Huntress Ch. 04 free porn video

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Okay, well Chapter 4, here it is. Thank you for those of you who are reading this and are enjoying it and commenting and rating. Like I said in one of my comments (that I’m sure was not read by anyone other than me) I have up to chapter 9 written, and I am just editing as I upload, but I think after this chapter, I will slow the uploading down a little bit just so I don’t get behind on my actually writing and completion of the story.



Sage had looked into the eyes of many dying vamps.

And many a-times she had responded to those looks with a swift kill.

Not because she couldn’t stand it, the sad eyes, the trembling lips, the whole package, but because she didn’t want to hear them beg. Begging was a human attribute. These bloodsuckers were not human, no matter what resemblance their bore to who they were in a previous life. Sage had heard a theory once. A theory that vampires were humans without souls, a shell of who they had been. Sage didn’t believe that for a second. Once you accepted the blood, once you endured the death, you were just that. Dead. So a bullet to the head or a major artery made no difference.

As Edgar Black looked up into Sage’s eyes, she had to wonder who he had been before joining the afterlife. He seemed young. Probably no more than twenty when he was turned, and Sage almost felt bad. He probably could have lived a decent life. Raised children, gotten married, become the CEO of a company or became a rock star, whichever he preferred. Instead he had chosen this.

Or maybe it had chosen him.

‘Either way’, Sage told herself. Today was not his lucky day.

People all around her screamed for their lives. If they were in a human club, security and the cops would have already been called. In Lucid Nightmare, it was every man or vamp for his or herself. If someone was shot, it was sadly his problem and no one else’s. In the human world, you could live through a gunshot. In the vampire world, a shot to the foot with a silver bullet could be the end of you once it traveled through the bloodstream to the heart.

Sage came down on one knee, looking into Edgar’s eyes. The young vamp looked as if he were trying to melt into the floor. His arm, which was turning an odd pewter color due to the slow release of silver into his bloodstream, was clutched tightly at his side. She kept her gun pointed at him.

‘I’ll tell you anything! I swear to God, just don’t kill me. Please. I don’t wanna fucking die.’

Sage actually believed him. The man was sweating, profusely, and she doubted, although it might have been a contributing factor, that it was because of the bullet in his shoulder. Without taking her eyes off of him, she reached into the top of her dress, pulling out a picture and the business card she took from her sister’s house. She flipped the picture around in her finger so that it was facing him.

‘My sister was attacked tonight by a bunch of vamps. Why do I get this nagging feeling that you were involved with this?’

Edgar shook his head adamantly. ‘No, no, no. I ain’t ever seen her before. I swear.’ Sage tapped her gun against her chin, contemplating what he had just told her. ‘I don’t believe you.’ She lowered the gun back down to him and fingered the trigger.

‘Alright! Alright’ Edgar held out his bloody hand as if he could stop the bullet with his fingers. Sage placed the gun back under her chin. ‘I’m listening.’

‘She’s a Giver here. I seen her a couple times, she’s real friendly with everyone. I mean real friendly.’ Sage returned the gun to its previous target, his leg. She fingered the trigger again in a warning.

‘Alright! She started showing up with some guy. I don’t know who he was, but he had money. He dressed like it, acted like it. Everything. That’s all I know. I swear!’ A lone scarlet tear fell down the boy’s cheek. There was something startling about seeing a grown man cry. Something even more so when he cried blood.

‘Whom did she come here with on a normal basis? Who introduced her to supernaturals?’

The boy managed a one-shouldered shrug. ‘I don’t know. The only time I saw her, she was by herself or she was with the rich dude.’ Sage nodded. She could only assume that this same ‘rich dude’ was the evil man her sister had brought around the boys.

‘I heard about you and your friends,’ Edgar said, his voice shaking. ‘Huntresses. Please don’t kill me. I ain’t never hurt nobody.’

Edgar was trying his hardest to become the tile he sat upon. He pushed his body back into the floor more. His eyes were red with the threat of more bloody tears, and his forehead had taken on a reddish tint as his pores released the only substance within his body.

Sage continued to stare down at Edgar. His arm had already almost turned black. Soon it would start to shrivel up, and if he didn’t die first from the silver, it would eventually fall off. She didn’t need to kill him. It would happen on its own. ‘I didn’t even need to press the button,’ She muttered, referring to the thin remote still strapped to her thigh. Edgar looked around. ‘Wh-what button?’

Sage shook her head as she stood up on the bar. The silver in some of her bullets was probably leaking, despite having been melded shut. She would need to check them when she got home.

Sage re-holstered her gun and looked around.

Below her, standing behind the bar, a brown haired vamp stood, looking at Edgar. His forehead was wrinkled, with anger and concern. ‘You got a problem?’ Sage asked. He looked up at her. His lips were pulled tight, and when he didn’t open his mouth to answer. Sage crouched back down on one knee and leaned over to him.

‘I said do you have a problem?’

‘You should put him out of his misery,’ the vamps voice startled her, like velvet sheets running over her body. She felt it everywhere. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand-up. His soft brown eyes met hers in a silent challenge. One that Sage was, for some reason, not willingly meeting.

The vamp seemed to look passed her tousled hair and slightly brown eyes. Looking into her….

How was he doing that? She felt strings on her arms, as if she were a marionette, making her reach for the gun in her dress. And she still couldn’t look away.

‘Put him out of his misery,’ he repeated, softer, and Sage felt his breath whisper over her ears even though he stood directly in front of her.

Who was he? Where had he come from? But, Christ, did she really even care about that though?

All she wanted to do was put Edgar out of his misery. He didn’t need to suffer like that. How could she be such a monster to such a young kid? Sage pulled the gun out, removing the safety. Whoever the brown haired vamp was, he was completely right. The velvet feel of his voice in her mind, made her shudder.

It felt right.

She felt right.

Felt warm. Safe.

‘Do it, Sage.’

The sound of her name seemed to bring her out of whatever spell he had put her under, and she blinked once, twice, and then looked away.

She had gone somewhere. Sage glanced around, remembering how she had gotten there, what had led to her shooting the vamp in the shoulder.


He had gotten into her mind. The idea hit her the instant her mind cleared of the silky fog he had created.

He had tried to persuade her. Using his vampire voodoo on her. Sage felt her face burn with heat.

She should kill him. Right here, right now.

Sage aimed her unholstred gun at the vamp in front of her, and meant to pull the trigger, but it never happened. In a matter of seconds, Sage’s gun was knocked out of her hand, and she was dragged by her hair to the middle of the empty dance floor by an unseen hand. Through half clenched eyes, she saw her intended target, clutching the bar, not moving, but the expression on his face told her that the attack was as much a surpris
e to him as it was to her.

When she reached the middle of the floor, Sage felt the hold on her hair release and she was up on her feet in an instant, looking around. There was no one else around. The strobe and disco lights that had been left on even as occupants had evacuated the club were her only companion. Her heart slammed out of her chest as she spun around multiple times looking for her attacker and her gun. She didn’t see either.

‘Show your fucking face,’ she murmured. ‘C’mon’

Almost as if answering her command, another invisible hand wrapped its hands around her neck, shooting her up into the air then body slamming her on the floor. What little air that had been in her lungs was pulverized out of her instantly, and the pain radiated throughout her entire body.

Sage flailed her arms, trying to hit anything, anyone, something. She scratched at her neck, but there was nothing there except her own skin.

Alarm bells were going off all over the club, or maybe they were in her head. Loud sirens and shrills shrieked at her as she struggled to take a breath. Lights to match the noise around her began flashing in front of her eyes.

No way, she told herself. Not like this. No freaking way.

Sage’s lungs burned, and her eyes watered. A small tear left a hot trail down the side of her face, dripping innocently into her ear. Around her eyes, darkness began to move in. She was getting so tired. Her fingers that had been clawing at her neck furiously, fell next to her, limply, and she found that it was impossible to pick them back up.

Her vision blurred, and Sage closed her eyes, not wanting to see the world around her darken. ‘Not like this’, she screamed this time, but of course no one heard.

She needed to figure out who had attacked her sister.

She needed to find him and kill him.

She needed to kill the vamp at the bar.

She needed to help Brie raise Caleb.

She needed to have kids and raise a family.

She needed to see the sun rise in the morning.

She needed to live.


Caleb awoke silently.

And that was how she knew something was wrong.

It was soundless.

She hadn’t woken up screaming, nor had she been startled awake by something that wasn’t there. She hadn’t had a nightmare. She hadn’t dreamt at all. It had been a soundless, uneventful coming to consciousness.

And it scared her.

For a number of reasons, but the main one being: her visions and hallucinations had become such a normal part of her daily life that she didn’t feel right without them. They had become a part of her.

She almost…missed them. Since her first memory, she had seen things other people couldn’t. Things that weren’t there. At age four it had been cute stuff like beautiful princesses and fairies, greeting her with open arms, showing her their ancient homes in faraway lands. At age five, she learned the word ‘hallucination’, and that was when things began to change.

Fairies turned into screaming children, yelling at her for help. Princesses were no longer beautiful, soft haired angels. Their hair and beauty fell from their bodies along with their skin. And that was when she stopped eating and sleeping.

‘The fact that she is even alive with how she eats and sleeps is a miracle.’ She remembered listening to one of her doctors say that to Brie. They never returned to that doctor again. On the drive home, Brie’s knuckles had been ghost white as she gripped the steering wheel.

The doctor had been right, though. Caleb assumed that that was what scared her sister. She’d been fighting to keep them alive since their parent’s death, and until the day Caleb’s visions became unbearable she had done a damn fine job.

‘That fucker didn’t know what he was talking about,’ Brie had said over a carefully pushed down sob.

Caleb had been thirteen at the time. Thirteen and she’d weighed 45 pounds. That day had been a Wednesday, and Caleb hadn’t been able to stomach a meal since the previous Saturday.

As she got older, she learned to keep food in her stomach. To sit at a dinner table long passed everyone else had finished, with her eyes closed, mouth sealed tight, and her mind focused on one thing.

‘Keep it down, keep it down, keep it down, keep it down, keep it down.’

Most of the time it worked.

And it made Brie happy.

Made her think that she was getting better.

For a little while, she learned to sleep with a makeshift gag tight around her mouth so that when she screamed, no one would hear and think that she had relapsed. She learned to withhold a scream and keep up normal behavior whenever a vision hit her like a man holding a baseball bat to the back of her head. She learned to put make up on to give herself a little more color so that no one could tell the days her anti-vomiting mantra or her sleeping habits failed her.

Yeah, for a good year, Caleb managed to make her sister and her roommates think that her hallucinations had gone away. That she was completely cured.

Then the nightmares came back with a vengeance, one night.

And Caleb woke up tied to a gurney.

And her sister found out about the make-up. About the gag. About everything.

It had broken her heart, and in turn had broken Caleb’s.

Since that time she hadn’t been strong enough (or perhaps her hallucinations had become too strong) to sleep through or ignore them. They had become debilitating. Caleb spent most of her time at home, in the darkness of her room, sleeping because of her meds. Occasionally, she would go out into the living room with the girls, listen to them talk about the men they were seeing or no longer seeing. During her good days, she would have dinner with them, and if they decided to hunt she would see them off.

She didn’t go out dancing with them. The amount if stimuli from the club would probably make her have brain aneurysm. She didn’t even go to the grocery store. Or to the park. Or to the mall.

If she wanted outside food, the girls would get it. If she needed new clothes, Carmen would sit down with her and order it off the Internet.

The farthest Caleb went was to the hospital.

Which is what made her swing her legs over the sides of her bed, onto the carpet floor. She wanted to walk. No, she needed to. The desire to stretch her legs was almost unbearable, like an itch she couldn’t scratch.

Caleb picked herself up from her bed. Her room, as usual, was an odd gray black. It was small room, only big enough for a twin sized bed and a small computer desk and a miniature closet. She had chosen this room for the den effect it provided for her. There were no windows. Barely enough walking room. It felt like a hug.

Outside of the room was dark, and she gripped the walls as she exited. Her sister and roommates had probably not come back from the club. Down the hallway, hanging on one of the walls, red numbers glared at her.

1:27 AM

They would be back any minute. Caleb made a quick left into the kitchen and flipped on the light switch, heading for the fridge. The giant door opened silently, and bathed her in cloud of cold air, that was welcomed with a sigh. Caleb grabbed a bottle of water, opened it and took a healthy swig.

She used her foot to close the fridge, and as the door swung shut she noticed a black silhouette stood in the dark hallway. She could just barely make out a women’s body by the shadowed length of the hair, and slender figure. Caleb placed the water on the island next to her and squinted into the darkness. The body type didn’t resemble any of her roommates. That realization set her blood pumping.

What if a vampire had found out where the girl’s lived? Caleb never had a reason to fear vampires. She never left the house. But she had indulged in the stories her sister and roommates told like a child with a bedtime story. It had never felt r
eal to her.

Until now.

The silhouetted figure seemed to lean against the line of shadow that separated the darkness of the hallway from the dim light of the kitchen, the same way a person leaned against a brick wall.

Caleb stood unmoving, and the silence of the house made her ears ring. Maybe if she moved slowly, she could reach the phone? Caleb doubted it. Vampires were fast, from what she had been told. Faster than any human could move. She didn’t stand a chance.

In a moment of valor, she took a slight step back, barely lifting her foot off of the ground.

The silhouette, whose posture expressed a favoring of the left leg, took a slight step, moving in a quick jerky motion. Caleb’s heart kicked up triple time, and she fought down the urge to cry out.

Although the figure was not significantly closer, Caleb could make out a slight bend in the knee. A bend that went opposite and a little to the left of a normal human’s range of motion. Caleb could feel her hands begin to shake, and willed herself to wake up. It had to be a dream. No one could walk with their knee bent behind them without howling in pain.

And a big part of Caleb didn’t want to hear the woman make a noise.

Caleb dared another step back. The figure did not move. She could feel eyes on her, and it made goose pimple erupt everywhere.

‘Am I dreaming?’ She didn’t recognize the sound of her own voice interrupting the silence. She sounded scared. Like a child. God, she felt like a child. Wished she was in her bed, underneath the blanket.

‘Please answer me.’

A labored wheeze echoed through the kitchen. Unconsciously, Caleb brought her hands to her chest, afraid her heart would fall out of it.

Suddenly, the silhouettes figure changed. The knee that was bent backwards, seemed to reach back farther, and the one good leg, seemed to twist at the shin till the foot turned in the opposite direction. The sound of cracking bones and popping muscles made Caleb’s hands rise to her ears. Trying to block out the nauseating sound.

Another wheeze echoed through the room.

‘This isn’t real.’ She said it more for herself than for the shadowed woman.

Had she taken her meds? At the moment, she couldn’t remember. Was too scared to remember.

The shadow rock back and forth on its deformed legs then, before Caleb could run, jerked into the light of the kitchen.

Unexpected kind blue eyes stared at her.

A wealth of blonde hair passed the woman’s shoulders in a cascading wave, and when she took another step back, Caleb could see that none of her limbs were deformed, like the silhouettes. Despite the billows of material, Sage could see that she walked perfectly without a limp.

She had no idea who the woman was or how she had gotten into her home, but by the look on her face, Caleb no longer felt that she was in any danger. Despite her unusual dress that reminded her of something a princess from a Robin Hood movie would wear, Caleb felt no alarm when she lifted her skirt and took the final few steps to stand in front of her.

Pale, baby soft skin covered her flushed cheeks, and a moderately sized nose Kind eyes were encased inside perfectly set apart eyes and heavily lashed lids. The lady was beautiful by every account of the word.

Caleb was having a hard time believing that the wheezing and even the deformed shadow had actually been the women standing in front of her.

‘Who are you?’ Caleb whispered, mesmerized by her beauty. The woman’s soft features turned upward in a smile. The gold that trimmed her green dress gave her an unearthly glow.

‘Help me,’ the woman said. Her smile never left her mouth or her eyes. She said the words as lightly as one would discuss the weather. Caleb leaned in, not sure she had heard correctly.

Caleb’s breathtaking intruder leaned forward as well, but not because, she hadn’t spoken loud enough, but because once again the sound of popping bones and muscles echoed into the air. Caleb practically jumped away from her.

‘Please, save me. They’re going to kill me.’ A baby soft hand reached up and out to brush some of Caleb’s hair from her eyes. ‘Please save me.’ Still that smile and yet from her words, Caleb could swear she was being tortured. Even the sound of her voice sounded empty and weak, like someone who had not had water in days.

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It was becoming the new, ‘new normal.’ I keep forgetting that for each new day there’s a new benchmark standard set and another shifting of reality. I imagine tomorrow will be the new, ‘new, new normal’—if such a thing is possible, the phrase sounding ridiculous as it does. ‘Cunt’—I had called her that last night, among other things. Cunt was a word that usually sent Karen into a full-blown rage, where her head splits open and flames shoot out her eye sockets and ass. Calling her a cunt was...

2 years ago
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Applaachian TeenChapter 2

One morning, just after Labor Day, I saw Aaron's beat up old pickup coming up the macadam driveway that I had installed for access to my house. I had only been living in my new house for about two years. Aaron stopped at the end of the driveway and I saw that he had his girl with him. Aaron got out of the truck and the young girl got out of the truck too. This was different; this was the first time that the young girl had ever gotten out of the truck when Aaron was at my place. I went to...

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The Naked GardenerChapter 5

Kathleen knew she had to stop this. The episode of the adult novelty store made it even clearer in her mind. She had been paraded around naked and exposed to total strangers. Not only that, but she had been essentially raped with that dildo in front of a crowd of people she had never seen before and hoped to never see again. She sat at the kitchen table and idly ran her finger around the edge of her collar. She had been instructed to wear it at all times in the house. She was to wear the...

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Johns Entrapment

John was taking an extended vacation, just leisurely driving across the country John was taking an extended vacation, just leisurely driving across the country.? He had just won the lottery.? Often, he was taking the side roads instead of the interstate, just to see some of the scenery and some small towns.? It was early evening, on a Thursday, about time for him to be finding a place to stay, when he happened to spot what appeared to be a strip club.? Feeling a bit horny, and...

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Trip to San Diego

"I'm not very comfortable with this". "Relax boo, you wanted to go to the next level, right? Besides,I know you're curious and intrigued, because I know you". "But this...It's too soon". "Like you told me once, you will never know, if you don't justjump out into the water and test your comfort level. You'll justsettle and never know what could have been". "Oh, you're using my words against me now. Ha. But this isn'tthe same thing". "What's so different? The...

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Restless Night

 I am laying in bed trying to sleep but I cant. I am feeling very restless. My mind just wont shut up and go to sleep. I toss and turn, after a while I get thirsty so I decide to go to the kitchen.  I debate putting on my robe, but figure it is the middle of the night no one will see me walking around my house nude. If they do well I hope they enjoy the show. My rather large breasts should please most passersby.  After getting some water I look out the window and not caring if someone is...

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CHAPTER 8Jenna spent the night with Jake in the master bedroom while Beth and I shared a bed in one of the guest bedrooms. Beth was overwhelmed by everything that had happened and fell into a deep sleep in my arms, but not before chattering away excitedly like a school girl about her rapidly developing relationship with the doctor.Over the several years of working together in the small office, Beth had opened up to divulge the trials, pain, and frustrations of past relationships and divorce...

4 years ago
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Adjustments Part 2 The Beauty of Grey

Adjustments Part 2: The Beauty of Grey By Starson Daly ***This is part two of the Adjustments saga. It's as if the whole thing were one whole book. Enjoy!**** [email protected] ****THE STORY SO FAR: Devin, a college student is involved in a lab accident and becomes Nia. In the first part, we learned of his struggle to adjust to being a woman. Now. . . .***** Chapter 7 - Stardom If you had told me a year ago that I would be the new star actress in my college's...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Paisley Page Brickzilla Vs Paige

Paisley Page has an insatiable lust for monster cocks. After being stood up by her boyfriend, she decided to call bangbros to satisfy her cock craving. She knows that they have the biggest cocks in the game. And in just a few minutes, they delivered a monster cock to her. Brickzilla has a massive dick that is sure to stretch her tight little pussy further than ever before. Paisley took his enormous cock deep inside her her pussy. Seeing his monstrosity slide in and out of her tiny pussy is a a...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach The Girls Night Out

Bikini Beach - Girls Night Out By Mike Todd Well let me start with how I became one of the girls. It all started few years-ago when Halloween fell on my wife's bowling night. My wife bowls on in Tuesday night woman's bowling league with her sister, and my sister. Bowling begins at 6:25 and is over by 9pm leaving them enough time to go across the street to the club for Ladies Night. To help bring a crowd in on one of their slowest nights woman drink for free from 8-10 and half...

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Coming Onto MomChapter 10

Doctor Nancy came into the room. Billy was grinning as he watched her fumbling with the buttons of her smock. Joan sat on her heels, her eyes just as hat as ever. Gail, too, sat on her heels, her hand resting on Joan’s long thigh. “You should have locked the door,” Doctor Nancy said in a thick voice as she pulled her smock open. As always, she was naked under it. Her tits jiggled slightly as she went to the door, turning the lock. “A patient might have walked in on you.” Joan gave a throat...

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RequitalChapter 3 Last Week of June

The rest of the weekend was quiet. Steve spent Sunday refinishing the back deck and cleaning out the Jacuzzi. It kept him too busy to think and that was its own reward. Sunday evening, he took a couple loads of Barbara's things over to her parent's house. They hadn't remembered Saturday to take anything with them. No one had been home so he'd just off-loaded the boxes on the driveway right against the garage doors. Steve thought he saw Lloyd's car turning the corner down the street as...

4 years ago
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A second meeting with Dirk

I was extremely horny that Tuesday morning after gym. Back home, I decided to message Dirk to see how he was going. He replied very quickly, saying we should meet again in a hotel room…I laughed to myself and said him just let me know when and where.During the afternoon Dirk texted me again, saying Wednesday at same hotel, same room, same black thong, at same time.Wednesday morning my loving hubby left for work. I went to the gym and later back home. I had a relaxing bath at the hot tub.My...

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I had always fantasized about sex in public places with my gf but she was never willing to try it. So this would be my first chance at trying it and I decided to take it. However, it would be with a guy. We brainstormed ideas of something we both would be comfortable with and after much talk, we decided to hit up a late night movie showing. I was nervous and ended up arriving early as I waited in my seat. The wait was killing me as I texted him, asking if he was there yet. He told me to wait a...

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Itrsquos Raining Outside and I can hear some thu

And it reminds me of last weekend when my boyfriend came over. He stayed over later than usual but I didn’t mind. It was about 4am when I got a little tired, so I went into my bedroom just to lay in my bed. My window was open during the downpour. Rain calms me down so naturally I started drifting off to sleep. I started to wake up when I heard my boyfriend come into the room. I tried to roll over so he could lie down next to me but he pounced on me instead. He knows my body very well and he...

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Other Colors Ch 8

Part 1 – Red (continued) Chapter 8 This was a mistake… Ice crunched beneath the tires as we came to a halt before the wrought iron gates guarding the little lane up to Mr. Caine’s house. Why are you here, Penny? You don’t know a goddamn thing about this man. My breath was shallow. Peter does… I stared at my knees, but could still feel his eyes on me, icy and unrelenting. And he told you flat out to stay the hell away. I listened as he lowered his window, pressed half a dozen numbers on the...

1 year ago
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The Hunt Part 4

So Many MenBelinda’s lips clenched tight, feeling the hot, wet cock sliding over them. She already had the cock spearing up between her legs and now she had to contend with the cock that was trying to breach her mouth. She could feel the cock painting her lips with the wet cum, a finger prying into the corner of her mouth until she had no choice. Her lips curled up, the man forcing the head of his cock between her pierced lips. The cock was still semi-hard as her lips curled around the thick...

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RCAFChapter 12 Considerations

At the National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa, the lights burnt late. The meeting was a joint one, chaired by the Chief of the Defence Staff, with the Commanders of the Navy, Army and Air Force all present, each at their own long table. Their staffs were present as well, along with aides of lesser rank. Most regiments, RCAF squadrons and RCN ships were represented by their commanding officers. At the moment, the meeting was deteriorating somewhat. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are supposed to...

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We Have Fun Several Ways

You know, I really joined the Air Force in 1972 because I thought that I was going to be drafted and that meant the Army or the Marines. I was only a little fucker. Sure didn’t want to be out in some jungle fighting other little fuckers. I wasn’t so much a physical coward as a realist. Fighting wars just wasn’t something I could be good at. I had lost my virginity in a fumbling kind of way with my first girlfriend. She was a nerd like me. We both wore glasses, and when we took them off to make...

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an adventure

Katie is the older sister of some guy I know. He told me all about her before I met her. Mister-Small-Willy maintains a deviant sexual interest in his sister and told me, whilst trying to get into my knickers, all about her kinks. Always interested in the sex lives of others, I made sure I listened rather than spoke when he would tell me all about her – what she liked sexually. He even showed me a secret video he had made of her, he did it by remotely turning on her webcam somehow and filming...

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The Neighborhood MILF Leilani

Our neighborhood may be filled with beautiful, sexy women who like to have a little naughty fun on the side, but we don't have a monopoly on it. For the past ten years, I have spent about five or six weeks each Spring in Arizona for work, a place that is also a hotbed for older women, like myself, that like to enjoy a bit of extracurricular sexual activities. The Phoenix area is a major destination for many retirees, widows, and snowbirds just looking for warmer weather.Leilani is one of those...

2 years ago
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Fun With Friends in DorsetChapter 4

We all met at a ten pin bowling alley for some afternoon fun. Louise and myself had dressed casually in jeans and small tank top style tops. The game was fun with Louise and myself being pretty rubbish at throwing the ball but still enjoying the game. There was lots of chat as we had a few drinks, and all we recharged our batteries for the sexy fun we knew was coming later that evening. Louise told us as we all sat enjoying having a drink after the game, of how she had enjoyed some fun after...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 11 Injuries

[ Setting the scene: Éowyn commands the Rohirrim who’ve retreated to the refuge of Dunharrow.] 5 March 3019 (Third Age), Dunharrow Were she infinitely patient her wait might well have been eternal, for he stood rooted to the floor, looking increasingly anxious. I guess I’ll have to grasp these reins. Sidling up to him, she delicately pressed her fingertips to his glistening chest. Stroking. Circling. Teasing. With her other hand she traced the sharper angles of his jawline. “Is there...

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The Sampson Syndrome Part 1

This work is copyrighted by the author (2002). Do not remove the author's information or make any changes to this story. You may freely post to all non-commercial (free) sites or in the "free" section of commercial sites. As a courtesy, please notify the author [email protected] regarding site location should you chose to post this story. The Sampson Syndrome by Jeanette Johnson 9...Roger Maris. 34...Nolan Ryan. 7...The "Mick". "Well at least I got my money back plus a...

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Coerced Exhibitionist Laura

Prologue This is a story of introductions, obsessions, clarifications and a course altering week that served as a delta for the four main characters. I knew their attitudes and actions changed soon after they met, but I didn’t know this was that story. Did their personalities truly change or did they just recognize and accept the unacceptable? You decide. Steve and Sue will tell you their sordid tale in a parallel story and time line. And so it began A few years ago, in a Networking class,...

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Me and my cousin

  Now that was the start of it, and we did it a couple other times but one time I guess he was a little more worked up than others, "do you want to try and jack each other off?" Chris asked. "I'd be down if you think we should" I replied we were sitting side by side and I wrapped my hand around his hard cock, it was so warm in my hand and throbbed as i pulled his foreskin back revealing the head, he grabbed mine and it sent shivers through my body, it almost tickled as he pulled my skin...

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Life as a Rich k Ariana Grande 2

So here I am watching my favorite show on tv Entourage. I love it because it is basically my life. The only difference is I have not fucked Sasha Gray. I would like to one day though. Maybe teach the bitch a lesson and do stuff to her she would never dream of doing in porn.“RING!! RING!!” the door bell ringsI sigh and pause the television. I go to the door and open to see the bitch Ariana Grande staring daggers at me.Last time we met she was being bitchy to me and I was fed up with it so I...

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MommysGirl Mona Wales Chloe Temple Hide And Sex

Mona Wales and her step-daughter, Chloe Temple, are bored out of their minds one lazy afternoon. They flop onto the couch and try to agree on something to do to pass the time but can’t decide. They don’t want to visit family and they already got their nails done… and even if they WANTED to leave the house, it’s raining! Finally, feeling mischievous, Mona tells Chloe to cover her eyes and count to 30. Mona’s going to hide somewhere and if Chloe finds her,...

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Helping Out

Helping Out by Pamela Quirk "I lost my job again," I told Tiffany sheepishly. "Oh, Herbie, you poor baby, not again!" "Yes, I'm afraid so. I just don't know what's wrong with me." "Not with you, Honey! You just haven't found the right position yet," she said firmly. "I'll tell you what, do you want a special treat to make you feel better?" We had been undressing for bed and she was magnificently naked except for a pair of high-heeled, white sandals. She walked over to...

3 years ago
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In the closet with Lisa

This is a follow up to the story "My First Time"This may not be reproduced without writen permission from the writer, myself!It was the middle of summer, I was bored & decided to walk over to a friends house near the park to see what he was up to. Steve was my age, we had similar interests and he had a smokin hot older sister, I was always looking to steal a peek at her whenever I could. I got to his house a little before noon, his mother answered the door,"Steve home?""No, he's across the...

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My Sister Haley

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Brad. For my junior year of High School I transferred from Public School to my sister’s Private School where she was a senior. My sister Haley was without doubt the most popular girl at my new school. She was exactly the type of person everyone wanted to know; smart, , funny, and incredibly sexy. Everyone seemed to be unable to get enough of talking to her, and of course the guys loved looking at her. She was 18 years old, 5’6”, had dark...

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Desi Lesbian

The story is about two long time friends who met each other after long time. 1st character is Sameena Khan 37 year old woman 5 feet 4 inch tall breast size 36 waist 28 and handsome body who basically work in an insurance company as a marketing manager the 2nd character is Irtiza Murtaza who is 36 year old woman 5 feet 2 inch tall breast size 34 with handsome and sexy body. Sameena was in an exhibition with her other co-workers other personalities of business the party was very enjoyable...

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Our First Weekend

Time is a funny thing, one moment it is grinding forward as if a single moment will never end and then the best times slip away like sand through our fingers. This week was a great example of this... Jolting up I look at the computer screen, I am faced with the same boring program i have been staring at all week and as I take another sip of my warm coffee to stay awake. The words on the screen dance in my vision as i drift off into a day dream. My mind is filled with the image of her face,  I...

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Razia The Horny DivorceeChapter 3

'I have been here ten days now and am speaking from the hotel I am staying in' I replied. 'Why did you not tell me you were coming and why are you staying in a hotel when I have loads of space in my house?' she complained. 'The answer to both your questions is that I did not know you lived here now' I replied. 'You are right how could you know' she said, 'tell me when are you coming to see me? Why don't you come right now?' 'Not now it is late but I will see you tomorrow...

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part 12 Mom Time

Introduction: me and mom Over the next few days, things were as usual at school. I would hang out with Tyler a bit, flirting with Mr. Lopez when I had a chance, and swinging my ass for Mr. Anderson for no good reason. I didnt even like Mr. Anderson, but it was a turn on having his attention. It felt so dirty for this guy to look at me the way he did, he looked so perverted. It was obvious he wanted to fuck me, I couldnt hear the end of it from my friends. Somehow, it was a bit of a turn on...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Workout

Some guys were on the other machines nearby, watching her every move. She knew this. But she didn't care. She stopped peddling and elegantly lifted her leg over the bike, then slowly slid off the seat - glancing over at the young men opposite. Although she did find them quite attractive, there was only one man she was interested in. She turned off her mp3 and began to make her way downstairs. The other level of the gym was almost deserted. Karen walked in cautiously, before finding a...

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