- 4 years ago
- 32
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I arrived to class early. I was always early- punctuality was something my parents had drummed into my head. Besides, I was looking forward to this class. I had been trying to get into a figure drawing class for two semesters, but they were always the first to fill up. My name’s Kyle Michaels. I’m an artist. Well, I’m a lot of things, but ‘artist’ is one of the first descriptors I think of when I define myself.
Hmm, only a few people around so far. Today’s the first day of classes, so we’ll probably just go over the syllabus. Probably won’t be…much…excitement…My thoughts trailed off as she entered the room.
Wow, was the first thought that managed to claw its way to my conscious mind. The second was: This girl is trouble.
She was dressed college chic: a dark gray, fitted tee shirt hugged every delightful curve and ended just below her navel, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of the taut, tanned skin of her stomach and waist. The materiel of her black pants looked to be soft velvet and likewise clung to a pair of very shapely legs. Sequined shoes peeked daintily from beneath the cuffs of her pants. Everything about her seemed designed to attract attention.
Dark, almond-shaped eyes met mine. They sparkled mischievously: rich umber pools framed by long, dark lashes. My pulse skipped a beat- she had noticed my perusal. Full lips pulled back, from a row of dazzling white teeth.. Yep, definitely trouble.
I felt my face flush as I hurriedly looked away and felt a surge of annoyance at my reaction. What was going on? I wasn’t an sixteen anymore, why was she having this effect on me? I had worked hard over the years to improve both my body and mind, and I considered no woman to be out of my league. In fact, I had dated some pretty dazzling women in my time. Still, when I looked at her, there was this nagging feeling of…what? Attraction, sure, but something else as well.
I turned it over in my mind, examining this feeling. It wasn’t something I usually felt when meeting women. Anxiety. That’s what it was. Trepidation bordering on fear. She’s a heart breaker, my instincts warned. You’re just setting yourself up for disappointment with that one.
To both my consternation and delight, she sat next to me as we waited for our instructor to arrive. Surreptitiously, I tried to sneak glances without being too obvious. Damn, even in school renowned for beautiful coeds, she stood out. Her profile was flawless, and the artist in me itched to draw it.
When the instructor began taking roll, I listened intently. When the name ‘Jessica Solimine’ was called I heard her voice for the first time.
‘Here, but I prefer just ‘Jess’,’ she replied. Her voice was sweetly feminine, yet slightly husky. I found the contrast delightful. She wound a dark strand of shoulder-length hair through her fingers and toyed with it as the other names were called.
As I suspected, the rest of the class period passed quickly. I admit, I barely heard a word the instructor said- all I could think about was the gorgeous creature sitting next to me. When we were dismissed, I hurriedly began stuffing my notebook back into my backpack as I rehearsed what I would say to her. I had been thinking about it the entire class. For some reason, my usual wit had completely deserted me, and when I ran through the scenarios in my mind, most of them ended up with her either offended or scornful. Steeling myself, I prepared myself for the opening salvo in the battle of the sexes.
She was gone. While I had been daydreaming she had wasted no time in exiting the class. Of course. Girls like her always had someplace to be. Dammit! I quickly slung my unwieldy backpack across my shoulders and hurried from the room.
Outside was chaos. Where was she? The hall was packed with students rushing to and from classes on the first day of classes. There! I spotted her just before she rounded the corner. Apologizing, I pushed and shouldered my way through the crowd. I managed to catch up to her just as she exited the building.
Feigning nonchalance, I fell in beside her, ‘So, what do you think about the class?’
If she was surprised by my sudden appearance or inquiry, she didn’t show it, ‘Mmm, I think I’m gonna like it. The teacher seems really sweet.’
‘Yeah, I’m looking forward to it, I’ve been trying to get into this class for a couple of semesters now,’ I replied, somewhat lamely.
‘Really? So it’s a good class then?’ she asked as she began rummaging through her purse, ‘Do you have a lighter?’
‘Uh, no…sorry, ‘ Damn it. I had two nice butane lighters sitting at home that I hardly ever used. Mentally, I kicked myself for not having brought one.
‘That’s okay,’ she replied as she pulled out a lighter and tried to light her cigarette. With the wind, it took several tries. Note to self: bring a damn lighter next time. Finally successful, she took a drag before turning back to regard me. I was still standing there dumbly, franticly trying to think of something to say. She snapped me out of my reverie.
‘What was your name again?’
‘Kyle. Yours?’ I replied, holding out my hand.
‘Jess,’ she responded as she clasped my hand in her own. Soft skin, but a firm grip.
Deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, I decided a strategic retreat was in order. I needed to get away and pull myself together. ‘Well, I’ll see you in class I guess.’ Good God, I laughed at the absurdity, could I have been any more akward?
As I walked back toward the library, I tried to put the incident behind me. Well, what’s done is done. Probably has a boyfriend anyway. Lucky bastard.
As I entered the library, my spirits lifted. Most of the people I work with are pretty cool, and its an easy job. I check out the books and laptops, and deal with the various problems that pop up. My buddy Tommy was sitting at his desk when I walked over and flopped down on an adjacent chair. He greeted me the same way he always did:
‘Hey man, what goin’ on?’ he asked as he clasped my hand an a viselike grip which I returned in kind.
I replied the same way I always did. ‘Not much man,’ With the image of Jess still fresh in my mind I added, ‘Just got out of my first figure drawing class.’
‘Oh yeah, how’d it go?’
‘I think I’m gonna like it,’ I hesitated, a superstitious doubt surfacing in my mind. Don’t say anything about her, you’ll jinx it. Smiling inwardly at my childishness, I pushed the doubt back down, ‘There’s a girl in my class…’ I trailed off, unsure of how to continue.
Sensing the direction the conversation was heading, Tommy’s dark face split into a grin. ‘Oh yeah, she fine?’
I adjusted my ball cap as I tried to formulate a response, ‘She’s…just…man…yeah.’ Real eloquent I know.
‘Good shit man,’ he replied appreciatively.
‘Yeah,’ I replied absently. Focus man! I chided myself. Logging in to my workstation, I resolved to concentrate on the next two hours of my shift. Yet, over those next two hours I found my mind drifting back to what happened earlier that day.
I awoke the next morning to the hellacious screeching of my alarm clock. Blearily, I rolled over and fumbled and slapped blindly around until it fell blessedly silent. Squinting, I tried to focus my sleep-impaired eyes on the blue numbers glowing in the dark. Five a.m.-PT (Army Physical Training) today. Damn, damn, damn.
I heard myself groan piteously as I forced myself out of my warm, deliciously comfortable, inviting bed. ‘Cripes,’ I moaned to the otherwise empty apartment. I needed some motivation. I stumbled over to my PC and nudged the mouse, awaking it from its own hibernation. The hard drive whirred and the speakers popped in protest.
Still blinking the sleep from my eyes, I pulled up my music player and looked for something to wake me up. Ah, here we go-The Dropkick Murphys always get me amped up. As the dulcet tones
of ‘Shipping up to Boston’ began to play I unsteadily made my way to the kitchen.
On the way, I passed my mirror and greeted my reflection. Man, I had seen better days. An errant thought came unbidden to my mind. Is there any possibility that a girl like Jess could be attracted to that guy in the mirror? It reminded me of a movie. Remember in Star Wars when Han Solo asks Luke, ‘You think a princess and a guy like me…?’ It worked out pretty well for him. Of course, this wasn’t a movie. Real life doesn’t always have a happy ending. That thought was pushed away as I popped a caffeine pill and chugged some Gatorade before pulling my PT uniform on and heading out the door.
The day passed pretty quickly after that. I did PT, went home, showered , ate a quick breakfast, then it was off to class. My painting class seemed promising, but I knew all those supplies were going to be expensive. Well, at least I could focus here. No beautiful girls to distract me, I thought wryly, Just the usual humdrum activities of the day. I was starting to recover my equilibrium.
I checked my class schedule while I Idly considered how much these supplies would cost. My next class was Advanced Drawing, and according to the creased, smudged sheet of paper in my hands, it was in the same room as my figure drawing class the previous day.
With a slight sense of déjà vu, I walked into the studio and sat at the same bench I had occupied previously. I was in deep thought (considering what to have for lunch) when I heard a melodic voice say brightly, ‘Hey, looks like we have the same classes.’
I looked up to see Jess smiling at as she took a seat next to me, ‘Hey,’ I greeted her. Yep, that was it. Smooth. I could feel a big, stupid grin spreading across my face at the sight of her. Something had to be done, this woman had cast some kind of spell on me. I needed to find out what kind of person she was. If it was a purely physical attraction, I knew I’d get over it quickly, but if she was as nice as she seemed I might be in trouble.
Over the next couple of weeks or so we got to know each other a little better. To my dismay, the more I saw of her, the more I was drawn to her. Her story was as bittersweet and romantic a Hollywood movie. She had met a guy in the Bahamas, and after a whirlwind romance had decided to move here from halfway across the country to be closer to him. They eventually split up, but she was already in love with the area and decided to stay. Of course, that’s not all there was to it, but that her story to tell, not mine. I wondered what kind of idiot would let her get away.
I considered it. Maybe she had some kind of fault I just wasn’t seeing. She didn’t seem spoiled or self-entitled like a lot of college girls. She was actually pretty sweet and thoughtful. She always noticed when a classmate made a change to their hairstyle or complimented them on an article of clothing. Plus, she was a talented artist in her own right, so I couldn’t rely on my artistic talent to impress her. That only left my natural charm. God help me.
Of course, I wasn’t the only affected. All the other guys were practically tripping over each other to offer advice or see if she needed any help. She just had that effect on us, we were drawn like moths to a flame. Was it some nurturing, protective instinct? Its not like she needed or asked for the help. She’s not one of those girls who plays the damsel in distress, I’m pretty sure she’s capable of handling just about any problem that could be thrown at her.
I’m ashamed to say I was no better. I found myself following her around like a lost puppy until I realized what I was doing. Consciously, I realized that I was doing everything wrong. With everyone else, I was cool and confident. I commanded a platoon in my reserve unit, and when I gave an order it was instantly obeyed. With her, I was supplicating, women don’t want a doormat, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. I enjoyed helping her, talking with her. The words of one of my girlfriends echoed in my head:Kyle, you know what your problem is? You’re too nice. You’re great husband material, but not boyfriend material. You need to be a little more of a jerk. I mean, don’t just be like an asshole, but…yeah, more of a jerk. Good advice, up to a point. I just couldn’t seem to make myself follow it here. Maybe I should drink a little alcohol before class to loosen up. I could try someone else, maybe that would help get my head straight. There was that girl from the gallery who gave me her number…no, I rejected the notion. No one else appealed to me.
What made the situation all the more frustrating was my inability to get a read off her. Normally, I at least have some general inkling if a girl is interested. Not with Jess. She was nice and outgoing with everyone. Sometimes I thought I saw some spark of interest, but it always gone too quickly to tell.
Midway through the class period, we were given a ten minute break. Stretching catlike, Jess murmured, ‘I’m gonna go have a cigarette.’
‘I’ll go with you.’Dumbass! What are you doing? my mind yelled at me.
‘You smoke?’ she asked in surprise.
‘No, I just need some fresh air. The fumes from the sharpies we’re using are giving me a headache,’ Well, that was true enough.
When I stepped outside, I discovered the temperature had dropped by probably fifteen degrees in the last hour. Crazy-ass Texas weather.
‘Wow, it got cold fast,’ Jess remarked behind me. Her arms were pulled tightly around herself as she lit a cigarette.
I touched her arm lightly, ‘Wow, you’ve got goosebumps already.’
On impulse, I stepped closer and wrapped an arm around her for warmth. It took a second to register what I’d done. What are you doing? Now she’s going to think your that creepy jackass that likes to get grabby. Reluctantly, I released her and stepped back as I berated myself mentally. She hadn’t protested or pulled away, but I felt like a fool. Still, it had been nice while it lasted, she was the perfect size to hold. Well, the damage was done I guess, time to go before I managed to embarrass myself.
‘It’s a little too cold out here, I’ll see you back inside.’
When I had the dream that night I knew I was in trouble. In it, I just held her the way I had earlier. Nothing more, just that single moment frozen in time. When I awoke, I could almost still feel her there. That was it. I had delayed long enough. Too long probably. One way or another I needed to put an end to these doubts and speculation. If she rejected me…well, I could get over it, but I had to get this out of my system.
I was in agony waiting for a chance to speak to her alone that day. When I saw the opportunity, I seized it. Here we go.
Wow, butterflies in my stomach. ‘So Jess, are you doing anything for Valentine’s Day?’ Not bad, at least I sounded calm.
‘Mmm, not sure. I’ve been seeing a guy regularly, but he hasn’t asked me specifically. Why? What about you?’
Well, I was hoping to take you out. That’s what I wanted to say, but the words caught in my throat. Disappointed, I replied breezily, ‘Probably nothing. There’s a party at the Square I might go to,’ I paused briefly to gather my thoughts, ‘So, why hasn’t that guy made plans with you? I thought Valentine’s Day was a big deal for couples.’
‘Well, he’s not my boyfriend. We’ve just been seeing each other. I mean, we see each other just about every day, so we’ll probably do something on Valentine’s.’
‘Oh.’ Damn, what do I do now?
What could I say? ‘Hey, if your plans fall through, would you settle for going out with me?’ I don’t think so, I do have some pride after all. I had to do something. I’d rather crash and burn than not act and then wonder what might have happened. Play to your strengths, I told myself, Think about it, what are you good at? How can you use that? Be creative.
Well, I’m a good artist, but so is she. Besides, I’ve already drawn her portrait
for Figure Drawing. I needed something more than just a way to express admiration for her looks. Think man, think. I could ask her to the ROTC formal. No, that’s not for a couple of months, a lot can happen in between now and then. Send flowers? No, that might be too cliché, and unwelcome if she’s not interested. What then? Write her a note? Nah…wait…maybe, but not a note though.
I had recently discovered that I enjoyed creative writing. I had submitted one of my short stories to an online writing site for critique, and it had been well received. If I remembered correctly, there was a Valentine’s Day writing contest going on. Maybe I could put how I felt down in a short story and ask her to critique it. I still wasn’t sure though. What if the story sucked, or the idea freaked her out? Could I risk it? I needed a second opinion.
The guy I needed was working at the library that evening. Wes is one of those guys it would have been easy for me to hate if he hadn’t been so cool. Tall, dark, and handsome, he had the kind of looks that girls swoon over. Me, well I’m not bad looking, but I’m not the tall, skinny GQ type either. I trusted Wes with this- he was a guy so he could understand what I felt. He was also a damn good writer, and I valued his opinion. After I summarized my idea, he sat back and considered it.
‘I like it man, I think you should go for it.’
‘Seriously? You think I can pull it off?’
‘Totally man, no question. You’re a badass writer, just put it out there and see what happens. If it doesn’t work, fuck it-plenty more fish in the sea.’
‘Yeah.’ Problem is, most fish aren’t worth catching.
‘Damn man, I’ve never seen you act this way about a girl before. Relax. Just play it cool, let her come to you.’
‘Yeah, I know what you’re saying. That’s the way I usually play it, but with this girl…she’s got me so mixed up I feel like I’m a idiot teenager again,’ I cracked my knuckles in frustration as I tried to describe the situation, ‘Its like, she shows up and suddenly I turn into this awkward, bumbling mess. I don’t understand it. So far, I think I’ve managed to do everything wrong I possibly could. I don’t know man, I just feel this need to impress her for some reason, to prove myself. She’s not even the type I usually go for.’
‘Maybe that’s a good thing. Opposites attract and all that.’
‘Maybe you’re right, I mean the last few dates I’ve had with girls I thought were my type have been disasters. I like to listen mostly, I can’t carry a whole conversation on my own y’know?’
‘I hear you man. Its like me and my girl. We’ve got enough common interests to get along, but we argue about enough stuff to keep it interesting.’
‘You’ve convinced me. I’m gonna do it, and if it doesn’t work, well…’ I smiled grimly, ‘ I prefer not to think about that.’
‘Good luck man,’ he said as he shot me a mock salute.
I barked a short laugh, ‘thanks.’
I was bursting with enthusiasm the next day. Hope springs eternal right? I found Jess taping a paper in place for a drawing when I finally decided to ask.
‘Hey Jess?’
‘Hmm?’ she replied distractedly.
‘I was wondering if you would do me a favor.’
She glanced over at me before replying , ‘Sure, what’s up?’
‘Well, I’m working on a story for a Valentine’s Day writing contest,’ I ran my hand through my hair nervously, ‘I was just wondering if you would read it and give me your opinion before I submitted it.’
‘You like to write?’
‘Yeah, I just started during the break, but I enjoy it.’
‘Oh my God, take me now!’ she cried passionately as she threw herself into my arms. Haha! No, that didn’t actually happen. It would’ve been cool though right?
Instead, she replied, ‘Sure, I can take a look at it for you.’
‘Cool, I guess I’ll send a copy to you in a couple of days.’
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Odd things sometimes go on behind closed doors in families.Way back in my college years, when I was not quite twenty, I was dating a girl from the year below me. Her family seemed protective of her, I thought. They did not like her out late, although they were okay with me bringing her home and then hanging out with her in the house. There was a back room which was relatively private, but we were still chaperoned by the girl's grandmother. I thought this a bit strange but consistent with her...
First TimeEllie and Jordyn neared their college graduations, with their wedding following right behind it. Both of them had jobs lined up to start in July, leaving them a couple of weeks to have a honeymoon. The last tenant had vacated the other half of our duplex at the end of April, so we had it all cleaned up, painted and ready for them to move in at the end of May. Nancy Beth was looking forward to having them right next door to us. Frankly, so was I. Randall’s graduation from high school was just...
"Billy", Kelly asked, "did you steal a pair of panties from my laundry basket last week?". Nervous and penitent, Billy acknowledged that he had. "Why, Billy?", Kelly asked, as though she didn't know the answer. "Because they smell pretty:", Billy told her. "Well, its not right to steal things, Billy, and smelling girl's underwear is naughty.". The knoledge that Billy was interested in scent of her vagina was flattering to Kelly, and even though she had told him it was naughty, there was...
Hi guys i am a daily visitor of ISS. I love all categories of ISS. After reading so many stories i thought to share my story as well… My name is Kumar and i am 25 year young, i am a sporty person and because of that i am fit and always want energetic. Around 5 year ago i had a girlfriend “Ankita”. We had broken up two years ago. Her parents were not in favor to marry me because we don’t belong to her cast. Although we had sex few times but i found her so shy during our sex. Any way i got news...
Was it tomorrow already? Let’s see, I remember getting sucked off in the middle of the night. I remember waking at six a.m. and looking at a happily sleeping woman. I remember taking a leak, getting back into bed, closing my eyes and then having a damp pussy slide onto my face. Yeah, I remember that real well. Now, it’s nearly eleven and we’re first rolling out of bed. I watched as Caren got out of bed and I marveled at her magnificent curves. She walked over to my side and pulled my hand,...
Finished my lunch as fast as possible and left silently from that place with car, moved a few distance and called up meghana, asked her the route and before leaving asked her if she can wear saree, she agreed. She guided until I reached her house. Parked the car and looked around. No one, quickly locked the door and my meghi was standing there in saree, her hairs wet, quickly ran and hugged her tightly, she had a bath just a few minutes back, her hair smelling shampoo her body smell mixed and...
Wierdest thing, I found a note card on my windshield in the morning. All it said was, "Watch my house. C." Nothing unusual happened that day; I mowed the lawn, did some work on the boat, made some dinner. I didn't see Cathy, but a lot of times I wouldn't anyway. Mike was coming over for pizza, arriving at his usual time on the way home from work. We had been seeing each other almost every day, and over the last couple of weeks we had been having some sort of sex almost every day. ...
This story is linked to another story I wrote about employees. I was a manager of a restaurant for several years. I have this problem of being a big flirt. I always seem to get into sexual conversations with girls and end having sex with about every girl I spend time with. This girl I am about to talk about was a tall girl (5'10") and was about 130lbs. She had c cups and always wore tight jeans that showed off her ass and a gorgeous cameltoe. Her name was Lori and we had been working together...
The keep was a nice large one. The stables had several horses that took Brad's attention right a way. Tim scooped him up so he couldn't get into trouble. Little Ally was sound asleep so Seleena took Madeline to where the nursery was. Little took Riana around. He showed her the library, the kitchen, the main hall, the main dinning room, the stables and the gardens. Then where her little brother and sister's room was as well as her mother's, finally showing her to her room. "Is this...
Hello, friends of indian sex stories dot net mera name Virat hai. Main Punjab se belong krta hu bt filhaal delhi study kr rha hu. Meri age 23year height 5’6 hai and lund satisfy ke kaafi hai kisi ko b. Toh meri kahani ki heroine Anjali hai. Uski age 34 year hai married a figure 36 boobs 32 kamar 36 gand hai. Uske husband b kisi aur hospital mein helper the uska koi bacha nhi tha. Ab kahani pr aate hai. Kuch time pehle mere friend ka accident ho gya toh wo hospital mein admit tha. Main usse...
Vor achtzehn Jahren erblickte eine Elfe das Licht der Welt. Geboren durch das erste Lachen eines Kindes begann ihre Reise. Nie hätte sie ahnen können, wohin ihr achtzehnter Geburtstag sie führen würde. Tabitha erwachte, als die Sonnenstrahlen durch ihr Fenster drangen und in ihr Gesicht und auf ihr zart lilanes Haar fielen. Sie blinzelte mit ihren meerblauen Puppenaugen der Sonne entgegen, ihre spitzen Ohren zuckten leicht. Ihre Pflegeeltern hatten ihr bereits das Geburtstagsfrühstück ans Bett...
FantasySmall Changes by X_Zero_23 Alfonso Dukamon hated A. Franky Midgill with a passion. He had only known of his existence for five short months, but during those months he had looked at the young man with nothing but loathing. Both were trumpeters in the Weldon City orchestra. An inconsequential little assemblage to be sure, but it played very large in the life of Mr. Dukamon. It was in fact the most important thing in his life. Al had started out in life with such promise, and an I.Q....
Hi! All of you ISS fans I am also one of you. After reading so many experiences of all of you I also decided to share one of experience with you which occurred about 5 years ago. To start with my name is Abby, nick name (Sonu) 24 from pune. I and my family are living here since many years. Since my early age I am fond of mature woman also succeeded in getting many such HUNGRY AUNTS in bed. With around so many neighbors we had a neighbor named Seema. She must be around 35years but very sexy...
Leslie Church nervously walked through the ABS. She could feel the eyes of the men on her as she quickly moved around the DVDs, past the sex toys and into the dimly lit corridor behind the tacky red curtain. She had done her recon well, she knew where to go in simple steps, her gym bag over her shoulder, her eyes fixed forward towards her goal. The only sounds were her heart pounding, her nervous breathing and her heels clicking on the tile floor. At barely 5' tall and with a curvy 34D-28-36...
Still laughing on our way to the bedroom about the plight of our "guest" for the evening we began to get ready for bed. Stephie thought she would just pop on a new nightie and hop into bed. I had different plans. I was hornier than a ten dick tomcat. All the punishment going around all night, and no release was driving me insane. "Princess?" "Yes, Daddy." "What do you think you're doing in bed already?" "I dunno, why?" "I think you need to go to the guest bathroom and cleanse yourself, that's...
BDSMDan snuggled up under the bed covers and watched the sunrise through the window. He had the feeling that some critical point had been passed. Up till now he could kid himself into believing that he was unchanged inside this body of a ravishing woman. Now he had positive proof that this was no longer true. He could hear someone in the bathroom next door washing. It was the sound of his lover from last night. He had been in a similar situation less than a week before. Then his lover had been a...
The altar took longer than Marshall had anticipated. Unfortunately he had to leave the apartment to go out and buy supplies. Her needs paint and wood, nails and screws, curtains and pillows. Some of the items were necessary and some were not. Most were for the design and building of the altar, which the book gave clear instructions for it. Other things were for comfort. He figured he would take initiative to make the apartment comfortable for when his master arrived. He hasn’t been disturbed,...
-- Laci -- I looked up when I heard the key rattle in the lock. I then shielded my eyes from the bright light. I listened to the heavy footsteps and sighed. Oh great! My favourite guard. This fat fuck liked feeling up and fucking boys. I rolled over and sat up before he got to me. “What do you want, Blubber?” I asked him. “Domo Tye told me to get you,” he told me, as he looked me over as he did every time he came into my cell. Mind you, he wasn’t game to touch me and hadn’t for years once...
“I asked you a question, motherfucker.”Bill remained mute.“Nothing to say?”Still no response.Attempt number one to step past her failed as she blocked him on the left. Attempt number two fared no better as she blocked him on the right.“Don’t wanna say anything?” She folded her arms and squinted. “Alright, let’s see what mom thinks of this.”“Frankie, wait. Frankie, please.” Bill pushed out his palms and squatted to her height.“Oh, so you can still talk? Ain’t that something?”“Let me...
TabooApril Jefferson was feeling good when she returned to her desk after an early lunch. She was scheduled to relieve Jean at the reception desk at twelve-thirty. She was very pleased with her new job at the bank. The people were very nice and things were starting to work out for her. Looking at her desk she found a note to see Mr. Burke immediately. Suddenly, her heart was in her mouth. It must have been that trouble with the two women this morning, she thought. But they seemed so nice! I hope...
the only time my wife gets horny is when she's drunk, other than that she hates anything to do with sex, and i'm left with full balls and a waiting game, so every month or so i say having a drink tonight honey, if she say yes, my cock throbs cause i know i will be getting off when she had a few drinks.half way though the evening i pretend to have an itchy cock, i put my hand down my jeans saying what washing powder you using, it's given me me an itchy cock n ball, i will pull my pants down and...
With a critical eye, she looked over the reflection of her curvaceous figure in the mirror, head to toe. Her auburn hair lay softly in loose waves against her pale skin. Normally, the redness of her hair and the pink hue of her skin deterred her from wearing dark, rich, crimson reds, but tonight she donned her sexiest lingerie. Her red bra trimmed with black lace paired with black silk panties was deliciously vampy. Her voluptuous body looked so feminine and seductive when adorned in only...
Love StoriesMy cousin, Kim, my friend three doors down, Sara, and I always played together growing up. We often slept over at each others houses and, as I turned eleven, then, twelve, then thirteen, I realized that I was attracted to girls as much as I was boys. At eleven, I didn't have a name for it, just a feeling. One particular night, when we were all sixteen and spending the night at my house, my parents went out to dinner; we were all set to shower, then watch a movie. I showered first, then my...
I’m a divorced guy. My wife used to be really inexperienced in sexand lacked initiative. I was trying my best to introduce some new forms of sex to her. We tried oral and anal sex, but she didn’t like it, she said I was a pervert and that she preferred classical positions and no light, please. By the way, we had sex about once a month. Can you imagine that? I’d been always drawn to older women. After having sex with my mother-in-law (she was 30 years older than me) I realized I really liked...
I stood there, leaning against Rick as the other guys slowly began to head back into the bar. A handful of them came up to speak to Rick before doing so. They made a point of telling me what a great job I did and how hot I looked. I thanked each of them in turn and even got a bit flirty. I’d either lick my lips or rub my hands against my abdomen and thighs. They’d respond with a look of increased lust, which just turned me on. Rick just kept muttering, “A fucking natural.” I felt there was a...
This all starts a few years ago while I was working at a bar. A group of much older women came in drinking and generally just having fun. One of the 4 I caught motioning she thought I was hot while the others nodded their heads to agree. I was so turned on by seeing this, I had always fantasized being with a mature woman. Towards the end of the night I let them stay a little later while I finished closing. The one that had continue to gaze at me had the sexiest milf face, blonde hair, blue...
The next day all I could think about was that guy on his knees, with his balls sac pulled behind his legs, sucking another man's cock while getting a whipping. All day I wondered what it would feel like to have my balls sac pulled behind my legs with no mercy. What it would feel like to be in his position? I even cruised the net looking for pictures or videos of men in that position. But I didn't know what the device is called. Finally, when I ran a search for 'cbt devices', I saw it....
After my "Deja Vu" experience my sex life changed dramatically. The events in my daydream did in fact take place in their entirety, with Carol and I sucking and fucking our neighbors and each other for almost 24 straight hours. There were days now where my wife and I often had sex three or four times a day and in some of the most interesting places and ways. In the last month we had enjoyed the pleasures of our neighbors together and separately, and neither of us minded if the other had sex...
Beneath the requiem lies eloquent verses, its tenants transgress while in mourning. Yet bequeathed of its passerby’s there are dormant cries that echo. I am there among them. We envision plains and grains of gold dancing westward into the receiving winds. We can hear thunder of past and present as they come together in a splendid display of courage and contradiction. Of these people’s misgivings- the forthcoming events surpassed the very foundation of their imaginations. And to this day we...
Introduction: Dad and daughter enjoy some wintery fun Before I get into this I just want to say: Dont judge. If you like this story, then that would be great. If you didnt like it, its still okay. If your dick got hard or your pussy got wet, then it did its job just right. Any moral issues are irrelevant. The main people in this story are my dad, my mom and me. Other people are mentioned but are not important to the tale. My dad, Greg, is a big guy. He is probably about 64, stocky, with a...
I'm sitting in my history class, staring out the window. I hate being here. I hate that no one else wants me here. I hate myself for feeling so depressed.Suddenly, I feel a snicker behind me. It comes from Jason, an RB of the football team. I can feel the eyes of more than one person burning into me and the laughter grows. I feel the humiliation rise within me. I haven't any idea what they have done this time, but I ignore it. After all these years of abuse, I developed an anxiety which freezes...
LesbianElizabeth, awfully feels guilty putting her limiter thru so much she knows that she has to make it up to him. It is the one few times that we are to be alone with there partners, she looks around and gets ready for the trip. She sees Satallizer and says, "You are going to be alone with him, so you better get ready to make your partner happy or would rather Rana go instead." The angry blonde says "Just because went thru hell, from ..."