but he doesn't move. "Can you give us a quick minute." realization hits him and he gives an embarassed laugh, "Of course, of course. I'm so sorry." he hops out from behind his desk and walks toward the door, "If you would be so kind as to open the door when your done." the he leaves the room and closes the door behind him.

Once the door is locked Nike jumps out of her seat and starts walking around his office. She looks around his three filing cabinets, and thumbs through the documents and photos on his desk, "What are you doing?" I ask in a shouted whisper. "Shutup!" she says this in the same hushed yell, "I'm looking for something we can mke money off of." I give her a puzzled look, "look, idiot, if he's got to order this fuckin' adapter then it's gonna cost us out the ass. And I dont know about you, but I don't wanna pay like that." she opens the draws to his desk and hits paydirt.

She reahces her hand into the drawer and draws it out, holding a golden antique revolver. She smiles and tosses it to me, expecting me to be an expert. "Wow..." I say more to myself than to her, "An M1869 .45 Caliber Schofield single action sixshooter, with a nickel finish." I resite this almost involuntarily while I finger the gun and turn it over in my hands, "This is so freaking cool." I'm awestruck, this is such an awesome pistol, "Glad you like it, it's a sale then, we'll take it." she says smiling in a viscious, greedy way.

"Okay," I say, preparing to change subjects, "What about the adapter?" I say this pocketing the pistol.
"Fuck..." she sys in contemplation, "I guess we'll hafta wait on it, we can't go back without it, we fuckin' need it" she makes up both our minds.
"Alright." I say, moving to the door, as to open it. As I reach for the knock it twists before I can reach it and the door opens again, "Sorry, I couldn't stand the suspence." Fred says. He's laughing when he sits back at his desk, "So what have you decided?" he asks me.

"You should know, you were fuckin' eavesdropping." Nike says before I can answer him. I look from Nike to Fred and notice Fred's face is turning red, "Well," he chuckles, "I'm sorry, I can't resist and secret" he continues to laugh, but Nike stares daggers and knives at him. "Well then, you know that we'll order it then, Fred." I tell him, looking down at my feet; fucking dickwad. "Naturally." he says smugly.

"Okay, you get in contact with your people then get back with us, we'll need to know how long we'll have to wait." I explain to Fred.
"Of course, of course..." Fred pauses for a second, crunching numbers in his head, "Come back tomorrow, I should know when it will arrive by tomorrow." he tells me.
"What time?"
"Maybe..." he looks at the ceiling, "One, no two pm, no one. Come back tomorrow at around one pm."
"Alright, fine, we'll be here." I stand up with Nike and we leave. I notice Nike has bit more speed in her steps now than when we were arriving, she must really hate Fred. Who knew cyborgs could be so prejudice.

Nike pushes the door open hard, nearly sending them off their henges, "You really hate Fred huh?" I ask as we jump into the jeep, me driving again. "I just don't like fuckety ass faggots, thats all." she says with a rotten sneer. "So what do you want to do for the rest of the night?" I ask starting the car up. The engine rumbles and the vehicle starts to rattle.
"Let's go to a bar, get something to eat, then get someone to eat." she tells me, a curly grin on her face.
"Someone to eat?" I look at her strangely, "A girl then?"
"Yea, I think another hot piece of pussy might liven things up, who knows, we might find antoher big dick to bring back with us."

We're driving down 138th again, we're heading to Clyde's, which is on 140th and 67th. It's a friday night and there are always all kinds of people staying around Clyde's a lot of hot girls, and a few good looking guys, nothing special; I'm sure atleast one will peak Nike's interest. Night falls soon enough and we're sitting outside Clyde's, sitting in the jeep. "Okay, we needta find a nice short brunette, with a nice big ass." she explains to me what kind of girl she is looking for. I nod at every new characteristic and feature she adds, "long hair, red lips, cute small boobs." I agree with everything she says, her and I have similar taste in girls.

I pull the keys out of the ignition, Nike strips off her trench coat, and we step through the doors. The instant we enter the door heads are turning after Nike, whethers it's becuase of the fact that they know who she is, or because she's sexy, I don't know. I look over at Nike, and she looks gorgeous, particularly in this light. She's checking out the bar, looking from table to table, seat to seat, looking for a prime piece of meat. "No..." "Not her..." "Too thin..." I hear her mumbling to herself, apparently about teh grls who don't meet her standards.

"Let's take a seat at the bar, have a drink, you know." I tell her making my way toward the bar, she follows, sort of. She's zigzagging her way across the floor, looking at every girl she can see before reaching the bar. "Dry beer, J & B." I told the bar tender, he turns and looks to Nike, "The same for her." I say, brushing him away. I turn around and run my eye over the bar, there are a few choice girls I'd like to have, but what does Nike think? "Like anything?" I ask her, sipping my beer, not looking at her.

She keeps looking around, lingering in a place for no longer than a few seconds, "Kinda, there are a few hotties, but mostly ugly fucking pigs." she doesn't look at me. She picks up her beer and drinks it down in one, two gulps; she's definitly some kind of machine. "Well, do we have someone that meets your requirements?" I ask her, glaring hard at her breasts. She continues looking around then turns her eye on me, "Yea, I see one." she tells me.
"Well who the fuck is it?" I ask, getting a little frustrated, she won't stop dodging my freaking question.
"Her." she says pointing into a crowd of four, maybe five girls. There are a few cutey pies, they're all looking pretty young, seventeen or eighteen years old maybe.
"Which?" I still can't tell which girl she's talking about.
"The one with the long brown hair, with the glasses." she tells me condescendingly, as if I can't understand what she's saying.

I find the girl she's talking about immediatly, and wowey, what a little honey dip. She's got curly, shoulder length blonde hair and a nice round butt. She's got a cute face and those black-hornrimmed glasses make her look even better. I wonder what sort of diplomatic way Nike will go about getting this girl to come back to a motel with us. Nke get's up and starts wandering over to the gaggle of girls, not stepping off to look at anything else, just walking straight at them, she looks like she has meaning in her face.

Nike snaps at the girl and gets her attention, but I can't hear what they're talking about, the noise in the bar is too much. Nike says something else and the girl's face flushes, she turns bright pink, and she looks even more cute! Nike holds her hands up in front of the girl, like she's talking about a fishing trip, like she caught a huge fish, then Nike points to me. What the hell are these girls talking about?

Nike leaves the girl and comes back to me, she sits down a the bar and orders another beer. "Well? Is she coming with us?" I ask, laying my hand on Nike's thigh. Nike kind of shivers, takes a sip of her beer, then looks me sqaure in the eye "She'll meet us out front in five minutes." she tells me like it's no big deal.
"What? How did you hook her?" I'm dumbfounded.
"Nothing, don't worry about it, the point is that she's coming with us, now pay the fucking barkeeper and let's get out front and wait for her." She sips her beer again and lays it down on the bar.

I wave to the bartender and he promptly walks over. He draws up the tab and gives me the bill, so I lay down the cash and leave him a nice five dollar tip, "It's your lucky day." I tell him tossing the cash on the bill. Nike and I stand up and find our way out of the bar, which is a little hard seeng as how the bar is packed to the brim with swingers and sluts looking for dirty one night stands, so I guess Nike and I are one less pair of perverts.

Nike and I hop into my jeep and we sit out in front of the bar, waiting for our little girlie. I start the engine up and turn on the heater, it's a little cold out tonight. After a few moments of sitting in silence with Nike our little girl friend comes out of the dim light of this rusty little bar, but there is someone with her, a man. He's sort of tall (at least taller than I am) and he's got long wavy hair. He has chiseled features and a puss full of straight, white choppers; and he's smiling a lot for some reason.

The little girl stands beside our ride for a second and looks at me, "Hello, I'm Gillian." she tells, trying to be polite, "And this is my boyfriend, Devin." I look Devin over once and I look Gillian over twice, then a third time for good measure. "Hop in." I tell her throwing my eyes on the road ahead of us. The jeep purs away while we drive down these mucky roads, the vibrations climb in my gut and nestle down, then crawl back out again and after that, on comes the next wave.

I find a low down motel and I pull into the parking lot, not because it's the only one that's vacant, but becuase it's only fifteen credits a night for one person, so Nike and the other two can sneak in once I've paid. I hop out of the jeep and find my way over to the office where I pay the desk clerk fifteen credits for the night. He gives me a weary glance and I wink at him, then I leave the office laughing like a jackal.

Room twenty-three on the second floor. So I whistle down to Nike and she brings up our two friends, Devin and Gillian, and I can already tell we are in for a hell of a night. The first thing Nike does when we all get into the room, and I close the door, is strip down to her bare ass. So Gillian and I start to do the same, but Devin stands their looking at me shyly. I take my time when I undress, I slowly losen my shoe laces then toss my boots off to the side, then I slide my shirt and my pants off. Gillian is undressed and staring at me while I get down to my boxers, Nike is standing to the side with her arms crossed and Devin is still standing there fully clothed, all eyes are on me.

I pretend not to notice everyone staring at me, waiting for that special moment, and I just pull my boxers off. I step out of them and toss them across the room. I stand up and look around, and put my fists on my hips, trying to show off my piece a little bit. "You were right." Gillian whispers to Nike, her face going a little red. "Yip, that's why I keep him around." she says jokingly serious. She steps up to me and grabs hold of my flaccid shaft, then she turns to Gillian and Devin and winks at them.

I put my hands behind my back when Nike kneels down infront of me; finally, Nike's going to give me a freaking blow job! She licks up and down the shaft and strokes it a little to get it hard. She holds my cock up and kisses the head, then she slides into her mouth; though not all the way, only about the first two inches. SAhe doesnt let me fuck her mouth though, she just sucks on it like a popcicle.

Nike pops my cock out of her mouth and looks to Gillian, so Gillian joins Nike on her knees. At this point Devin finally starts to undress. Nike and Gillian take turns licking my cock; Nike holds it to herself, licking it over, then holding it out for Gillian to lick it. My breathing is getting heavier as they change pace and Nike starts sliding it into her mouth, then Gillian does the very same. I'm moving closer and closer. They keep sliding my piece in and out of eachothers mouths and before too much longer they're taking turns sucking on it. I especially like Gillian's way of giving head, she's twirling and twisiting her tongue around my cock like a slimey snake.

I'm getting nervous when Devin joins Gillian and Nike on their knees infront of me, does he want to suck my dick too? "Whose gonna suck Devin off?" I ask, trying to get him away from me. "No one, silly." Gillian told me in the splick second she pulled my cock out of her mouth. "That's the deal," Nike starts to tell me, "They came with so that me, Gillian, and Devin will all get fucked by you."
"I don't know about that." I'm not gay.
"Look here fucker, you're going to let me, Gillian, and even Devin suck you off, then your gonna fuck all of us up the asses, and that includes Devin." Nike tells me, threateningly.
"I ain't fucking gay, Nike" I tell her, trying to reason.
"Gay or straight, there's no real difference anymore, that is a decades old problem." Devin tells me getting closer, pushing Nike and Gillian apart. "Whoa, whoa! Hold on!" I start to yell when Nike hands my cock off to Devin.
"Oh relax Benny-boy," Nike tries to relax me, "If some guy is sucking your dick youre not gay, its just some faggot sucking you off, that doesnt make you gay." she has a crappy logic.
I take a deep breth, preparing myself for the pain when Devin leans in on my crotch. Wasting no time he takes my entire length in his mouth and starts in by deepthroating me. When I he push down on my cock no further he sticks his tongue out and starts licking, this is probably for less endowed men though; when he sticks his tongue out he is supposed to be able to lick the dude's balls, but it's pretty much impossble to do with my cock.

NIke gives Devin's ass a nice slap before she stands up. She leans in on my and starts kissing me hard, really hard. She bites my bottom lip and she bites my tongue, she sticks her wet, writhing tongue in my mouth, and I am about to scream with ecstacy. She starts sucking my tongu, which almost sends me over the edge, then I remember there s a dude on my cock, and that brings me back off my cloud. She holds my head close to hers, gripping my hair to keep me in place. Then she backs off.

She crawls back down to where Devin and Gillian are. Gillian and Nike kiss and run their tongues up and down the sides of my cock while Devin handles the head, it's pure pleasure. I put my my hand behind Nike's head, rubbing her neck, and shouldesr gently; I do the same to Gillian. "C'mon, yea, I'm getting there." I tell them between breathless gasps.

Finally Nike grabs hold of my fat shaft and starts jerking me off, this deters Gillian for a second, but then she joins in. There is easily enough room for Gillian and Nike to fit both their hands on my cock all at the same, so that's what they do. The two girls are jerking my off, with four hands total, while Devin keeps sucking away at the head of my cock. "Oh fuck, Oh shit." I mutter, I'm getting closer and closer, shit...

"Oh, Fuck!..." I cum like a freight train. My cum spurts up in Devin's face while he holds his mouth open(though none actually gets into his mouth) I'm breathing heavly while the cum still squirts out, leaning back on my arms, "Shit..." Devin isn't done yet, he's still jerking my cock slowly, trying to milk it for every drop of cum.

I am being pulled and twisted like pink taffy at this point. I'm disgusted with myself for letting some faggot suck my cock, but at the same time it feels so fucking good... Almost as good as Nike, though I would never tell her this. I'd never live it down if I told her getting my cock sucked by a guy was almost as good as being sucked by her...


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Chapter Five - Can I Get A Passport? After four weeks of being confined in Mrs Cashmore's house I desperately wanted to go out, the furthest I had been was the back garden to hang out the washing and assist with the gardening. Delores did the shopping on Saturday and went to church every Sunday. I quizzed her about that but her response was vague. She said that she had been bought up a Christian and despite her chosen profession she still practiced her faith on Sundays. Most...

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Sarah the Submissive CoWorker Gets a Toy

Sarah walked into the office with a mixture of excitement and dread. She was still trying to figure out her feelings and desires from yesterday. She couldn’t believe that she got caught looking at porn at work, and then was both humiliated and turned-on by Yvonne’s orders and demeaning attitude. Then on top of that, she had to explain to her husband why she smelled of sex when she met him for dinner. Luckily, he accepted her story that she was horny and just couldn’t wait to make love to him...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 21

I wasn't surprised that campus was nearly deserted on a Sunday morning during the summer semester. I parked my car in the lot near Pollock Commons and headed inside to the housing office to sign in and pick up my room key. I moved my Golf over to the parking lot closest to Hartranft Hall to unload. I parked beside a true classic automobile, a 60's era bright orange Ford Mustang convertible. I looked it over before I carried my first load inside. The car was immaculate. Someone had taken...

2 years ago
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My wife and neighbour

The evening began as a diner party between three couples at village 8 miles fromhome. Sharon and I went with our neighbours Ian and Diane, the men in DJ`s andthe girls in cocktail dress's. Sharon looked great in her blue dress, underwhich I knew she had new G-string and suspenders. The dress offered her 34D titsadequate support so she was braless. The food was good and the wine flowed. Theevening included lots of fun and games, including dancing with each other'spartners. The girls all looked...

1 year ago
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In the shower

Keilee was so happy to finally be back at her boyfriend's apartment. She was actually a little relieved that he was still out with the guys. She knew he would try to convince her to keep on the costume from the party, but for tonight, she had more than her fill of it. She still regretted agreeing to pose for it. It was not because of the exposure that she regretted it. It was because that flighty little bitch Lauren went whining to everyone else that she couldn't wear the costume, and they...

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Yiets Isekai Misadventure

Yiet stands up. "Oh wow I drank too much last night..." She looks around and finds herself in an academic office with no door. There's a massive desk in front of her and a blue haired woman wearing an elaborate lace robe with a sparkling halo over her head. She has pointed ears, glowing blue eyes with slit pupils, and very large breasts. Yiet feels something stir in her and looks down with alarm. She first grasps her own enlarged breasts, then the protruding tip of her new cock, then she...

3 years ago
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The first time I ever squirted

Well I can tell you the first time I ever squirted it was a huge shock to me!!! As my fantasies were evolving overtime I was getting more and more turned on. I could literally feel my pussy open wide for my husbands cock while he was plowing into me. My clit would swell up squelching and dripping with my pussy juice....and the best thing of all was my hubby was more than happy to indulge me with these fantasties and I with his :-) This particular night I was playing porn star on a live cam show...

4 years ago
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Business and Pleasure

Neil was working late again. It was just after Christmas and the orders hadn’t slowed down yet. That meant his role in Sales Support was in demand. It was good in one way, but he was burning the candle at both ends. He was normally a nine till five guy, but working till seven, at least meant he got fewer distractions. He often founding himself answering queries and becoming entangled in various conversations during the day. In the evening he could just get on with it. The absence of...

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Adams Family Ch 07

By the time the food arrived, Dan and Adam were already hard again.  I love young cock, Christine thought when she saw the fully engorged members.  The food quickly vanished, because the six aroused people eating it had a far different hunger dominating their thoughts.  When Christine started turning back on the cameras, Becky hurried to clear everything off the bed.Christine flipped on the last camera and grinned as she watched her eager redheaded niece already straddling Dan.  Christine made...

4 years ago
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SurvivorChapter 05

When Pat moves from Grade School to Junior High School he’s a bit surprised by the change in the student culture. However, soon after he starts the 10th Grade in Senior High School the differences in the student culture to his previous schools is a shock to him! In the first few weeks he learns how important the student social standing is to the majority of the students now, and how it can make school easier or a lot harder than it needs to be. The real shock for him is how so many minor...

3 years ago
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More public sex adventures spain

We love public sex especially when we are seen. Our next big adventure was in Spain. We went on holiday on the island of Ibiza where going topless was a norm in all beaches and complete nudity in the special beaches on the island. It was very hot on the island and the hotel did not have air conditioning. But that didn't bother us since the sea breeze was very nice. We were there for 7 days and every night we would do it on the balcony. We would make out like dogs in heat . Frequently...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt25

Introduction: Punishment Twin Japanese Nieces Pt25 To say that this whole ordeal was leaving a bad taste in my mouth would be like saying that gargling with gasoline would be refreshing. We needed a way to ensure that Eric would not talk about this to anyone and it had to be something drastic. As Kayko and I stood there looking at the trio inspiration stuck like lightning out of the sky. Eric, I said as I looked at the crying boy, What would your parents do if they knew that you had taken...

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Rachel And Roxanne Ch1

Day 1, Sunday, April 21. Dear diary, Alice is a bitch. She's a cunt, a dick, a heel, and a shitty friend. And I'm talking Judas Iscariot level bad friend. Here's what happened: Since we live in different parts of the country, we agreed to meet on board. After all the hassle of travel and the security screening, I made my way down to our cabin. It's small, with twin beds and a tiny, cramped, bathroom, although with a shower. There's no window since we booked as cheaply as possible. After all, we...

Straight Sex
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It Was Certainly Innocent Enough

It Was Certainly Innocent Enough It was certainly innocent enough - I mean, I was just looking at their costumes. You know, the standard black long sleeve leotard, ballet pink seamed tights, the white daisy ballet slipper, with the white ribbon across the foot. They were standing in line at the ballet bar practicing positions. My sister was standing third from the left; next to Connie, as usual. I didn't think she could see me peeking through the window. "Stand up straight girls, and...

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Gables Academy

Chapter 1- PrologueIt was known as The New Republic, and it had been born out of necessity. Looking back, it began on September 11, with the attack on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. That was followed by a biological terrorist attack. Subsequently, five cities were destroyed by suitcase nukes that yet another terrorist organization bought from the Chechen Mafia.Then OPEC- The Oil Producing and Exporting Countries- suddenly refused to accept the dollar for payment of oil, and the...

2 years ago
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Becoming a true pervert

I have been trying to figure out what to share with you today. I have so many experiences, that are all true mind you, that I have a tough time choosing which one to share. This is the fourth post to my blog. I will try to make it exciting for you to read. By the time that I had been jacking off in public in front of girls for a few years I was kinda getting bored. Not to say that I wasnt getting excited anymore but I had been using the same places and ways of being caught that I thought it was...

4 years ago
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Nangi Wife

By : Asmit222 Hello meri id meri wife ki age 26 hai aur meri 29 saal.hum gurgaon mai rehte hai aur hamari marriage ko 3 saal hogaye hain meri wife ka naam sonam hai aur woh dikhne mai bhut he sexy hai uske momme ka size 36 aur gaand 34 hai pink nipples aur gore badan ki wajha se woh bhut he sexy lagti hai mera yeh story 6 month pehle ki hai sex karke mai bore hoo chuka tha aur mai kuch new chata tha mujhe ek alag si talab lag gayi thi ki Sonam ke moome ka dedaar aur bhi ladke karen matlab...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 420

The C5 arrived back from Thailand Sunday afternoon. The freight they carried was tightly wrapped with canvas and quickly off-loaded and spirited away. It took longer to refuel the plane than it did to off-load the freight. The time of Monday’s flight was going to depend on the post trip inspection. The mechanics worked on the checklist until dark and were going to require several more hours Monday morning. I was taking Monday and Fridays off from KCC now and should have been taking more. I...

1 year ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 25

Raul manned the grill, and as was the tradition, everyone lounged around him in the back yard, watching him work, and making un-helpful suggestions. Bobby had managed to pull himself together enough that no one questioned his mood or behavior. He did see Sammy looking at him thoughtfully a few times. Shortly after all the food had been consumed, they heard Collette's Beemer horn out front. Bobby and Sammy expressed their sincere regret at not being able to stay and help clean up, and took...

4 years ago
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Sales Girl Ko Choda

Hello friends mera naam Brijesh he aur me Bhopal me rehta hu.meri age 20 yrs he.ab jo me kahani aap logo ke sath share karne ja raha hu wo mera pehla experience tha jo ki ek salesgirl ke sath huwa ab me kahani par aata hun ye bat tab ki he jab me class me tha aur meri age lagbhag 20 yrs thi ye Garmiyo ke mahine ki bat he shayad june ya july ki he.mere ghar ke sabhi log papa, mummi aur chota bhai sab gao gaye huwe the aur ghar par me lagbhag 18 dino ke liye akela tha aap logo ko ek bat...

3 years ago
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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 15

Danny knocked on the frame of the office door, while looking at the man who was wearing an extremely expensive suit. He was seated behind a very fancy looking desk. The man looked up at Danny, taking in his age and informal clothes. He frowned wondering if the kid was some secretary’s kid who was up here for the day selling band candy. He asked, “Can I help you?” “Are you Dr. Moore?” “I’m Mr. Moore.” “I’m Danny Markem.” Mr. Moore glanced down at his appointment book and saw that he had...

3 years ago
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Remembering Tracey Part Five

I followed Tracey out of the movie theater, watching her sexy butt sway in her short skirt. Anyone looking would have noticed the big bulge in the front of my pants, and probably notice the flush on her face as well. We walked out to my truck and I opened her door for her. As she climbed into the seat, I reached up and slid my hand up between her legs, nudging her pussy. It only took a second, and I did it just to make her jump. When my fingers touched her, she was still wet enough that they...

2 years ago
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San Andreas Stories Chapter one

KING IN EXILE     ‘Yo ese, where are you?’   Carl was still trying to work out the answer to that question, fifteen minutes after he had been dumped here. All he knew was that it was raining, he was wet, and a little further down the road was a large truck stop. He was still making his way down the freeway towards it as he spoke on his cellphone.   ‘I don’t know!’ Carl replied, trying to the keep the edge of panic out of his tone. ‘Everything’s fucked up, Ceese. My brothers been shot. We got...

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The Claiming of Lynn Ch 02

The warmth of the mid-morning sun cleared the deep fog of sleep from his mind while he stretched to bask in the warmth. Taking a deep breath, he caught the scent of musk and sandalwood. With a smile, he rolled over to grasp Lynn. ‘Good morning, woman.’ Opening his eyes in alarm when she was not there, he rolled quickly to his other side, reaching for his dagger, but stopped when he saw Lynn kneeling quietly at the bedside in a green chemise. ‘Did you sleep well?’ she asked with a modest, yet...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Amber Summers Tiny Touchdown Twat

Redhead shorty Amber Summers may not be super strong, but she is agile. She has dreams of playing football with the big boys, and she enlists our stud to help her practice. The guy is surprised by how quick and nimble the teeny chick is, and he soon becomes a believer in her potential. Soon, the two pro players go inside for a post practice bone sesh. Amber chokes on her coachs big cock, trying hard to fit the whole thing in her mouth! Then, he picks her up and slams her cooch, pounding her...

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Long Arm of DisciplinePart 8

We got back to the apartment around 2am. My pussy was still aching for more of Liu’s cock. “I could have made you fuck all those guys.” Liu reminded me as he grabbed my arm and led me to the bedroom. “I know that, but I’m glad you didn’t.” I said as I sat on the bed and took off my shirt. I could feel the sexual tension surround us. I took off my bra and let it drop to the floor. “I think we impressed them, Liu.” “What the hell makes you think that?” “I could tell by the way they were...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Hot Cousin Sister

We are 4 members in a family, me, my elder brother, mother, and father. My father is doing business. I am a 27-year-old software engineer. Coming to the incident, it happened to me and my cousin sister about three years back. At the time my age is 24 and my sister’s age is 21. Coming to her structure, 34-30-38 sizes and she is very cute. Any boy will think of sex or masturbate after seeing her. After my studies, I got a job in Bangalore. Once I got a call from an unknown number. It was none...

2 years ago
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Me and My Step Daddy Jack Part 2

My step dad, Jack and I, we fucked a lot, A lot seemed little compared to how much Jack was fucking me day and night when ever he was free.. Tonight was his company's party. He dressed me like his little cumslut for the party, I knew I'd have all eyes on me because of what I was wearing for tonight’s party. He didn't let me cum all day today while he teased and fingered me, this was getting me even more horny and frustrated, Said he was saving me for the party tonight, I assumed he was...

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Whores in my BedroomChapter 4

Connie was studying late. She had to submit her class assignment positively by next day failing which she knew that her grades would suffer. She cursed herself for her laziness in not completing her assignment in time. She frantically looked for a book in her cupboard. Shit! She searched again. The book was not there. She swore again and sat on her study desk trying to recall where she might have left her book. It came immediately; she recalled that she had left the book in the car. She...

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The Wonderful Blowjob Inside The Train Toilet

Hi friends this is Roby from Bangalore I have been a regular reader of this website for 2 years now. I don’t miss any new stories. Some of them find to be fantasies; still they are worthwhile to have a go. I am 28 years old, well built, dusky in color with a sexy body. Girls found me sexy as far as I know. I am going to tell an incident which happened last week while coming to Bangalore. I would appreciate your comments and feedback at my email id I am from Cochin in Kerala and working in...

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Ms Sloane PresidesChapter 3 Zip It

Now I rather resent the absurd notion that I was to the manner born. And I do go out of my way to avoid any hint of favoritism at work. Some chaps, having access to a key executive — to wit, i. e., for e. g., one’s mother — might take advantage of that insider connection. Birdie Brewster, for the record, took no such shortcuts. I waited until dinner, “Mamacita, you know how old school Louise Lane is...” She held up her hand, much like a school crossing guard, “Birdie, BB needs you to take on...

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My moms tailor

Hi, my name is ramesh kotari i am 19 years old and i live with my parents my dad’s name is rajesh and he works in an indian company and my mom’s name is sunita and is a housewife. We stay at pune. This incident i am going to share is when i was 14 years old. One day during my summer vacation i was watching tv when mom called me and said to accompany her to the market. Mom was wearing a red colour saree and a matching blouse. Now to describe mom looks, mom was 38 years old at that time and her...

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Cinema Hall Se Sex Ki Shuruat Hapur Ki Kahani

HI friends, Mai ISS ka regular reader hu. Shuruat me to muje bhot shauk chada tha ISS ka, fir dhire dhire mene ye shauk thoda kam kar dia. But ab bhi m kuch stories padhta hu yaha pe. Is baar mene soccha ki apna incident bhi likh du. Now m apko apne bare me bata du. Mera name Vishal (name changed) hai or m ab 23 saal ka hu. M Hapur (U.P) se hu. Hapur Ghaziabad k paas me hai. Baat tab ki h jb m 19 yrs ka tha. Mera colour gora h or height 5’8” hai or m normal built ka hu. Or mere lund ka size jb...

3 years ago
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Office play

You position your chair so you can look at Will from above your screen without it being too noticeable. He is your chosen prey for today, office gossip about his fetishes has put him on your radar and you feel you need to experience his muscled body for yourself. He rises from his desk and walks over to the drink machine. You let your mind wander for a second letting thoughts of him dominating you wash over your mind and you begin to feel a further yearning between your thighs.

2 years ago
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AftermathChapter 24

There was still some dust and dirt, but little noise when I got to the office on Wednesday, clad in my brown suit. I worked my way through the mail and the phone slips and was mulling the interview schedule when Chaz arrived. We chatted briefly about his trip — they were leaving this Saturday and returning the following one — and about what he wanted for Floreat. I told Mona to get to work on ads and on salary range. I then told Chaz about our disappointment with the house on College Road. He...

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After The Dance

After The Dance an original story by CutePatti It was the night of the Homecoming dance at my daughter's high school. Beth was a senior and she and her best friend Jenny were going to the dance together with their boyfriends and then Jenny was to spend the night at our house. Beth looked beautiful in her new dress. She normally didn't wear such dressy and formal clothes but decided to do so for this dance. I think Jenny was rubbing off on her because she is this very feminine girl...

1 year ago
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My girlfriends mother part 4

My girlfriend’s mother, Part 4Those of you who have been following my adventures with my girlfriend’s family will by now know all the characters so I will not go over them again if not then I would suggest that you go to the original and start there.My next story has quite a few different facets that I hope you will enjoy.It starts with one of my visits to service my girlfriends mother one rainy Wednesday afternoon, we were relaxing after the first frenzied session and were sitting up on the...

4 years ago
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A Lovely Couple

It was another Friday night, and I had that feeling again, the feeling that could only be satisfied with a wet pussy on my dick. Being wrapped up in my career, I didn’t make time for a girlfriend so when I had to satisfy a sexual urge, I usually headed to the local adult theater. It was the best adult theater in town. It was a large locale with a big selection of videos, magazines and plenty of novelty items. It has numerous private video booths, some with glory holes, and a billiards room...

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A Night to Herself in London

The day had been spent exercising, fasting and hydrating. As she stepped into the shower after finally finishing cleaning herself out, she sighed deeply since now the fun could start. The warm water raced down her perfectly smooth skin thanks to the full body waxing a week prior. It ran down her lean muscled back, between the shoulder blades, over the dimples above her perfectly round smooth ass, down the crack and just kissing her silky balls before dripping away. She turned to allow the...

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Only a Fantasy

I'd always wanted to try it, since I'd first heard about it, at least. You know, to have more than one guy at the same time. When my friend Jessie told me about it - she'd seen it in a porno film that she'd watched with her boyfriend - it sent a chill through me. It wasn't fear. It was more like... destiny. Jessie said she couldn't imagine actually doing that. I could, although I didn't say so. But then I've always been, well, sexy. Maybe I wasn't the first girl my age to have sex,...

3 years ago
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The Game Ch 05

The walk home was when the facts really settled in for the first time. I’d been going along with whatever happened over the last few days, and had no regrets, but needed to sort out in my mind what was going on. That last was just a little too close for comfort. If I wasn’t careful, I was going to be caught in some really embarrassing situation, and get in trouble that I couldn’t just laugh off. The other thing I realised was that I needed to talk with someone about it all. I needed someone...

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