A Loner Mentalist Pt. 06 free porn video

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Edited by Over_Red


For the past hour, Jack Watts had been sitting on the floor of the motel room with just his upper back propped up against the side of the bed. He had been all but broken by Jacobs taking away his powers and invading Mia’s mind. He had eaten most of the pot cookies he had brought with him until the cartoon dog showed up out of the blue. It was sitting on the bed right now, staring at him with an expression that bordered on amused.

Jack sat up straight as he pulled his naked ass closer to the bed. He sighed with relief. He didn’t know if it had been the pot, or the improvised ice pack, but his balls, face and gut didn’t hurt anymore. He smoothed down his shaggy brown hair with repeated sweeps of his hand.

He looked again at the cartoon dog, who now had to sit up on the bed to be at eye level with Jack. How is this possible? How can I still be clairvoyant when Jacobs took my power away from me?

The dog snorted. Jack spared another worried glance up at Mia. She stood over him in all her naked glory, a doppelganger of Megan Fox, but more beautiful than the starlet as far as Jack was concerned. Her bright blue eyes still gave no indication of seeing the cartoon. Jack focused on the dog again as it yipped and softly barked. Jack’s jaw fell at the dog’s meaning. It told him that Jacobs hadn’t taken his power. No one could do that. Jacobs had merely obscured the memory of the first time Jack had ever used his power, thus preventing him from using it again.

In response to Jack’s confused frown, the cartoon dog growled. It was the instruction for Jack to enter his meditative state. Jack drew a series of slow, deep breaths. His emotions had an almost complete control of his mind. His fear, his despair, his hurt at seeing Mia made into a true slave, his helplessness and his profound guilt at not having been able to protect her all worked together to try and overwhelm his desperate attempt to achieve a meditative state.

Jack persisted, beating down each and every emotion with a single-minded tenacity. Either I get over myself, or I am over. With each mighty breath of air that he drew and then slowly released, the countless worries lessened. It took him a short while until he finally finished focusing his mind. He opened his eyes to find himself in a classroom that was strangely proportioned, yet still seemed somehow familiar to him. He gasped when he recognized it. It was the same kindergarten he had attended as a toddler.

He was alone, except for the cartoon dog, which was now standing on its hind legs, wearing an old-timey schoolmaster’s robe and hat. The dog cleared its throat and tapped a long stick against a blackboard that suddenly appeared behind him. ‘Focus, young man,’ the dog said, sounding like an aging Englishman, ‘you have much to learn and time is precious.’ Jack ignored the surprise of hearing his vision guide speak plainly in English and concentrated on the matter at hand.

The dog wrote ‘memories of using your power’ on the blackboard and smacked the stick against the board so as to underline the word ‘memories’. ‘Can you actually remember using your power?’

‘Well…obviously, yes, I can remember that I did use my power multiple times, it’s just that…’

‘Can you remember the actual usage of the power?’

Jack frowned as he concentrated. He shook his head after a moment. ‘No. I can’t remember using it. I can remember the many situations when I used it, I can remember why I used it, I can remember what I used it for, I just can’t remember how I was able to use it.’

The dog sighed and nodded. ‘Yes, just as I thought. To undo the damage, you must first understand it.’ Jack’s heart fluttered as he realized he had a shot to restore his power. He fought hard to keep his excitement at bay. It was not compatible with a deep meditative state.

The dog snapped his fingers and the lights went out. Jack found himself in the movie theater. The dog’s stuffy, British voice narrated a movie that was playing on the big screen. The movie opened with a shot of the human brain. ‘In order to conserve space and energy, the brain makes only one copy of every memory.’ The brain was then replaced by a diagram, in the shape of an inverted pyramid. ‘When the brain learns new things, it combines the old information with the new to make knowledge. Here is a simplified example of how the concept of properly touching a ball allows us to play basketball.’

Jack examined the diagram. At the bottom of the pyramid, in bold letters, the words, ‘touch the ball with fingertips only’ were written. On the next level were statements of how to direct the ball with one’s fingertips and how to bestow a rotation to it. In the level above, those combined to allow for dribbling the ball, shooting at the basket in a high arc that results in a nothing but net, or shooting in a low arc with a spin that makes the ball bounce back into the hands of the team in offense, if the shot was missed. As the levels went higher, the concepts got more complicated and included other ideas, but Jack got the gist of it.

‘I get it,’ he said. ‘If you were to forget to handle the ball with fingertips only, you’d turn into a chucker.’

The dog smiled. ‘Correct. It is by exploiting this simple feature of the brain that Jacobs had disabled your power. He has deleted your memory of first using your power. That is the bedrock upon which your mentalist skill rests.’

‘So, how do I undo it?’

‘You must sift through the aether to find the memory of when you had first used your power and re-learn it. Once you do, all the knowledge you possess that is built upon that memory will be reassembled in your brain.’

‘That’s it?’ Jack chuckled. ‘Heh, that’s easy! Here we go!’ He thought back hard on when he had first used his power. It was the time he had first learned that his mother had been cheating on his father.

Images of Jack attending the cinema, of him walking around with half his collar turned up and of him startling Spot at night zipped by on the screen as his memory settled back to the day when he had first learned of his mother’s infidelity. With a flick of a finger, he wound the film from when he was helping a bunch of townie kids knock their basketball loose to when he was in the emergency room, getting his knee stitched up. He frowned. He couldn’t quite remember exactly when during the day it had happened. It was the most pivotal moment of his life and yet, he had to examine his entire aether footprint of that day to figure it out.

‘Why are there so many of my memories?’ he asked the dog.

‘They have not yet faded,’ the dog replied. ‘If you take a stroll down your aether record in twenty years, half of these will be but strands of mist against the backdrop of a gloomy day.’ Jack looked over at the dog sitting next to him in the audience and raised an eyebrow. The dog shrugged. ‘I am your vision guide. An extension of you, yourself. My language is your language.’

‘Then why’d you call me a dumbass?’ The dog’s snout bore a sardonic grin as he shot Jack a look. ‘Whatever,’ he said and faced forward again. On the screen, he was wheeled out of the emergency room and the next five days of his recovery were represented by a brief montage of him eating ice cream in front of the TV. So, before the emergency room.

He rewound the film to when he was leaving the basketball court and walking home. He let it play from there and watched himself tumble over a bench he should have been able to jump over. He saw his thoughts at the time, the fascination of how bone looked and the fear of being crippled. He flushed in embarrassment as he watched himself hobble home, screaming like a stuck pig. That’s not how it had gone down, I’m sure of it.

‘Yes, it is,’ the dog said. ‘The aether contains nothing but true and exact memories as they really happened. The human brain constantly alters memories that it revisits, editing out the things it doesn’t
like, or can’t handle, and embellishing others. If the aether shows that you screamed like a little bitch, then you did that, even if you don’t want to admit it to yourself.’

Jack grunted in annoyance. He focused on the screen. The movie unpaused to show he had skipped all the way home and seen his mother right outside the house. She had berated him for his behavior, but when she had seen his injury, she had shared his emotions of fascination at the sight of bone and fear that he would be crippled.

Needles and pins went through Jack when he felt it for the second time, that timeless moment when he had lost all his senses. He had no body attached to himself, so no sights, smells, touch or sounds could intrude into his innermost being. He had existed with just his thoughts. Immediately after that moment, he had thought his mother’s thoughts, but that instant of utter senselessness was the foundation of his power. Turning off his other senses was the key to being a mentalist.

As Jack perceived the moment, he felt his power come alive again. Yes! The memories of every time he used his power restored themselves in his mind, one by one. With half a thought, he burned away all the suggestions Jacobs had put in his mind.

He laughed in his seat and wiped his face as the relief washed over him. A tiny thing was bugging him, from somewhere just beyond his notice. He was going to pull his cloak up, but he stopped and asked the dog, ‘How come I was still clairvoyant? Didn’t reading the aether hinge on me being able to quiet my senses, too?’

The dog sighed and shook his head. ‘Your clairvoyance is a part of you, just as your power is. Neither can be taken away from you. Non-mentalist people hallucinate upon taking hallucinogens, mentalists become one with the aether. Even if Jacobs had deleted the memory of our first meeting, you would still perceive the aether every time you partook of hallucinogens.’

‘Well, that’s good to know.’ Something was still bugging him, like a very faint itch he couldn’t even locate, let alone scratch. He postponed pulling up his cloak and ending the vision, yet again. ‘So, there is no aether recording of how that asshole manipulated my mind?’

‘None whatsoever,’ the dog confirmed.

‘Damn.’ Jack thought back to the orders he could still remember Jacobs had given him. They had been so bare. When he placed thoughts into another’s mind, he sent along concepts, images, feelings, the whole shebang. When Jacobs had put his orders into Jack, they had come in the form of bare text. There had been no feelings attached to them, no imagery to make them more palatable, no concepts to ease their assimilation. How does one send just bare text?

Jack dwelled on that question, guessing that the answer to it was the key to understanding Jacobs’ ability to cloak and attack at the same time. The irksome thing kept thrumming at the edges of his awareness, disrupting his train of thought. He growled and looked around for it. After a few moments, he spotted a small flicker in the lower right-hand corner of the film screen. Jack focused on it and it kept growing larger until it was clearly visible. It was a few strings of the aether and they were being repeatedly plucked by a mind near him. With an exertion of his will, they soon grew to cover half the screen.

Just watching the strings being twanged repeatedly on the screen was telling him nothing, so he concentrated on translating the vibrations into picture and sound. An image of Jamie Jacobs’ leering grin came on the screen, accompanied by Mia’s voice chanting, ‘I am a willing slave of Master Jacobs. I have no false masters, only Him. I am a willing slave of Master Jacobs-‘

Jack roared in wrath. The entire theatre shook as fires broke out. The walls came tumbling down and Jack found himself back in the motel room, snarling up at Mia. Except that he wasn’t snarling at her. He could practically see Jacobs’ face inside her beautiful blue irises. He could hear her submissive chant in every beat of her heart. He exhaled and his breath felt like dragonfire upon his chin. The edges of his vision filled up with red as his heart beat loud in his own ears. All the burning wrath that was in him suddenly left his head and he blinked his eyes to find himself back in his seat in the theater.

‘What was that?’

‘You got so angry you couldn’t remain one with the aether and then you burned away all the things Jacobs had put in Mia’s mind this morning. She’s free from his influence.’

Jack sighed with profound relief. Just as he did that, the theater began to shake violently. ‘Now what?!’ Before the dog could answer Jack, the walls started to crumble and Jack could see Mia’s tearful face through the cracks. He realized she was trying to shake him awake and he pulled his cloak around his mind to sever his connection to the aether and end the vision.

He opened his eyes and saw relief wash over Mia’s tearful features. She fell atop him and spread her arms around his sides. She made wordless exclamations of delight. He could feel the moisture upon her cheeks as her face pressed into the side of his neck.

‘It’s ok,’ he said. ‘It’s all going to be alright, Mia. I promise you.’ His voice sounded distorted and there was an echo to it. He managed to slide his arms out from under her body and returned her hug. She was bawling terribly. He began to feel a freakout coming his way. Shit, I’m still high. He decided to let her have a cry while he dropped his cloak and returned to the theater, which was again whole. All traces of his high vanished the instant he dropped his cloak. ‘Can Jacobs reach me in here?’ he asked the dog.

The dog shook his head. ‘Actually, no, he can’t. You’re one with the aether. He can’t put thoughts into you while you’re one with the aether. He also can’t read your mind while you’re here. I don’t know if he can read your memories of the things you learn here, but it seems like he can’t.’

‘Why didn’t you tell me any of this earlier? Like, any of the other times I became one with the aether?’

‘You didn’t know any of those things before. I am an extension of your subconscious. My knowledge is informed by your experiences. Now that your mind has been manipulated by another-while you slept-we know a great deal more about how things really work.’

‘Makes sense,’ Jack quietly said. He let go of his attempts to discern the true nature of mentalism. He had a more pressing matter to deal with. If Jacobs had really known all that Jack had learned while he had communed with the aether, he certainly wouldn’t have made the mistake of leaving Jack with a way out of this mess. That meant that he was safe while in the theater. Safe to look for him. Jack focused on the face and voice of Jamie Jacobs and waited to see a movie start playing on the screen.

No movie came.

Jack growled in frustration. Even now that he knew Jacobs’ name and face, his memories were still unavailable. ‘So, he’s from, like, the west coast, or Alaska, or someplace.’

‘Or New England, or Florida, or Canada, or-‘

‘Yes, thank you,’ Jack said, cutting off the dog. ‘I guess I’ll just have to get the Maynards to find this guy’s home town for me, so I can go there and learn his weaknesses.’ As he said that, the screen showed Chrissie cheerfully handing out freshly-baked cookies to all the girls as they passed her security station at the group home and then Drew attending a serious meeting with FBI agents. Jack dismissed the films with a flick of a finger and sighed. ‘Wish I could find him in real time, though.’ The screen came alive with the broadcast of Jamie Jacobs addressing a mass of seated people in an auditorium. Jack’s jaw dropped. ‘Is this real time?’

‘Yes,’ the dog said. ‘You’re watching him through the eyes of a devoted follower.’


‘This person is…obsessed with Jacobs and desires to be with him every day of his life. Your desire to get close to the man was similar enough to their own desire to allow
you to peek into their mind.’

‘Oh, right,’ Jack said. He had spied on Mia in real time once, though he had had to rush to save her from getting raped back then. He had also thought he had seen the future at the time, so he never really explored the possibility of real-time snooping. Jack twirled a finger in the air to work the imaginary controls for the screen. Now that he was locked on to the mind of the obsessed fan, the movie rewound to when the follower had driven up to the venue and parked. Jack took note of the address. ‘I know where that is! That’s right around the corner from the University campus in the city! I’m going there to end this!’ Jack’s mind whirled with thoughts as he rapidly formulated and rejected one plan of attack after another. He shook his head. ‘Ugh! While I’m sitting here on my ass, high as a kite, I’m risking him checking on Mia and finding his mantra gone from her mind. If he does that, he’ll cut his show short and disappear. Then I’ll be back on defense until he gets me again and there will be no third chances.’ Jack sighed. ‘I need to finish this now.’ He turned to the dog. ‘I need to get all my resources and drive to Jacobs immediately. I’ll formulate a battle plan on the way over.’

‘A good plan of action,’ the dog said, ‘but you ate a lot of cookies. You will be high after you raise your cloak.’

‘Shit,’ Jack said. He looked at the screen. The image of Mia sniffling in his arms was shown on it. Jack sighed sadly. ‘Goddamnit. I need her to drive me over there, right now.’

‘You do,’ the dog said.

‘I need to go pick her brain and…intervene.’

‘You do.’

‘Fuck.’ He hated himself for messing with Mia’s mind, but he had very few options he could take if he was to catch Jacobs in time. He needed to go, right now. Reluctantly, he focused on Mia’s emotional state.

The screen showed a close up of Mia’s tearful expression. ‘I’m so sorry,’ she bawled. ‘I don’t know what came over me! I don’t know why I hurt Jack! I don’t know why I hit him! I don’t know why I…’ She reacted with revulsion. ‘Why I sucked that guy off and then fed his cum to Jack. I’m so, so, sorry! Please, God, forgive me! Please, God, grant me mercy! Wash away my sin! I’ll pay any penance!’

Jack looked at the dog. The dog raised his paws apologetically and said, ‘Hey, don’t look at me! You’re the one that erased everything that asshole put in her head in a flash of anger. She can remember what she had done, she just can’t remember the why. So, she filled in the blanks with it all being her fault for having sinned. Her head’s messed up that way, you know that.’

Before Jack could formulate the best thoughts to put into Mia’s head to get her to calm down and be helpful, he frowned. ‘Wait a minute. I can’t put thoughts into her mind while I’m one with the aether, can I?’

The dog shook his head. ‘Being one with the aether is, to use computer parlance, a read-only thing.’

‘Well, fuck,’ Jack said, realizing his predicament. ‘I’m high as a kite and I’m gonna be high as a kite, for quite some time. If I raise my cloak to end the vision, I can’t influence her mind. Not with my cloak up. If I drop my cloak to go writing in her mind, I wind up here, with you, instead.’ Jack raised his arms. ‘How the fuck am I supposed to go get Jacobs before he slips away?’

‘You could try to get really, really angry again,’ the dog suggested, half-jokingly.

Jack shot him a look. ‘I don’t think I’ll ever again be as angry as that.’

‘You have two options. You can either hang here with me until the hallucinogens you’ve ingested are used up by your power, or you can raise your cloak to end this vision and try to somehow get into Mia’s mind, despite being high and cloaked.’

‘I don’t have the time for option one and option two is impossible.’ Jack punched his fists against the armrests of his seat. ‘There has to be something I can do!’

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No, it was not that easy. ‘Jeff, we need to talk.’ He started to laugh and continued for some time. ‘I’m gratified you seem to be over the fear those words strike in most men’s hearts.’ ‘It was a reaction to the fear they strike in most men’s hearts. When you say them it’s usually a way to make us better. It’s usually something I might have thought about but somehow didn’t.’ ‘Jeff, I think I’m too beautiful.’ He started to laugh again. ‘I didn’t see that coming. I’m not sure it’s...

2 years ago
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Ana cheats on me with a BBC

Saturday night Ana asked me to go dancing to a new disco.Once there, after finishing the first round of drinks, my sweet wife said she wanted to look around the club. I nodded a yes and told her I would go for another drink as she checked the place.I watched as she walked away, swaying her soft hips. Ana disappeared from my view just for a short while. Then I found her near the bar with a new black friend. They were engaged in a conversation that appeared to be him giving her some sort of...

2 years ago
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Wife Ki Puri Chudayi Hote Dekhi

Hello friends this is Mai apko apni wife ki real story btane ja rha hun kese kese unhone chudayi ki meri wife eak nurse hai or mai delhi mai job karta hun. Meri wife bhot gori hai or uska figure 34-28-36 hai. Hum dono roj bhot sex karte hai shadi se pehle mene eak bar uska fb account dekha tha to usame bhot se ladko ke sath chat thi jisame eak ldka tha joisne bhot pyar bhari bate kari thi mene pucha to bola ki ye humara ristedar hai mujhe didi bolta hai or mazak me ye sab likha hai phir shadi...

1 year ago
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Brothers Keeper

“SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!” he snarled into her ear. The fire blazed in the distance, and a few of the guys popped off firecrackers while the girls cheered them on. Neil held a tight grip over her mouth as she grabbed at his hair and shirt collar. She managed to struggle out from beneath him and started running for the campsite. “HEEELLLLPP!” She bellowed from behind the trees. Her skirt fluttered as she ran and it gave him something to swipe at when he caught up. She looked back to swat his...

4 years ago
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MoneyChapter 26

Being used to getting up early is a curse sometimes. Your body waits to tell you that you need the potty until it becomes very important to get there fast. I slid from bed to use the toilet at ten to six. I was used to the early morning run and physical training that included pushups and pull-ups at the academy. Stretching was the one thing that they didn’t sufficiently do in my opinion. I would go to the large training field on weekends and do forms for a couple of hours to give my body the...

3 years ago
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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 3

Terry first met Denise when she was still in college. She had been in a five-year program, at Johns Hopkins University, that gave her a M.S. degree in microbial biochemistry, as well as an interdisciplinary bachelor's. She played the traditional Maryland sport of lacrosse, but so aggressively that many wondered if she would have preferred the Native American tradition playing with the head of a failed lacrosse player, rather than a ball. In her freshman year, she had so charmed the staff at...

2 years ago
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Crocodile Tears

The front door creaked open as he entered the dark house. "Sheila? You home?"There was only one light on, in the back of the house. After closing the door behind him and locking it, he began toward the light. She sure didn't live in the most hospitable of neighborhoods, he thought, as he remembered the few disheveled houses, and the yelling occurring before the few upright seeming habitats. Going down the hallway, he heard soft sobs coming from the sole illumination in the house. The angelic...

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Princess Leia Meets Princess Aura

Emperor Ming of Mongo and Klytus, his most trusted underling were inside his private meditation chamber. The goateed man sitting behind the computer console had been in deep meditation for a good number of hours, but what he sought continued to elude him as if deliberately trying to frustrate his will. He considered satiating his desires with one of his concubines, but he didn't find that thought particularly appealing at the moment. "Klytus," Ming intoned, "the day is filled with such...

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Visit to the Doctor

"Hi, can I make an appointment to see Dr. Johnson please?" I asked the triage nurse on the phone "May I ask what the problem is sir?" She replied "Err...Yeah, it's about a scar I have. I want to check its healed okay" "Okay, where about's is the scar?" "It's err, on my penis" I answered, awkwardly "Oh, okay, no problem. Dr. Johnson can see you at 5pm today. I'll brief him on the details" "5pm is great, thanks. Goodbye" I felt awkward about going to see my doctor for a...

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Jack took Kim to the specialist and had size DDD implants put in his chest. He had injections to his nipples to make them larger. His cock was already nine inches and fine. He put the large metal rings around his cock and balls. A thick plug for his ass. He put heavy make up on his face then a dress that plunged to his naval showing lots of tits. His hair had already grown to almost waist length and he curled it for Kim. Jack put a thick coating of lipstick on Kim's lips and put him on his...

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AlmaChapter 9

Alma finally woke up and Dustin drove her home. Surprisingly, nobody was home at her house. She went into her bedroom and laid on her bed. Her mind was cluttered at the thoughts and images of her past few days. It was as if she had an angel on one shoulder and a little devil on the other. Her personalities changed from night to day. Confusion clouded her and she laid down and went back to sleep. After a short nap, she was awakened to the front door of the house closing. She heard Monica come...

2 years ago
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My Unexpected Festival Highlight Part 2

I would never have considered going to a festival by myself before, but Iwas having an amazing time on my own. Not just due to my new experiencewith Truffle Boy but the whole thing in general. Doing just what I wantedwithout having to consider others, and I don't mean that in the selfish wayit sounds!The memories of Thursday night were constantly on my mind and I was like adog on heat. I was constantly horny and getting erections. Despite havingan amazing night on the Friday, I returned to my...

4 years ago
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Whoa Did That Really HappenChapter 9 Whoa Susan Gets an Assignment

As she had promised, Susan phoned Jason at his office Monday morning. When he answered, she giggled and asked, "Do you want me to come over and service that huge cock of yours." "No Susan. But I do have something you can do for me." He told her. "You know I'll do anything for you, Jason. Just name it." "Good. As you know, Dean Malcomb's wife died about a year ago. He has been very depressed ever since. I want you to go to Dean Malcomb's office at about four thirty and give...

2 years ago
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The rehearsal dinner

Let me give you some background information first. My name is Kim I'm 53 5-11, 175lbs with 44dd boobs. This happened at my sisters home. I was staying there for her sons wedding helping her with some last minute details. She was hosting the rehearsal dinner in her back yard. My sister and I were working on some things for the dinner when her son the groom to be walked in with one of his buddies. That morning when I got ready for the day I just put on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and no bra....

3 years ago
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My ExGirlfriends Mom 3

The three of us were laying in Lana's bed, recuperating from an awesome sexual experience. Or at least awesome for me. I could only imagine what kind of sexual experience these two beautiful, busty, extremely hung ladies have had. Lana, the "mother", very sexy for an older woman, with a ten inch cock. And Jill, the "daughter", a knockout in her prime, with a twelve inch cock!We talked about what we had just done. They told me I was a natural at sucking cock and couldn't believe I had never done...

2 years ago
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Carree Loves Billy Carree Sets the DateChapter 2

I wasn't sure if it was 6, 7, or 8 o'clock. I just knew I really, really had to pee. I also knew the fire had went out and outside of the quilt and comforter it was cold, and the seat on that toilet was going to be like ice. I turned a little to see Bill and he was just opening his eyes. "Holy crap, Care. We passed out!" Bill said as he realized we were still nude under the covers. "A fire Bill, build a fire. Warm! Please!" I pleaded. He obeyed well as he rolled out from under the...

2 years ago
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The Party From Hell

Story written by Ashley SchneiderDecember 11, 2009The Party from Hell:One day there was a girl named Jessica. She was the typical, average looking, college student. Every morning she woke up, worked out and got ready for school. The first few days of a new school year were hard but interesting to say the least. She enjoyed her classes enough and her fellow classmates were not at all bad looking, except for a small handful of them. Her professors were easy enough to understand and the work load...

2 years ago
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Hot KofeChapter 7 Royal Flush

Kofe didn’t quite understand what was happening. Miller had been ready to crack, he had been leaning into her arms, his erection tenting the fabric of his towel in an unspoken invitation. Just when she thought that she had gotten the better of him, and that he was about to beg her to relieve his mounting pressure, he had stopped the encounter dead in its tracks. Upon leaving the booth, he had seemed perfectly calm and collected, in full control of himself despite the torture that she had...

2 years ago
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Something Old Something NewChapter 4

“Shit, it’s fucking morning!” Priscilla announces. “Wow, we went all night,” Clarissa smiles and laughs. “We are some hot, horny bitches. “I’d say,” Priscilla agrees. “When is anyone coming home?” “My parents are out of town, but...” Then it hits her. “My sister is going to be home in half an hour,” she says, looking at the clock on the wall. She stands up on shaky legs. “Oh shit, my legs,” she moans, rubbing her knees. “My shit feels like someone just beat me with a hammer. “Last night...

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A Slut and Her Tentacle Monster Pt2

The next morning I woke up more refreshed than I could ever remember. I was sure I would be sore all over, especially in my kitty, but I didn’t even feel the least bit tired. I even woke up before my alarm.As I rolled over to shut it off before getting up, I noticed I felt…heavy. When I flipped off the sheets, I was in for a major shock. My tummy was HUGE! I stared at it in wonder for a long while, eventually rubbing my hand over the skin. I remembered how much of his slime my lover put in me...

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Paying For My Mistakes

Paying For My Big Mistakes Written by "Christine" Synopsis: A young man pays the price for using a date rape drug on the wrong women. Part I I'm a 25 year old male, a little slim for my 5'10" frame, weighing in at about 150 pds. Completely heterosexual, I love to cruise the bars. Not the best looking man, I decided after many failed conquests to give myself a better chance. After purchasing a 'date rape' drug from a friend, he advised me to simply put one tablet into a girls...

3 years ago
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Jackies Family LessonsChapter 8

Downstairs the family reunion had progressed into an orgy. My relatives sat around stripped to the waist, shoes off, playing cards to see who would take off what next. The air was thick with the smoke of cigars and the growl of conversation had become a constant factor. I took the family car keys off the dresser and slipped out into the night. I had many changes of mind and heart on the way to Frank's place, and if it hadn't been for the fact that the car kept getting closer to him I might...

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The hype has been building for weeks, throughout the streets of every city in the world. The promise of owning an artificial intelligence that provides sex has been keeping men rock hard for days, and the women steaming. Some with envy, othrrs with anticipation. Meanwhile, days before final completion. A scream is heard, followed by a naked woman running down a marble floored hallway with blinding white, spotless florescent walls. Metallic drones gave chase whizzing behind her. Rounding a...

1 year ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 4

“That was...” Bethany sat up, gesturing wildly, like her hands would make the words come out faster. “That was...” “Pretty cool, huh?” I asked like it was no big deal. I’d just jilled off my bestie and the fact I was so turned on had me weirded out. I wondered if she would do me back. Could I talk her into using her mouth like Mark had done at the pool? “Can we do it again?” she begged. “I guess,” I said. I didn’t really want to put my mouth on her, despite the crazy impulse to lick off my...

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Fucked By Three Guys In Cohin

Hi I’m Sam, I live somewhere in North India. I’m 5.6 in height very cute to look, with very seductive eyes and I have very sexy body and I am gay. I am going to tell u a real story which happened last year when I went to Kerala with my friends. Kerala boys are always horny whether str8 or gay, you can always see horniness in their eyes and I love mallus because they have very big tools, we stayed in cochin near de back waters, we saw de city and den in de night we went to our rooms to sleep . I...

Gay Male
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Threesome fun Kerrys Story

At first Kerry and Robert were fairly unambivalent about meeting with me. Men were fairly easy to get hold of on the swinger’s website. What they were looking for was the elusive single female, or other couples. We chatted a few times through the website, sending messages to and fro. They excited me a lot, and I knew they would not be disappointed should they ever decide to meet up with me. However, I was fairly lucky, in that I could at least let them read about what we could do together as a...

Group Sex
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Dannys Mom Makes Him a Motherfucker

I was born on my mother's 18th birthday. We shared the exact same birthday and I can remember as I was growing up how she would always tell me how much she loved her birthday gift and how lucky she was to have such a beautiful smart son for her birthday. It always made me feel good and warm all over to hear my mother talk about me that way. I knew that she and I together were very special and I loved her with all my heart. I would have done anything to please her. She in turn constantly...

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The Sheriff and His StepdaughterChapter 5

As Rachel got older, we settled even more into a normal family life. Diane still worked at the restaurant but she wanted to improve herself. She began taking classes over at the University of North Carolina Charlotte in bookkeeping in hopes of getting into that line of work. Eventually she quit waitressing and started her own bookkeeping business. She had several clients all over the area and while she wasn't making a lot of money, she worked out of our home so overhead was very low. It was...

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My New Doctor

About 2 years ago, my girlfriend suddenly left me. Later, I found out that she had been cheating on me with many men! It seems all of them had large cocks! When my girlfriend and I first met, she knew I didn't have a big dick. However, she said that size didn't really matter to her unless the dick was like 3 inches long.One night. after she had sucked me and stroked me until I was rock hard, she asked me if I ever measured my dick. I lied, and told her no. She reached into her purse and brought...

3 years ago
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B7 Chapter 2 Entry

Chapter 2: forced Entry Calista, Dejah and Kristal finally finished cutting through the deadbolt locks that had reinforced the door to Dee Dee's laboratory. All right, everyone out of the way," ordered Rhiannon. Smoke was still wisping out of the lock mechanisms as she braced herself in front of the door. Summoning her strength, Rhiannon lowered her posture slightly and shoved forward with the heels of her hands, so that all of her force was concentrated into one powerful thrust. A dull...

4 years ago
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Chasing Megan 3

Dating didn’t work out. All we really did was fuck each other then go on dates. And when her brother saw us fucking once we knew we had to stop. Her brother was in my graduation class and just didn’t seem to know that his baby sister was a lesbian slut magnet. I didn’t think he ever saw Megan as anything but an angel. So when he happened to walk in on us fucking each other he flipped out and took her away. Now, with the school year starting to come to an end all I wanted for my spring break...

4 years ago
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Beatrice die kleine Schwanznutte Teil 1

Was für ein Abend! Nach einem anstrengenden Tag war Bea zu Hause angekommen. Erschöpft, das Wochenende stand bevor, war ihr nur nach einem: Raus aus der Alltagskleidung und in die Badewanne. Sie hatte heute nichts mehr vor. Genüßlich lag sie in der Badewanne, massierte ihre kleinen Titten, die sich aufgrund von Hormonen gebildet hatten und es dauerte auch nicht lange, bis sich ihr Mädchenschwanz meldete. Behutsam und zugleich hart fing sie an, ihn zu massieren. Aber sie wollte nicht abspritzen,...

1 year ago
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The manager part two

PROLOGUE from part one: Brian is the manager of his high school girl's basketball team, with the duties of handing out towels, keeping the water jugs full, and just generally helping out when needed! The star of the team, a beautiful girl named Allison, who came down hard going up for a rebound and badly twisted her ankle, so the coach had him help Allison off the court and apply an ice pack to the hurt ankle in order to keep down the swelling!!! Brian, being quite inexperienced with girls,...

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From a Boy With the Babysitters

The last time I had spent the night Kayla and I got pretty heated. I’ll admit that it was one of my first serious kissing sessions so I got very excited and a little carried away. Since then I had raided my uncle’s porn stash (as well as the internet) and I was really anxious to see how far I could get her to go with me. It took almost no time at all for us to sneak away alone after the adults went out. They said since me and Kayla were oldest (Kayla being 13) we were in charge until the...

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The Worst Punishment

Being a child celebrity isn't easy, most of the time. Thankfully, Aaron made enough money to retire at 17 and decided to call it quits on the whole “working” part of being famous, however, he still indulged himself on the carefree part of it. Living in an apartment in his adult brother's name away from his parents, Aaron enjoyed a lavish lifestyle amidst still going to school.On top of being rich, Aaron was famous enough to make pulling girls from his high school easier than ever. He...

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UnconqueredChapter 2

The sun’s eye opened and the Unconquered, the Chosen, the Breaker of Chains, the One Who Casts Down Thrones, the End and the Beginning, remained sprawled on his back, snoring loudly while his friend, June, stood up and watched him. She put her hands on her hips and thought to herself about everything she had read of the previous Cycles. According to all the legends, the last nine Unconquered had each been stricken with what the record tellers referred to as ‘the fire of a second breath’ or...

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