Internal Affairs Ch. 02 free porn video

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The bust went down just as Roger expected. The vice unit rolled up on most of the gang before the word got out. They were processing the scene using the lab people, who had managed to avoid being tainted by Roger’s investigation, so the evidence was solid.

Mark had lied about the timing in order to keep the drug house raid a secret, even from Roger. Roger didn’t mind.

‘The word is out that you were Vice’s secret weapon on that abandoned house,’ Hillary suggested.

‘How did that happen,’ Roger asked.

‘Mark put it in his request for a warrant,’ Hillary said with disapproval in her voice. ‘You should have told me of your suspicions.’

‘I told you something was wrong with the old lady’s story, but you didn’t want to hear it,’ Roger snapped. He might be leaving, but he would be damned if he went quietly, he thought

‘I suppose it did sound that way to you. When you mentioned it to me, it was just a feeling you had. When you had the drug theory tied together with the house, you should have told me. I would have carried if forward, and I could have kept your name off the warrant. Mark used your past as leverage for the warrant.’ Hillary said. ‘And to cover his ass, if it went bad.’

‘Okay next time I will,’ Roger said. He most likely meant it. Mark could have left him hanging out to dry.

‘Good, have you eaten,’ Hillary asked.

‘Sure,’ Roger replied.

‘What did you eat?’ she asked.

‘What is this?’ Roger asked. ‘Like a dating profile?’

‘You are too thin. You still look like a junkie,’ she said not all that kindly.

‘Hillary it is none of your business, but I have only been out of rehab two weeks,’ Roger snapped. ‘I’m sorry, but I’m just tired of being reminded of my past. Some one is always bring it up somehow.’

Hillery nodded because she didn’t trust herself to speak. She walked back to her desk and began searching the file folders.

Roger obviously made her very uncomfortable. He felt it but didn’t have any idea what to do about it. So he sat at the desk across from Hillary and began to read files.

His burner phone rang, ‘Hello,’ he said into it.

‘Mark here, Everhart I’m sorry word is all over the station that you were the source of my information. I used you for the surveillance and the search warrant. I had to protect myself, since it was you.’ Mark said.

‘Of course you did. God knows you couldn’t trust me. Fuck you Mark.’ Roger knew his reaction was over the top even as he said it.

Hillary didn’t raise her eyes even thought she must have heard. She continue to read her files. Suddenly out of the blue she said, ‘He was right you know. He was covering his ass. Everyone will do that, since you are a snitch and therefore not to be trusted. This whole department is an embarrassment to the whole damn state. You took down 22% of the department in that drug operation. It got so out of hand, not even your handlers will touch you now. You went to the DEA for your deal and didn’t allow them the chance to cut their losses.’

‘I know all that, I was there remember. What’s your point?’ Roger asked.

‘My point is they picked the wrong man for their undercover operations. It was a power struggle inside the department and they all lost. Roger no matter what they all say, you did the right thing.’ Hillary said with what passed as a smile from her.

‘Yeah, I heard that a lot from the feds, but I still have to piss in a cup whenever they ask.’ Roger found that ironic, but he knew that it would help him stay clean.

The rehab program he had chosen wasn’t one of those easy breezy celebrity warm and fussy things. It was one run by the military on a marine boot camp base. They had a drug problem bad enough to need a rehab for those soldiers worth saving. There were also DEA men coming out of deep cover. It was all very hush, hush and pretty damn harsh.

‘He was forced to eat real food, even though he threw it up when he started to run. There were twenty of them in a group. Since they didn’t exist they had no designation. The physical exercise was brutal on their wasted bodies, but only a couple gave up. Those were transferred to a civilian program based on the warm and fuzzy model.

Roger wanted to quit every time it came time for the run, or an exercise period. They had meetings that were psych evaluations every day as well. He was forced into mandatory counseling sessions. He resisted them at first but in the end he embraced the stress relief of meditation. He was trying to learn a new way of thinking that would require a radical change in his life style. In the end what he was trying to do was just survive the day without the crack pipe.

‘You have been staring at the same page of that same file for five minutes, are you okay?’ Hillary asked.

‘Yes Ma’am. Just meditating,’ he replied. Roger had a uneasy feeling about Hillary. He didn’t get any vibe from her and that was strange. Everyone had and aura, Hillary’s was somehow just transparent as if it didn’t exist. He had no idea what to make of her.

‘If you aren’t involved in anything else, let’s go for a ride. We need to talk to a college kid,’ she said.

‘That sounds like fun,’ Roger said. ‘What is the kid alleging?’

‘Her statement suggests she was asked for sexual favors from an officer and when she refused he arrested her for driving while intoxicated. Her blood screen did show a high level of THC,’ Hillary advised.

‘Is this a he said, she said?’ Roger asked.

‘We won’t know till we interview everyone. I’m not sure the officer even knows he is being investigated.’ Hillary suggested.

Roger managed to get his stiff almost six foot frame from the too low office chair. Once on his feet he walked from the office to the unmarked car parked in the police parking lot. He hadn’t been assigned a car because his driver’s license had been revoked. It was for a drug arrest as part of building his cover story. He was awaiting a hearing by the department of motor vehicles.

Roger didn’t mind all that much since Hillary was a good driver, but overly careful. He had purchased a fifty cc motor scooter to get around town while he waited. It was a mother when it rained, but that’s what his taxi fund was for. He couldn’t exactly call a fellow officer for a ride.

They found the college student at her family home. Hillary had called to set the interview, so she had her mother seated with her.

‘I hope you don’t mind my mother being here. She insisted that she be here,’ Alice informed them.

‘Actually, we prefer it,’ Hillary said. ‘Let’s start with the facts that we all can agree on, shall we. First of all Officer Gomez made a traffic stop on you the night of June 17th of this year, is that correct?’ Hillary asked.

‘Yes, I was on my way home from my fiends house,’ Alice volunteered.

‘Would you give me her name please for the record,’ Hillary asked.

‘Do I have to,’ Alice asked.

‘I’m afraid so. If this goes to trial the lawyers will ask why we didn’t do a thorough investigation,’ Hillary said.

‘Tell her honey,’ the mother said.

Alice gave Hillary a name and address. She was beginning to look worried. Roger saw her aura go from yellow to red. He couldn’t really see if of course but he could feel that she was lying, maybe about the friend.

‘You and your friend were smoking pot,’ Hillary asked.

‘It is legal to smoke Marijuana,’ the mother said.

‘Of course it is, but it is also an intoxicant under the law. It’s just a matter of how much your daughter smoked. It might be legal to use but it not legal to drive an automobile under the influence of even a legal drug.’ Hillary said. ‘So how much weed did you smoke?’

‘Yes we shared a joint,’ Alice said.

‘Just one?’ Hillary asked the disbelief heavy in her voice.

‘Is this about the officer’s inappropriate conduct or the DUI charge. If you are investi
gating my daughter I think she should have a lawyer.’ The girl’s mother said.

‘Do you feel you need a lawyer Alice?’ Hillary made it sound as though if she got a lawyer she was guilty of the DUI and of lying about the officer. Even though in theory one charge had nothing to do with the other. Except she implied he would not have charged her, if she had gone along.

‘Well mom said even innocent people need lawyers,’ Alice replied and her mother nodded her head.

Before you ask for a lawyer let me ask you one questions. Do you feel that you were under the influence of THC?’ Hillary asked.

‘Now my daughter does need a lawyer,’ The woman with Alice suggested.

‘You want to stop for a milk shake,’ Hillary asked.

‘No thanks Hillary, I’m trying to stay fit,’ Roger said. ‘You know Alice is guilty of the DUI. I’m sure she is trying to work a deal.’

‘Maybe, but being guilty of DUI does not mean the incident didn’t happen just like she said.’ Hillary answered. ‘The truth is we don’t know what her version is since nobody would admit to drunken flirting in front of her mother.’

‘You do have a point. Why don’t we pull Gomez personnel record so we can see what kind of cop he is?’ Roger suggested.

‘I already have. He has no disciplinary actions but he has been transfered from one platoon to another twice in the last year. Something is going on with him,’ Hillary suggested.

‘Why not ask him?’ Roger asked.

‘Because skinny Roger, a detective never asks a question unless he already has the answer,’ Hillary replied. ‘Or at least thinks she does.’

‘I thought that was a lawyer,’ Roger said.

‘Same kind of shit. You just mix enough things to which you know the answer, with ones you don’t know and hope to learn somethings valuable at the end of the day.’ Hillary said.

‘So it’s time we took a chance, we can do more background after the interview,’ Roger suggested.

‘Officer Gomez, my name is officer Everhart. Is there anything you wish to say before we begin the official interview.’ Roger asked.

‘Everybody knows who you are, so go ahead and crucify me,’ Gomez said.

Hillary turned on the tape recorder. ‘Present for the first interview with patrolman Gomez is officer Gomez, Detective First Class Hillary Bridges and Detective Everhart.

I am handing you a copy of the incident report for the arrest of Alice Belmont. Your report says that you were following Alice’s car when you noticed she was having problems staying between the lines of her traffic lane, is that correct?’ Roger asked.

‘If that’s what it says,’ Gomez replied.

‘You know our report can be completed in a day, or it can drag on for weeks. The more cooperation we get the faster it ends,’ Hillary said.

‘Yes Ma’am,’ Gomez looked across at Roger and asked, ‘Do you get off on this?’

‘Are you asking if I get off helping cops in the jackpot climb out like I’m trying to do now. Maybe you are asking about the lying scum dope dealers, who happened to wear the same uniform I did. Which are you asking officer Gomez?’ Roger had raised his voice.

‘Roger a word,’ Hillary said as she stood. In the hall she asked, ‘Are you okay.’

‘Never better,’ Roger said taking deep breaths.

‘Okay you want to go somewhere and meditate?’ she asked sarcastically.

‘When this is over,’ he said turning back for the door.

‘Well Gomez, I under stand why you have had three parallel transfers in your three years,’ Hillary said. ‘I was going to ask, but it’s obvious. You don’t play well with others. Does that include the public.’

‘I have never had a citizen complaint until now,’ he said.

‘Not bad, but most cops never get a citizen complaint. Let me suggest a scenario that seems highly plausible.’ Hillary suggested. ‘Alice came out of a known party pad. You followed her to her car, just to be sure no one bothered her, because she was alone. You weren’t quite sure how high she was until she tried to drive.

She weaved and so you stopped her. She tried to flirt with you, asking you to let her go. You didn’t respond and took her to jail. The proper procedure for a cop. She has to tell mommy something, so of course her story wanders to keep Mommy off her ass.’

‘Or,’ Roger said, ‘You did all the right things till she pulled over. When you went up to her you ranted and raved about drunk entitled college kids. Then calmed down and offered a trade for her release with a warning. You knew she was high so she probably wouldn’t even remember. Alice said no, so you took her in and booked her.’

‘That does play just as well,’ Hillary said. ‘So only you and Alice were out there. Oh yes there was the body cam and the dash cam.’ Hillery tossed a screen grab on the table. It show Gomez leaning against the car shot from the dash cam. ‘That looks more like you are relaxed. The body cam is mysteriously off line.’

Roger said, ‘This frame shows what seems to be you in a heated discussion with Alice. So would you like to change your story?’ Roger asked.

‘Look you were a patrolman before you became a rat. You know how it is they flirt with you hoping a titty flash will keep them out of jail. She offered me sex to let her go. I said no and I guess I lost it on her. Point is nothing happened. I took her in.’

‘No, the point is, did you solicit sex from a perpetrator or did she offer you sex. Right now it looks pretty much like she is telling the truth. If she is, then she has grounds for a lawsuit. We want to clear you, but I can’t without that body cam footage.’

‘It’s all circumstantial. You got nothing,’ he said.

‘When it comes to bad cops, Roger here is like a dog with a bone,’ Hilary said. ‘Do you really want him interviewing your friends and neighbors?’ Hilary asked.

‘I don’t give a fuck who he talks to,’ Gomez said. ‘And I ain’t answering no more questions without a union rep or a lawyer.’

‘You are entitled to either or both. This is not a criminal investigation, but it can be,’ Hillary said.

Back at their desks Roger was meditating trying to pull it back together. Hillary was reading the Gomez file,

‘He is guilty of something.’ she said.

‘Sure being an arrogant asshole, but that’s not a crime. You know if mommy didn’t have to know, this the girl wouldn’t have mentioned it at all. If she was really upset, she would have been shouting it at the booking officer at the time.’

‘Maybe she was,’ Hillary suggested. ‘Let’s get the booking officer in for a chat.’

‘Why not catch him at work. It would be a lot easier,’ Roger said.

‘And not nearly as intimidating,’ Hillary explained.

Roger made the call to the booking officer. He explained what it was about just to give him time to gather any information he had. Roger knew there were cameras in the booking room. They had been installed under the pretext that they were there for the officer’s protection. It was like him peeing in the cup.

Roger had spent three months in rehab and two weeks at home trying to find a way to cope with the shit that was rolling down on him.

Most recovering junkies asked for the shit they got, Roger hadn’t. He had been a victim as much as any of the victims that came through the door. Unlike them, he didn’t try to blame his current situation on anyone, he was just trying to cope with the fallout.

‘Deputy Allan Watkins,’ Hillary greeted him. Roger sat quietly in his chair while Hillary explained the camera and tape recordings being made.

‘You do know why you are here?’ she asked.

‘Yeah of course, I looked her up on the computer. I brought the footage along and a laptop to show you that no one touched her. I understand there is a sexual harassment claim pending. I can prove there were no irregularities in the booking.’

‘We are interested in her actions and demeanor while being booked,’ Hillary said. ‘Like did she make any accusations about the offi

‘We get that all the time. You know they come in with their boobs handing out and claim they have been harassed. She was a little worse than the usual, ‘I’ll have your badge’ followed by some pretty colorful language. It’s all on the tape. Is she saying a deputy harassed her while she was in our custody?’

‘No, not at all,’ Roger said.

He stared at Roger. ‘Good cause nothing happened to her at the jail. I got minute by minute tapes of her.’

On the way out he pulled Roger aside, ‘They say you are a junkie cop?’ the deputy declared.

‘So they do. I’ve been clean for months. I never had the addictive personality, but the drugs got to me anyway. It was the job,’ Roger said feeling the need to explain.

‘They say once a junkie, always a junkie, I hope you prove them wrong,’ he said extending his hand.

‘I’m issuing an inconclusive report. There is no direct evidence against him. I am going to have his duty captain review the tapes. He will probably be transfered again,’ Hillary said.

‘Not too many places left for him to go,’ Roger said.

‘School resource officer,’ she suggested.

‘Oh yeah, if I had a kid, he is the kind of officer I would want at her school,’ Roger said.

‘You do make a good point,’ Hillary said. ‘So they were pretty rough on you are you coping?’

‘They are me and I am them,’ Roger said mysteriously.

‘Shit,’ she said with a smile. ‘What does that mean?’

‘Hating them, would be hating myself. I am trying not to hate myself,’ Roger said. ‘I am trying to understand myself, so that I can forgive myself. Understanding is the first step in forgiveness.’

‘That doesn’t sound like one of the steps in the program,’ Hillary suggested.

‘It is in my program. I can’t see me asking forgiveness of the people I injured while I was using,’ Roger explained. ‘They were mostly dirty cops and drug dealers. From the street to the drug houses I hurt them all and have no regrets.

Hillary just nodded her understanding.

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A Tale of Two Love Affairs

Stella took a deep breath and poured herself a generous glass of white wine. She had done her duty, talked to most of the people at the party, and now had a moment to herself. Roland was off in the other room, probably still getting his ear talked off by that guy who owned a sailboat. She thought about going in there and throw him a lifeline but she didn’t bother. Her husband was a big boy. He could take care of himself. Stella was more concerned about Alan. Their son never did well at...

3 years ago
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Abigail Mill-well was a 22 double D she had the body of a sexy runway model with an ass that will you do a double-take. Abigail is hot, and she’s always horny she works for steel Roy and Marks office supply. One day Abigail walked into work with a tight pair of jeans on that showed off all of her curves every man in the office watched as her ass shook from side to side as she walked threw the building. Abigail thought to herself I bet I got all there dicks hard Abigail thought now sit there and...

2 years ago
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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIIChapter 6 Wedding Preparations and Other Affairs

Amidst these pleasant interludes, one event continued looming ever larger in my thoughts, and that event was James’ and my pending nuptials. All through that late Winter and early Spring, Siobhan was gaily leading the charge upon the necessary preparations, and it seemed as if a veritable army of people were becoming involved. Certainly, the volume of my personal correspondence multiplied, as did the number of people involved! I had already received assurances from Mrs. Pembleton that she...

1 year ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 05

Rose decided that she should use her cell phone to order take out pizza. She also decided that they could stop to pick it up on the way to her apartment. After roger retrieved the pizza, she drove straight to a tall concrete condo building near the Governmental plaza. ‘Nice place,’ Roger said upon seeing the inside. ‘Corporate welfare,’ Rose explained. ‘It’s owned by the company. When someone higher up the food chain comes along, I can be asked to move out. In the meantime we can enjoy the...

2 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 5

Rose decided that she should use her cell phone to order take out pizza. She also decided that they could stop to pick it up on the way to her apartment. After roger retrieved the pizza, she drove straight to a tall concrete condo building near the Governmental plaza. "Nice place," Roger said upon seeing the inside. "Corporate welfare," Rose explained. "It's owned by the company. When someone higher up the food chain comes along, I can be asked to move out. In the meantime we can...

3 years ago
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Family Affairs

But when I was ten I walked into their room. I found Mitchell's head between Dale's legs. Dale was throat fucking Mitchell. Mitchell tongue wiggled on Dale's cock. I didn't see Dale's cock. But I saw something so gross it changed my life. Mitchell puked up his lunch all over Dale's cock and balls. It was yellow and chunky like mashed bananas. Mitchell didn't know what to do. Dale pulled him off and jacked off with the gooey stuff on his cock. And overted my eyes before he unfurled his...

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Dangerous Affairs

Chapter One Leigh Grayson was in her bedroom looking at her own face reflected in the body length mirror. Her beauty was oblivious to her. She could make her presence known anywhere she entered. Her long black hair complemented a perfectly heart-shaped face. But her dark chocolate eyes reflected all the sadness she felt inside. She missed her parents terribly. Her parents would have been proud of her, she thought. Her mother, Maria, was always supportive of her passion for art. Maria, a...

3 years ago
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Wifes Affairs

Sara was my wife and attractive enough that she would receive cat calls as we walked down the street because she was very thin, 5 ft 5, 110 pounds with 36D cup breasts. Her eyes are big and full of life and also has jet black hair.We had a normal and uneventful marriage up until the third year. It seems the seven year itch hit Sara at the three year mark. I was a soldier and deployed often for temporary duty but never had a doubt in my mind about Sara’s faithfulness while I was gone. We had...

1 year ago
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Scandalous Affairs

The first time it happens there is guilt. Usually always is, but that biting urgency to let passion take over can’t be ignored… The party is in full swing and drinks are in everyone and everywhere. The younger crowd dancing and swaying to the music thumping through the speakers, lights flashing in time illuminating the sweating bodies in the club. Rented out for a very special occasion the college students are taking full advantage of the scene and not wasting time with conversations. Mel and...

4 years ago
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Private Affairs

This story is meant to be played in Game Mode. James is a young man with problems. And holy shit, does he have a problem. In the last few years James found himself becoming bored and indifferent to school. He slipped from being a straight-A student, to an A and B student, then a B student, finally to a B and C student. He still had this year and the next of before he planned on moving on. On top of that, his girlfriend recently dumped him after a party went bad. That whole situation got...

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Royal Affairs

While under the rule of Duke Gabrius III, Aethasia has become a prosperous country. Homelessness is nearly nonexistent, and there hasn't been a famine in decades. The duke is a very well respected man, so the talk of his declining health has been kept to a mere whisper amongst the people. None of them care to admit it, but in his old age, they know he won't be fit to rule for much longer. Luckily for him, his heir to the throne had already taken command of the military, and would be ready to do...

2 years ago
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Scandalous Affairs

The first time it happens there is guilt. Usually always is, but that biting urgency to let passion take over can't be ignored... The party is in full swing and drinks are in everyone and everywhere. The younger crowd dancing and swaying to the music thumping through the speakers, lights flashing in time illuminating the sweating bodies in the club. Rented out for a very special occasion the college students are taking full advantage of the scene and not wasting time with conversations. Mel and...

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Induction at the Bureau of Extra Normal Affairs

Now that Rachel had been accepted into the Bureau it would probably be many weeks until She received Her first assignment. In the meantime there was an extended period of training and instruction. Some of which would be at the hands of Rowena– who specialised in “Persuasion Techniques” both of the soft and hard variety – but there were as many instructors as skills that it was required any agent should know. It was made very obvious to Her though that as seventh daughter of a seventh...

3 years ago
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New recruits to the Bureau of Extra Normal Affairs

The rest of the night passed in a dream for both of them, on Rachel’s part this was due to Her ensorcelment at the incubus’ hand, but when the effects wore off though all was blurry and only half recalled She was convinced that She had enjoyed every moment of the two hours they had spent wrapped about one another. It was certainly a big night for Her; once She had overcome Her embarrassment at the state that Rowena found Her in and Her dishevelled – if aroused – state. It took Rowena only...

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Indian Wife8217s Secret Affairs

Hi guys, this is Anthony again. This time I would like to narrate the story of a friend of mine. So, I would be writing in his words. His name is Ajith, working in Calcutta as an IT professional, 29 years old, married a year ago, has an athletic body with a height of 5’11”. His wife Sameera is from Gujarat, 25 years old, a young fair girl with a height 5’5″. She does not have a zero size figure and all but has ample flesh at the required place with a figure of 36-32-38. She has a big round ass,...

2 years ago
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Savita Bhabhi Episode 69 Student Affairs

Hi readers! Welcome to another episode of Savita bhabhi stories and this time, the story is about Savita visiting XXX apartments to help a friend in need. So let’s start the story. “The concepts in this chapter are very important,” Annie said to the students as she was writing something on the board. “..which is why we’re having a quiz on them Friday”, she continued. Annie then turned towards her students and said, “Judging from your grades…” she stopped for a while, brought her hands towards...

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family affairs

Characters.The story is not real it is a story of mine for a porno. enjoy.ChloerachelnadineGary (dad of chloe)peter (dad of rachel)steven (dad of nadinemelissa (mother of chloe)daniel (mother of rachel)jade (mother of nadine)PART 1In was in the summer time when 3 friends and there familys got together for a summer holiday out at the cabin by the lake, chloe rachel and nadine aged 18 and 19 would spend a unforgetable holiday. The parents of the girls also were at the cabin in there own rooms...

3 years ago
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Radha Mom8217s Family Affairs

That night I slept under the bed only. Since my spying went on till 1 am that night I just fall asleep there only. Early morning I woke up with the sound of alarm coming from next room. I think Radha mom must have set the alarm. I checked the time. It was sharp 5 o’clock in the morning. I quickly started peeping through the hole. Dim light was on and Radha mom was sitting on the bed and was sneezing. Her hair was all over the place, she was checking her sari. I think Rakesh half woke up due to...

3 years ago
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My Family Sexual Affairs

Hello ISS readers this is Ravi from a small town in Andhra Pradesh. We are 4 people; dad, mom, me, and sis. Dad passed away 6 years before. Mom is working as a tailor in town. I and my sister are studying. My sister Sindhu aged 19. Damn hot with awesome structure. She looks like Shruti Hasan. She loves to dress in Punjabis and salwars. At night she wears T-shirt and a trouser. Sizes are 32-28-36. Near my house there is a canal. No one comes there as it is very far from town. My house contains a...

4 years ago
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Sandeep And Roshni Having Extra Marital Affairs

ello to all my dear friends, this is Sandeep from Navi Mumbai. Its being a real long time since I posted my experiences with my girl friends, it was way back in 2008. Now I m 35 years old, married man with one kid. I seldom enjoy sex with my wife, but having sex with someone else outside marriage really gives an adrenalin kick (nasha). I am sure many of my married friends would agree to this. Now coming to my experience, it was something like a time bomb waiting to explode. All in my 4+ years...

3 years ago
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Wifes Affairs

Sara was my wife and attractive enough that she would receive cat calls as we walked down the street because she was very thin, 5 ft 5, 110 pounds with 36D cup breasts. Her eyes are big and full of life and also has jet black hair.We had a normal and uneventful marriage up until the third year. It seems the seven year itch hit Sara at the three year mark.I was a soldier and deployed often for temporary duty but never had a doubt in my mind about Sara's faithfulness while I was gone. We had...

1 year ago
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Extramarital affairs

First I shall introduce myself. I am Santhi Naidu, a horny wife in my early 30’s and living in heart of the city of Chennai. I got married to my husband six years back. My husband is a lazy fellow, who don’t used to stick to a job permanently because of his irresposible behaviour and bad mouth. He changes his job frequently and few months back only, he joined a company at Bangalore. Due to his irregular income, I am also working in a company. I have a 4 year old daughter studying in a school....

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Family Affairs

Sandy let out a deep sigh as she exploded with an orgasm,as i was pumping my hot lava into her i can be sure she can be mother this time.thats my little sister sandhya,dont be surprised about our all started about three months ago when she tried to commit suicide.we rushed her to the hospital to know that she had consumed sleeping pills,how stupid.she got a second life . I had this strange attraction towards my sister,always looking her the way a brother is not supposed to...

4 years ago
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Family Affairs

I’m 43 now but this all started thirty one years ago. You can do the math. I use to have to stay with my grandma in the summer when my parents were at work. My cousin was four years older than me so I thought he was really cool and wanted to hang out with him. But of course he really didn’t want anything to do with me so I just hung with my girl cousin May. She was 2 years older than me. We use to sneak behind the garage and smoke cigs she stole from grandma. It was blocked on 3 sides and only...

4 years ago
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Overt Military Affairs

‘It’s always been my opinion that feather boas give chorus-girls a dumb appearance,’ said the white, 33-y/o Leander, a sergeant living in Colorado Springs, Co., near Ft. Carson. ‘I understand, although I think Anelia’s a pretty, little ‘skunk’ due to her black hair and the white boa, if she’d only have attached the boa to represent a tail during this evening’s performance!’ smirked the handsome, also-white, dominant and 24-y/o Dwayne. ‘Heck, you might not be an officer, but definitely are a...

2 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 33 Family Affairs

[“That’s not the reward I was talking about!” He grinned.] “Oh, just the fact that you’re willing to let me break one of your fingers tells me you’re pretty confident of your friend’s abilities. The only thing is, I’m going to be the guinea pig because I want to compare the brainwaves of the person getting healed to one before he was injured and not just a couple minutes earlier. I have some of myself from back in the 70s that I want to compare them to. So, let’s get hooked up and see what...

1 year ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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Family Affairs

There is an alternate ending to this story. Please contact me if you want to read alternate ending 2. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel lay in bed, unsatisfied as always. The vivacious forty-three-year-old mother of two teenagers watched as Tom, her husband of 20 years, put on his pants with a grin on his face. He had enjoyed their brief sexual encounter. The routine that she had grown bored of was satiating for him. He touched her tits, she...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 03

‘Hillary I need a couple of hours off this morning,’ Roger said. ‘Of course is everything alright?’ she asked. It was obvious to Roger that over the course of the past month, she had developed a bond with Roger. A bond between the high school nerd, she had been a nerd without a doubt, and the kid nobody liked. They bonded from the necessity for human contact. They would have never been friends, if not for their mutual outsider status. ‘My sister is going to be passing through town. It will be...

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Internal Affairs Ch 10

The night sitter replaced Jan Saturday night at 9pm. They spent two hours watching the TV provided by the Residence Hotel. He was an opinionated prick, Roger thought. At 11pm Roger went to the bedroom showered then went to bed. He left Tate watching the late news shows. Roger didn’t want to discuss politics, which was why he left. Roger slept pretty well. He felt like he knew what was going on. The had him to disappear pretty well. They were also hiding him just as well. Roger seemed to relax...

4 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 11

The next morning Peter awoke not really sure where he was. He was still under thirty so it was more that he was just disoriented than any else. Sleeping on the floor in a totally different place left him shaky, even after three safe houses. It was just too much for his sleep drugged mind to process. After he rolled off the bed it took boiling water poured through coffee grinds to finally remove his head from his ass. Whether it was manipulating the non electric coffee maker, the time it took...

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