A Sissy Called Jezebel Part CXXXII free porn video

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXII - Jezzie returns to fair Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Jezzie is saved in just the nicki of time. Jezzie gets caught holding back on details to the police, why did sie sie do it? Beth starts pulling the leash attached to my choke collar. I start choking. "I can't believe it! This is it! They are going to kill ........" I don't get to finish the thought. Lights come on from the edge of the clearing. "Don't move!" Beth and Gina run off. I hear a thud. Did one of them fall? I try to breathe but the choke collar is still digging into my neck. Someone loosens it. "Jezebel can you breathe?" I gasp for air. I am wheezing. "Cut hir down! We might have to resuscitate hir. Don't panic Jezzie, you are safe now." It's the police. One of them is Officer Jones who had searched our house after the Pioneers had lit their awful symbol in front of our home. I try to speak. Nothing but raspy, guttural noises come out. I can't catch my breath. No matter what I do, I can't get enough air into my lungs. I point at Jones' police pad and pen. I make the writing symbol with my two hands. I have to try to tell them about Dorcas, sie may hate me, and sie is not exactly my favorite cousin right now, but sie doesn't deserve to die. I write out Gina and Beth's full names and point towards the woods and make the walking sign. I write out 'Dorcas Greta Kumblestein is part of this and back at the school. They gave hir drugs, I think they are bad, tampered. Sie is an addict. Find hir, please.' Officer Jones get on her radio. She walks away, so I can't hear what she is saying. I just struggle to catch my breath. It is a horrible feeling. A paramedic arrives and slips an oxygen mask over my mouth. Oh blessed goddess, I can finally breathe! My vitals are taken. Several blankets are thrown over me. The paramedics say that they want to check on the other injury case. I look at officer Jones. "One of the suspects, I won't say who it is until you identify her, ran full speed into a tree trying to evade our pursuit, knocking herself out. She broker her nose, and probably gave herself a concussion." I take my mask off for a second, I say in my raspy voice, "I hope it fucking hurts." Officer Jones guffaws, and says "Leave the mask on Jezzie, we recovered your stolen sissy cream on her person. Way, way back in the woods, the second suspect tripped on a tree limb also fleeing and broke her ankle. She'll need a stretcher as well. But her evacuation will take some time." Officer Jones assures me, that suspect two is also, most likely in a lot of pain. I smile through my oxygen mask. It's probably freakin Beth. Officers and paramedics are racing by. Captain Brady arrives. "There's my favorite little troublemaker," she says with a wink. I write on my pad, "Guilty as charged." "Your cousin has been located, unconscious, under a stairwell. We had to revive hir with a Narcan shot. You were dead on right Jezzie, we field tested hir drugs and they were laced with Fenty, Fentanyl, very dangerous stuff. You saved hir life, Jezebel." I nod grimly. Dorcas is in big, big trouble. "Jezzie can you stand? I want to move you from the scene of the crime, my CSI people are going to sweep through here." I stand up, although Officer Jones and Captain Brady are standing next to me. "Jonesy, take hir O2 tank and let's go to the parking lot." We slowly make our way. We sit down on a bench. "You've mother is on her way. There was a huge traffic accident on the highway nearby, some idiot in a stolen car rammed a bus head on, causing a fire. Lot's of burn victims. The hospital is a mess and so are the roads. Your mommy and Mrs. Beauregard have arranged for a private doctor to come here to examine you. It will be much faster than getting triaged at an overwhelmed hospital." I nod. I write on my pad "Mommy's going to freak out." "Yes, most likely. Your mommy is perhaps the most amazing person I have met, but she is still human, believe it or not," I hear someone yelling, it's Gina. She is being rolled on a stretcher. She has an ice pack on her shattered nose. Officer Jones and a few other officers stand between me and Gina as she rolls by, but she still sees me. "You are so fucking dead Jezzie. My Pioneer friends are going to kill you and your bitch mother! You're dead!" Captain Brady walks up to her. "Look Gina, my officers read you your rights, including your right to remain silent. Stop committing a felony of making death threats, right in front of about ten officers, and shut your trap. You're just piling on the years aren't you." Gina clams up. Captain Brady walks back to me and asks is that one of the people that assaulted you? Just nod or shake your head." I nod. Gina is rolled away. "It's going to take a while for suspect two to be transported, we'll have you ID her by video or something. Your mommy has given her permission to interview you." I am transported by wheelchair to the Headmistress' office where Mistress Faust is waiting for me. Mistress Faust is looking very concerned. "Jezebel are you all right? They told us those two hoodlums tried to strangle you." I give Mistress Faust a thumbs up. "I won't get in your way Captain but I absolutely insist that I be present for Jezzie's interview at least until hir mother arrives, this young missy has been put through a horrific event. Sie must be in shock." "We see this a lot. The calm before the storm, sort of a thing. At some point sie the events will catch up hir, until then, we might as well be productive. You okay to talk Jezzie?" I give two thumbs up. "Please stay Mrs. Faust. If Jezzie has a problem, let us know. Jezzie the medics are going to kill me if I try a verbal interview, do you want to write out your statement?" I nod and point at the computer on the desk and make typing gestures." "Works for me, just start from the beginning, and any detail is important." I start with my cousin ignoring me through out the evenings events and also giving me nasty little looks and then I go to being shook awake by hir. Captain Brady watches over my shoulder as I type away, and walks away, as Officer Jones walks in the room and whispers to her. Captain Brady's eyes get huge. "They set up where?" "Excuse me, our crack CSI team is investigating a patch of land hundreds of feet away from the actual crime scene. Jonesy get Detective Denton in here pronto, then you and I are going to tell Sergeant Kim that the only crime they are going to solve is where the squirrel hid his freaking nuts! Keep on typing Jezzie, you are doing a fantastic job, don't let my underlings' stupidity get in the way of you solving the crime for us." Detective Denton arrives. "This is Detective Gail Denton from homicide. Gail, Jezzie has incredible recall, so just let hir keep going, and save your questions, for when sie is done. Excuse me I have some asses to kick!" Captain Brady storms out. I continue to type out what kind of feels like an essay. I finish up, review it for grammar and add a few more details here and there. Detective Denton reads it. Shrugs her shoulders and says "you said that the towel that was placed over your mouth smelled like chloroform, how did you know what it smelled like?" "In my home economics class we told to never mix rubbing alcohol with bleach because it would form chloroform, which is super dangerous. Our instructress performed a demonstration. I remembered the oder." The Detective smiles. 'Okay, I'm good, just type in the date and a signature block for you and your mommy." Captain Brady returns and reviews my statement. At the very end she arches an eyebrow. 'Oh fudge sie saw right through me like a hunk of glass.' Just as I am about to ask for my statement back, I hear footsteps flying down the hallway, and mommy's voice, "please let me through I know exactly where the Headmistress's office is, thank you." Mommy and Hepzibah come through the door. That giant ball of guilt and shame bursts through the dam, and I start howling and shaking as the two people that I am closest to in the universe, try to console me. I start repeating "I'm so sorry mommy," and "I betrayed you," over and over again while rocking back and forth. I am completely hysterical. Of course with my raspy voice and my oxygen mask I doubt I am particularly intelligible. I probably sound like a frog, croaking. Captain Brady says, "let's give the family moment of privacy." Mistress Faust and the two police officers walk out of the room. "Goddess, child why are you apologizing to me?" I fight through the tears to say "I climaxed, I should have resisted, I couldn't help it...." "That's what you are upset about? That in the middle of these two thugs trying to kill you, you had an orgasm?" "Yessssssssssss." Mommy grabs me by the shoulders. "Honey, that was involuntary. You didn't want to give it to them, did you?" "Noooooooooo." "They took it from you, pure and simple and they stole from me, and from the Lannisters. You have to understand that I that know you resisted them." I look up at mommy, tears running down my face. "Honey, many milking ceremonies are not the fun spectacular event we had with the Beauregards, they are much more mechanical, like when a cow is milked at the dairy. They are not particularly soothing events for the sissy, but you know what dear? The womyn always gets the sissy's cream. Always. Understand?" I nod my head. I start crying again. "Honey what's wrong, now, tell mommy." "H..h..how could sie do this to me," "Who?" "Dorcas!" Mother looks at me, puzzled. "The police have only told me about those two warped monsters, Gina and Beth." I start retching, it is all too much for me. Mommy hands me a trash can. I lean over it, but dry heave. They both rub my back and stroke my hair. "Honey collect yourself, I know it's very traumatic." Mother walks out of the room and returns with my statement. She reads it and her face hardens. "Hmmmmmmm........., I understand now." "Sie did this because of drugs mommy." "Do you think that Franny, even stoned out of her gourd, would do this? No matter how badly she wanted another hit of drugs, Francisca would walk out knowing that these two monsters were going execute you slowly?" I shake my head. "Your damn right, this is more than drugs. Don't make excuses for hir, dear. Speaking of that...." Mother asks Captain Brady to return. "I have reviewed by spawn's statement but I cannot sign it yet because it is not entirely accurate, there's an omission, isn't there?" Mother simply stares at me. "Stand up, face The Captain, and tell her what you CHOSE to leave out." I stand up. "Right before sie left, my cousin Dorcas, spat on me and said that sie hated me." "You will now amend your report, UNLESS, there is something else you felt ENTITLED to leave out." "No, mother, nothing else." I hand write in the addition. "Sign it and now I will sign it." After we finish, Mother says "stand up and apologize to the Captain for this attempt of deception." "Joannah, that not necessary...." "Oh it is. My child in an act of empathy for a family member chose to leave out information that shows hir cousin's state of mind." I apologize to the Captain and to mommy. "Joannah to get this level detail takes usually multiple interviews over several days, victims often have gaping holes in their memory....." "You are being far too charitable, Captain. Jezzie, you remembered that detail just fine didn't you?" I nod and drop my head down in shame. "You felt sorry for hir." I nod. I put up my hand. "Yes?" "Captain Brady gave me a look that she knew something was missing. I was going to correct the report, but you arrived and I had my meltdown." "Your perfectly understandable meltdown, Jezzie, and I believe you were going to correct the report, you wouldn't lie to me about that, but you are loyal my dear, and it is an admirable trait, but you're loyalty is misplaced with that broken little shit of a cousin of yours. I felt the little shit's spittle in your hair, when I was stroking it. So I was pretty sure it was hir's after I read your report. I warn you now little one, if I catch you pulling a stunt like this again, you can be sure you will be getting much more than a lecture by me. Understand?" "Yes Mother, understood." "I could just wring your neck." Mommy smiles as she winks at me. "Get in line Mommy." "Honey, in all seriousness, your act of charity to your cousin is a luxury that we cannot afford right now. They are coming at us honey, we are all targets." "Yes, Mommy." "Mistress, if you are throughly done chastising your spawn, after making the horrible revelation that sie is only 99.98% perfect, and that shockingly and tragically that Jezzie is just as human as the rest of us," Hepzie pauses, "you will see a text from Doctor Gilpartz that we both received ten minutes ago that she is stuck in the same traffic jam everyone is else is at the moment. She texted that we should wean Jezzie off the oxygen and have hir sip ice water every few minutes, immediately," says Hepzibah. "I think we can agree that Jezebel's health is the most important concern, since sie is the victim of a horrific crime, not hir regrettable but understandable misstep that sie was going to correct before we arrived, that you have decided reflects negatively on you somehow." Hepzibah never does that. Sie might make comments like that in private, but Hepzibah wants mommy to get off her 'high horse' for a moment. Mommy takes her rebuke and just nods and whispers "message received." Ice water is produced, and I start sipping through the straw. I feel almost instantly better. As I sip away, I let everyone know how good it feels. Hepzibah hugs me, protectively. "I want my hug time too," announces mommy as she sits down next to me and starts hugging me as well. Captain Brady shows me a recorded video of Beth being transported on a stretcher onto an ambulance. "That's her Beth Johnson." "And she is the one that was choking you when the police found you?" "Yes, Captain." "Point out the third party present at your attempted murder." The Captain shows me a picture taken from tonight. It shows me right after my hazing. I am completely covered in paint and slime, and my classmates are all surrounding me making silly faces and/or smiling, except one, Dorcas, on the edge, looking sour. I point to hir. "Circle it, and date it." I do as I am asked. "Last question for now. Who gave the baggie of suspected drugs to Dorcas?" "Gina did it, Gina Givonna, but I think that they both knew it was laced, just from the way they were acting." "I'll go to the magistrates and swear out the warrants," says Detective Denton, as she departs.

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Jezebel in Hell

Jezebel In Hell?Ok Dad, I’m all set to go!  YAY my first solo backpacking trip! See you when I get back on Sunday!?    As Jezebel trotted out the door she could barley contain her excitement.  She had been backpacking many times before but never alone.  She could do whatever she wanted, go were she wanted, go at her own pace, and get to feel the excitement of being totally alone and self-sufficient in the woods.  ?Be careful!? her Dad yelled out the door as she got into her car.  ?Don’t...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XIV

A sissy called Jezebel Part XIV - The Headmistress of Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission, reveals even more mind blowing secrets of hir own family history to Jezebel. With that we enter the medical office. Headmistress Saxon says, "The Doctor will be here in a few minutes. So just to fill you in, many of our students were confused about what really happened. The womyn students of both the McCarthur clan and the...

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Appendix to A Sissy Called Jezebel

APPENDIX The world that Jezebel McCarthur lives in, is the present time, but in an alternative world where a sizable percentage of women practice female domination of males, as part of an organized international government, known as the Matriarchy. A third gender of sissified males has been created by the Matriarchy, who have almost no legal rights and live under complete domination of their mothers and later their female spouses. Sissies dress only in extreme feminine attire, wear...

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The Tales of Jezebel Ch 1

She now had a dilemma. She was drunk. She had just started college. She was thanking God she was out of her own personal bondage called her parents' house. She called that house home. But she didn’t know what to call it now.Tipsy, she sipped from the foam from the head. She was in San Antonio now, missing home just a bit. Her best friend came out to her as a lesbian recently. She missed her especially. She looked out into the distance. She looked at her phone and said simply:“Some things are...

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"Jezebel throw me another can of beer", called the man sprawled out on the very worn lounge. "Too drunk are you Tom to actually get up and get the beer yourself", the woman replied as she moved her bulk, for she knew she was a touch overweight. "You're the closest you silly cunt, just chuck me a fucking can". Although the language sounded rough, it was said with no malice for it was the standard way of conversation in this rough neighbourhood. The can of beer sailed through the air and...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXIII - It's a sissy Halloween! Who gets the tricks and who gets the treats? As we drive back to the house, the talk is all about the costumes! I mean come on. For a sissy, Halloween is a Big Night! It's sexy dress up time! But, since I am taking the twins and some other children trick or treating, I couldn?t go totally over the top in a slutty costume, dang kids. Besides, the twins really, really wanted to go in a matching outfit, so that led me to...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVII- Jezebel has been sissynapped, hir three primary captors are told by the militia leader to have some fun with 'it', and leave 'it' somewhere nearby. I am freezing. I am so cold, I am shivering convulsively. I am tied back to the car seat, some kind of blanket is thrown on me, I am sure my teeth are chattering like crazy. "Here take a shot, we need you to warm up." A flask of liquor is held up to my mouth. I take a slug. The burning liquid...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXIV

A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXIV - Jezzie returns to fair Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Is Jezzie ever going to finally have just a 'normal' day of sissy school? Probably not.....oh to live in interesting times." Mother interjects, "Did Pepper get you up to date, Princess?" I nod and give a thumbs up. "It just occurred to me Jezzie can't swallow that fruit, I'll have one my gurls make it into a smoothie. ...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XV

A sissy called Jezebel Part XV - An exhausted Jezebel is taken to sissy nap time at the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Is Jezzie going to have a restful, restorative nap, or perhaps a sexy nightmare? The headmistress grabs my hand and pulls me into the hallway and takes me to the nap room. Mistress Kennoch is the monitor for the nap today. My classmates are dressed in all sorts of wonderful frillies, baby...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part LIX

A Sissy called Jezebel Part LIX - We learn that the Matriarchy rates Jezebel as 'triple A ++' breeding stock, we also learn of Abigail's college plans that might include possibly Jezebel as well, and finally, that Jezzie is an expert at woodcraft, specifically finding the best and most painful switch. The whole breeding thing has me a little conflicted. I mean, I'm super flattered that Valerie wants to procreate with me. Sisters, donate eggs to infertile siblings and such. Vice...

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The Tales of Jezebel Ch 4

It was the following night after classes and the two friends were at The Roadrunner, the college hangout and bar. Fancy spotted Jezebel at the bar. Jezebel smiled at her.“Hey…” Fancy said to Jezebel.“It’s the pretty college girl…” Jezebel said. She looked at Lauren and smiled. “And you brought a friend?”“Yeah, we were roommates back in our freshman year. Remember when you asked me… you know, that question? Meet the answer to your question. Thanks for being a good listener, by the way,” Fancy...

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The Tales of Jezebel Ch 4

It was the following night after classes and the two friends were at The Roadrunner, the college hangout and bar. Fancy spotted Jezebel at the bar. Jezebel smiled at her.“Hey…” Fancy said to Jezebel.“It’s the pretty college girl…” Jezebel said. She looked at Lauren and smiled. “And you brought a friend?”“Yeah, we were roommates back in our freshman year. Remember when you asked me… you know, that question? Meet the answer to your question. Thanks for being a good listener, by the way,” Fancy...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XX - Jezebel and hir entire family next attend a family wedding, where the bride is a sissy (of course.) What sexy, submissive traditions prepare the beautiful blushing bride for hir big day? Will our bride vow to love, cherish and (especially) obey, all orders, whims, without any hesitation, from hir goddess/wife/mistress and to her complete and utter satisfaction? There is non-stop teasing in the car about the bridesmaid dress. Everyone knows I adore...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XLII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XLII - A sissy's bitch or what a gurl has to do to get a freaking cuddle around here. (Forgive my little homage to Rocky & Bullwinkle, 'Find out next time......') "Uhm, how did you get into my diary?" I queried Irmagard. "Your sister Abigail generously told me how to pick the lock," she responds very matter of factly. I've operated under the assumption that my sweet sisters were getting into my diary, I just stopped caring that they could read...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVI

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVI- Jezebel is sissynapped, a fairly common and often light hearted tradition in the Matriarchy, but this 'napping' takes a serious turn. My wrists are tied behind my back and I am led away. I am picked up and go over someone's shoulder, as I am taken down steps to the parking lot. I grunt with each step. Of course I don't resist, sissy-napping is pretty common. It is the moral equivalent of driving ten miles over the speed limit. I've been...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part XXX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXX- Jezebel really is about to be hosed off at a truck stop, am I crazy or does that sound kind of sexy. "Is it a point of honor Mother?" "Damn straight gurl." Mother is going to retrieve her 'lost property', so it's back to makeout point/the observatory for me. Mother has only 'threatened us' with the truck stop wash a few times when we were younger and my sisters found some muddy puddle to throw me into. We haven't actually been to it, but...

3 years ago
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JezebelChapter 2

JAY & J. PROP. Somehow, Jay was able to conceal the fact he had a 'J' form in his possession. While the other men were more or less servants, Jay had a different purpose. He was a maker. Besides the basic Gunsmith repairs to tourist mistakes, Jay constructed identical copies of commercial guns ... minus serial numbers and company markings. Jay worked with his hands. The simple series of steps necessary to build something had released certain things in his mind: Jay could think. He...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXI

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXI- The great dildo hunt BEGINS! As we pull into the observatory entrance I tell mother to go up to the specific parking lot where I found Piper's car, it would make sense to work our way from there. I see about a dozen cars, and a lot of family already waiting for us. "Totally stacked deck, right mother?" Mother squeezes my hand, "just don't drop your panties and moon the entire panel telling them to 'fuck off', well they may actually like that....

4 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part V

Part V - The inspection of Jezebel by Mistress Beauregard continues at the Head Mistress's office of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Does our little Jezzie make the grade, or will the milking ceremony be called off? (Author's Note on pronouns: in this alternate reality, the Matriarchy's goal is to convert all males into sissies, essentially a third gender. Pronouns evolved to reflect this new gender, he became sie,...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XVIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XVIII - Ever wonder what the womyns football team locker room is like before the 'Big Game' at Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission? Let's find out, together. "Well, looks like you don't actually need the school uniform, it's time for you to get our football team ready for the big game, and then you need to practice with the band, my little majorette." "Yes Headmistress." "How do you...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXI

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXI - Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports... the thrill of victory... and the agony of defeat... the human drama of athletic competition... This is Jezebel's Wide World of Sports! Once we get to the parking lot of the sports complex that my competition is at, Mistress Valerie is waiting for us in mother's luxury sports coupe. Mother didn't want to get "busted" driving separately, because only mother is going to my competition...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVII - Alone at last! What ever will Ismeralda and Jezebel do to pass the time? After sie shuts the door, I say to Ismeralda, "remind me to never piss that gurl off, wow! It's all sweetness, rainbows and butterflies, except in the bedroom, then it's crazy mean. So. What did you say to the 'Beast of the Bavarian Alps' before sie left?" "I called hir 'the good girl with bad habits', which seemed fitting." Ismeralda looks at me, "alone at last. What...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVI

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVI - Sexy wrestling matches, sexy pillow fight, and even more German swear words! It's Jezzie versus the 'Beast of the Bavarian Alps!' Mistress V points at her crotch and says, "get down there Jezzie and do your thing." I kneel in front of her and place my mouth right over her vulva and start to 'worship' my mistress. Valerie begins to ride my face as she continues to whip Irmagard with extra vigor. Valerie starts to moan as she has her second...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVIII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVIII - Edging, pro-wrestling moves, side saddle? What exactly are Jezebel and Ismeralda up to? All shall be revealed. Mistress Ismeralda starts fucking me at a very slow pace. A slow, deliciously slow stroke out, and then a faster thrust deeper into me. Over and over the pace barely changes, then she picks up, faster and faster. I moan harder into the pillows. "Oh Goddess, oh Goddess, I am getting close." Mistress Ismy stops. And then, fairly...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part LX

A Sissy called Jezebel Part LX - Agent Deavers makes an 'impression' on Jezzie, both physically and on a psychoneuroendocrinologically (say that one seven times fast, I dare you) level. We learn that Jezebel struggled with making friends as a 'tween' and Jezebel's mother doesn't know 'diddly poop about architecture'. I am led towards a fallen tree trunk. Mother says, "This will do, Jezzie climb up and lean over the trunk." I lean over the trunk, with my rump facing Agent Deavers. ...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part IV

Part IV - Jezebel's has been sent to the Head Mistress's office of the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Jezebel is inspected by the fabulously wealthy Matriarch of the Beauregard family for the milking ceremony later that night. The Beauregards and McCarthurs have been feuding for decades, but is there more to the story? (Author's Note: I had no intention of writing with such 'world building' detail when I started on this...

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The Tales of Jezebel Ch 3

She had a distinct voice. She had soft skin. She had pretty eyes. The college girl realized she was now a woman. It never ceased to surprise.Francesca “Fancy” Escobar was your regular bright college girl. She was studying law at the University of Texas-San Antonio. However, ever since that night at the bar, she’s been questioning herself. She actually liked the kiss.But she was drunk. She was looking at Jezebel’s boobs. But she was drunk. Was she bisexual? Did she like girls? She knew one...

4 years ago
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The Tales of Jezebel Ch 3

She had a distinct voice. She had soft skin. She had pretty eyes. The college girl realized she was now a woman. It never ceased to surprise.Francesca “Fancy” Escobar was your regular bright college girl. She was studying law at the University of Texas-San Antonio. However, ever since that night at the bar, she’s been questioning herself. She actually liked the kiss.But she was drunk. She was looking at Jezebel’s boobs. But she was drunk. Was she bisexual? Did she like girls? She knew one...

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Studio Salon Jezebel Introduction

This is my first contribution to Fictionmania.com and is part fantasy, part reality as to the story content. It's actually much more autographical than I'd like to admit but it's actually very authentic and real as to my experience to date. If the feedback is positive, I'll continue to write additional chapters. Studio Salon Jezebel - Introduction I'm feeling in a bit of a fog while starting this but a better description is probably that I'm in a sort of virtual reality where...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXII - More sexy nap time for our favorite sissy, will Jezebel (aka Georgette) have a good time? "That's right, I forgot, mother. My sports event was Saturday, Abby's is today." "You can nap in the car, dear. I'll fetch you, if she makes the finals, so you can cheer her on." Once we get to the parking lot, there's a surprise for me. Mistress Ismeralda is waiting for me on her 'hog.' When she sees me, I get a huge smile. She is so sweet to me. ...

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