My Best Friend's Wife free porn video

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Tonight, as so many others in the past month, the three of them sat around the dining table playing gin and enjoying a glass of wine….or two. “You know Shay, I could probably set you up with a friend of mine,” Laura offered. “Ooohh no,” Shay laughed, “No blind dates for me….tried that already.” “Yeah, but not with me as your matchmaker,” Laura winked and smiled at Shay. “Well…..anybody need a refill,” Greg said, getting up from the table and giving the two of them a look that said ‘could we please not talk about this’. Laura and Shay couldn’t help but laugh at him. “No thanks Greg,” Shay said “I gotta get home.” She stood up from the table to get ready to leave and ended up stumbling and bumping into the table. “Whoa, there girly,” Laura said and rushed over to help her, “I don’t think you’re going anywhere tonight.” “Yeah…you can stay in the guest bedroom for the tonight,” Greg said. Shay was a little embarrassed that Laura and Greg had to walk her to the bedroom, but was still thankful for their help.
Greg and Laura got her to the room, got her into the bed, and covered her up. She was asleep before they had a chance to leave the room. Shay woke up some time later….it was very late and very dark. She still had all her clothes on, so she decided to make herself more comfortable….she took off her jeans and bra, leaving her in pink lace boy short panty and a t-shirt that just covered her stomach. She crawled back into bed, but couldn’t get back to sleep. She finally decided to get up and get herself a drink. She crept through the dark house to the kitchen and got a glass of water. She carried the glass outside onto the back deck and was enjoying the cool, dark night. There was a slight wind blowing….just enough to chill her skin and make her nipples poke out against her shirt. She heard laughing from off to side and went to see what it was. She walked very quietly up to the glass double doors at the far end of the deck. There was no covering on the doors, so Shay could easily see into the room….which happened to be Greg and Laura’s bedroom!! Shay wanted to look away but she couldn’t….she stood there and watched everything.
Greg was on the bed looking back across the room….at what Shay didn’t know because her line of vision didn’t extend that far. Then she watched as Laura stepped into the picture….wearing a red negligee that stopped mid-thigh and was cut very low between her beautifully full breasts. Laura crawled onto the bed with all the grace and beauty of a cat…..she crawled on top of Greg….her golden tresses hanging down. He wrapped both arms around her waist….holding her body close to his…..his mouth seeking out hers….they embraced in a passionate kiss. Shay was becoming breathless just watching them, but still she could not look away. Laura finally broke off the intense kiss and began to lick and kiss a trail from Greg’s chest down his stomach and on down to the top of his boxer shorts. She brushed her lips across the front of his boxers….he gently ran his hands through her hair and she nipped at the bulge steadily growing in his boxers. Laura grabbed the top of the boxers and pulled them down his legs as he lifted his hips. Laura’s lips were moving…obviously saying something to Greg…..but Shay couldn’t hear her. Laura slid her silk covered breasts over his fully erect cock and bare chest to engage his mouth in another passionate kiss. Greg’s arm was about her shoulders pulling her closer…his other hand sliding down her back, over her ass to grab the hem of her lingerie and pulled it up revealing Laura’s smooth, round, bare ass….milky white in the soft light from the lamp beside the bed….then his hand slipped down to her ass…gently caressing the soft flesh, then his finger traced along the seam of her ass and disappeared between her thighs to tease her pussy lips. Shay was breathing heavily now and was only dimly aware that she was clutching the glass of water against her chest in a fierce, passionate grip….afraid that she might break the glass in her hand she sets it on the railing she was leaning against and returns her full attention to the erotic scene before her.

Oh God….this is sooo wrong, Shay was thinking to herself, but even as she scolded herself, she still could not look away. She was totally entranced by the erotic scene involving her best friend and his wife groping, sucking, licking, and kissing each other into a frenzied heat of passion. Greg had slid out from beneath Laura and pressed her face down onto the mattress and climbed on top of her….nuzzling her neck and shoulders….grinding his hips into soft ass….his hands roaming her body not covered by his. He thrust his leg between her supple thighs….forcing them apart….and placing the rest of his body behind her….pulling her ass up and towards his proud, erect cock. Laura kept her head and shoulders flat on the bed, so that her ass was high up in the air. All the while, Shay stood there in the shadows just outside…..gasping and moaning….feeling a pleasant heat originating deep in her pussy and spreading outward to the tips of her fingers and toes…..her hands moving of their own volition….caressing her breasts and gently pinching the nipples…..her body trembling from a sexual intensity building inside her… her hands continuing down her firm body to her pink panties, her finger tracing the valley between the mounds of her pussy lips. Greg was now holding his engorged prick in one hand and rubbing his cock head against Laura’s wet cunt opening….then he was pushing it into her….Laura’s pussy spreading to accommodate his huge fucking cock….although her head was turned away from Shay, she was imagining Laura gasping and grunting as Greg’s dick penetrated deep into her. Shay continued to watch as Greg thrust and pumped her pussy from behind….his hands tightly squeezing her ass….his face contorted into a grimace of sexual concentration. By now, Shay’s hands had made it into her panties, her finger sliding against her clit and dipping into the warm, velvety wetness of her cunt….oh it felt so wonderful….she finger fucked herself faster, bringing herself closer and closer to an orgasm as she continued to watch Greg pound into Laura hard and fast. Suddenly Shay’s heart was in her throat as she watched Laura turn her head toward the double doors…..Shay was frozen to the spot…she couldn’t move, she couldn’t breath….Shay watched as Laura’s eyes focused on her as she stood outside her bedroom door. Shay was mortified….she ran from the deck…back into the house and toward the guest room.

Maybe….just maybe she didn’t see me Shay thought, begged, prayed….please don’t let her have seen me. Shay lay very still…trying to feign sleep….trying to quiet her pounding heart so she could hear if someone was coming. How much time had passed….she couldn’t tell, but it felt like it had been awhile, maybe an hour. She was beginning to think that maybe….just maybe….Laura hadn’t seen her. She had just breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the soft footfalls just outside the bedroom door and the quiet snick as the door was opened slowly and carefully. Still….be very still…..breathe normal…pretend to be asleep Shay thought fiercely to herself. She felt the mattress dip as someone sat down on it and slid under the covers with her, but still she didn’t move….or maybe it was more like she couldn’t move. Then very softly Laura’s voice came to her ears, “Shay….Shay…come on, I know you’re not sleeping.” Laura slid over some more and made contact with Shay’s body. Shay could feel the satiny smoothness of her negligee, the press of Laura’s firm breasts against her back, and her long silky soft legs wrap about her own. Now her sexy voice was right in Shay’s ear and Shay couldn’t help but tremble a little as Laura spoke, “Oh Shay… I’m not mad….I liked that you were there….watching us…..touching yourself.” Shay couldn’t help it…she rolled over to look into those beautiful clear blue eyes…astonished at what she was hearing, “What!! You did….how long did you know I was there,” Shay said. Laura giggled as Shay stared in disbelief at her. “Shay…I’ve been attracted to you for a long time. It’s always been my fantasy to be with another woman….but I was afraid,” she said. Shay couldn’t believe what was happening…was she for real? Shay was still very aroused from watching Laura and Greg that she gently wrapped her arms around Laura’s smooth body and pulled her close in a tender embrace. “Afraid of what?” Shay asked, as she gently stroked Laura’s silky blond tresses. “Of how you would feel about it,” she replied, leaning very close to Shay and tentatively kissing her soft lips. Shay pursued Laura’s lips and engaged them in a gentle, passionate kiss…..Shay expertly slipped her tongue into Laura’s hungry mouth….swirling their tongues all over each others….nibbling and tasting the sweetness.

Whatever else might have been said was lost in the moment. Shay’s hands played over Laura’s body as expertly as any musician playing a fine instrument. Their movements became more frenzied and desperate. Shay gently rolled Laura onto her back and softly caressed her cheek and neck…sliding her hand down the satiny smoothness of Laura’s negligee…..grabbing the hem and pulling it upward over her breasts, completely exposing Laura’s milky white skin. Shay licked and sucked each beautiful, perfect nipple in turn until the pink, hard little peaks stood proudly from the mounds of milk white flesh. Shay caressed Laura’s body…..kneading her soft breasts and running her hands over Laura’s smooth, flat stomach right down to the furry covered mound of her pussy. Shay played in the hair for just a moment and caressed the rest of pussy…..feeling just a bit of wetness from between the folds of her pussy lips….causing Laura to moan with pleasure. Shay slid her way down Laura’s body tasting every inch of her in the process and nuzzled her face against Laura’s soft, furry snatch…..inhaling her intoxicating scent and pressing her nose against the hood covering Laura’s clit. Shay slowly traced her tongue along her pussy lips….not penetrating yet, just teasing it….which drove Laura insane and she tried to force Shay’s face harder against her pussy, but Shay just withdrew her tongue, causing Laura to sigh and groan. “Ohhh Shay, please…please eat my pussy….my god I’m so fuckin’ horny right now,” Laura said, bucking her hips up toward Shay’s teasing tongue. Shay wrapped her arms around Laura’s thighs so that her fingers could hold Laura’s pussy lips open, then Shay slowly traced circles around Laura’s clit with just the tip of her tongue….Laura’s little clit swelled with each circling of Shay’s tongue until it was big enough for Shay to actually suck into her mouth. Shay sucked and sucked on her little clit and Laura was moaning and calling Shay’s name out loud…… “Stop,” Shay smiled and thought to herself, “I have just begun.” Shay moved her tongue from her clit along crease of her pussy lips and then plunged her tongue deep into Laura’s dripping wet cunt….fucking with her tongue…sliding it in and out of Laura’s pussy…..slurping and sucking up all Laura’s sweet juices that had now started flowing. Laura bucked and thrashed her hips, but Shay held tight and had her face and tongue buried deep into her. Shay nibbled at the engorged clit, which had swollen to the size of a small cherry, and took a hand from around her thigh and slowly penetrated Laura’s pussy with her long, slender finger. Laura’s pussy was so hot and wet that it seemed to suck on Shay’s finger as she slid it in and out. While still nibbling on Laura’s clit, Shay slid another finger into her….fucking her with two fingers now….Laura had become increasingly vocal as the intensity increased…..Shay hooked her fingers when she was pulling out of Laura….touching that deep, soft spongy place in Laura’s pussy, as Shay hit that special spot Laura would buck and cry out with ecstasy. After hitting it a couple more times, Shay knew that Laura was about to have an orgasm of a lifetime….her body was trembling almost nonstop and Shay could feel a throbbing in her pussy when her fingers were deep inside her. Shay lifted her head to watch Laura’s face but kept her two fingers driving in and out of Laura’s cunt…..her eyes were closed and both her hands were knotted into the sheets at either side of her…..she was breathing very fast and grunting like an animal…..her face was twisted into such deep concentration, then suddenly it happened….wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her….her cunt squeezing and pulling Shay’s finger deeper into her, the sudden flood of her juices drenching Shay’s hand and soaking her thighs, and the guttural cry coming forth from her lips. Shay slowly withdrew her fingers and sucked them clean, then went to licking up the juices left in Laura’s pussy as she lay there, breathing heavily and giggling every now and again as Shay tickled her. It was then that they both heard a sudden gasping breath and heard Greg shout, “What the fuck is goin’ here!!” Shay and Laura both turned simultaneously toward the door where Greg stood dressed in his boxers. Shay was too speechless for words and Laura tried to mumble something, but Greg just cut her off, “Damnit, my wife and my best friend……how long has this shit been goin’ on, huh?” “Shut up Greg,” Laura replied, “it’s not how it looks, ok….this is the first time, besides you always knew I was attracted to Shay and how I wanted to be with a woman.” “Yeah, but I thought it’d be something we’d do together Laura,” Greg said. He started to move toward the bed where the two women were still entangled with each other, his excitement obvious from the growing erection. Laura quickly sat up and assumed a position in front of Shay. “No way Greg,” she said, “this is my fantasy….you’ll just have to sit this one out.” Laura directed Greg to a chair over in the corner of the room. “Come on Laura!” Greg pleaded. Laura just pointed and said, “Sorry babe, you’ll just have to watch and jack yourself off this time.” Shay listened intently to the conversation playing out.

Greg resigned himself and pulled the chair closer to the bed so that he would have a better view of the activities. Laura then turned toward Shay and kissed her intensely before purring in her ear, “Well sweetie, ready to do this?” Shay just nodded her head as Laura pulled her t-shirt up and over her head, leaving her only in her pink panties. As fair and light as Laura was, Shay was the complete opposite….with straight black shoulder length hair, and dark almost black eyes, skin that was deeply tanned with an olive undertone to it, freckles covered her face, and of course there were her tattoos that covered her upper arms, back of her neck, lower back, and above her right breast. Laura took just a second to devour Shay with her eyes before moving down to her breasts…..gently fondling them…then sucking each nipple into her mouth…biting gently, causing Shay to inhale sharply and moan with pleasure. Laura was completely entranced with Shay’s nipples which were large and dark brown in color…Laura sucked each nipple until it came to a beautiful point. Laura’s hands slid down the sides of Shay’s luscious curves….her fingers sliding across her tight belly, tickling lightly….then tracing her way down to the smooth mound of flesh above her pussy…..her hand diving down between Shay’s soft thighs, spreading them apart as her fingered traced along her juicy slit. Laura took up a position between Shay’s legs so she could see every part of her glistening wet cunt….spreading the lips apart to reveal pink succulent flesh that seemed to run with honey. Laura leaned closer….inhaling Shay’s scent…..licking at clit, which throbbed beneath her tongue….and dipping two fingers into her wet opening….Shay purred and whimpered as Laura played with her. Laura watched her face as she licked and sucked with her mouth….then she sat up so she could see Shay better….using her thumb to circle and apply pressure to her enlarged clit and two fingers plunging deeply and rapidly into her pussy. Shay was worked into a frenzy now….Laura could read the signs of the coming orgasm….Shay was bucking her hips in time to Laura’s fingering, she was breathing harder, her hands knotted into the sheets at her sides, her face contorted into a grimace of utmost concentration…..Laura purred encouragement to her, “Yeah, baby…cum on,, I wanna taste you.”…..and suddenly Shay’s body went rigid and trembled from head to toe, her pussy clamping around Laura’s fingers, and a flood of cum covered Laura’s hand and soaked the sheets beneath her. Laura immediately bent down and licked at juices pouring forth from Shay’s still quivering pussy lips. In the background was the sound of Greg’s grunting as he furiously stroke himself to an orgasm….shooting his sticky cum onto the bed and the floor, some even landing on his stomach. There was a huge sigh of relief as the sexual tensions were finally satisfied. After some cleaning up and the shedding of all clothes, they all crawled into bed together….Shay in the middle with Laura to her left and Greg to her right…..with various body parts all entangled together.

Well, another Saturday night…and once again Shay was at Greg and Laura’s house…but this time it didn’t seem so disappointing. Shay actually enjoyed these regular weekend visits….sometimes she even made visits during the week, when either one couldn’t wait for the weekend. The sex was intense and she got to have it with both a man and a woman…satisfying both her cravings. Sometimes Greg just watched….sometimes Laura just watched…..other times Shay watched, but most of the time it was the three of them together.


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Jerome and friends enjoying ny wife

Saturday morning my sweet wife told me she had been invited to a private party at her Black Master’s house.Ana told me that Jerome had planned to share her with two other black guys she had never met before. She added I could be a witness that night or I could stay home alone, waiting for her…But two hours before leaving for Jerome’s house, the black bastard called me and said he had installed a modern camera system around his house. So, I would not be allowed to be there; but I could watch the...

4 years ago
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Friends wife

My Dear Friends. Welcome back again. This is Seenu , I am attended the friends marriage The guests to their marriage are Anu, who is the wife of my friend ,Sharmila and two of the friends of Sharmila. They are Haleem, a Muslim girl, aged 21 and the best friend of Sharmila. Next Sirisha, aged 22, a woman married and the second best friend of Mine and her close to me as well as sharmila.. They know the illegal relation of Seenu and Sharmila, (of course told by Sharmila), they are invited to her...

1 year ago
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Part 1 Friends And Wife

She lay there in her warm and soft bed, covered with her favorite satin linens, unable to stop her mind from racing. The thoughts were of the earlier hours of the evening while having dinner with her family and some close friends... The house was lit up with the warm glow and scent of many large candles situated quite precisely around the house. Ensuring every corner of the large home was scented of pinewood and rain, with the perfect amount of candlelight to set a mood almost that could be...

2 years ago
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This happened to me about 4 years after I married my first wife. I was in the air force and my squadron had been sent to Europe for 65 days on temporary duty. As it happened, I got to come home early, and I decided to surprise my wife by not telling her I would be comming home. My wife, Debbie, played cards with my buddies wifes every Tuesday night while their husbands were away. I got a ride to my house and walked in. Sure enough, there was Debbie, Sandy, Cheryl and Beth, sitting at the...

4 years ago
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My friends wife

I am the regular reader of ISS very exciting stories are been written by number of writer it really gives the hard one while reading maybe its just assumption Or Real only the writer knows it but its really good to Read it. I am narrating my part of the story you can assume as you want Real or my Mind. I am a man aged 40 years married since last 7 years have a very plump wife who is fat & enjoy fucking her regularly. Since I am not satisfied with the quality of sex with my wife I have a roving...

3 years ago
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Bestiality School Lesson 1 Cat Sex

Introduction: A young woman loses her virginity to a cat! —Prologue— I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And...

2 years ago
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My best friends wife

Hello all, today I am going to narrate the most exciting experience of my life. I fucked my best friend’s very sexy wife whom I used to dream and masturbate. This is a true story and I am changing names of my best friend and his wife. I and Ramesh are best friends since childhood. We went to the same school in childhood, same college and now work in the same city of Pune in India. Both of us are engineers and work for software companies. I am 6 feet tall, fair, 32 and married with 1 son. My...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Friends Pregnant Wife

I wanted to post this incident which happened over the last week. We live in an apartment gated community. Me and my friend had bought these apartments together so we share adjacent flats in the 4th floor. My friend being in software has to travel often to US and his wife is alone during these time frames. My friends wife Gayathri is a house wife and she mostly comes to our home for having a chat with me and my wife as we are neighbors and friends.They got recently married in October and she is...

4 years ago
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Three good friends and my wife

Friday evening, as I came back home from my office, I found Ana wearing a bathrobe; she had black stockings on and stilettos.She kissed me and commanded I should have a warm shower.As I came back to our bedroom, Anita was standing there next to the bed with her hands in the pockets of the robe. She knelt down in front of me and pulled down he towel wrapped around my waist.She took my semi hard cock in her hand and she smiled.She then reached into her robe pocket and took out something. I looked...

2 years ago
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My Friends Fuck My Wife

I am Waqar a married man of 36 and my wife is Shagufta aged 29. We have got married about 5 yrs ago. My wife has an average looking face and fair complexion but very sexy body. Her figure is 36-27-36. She always use chadar (shawl) when we go outside. We (me and my wife) live in Rawalpindi. We do not have any child yet. My wife is very much conservative as she is a village girl and is very much shy regarding the sex. Many times she insisted not to getting naked even before me. I am in teaching...

4 years ago
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Making Love To My Friends Wife

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Raghav, 37, 5, 5” average built. I have a very flirty nature, where I try to keep everyone light and happy. It’s just my second nature, whereas the intention is to make the ladies feel good for their age and have a nice time myself, my wife who knows about may nature has never stopped me, in-fact at times we join together do a little leg pulling. This happened a few years back, I met my school friend after a gap of about 10 years, now both of us were happily...

4 years ago
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Cersei the Photo Shoot HOTWIFE

You've just finished kneeling in front of Charles, sucking and licking his monster cock while Jamie snapped pictures of you performing...but the thought in the back of your mind has always been about how this thick, long cock will feel in your're torn between thoughts of your own pleasure and being unfaithful to Jamie...he's told you time and time again, it's not being unfaithful, you've been given permission from him...but still...then you see Charles's cock again, standing rigid...

3 years ago
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How to Find a Bull for Your Hotwife

Want to find a bull who will make your cuckolding fantasies come true?Cuckolding couples might think it’s easy to find a guy who’s happy to sleep with a hotwife. While it’s true that many men will be into a cuckold arrangement in theory, making the right connection can be a bit trickier than it sounds. But no need to make things complicated.Before the Bull Hunting Begins Get clear on your cuckolding desires:Make sure both cuck and hotwife are on the same page before moving any closer...

3 years ago
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The Beginning of a Hotwife

Chapter 1 I'm a hotwife, always have been. What's a hotwife, you ask? Well, on my computer The Urban Dictionary defines it as: A married woman she has sexual relations with with other men, with the husbands approval. Usually while the husband watches or joins. Please don't blame me for the poor English of the definition, that's what's on their website. Also, I go a bit beyond their definition - I like women, too. So, I want to tell you how I got to be that way, how I became a...

2 years ago
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Best friend cannot help but cross the line with his friend8217s wife

I had always found Jack’s wife sexy, the three of us had gone back many years, Jack and I had met whilst still in college and despite moving around about, we still kept in regular contact, hooking up for beers in town and occasional parties at each other’s houses. I am pretty sure Karen his partner knew I fancied her, if fact, I am pretty sure Jack knew and seemed pretty nonchalant about it, I had never made any secret of my thoughts, frequently making ‘boorish’ comments...

3 years ago
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Boss And his friends fuck mt wife

Your boss invited you and your wife to a party at his mansion. When you arrived you knew something was wrong. He walked out into the foyer to greet you and said that he had a proposition for you.As we walked in I could see 5 other men in the living room, where rope was dangling from the ceiling. “Lets be honest,” he said with a grin. “This isn’t a party that you’re going to enjoy. My proposition to you is that you let, myself and my friends here, tie up your beautiful wife and take turns...

1 year ago
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I admire my friends wife

Hi this is Raja from Chennai(madras) 23/M unmarried a great fan of story16 which gave me so many ideas and to know that lot of people are interested in sex all we need is to approach in a proper and safe way the stories which I have read gave me courage to enjoy my sexual life and I am happy about it, my humble suggestion to all the dear readers is enjoy life with safe sex and mutual consent, I would like to share one of my true incidents which happened in my life hope u readers enjoy this any...

3 years ago
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Terrific friends wife

Hi ISS Readers, This is Jack (Name changed) Male 29 Married living near Vijayawada. I am a good looking programmer working for a Cement Factory. I am well settled with my wife 26 of suitable standards. I live in company Quarters. Recently my wife was conceived and gone to he parents home in another district. So I have to stay alone. I never stayed till then. I have a friend peter (name changed) that got married and 5 years elder to me but no children till. His wife mala (name changed) was a...

3 years ago
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Best Friends1

One day Lisa & I were shopping and in the fitting room trying on clothes. Because we were together so much we changed in the same room together. We had seen each other nude several times and weren't shy around each other. This particular day we were looking for bikinis to wear for the summer swimming season. Lisa had chosen several cute bikinis but and was trying them on; she would always ask me to help her fasten the tops. This particular one was bright pink and barely covered her huge...

4 years ago
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Husband fucks our friends pregnant wife

Our Friends Pregnant Wife * (a woman's husband finds her unattractive when she's pregnant but a good friend of his thinks entirely differently.)Rachael struggled to get up off the couch."Let me get that for you," Jason said as he jumped up quickly."Don't be silly," Rachael laughed. "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm an invalid.""I know," Jason offered. "It's just that... well, I want some too and I know where the cups are. I can get both of us some.""Your so nice Jason," she smiled as...

1 year ago
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Birthday Treat with 3 friends and wife

I am a Thirty something Bisexual Male. My Wife does not normally like to watch or take part with my other Sexual encounters, however this time she give me a special Birthday present. All day my wife kepttelling me that she had one last Birthday present for me when I got home, so when I got home I was suprised to see 3of my Males friends from a gay club that I visit sometimes. I was told that this was my birthday present. Before I knew itall the 5 off us were upstairs on the Bed completely...

1 year ago
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taking my friends wife

Well I met my new friend on a chat site I was browsing a site where guys looking for wome to have sex with married women so we just started chatting and we went pvt so I asked him if he to was married and yes he was married to a sexless women but they had 3 k**s together and since we both the same age I could understand y he looking for something on the side and his wife doesn't even allow him to have friends so his hme life sucks and needs some escaping so he can be himself with a women.So he...

2 years ago
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Friends wife

Friend’s Wife ——————————————————————————– Shakeel was my friend from last 13 years. We were the same native place. We worked in one city. He was employ and I had my own small business. We met twice in a week. Usually we met at his place. Because he was living in his own rented house. I was living with a couple of friends in a sharing place. Where shakeel doesn’t fell easy. Mostly we spend all the Sunday at his home, playing cards, etc. Shakeel family has not too big, his wife neelam and three...

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Besties A man is struck by his girlfriend's best friend's appearance one day. He becomes obsessed with that vision, and it takes him to unexpected places. As I sat down, I caught a glimpse of her dress in the mirror. It was lilac with a subtle flower pattern on it. The dress was sleeveless, but with a boat neck so it did not show cleavage. It was soft and flowy, landing just above the knee on her (a woman three inches shorter than me). Between the hips and the knee, the...

1 year ago
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Hot friends wife

Hi. Reading all of these true stories makes me want to share the story of my hottest and passionate experience, a true story of adultery. My name is Andy. My story begins with a trip I made into the foothills of the Himalayas a few years ago with my best friend Sushant and his new bride, Sonal. No, I didn’t have any experiences with Sonal, but her best friend is another story. We were staying in a small town (I won’t mention name) where Sonal’s best friend, Priti lived. Priti was a gorgeous,...

2 years ago
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Best of Friends3

It was a Tuesday, sunny and warm. School passed by quickly, luckily, and I grabbed my bag from my locker. Adam met me halfway down the hall, and we walked side-by-side to the exit. I saw a girl from my grade, Jessica, walking up to me and I stopped. “Hi, Cody!” she said softly. She didn’t try to talk quietly, it was just the way her voice was. “Whats goin on, Jess?” she smiled up at me and twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. “Well..I was wondering. Did you maybe want to go to The...

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Best of Friends2

I've known him for a couple years now. We had become fast friends, and the best kinds of friends. We shared everything with one another; our hopes, dreams, and even our sexual fetishes. He often hinted at the fact we should hook up, or that he found me attractive enough that he wanted to get together with me. We were friends, so I pushed him off. I never wanted to make our friendship muddled with sex. One sunny Spring morning, my phone rang. It was my best friend, Grant. "Hi honey!"...

2 years ago
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Best of Friends1

I've known him for a couple years now. We had become fast friends, and the best kinds of friends. We shared everything with one another; our hopes, dreams, and even our sexual fetishes. He often hinted at the fact we should hook up, or that he found me attractive enough that he wanted to get together with me. We were friends, so I pushed him off. I never wanted to make our friendship muddled with sex. One sunny Spring morning, my phone rang. It was my best friend, Grant. "Hi honey!"...

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Best Friends Wife

Hi I am Dr.Rajesh from Andhra Pradesh. This is about my affair with Vidya, my best friend Suresh wife. Let me describe Rekha, she is one of most stunning beauty among the women I had ever seen, well shaped body, beautiful lips, most sexiest pair of lips, lovely boobs, the biggest ever I had seen, sexy naval. I only heard of Rambha, Urvashi, Menaka as the most beautiful women, but I feel that Vidya can certainly be added to this list. I am a Doctor by profession and Suresh is working in a...

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Canadian Cuckold friends wife

When I was younger and studies in Canada, I had several good friends including Markus and Katie.I met them at college, and back then Markus was a tall well built guy who played on the college soccer team, and Katie was young blonde chubby girl who was studying to become a Nurse.Anyway, after college we went our separate ways, I moved away and began my career and they got married and had their careers, and apart from messages and the odd phone call through the year, I hardly ever saw them. Then...

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vacation with our exhibitionist wifes

My wife Karen and I won a vacation for 4 to Mexico and were going with our friends Kay and her husband Fats,who is real skinny.Kay has been a friend of ours for a few years,I have known her husband for about 5 years but really get along well with him even though hes 18 years younger.Kay and Karen are very much alike and get along well but do compete with each other.The girls are both exhibitionist,but my wife is more bold then Kay. Karen and I flew to LA and Kay and Fats drove. We...

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