Danny 2 Danielle Part XIV free porn video

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Danny 2 Danielle Part XIV - The Blau's family dinner is interrupted in the worst way. How will the Blau's face down bigotry and hatred? I have to start from the beginning since Donny doesn't know how awesome mom was with taking on the principal. "Then some other stuff happened, but it's not important, so let's hear from mom." "Nice try, young lady, now as you dish the dishes, dish about what I missed at school." "Yeah Tad told me that your boyfriend was defending you when he got to your school to pick you up." "Gross, Nick is definitely not my boyfriend." "Hold it, both of you back up. What happened at school and why is Tad picking you up and not Donny?" "I hadn't gotten out of Detention yet, and so I sent Tad and Ivan to pick up Dani." "Detention?" "It didn't stick, mom." "Okay put a pin in that. Dani, back up what happened at school?" I explain the bullying incident where I got shoved and blew the rape whistle. Mom nods approvingly. I then explain how the girls had been so cool with me and invited me to do art club. I then back up and explain about lunch and Ms. Perez's changing her class to the bullying issue. Mommy is smiling. I tell her about my encounter with Nick after art club and then the four boys from the other school. "It's was pretty dicey, mommy, but Nick did stand his ground, and then Lord Thaddeus Martin and his loyal sidekick Sir Ivan Jangula arrived upon their trusty steed, the Red Tornado and saved the day." "Tad probably towered over those boys," said mom. "Tad would have smashed those boys into next week mommy, but It may not have been a fair fight, when I had my mace out, two of the boys, their hands dropped to their pockets, I wonder if they had knives. The teachers showed up and they ran, so we'll never know." "Next time and Dani I hope and pray there is never a next time, hit them with the mace before they can get to you, it sprays like six feet. Don't let them get close, got it." "Got it mommy." So then Tad and Ivan dropped off Nick and I and they went to back to high school." "You didn't ask them about your brother? Seems like a natural question." "Uhm, .... Well I did but .....well mom." Donny, who has been enjoying watching me squirm, smiles and nods. I tell mom about the fight. "Is that what happened Donny, those three kids attacked you with no warning?" "We'll mom, there was a lot of warning. Some kids were saying stuff to me in the hallway. Some pretty terrible stuff about Dani and me. Sorry Dani, they were saying that you had AIDS and that I had AIDS, and that I was, sorry Dani, a queer like you." "That's the second time AIDS has been used as a taunt, do you know how people get AIDS?" "I know gay people get it," I say. "It's when gay guys have, you know, butt sex mom," says Donny. "It's primarily a sexual transmitted disease children just like Gonorrhea or Syphilis, but it's much more deadly and it has ravaged the gay community, but straight people can give it to each other. It's just when a liquid like blood or semen combine. You need to practice safe sex Donny, you too Dani." "But mom how is Dani going to have......? Ohhhhhhh." It dawns Dani how I might have sex. He turns bright red, I'm probably close to his shade but I still give the Donster a fabulous smile, and mom looks a little flustered as well. "Okay children, enough of this present detour, so Donny people were saying some really hateful things to you, what happened next." "I just tried to ignore them. You and dad say it's just words." Mom nods approvingly. "But those three guys were really in my face. I tried to walk by them and the one of then shoved me from behind, and I spun around and that Chad guy took a swing at me, and the fight went the way Ivan said, those assholes were swinging wild, and you know, I put them down." "Good for you Donald. Honey, I'm one hundred percent glad you defended yourself, and they absolutely got what they deserved. Three on one, what a bunch of cowards. My little Rocky. " Mom kisses Donny on the forehead. But I'm even more proud of you for not being baited by their awful, hateful lies. I really am so very proud of you." "Thanks mom. Anyhow the two jerks I knocked out got sent to the nurse's office, and that little shit, sorry mom." "No little shit is accurate, you get a pass, just this time Donny." 'He..." "His name is Cameron," I helpfully add. "Yeah Cameron just ran away, didn't come back to class." "Because he's a coward Donald, he doesn't have your character, and he probably never will, but enough about the human garbage, what happened to you?" "I got detention for fighting, even though the students that had been in the hallway booed and totally took my side. The principal just told me to go to class, and then he said for me to come to his office after classes. So I gave Tad my keys and asked if he and Ivan could get Dani, and they were cool with it. Tad doesn't drive stick, so Ivan drove, he doesn't have his own car, so he's always eager to drive, and Tad, well Tad is Tad, he's always someone you can count on." Mom nods. "We all could use a friend like Tad, okay gang, dinner is getting cold, let's move to the table." We sit and the Donster continues his tale. "So while Ivan and Tad helped save Dani's bacon, I'm stuck at the Principal's office who is lecturing me about violence, which I get why he's saying it, and then Coach Winthrop comes in and says I shouldn't be in any trouble at all, that I was only defending myself. Principal Stuart said that Coach was just trying to help his star player, but he was basically joking and Coach said of course he's trying to help his star player, but also that I hadn't done anything wrong. Principal Stuart said that he asked around and said that even though I was being taunted that I was ignoring them, and that everyone agrees that the three bullies attacked first. The principal smiled at me, shook my hand and said I could 'serve' my detention at hockey practice. He winked at me, and said to me to just crush Edgemont in the big game tomorrow." "I don't think that the captain of your chess team would get the same treatment," says mom, "but your coach is right, you could have defended yourself or you could have been a punching bag." "Then I got home, and Dani is holding court with her girlfriends and they were all plotting world domination or something." "You had friends over Dani? Girls?" 'It wasn't a big deal, mommy," I say trying to play it cool. Mommy and Donny just stare at me. "Okay it was a huge deal!" I say with a huge grin. "They were really great to me." Mom smiles, she knows I am just dying to be accepted. "Okay mommy, spill the beans, how did it go at work?" I point at her with my fork. "Yeah mom, what happened?" echos Donny. "I was feeling really nervous when I drove to work, but I thought about how brave Dani was today and it helped me face my tormentors." "Mommmmmm, stop." "Well it's true, honey Well your grandfather and his law partners all showed up with me for my 'review'. The U.N. is it's own thing, they don't follow U.S. laws but all those lawyers scared the you know what out of my boss and the director for our department. The associate had read most of the personnel manual and my idiot boss hadn't followed any of the procedures, and he couldn't back any of his crazy allegations, the director looked disgusted with him by the end of the meeting." Mom is smiling pretty hard. "The director made a deal with me on the spot." "Soooo, you are staying, leaving, what's the plan?" asks Donny. "I'm taking a lateral into another department for a while, it's a temporary position, but I think I need to leave. I'm never going to get promoted, and I'll be looking over my shoulder because of the work environment." "So Professor Mommy?" I ask. "I'm applying all over, but I'm going to try stay in the area Donny, if I can." Donny nods and tries to smile. "Overall it was very successful ambush, by my own personal posse of intellectual property lawyers. We went out for drinks after the meeting. I went shopping afterwards so I could sober up before hitting the Sawmill Parkway." Mom opens up some shopping bags she had left in the foyer. "I hit some of the thrift stores at Gramercy Park. First, I found this for my Hockey star." Mom hands Donny a Pat LaFontaine jersey who plays for the New York Islanders. He's one of Donny's biggest heroes. Donny tries it on immediately. It fits! Donny is thrilled. "And I found this for you, Tink." Mom's new nickname for me is Tink, short for Tinkerbell, of course. Since our session with my therapist. Mom hands me a shoe box. I open them up, there are patent black Mary Jane shoes inside. "Oh my god Mom, I love them." "Try them on, they are a women's size ten, so they should fit you, there's about a one and half shoe size difference. Now my girl can have the correct footwear for school." I put them on, adjusting the buckles. I start prancing around "It is amazing what you can find at these stores, one person's junk is another person's treasure. I also found......" There is a huge crash, something whizzes by mom's head missing mommy by an inch. It crashes onto the dining room table. It's a brick. We all stare at it for a second in complete shock. We hear from outside voices. "Oh shit dude!" And also laughter. Donny runs out the front door in hot pursuit. "No wait Donny they might have weapons!" screams mom. Mom and I chase after Donny. As we head out the front door, we hear shots from the car that is tearing away, wheels squealing. Oh my god! Donny is lying on the front yard. Mom is screaming Donny's name, I am also screaming, I think I am screaming 'no', but it takes me a second to realize that I am screaming. We run full speed to Donny. Donny is standing up. "Mom, I am all right! They missed, I just tripped when they started shooting. I am all right." Mom is frantically checking Donny for injuries. She is in a complete panic. "You are not! You are bleeding! I can see it!" "No mom that's your blood, you were cut by the glass. I think Dani is too." "I am not, you are injured Donny!" "No, mom I hit a root and tripped and fell on the grass. You are bleeding from your neck, I think." Mr. Anderson has run out with a shotgun, his wife has one of those high powered flashlights. "Mrs. Blau are you okay, we heard the shots," says Mr. Anderson. The Hardwicks run out as well. Mr. Hardwick has a hunting rifle that looks like it would take down a moose. Mrs. Anderson shines a light on us. Mrs. Anderson is a nurse. "Martha you are bleeding. It's a significant laceration, we need to get some pressure on it. You are bleeding too Danny, from the head. You are both going to need stitches." Several other neighbors run out to check on us. The police arrive and so does an ambulance. Mrs. Anderson and the paramedics start treating mommy and me. Mom's wound is clean, she doesn't seem to have any glass embedded in her wound. I've got a shard of glass sticking out of the side of my head. Mrs. Anderson puts a pressure bandage on mommy and it really stops the flow of blood. The paramedics are less sure what to do with my injury. They take me inside our house so they can see inspect my injury in the light. They decide that a doctor should remove it, and I should be transported to the hospital, along with mommy. Oh crap, the hospital again! Donny is talking to the police officers and shows them the damage to the house and the brick. "Well, between the shots from the car and the brick flying into a crowded room, thank god no one is going to the morgue. You may not feel lucky, but you really are," says the police Lieutenant. "A state trooper pulled over a car for reckless speeding just outside your neighborhood, three teens and an adult, three wearing winter face masks in June. Your neighbor was able to give us a partial license plate number, can you describe the car Mr. Blau." I smile. The police called my brother mister, it's kind of funny. "It was a Dodge Dart, or maybe a Chevelle. It had that sports coupe back to it, and it was either blue or green. It was definitely New York plates. EG are the first two letters." The cops smile. They got their suspects. Mom and I climb onto the ambulance. There is some negotiation involving Donny. Mom doesn't want the Donster driving to the hospital. The police agree to finish their work at the house and they will drive Donny to the hospital and have a police officer drive the Red Tornado. One of our neighbors, Mr. Fields does glass repair work, he owns the business. He is already making arrangements for his crew to bring over their industrial vacuum cleaners to come in and clean up the broken glass, once the police finish taking pictures. Mr. Fields tells mother he can get a patch on the window for tonight and he'll get the window replaced first thing in the morning. We take off in the ambulance. I turn to mommy. "It's not worth it mommy. I'll go back to wearing boy clothes in public. Three goons try to beat up Donny at school, then this. That brick could hit you in the back of the head. Donny was shot at. He could have...have..." I look down. I feel so awful. I can barely whisper. "He could have been killed." "Dani, look at me. This isn't your fault. None of it is. We will get through this. As a family. You young lady are not responsible for other peoples hate." "If I...." "What? Stopped breathing. Stopped your heart beating. This is who you are Dani. I will not allow the human garbage to control us. This is like saying the Jews were at fault for the Holocaust because they were different, or Black people were at fault for the lynchings in South because they didn't know their place. I feel so strongly about this Dani." We pull into the hospital.

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Danielles holiday 1

A few weeks after her life had changed completely by fucking first her sons, then her niece then her sister and brother in law, Danielle figured it was time for a holiday. Her son Billy had opted to stay at home with his cousin Kayla, while his twin brother Jack accompanied Danielle on her two week vacation on the island of Kapthros.After driving to the airport, checking in their luggage and going through passport control, Danielle and her eighteen year old son Jack settled into their seats on...

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Danielle Works A Saturday

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please post wherever you feel and share with your friends and loved ones. All I ask is that my e-mail address remain in place, as I am the sole creator/author of this work. All characters are fictitious except for me, so any similarities are purely by chance. **All characters are OVER the age of 21 and...

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Danielle and I

Danielle and I — A Story of Forbidden Love For nearly the past four years I’ve been having an intimate relationship with a young woman who is almost half my age. I’m 47, she’s 27 — and I’ll call her Danielle. I’ve known Danielle for fourteen years, ever since she was a thirteen year-old girl in junior high school. Danielle is stunningly attractive. Her biological father is a tall, thin, dark-haired man, and her mother Susan is of Mediterranean decent — Susan’s mother and father are originally...

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Danielles holiday 2

The next few days of their holiday passed relatively quietly for Jack and Danielle. They enjoyed lazing on the beach and exploring the town and just being together. As much as they loved the group sex with Adele the air hostess and the two twins, Summer and Autumn, they liked having time to be with each other, not just as mother and son, but also as lovers. By the end of their first week, however, their rampant libidos needed something more than just one on one sex and, unknowingly, it was...

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Sweet Danielle wild side

Sweet Danielle wild sideWarning, this story mainly evolves around activities of panties sniffing. Those of you who don't appreciate this kind of story might want to stop right now. For those of you who enjoy this kind of thing, have fun.I also want to tell you that English is not my main language. If I have made mistakes writing the story, I'm sorry. I would also appreciate comments to see if I should make a sequel to the story. Thank you.IntroIt's the kind of story that you could only imagine...

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Danielle Quarterback

Bryan and Danielle’s parents had been neighbors since before the either of the kids were born. Danielle was the first born of eight children (3 sisters and four brothers. Bryan was the first born of five children (3 sisters and one brother). The families lived in the country and very quickly became friends. It became natural for the parents to baby sit for each other’s children. Both sets of parents were active in the PTA and as the children grew both sets of parents spent considerable amounts...

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Danielle at the Auto Repair Shop

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, *no* posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures! Thank you... :) Part 07: "Danielle at the Auto Repair...

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Becoming Danielle

"Can I help you?" Mark gestured down the hall to the bedroom. "They gave us a brand-new mattress, Daniel. Just come to bed, you're the one complaining about your back." "I'm fine out here on the couch. Good night." "Dude, I know it wasn't you. Remember I had to take classes too? Didn't they tell you that everyone is different and you might have to get your collar adjusted?" Daniel rolled onto his back and looked up at Mark, who was standing at the end of the couch. "You seem to...

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Danielle friends and family 1

With her two sons out for the rest of the Sunday evening, Danielle Kent settled herself down on the couch to watch her favourite porno. That she was the star of it was certainly the main reason she liked it so much. At 36, she didn't look old enough to have twin eighteen year old sons, but that was because she'd gotten pregnant while at university, a fact which had quickly got her expelled. Only her sister Tanya had stuck by her and, in order to make ends meet, when the twins were old enough,...

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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

REPAYING A DEBT TO GODDESS DANIELLEI live on a very large and secluded estate in Costa Rica, though I can't say that my life is easy, or that I'm sitting in the sun sipping a tall cool drink.  Quite the opposite actually. I had run afoul of the IRS and was $200,000 in tax debt. I was facing heavy fines and probable jail time which I was not prepared to serve. The only choice I felt I had was to call and ask a very wealthy acquaintance named Danielle, living in Costa Rica for help. I explained...

1 year ago
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Banging Danielle

Danielle stood in front of the full length mirror in her neighbor’s bedroom frantically trying to zip up the new dress she brought. “Macy. This dress is extremely tight. Help me zip it up!” Macy crossed the room and finished zipping up Danielle’s dress, bringing relief to her blonde neighbor. “ Danielle. What size is that dress anyway?” “It’s a size three but I guess my boobs must have grown a bit since this morning.” “Danielle. You’re just about as crazy as I’m, girl!” Danielle sat on a chair...

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Danielle and Mom Part 1

My name is Danielle and I am sixteen-years-old. I live with my family in Miami, Florida and let's just say that we're lucky enough to live ten minutes away from the beach. My dad is a supervisor at a big construction company and he gets paid well. My mom is my science teacher at my high school, and of course it's obviously my favorite class. My brother, Mike, is in the University of Miami and he is studying Marine Biology and this is his final year. My sister, Alison, is the same age as me....

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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 16 Danielle Neil and I

"Hi," Neil said, entering the room. He looked like he'd walked straight off an Irish travel poster. Tall and lean, long carrot-red hair, blue eyes and a wonderfully engaging smile. In his arms were five or six books. "I'm ready..." he started to say, with just a lilt of an Irish brogue in his voice, but his voice quit when he realized how I was dressed. I raised my arms and placed them around his neck and gave him a warm, tender, moist kiss, with the tip of my tongue just entering the...

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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

I had been acquainted with Danielle through an ex girlfriend of mine for 3 years, but we were never close friends, but kept in touch and occasionally got together when she visited Los Angeles. She is extremely wealthy after inheriting over a billion dollars of family assets. Danielle is 31, dark haired and very curvy with beautiful facial features, a stunning ass and large natural breasts. Danielle is also a lesbian with multiple lovers whom she flies down to visit her or employs on her...

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DANIELLE smeared reputation

As I was entering my third week of pussy depravity, I was fortunate enough to have Fleas, a close friend of mine, arrange a blind date for me. I conceded to take part in this endeavor on two conditions. Firstly, I demanded from my associate that the woman whom I was to be set up with be a fine-looking, bona fide slut. I did not want to waste any time entertaining a buckled broad and I sure as hell didn’t want to sink into the depths of blind date desperation without a steady stream of ass...

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the sexual adventures of danielle

danielle had a lot on her mind as she lay on her bed in her new bedroom.alot had happened in the last few months.she had left school only a few days ago and was looking for a job,her mom had come home 2 months ago with the news that she was getting married to a guy she had met.not only that but he had invited them both to come live with him.it wasn't long after that her mom introduced him to danielle.he was much older than her mum,he was 50 and mom was 35.danielle thought he had a nice smile...

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Danielle joined the Navy to make money for college

The problem with females in the military isn’t necessarily that they’re all sluts; it’s just that they get thrust into being sex objects the moment that they show up. Everyone knows that women are just as horny as men are, and with all of the swinging dicks around, they tend to explore a little of the variety that is available to them. The only thing is, some of them explore it a little more than the rest, and tend to build quite the reputation for themselves. Danielle was one...

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Danny Comes to Stay Part 1

As we undressed for bed, Alex said to me, "I feel kind of sorry for Danny.""Sorry for him?  You're kidding me!"It was hard to believe he would feel anything but mistrust for my ex.  He hadn't been keen on Danny visiting us, and sure as hell hadn't been comfortable with him staying over with us for the night."No I do," he insisted.  "Being holed up in that tiny Cornish village without any cute guys to help him pass the time.""It was his choice to take the job down there," I reminded him.  Danny...

Gay Male
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Danielle and Her First Photo Shoot

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers and/or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, no posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures!. Thank you... :) Part 08: "Danielle and Her...

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Danielle friends and family 3

At noon, Kayla stood outside Danielle's house, wondering what was going to happen. Her dad had left for work before she got up and her mom had gone out so she'd busied herself round the house till it was time to visit her aunt. Because of the hot weather, she'd dressed in just shorts and a T-shirt that was stretched tight over her impressive rack."Kayla!" Billy said as he answered the door."Hi Billy. I thought you were going back to university today?" she asked stepping inside."Yeah, but mom...

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Danielle Harris the shape stalks

Danielle Harris was enjoying the annual convention for Fangoria, it was a group of horror fans not unlike herself that loved showing their appreciation of all things horror. She tried to make it to one every chance she could get. She was flattered at the girls that would dress like her character of Jamie Lloyd from Halloween 4 & 5, and a little creeped out by the guys that would dress like Michael Myers/The Shape. She was signing autographs and talking to the fans in the Halloween area of...

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Danielle and Daddy

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more crossdressers. Also, this particular fantasy deals with consenting adults role-playing in a Daddy/Step-Daughter scene. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please post wherever you feel and share with your friends and loved ones. All I ask is that my e-mail address remain in place, as I am the sole creator/author of this work. All characters are fictitious except for me,...

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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 15 My First Seduction Danielle

Dear Diary: Thursday Julie and Doris both made comments about my dancing today. Yeah I'm an amazing dancer! Well, I CAN move and I know all the hot steps and tricks... but I love slow dancing the best. Although... I've never done that with a woman... Ha, ha, ha, I don't even know if lesbians do that, although why wouldn't they? But I've rubbed guys to orgasm without using my hand -- just my thigh and leg. Ummmm, when I realized how hard I was making the first guy -- it just turned me...

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Heather and Danielle at the beatch

Heather wanted to cheer up her friend Danielle. What better way than have some glamor photographs taken. What woman does not want to be told she is pretty and desirable. She knew just the photographer who could do the job and maybe have some fun doing it. I was that photographer. I had been doing photography for over 10 years and was good at my craft. People were not my specialty, but I had done my share of weddings and model shoots. So there was no reason not to do as Heather requested. She...

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Heather and Danielle at the beatch

Heather wanted to cheer up her friend Danielle. What better way than have some glamor photographs taken. What woman does not want to be told she is pretty and desirable. She knew just the photographer who could do the job and maybe have some fun doing it. I was that photographer. I had been doing photography for over 10 years and was good at my craft. People were not my specialty, but I had done my share of weddings and model shoots. So there was no reason not to do as Heather requested. She...

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