Mrs. K - 1 free porn video

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I met Mrs K when I was staying at my aunt's house one summer. At the time immediately before I met her, I was in a kind of down-hearted frame of mind. Shortly after I met her I was flying high on my own personal cloud. Now, I have a precise, precious memory of this beautiful, curvaceous woman of, I'd guess around her mid-fifties (it is rude to ask I've been told), with a warm smile and a kind heart, not to mention a ripe full figure and accommodating wet and warm mouth, pussy, and asshole.

Mrs Kellerman was a neighbour of my aunt's. I hadn't stayed at my aunt's for many years; she and my uncle had a large, rambling property in the West Country of England and my visit was not out of choice, it was a necessity. I'm in the British Royal Navy; I have been for the four years since I left university, struggling in vain so far to rise from my junior officer rank. I'd just finished a five month tour of patrol duty with no leave in a frigate around firstly Gibraltar, then the Gulf and the coastal waters off Iraq, not far from Basra. Not fun. Routine, mundane stuff, but with just enough possibility of violent encounters to never relax properly.

When leave finally came I headed back to my flat in London and looked forward to a couple of months relaxing playing sports, drinking with my buddies and making up for lost time with my girlfriend Fiona. This was not to be, however. Firstly, Fiona, who seemed to have lost about twenty pounds in weight in my absence making her appear drawn and skinny rather than the full-figured girl I first fell for, gave me rather a cool instead of warm welcoming home, and announced that she had got a "great" new job with an American publishing company and would be working in New York for several months, starting immediately; and secondly, and equally depressingly, a mere 24 hours into my leave I got a call from my ship's captain outlining the charming fact that in one month I would be skippering a motor patrol boat between the dangerous Iraq-Iran waterways for at least six months, and that as from the next day I would be on a three-week intensive Arab language course at a college in the West Country. It was not very welcome news, to put it mildly, although I'd do the best I could.

After one night with Fiona and an unsatisfactory, quick fuck, which for me was just a brief release of tension and for her a quick break from talking about her bright future, I threw some clothes into a rucksack and caught the train West after my car, my very expensive car, whose rash purchase had left me flat broke for the immediate past and future, had refused to start. With my expenses to be paid, in true fashion, "at a later date," I rang my Aunt, who fortunately lived near the college and I arranged to stay there.

My aunt and uncle were due to leave for a weeks break in Ireland the day after I arrived which meant I'd be alone with time to reflect on my dissatisfaction with my naval career and my clearly failing relationship with Fiona. Too much time for introspection, is not often a good thing, I've found. The college I was to attend, although a regular civilian, not military one, was on its summer break, so there were not even any fine eighteen year-old girls to admire. Instead, there were only a few language summer courses being run, and my time there was spent in a class with a dozen middle-aged male government employees brushing up their language skills for brief, lucrative postings in the Middle-East. The teacher was an annoying Algerian guy with a particularly sarcastic sense of humour, and I found learning the Arab language simultaneously both tedious and difficult. All in all it was a chore and a bore.

The town itself was small and insular in outlook; the nightlife where I could spend the little money I had seemed to consist of a couple of pretentious, expensive wine-bars full of couples, and scruffy pubs largely frequented by groups of late teenagers resplendent in their baseball caps and gold sovereign rings, swearing and sometimes dancing to loud garage and rap music. Neither entertainment was my thing. It seemed a few really dull weeks were likely, especially as the first weekend found me too short of money to even scrape the train fare home. Saturday passed studying and watching sports on the TV, and eating a bad microwave meal, followed by a couple of hours drinking alone in the local pub.

After a lazy Sunday morning spent reading the newspapers, followed by some lunch, I decided to do some work on the property outside, partly to ease my boredom and partly to catch some sun on a rare hot day. I started by checking the wooden fence which ran at the back and one side of the property, both adjoining a field and separating my aunt's garden from her neighbour's, Mrs Kellerman's. The fence was in fairly good condition, it just needing some panels renailed, and a small section of it begged some fresh paint. I found some tools and paint in the garage and set to work. After a while I began to get the satisfied feeling I have found before when working with my hands, and as I was only wearing a pair of denim shorts I was also enjoying the feel of the hot sun on my body. I was in a welcome kind of contented, dreamy mood.

I became aware of the sound of someone working close by on the other side of the fence, and moving to a part of it short in height I gazed over the panels and saw a very shapely female form tilling the soil of a vegetable plot. I recognised her as Mrs Kellerman, who I hadn't seen for years. I recalled my aunt telling me that her husband Alan had died a couple of years previously, and that her children had now left home. I guessed she must be fifty at least, but believe me she was in seriously great shape. She had that kind of body that carries a few extra pounds well. That is to say, she was a medium height curvaceous lady with very big breasts and a large, though shapely backside, with proportionately fairly narrow waist. She had a seriously sexy mature womanly body, a real old-style full hour-glass figure, which, as she was dressed only in a rather too-tight pair of shorts and a sleeveless close fitting T-shirt, was on glorious display.

My eye-feast was broken by her sensing my gaze and turning to look at me. She had shoulder length fairly wild dark hair with loose curls, and a smooth looking face, which was both very pretty and suggested intelligence. After a second's summing me up she recognized me from my childhood.

"Hello, it's Jay isn't it?" she enquired with a light smile on her face.

"Yes. Hi, Mrs Kellerman, what a beautiful day."

"Indeed it is, and please call me Hazel" she replied, and I became aware that she was looking at my face and bare upper body in an approving manner.

My eyes met hers, which were a deep, dark brown, and her full lips formed into a really affecting smile, which I returned. My face then felt slightly flushed, and felt a familiar swelling in my shorts, as it hit me that there was obviously a mutual connection between us, a kind of lust at first sight.

We chatted away for a while, a light inconsequential conversation, but one which flowed effortlessly. All the while I could feel my cock, concealed as it was by the fence, hardening as I stole glances at her kind, high-cheek boned face and her ripe, full body. I realised I was turning into a fully fledged milf fancier. Normally I'm not much of a conversationalist but with Mrs Kellerman, things seemed easy and natural.

Eventually our chat was broken by the sound of a phone ringing somewhere inside her house, and she excused herself, but not before inviting me to come inside in a while for a cool drink.

"Oh, I will," I virtually shouted out at her retreating figure.

She glanced back over her shoulder and threw me the most killer sexy smile. I idled the next few minutes away, in absent minded fashion tapping in a few nails, receiving one sore thumb and two sore fingers for my lack of concentration. I knew there was chemistry between us, and fortune favouring the brave, I intended to 'try it on' soon.

After what seemed an age, but in reality was probably only a few minutes, Hazel appeared by her back door and gestured me in. I followed her into a tasteful drawing room and sat as directed on a soft leather sofa. Hazel joined me but sat a frustrating couple of feet away. We chatted for a minute or so and to my delight she was coyly stealing glances at my groin. Her expression suggested she liked what she saw.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot myself, what would you like to drink?" she asked.

"Oh anything would be good, but a cold beer would be great."

"I'll join you," she said, and I noticed her voice had taken on a girlish, slightly giggly form.

Hazel moved from the sofa to a tasteful wooden drinks cabinet at the far side of the large room to get the drinks, which allowed my eyes to take in those full, ripe ass-cheeks which filled out the cotton material of her shorts so nicely, and swayed seductively as she walked. It was warm outside, cool inside and burning around my crotch, as I felt a familiar light fluttering in my lower stomach and a hardening in my shorts.

I was close to making the move, and a sense of anticipation coupled with a kind of 'naughty boy' mischief, thrilled my senses as the chance of having sex with a curvaceous woman who was about thirty years older than me was close. After popping the tops she returned with two near ice-cold bottles of Becks lager. Hazel's face was now coming out in a kind of blush and I noticed her eyes again fleetingly gaze at my swelling bulge. I was feeling confident, and in a way both chilled-out, but with now heightening senses rising, especially as I noticed her nipples, huge and erect, straining beneath the material of her T-shirt. I knew what I wanted, she knew what she wanted, and it was showing.

Sitting next to me so closely that our thighs touched, I saw tiny beads of perspiration had formed on her forehead despite the room's cool air-conditioning, and a vague slight musty sweet womanly aroma assailed my nostrils. I guess she was seriously horny. I took one good, very deep shot at the ice-cold beer and placed the bottle down. I stroked her tanned upper arm, and looked into the dark pools of her brown eyes. She was relaxed with my touch.

"You're a kind of a good looking woman," I said.

"Only a kind?" she joked, her voice now really girlish.

"My kind," I countered, and I stroked her hair gently as we moved our mouths into a kiss.

Her lips were full and soft, her breath fresh and her tongue probing. We kissed deeply for what seemed a pleasurably long time. Breaking the kiss, I moved my hands under her T-shirt at the back, stroked her smooth back and then unclipped her bra, feeling her big breasts drop slightly against my chest. Trying to ease her T-shirt over her head I suddenly and surprisingly felt her stiffen very slightly. I paused and looked at her slightly questioningly.

"It's been a long time," she said, "two years since Alan has died, and he was sick for a while before. There's been no-one else"

"Shush," I said, "relax, everything is okay."

I held her hands then stroked her cheekbones and kissed her once again. Now, with her assistance, I lifted the T-shirt over her head and freed her big womanly breasts. Beauty filled my eyes. I blatantly stared at them as her face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and lust, and I lowered my head and firstly licked, sucked and very lightly nibbled on her huge distended dark red nipples, the sexiest I had ever have seen or tasted. Hazel emitted a low moan of contentment, and a hushed "yes" was repeatedly audible.

Without my guidance, Hazel stood and took my hand, pulling me willingly to her bedroom, which had a large four poster bed covered in pristine sheets. I sat on the end of the bed and she sat astride me, her legs either side of my thighs. She pulled my chest to her mouth and kissed my nipples as I felt my cock strain against my shorts, more so than ever when Hazel traced the outline of my cock gently with her fingers.

"Be my guest," I invited.

"Well, if you insist," Hazel replied, now with mock coyness. She slid the shorts down and my cock reared up hard, full and throbbing, pre-cum seeping from the head.

Her eyes widened slightly, "Big," she muttered, "Alan was..."

"Shssssh," I interrupted.

She gazed up, those dark eyes deeper and blacker than ever. I nodded toward my groin and she dropped her mouth and sucked at the cock-head, rimming around the glans with her tongue and cupping and very gently squeezing my full balls in her delicate hands. I lay back and savoured the delicious feeling as she slowly, languidly feasted on me. Her cunning mouth gradually took more and more, until it felt like most of my large tool was wedged down this mature beauty's silky throat.

"Ah, fuck, fuck," I groaned as I knew I was about to come.

"I'm going to shoot," I said, which merely induced Hazel to suck more frenziedly as my balls tightened beneath her grip.

"Fuck!" I almost screamed as I climaxed massively, shooting wave after wave of cum into that pretty mouth.

Gamely Hazel sucked most of the love-juice down, but as she rose and smiled some fluid dripped delightfully from her full lips. I lent forward and lifted her on top of me and as I eased her up the bed I tasted myself as we were entwined in a deep kiss. I was hardening again within a minute.

"Thank-you Mrs Kellerman," I stated, my mock formality turning into a spontaneous heart-felt laugh.

"You're most welcome, Jay," was her giggled reply.

I was temporarily lost in a glow of utter satisfaction; while Hazel looked lustfully at me. Moving above her, I kissed those soft lips again, and then lightly traced a line down her throat to her rounded belly with both soft and strong kisses. Her pussy was giving out a strong, wonderful aroma. She raised her butt for me as I slowly pulled her shorts and silk panties down her legs and off her feet. I threw them across the room. Her bush was dark and full; her slit was long, pink-red and glistening with moisture. I placed one hand on her right breast, rolling a huge nipple and from my other hand put two fingers in her mouth, which she sucked. Hazel spread her legs very wide. Her clit was large and prominent. I traced its outline gently with my tongue as her body heaved. I rolled her big clit with my right fingers as I inserted first one, then two, then three fingers into her flowing wet pussy. I finger fucked her in a way so as to almost stroke her clit from the inside. Hazel was rocking to meet my fingers.

"Fuck, now, fuck me now," she commanded as her pussy gushed an orgasm which literally dripped down my fingers then my wrist.

I positioned myself and eased into her steaming, streaming pussy. Savouring the heat, I held my cock still, and then worked deep, slow strokes into her womanhood. Hazel worked her pelvis to meet my strokes in unison, and we mutually moved up a gear as I slammed home.

"Hard, deep, harshhhhhhh," she almost screamed.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck that cunt, fuck that cunt, God it's fuckin good," I gasped out in joy, as sweat poured down my face.

I felt Hazel's pussy contract and her juice liberally coated my balls, as I came with her, shooting my seed deep in her love canal.

I pulled free and moved under Hazel on the bed. We kissed deeply and then just held each other very tight in a lengthy embrace. A while passed with our bodies entwined, I felt her body's heat and her heart pulse. Gently fondling my balls and stroking my cock, Hazel twisted and rose above me, got me hard and eased my cock into her silky pussy. She rode me gently and for a long wonderful time, easing up and down with a contented, lusty look on her pretty face. I was content just to rise my hips in unison with her, savouring the pleasure as an orgasm wracked her heaving body.

I sensed I was going to cum, and I eased back. Hazel read this as a cue to lift herself off me. Gently, I motioned Hazel to roll onto her stomach. I put a pillow under her hips, raising her thighs and ass high into the air.

"Do you know what I want now Hazel?" I asked.

"My ass," came her reply, which she followed with a contented sigh.

I kissed my way down her arching back whilst firmly fondling the big, shapely globes of her butt-cheeks with my hands. I felt great. Removing my mouth and gazing at the magnificent flesh, I felt a new heat of excitement; my mouth began to salivate, and my cock pulsed almost painfully hard. My eyes were drawn to between the valley of her magnificent full backside, as I spied her asshole. What a beauty! It was a duller, darker pink colour than her pussy, and was slightly puckered, with a tight mass of wrinkles. I was almost giddy-headed with lust.

Gently, I spread her ass-cheeks apart, and lapped around her glorious ring. Hazel's breathing became laboured.

"Do it, tongue out my ass, eat my asshole," she implored me.

I inhaled as much of the delightful, ever so slightly musky aroma as I could, then centred my tongue, as Hazel removed my hands from her ass-cheeks, replacing them with her own. She pulled her own ass wide apart and I slipped my tongue in the tight opening, as deep as I could. I licked around, almost stroking her bowels with my tongue.

Hazel's sphincter tightened hard briefly, and then relaxed delightfully, loosening up my entry. Lapping inside Hazel's puckered ring was so fine, so good. I ate her for a long, wonderfully pleasurable period, whilst reaching under her sides and playing with her two massive hard nipples. My feast was only interrupted by Hazel pulling free. I briefly feared she'd had enough, but instead she twisted slowly so that she was on top of me. She then turned and placed her pretty mouth on my cock sucking away as I was reacquainted with that wonderful pussy of hers, and we devoured each other in a sixty-niner.

I playfully lightly spanked her big butt-cheeks, all the while gorging on Hazel's still streaming cunt. My cock was slick and pulsing in her clever, cunning mouth. Her tongue danced along my length, her throat contracted and loosed and her lips sucked at my flesh. I teased her clit, feasted on her pink-red folds and fed my fingers in her ass. Again I felt Hazel cum, her juices sharp and welcome to my mouth. I savoured her as my balls contracted and I fleetingly almost lost consciousness, giddy-headed in pleasure in the moment before I came, in wave after wave. Hazel moved around and we shared one long kiss, before, spent and utterly satisfied I fell into a sleep, my head cushioned against the womanly softness of Hazel's big breasts.

To be continued...


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"Wait," Jodie said. "You had his phone, and you didn't do anything with it? Like, keep it? Or throw it in a puddle of water?" "It's ... His phone," Elle said. "I'm not gonna do something like that." Jodie gave her a sidelong glance. "Aren't you supposed to be some sort of major bitch or something?" "What's that got to do with anything?" "Oh, nothing, nothing," said Jodie. "It's just that, you were awful kind to him. For a major bitch. Dude, if I'd had his phone, I...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 56

Jack and I actually had time to sit down and eat something together that morning. I pulled out a loaf of raisin bread and we had some toast with real butter on it, along with our coffee. Jack folded a piece in half and stuck it in his coffee cup. "What are you doing?" "What?" "There. With the toast. Why are you sticking it in your coffee?" "It's called dunking. People have been doing it for years. My father used to do it." I leaned over and looked at his coffee. "Look at...

4 years ago
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The Secret Life of a Robot Fuck ToyChapter 3 Toy

I knew what a car was; such things were in my knowledge base, but I'd never ridden in one before. Billy drove. I sat across from him on the vinyl bench seat, upright with the belt holding me tight, with my little skirt hitched up showing my thighs. "I'm so sorry," Billy said. "I mean, I'm sorry I left like that and didn't help you finish." I stuck my hand, letting it hover by him so he could take it into his. He did and gave a little squeeze. "It's okay, Billy. All that matters...

3 years ago
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The Present Part 9

A moment of anxiety as Beth looked at the thick and throbbing phallus before her, the head was bigger than her mouth had managed before. Looking up at Nick, her soft brown eyes wide with excitement as she slowly licked her lips. Taking it in her hand, she kissed the head before running her tongue over the opening. The same cock that had been in her mother. It tasted good to her as she kissed along the shaft. Smiling, she picked up speed as Jayne knelt down alongside her, cupping Nick's swollen...

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WeLiveTogether S02E01 New Place New Personalities 08072020

Welcome, all you Reality Kings fans, to Season 2 of We Live Together! If you’ve been craving the chance to follow your favorite talent behind the scenes, see what she’s like day-to-day in a house filled with sexual tension… You’re home. This season we have brought together the wonderful Demi Sutra, Gabbie Carter, Lacy Lennon, La Sirena, Sabina Rouge, and Vina Sky! Energy seems high in the house with no need for icebreakers as the girls partner off to explore their rooms....

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The Hundred Year PlanChapter 12

Before the officers could ask any more questions, Lt. Slavens came striding into the room. He turned to the two officers and asked them what they had so far. Both of the officers seemed to recognize him and didn't hesitate in giving him the information. "OK, why don't you two go downstairs and give all the information you have collected to the two detectives who just arrived. I'll take over from here," Art told them. "I want to thank you guys for doing such a conscientious job. I'll...

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My Little VentrueChapter 131

~~Eric~~ His dad’s face broke into the biggest smile Eric had ever seen, when Jessy lifted her shirt. “Holy hell,” his dad said. He sat up in the hospital bed, and twisted his whole body to face her. “I know, right? I got pretty lucky, getting this lean without losing the tits.” With white t-shirt and black bra in hand, she bounced in place several times. Both men stared, hypnotized. Laughing, she pat her abs with one hand, still holding the clothes up to her collar with the other. “I...

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Love Never ChangesChapter 18

The angry woman on our left wasn’t going to let it go. “Who the hell do you think you are, mainlander? You can’t come onto our island and push us around like that!” The Mariner turned to her. “Sandra Lee, you and your brother are living on MY dock because it was MY decision to let you do so. Open your mouth again. Remember, each of us is Captain of his own ship, and this is MY ship, not yours.” A bald man with sea tanned skin in a lab coat pushed to the front of the crowd. “Shut up, Sandra!...

3 years ago
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My First Sex Experience With My Aunty

Hello, guys this is my first story on ISS. Let me introduce myself I am a 20year old boy with the normal physique and little more than normal penis size from Mumbai. This story is about the aunty who lives next door and my sex encounter with her let me introduce her to you, Her age can be around 30-32 she has the perfect figure with a huge ass I guess her sizes will be 34-30-36. She’s very friendly in nature and we often talk to each other I often visit her home whenever she used to mop her...

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Straight to bottom slut on chems

I am I straight male I have a girlfriend I have k**s and I live a normal straight life except for the weekends that I do Tina and put on a jockstrap and put my ass in the air and beg for strangers to put their cock in me. When I was 16 I would get drunk and go on craigslist and find strangers that would meet with me and suck my cock and let me come on their face . eventually I met a man that persuaded me to use toys on my little hole , he would get me high and insert a butt plug has he suck...

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Adventures behind the lens 2 Tina and Anita

I started to push buttons on my camera, paging through the menus to look busy while we waited for Anita to come out of the bathroom. It wasn’t that long before we started to hear some soft moans coming through the door. Tina and I looked at each other, before she quickly stood up and stormed to the bathroom door. She threw the door open to find Anita leaning against the sink as she was rubbing her clitoris. I started my camera recording again as Tina started to yell at her younger sister. I...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter Four

____________________________ I was not scheduled to interview Island Royale’s female partner, Cynthia, until the afternoon and therefore assumed I would be “on my own” throughout Wednesday morning. Greg, however, caught me as I was leaving the dining room following breakfast and suggested I accompany him for a tour of the “Ladies’ Boudoir,” located at the far northern end of the building. The Boudoir consists of a series of connecting rooms, all visible from the Compound through...

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Dreamscape The Conclusion

Dreamscape Conclusion By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 5: Dream Walker Fear, confusion and fraud. These were the three words, which had dominated my existence since I died in a car accident. Through cosmic happenstance, I emerged from a coma in the body of Lucy Maya. My second chance at life, so to speak, was not one of wonderment at the miracle of being given another crack at life, as one would expect. Quite the opposite. I tip toed through this life fearful more people...

1 year ago
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A Month with Elias Part 1

'BRING BRING!' I wake to the sound of my alarm clock sending a ringing sound through my ears. Looking at the time I realize I'm late for work. "Shit!" I run and jump in the shower, my student will be here any second for his training session. As a personal trainer I have many visits from my students and then we normally train at my house or in my garden as I have all the equipment I need. I take a deep breath turning the shower onto cold to wake myself up quicker. I quickly wash my body and my...

Straight Sex
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AlifChapter 11

Ana was totally disorientated when she opened her eyes in the morning. Where was she? What was that strange mirror doing in the corner of the room? Why did the sheets feel so relatively cool and silky? But she gradually remembered and glanced at Binta who was still sleeping beside her, naked like herself. A sudden spasm of alarm constricted her neck, but she relaxed and smiled to herself as she regarded Binta's head on the pillow and recalled the passion of the night before. It had happened...

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Starship Starbride

It was said they would never dream. How could they? Even the tell-tale signs of rapid-eye-movement were suppressed in the stasis-field of the ship's hibernaculum, their life processes held in suspension as shimmering blue cryo-gasses inhibited even cellular mitosis. Brain-waves barely registered on the bio-scanners, and yet somehow, deep in the hidden recesses of her sub-consciousness the dreams came! An erotic tableau of her most secret desires unfolded irrepressibly, as the young...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Famous Internet Girls Galleries! When you’re browsing the 18+ web for some hardcore pics of nude women in sexual situations, you usually have a choice to make beforehand. You gotta choose whether you’re in the mood for pornstars, camgirls, random Reddit nudes, or celebrity content. This kind of sucks because hotness transcends careers – all hot women are worth fapping to, no matter how famous they are or where their nudes cropped up. That’s why I’m glad that FamousInternetGirlsGalleries exists....

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Alans Thoughts Ch 03

Alan sat heavily on the couch in front of his TV, a towel around his shoulders. Other than that, he only wore a pair of boxers. His legs ached just a little, and he felt hot, so he took a long pull from his protein shake. It actually tasted okay for once. Then the brain freeze hit. As he was bent over holding his head, he heard a soft tap at the door. He blinked, and then looked at his watch. It was Saturday, 11:12 AM. ‘Not expecting any packages,’ he muttered, pushing himself to his feet....

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Just Slip Out the Back Jack

This is my entry in the “50 Ways to Leave You Lover” event. It has been edited by my Sweet Inspiration, blackrandl1958. Leigh was cheating on me; I was sure of it. How did I know? Does it really matter? Strange car in the driveway; came home early; Girls’ Night Out; more sex, less sex, she was cheating, and I knew it. I didn’t know who or how, but all the signs were there. We weren’t married, thank goodness, and no kids, but we were living together, with high hopes for both in the...

2 years ago
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My Slut WifeChapter 4 First Nights Out

The first week was much the same, accept for our sex life, which was instantly better. She would talk trash to me in bed, telling me how she had always thought it would be sexy to have two cocks at once, how she thought it would be fun torturing me by licking another cock in front of me. And she constantly made me tell her how I wanted her to do it. She was warm and upbeat with me, flirting with me much more. She kept herself looking beautiful, almost flaunting it in front of me, she would...

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Christine 4 ndash Going all the way

Where were we? Oh yes. Christine just kept on driving after I had made her cum in her car while she was driving me home. But as the other story says, she wanted me to be her slave for a few hours. You might remember Christine. Long legged aunt, who always wear skirts and nylons that just clings to her skin. So I sit back in the Mercedes’ warmed leather seats and I let her take charge. She’s driving, and I turn around a little, ogling her. Her breasts are pointing forward and, since she just...

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How it All Started Part III Suzi

HOW IT ALL STARTED PART III - SUZI Over a year has passed since I last dressed as my alter ego Katie. It's been a miserable time. I determined at the outset that I was going to rid myself of the compulsion to dress as a girl for good, but it was not as easy as that. My mother was convinced that one day I would need to return to my old ways, and although she never tried to persuade or cajole, she couldn't help making clear by her manner that she didn't expect my change of heart to...

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The new Jr manager

Introduction: Carrie makes it plain what she will do to get the job. I had worked at my job with this big, well known company in Rochester, N.Y. for twelve years and had worked my up to department manager. I was told that I would be allowed to hire a junior manager to work the job that I was just promoted from. That was great. It would allow me to sit in my new corner office and actually not do a hell of a lot. We advertised the position both internally and externally. It was Monday, three...

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Visit to Tahoe Tony

I wrote this story about a visit with a guy in Tahoe, Please be warned that this story is about a man sucking a man and if that is not your thing, please do not read this. Pics have been added in my photos page. Tripper I was able to get away on Tuesday evening, and Tony said I could call anytime before 11:00 PM to visit and make a quick stop and get my cock sucked. I called from the Carson Valley around 9:15 and he told me he was looking forward to my visit tonight. He expressed that he was...

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Watching Aunty And Uncle8217s Wild Sex

Hello everyone.. Khan here. I am a Hyderabadi boy. My age is 20yrs, my stats are 5.7ht, 60kgs, 30waist, and my cock is about 6.5inches.. Any hyderbadi aunties and girls who want to have secret relationship please mail me on I am back with my new story.. I’m narrating this story in English as I have received feedback for narration in English… This is the story about my Aunty Ruksana and Uncle Suleman fucking each other Wildly… Before starting the story let me tell you about my aunty, Her name...

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Another trip to the gay park part 2

I pulled down my shirt and headed down the trail to my next adventure. Enjoying the open sex along the way has my cock leaking lots of pre-cum. I found another bench to sit on to watch the sites and of course I had to stroke my dick while i did so. I had a couple of twinks and guys sits beside me to help my stroke my dick or suck on it a little. I motioned for a tranny to come over to me and when she did I lifted her skirt, took her man clit in my mouth and let her fuck my face until I was able...

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just out for a joy ride

Just out for a joy ride I was doing something I have only ever fantasized about. I borrowed my sister’s fire engine red convertible and drove with the top down on the interstate to see how many people notice that my skirt is up to my belly uncovering my bare pussy. It was a wonderful day for me. I got horns honked and yells with suggestions the whole time. I was so hot I played with my pussy and was dripping wet and super horny so I pulled over to the nearest rest stop, pulling to the back so...

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GirlsDoPorn 20 Years Old E456

Man, I love when they bring the hottest of the hot back for a repeat visit…this Southern girl is simply flawless and we saw her making her very first adult video about a month ago or so, and apparently getting her pussy pounded on Girls Do Porn kind of spoiled her for the guy she had on the side lol! As you probably already know, when a girl is brought back for round two (or three or four) they generally try to push their limits a little just to keep things fresh and interesting…and...

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Cheerleaders Initiation

It was the end of Tara McNeill's first day in her new high school and she had made no friends. Her family had moved two thousand miles across the country from the small town she had called home for her whole life to the big intimidating city. She was surprised how many black people lived in the neighborhood and it seemed like every boy in her school and every male teacher were of African descent (the girl were more diverse). Tara felt a little apprehensive as to how well she'd fit in, as she...

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Rescue in Rome

Janie Ward sat on her suitcase and looked, almost dumbly at her phone, not even sure what to do next. It had been almost a life long fantasy, a hope, a dream, and here she was, sitting in the tatters of her great European Adventure, her longed for trip to Rome, and she was on the verge of tears. Thoughts raced across her mind, as she fought back the tears: ‘How could Marge do this?’ She’d scrimped and saved and had been scheduled to go on this dream fulfilling trip to Rome with her friend...

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Friends With Benefits

I've once heard that sleeping with your best friend is the absolute worst thing you can do to the friendship. I'm still torn on this seeing that I've done it and it was amazing. All of these past stories have been about my ex and I really haven't had much inspiration to write about anything else lately because the drama wasn't there. For the first time ever I was just having mind blowing, respect filled sex, and it felt good. No humiliation, no bad name calling, no pain. Now granted I had to...

Straight Sex
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Shy wife becomes a hotwife

Two years ago I approached my wife about the possibility of a threesome with another man or me watching her with another guy. It completely threw her at the time and she wasn't very happy with me. She had an awful lot of questions and a lot of soil searching to do. We had been married 12 years at the time and we married when she was 18 and I was 20. During our entire marriage I had never even seen her so much as look at another man such was her mongamous attitude and she absolutely adores me as...

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Football CampChapter 4

It was Friday morning and JDs last day with us. We were to drop him off at the airport at one which meant we only had until about noon. Both Sarah and I had called into work that day so we could spend the morning playing with JD. I woke up similar to the day before. I could hear Sarah moaning before I opened my eyes. JD was laying next to me and Sarah was slowly riding his young dick. I began playing with myself watching her ride him with her hands on his chest and his around her hips. She...

3 years ago
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The Struggle 2 Another struggle

The Struggle 2- another struggle Author's note: This is not a sequel to my story "The struggle. But it is along the same theme ... She was doing it again! Every time she noticed Don, and especially whenever he nodded or smiled at her, she felt the heat in her face, and was sure she glowed enough to read by. What was wrong with her, she didnt like guys that way? Did she? She wasnt even supposed to be a girl, she was supposed to be a boy, not be sitting here watching one...

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