Oh Mom I Love You free porn video

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I was twelve years old when tragedy struck. My grandparents were killed in an airplane crash returning from Las Vegas. Mom really took it hard, she was their only child, and getting the funeral arrangements all together, liked to have killed her.....I remember hearing her cry for weeks after the funeral.. and she would always say to me ,"Well Cody, it's just you and me honey, just you and me." I had my times too, but I didn't want Mom to see me cry, I had to be tough, I don't know why, I just had to be . We moved out of the little apartment, and into the big house of my grandparents.....Mom had been going to beauty school , and had been working at a beauty shop for the past two years, now she had enough money to open her own hair saloon. I remember how proud she was, standing in front of her shop, looking at her sign that read, "Kute & Kurl" Mom was in business. The customers she had groomed while working for Millie followed her , and she hired Gracie, a crazy friend who worked with her at Millie's, Business was so good she hired two more girls to work.

Mom started wearing all kinds of different hair styles. She even bleached her hair blonde. Well Cody what do you think ? I always had to give her my opinion...Looks great Mom real good, I'd tell her. I started noticing just how beautiful my Mom was . She was five , five . probable weighed a hundred and twenty five or so I always told her she was shaped like an hour glass. You think so, she would laugh....Yup I think so....She had started wearing real short skirts too, and I began noticeing just how sexxy she did look. She had started dating some. nothing to serious, Gracie, who wanted me to call her auntie, had introduced Mom to this guy. He seemed ok, but Mom seemed to keep him at a distance...I was going on fifeteen now and I had got my permit to operate a motor bike...Mom helped me get one, with the understanding, that if my grades dropped in school it was automaticlly parked.

Mom seemed to be getting more beautiful to me everyday, and I was beginning to get some terrible manly urges.. She would come out of the bathroom, dressed in her rose colored night gown, and when she stood just right in the light I could make out all her beautiful curves. Her tits would stand out and I could see her nipples pushing at the material of her gown.. amd sometimes she would set on the couch and put her foot on the end table and paint her toe nails and I could see her creamy thighs clear to her panties ... I was masturbating in my room at night and fantasizing I was fucking my Mom... Damn was I some kind of pervert ? It almost seemed she was teasing me with her sexulality....If that was the case it was working ...I was hot, damn sure hot for her....

It was Friday night, Mom closed the shop and came home early, Cody she said, how about you and I going out to eat tonight, and catch a movie. Or we could go bowling if you'd like, she added. What ever you want to do Mom is ok with me I replied. Well honey we haven't done anything together in a while, I've been so busy with the shop. I thought it would be good for the both of us to do something a little different tonight.. I said fine with me, should be fun. Who gets the shower first I asked....She laughed , I thought we'd take one together.......No! just teasing she went on, you go first ....I finished my shower and went to my room, and started getting dressed. Mom had finished up and was coming out of the bathroom wrapped only in a large towl, has I came down the hallway she said I'll be ready in a minute......and walked by, her creamy skin on her shoulders made my cock jump....Damn ! I can't stand much more of this, I said to myself. They'll have me for raping my Mother, I thought....I sat down on the couch and clicked on the TV I could hear her humming some old country song to herself as she was getting ready.....Why does time go by so slow when you're waiting on someone else...It seemed like an eternity, and then I heard her coming down the hallway...Cody shut your eyes baby, Ok Mom what's going on I replied.. I shut my eyes, I could hear her footsteps on the hardwood floor she was right in front of me I figured, when her footsteps stopped.
Ok baby, open your eyes and tell me what do you think ? I opened my eyes to what could have been a movie star. Oh God Mom you're beautiful I exclaimed She was dressed in a red mini skirt with a jacket to match and the red high heel shoes, and nylons made her legs look so beautiful She had her hair upswept on top of her head and she had applied her make up so sensual. Her eyes were high lighted and her lips looked moist and wantom. Wow this was my date tonight My Mom, she was knocked out....I offered her my arm in a teasing way, shall we go Darling I said.
Mom grinned up at me and replied why yes sweetheart...

We finished our dinner, Mom slipped me the money to pay for our meal and left a tip on the table you pay for the meal I'm gonna go to the restroom and freshen up she said . She walked a head of me, and I could see guys eyeballing her every step , lust on their faces. It almost made me jealous the way they were lusting over my date....I payed the cashier and walked over to the waiting room, Mom appeared, looking so beautiful. She took my arm and walked to the car. I said Mom did you see all those guys looking at you, no baby, were they? she giggled. We got in the car and drove away, She said, Cody this is fun......Mom drove up broadway past the palace theater. lets check out the Cinema she said . Ok with me I replied, or we could go somewhere and park...I laughed....Later darling, later, she teased back......The movie was great, a comedy that kept both of us laughing......Mom was fun to be with I thought. I was lucky to have her. You could almost say we had grown up together, and she had always seen to it that life was good for me.....I wondered thou why she never dated more than she did ? but if she wanted me to know I figured someday she'd tell me...

We got back home it was going on midnight. Mom went to her room and came back to the kitchen In one of her flimsy night gowns . You want me to fix us a snack she asked. No I think I'll just have a glass of milk , I replied and started to get up. Set still honey I'll get it she said. Mom reached up in the cupboard and got a glass, opened the fridge, and poured my milk, turned and leaned over the table to hand it to me her gown opened enough for me to see her beautiful tits...Mom ! I said You're gonna have to put on some different clothes around here at night My young hormones can't stand much more of this.....She giggled, Mom turns you on.... Is that what you're saying.. I said you sure do! Well that's great! she laughed . My Cody is becoming a man. We'll have to see about doing something about that. She kissed me on the forehead and hugged me . Good night sweetheart, and walked to her room. I wanted to grab her and throw her on the bed and fuck her so bad. My cock was throbbing with desire....I had to have a release, my nuts were aching. I went to bed and layed there stroking my cock. I could see her beautiful face smiling at me in my mind. I shot my wad all over my stomach and chest, what a load. It was running down the sides of my stomach, the thick part of it laying in gobs looked like it was melting and turning into a thin clear fluid. I cleaned my self off with the damp towl I had brought with me. I had let the thoughts of fucking my Mother, give me one hell of a climax What would the real thing feel like ? I wondered as I drifted off to sleep.

Mom was running late getting home the following evening. The phone rang and when I answered it was her. Honey I got a late appointment, she said. I'm almost finished I got her under the drier right now. It won't be much longer, she added. Pizza, ok for supper tonight, she asked ? Sure I replied...Well I'll be there just as quick as I can, Love you honey, bye. Love you to Mom. I hung up the phone, and layed out my home work assignment... It didn't seem long Mom came thru the door a Pizza in her hand . She was fuss' in I don't know why they have to wait untill closing time to decide they need their hair fixed.....She laid the Pizza on the table, get some plates I'm gonna wash up...she said. I got the plates, and poured us both a coke. Mom came back and set down at the table. OOH I'm tired tonight, we were really busy today....How did your day go she asked ? Ok I replied...You got a birthday coming up next week she remembered...Yup, I said . Gonna be fifeteen I added. I know honey. I was fifeteen when you were born. Seems like yesterday she said, chewing on the pizza. What do you want for your birthday she asked ? I don't know I replied. What ever you get me, I know will be great. I replied.. Mom got up from the table and walked to her room. She came back with a package wrapped up in pretty paper, Here this one is early, she handed ti to me. Thanks Mom I said . Well go on and open it she spoke, has she sat back down at the table......I opened the package, It was a large book. I read the cover out loud " What every man should know about Sex" She looked at me and said. Read it. I turned the pages slowly, and looked at the illustrations, it had drawings of different sex position, articles on how to seduce your lover, anything you needed to know about sex it was in here. I felt my cock getting hard....Mom , I'm a little embarrassed, looking at a sex manual my Mom has giving me,,, Well don't be she said. I want you too read everything in the book. You're a man now, she added, I know you're a minor, and some folks might think this is wrong, but trust me honey, knowledge, is the key to sucess in everything you do in life...whether it's at work, or in your lovers arms. Then she went on to say, this is no one else's business but ours. Mom got up from the table, leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, and walked into the living room . I sat there amazed, at what had just transpired....Mom had giving me a book, to teach me how to fuck.

Well my fifeteenth birthday arrived. Mom had a surprise party for me. She invited a lot of my school friends over, and some of her friends from the beauty shop. It was neat.. Damn they brought me alot of gifts, and funny cards..Mom had a catering service fix a lot of good food and deliver it...And the cake it was beautiful, She lit all the candles, and they all started singing the birthday song.....Make a wish honey, make a wish she said.. I shut my eyes and made my wish. Let me fuck Mom and soon, I thought to my self ...And then I blew out the candles....It was getting late when the party ended, Gracie was helping Mom straighten up the kitchen, I was telling the rest of my friends that were leaving thanks....and that I'd see them tomorrow....Mom and Gracie finished up the kitchen and Gracie came over to me and wished me another happy birthday and gave me a birthday kiss...See you in the morning Glenda, she said going out the door....See you Mom replied...
Mom came into the living room.. sat down on the couch....Happy birthday honey she said.. I'm gonna take a shower. She got up and walked towards the bathroom... Surprised you, didn't I she laughed.....I replied yes you did.
Mom finished her shower, and came out of the bathroom . She was wearing a pink neglegee she walked into the kitchen and stopped in front of the range.. she turned her back to me. Cody she spoke...Seduce me . I said what did you say? She kept her back to me..Seduce me honey. I got up and slowly walked to her .she never said anything else. Just stood there waiting on me .When I got to her I put my arms around her and pulled her gently back to me , her ass was pressing against my body, and I slowly started kissing the back of her neck running my tongue over her soft skin. slowly I began fondling her breast. My cock was throbbing and it was pressing against her ass thru my pants. I slowly moved my hand down and rubbed it over her stomach. My fingers ran thru the slight patch of hair that covered the top of her pussy.. she turned to me and ran her hand up the back of my head and our lips met.. She pushed her hips forward against the lump in my pants, and our tongues came together. I pulled her tightly against me, Her breast felt soft against my chest thru my shirt. I felt her hand on the lump in my pants, she was rubbing her hand over it in a round motion....Our lips still pressed together, our tongues locked in the heat of passion ..I felt her fingers tugging on the zipper to my trousers, it came down and I felt her hand take hold of my cock , She began stroking it slowly, my balls were burning with desire.. I couldn't hold back the feeling she was pulling out of me...AHHW OOHH
OH Mom !! I said, has I broke from her kiss ... Oh God I'm cumming...I blew my load all over the front of her neglegee....She kept on stroking my cock slowly and I was shooting a stream of hot jism again...OOOH Mom I love you. I love you to baby she said softly. she lead me to the bathroom...Lets get out of these clothes and let me wash you up she said...You've been studying your sex manual well, she laughed. I asked you to seduce me and you had me so hot...You were just perfect...baby. that was lesson one. she laughed has she started washing my cock up.
I pulled her to me again and we kissed. The thrill of being there with her, and both of us naked was generating my lust to the fullest.. I think you should sleep in my bed tonight, she giggled . By the looks of your cock we still got some unfinished business....We walked to her room are arms around each other. Mom pulled the covers back on the bed. turned on her little night lite and clicked off the main one...It felt so sexy in her bed room....What else have you learned from your book she teased. I told her let me suprise you....Ok. she said, has we got into bed together. I started running my tongue along her neck, just below her chin and gentle began massageing her nipples that had started standing straight out with my fingers I slowly licked my way down her tight little tummy and kissed her belly button running my tongue down and into it. OOH she whispered.. that feels good honey ...I took my finger and gently inserted it into her pussy, while slowly running my tongue over her tummy I knew from the manual she had a spot in there that would give her one hell of an orgasam If I could just find it, I slowly began exploring her tight little slit . Mom was pushing her hips upward to meet my probing finger and her juices were flowing Oh Cody she screamed, Oh God my precious baby.. OH GOOOD GOD!!! HONEY....OOOH I'M CUMMING... I put my lips to her pussy and started sucking all her juices that was running from her cunt I licked around and around her clitoris it was standing up like a little prick and I was sucking it Mom was squirming all over the bed and I was chasing her pussy with my tongue running my tongue up and down her ass crack flicking it into her little rose bud looking ass hole. she was totally orgasmic Oh stop baby stop I can't stand anymore her nerves were on endings..I pulled away and we layed beside each other . Oh baby that was so good, but I still want you to fuck me.. I know you've wanted to for so long, she whispered I know I've been a real prick teaser I too have been waiting for this day baby she laughed. Mom I have dreamed of this night since I can't remember....Take me honey she said so lovingly bury your cock deep inside my pussy. oh fuck me baby...I've wanted your cock for so long........She layed on her back with her legs opened. I crawled between her creamy thighs leaned over her and our tongues came together ...She reached down and took my cock in her hand and I felt the warm moist lips of her pussy on it's head has Mom guided it to its home...I moved down with my ass and slid my cock slowly deep into her pussy. We were in no hurry now, we had the rest of the night...I kept slowly shoving it in and out of her warm moist slit.....feeling all the love Mom had held inside for me. She kept meeting me with ever stroke of love..Oh baby it feels so good. You know darlin we have to keep this quite. she said....I know I replied...Mom began thrusting her hips upward, and I kept up the rythum she was setting..She raised her legs up high, locking them around me. Oh baby ma ma 's getting close again, I looked down up on her beautiful face, her eyes looked deep into mine I could see the love pouring out of her soul for me...I started riding her higher rubbing her clit with the shaft of my cock Hold back Mom I told her I'm close to let's try and reach it together I said. Oh baby it's starting she whispered . I am too I replied Then all hell broke loose Oh GOOD GOD BABY !!!AHH I'M CUMMING DARLIN....She was screaming, at that time it felt like her pussy went up ten degrees, and I started flooding her ass with cum. Oh God Mom I'm with you, we were bucking against each other in a frenzy of passion She pulled my head down to her's and our lips came together, our tongues fucking each other's mouths Our saliva was running wet on our faces ..I kept my cock buried deep in her pussy and she kept her legs locked around me Oh baby I love you , love you so very much....she was breathing hard and fast I love you to Mom . I want to be with you like this forever, I said holding on to her tightly...We will be baby, she kissed me again . We fell to sleep together wrapped in our passion for one another.

I'll be twenty eight tomorrow................................Guess what I'll be doing.


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Mom8217s Love Games 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, this is Ratin from Bangalore here to share one of my experiences. Well, I am 22 years old. My family consists of my me, mom and dad. Coming to the story which happened 2 years back. My dad is a businessman and my mom is a housewife and I am pursuing my studies. We are staying in a 3-floor apartment. Due to the business nature of my father, he would be on tour most of the times and would be less bothered about the family. Due to this, there was always fighting between mom and dad....

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...

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Are you a Mom Lover? I think it’s part of basic human nature that most of us have some really powerful feelings of affection for our mothers. After all, they did ensure our survival during the early days our lives, nourishing us with the fluid of their bosoms. Of course, loves comes in various forms, and you’ve probably assumed I ain’t talking about that wholesome feeling you get when your mom makes you a pie. The love we’re talking about today relates more to the feeling you get when you...

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1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! well last time i read that dan said a lot of mistakes were committed on my behalf and that he could not read it.well dan sorry for the spellings and my grammar is not asper your standards otherwise i would be a good writer.anyways will try to be as error free as possible and louis thanks but sorry i am having a hard time deciding whetherhe would enter his dick into his moms hole.anyway that does not matter as his dick is just 5 inches long and i am...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello friends i am just too tired of reading the regular material so i would like you to test my abilities.if you dont like it criticise openly but if you enjoy it keep on enjoying. nNow i live in newzealand with my parents.my father is on a hectic schedule almost everyday and that my old mother needed her for some comfort but he was too busy and me a loner too was just jacking off yearning for a lady to look after me and my needs and i coudnt do that...

3 years ago
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Mom My Lover

So there we were, Mom and I, sitting on the edge of my bed. We were talking away, as we usually did, but this time I had a hand inside her soft pink robe, fondling one of her lovely big tits, squeezing its smooth, spongy ripeness and gently pinching the hard nipple, and she was acting as if she didn't even notice. I doubted that she was wearing any panties, and I was determined that I would soon find out. Wait a minute! Maybe we had better go back and see just how this story started. A son...

2 years ago
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Mom I Love You 8211 Part I

It all happened in the year 1991. I was 21 then and now I am an established doctor in Kolkata aged 43. My mother’s name was Mala, a woman from village and was married off in her early 15 and in 16 she gave birth to me. But the bad luck occurred and my father died early. She had to go back to her maternal house with me and she raised me with very hard work. I was reading in MBBS 5th year and with the money of stipend I took her to a tour to Kashmir. We were travelling in a two-tier AC...

4 years ago
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Ms Lockleys School for Unloved Girls Ch 01

Rosaleen Dickonson’s famous quote says ‘Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and the one most important of all the things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children.’ Some parents don’t love their children, though. Some parents hate them, wanting to be rid of them the first moment they legally can. In the small New England town of Munishire exists a school to deal with a select few of these...

1 year ago
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Mom and I Equal Love 2

The first night mom was home from the hospital was a whole learning experience in the caring of mom as far as her bathroom needs, bathing her, and in trying to feed her, and I stayed hard most of the time and had to go jack off a few times. After eating supper that night, mom wanted me to clean her up a little bit, then mom and I sat in her bed while I did the little bit of homework that I did have from the classes that I did attend that day at school, before having to leave to go to get mom...

2 years ago
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Mom8217s lover my uncle

Hi to all! This story would be best you could ever read. This story is absolutely real but I cannot reveal my identity. We live in Bangalore Well I am 21 years old boy I am s/w engineer and recently completed my engineering. In my family there is my papa, mom, me and my uncle that is papa younger brother Papa is a manager in mnc and he always lives on tour. My mom is a house wife. My uncle work in a local company in Bangalore. This incident happened when I was 13 and was in 8th std my papa was...

1 year ago
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Mom With Hot Massage And A Love Session

Hi my name is Mihiran from Sri lanka.This is my first story so excuse me for any mistake that I’m doing. This is a real story which i’m having with my mom. Hi girls and guys my family contains four members. My sexy mom,dad, my sis who is in 18 yr of age and me. I’m having a average body like other guys of my age.I am working for a reputed company at sri lanka. My mom is a average body woman with a open mind about anything. She is having a sexy body with a little bumpy tummy which makes her more...

1 year ago
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I was always a little large when it came to my hips and thighs. I was not fat, just sort of chubby. I have large breasts and I keep my pussy closely trimmed. I had married very young and had a son when I was just 17. Over the years I have grown to love sex and wanted it all the time. My husband works out of town a lots and when he does get home, we usually have sex about once or twice a week, which leaves me craving for more. I know he probably has a girlfriend along the way because he seems to...

4 years ago
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Mom My First Love Chapter 3

When we both got back to the apartment that evening the bed still wasn’t anywhere near dry and we discovered that water had gotten into both our dressers from the mini-flood and a lot of our clothes were starting to mildew. So we had to do laundry. Mom suggested that we might as well wash everything, including the underwear we had on now so we put those in also. I thought that was a little unnecessary but figured she was just being thorough. That left her in her working dress and me in just my...

1 year ago
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Mom loves it

By the time I was 18 my mom had been married 4 times and divorced just as many. For as long as I can remember I have listen to her getting banged. Sometimes she would yell so loud I thought she was getting killed, but she was just cuming. When she married the 4th one I would get up at night and watch them fuck and suck each other.I would get such a hard-on watching her suck his cock. She would suck his load and he would scream you are going to kill me, but that wouldn't stop her. Mom never had...

1 year ago
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Mommy Loves It

She went over to where he was living these days. She didn't know if he had a girlfriend and didn't really care. He knew Mommy loved him best.He greeted her with a kiss on the mouth."Nice kiss for Mommy" she sighed, slipping her hand between his legs. He was hard instantly. All he wanted to do is put his cock inside Mommy, feel the wetness, the tightness. Hear her say "I love you, my little boy"He had to run an errand and she agreed to come with him. He was hoping she would as she had a tendency...

3 years ago
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Mom Becomes My Lover Chapter Three

In the days after Rick, Bruce and I gangbanged Mom, sex between Mom and I got even wilder. She confessed that she had never experienced fucking with anyone else that was as intense or debauched as the sex we engaged in. I would wake up in the morning with her lips and tongue wrapped around my cock. She would sit on my face and grind her cunt into my mouth. Other times she would assume a meek and submissive role, and on those occasions, I knew what she wanted, and would fuck her ass.I couldn’t...

1 year ago
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Mom Becomes My Lover

Chapter One: How It All BeganI was fourteen when my father passed away. Mom and I both grieved but after the first year our sadness eased off, and while I adjusted to life with just the two of us, she withdrew into a shell. She would go to work, come home, keep house and cook for me but no longer socialized with her old friends or went anywhere. She turned down invitations for dinners and parties, and spent her time cooped up at home instead. This was unlike her previous life with dad; she was...

2 years ago
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Mom And Contractor Love Making

Hi guys, I am not sharing the names for the sake of privacy. I am going to share my experience how I enjoyed sex with my mom without her knowledge. My mom is still very hot and sexy in the age of 47.Her skin color is Wight. Her figure is very tight. Her beautiful figure is 36 32 34. She is having DD boobs. My mom’s ass is little small and I think she is not letting others fuck her ass. She is just cooling her fire in her choot (pussy) but still she is having the most attractive and sexiest...

1 year ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 10 Baseball Tryouts

First thing, I went looking for Tracy. She didn't see me come up behind her. I figured a little payback was in order so I gave her a hip check. Her head snapped around, and when she saw it was me, she got a big grin. "Hey, sexy boy," she purred. That got everyone's attention, and I actually blushed. She winked at me as she turned to go to her locker. It was nice to see her smiling. After school, I went to baseball tryouts. There were a lot of guys and even a few girls trying out. I...

2 years ago
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Mom Finds Love With Son

Meera was approaching her 49th birthday. She was married to a good-for-nothing businessman and they had a 20 year old son. She was sick of her husband’s drinking habits. They had separated years ago but for the sake of their son and from fear of society, they continued living together. She was tired of her husband drinking at night and passing out every day on the bed. On her 49th birthday, Meera was woken up by her son, Abhinav. He hugged her tightly and said, “Happy Birthday Mom!!”.She was...

3 years ago
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Mom Making Love To A Young Guy 8211 Part 2

After making out for the first time at Karan’s flat, mom loved spending time with this young guy. It was supposed to be a one night stand but had become something more for her and even Karan. My mom was definitely a hot Milf. Her figure and personality, like actress Tisca Chopra, would make any guy want more.  Even mom wanted to continue this one night stand with Karan. After reaching home on Saturday morning, mom and Karan started to talk to each other on-call again. She told him that it was...

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Mom and I Equal Love 5

"Do I really want to know? Like am I in trouble now?" asked Linda with a do I really want to know look in her eyes."What would you say if we told you, that we are related to each other in some way?" Janet asked."What, like cousins, or brother and sister?""No, like in mother and son.""Are you serious? I thought you two were husband and wife, cousins, or maybe even brother and sister, but mother and son. You do not look to be old enough to be his mother."When Janet told Linda that we were mother...

3 years ago
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Mom loves CUM

Mom says her sexperience to her son wants to fuck him....My mother is a whore. She's a dirty slut who takes it anywhere and anyway she can get it. For pleasure and for money. And most of the men in the town have had their go with her. Of course to most ordinary nineteen year old guys to hear that said about their mother would be almost the most offence you could possibly cause. But I loved to think it about mine. Then again, my relationship with my mum wasn't the average kind and she certainly...

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moms dirty megazine

I was 18 in 1994, living with my Mom and two younger sisters somewhere in the English suburbs. It was a hot Sunday morning and a friend had called by earlier and we had roamed the streets aimlessly for a while before visiting the local corner shop. While my friend ordered cigarettes at the counter I skulked around the magazines secretly eyeing up the porno on the top shelf. Those sexy girls looking out from those magazines made my blood blaze in my crotch. With the shop keepers back turned for...

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Moms Night Out Part 3

Things were good at our home. Mom was a very happy satisfied woman and I was happy living out any teen boys' fantasy. In addition, the large commission checks from her deals with Eduardo were about to start rolling in. Mom was trying to put away as much money as she could for my college which is why she kept us in this modest apartment these last years. By this time next year she would have my college paid for as well as the down payment on her dream home. She house she was going to retire...

3 years ago
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Mom Is My Love

Hi friends and I’m Rohit 24 years old from Delhi living with my dad mom Sudha and sis Shivani. My dad is in Business and mom housewife and sis completed her graduation and waiting for her marriage and stays at home and I are helping my dad in his business. This is story between me n my mom n how it started between us and so let me describe about my mom. Her name is Sudha 44 years 5.6 tall whitish black hairs up to her shoulders with broad body structure and her fig is 38 32 38 and now let me...

4 years ago
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Mom sons in love with me

I such a way that he should love a pretty high school girl. My name is Rosey and I’m a single mother, I have been ever Since my son Clover was born, as he grew he had every Man I’ve ever dated. But I excepted it, if he doesn’t like the Man I may like or even love: I can’t be with them. He’s hung on to me these 16 years; maybe it was because I babied him: Even if we both knew money was tight. Clover is 16 years old, And he’s handsome like his father was: short, curly, black Hair and...

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Mom I Love Fucking 8211 Part 1

Hello friends! I am Vadnesh from Mumbai..This is a story of how I had my first sex encounter with my mom! I live in a 3bhk flat with a family of four which includes my mom dad me and my younger sister… My dad is an MBA and is always busy with his business works my mom is a school teacher so let me start the story! I m 19 years old guy with a gym-fit body and dick of 6/7inch and my mom (38) she’s fucking’ hot ! Her body figure is 39-36-38..And she have a fair skin her boobs are very large and...

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Mom love in moonlight

The world sleeps, but I lie awake in my bed. It’s the moon. There is something strange about it tonight. Through the glass pane of the window, the full moon is bright and cool and the stars are shining, adding all their glorious brilliance to the moon’s glow. Suddenly I think I hear a quiet creak, but it must be only my imagination… The sound persists, however, and it’s coming from the door. I turn my head and much to my surprise in the dim light I a dark feminine silhouette, which could only...

2 years ago
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Mom My First Love Chapter 1

I’m in my late 60’s now. My mom recently passed away. Since she is now gone and since her grandfather and father both died several years ago I think it’s ok to tell this part of my story. I can’t tell everything because of course my daughter and her daughter are still living and I don’t want to jeopardize their privacy. Enough said. Perhaps if I get their permission I can add details of the last several years. After all I am writing this anonymously. I grew up in the 50’s and my mom grew up a...

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Mommys true passion part two

We didn’t talk on the last few miles on our way home. I lived in my thought that time and just wondered if that really had just happened. Did I really just taste my mum’s shit on a dinner toilet? Had mum really written that letter to me? I touched my pocket. Yes there it was. Mums letter in my pocket like a sweet promise of forbidden pleasure. I watched mum driving. She looked that great in this short white dress. And I must say I never had seen her body that way. It was really perfect to me....

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Stepmom Gets a Deep Anal Pounding

I was right in the middle of finals week at Reed College, and I wasn’t in a good mood. The spring weather was glorious for a Portland campus; the flora was intensely green and in full bloom, and girls were dressed in light summer clothing, which meant that as I drove out of the parking lot, it was hard to miss the legs, cleavage, and everything else that gets a 19-year-old guy’s hormones flowing. I was horny but pissed that I couldn’t stay. I had to drive 30 minutes back home to walk the dog....

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