The Director Of Buenos-aries Pt3 free porn video

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He could hear the street chatter through the skylight, but knew her screams would not travel the other way. Below in his home the director’s wife continued to play the TV on full volume the dull thud coming up between his feet. The neighbours might complain but it wouldn’t be about the screaming.

He adjusted his black hood so he could see clearly down the viewfinder.

Lara was looking fantastic. Now stretched to attention arms above her head tied to the suspended manacles she looked much taller. Her figure was like a coke bottle in its curvaceous elegance, great hips and now that big heaving chest in all its glory. While fucking her doggie her tits had hung like two prize fruits, hard and swaying. But now they stood as erect beautiful glistening domes her pink teats like those on a baby’s feeding bottle, big and rubbery. The perspiration on her body had turned her from English rose to sultry bronze, her breasts covered in rivulets of sweat down to her toned tummy.

She was trying to wriggle free doing a sexy dance on tip toe her hips swaying knees together to help raise her body a fraction more. But it was pointless, she was trussed well and even if she collapsed her body would slump but a few inches from the vertical and she would just sway there like a meat carcass.

Lara felt like a human toy hung on some giant kids bedroom. The black hooded men looked ridiculous and horrific at the same time. There was the fat hairy director with his string vest, his accomplice the Yank with the glistening aging power lifter body and finally the runt of the pack, the brother. He looked more agitated; his hood making him twitch or was it something else, fear, bravado or even insanity?

Only a few hours ago she was planning on meeting a charismatic handsome Kiwi guide for a jungle adventure. But some how she’d arrived here in this hellhole. A world she never dreamed existed. A world of debauched life and underground rape movies!

“Oh God no please I’ve done what you wanted,” she gulped trying to reason. But the three masked men seemed impervious to her pleas. The scenes they’d already recorded made her nauseous with humiliation. But it was getting worse and worse as they continued, the abyss of filth and degradation sucking her deeper and deeper.

Her blonde hair was stuck to her face and hanging bedraggled about her neck and rampant tits. The position of her arms pulled above her head had thrust her melons out making a Barbie style figurine.

She shook her head and looked left and right at plan tiled walls for some hope of escape. In front of her the next game was about to start and she was horrified.

“Oh no no no!” She was ranting her eyes looking wild like a cornered animal. “Not the leads!”

“Oh God why? Please why me?”

Her ridiculous question remained unanswered. Innocent or not she didn’t need to ask what they had planned next and all this desperate pleading was just adding to the evil mans movie.

The Yank came closer his big tattooed armed holding her waist steady allowing the younger man; the directors drug fuelled brother to do his thing.

The brother had the silver spring-tensioned nipple clamps in his hands. He was using his thumbs to make both open like snapping beaks of some mechanical bird. The yellow cables hung down from each metal device until they finally snaked into the leather-encased black box on the floor. The transformer.

“Be still bitch! “ He demanded the Yanks fingers biting into her hips his hands almost able to touch around her waist. Lara was shaking her head the snapping beaks getting closer.

“No please don’t you oh no, no, no!” The brother was focusing on his job



The metal clamps bit tight on her big teats Lara making a yelp as a double sting of sensation shot from her breast tips. The spring locked clamps gripped unyieldingly her nipple distended the pink nuts bloated the areolas turning blue with the restriction of blood.

“Oh Jesus!” She wailed gyrating her hips her tits swinging with their cables bonded nipples.

“The jelly,” the experienced filmmaker said coaching the others, “make sure you spread it on thick.”

Lara grunted and squealed the clamps biting; the young brother applying the conducting gel onto her big points the stuff like axel grease. Lara’s neck was straining as she tried to pull away. But it was useless.

“No no noooooooo!” She begged her big expressive eyes looking down in horror as he carefully applied the gel.

“We don’t want your nipples to explode,” the brother goaded through his mask his demented exited eyes telling her differently. His fingers cupped her heaving tits so he could check his handy work; both were securely wired, greased and ready.

“Oh baby you’re such a big succulent girl.”

He slavered his mouth hole oozing saliva. It looked like his drug abuse had begun to catch up with him; surely lust couldn’t produce that much drool?

“Time to cook your lovely fruits.” He declared.

The Yank pointed to the dial on the black box lid. It was numbered 1 to 4 around the circumference.

”Let see those jugs take some punishment.” He drawled his American accent clearer and seeming more surreal than the other Latino ranting.

“At max you’ll pass out!” He added. “You’d best talk before then.”

She scoffed in a condescending manner. “Talk? What? I don’t ugggg!”

She felt the slap of the brother’s hand.

“Talk like a whore,” the little bastard said putting his hand upon the dial. ”We want to record your filthy confession.”

“Confession?” Lara opened her mouth about to tell him to fuck off and …


The power surged up the wires to the metal teeth. Lara felt her nipples stiffen her whole breast harden then her body begin to flex involuntarily the sensation like nothing she’d ever imagined.


Her mouth made a cute oval her legs prancing like a puppet on a rope.

In a moment it was over and she had time to give a painful yelp. Her sweet cry lagged behind the surge of power like thunder after lightning.

Her body was an avalanche of perspiration the skin on her tits so taut she thought she was made of stretched rubber. She was swinging on the manacles like in a gale the men taking time to record her desperate attempts at release.

“Take deep breaths,” the director said and she spluttered at his schoolteacher style.

“Oh heavens no,” her mind screamed,” it’s time for a lesson on the limits of perversion and I’m the student.”

“This is were you help us finish the movie.” The director added.

“An intelligent girl like you can remember a few lines.” Continued the Yank.

“I want her to make her own filthy cum loving words first.” Finished the brother and she stared in anger back at him and in a high school mistress tone she snapped a reply.

“You filthy little man how dare you…”

Immediately dial turned again this time to 2 and Lara felt her breasts inflate her spine convulse her ass fart as she jerked on her rope. Her tits thrust out the clamps fizzing, the electricity feeling like two silicone implants of power trying to expand out of her body.

He held the power on longer and she gave a scream of despair her neck straining her body so tense it looked like it would snap like a twig.

Then the torment was gone again.

The camera caught the image as the power subsided Lara’s body dropping limp her mouth coughing; her hair in her mouth as she gasped. The sweat was like a coat of varnish all over her body, her knees bent inwards feet wriggling like some after shock.

“Please!” she moaned. “I don’t know what to say.”

The brother put his hand on the dial again

“No! “ She screamed. “Ok! Ok! I’m a fucking whore!”

The big Yank laughed, he was still naked his hand toying with his limp cock.

“Go on,” the brother said.

There was a pause Lara unsure…


“Three!” called out the Brother in obvious delight.

Her tits felt like needles had been pushed into them her breast almost glowing. They appeared to be inflating beyond belief. Or was that only in her crazed mind? Her eyes crossed, her hair now starting to spread out like a waking medusa, the blonde strands standing upright. Her knees collapsed in, her tongue stabbing out of her beautiful mouth licking the air in frenzy.


The world was a kaleidoscope of colour and sensation the smell of electricity cracking in the air. The director could see something else. It was rare but it had been known to happen before. Her moans and flashes of expression told him something she dare not admit. The tit shocking was bringing her off.

The power stopped the world crashing down.

“Aggggggggggg stoppppppppppppppppp!”

She began to yelp over and over her legs running on the spot without her control, like some headless chicken. But her clit was also screaming fighting for her attention along with her desperate nipples.

“She’s going to pop!” The Yank said finally noticing what his experience college had already surmised. The hooded director nodded back silently.

Was it the pain? Was it the surge of energy in to every fibre of her body? Or was the humiliation so black and alien that was doing it to her? She didn’t know or care her body was obeying its own rules now.

“You dirty bitch,” the Yank added in delight taking command of the dial. “Yes let’s see it miss English prim. Fucking coming while you’re wired up like a hi-fi.”

The power erupted again on 3 and Lara thought the room had been flooded in strobe lighting her breasts appearing to resonate like two beating hearts, her ass clenched so tight it felt like it would suck itself inside out. Her clit felt the coursing of power through its engorged bud as if was between the teeth of a mad man.

“Oh Fuuckkkkkkkkk!” Her mind screamed in apocalyptic disbelief her thought dark and bizarre. “Can you come and die at the same time?”

Then she felt the world catch up; hit her hard flinging her back into the hot white torture room of the here and now. The squeak of her sweaty feet sliding on porcelain, the smell of electricity in the air like the perfume of a passing woman, now departed.

The power had gone again.

The saliva dripped from her mouth her suspended tied arms now the only thing stopping her from collapsing. Her knees were buckled pressing thighs onto her burning clit, her nipples now feeling more part of the jack lead device than the summits of her heavenly domes.

“Do you want a hard fucking bitch?” The brother asked to camera.

She groaned then yelped seeing his hand go to the dial again.

“Yes, yes hard fucking,” she screamed in panic with her last morsels of energy.

“Are you a dirty bitch?”

“Yes cough splutter,” she replied.

He moved over to the wall and picked up a long plastic rod. The thing had a tree of bristles at one end. Lara recognised it as a toilet brush. “Oh fuck!” She gasped.

“Do you want cleaning out?” He asked bringing the hard bristled brush toward her exhausted chest. He looked into her eyes then down at the dial, number 4 still beckoning.

“Yes, yes clean me out.” Lara groaned embarrassed by the words as much as her naked suspended state. Her body was betraying her, clit on fire, she didn’t crave sexual release just rescue from this torment.

He paused and she begged in a desperate tone fearing he preferred his dial games.

“Please fuck me with it. Do it, fuck me!”

The director focused in close on her pussy this brother fingers opening her mound.

“Spread your legs then you slut,” he said calmly Lara shaking her head in disgust but doing what he commanded thinking. “Oh God no not hard. Please be gentle!”

Then she felt him push the brush upwards into her tight twat. The bristles disappeared so did most of the handle and she groaned at the spiny creature pressed on her cervix. The sensation made her clit convulse it was unable to slow the inevitable eruption no matter how much she didn’t want them to see…and record.

She gave out a sensuous groan of disgust.

Then he pulled back until the bristle head was about to re-appear from her slit.

Then back in again.






She bounced upwards trying to climb the rope trying to reduce the stuffing effect on her shaft.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh!”

The brother grunted in effort his cleaning motion increasing to a frantic stabbing. The other men were encouraging him satisfied with the expression on her face, the sight of her pussy quivering and the disgusting sloshing noise of a pipe been rifled clean.

She was in fast rhythmic grunts herself; she was coming.

“Yes that’s it you slut, all the way up.” He laughed adding as if she didn’t already know. “I’m twisting it too, not wanting to miss any spots!”

The brother tongue was hanging from his mouth hole his enjoyment evident the American also keen to see gripping her inside knee making her open her thighs wider.

“Spread open girl!” He ordered, and Lara was stuck between keeping her legs close and increasing the brush rubbing on her inside or opening them easing the rods access but letting its head ram up against her womb.

She chose the later.


It felt like he wanted to bury it in her tummy. The bristle head battering her dead end any second fearing he might cause her an awful injury up there.

“Ugh, ugh, ugh.”

He was thrusting like he wanted to pop her head from her shoulders that was the final straw and her body surrendered to the inevitable.

The bathroom thundered with her screaming orgasm. The bristle head suddenly liquid coated the motion creating a shower of juice from her thigh wide slit. Lara’s eyes rolled back white her spine arched as if the electricity was back on her pussy sucking; kneading the long hard bristled brush like a flexing fist.

The climatic lament was like a passing train; building rapidly to a defending pitch then whistling into the distance.

“What an ejaculation!” The director shouted in applauds. This bitch was a dream.

His brother withdrew the brush the bristles appearing at her labia like a strange flower its petals opening at daybreak until all was removed and the camera lens could record what a big stiff tree it had been inside her hot tight body.

The director spoke so to be heard on film.” Why is she here?”

His brother relayed the question to her gripping her cheeks forcing a pout.

“Why bitch; why do you deserve this?”

The Yank pressed his mouth to her ear whispering her lines.

She shook her head the climax subsiding reality kicking in. She couldn’t say that filth, young boys! No she wouldn’t do it. She spat in refusal.

“No you fucks,” she screamed. “I won’t, I can’t please just do what you want don’t make me help.”

The director bent down to his viewfinder he already knew what the response would bring. “I think you need to sleep on it.” He said calmly.

Lara looked in total horror as the brother reached for the dial and she changed her mind. “Ok, ok I’m sorry I’ll do…” But it was too late.

It was like been hit by a tidal wave of sparking glowing torrent. Her hair stood out like a crazy wig every part of her body trying to get as far way as it could from every other part. Her feet lifted from the basin her arms locked straight up her mouth open in a silent yawn eyes bulging; her throat coughing up a long inhuman wail. The air was humming the nipple clamps steaming as her tits oscillated to the current.

In seconds she was unconscious.

The director knew when she awoke she would be more willing to learn her lines.


It was a humid rain filled evening a week later when the Kiwi finally sat down to see the film. Beer in one hand his cock in the other his eyes couldn’t turn away from the carnival of lust and humiliation he was watching. Even with only two cameras the production quality was pretty good. Sure some cuts were more obvious than others but nothing to upset the flow of the film.

His relationship with these sick fuckers had its benefits.

Like usual he had met the Yank in the non-descript coffee house. They did their business like a thousand times before; like a thousand other meeting around the world. But these days there was more personal business and a new world he had been introduced to. No one knew of this; no one could ever know.

“Here’s the latest production,” the bald sunglass wearing American had said.

The Kiwi took it from him in his practised covert way.

“Our mutual customers are very pleased,” The Yank added. “Your share of the money will be wired today.”

“Any more lined up?” He then added.

“Fuck,” the Kiwi replied, “lets at least give it a couple of months.”

He then paused a moment in thought. He could see the Americans furrowed brow. He was close to his full trust now. Better not blow it.

”Ok 4 weeks. I already have a new mark.”

The Yank smiled and slapped him on the shoulder, “that’s my boy!”

As he walked away he felt the videodisc in his pocket. The ever meeting he’d just binned it in disgust. But now over a year and many contracts later he’d slowly changed until he too could no longer resist the lure of the directors “art.”

It was only much later that day he could enjoy the film. And enjoying it he was.

His bloated cock head was seeping juice and he’d been struggling to hold off his release for the last fifteen minutes. On the video the unconscious Lara had just been untied from the bath gallows her nipples unclamped the camera focusing on the distended sore teats.

Her body was carried over to the john and moments later the beautify woman wriggled and bucked on her knees head forced into the toilet basin and the cistern flushed. Her head came up spluttering the water bringing her back from her blissful sleep.

She spat and thrashed her mane like a demented dog the men pinning her sexy body down hard her hands pushing back stopping them crushing her on the white rim.

“Are you ready now!” The voices shouted as she just wriggled and spluttered.

“Answer us.” She still appeared detached and confused.

“Why are you being punished?”

The movie seemed to jump in time a fraction then the camera angle changed Lara still sprawled over the john the masked brother asking the questions again.

“What did we catch you doing slut?” He said this in a more caring manner his chest rising as he calmed himself after some obvious spanking exertion.

He lifted her head showing her sexy face the words coming from her lips slowly between pants of equal spanking attention.

“Sucking young boys off,” she sobbed.

The masked face turned to the others out of shot. “What!” He said in mock disgust.

Lara answered again. “Sucking boys off. Sucking teenage boys.”

She groaned at her lines, “oh fuck,” then added. “I’m a spunk loving slut I’m sorry I’m so sorry.”

The voice behind the camera continued the discussion happy with the performance.

“But Mama caught you didn’t she? Taking two school kids cocks in your mouth at once bitch!”

The brother slapped her ass Lara yelping and nodding.

As the camera panned you could see an orange tube protruding from her anus. It curled up high to a stainless stand finally attached to a large hot water bottle type bladder. Another hooded body that the watching Kiwi recognised as the Yank stood naked adjusting the flow, water filling her rectal void bit by bit.

“More?” The bull sized man shouted.

Lara nodded, “Ug yes more, more, fill me up please.”

The voice of the director could be heard over the film as Lara’s face contorted the brother pouring a jug of slimy water into the bladder; “that’s it, all of the fucking stuff. Come on you dirty girl suck it in. We’ll teach you to molest young boys.”

Lara hands grip the toilet rim her moans deep and gargling. It sounded as if the fluid would pour up out of her throat.

Then it was time to remove it from her butt.

The tube came out of her ass the voice over silent. Then there was a cheer and a zoom in as her anus started to belch the watery contents onto the tiled floor. Fat fingers spread her cheeks and she groaned in horror as this loosened her muscles more it increased to a dirty sounding spray. Her anal contents released with such gusto it looked like she was jet propelled.

“Uggghhh no please!”

As her water display subsided she was snapped out of her self-pity by hard slaps on her rear; the men punishing her for such naughty behaviour. Suddenly the view began to bob and sway as the cameraman removed the recorder from steady tripod.

It was time to move sets.

The Yank was pulling Lara by her hair back into the bedroom. The beautiful woman hurried to keep up shoulder bowed ass getting a few swipes from the following brother.

In his darkened room the Kiwi groaned under his breath. He remembered how sexy and cute she had been in the bar, a little cautious of him too. It had been a challenge to get her interested. But in the end he’d delivered her on time and on target; straight into their clutches. As he stroked his cock he glanced at the picture wall. There was series of shots showing Lara about town, in bars etc. He always did his homework well. Overlaid were new pics of a sultry brunette airhostess. His timetable told him she’d be back in Argentina in 4 weeks.

“He groaned again thinking of his next actress. But that was in the future he still had this one to admire.

Back on the video the big glistening Yank pressed Lara upright against the wall, the woman pushing her hands back onto the wallpaper as she faced him.

His big hairless cock was waving against her thigh and the camera panned down as he used his powerful bicep arms to spread her thighs. Lara looked down over her heaving chest her long nailed fingers touching her own labia easing the man’s entry.

“Slow please ughhhhhhhh!”

His cock head found the entrance and immediately he thrust into her Lara grunting her hips lifting. His hands gripped under her thighs onto her ass raising the nubile busty woman. She in turn hooked her legs around his wide girth pressing her shoulders against the wall as he began to thunder up inside her at breakneck speed.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The humping noise was of flesh on flesh mixed with a constant thumping, as her butt hammered the partition wall. She was grunting with each stroke her feet locked together behind his frame slapping down on his car size ass.

The filthy video image circled his standing thrusting body, Lara’s nails biting into his shoulders her body pounded against the wall with each forward rut of his cock. Her hands gripped his baggy hood tugging down and the big man took this as a cue to pound harder her sweaty big ass slamming against the wall.

Lara’s pink lips glistened her face one of gritted exertion. She wasn’t speaking just grunting loud yelping bleats of release, the man’s cock hitting so deep she felt he was trying to nail her to the wall.

Suddenly there were noises from next door; the occupants hammering back on the wall in protest the forced fucking disturbing their afternoon. As the Yank continued to grind up her the brother hit back onto the wallpaper with his fists ranting in Spanish not amused by the neighbours angry complaint.

Her head fell onto the American shoulder her mouth open and she made retching noises in time with his upward fucks.

Satisfied he’d nailed her to the limit he pulled her from the wall and still hooked around his waist turned and dropped her onto the bed, the camera showing his long slong slip from her like a wet massive hotdog.

Lara only has a moment to lift her body before both men forced her into a tight kneeling position both angling hard cocks at her mouth.

The voice of the director spoke. “Show us what you love to do with your school class.”

“Open bitch!” The Yank ordered, the hooded brother grabbing her long blonde mane in a ball behind her head pushing her lips towards the rampant heads.

Lara looked surprise then struggled then tried harder as both cock heads pressed at her beautiful open mouth.

The director could be heard coaching and commenting on the shots like a whispering voice over the chaos. “Good, good that’s it yes…over a bit…now push in…yes.”

The hot teachers eyes seemed to cross her nostrils flaring as both long members entered into her mouth side by side.

She was gagging her face one of concentrated effort both cocks fighting to thrust the deepest. They pressed heads inside appearing to flick at each other one pushing over the other her cheeks bulging on both sides like she was giving a full hearty blow on a trombone.

The slurping noises were deep and stomach churning so much saliva slipping from her lips it looked like she had missed her mouth with a full bottle of beer.

In the video her eyes looked wild and disbelieving; looking straight into the camera the horror of filming it evident.

“Come on her,” the whispering voice said and the Yank pulled from her lips his hand began to jerk his cock.

Lara lifted her head upwards as the brother’s cock reluctantly sprang from her mouth. He took it in one hand climbing on the bed getting behind her for awaiting his orders for a doggie fuck.

“Sit up!” the Yank shouted his hand becoming a blur on his deep pink cock.

The brother slapped her ass and Lara bucked upright her tits out; squeeze together by her locked upright arms.

“Push them tighter together bitch,” the director said in his disembodied voice and his viewfinder closed in on two glistening prize buns a deep dark valley forming between them.

You could see the chin of the hooded brother as he whispered in her ear telling her what to say and seconds latter the sweet gasping voice of Lara encouraged the imminent explosion over her.

“Oh please mister.” She groaned then added with a little effort,” cover me. I want it all over my big juicy tits!”

The Yanks timing was excellent for as her words trailed off he began to pump with extravagant hip movements.

The come flew like a fire extinguisher, the white juice covering her sore big nipples, strands dripping down from teats like Christmas tinsel. In a few jerking moments her big bouncy jugs were awash with glistening deposit a disgusted yelp from Lara as a particularly thick mucus like glob spattered on her right tits.

She had only moments to put her hands up to touch the wet domes before she stiffened. The hooded brother was climbing onto her doggie rear pushing inside her.

Watching the film in his dark room the Kiwis hand was frantically tugging his cock. He was near climax. “Oh shit what next?” He thought as the camera was fixed back on the tripod the director, hood wearing with his dirty vest coming into view.

Although she was been fucked doggie the picture frame was of her shoulders and head and the directors big bruised cock pushed into her mouth.

“Now suck papa bitch!” He taunted in delight.

Lara was choking with the length in her mouth and grunting with the length up her pussy. The men were spit-roasting her using their cocks as skewers

The director’s cock slipped out and the busty teachers gawped in confusion as the Yank closed in. His hand gripped her hair jerking her head back his limp cock in his other hand.

“Shit!” the Kiwi said aloud this was it he couldn’t hold on anymore.

On the screen Lara spluttered and made a gargled cry the Americans limp cock releasing a stream of piss onto her tounge. His cock was inside her mouth his pelvis pressed against her cheek as urine begun to spill over her chin. As he withdrew she convulsed, her mouth retching the dirty contents out. But in that moment, as she opened her mouth the directors cock launched like a missile down her throat.

The Kiwi’s hand suddenly turned white his cock ejecting up and over him as he watched this sexy girl he had baited and lured. Her big lips bubbled with piss the ramming cock making her swallow and spew urine at the same time.

“No you dirty fuckkkkks!” Moaned the watching man as his red raw tool spat its last load.

Back in the film the director withdrew his cock slapping her face the piss dripping from her lips her body still in constant motion as his brother rode her from behind.

There were more questions and she nodded at each one, some after a quick slap.

“You dirty bitch; is that tasty?”

“Bigger than a boys cock?”

“Too much? Too fucking big bitch?”

Lara was now on all fours the brother riding her like a pony hand holding her hair to steady himself. The bed rattled and shook as he rocked into her his cock stabbing straight plugging her full.

The viewing Kiwi pushed his sticky cock back in his pants and pressed the fast-forward.

The picture became triple layered the figures doing a crazy high-speed dance.

The director fucking her from the rear.

Then the brother again.

Then the director again pressing her head onto the sheet as he hammered with all his might, it was near the end and the Kiwi hit the play button again.

Lara fell onto her back both men kneeling over her, pushing their cocks to her nose and blinking eyes. The come began to spit from both as in unison they emptied over her face. Once again her strong features dripped with semen the stuff like a veil of slime her mouth opening to catch a breath the veil looking like she had the plastic back over her until the thin come blanket split open the contents dropping into her mouth.

The exhausted satisfied men pulled her upright to face the camera. Her face was like a clowns makeup gone wrong. Big patches of white skin; caked in men’s deposit her eyes blackened at the rims as her eye-liner ran.

“What do you say?” Barked the Yank.

“Th-thank you,” groaned the ravished backpacker.

She suddenly stiffened and screamed as she saw something out of shot. The Kiwi watched in horror as on the video she struggled as the big bulk of the Yank came into view.

He had a hypodermic syringe in his hand and the viewing man gulped as they injected her. Within seconds the Lara was limp.

The scene faded out then slowly reappeared.

The men were in a car bodies pressed against the lens arms against windows as the vehicle streaked through hot nighttime streets. The face of Lara could be seen bright lipstick on, her eyes amateurishly done with massacre. She was wearing a tight hot little pink t-shirt and her denim shorts. Her eyes looked dull her mouth foaming a little and as the car stopped you could see she was drugged to a delirious state.

The men were clothed and unmasked now but their faces never came into view. Instead the film recorded the long legs of Lara sprawling out of the car; high heel sandals making her teeter like a falling tree.

The men pushed her away from them and her arm reached out as she staggered to the sidewalk. Around were the oppressive noises of the slums nightlife; music, cars, shouting men etc. On the video you could already hear the cat calls from passing youths.

As the ravage beauty now resembling some lady-boy whore staggered down the alley the shot focused on her great ass. The denim jeans had been ripped away at the back showing two rubbing ass cheeks. Across one sexy rear bun was written ‘FUCK’ and across the other the words ‘HERE’; both in big red pen.

As Lara stumbled away, drugged, disorientated and dressed for the enjoyment of the perverted the picture faded to black and the words ‘The director of Buenos-Aries’ appeared.

The Kiwi grinned then swigged his beer, his hairy chest glistening with the effort of masturbation and the effect of the hot evening air.

“Good luck honey,” he said raising the bottle in salute.

He much preferred it this way. The Yank had as many secrets as perversions and he wondered how many months or even years he would be able to gleam knowledge from this rogue CIA operative; now that he had a “relationship.” If he could avoid it his plans didn’t need to involve murder. Questions were never asked in his business, it was the way things were done. But even the police would act on dumped bodies and if that happened he’d be on his own.

“I wonder if she’s found her way back,” he thought to himself. “Maybe she just woke up a few days latter used and abused by the street and got the next flight out.”

He certainly knew that no incident of abduction had been reported to the police. He knew that for certain. As the security attaché for the British embassy and a member of MI6 he had developed many ways to acquire as well as to hide information within this chaotic and vibrant city.



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Un Dia en Buenos Aires

Un dia, un hombre conoció a una mujer en Argentina... Once upon a time, a man met a woman in Argentina... As the airliner was on its approach to the airport in Buenos Aires, Bradley Taylor looked out at the metropolis below. It was a huge city — as one would expect, since almost half of Argentina’s population lived in the greater Buenos Aires vicinity. There weren’t many ‘tall’ building — not the skyscrapers that had filled the downtown financial district in Santiago, Chile — but there were...

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Zodiac Coin Aries

ZODIAC COIN: ARIES 2235 YEARS AGO... He was a thief, and not a very good one. He would travel through the country from village to village, stealing trinkets from one, then selling those same trinkets in the next. He never made much; the villagers never had much to either steal or to buy with. But the town he had come to was different. On the edge of town was the house of a man who seemed to be fairly well off. It wasn't anything that you couldn't find in the moderate areas of...

4 years ago
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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt3

Introduction: Bonding Twin Japanese Nieces Pt3 Have you ever been shopping with 3 kids who are wide eyed at just about everything they see? Let me tell you, it is a definite experience. The twins were dressed in their school uniform skirts with their white button down shirts, knee socks and black loafers. They were not wearing their neck ties or, as I found out in the mall, their panties. A ride up the escalator revealed that little fact. But that did not seem to hinder them in the least. My...

2 years ago
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The house of empress Toya pt3

The House of Empress Toya pt3   Two months have passed since I was taken from my village and brought to this prison for sex slaves, although there were no physical bars at the doors or windows and it was a grand palace no-one would dare try to escape.   We all still had to perform sexually with whoever wanted it when ever it was demanded or forced upon us, there was not even any gender preference from many whose right it was to take us.   Many of the slaves still struggle and cry, but most...

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The house of empress Toya pt3

The House of Empress Toya pt3   Two months have passed since I was taken from my village and brought to this prison for sex slaves; although there were no physical bars at the doors or windows and it was a grand palace no-one would dare try to escape.   We all still had to perform sexually with whoever wanted it when ever it was demanded or forced upon us, there was not even any gender preference from many whose right it was to take us.   ...

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454 going in Pt3

454 going in Pt3By that evening he had taken her three times, and together they had dozed between the massive bouts. So exhausted were they that after the evening meal and watching the news they went off to bed and entwined together slept soundly till dawn.Sun on the curtains and the sound of traffic had them reinvigorated. Though she insisted no sex till we are back from town as in her words, “once you start, I will get no peace and we need shopping!” she cooked a sumptuous full English...

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445 life at mellow manor pt3

445 life at mellow manor pt3. His excitement rising he turned to face his own Mother, hung as Bessy, her arms held secure above her head, her smooth silk covered body his to strike, her expectant face fixed on his, knowing full-well she could expect no quarter from this eager young man, her son her own flesh and blood, who was now so sexually charged, so hyped up and so near and yet so far away in his fantasy world that he was as an automaton. She became aware he was speaking, asking her where...

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411 Daves reassuring hand holding pt3

411 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt3 It was about 6 on the Friday when that old cattle grid rattled its welcome, the little car drove up and Dave welcomed the visitors at the door, with Buster, a huge quiet, and friendly brindle coloured great dane, making friends easily , while Dave ran his eye over Mary in her flowery skirt, as he ushering them all into the old oast house. Gaye met them in the lounge, beautifully dressed in skirt and blouse, and after the usual hugs and a stroke of Buster...

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MUM 1 pt3

MUM 1 pt3The following 3 weeks pasted quickly I made sure mum had her passport in order and arranged with Tony in Italy to have food and other items listed delivered to the house before arrival he was the farmer that looked after the olive groves and the arrangement was a share of the profits on the harvest which suited all, I now had the same deal 20% which gave Tony a very good return as he did all the work. His wife arrange the food side stocking the kitchen and making sure the house was...

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305 padlocked nurse pt3

305 padlocked nurse pt3Barney having returned from his months break with his parents in the New-York home, where they now lived, returning refreshed and more than a little glad to be back. During his break as John had bidden he had researched chastity belts and security devices, as well as attending his sister`s wedding and his mother`s birthday party. He had survived mothers comments about his lack of girlfriends, and his both sisters questioning if he was gay. He had twice called the flat...

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But Im married PT3

But I'm married. PT3Jane left the locker room without even taking a towel.I sat down on the bench and a couple came in. They undressed each other. They kissed and headed for their massage.A few days later I ran into Jane at the market. Hi, Anita how goes it?Good Jane and you?I'm a horny fuckin slut. I think I could fuck everyday two or three times a day. How about you?I hear you.Why don't you come over to my place Anita and we can share our massage stories.I ummm..Aw come on. I'm a little...

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174 Autumn island pt3

174 Autumn island pt3[pt 2]I found myself leaving my beloved island for the mainland, we locked up, then set out in ‘Jenny’ our link with ‘civilisation’ and were soon on the dock handing her over to the harbour-master for safe keeping for a fort-night. The taxi took an hour of old macs crazy driving to get us to the station and the train took the strain with two changes and some long dragging hours getting us to our old town, and the...

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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt3

New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt3 I rang the bell and waited. The door was opened by a girl, no taller than five feet tall. She was a skinny waif of a thing. She was in light blue shorts, bright yellow top… no bra. If her nipples had not been poking into the form filling shirt I would have said she did not need one. But I could almost count her ribs too. “Mom, it’s the neighbor for you.” She turned and walked around the couch and plopped down watching TV. “He’s actually here for you...

1 year ago
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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt3

New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt3 I rang the bell and waited. The door was opened by a girl, no taller than five feet tall. She was a skinny waif of a thing. She was in light blue shorts, bright yellow top… no bra. If her nipples had not been poking into the form filling shirt I would have said she did not need one. But I could almost count her ribs too. “Mom, it’s the neighbor for you.” She turned and walked around the couch and plopped down watching TV. “He’s actually here for you...

1 year ago
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A Chance Encounter With Friends Pt3

A Chance Encounter With Friends Pt3[/Image]I stepped into a bedroom of such majesty and grace that it felt as if it was from another age. The stately poster bed looked big enough to sleep three couples! There were matching highboy dressers to either side of the room and a small writing desk in one corner as well as an ornate cheval mirror and dressing screen in another. The only thing that looked out of place was a single heavy wooden chair that appeared to be well padded and then covered in...

3 years ago
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Two Teen Nymphos From the Ice Cream Stand Pt3

Two Teen Nymphos From the Ice Cream Stand Pt3The saga continues. As Teen Patti, with the dark hair, nice rack and womanly body cleans up the mess we had just made, the more petite blonde minx, Ellen leads me out beside the pool…. Oh, did I mention, I am 50+ and she is just 18. I am still mostly clothed but she does not have a string on as we walk out into a gorgeous sunny afternoon…..++++++“Okay, it isn’t right for you to be the only one wearing clothes. Don’t be shy, remember, I have seen...

4 years ago
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57 From cheating housewife to who knows what Pt3

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt3 Tuesday began with the usual late brunch, rain drizzled down the windows, thou roughly depressing, Jack hadn’t seemed to notice either me or the lousy weather and had set off with his phone in his ear without even a cheerio. I burnt the toast daydreaming, and it was the last of the bread, so it was a quick run to the shops or a soggies breakfast, the shop won and dragging on a mack and wellies off I set. I got back to find my instructions...

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Tgirl Hooker pt3

All my stories are based on my experiencesI’m sure most of you have read The Tgirl Hooker pt1 & pt2 with Emma who I found on a well known website. Pt 1 & pt2 was about my very first meeting with this Eastern European beauty who had a body to die for and a cock to match. I used to get the odd text from Emma every now and again asking when was I coming to see her, which then led to us chatting a bit and then as I got to know her, we then started to text or chat online nearly every day. ...

2 years ago
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Curious Pt3

Here it is the next chapter, Yes I know it's been too fucking long between chapters, yes I know my grammer and punctation suck and yes I know it's too fucking short. Also this is my first time writing a sex scene so bear with me CURIOUS PT3 By Dake9872 My peaceful slumber is disturbed by the most unsettling, realistic dream of my life. In the dream I'm Brooke and I'm in Brooke's room, I look around and wondering what's going on . I look down and realize I'm naked as a newborn....

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Scratch that Itch PT3

Trying to Scratch that Itch PT3 Thanks for all the reviews and some of the ideas! Please read the first two installments because this is an ongoing story. Please enjoy Tabitha's adventures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I pick up my martini up and do it like a shot, stand up, grab my purse and take Marcel by the hand and lean into him real close and slide my hand over his cock and tell him to lead the way. He looks at Jenna and she just...

4 years ago
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Bravo ForceChapter 20 Buenos Aires

Maria was dressed in a traditional tango dress: close fitting, slit up one side. Her partner, Manuel, was dressed up too, wearing tight trousers and a brief jacket. Somehow, Pru was persuaded to abandon her pareo and put on similar traditional garb. Perhaps it had been the sense of happy anticipation that permeated their preparations, but Pru went along with it gladly. "First, dinner," Maria said, as they walked through Buenos Aires Sector. It was early evening, and they walked along the...

3 years ago
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Asha Director8217s Offer And Fuck Party

Jab se meri pyari biwi Asha se Mohsin paid sex karne laga, to wo bhi weekly 2 ya 3 baar hi aata tha aur kabhi to sirf apna lund chuswa kar hi chala jata tha kyonki uski salary bhi 55K hi thi aur meri biwi par house rent, transportation aur chudai sab milakar uska kharch almost 10K tha, jo ki kafi tha. Isliye mujhe ab pata chal gaya tha ki paise ki restriction ke chalte wo meri Asha ki choot ki aag isse jyada thanda nahi kar sakta. Ab maine bahut sochne ke baad ye final kiya ki, agar kisi tarah...

4 years ago
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Asha8217s First Fuck Date With Director

Mangalwar ka din tha, meri biwi Asha rozana subah 7 baje bed uthti thi par wo aaj ek ghante pehle subah 6 baje uthi, abhi college ko nikalne mein 3 ghante se jyada samay tha. Wo raat ko nangi hi soyi thi aur usne uthkar bhi kapde pehenne ki koi zehmat nahi uthayi. Aur kaam nipatana ke baad usne apne arms aur legs ko wax kiya (meri Asha waise bhi bahut kam hairy hai). Phir apne under arms aur choot ke aaspaas bhi shave kiya, uske baad apni choot ke aas paas thoda bleach lagaya aur thodi der ke...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 4: THE DIRECTOR“You called this meeting, Dr. Samuelson. What seems to be the problem?”The Director of Agency sat behind his desk, a wide surface of smooth, polished wood mostly devoid of anything on it, but a closed laptop connected to a monitor that was blank, and a desk phone. Everything else that had been spread across the desk had been piled into folders and placed in a drawer for the meeting now occurring in his office inside Agency’s Latin American facility. Agency currently had...

2 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMMeeting the Director of Sunny Manor

My sister Lucy was bouncing off the walls to get out of the house and explore. If given a choice between leaving the house and Xbox I would usually always choose Xbox. That being said the fact that there were real naked girls outside made me excited about going outside as well. I could never read Simon to know for sure how he felt. He was usually only excited about money but he seemed ready to get out of the house as well! My Dad was feeling pretty confident with the new household. The only...

1 year ago
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A Director Made Our Movie

By now you know what happened between my mom and me in . Mom was very casual around me. As if nothing had happened. I too acted as if everything was cool. As if I had done nothing at all.  But frankly, it was eating me up. Guilt was killing me. I tried hard to let go of the incident. But little did I know it was the sweet forbidden fruit one should not taste. Once tasted the juice will only make you crave for more. Mom continued to work. Every day was the same for us. Mom leaving to work in the...

1 year ago
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Ovid 7 The Director

Ovid VII The Director By The Professor Copyright (c) The Professor, 1999 You would never expect to find a beach in Oklahoma, would you? Well, Sunset Beach was a pleasant surprise. Of course, it was really situated on a clear blue lake called Lake Pelias, and the sand was all trucked in, but on a hot summer afternoon, it was just the place to be. All the land around the lake was owned by a Brad Nelson. He had trucked in the sand and installed a gravel parking lot. Two dollars...

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Together with Angela Pt3

Angela motioned for me to come closer. When I did she pulled me to her and kissed me with an open mouth. Our tongues joined sharing the wetness that was all over my lips. She tasted her own cum and I swear she loved it. "Now fuck me," she said. I rolled over onto Angela. This was my first time as well as hers so we were both a bit awkward. She open her legs allowing me to position myself between them. I was ready. "Wait, " Angela said. "Kiss me as you put it in." I leaned...

3 years ago
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Me Chudi College Director Se

Hello dosto mera nam heena he or me 20 varsiya engineering student hun me ISS abhi kuch dino se padhna suru kiya he to socha aapni life ki real story bhi share karu aap mujhe mail jarur kariyega or ye bhi bataiyega ki mene galat kiya ya sahi meri mail id me meerut ke 1 Eng. Clg me B. Tech 2st yr ki student hun ye kahani aaj se karib 1yr pehle ki he jub me 1st sem. Me thi dosto pehle me aapko aapne bare me bata dun me dikhne me kafi khubsurat hun. Esa meri friends kehti he or sayad sach hi kehti...

1 year ago
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The airpalne ride home pt3

John had nearly caught his wife and son fucking in the kitchen. He had stood at the top of the stairs while they were caught up in their carnal act of i****t. Jamie had been on her hands and knees thrusting her ass back hard against Sam`s dick, rutting like a bitch in heat. He might have heard her begging for more of his son's massive tool. He might have seen his son smacking his wife`s fat ass, calling her a bitch and urging her to fuck harder. But he hadn't.Now he sat next to the boy who was...

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The Ball Gamept3

I awoke feeling completely refreshed, this was partly due to the fact that I had gone to bed at about 8:30 pm and my clock now said 9:00 am. Another reason was that I felt like I had freed my self, if even for a short time, from all of the stressful things in my life, namely, MOM. I just lay there looking around the room, not really in a big hurry to get up and going, after all, I had time before I needed to call Ray. I wasn’t even worried now about being pregnant, if I just kept my...

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The Best Week of my Life Pt3

Under normal circumstances, a storm would dampen my mood irrevocably, but the one that raged for hours on Wednesday morning was nothing short of perfect. It meant that the three girls were unable to make good on their plan to head off to the beach and that would have seen them gone for the entire day. Instead, they were forced to stay at home with me, and to try to make their own fun. Slumping down in an armchair opposite the coach that had become a base, my fourteen-year old sister Sophie...

2 years ago
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The naughty family pt3

As I pulled onto the campus of the state university, I could feel the anticipation of the moment tingling inside me, mixed up with the horniness I had felt since I'd woken up this morning and called home. There hadn't been much conversation -- it's really hard to have a phone conversation with people when they're fucking, especially when it's your husband and daughter gasping and moaning between "Hello" and "How are you?"I had burned up the cell phone minutes, stroking my wet pussy while...

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The Vine pt3

Oh my, is this how it feels when a guy first enters me. I can feel how tight she is, and how wet her pussy is. As she is squeezing me as I start slowly thrusting in and out of her. Zeta hugs her, up running her arms up her sides under her arms and holds her shoulders. Looking her in her eyes as she grinds into her with small circles. She gasps under Zeta as she trails her fingers down Zetas’ sides as Zeta starts to thrust harder and faster. Enjoying the new feelings that she feels, zeta...

3 years ago
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The Niece The Wife and Their Needs Pt3

Introduction: Mackenzie decides she will take it upon herself to bring her aunt into the decadence her and her uncle share. PART 3 Its Thursday and Ed and Sheila still havent called so I go to the swinger site and send them a message when I see they are online. I ask if they decided not to meet us as they havent called. She doesnt write back for five minutes or so and my heart sinks. Just then my home landline rings and as I answer it I see Sheila Thompson displayed on the caller ID. I would...

1 year ago
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The Niece The Wife and Their Needs Pt3

It’s Thursday and Ed and Sheila still haven't called so I go to the swinger site and send them a message when I see they are online. I ask if they decided not to meet us as they haven't called. She doesn't write back for five minutes or so and my heart sinks. Just then my home landline rings and as I answer it I see Sheila Thompson displayed on the caller ID. I would have sworn I gave them my cell number I think as I say, Hello. "Hi Rick, its Sheila from Swappernet. I just wanted...

3 years ago
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The Sick Day Pt3

Seventeen-year old son Josh was uniquely quiet tonight, his young brain awash also with the twin sins of guilt and lust. Having enjoyed stepsister Lucy's attentions via a wonderful handjob that was subsequently reciprocated as his fingers worked her tight young pussy to climax, he craved more, much more. Glancing up only to look at the object of his affection, his mind was agonising over how to get her alone and into bed. Sixteen-year old stepdaughter Lucy sat in between, the focal point...

2 years ago
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The beginnings of my curiosity pt3

So far it had bee a great day! I had traded a friend for some new nudie magazines and on the way out of his garage I found some More that he had thrown in the trash. From there I went home an put them to good use! I had just finished Jacking off to a explosive orgasm and was sitting on the couch in my basement catching my breath. My parents were not home. Mom was out doing laundry, Dad was at work. I figured I had another two hours or so before I had to worry about either of them getting home....

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The Adventures of Maid Marion Pt3

The Orgy of Sherwood continues   If you haven't read the previous chapters please do so as always comments and suggestions are welcome sorry for the delay in this part coming        Marion roused from her unconscious state at the sound of someone crying out as she looked around she saw her young hand maid Anna being impaled on a bandits cock the mixture of her juices and the previous man's cum making her slick tunnel slide down his thick shaft. Anna groaned as her pussy was stretched...

2 years ago
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The Humiliation of Mysticemmy Pt3

Having ran for what she felt was hours, Mysticemmy crept into her room so not to give away which room she entered as she heard the 3 couples, Jake and Tanya walk past her door talking loudly but not enough so Mysticemmy could make out what they were saying. Creeping back to her bed, oblivious to the amount of spunk and pussy juice covering her and how wet her pussy and as were from the fresh humiliation. Noticing Jeni in her bed, Mysticemmy couldn’t help but feel compelled to curl into Jeni....

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The wife and girlfriends after drinking PT3

This is Part 3 of The Wife and Her Girlfriends after drinkingA month later Lisa comes home from work and tells me that BJ and Bud would like to get together because BJ wants to do anal for her birthday and Bud and her have tried but he is just to large. I told her sure why not. I told her that I know she really like fucking Buds big black cock and was sure she would love to again. Lisa called BJ and told them to come over the next night which was Friday. When Lisa got home from work I was...

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The CockSucking Transformation PT3

I had just taken six loads on my face and in my mouth, but these guys were not even close to being done with me. They alternated shoving their cocks in my mouth to clean them up and a few of them were already getting hard again. I felt one of them reach down and start to rub my pussy. One of them ripped my panties off and pulled my bra down to expose my tits. I was right on the brink of cumming, but I didn’t care; all I wanted to do was get these guys off again, and I wanted to swallow even...

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The Group Pt3

Miss Burke collected me in her car at noon and we drove across the city towards her home.“I have been thinking about you,” she said.Shifting in her seat she drew up her skirt, driving one handed.“Look, Thinking about you makes me wet.”She was bare legged. Where her strong thighs met was a triangle of white cotton, wisps of hair escaping at the edges. darkened at it’s centre by her moisture. “This is what happens to women when they feel sexy . It’s not pee”, she giggled, “it’s my love...

First Time
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The Group Pt3

Miss Burke collected me in her car at noon and we drove across the city towards her home. “I have been thinking about you,” she said. Shifting in her seat she drew up her skirt, driving one handed. “Look, Thinking about you makes me wet.” She was bare legged. Where her strong thighs met was a triangle of white cotton, wisps of hair escaping at the edges. darkened at it’s centre by her moisture. “This is what happens to women when they feel sexy . It’s not pee”, she giggled, “it’s my love...

3 years ago
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Step Brothers Bride Pt3

After coming out of the shower clean and fresh, I got dressed and ready for the wedding. Jim had text me to say he would meet me at the reception of the hotel. Felicity called me to see how I was and check everything was ok. I explained to her that I would soon be meeting Jim but had not heard from or seen Shaun, also that Mike his best man had not been able to get hold of him. She asked me to go check on him, on my way to the church. I messaged Jim asking him to hurry up so we could set off...

2 years ago
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House Slut 33 Halloween pt3

This is a direct continuation from Part 2, which I recommend you read if you have not already. -phenylalanine Tegan assessed the dildo again and then at the vessel of spunk. The most semen she had ingested in one sitting was eleven, the night she visited the glory hole, and that was in small increments as she served each man. This was spunk from thirty different guys who’d probably cum at least twice, gathered in a container that had been sitting around going cold and coagulating. She...

1 year ago
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How i became a sissy fuckslave pt3

i really hoped Sir would give me a little break before He started working my sissy cunt with His fist but alas this was not to be. He returned just a few minutes later wearing an elbow length black rubber or latex glove on his right hand and had a huge bottle of lube in His left hand. "Alright cunt" he said.."Time to destroy that sissy cunt of yours,"i felt Him squirt lube into and around my gaping hole, it was cool and soothed the fire burning there.Soon i felt Him push 3 fingers into...

1 year ago
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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt3

****************************************************** As I made my way home, my mind raced with possibilities. How far can I push this program? How big can I make myself,? How much can I make someone take? I spent the rest the drive home thinking at the next command I wanted to enter. And giving my wife a quick call, I found that she was still about two hours away from being home. Perfect, I thought. Pulling into the driveway, I quickly made my way into the living room and got on my laptop....

4 years ago
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Aunties home tuition pt3

Because uncle Robert went out and Silvia was tucked up in hospital due to her allergic reaction to her insect bite l had a bath and went to bed, but was woken by a hand around my cock, instinctively l thought it was Silvia and pushed myself backwards to feel a hard cock pressing against my bum, a male voice said l had a lovely cock with a peach of a bum, my eyes sprang open and l half sat up bemused at what was going on. Stood beside the bed was uncle Robert with an Indian man who he...

3 years ago
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Arias New Life Pt3

I woke with a startle in my father’s arms. “What’s wrong, Aria?” he asked me with concern. “Just an ‘odd’ dream, I guess.” I was sweating and shaking. The King must have noticed. “You came while you were sleeping. You’ve come a lot these past couple of days.” He pulled me in his arms and held me tight. The moment I was back in his arms I started to wrap my body around his, looking for more. “Daddy, please,” I begged. “Absolutely, Aria.” With that he began kissing me and laid me...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Girl Needs Help pt3

“I put the plug back in, maybe you can help me get it out again” she says, using her sexy-ass girly voice. I open the door and move aside, letting her walk in, and close the door behind me. As she turns to face me I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me, kissing her hard and deep. Her body goes limp as she returns the kiss, moaning in the process. I push her up against the back of the kitchen counter, shoving my pelvis into hers, making her feel my now rock hard cock through my pants....

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Jessicas Story The Kidnapping Pt3

Supper began normally. I had laid the table after I had finished my homework, placing out knives, forks, spoons and table mats. Misty called everyone to the table. Tonight we were having my favorite, Sloppy Joes. I poured a glass of cider for Jan, and milk for myself and Misty and sat waiting. Jan wheeled herself up to her position at the head of the rectangular table, while Misty sat opposite me. I was never certain of Misty, She is always perfect! Even when doing something depraved,...

4 years ago
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Porn whore to subslut girlfriend Pt3

 I had Sasha ride in the back naked with her legs spread wide on the roof and her crotch fully open and her hands squeezing her tits tight.   I kept ordering her to lube her hands with her twat and squeeze her tits as tight as possible to force the blood into her nipples.   Her copious and slippery cunt juice was making her hands slip off her A cup titties and I yelled that she should squeeze harder and if her hands slipped off they believe tter grab and squeeze her nipples.   I...

3 years ago
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Am I Strong Enough to Say No pt3

All the way to the mall, Angie was thinking. No, not thinking, day dreaming. In her dream, she is standing in her room, with only a towel covering her. Her dad was standing at her desk reading her texts. "Lil one, what’s this" He asked in a low voice. With her head lowered, she tell's him "I was texting Deb and, well, you read the texts I guess" "Yeah, I did" he replied. "So, is it true? Do you feel that way? About me?" Angie starts to tell him no, but, looking at how...

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Whos that Girl Pt3

I sat in my office looking at my smartphone. “The wonders of technology!” I smiled to myself. It was simple really and even though I was frustrated that my keen intellect hadn’t been able to work out who ‘Buttercup’ was, I also knew that it would have been impossible to work out. She had never even been on the radar.This was the second-best birthday present I’d ever got.My intercom beeped and Eleanor announced Tamara’s arrival for my birthday lunch; a moment later she walked in and headed...

2 years ago
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Becoming a Hotwife Pt3

When I got to my room, I sat on the bed wondering what I had got myself into. Things were moving so quickly, and into unknown territory. After going over everything in my head, again and again, I picked up my phone and called David, telling him everything. Talking to him made me realise I really wanted to see where the night went.Dave just said, “You’re in charge; do anything you want. But I want to hear every detail afterwards.”It shocked me how much he was into it, and that he wanted to hear...

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