Gay? free porn video

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With one hand on the center of my color bone, he held me immobile against the wall still probing me. The water splashed at his back as he slid me down until I was sitting on the bottom of the tub with my thighs open to the world. His had moved his hand lower on my breastbone until almost the tip to hold me to my new spot. He moved into me and penetrated me with his rock hard muscle. We rocked against each other in the small tub and screaming, came together.
I opened my eyes in the semi-darkness to see a figure sitting on my bed; the alarm was going off beside my head. “Who was it?” The figure asked me.
I groaned and rolled over, shutting off the alarm. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Scott.”
“Yes you do,” I could tell he was smirking in the dim light. He stood and opened the blinds on the window facing me. I squinted in the bright morning sunlight. “You were talking in your sleep again.” He sat back down on his bed. We had recently moved into a smaller place and I still wasn’t used to sharing a room with him. We had met a few years back and because we had so much in common soon became best friends. We had been living together for about two years and could all but read each other’s minds.
I sighed and crawled out of bed. “I don’t know who it was, he didn’t have a face like all the others, why does it matter?” I asked grabbing my robe.
“It seemed to matter to you.” He said gesturing to the moist spot on my bed. I directed a few explicit words at him as I stumbled into the bathroom.
Standing in the hot water I washed the grime of yesterday’s work and this morning’s sweat off of my body. I stared at the far wall thinking of the dream. It was actually starting to get to me; I had been having the dream once, sometimes twice a night the past two weeks. It was always the same man and place, but different things happened each time. I had lied to Scott, I didn’t know if he caught and was just being kind, or didn’t notice. Every once in a great while I could slip a lie past him. I in fact did know who the man who made me orgasm in my dreams was, every time, it was Scott.
The sex dream itself didn’t bother me; the only thing that did worry me was my tendency toward premonitions. Don’t think me a kook, it just had happened a few times. I got out of the shower and wandered to the bedroom. It took me about five minutes to pick out my clothes and get dressed to find Scott in the kitchen sitting at the table still nude.
“Don’t you have to go to work today?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“No, I have today off.” He said sighing and taking sip of coffee.
I sat down facing him with my own breakfast of cool-aid. “Ok I’ll bite, what’s wrong? Why did you get up so early if you don’t have work?” He opened his mouth to say something, but I interrupted him, “And no lying, I can tell when you are lying.”
He closed his mouth with a snap and started again, glaring a little. “I’m just having a few problems with my girlfriend.”
“Cindy?” I asked looking at him. “I thought you guys were totally in love. What happened?”
“I don’t know, she suddenly started acting strange. She doesn’t want to make love, and we barely kiss anymore.” He seemed very upset; he and Cindy had been dating for almost a year. “The thing that worries me is that it all started two weeks ago, right after we watched a special on HBO.” He took a deep breath and a slip of his coffee. “It was about college students learning who they really are, and …coming out…” He paused and took another deep breath, “Gay.” He looked at me pained. “Robin what am I going to do? I really love her, but I can’t force her into somewhere she doesn’t belong.”
I took a sip of my cool-aid and started brainstorming. “Ok, what can you do? How does she feel about that sort of thing? Can you just ask her, or will she freak out on you?” I had recently come out as bi myself and knew the problems associated with it.
He chewed his lip for a moment before answering. “It’s not that, she’s ok with it. I think the main problem is that she has never been with a girl before and doesn’t know for sure.” He looked at me hopefully.
I stood abruptly knowing his intent. “No no no! Don’t even ask! I know what you’re thinking. You know the rules, I don’t want to mess things up between us with sex, that applies with your girlfriends too.”
He looked at me pleadingly, “Please? How am I, or she suppose to know anything if we don’t try. I don’t want to rope her into something that will just end up being bad for both of us.”
“Why not?” I asked exasperated. “People do it to each other all the time, look at my parents!”
He leveled his gaze at me, not laughing. “And look how they turned out. Look how their offspring turned out!” He smirked and started laughing not being able to contain himself.
I stuck my tongue out him and made a face but he continued. “You of all people should know how important it is to be true to yourself.”
“That was a low blow mister.” I glared at him and he fixed me with his puppy dog eyes I groaned. “Ok, I’ll think about it. But only if she wants to, you have to talk to her about this. I don’t want to be pushing her into anything either.”
He nodded and jumping up wrapped me in a huge hug. “Thank you! Thank you! How can I repay you?”
I tried to pry myself lose, “You can start by letting me go, I need to leave for work.” He obediently let go and I grabbed my keys. “Talk to her, I can’t say no to you, but I will still refuse to do it if she isn’t whole heartedly into it.” He nodded solemnly and I left wondering what I was getting myself into.
That night I got home from work late and exhausted. When I walked in, Scott and Cindy were sitting on the couch talking. Scott jumped up when I came in the door, “She said she wanted to try it!”
It took me a few seconds to remember what he was talking about. When I did figure it out I pointed to the bedroom door. “Scott, can you leave us for a few minutes, I want to talk to her…alone.” He nodded and shooting a quick smile at his girlfriend, walked into the bedroom.
I walked to the couch and sat down next to Cindy. “I’m guessing he explained it all to you?” I asked.
She nodded, “Yeah, he was pretty on the mark too. I have been questioning myself for a few years, but seeing that TV show just made it worse.”
I laid my hand on her knee, “Did you want to try anything?” I asked slowly. I had already made my decision if I going to help, but wanted to see what her choice was before saying anything. “And don’t let Scott push you into it.”
There were tears in her eyes as she responded. “I think it will be the only way to know. Because I’m an artist, I don’t know if I am attracted to females, or just their form.” I nodded and let her continue. “I don’t want to hurt Scott, I really love him. But I have to know, what if we get married and then I realize it? That wouldn’t be fair to him. I’m just so glad that he has been so understanding about this whole thing.”
I smiled and started to laugh, she looked at me oddly and a little hurt. “I’m sorry, it just that I think the only reason he’s wanting us to try this out is because he thinks he gets to watch! He does care, and he does want you to know for sure, but that is a big part of it, dear.”
Her expression turned to surprise and a bit of fear. “I don’t want him to watch. I won’t be able to do it if he watching.”
I laughed again, “I said he thinks he gets to watch. There is no way that I’d let him see us or even let him video tape it!”
She joined me in laughing and Scott came out of the bedroom. “Is everything ok?” He asked peaking around the corner.
I waved him into the room. “We just need to figure out a time. I’m to beat to do anything tonight…worthwhile.” I gave Cindy a sly smile and she blushed. We talked for about a half hour about when and where before Cindy had to leave.
As I walked her to the door and gave her a hug she whispered, “He still thinks he’s going to watch.”
I nodded and gave her a squeeze, “I’d take care of it,” I assured her. I closed the door behind her and walked back to the couch, I plopped down next Scott. He grabbed me and gave me a big kiss on the cheek, but I stopped him before he had a chance to thank me. Pushing him away, I turned to face him with a serous expression on my face. “You can’t be here tomorrow night.” I said bluntly, he stared at me in surprise. “I know that you want to, but Cindy and I both decided that you shouldn’t have anything to do with it.” I finished.
Scott looked down at the floor silently, and then looked up at me. “Ok, if that’s the only way it will happen. I know you will tell me everything any how.” He smiled mischievously at me. “Thank you for doing this, it is really important to me that we know the truth.” He wrapped me in a massive hug for a few seconds until I fought my way free.
“I need to get to sleep, I’m exhausted. I’ll see you in the morning, or later, I don’t work tomorrow.” With out saying anything, Scott pushed me down on the couch against the armrest. He climbed on top of me, straddling my torso. “What are you doing?” I asked wearily trying to sit up.
“I don’t know anybody else who would something like this for me or anyone else. I want to thank you.” He pushed me back down firmly and cut me off before I could protest. “You know I won’t go too far, just let me make you happy.” I groaned but relented, I knew it was no use arguing or fighting with him.
He deftly unbuttoned my work shirt and opened it. Just as quickly he unhooked my bra and pushed it down my arms, tucking it under my breasts. I knew the tactic well; it would immobilize me as well as getting it out of the way. I sighed and let him go to work; I knew he had fun pleasuring people. He took each full breast in a hand and began rubbing the nipples. Using his index fingers and thumbs he pinched and twisted. I made a small noise and arched my back, in response he pulled up on them. I almost screamed as he pulled them farther and farther. He let them snap back and my breath came in short bursts.
He sat back and let me regain my breath. “Are you done?” I asked when I had caught it again. Instead of speaking he unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. I pressed my butt against the couch just to spite him when he tried to pull them down. He saw that I was going to give him trouble and leaned on top of me, his face almost touching mine.
“You’re not going to let me do this the easy way are you?” He asked.
“There is an easy way?” I asked sassily. Again he didn’t reply, but he did bend his neck down and delivered a sharp bite to one of my nipples. I cried out and jumped, Scott used the distraction to slip my pants and underwear past my hips. I fought against him but knew that I had lost the battle already. To stop my movements he placed his hand on my breastbone and held me down firmly. The other hand began to weed its way thru the tangle of my dark curly hair. I was sopping wet and physically ready for him to do anything.
Out of the blue, my mind flashed on the dream from that morning. I couldn’t let that happen and I started to struggle and protest. This was usually part of our games, so he fought with me and kept me on the couch. My mind began to race and I shouted out “Panic! Let me up!” He jumped up and I flipped of the side of the couch pulling my pants on.
“What happened?” He asked looking terrified. I had never used that command on him but he did know what it meant. “What wrong?” He asked kneeling beside me now.
“Nothing, it’s just…I’m tired. I need to go to bed.” I stuttered through the pathetic lie hoping he would believe me.
“That is a horrible, bold face lie Robin.” He was holding my arms firmly but gently. “Now tell me what happened.”
I took a deep breath and decided to tell him, “You know those sex dreams I’ve been having?” He nodded once and waited for me to go on. “I always told you I didn’t who the men where. That they… they were just dreams…and I didn’t know where they came from.” I paused and took another deep breath. “That was a lie, I know who they, he was. It is always you.” I finished looking down. “I don’t know why it’s you. I don’t want to have sex with you.”
He looked a little hurt, “Well, tell it how it is sister.” He said dryly.
“I’m sorry. You’re a great guy, beautiful and smart, but I don’t want to have sex with you. Our friendship is wacko the way it is.”
He stood and reached out to help me up. Embracing me he whispered in my ear. “Robin, you should have told me I wouldn’t have freaked out. Are you going to be ok?” I nodded silently. “Let’s go to bed now.” I raised an eyebrow. “Separate beds.” He added with a grin.
That night I didn’t dream about Scott for the first time in two weeks. I did however have a great dream about Cindy.
The nest morning I was talking to Scott at breakfast, “where are you going to go tonight?” He just hid his mouth behind his cup and mumbled some gibberish. “Say again?” I asked.
He sighed and guiltily set down his coffee cup. “I was hoping I could just stay in the living room.”
“No! Absolutely not, I told you that last night.”
“I know. I just was hoping you’d let me stay. I want to know the outcome as soon as possible. I promise be good and I’ll stay in the living room, I won’t even go near the bedroom.”
I looked him deep in the eyes and laid my hands on his own. “I know that Cindy doesn’t want you there, and I don’t really want you there either.” I smiled at him, “besides, who’s saying that we’ll stay in the bedroom?”
“Ok, I’ll call Pete, and see if he wants to do something. I’ll take my cell along, and I want you to call me right away.” He relented, he didn’t look happy, but it would have to do. I didn’t want to add any extra variables to the experiment, it was risky enough.
“Well, I’m sure you guys will have a bit to talk about if you let him know where your girlfriend is!” We both laughed and we both knew that all was resolved with out hurt feelings.
That night after Scott left, I started to set the mood for the night in the apartment. Candles and incense burned as soft music played. I did not bring out any of my normal toys; this was going to be a night of soft, gentle, and soft sex.
Cindy arrived at about ten o’clock, she was shy and looked very nervous. “Don’t worry, I know how scary the first time can be. You can trust me to stop if you want to…”I smiled mischievously “or continue when you want me to.” She nodded and smiled back. I led her to the bedroom, which was completely lit with candles and smelled lightly of incense. The music could be heard playing quietly from the living room.
“It beautiful, but you forgot the rose petals.” She teased.
“I could leave, search the whole city and get some, but I don’t know when I’ll be back.” I teased back,” I may have to steal some from a cemetery. But if it’s that important to you…” I turned to mock leave, but she grabbed on to my arm and turned me around. To my surprise she planted an intense kiss on my lips.
“Lets get the show on the road.” She whispered. I nodded and we sat down on the bed together. She slowly undressed, the sight of her beautiful nude body made me wet. I followed suite, but a little shaky. I guess I was a little nervous also. But why shouldn’t I be? This night was going to decide my best friend’s future, no pressure there!
I carefully laid her down on the bed and, bracing myself on my arms, leaned over her. “Ready?” I asked. She nodded silently. I started to kiss her, starting at her lips and going down between her breasts. Her body shuddered slightly when I reached the pout of her belly. I leaned back on my haunches and pulled her legs apart. Leaning down, I kissed the lips of her cunt lightly, barely touching it.
“Stop.” She said quietly, I sat up looking at her. “I know, you don’t need to do anything more.” I nodded and got off the bed, she swung her legs off looking distressed and thoughtful. We dressed in silence, I stole a glance at her from time to time but she said nothing still. Cindy walked to the living room and sunk down on the couch.
She sat, staring at the wall. “I know now, for sure. Thank you for helping me.” She turned to face me. ”Please tell Scott I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt him. I do love him, but with you…I donno, it seemed more natural, more real.”
I nodded, “I understand what you mean. I will tell him for you, don’t worry; I think he’ll understand. He wanted this to happen as much if not more then you did. I....I think i just need to figure some stuff out.”
She stood, “Thank you, and tell Scott if he finds any of my stuff to mail it to me, I’ll do the same. I don’t want to see him face to face, I think it will hurt him to much.” I nodded again. “Good bye, and thank you again.”
I stood and walked her to the door, before she left we embraced, then she was gone.
Scott got home about an hour later. “You didn’t call me.” He said pouting. “So…what was the out come?”
I looked up at him a little sadly, “Sit down babe, I need to talk to you.” He looked at me worriedly but obeyed. “Cindy wanted me to tell you because she thought it would minimize the pain.” His shoulders slumped in realization of the outcome. “She said she was sorry, and that she loved you, but this felt more natural.” He nodded and I saw tears coming to his eyes, I leaned over to give him a hug.
We sat there for a few minutes and I listened to him weep. He stood up and mumbled an excuse and headed for the bathroom. I let him go, he needed some time alone. But after about five minutes I started to worry and peaked in the open door. He was seated on the floor with a box of Kleenex beside him. I was about to ask how he was when I saw something shining in his hand. I realized he was holding a ring, my heart broke and I entered the bathroom.
I sat beside him and let him talk about love, Cindy, and just life. I asked him if he felt any better after about an hour. He said yes. I ventured to ask him what he was going to do with the ring. “I don’t know, I’ll find some one deserving of it.” He looked at me sideways. “I don’t suppose you’d…” He trailed off.
“Don’t even ask buster!” I laughed, “Do we have to go thru the rules again?”
He laughed with me and shook his head. “No, I think I’ll remember them.”


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East or west mausi is bset

Hi dosto mujha ap kee e-mail sa andaza huva ap na mare story bohat pasand ke hai ab doosree story share kar raha haoin. Un logo ka leya jinho na mare 1st or 2nd story nahi parhi us ka leya mara introduction. Maan upper middle class sa hoain age 25 name sunny or mumbai ka reha vala haoin. Hum family maan 3 log hayin me mom age 52 dad age 60.father Gov sector maan job karta hayin or scale 20 kaa officer hayin looking forwaed ur reply on this id (). Ap log janta hyin ka mare radha (kam vale) 2 sal...

1 year ago
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Tamani the thick goblin seductress Drugging the shy centaur girl Vix

Tamani woke up slowly and comfortably. She smacked her puffy lips together, gazing around to see the sleeping bodies of various creatures and monsters. The air was warm so her green skin was glistening with sweat, no wonder she couldn’t keep herself from rubbing up against a passed out satyr. Her pixie style charcoal hair had line of pink hair, which looked cute against the tan fur of the sleeping satyr’s stomach. Tami played with his limp dick, trying to wake it up in any way possible....

2 years ago
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NikkiChapter 24

Nikki's turn: You know, when I saw Cindy in her graduation robes, at first I had a little pang of jealousy. A little pang. And it went away. Fast. Because first, you can't look at Cindy and be mad. She's like this little angel. Okay, cherub. Nope, cherub doesn't work. Every time you see a cherub, they're chubby, and Cindy is NOT chubby. I think I heard her Dan say 'pixie' and honestly, if she was dressed in a forest green outfit with pointy shoes and a hat, you could put 'er in the...

1 year ago
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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 6 Dancing Partners

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with Mz. Dominica. Mistress has dressed Dan for his first time going out "en femme" -- something he greatly desires and greatly fears -- and they are having dinner with a group of her friends. Daniella has been tranced to drink so much water, she could not resist going to the restroom -- the LADIES' room, of course -- and had to beg Mistress for the key to unlock the rubber panties that constantly...

4 years ago
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Star BrightChapter 3

H.P. Roger Boney looked at his thin, olive complexion in the mirror, recognizing the growing desperation in the reflected eyes. How to get the Aquarians into the light of day?! It was an impossible task. He better understood his predecessors failing to comply with their deity’s mandate. At least he had a little time as Stellar Entities think very slowly. It had taken nine months for the Sun to react to the un-sociables who were voted off the planet, to react to the extra-solar quantum...

1 year ago
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Brother Sister Experimentation

I was only 17, my younger sister, Jessica, was 16.  She was intrigued with by my body since she began to become sexually aware and her curiosity transitioned into her later teen years. We both went to the same high school, but saw each other rarely there. At home our rooms were separated by a small bathroom with a shower, this was mutaul territory for the both of us. The bathroom was rather old, along with the doors, which had old fashion key holes that had been used so much that they were the...

2 years ago
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Sex With Sunandha Aunty In Hyderabad

Hi this is Charan from hyderabad as this is my first story if there is any mistakes please forgive me and give your feedback at and also unsatisfied woman or horny females around hyderabad can contact me at In this story i’m gonna tell you about how I satisfied our neighbor flat in Srinagar colony. Coming to the story I lived in an apartment near Srinagar colony with my friends here comes the beautiful lady she lives in our neighborhood flat. Her family consists of her husband and two sons....

3 years ago
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Pdhane Ke Bhahne Chut Mari

Phle me apna intro de du me jpr ke pas ek chote si city me rhta hu. Gaurav h or me ek ca ka student hu. I’m good looking n normal highted guy mere ghar me 4 jane rhte h ma papa n bhai n me. Apn sb ab story pe aate h 4 sal phle ki bt h Mere ghar ke pados me ek anjali name ki ldki rhti thi. Wo mujhe se 3 sal bdi thi wo un dino mba kar rhi thi. Un dino use mba ki starting me accounts me problem aati thi or me Shuru se Hi pdhne me intelligent tha me unke ghar aksar aaya jaya krta tha isliye usne...

2 years ago
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Jamie edited

I met Jamie at a track meet. I went to watch my friend Michelle compete and cheer her on. I ended up spending the whole day eyeballing the cute little blonde with the perfect ass. As it turns out, she was actually one of Michelle’s teammates, so I begged her to introduce me. Eventually Michelle gave in and introduced me to Jamie. I spent the rest of the meet with the both of them, cheering them both on for every event. Michelle told me I was making a fool of myself, but I didn’t care. I...

2 years ago
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Harlot SeedChapter 16

Dale wasted no more time. He forced his sister back and down, dropping her upon the couch with her fine legs flashing. Regina saw that her daughter had good, solid tits; they were a bit small but would grow, and their cute little nipples were quivering. Like her mother, Regina thought warmly--give the girl a prick rubbing against her belly, and she was ready for anything, anywhere. Indeed, Monica seemed to have forgotten there were on- lookers, she was so wrapped up in her brother. Her small...

4 years ago
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Helping a MILF in need

***FICTION***My fa*&^% had a summer vacation home that we all split. One summer I was going down with my fa*&^% and one of my D#@ nephew and his fa*&^% were going down at the same time. The house had 3 floors of just bedroom so their was enough space. I arrived a day before they did and got the place ready. The first few days were typical. All day on the beach, evenings on the boardwalk, night spent in entertaining each other. The fifth day was when it all changed. Each...

2 years ago
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Saturday Reverie

I’ve haven’t been ableto write for a loooong while and believe me that’s been driving me crazy. Finally, I was able to put this little number together. I hope you like it. . It was early Saturday morning, around 8:41 am. Bree yawned wide, not bothering to cover her mouth as she lay in nothing but a small tight black t-shirt that stretched mercilessly across her large breasts and blue string bikini panties. She lay on her back watching the large mounted flat screen TV that hung on the wall,...

3 years ago
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Becky Chapter 5

Becky woke rolling over in bed, looking at the clock on her nightstand. It read 8:22 on a Saturday morning. She lay there gathering herself, recalling. She'd heard her father come in somewhere after one in the morning. It was the first time she could ever recall his coming home that late when he obviously wasn't working. The fact that he had, pissed her off a little. The fact she was bound by an idiotic curfew, especially at her age, and about to graduate in less than a week now, seemed...

1 year ago
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Beth 1Chapter 7 Wednesday

I walked out of Chemistry and right into a bunch of footballers. "Hey, Randahl, you did quite a job on Jay yesterday." Oh, shit. Well, it was a nice life while it lasted. "Uh, I never touched him!" Lame, Tommy, lame. "No, but thanks to you our quarterback is out for two weeks." I couldn't argue with that. Well, I suppose I could say he started it, but that line of reasoning stopped working in first grade. "Do you know what's going to happen Friday?" Chuck Miller, our star end,...

3 years ago
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Birthday Girl Ch 03

Hey guys, Once again, thank you for your overwhelmingly positive response, I really appreciate it, it’s where I get the courage to continue. All errors that may be present are mine, I have not used an editor as yet, though if you think I need one please let me know and I’ll try to find one. As always, creative criticism is most welcome and please don’t forget to vote. Anyone not of legal age…………….. dum dee dum di doo Enjoy! ************************************* ‘You should totally text...

1 year ago
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Chapter 6 How my wife turned into a slutThe poker game

Hello again. I’ve been writing these stories to tell you how my wife became a slut. I’ve really enjoyed telling you about our little adventures. Anyway a little catch up, we decided we wanted to try a threesome and that is when we meet Michael and we have been having fun ever since. Michael is basically been living with us now and we all fuck all the time. I’ve never gotten jealous even though Michael has a bigger cock than me and I know Anna loves to fuck and suck his cock more than mine but I...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Legend Of Mystic Forest Ch 03

After we docked the canoe on shore, we encountered a magnificent garden surrounded by a wall of green ivy and a multitude of beautiful flowers in a rainbow of colors. Out of the vines and greenery came a rush of water. It was the most beautiful waterfall I had ever seen as the water cascaded over the vines and the spray of the mist covered the flowers. They glistened as the sun rays filtered through the trees above the vine covered falls. Walking silently over to me she takes my hands into her...

4 years ago
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Another wild stay at Barbados

Oh, yeah… two days had spent since we got at that resort…On our third day there in Barbados, my lovely hubby and I were now lying on the sandy beach. The warmth of the sun was caressing my almost bare naked body; since I was wearing just a very tiny blue thong that seemed to be disappearing between my ass cheeks.After midday, Victor said he wanted to go for a walk; maybe he would get back to our hotel room, because he was not feeling well.When the sun began to go down I went for a last swim...

2 years ago
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Vaah Papa Kya Lund Ha Tumhraa 8211 Part II

Hi! Mera Naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname yunghelper (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. My hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee ladke apnaa lund pakad lee aur ladkeeya apne chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa...

1 year ago
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Do Beheno Ko Choda

Hi dosto me ek ladka hu age 18 .Engineering student hu. Meri height 5ft7inch hai handsome hu meri lund ki size 7 inch hai .Aaj me aap sab ko meri ek real kahani batane jaa rha hu .Ye kahani meri aur meri behen ko lekar hai (cousin) .Hum log apne mausi k ghar rehte hai unki 2 betiya hai wo meri apni behen ki tarha hai main unko us nazar se nhi dkhta tha pehle lekin dhire dhire unpe bhi man aane laga.Badi wali ki age 20 hai n choti wali 18+ ki hai.Badi wali jayda sundar hai n choti wali thodi...

3 years ago
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The Third Door

This is my first story so be gentle.I walk past the doors and instantly it's as if i'm walking into a different world. A world of sex, music and the flashes of colorful lights. My lips turn into a grin as I look around to see all the various couples engaged in different acts of almost animalistic fucking. I can feel my panties becoming wet as I bite softly on my bottom lip but I turn to the hallway and begin walking because i'm here for something else.I continue walking until I reach the third...

3 years ago
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My Hot Brinda Aunty Part VI

By: Then the room boy took our bag and took us to our room in the first floor. The room was beautifully furnished, it was a big one. We settled down in the room and as soon as the room boy left, deepak locked the door and ran towards me and hugged me hardly saying darling we are going to spend the rest of the days here hmmmm I said ” beautiful room deepak, but first let’s take some rest” He said “yeah we should take some rest as i will be busy for the next 3 days with your body”. It was 6:30...

1 year ago
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Accidental Bareback with Black Woman

I met her on CLCE. She lived in a city where I travelled frequently on business. She had posted looking for a FWB. We emailed back and forth quite a bit and there were several missed opportunities in the for m of trips where I stayed over in her city but she was no quite ready to go through with it. Finally, on one of my trips, she agreed to meet me in person. To help break the ice, we met over drinks at a bar near my hotel, then headed back there and to my room where I had some more drinks...

1 year ago
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The VanGB48part1of1

It was still mid-morning and not raining but slightly over cast. The beach was almost deserted. Not finding anyone else to play with, we were fucking behind one of the make shift driftwood shelters when a guy with a big cock came strolling by saw us fucking. Human nature being what it is, he stopped to watch. When he saw that we didn't care if he watched or not, Kyle came into the wind break and sat at our feet. The VanPart-1-of-1 I once had a van and it was a fuck toy from the beginning. It...

3 years ago
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The Find Book 2Chapter 12

Upon receiving the message from Tom, Marty went to Grandfather to find out if he could help and possibly when Tom and his up world would need to do something about moving the operation or if they even needed to? Grandfather kind of laughed and said it’s about time that boy saw that there might be a major problem coming and started to do something to move against it. Marty asked, “Grandfather do you think we can help? To many people rely on our businesses to let the unjust, to walk in and...

1 year ago
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A Good Fit

I didn’t want to be there. Trying on clothes in a department store doesn’t rate high on my list of entertaining activities but I needed a few more sport coats so I bit the bullet and went to the upscale store at the mall. At least I had the freedom to go on a Monday afternoon when there would be few people and abundant parking. So here I was, in the deserted men’s department looking at jackets. Being Monday there were not any sales people on the floor that I could see. So, I piled up a few...

She Males
1 year ago
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Deputy MorpheusChapter 12 A Walk on the Beach

It had been busy but things had finally slowed so Amanda and I decided to take a vacation. Keys was as beautiful as all the vids. We walked off the large rental boat and I grinned at my sister with her arm around the waist of a tanned man I recognized. Dragon and Cynthia were flying and chasing each other along the edge of the water. Amanda squeezed my hand before letting it go, “Hi.” I paused at the buzz of my comm and frowned before pulling it from the small pouch I was carrying,...

2 years ago
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 21 The White Witch of Walden Perception and Reality

"Brenda, I want answers! I want them now! What was all that about, back in the tent?" We were on our way from the campground to the hospital, which was about a twenty minute drive. It had taken us only ten minutes to break camp. The tent was a wet, muddy mess, but everything else had stayed miraculously dry. Well, everything except Maxine. We'd spread a sheet over the back seat to protect it, but the truck smelled strongly of wet dog. Right now, however, I wanted desperately to make sense...

2 years ago
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I am a slave sell me

I am a slave, sell me I was drifting through life, going nowhere. I had been brought up in a home, had no family except an older sister, four years my senior, who was married, and her life revolved around her husband and two very young children. At nineteen , I had a boring job, no close friends, no social life to speak of, and lived in a furnished bed-sit. Evenings were spent watching rubbish on the TV, using my computer, and reading silly magazines. Days off from work were, if anything, a...

3 years ago
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Cancan Part One The Stage

CANCAN By Transfemme Part One: The Stage I suppose it must have come as something of a shock for the boy next door. He and his family had moved in only a few days before, and when his mother sent him over to borrow a cup of sugar, the last thing he expected to see was a pair of firm, young bottom-cheeks staring him in the face. I still giggle every time I think about it. You see, I was dancing the cancan. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but I've...

4 years ago
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Out of the way part IV

"Hello, wake up sleepy-head!" Roberta found himself being jolted out of a dream involving lots of white lace "come on, tomorrow you'll be getting up much earlier than this." Roberta opened his eyes and slowly his brain started to make sense of his surroundings, slotting pieces of yesterday's hell together. As he looked up at Jodie who was kneeling astride him still in her night dress, the reality of the new morning flooded in. Jodie reached down and stroked his face. "Ouch,...

2 years ago
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My brown beginning part 12

Shirley, Emily please come in here and see what your grandson is doing. Mrs Stevens was stareing at me almost not believing her eyes.Mom and grandma came in.Your son is playing with my waste the waste you said he was supposed to cleanup.I caught him red handed.Grandma spoke first Donny! your supposed to clean up the pot not play in it.Mrs stevens came closer and seen the shit on my mouth.My goodness I think he has eaten some too!.Why would you do such a thing Donny she asked?.I looked at Mom...

1 year ago
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OhChapter 3 Life After OH

I dunno, I guess that there is something to it. I've heard that sex has a distinctive odor. And, I'm not talking about unwashed male or female genitalia. It's probably true that where there are people in the throes of passion, there are pheromones that are released. It's probably a throwback to a time when we were still more closely related to our animal ancestors and needed such olfactory signals to indicate that we were ready to mate. Right now, I sense that scent in the darkened room...

4 years ago
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The Girl on the Train

It was a pretty dreary Sunday afternoon. Despite the great weather outside, I felt terrible. I watched the foliage whip past me just a few feet away from the train window. It was late afternoon and I was on my way home after a great last weekend at school. A lot of late nights, way too much to drink and some awesome memories to reminisce about in the fall. As great as it was, I was still missing something. The whole morning, and most of the ride so far, I thought about all the beautiful girls I...

1 year ago
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BangBus Aaliyah Hadid The Walk Of Shame

The bus is always on the look for some desperate chicks out here in Miami. This week, we was creeping on the come up and we came across this chick doing the walk of shame. She was still wearing her club dress from the previous night, her hair was all fucked up, and she was carrying her heels and walking barefoot down the dirty streets of Miami. How much more desperate can there be? We pulled up and asked her if she needed a ride. Turns out she had lost her friends at the club along with her...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Charlotte Stokely Maya Woulfe The Hot Bi Stepmom

Naughty young Maya Woulfe has had a crush on smoking hot stepmom Charlotte Stokely ever since her father brought the former Penthouse Pet home. The precocious teen pays a visit to the blonde MILF’s workplace at the clinic feigining a need for a checkup, and seduces the sexy doctor instead. The horny babes are soon naked and pussy licking one another atop the exam table. Watch them scissoring, pressing their juicy snatches up against the other’s for an unforgettable steamy lesbian...


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