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Edited by English Rose

June 21, 2003

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Chapter 1 Hong Kong 1950:

‘Ah fuck! ‘The voice yelled from under the blanket.

A neatly polished boot kicked the bundle under the blanket again.

‘Let me be! Oh my fucking head! What hit me?’ The voice growled from under the blanket again.

‘I am afraid it was that whiskey river that you tried to drain last night old boy.’ Captain Jeffrey Chambers said.

‘Where am I?’ The voice asked.

‘Oh you are in jail Old sport. I am afraid that you caused a bit of a fuss last night. Made rather a mess at one of our favorite watering holes and all that.’ The commissioner of British police stationed in Hong Kong replied.

‘How did I get here?’ The voice asked.

Captain Chambers stood next to the jail house bunk in full dress uniform as he said, ‘Well, one of my chaps had to bop you on the head before they could collect you. It took three of my men to get you in the back of the wagon, as you see. ‘

‘Ah Fuck! What did he hit me with?’ The voice moaned sorrowfully.

Captain Chambers began, ‘Buck up old boy. You’ll live. But I am afraid that you will have to pay a bit of a fine as well as the damages which you caused. The owner of the bar is screaming bloody murder, you see, and he … well you know.’

Slowly the man on the jail cell bunk pulled the blanket down from over his head. Colonel Samuel Kincade United States Marines retired looked up at the ceiling and belched.

Captain Chambers said, ‘That’s a good fellow. Now then, your man is in my office waiting for you. He’s made your bail, and you can be on your way. However, you will have to come back to pay the damages at the hearing.’

Sam asked, ‘Chung Low is here?’

Captain Chambers replied, ‘Yes Indeed — I say, wherever did you meet such a brute of a man?’

Sam answered, ‘ Ah well, It was when I was flying P Forties in China for the Flying Tigers. One day we were setting up an early warning post in one of the outlying villages when my group came under attack by Japanese commandos. At that time, Chung was a Chinese under ground fighter. I guess it was just dumb luck. He was about to be executed by the Japanese when I came storming into their camp with my Tommy gun blazing. Since then, he has dedicated his life to me. I mean that he thinks that I saved his life, and he thinks that he owes his life to me. In China it’s that way. When a person saves your life, you then owe that person a debt of gratitude. Since then, he has dedicated his life to me as my protector. Then when America entered the war, we were separated. I went back to the states to reclaim my commission in the Marines. After the war, we both some how landed up here. I guess he sought me out, and we have been together ever since. ‘

Chambers replied, ‘I say. That’s quite a story.’

Sam began to arise from the bunk.

‘Watch your step old boy. These old Chinese jails have low ceilings. Don’t bump your head when you get up from there.’ Chambers chuckled as he exited the jail cell.

‘Very funny.’ Sam retorted.

Standing to his full height, Sam made an imposing figure. Years in the United States Marine Corps had made Sam big and brawny. His usually clear blue eyes were clouded with the effects of a monster hang over. His head pounded such that he pressed both of his hands upon his head. Then he ran his fingers through his closely cut black hair.

‘Uuuwee that was a bad one.’ Sam said to himself.

Sam brushed his rumpled and torn gray suit off with his hands as he walked to Jeffrey Chambers’ office. Since this wasn’t the first time that he had been a guest of the British police, Sam knew the way. In fact, Sam and Jeffrey were old friends. In these days of unrest in Hong Kong, the Americans and the British found it advantageous to take care of each other. There was a civilian police force consisting of mostly Chinese, but when the shit hit the fan, it was the British who had the real authority and final say over things.

Wearing the traditional Chinese costume which consisted of a black silk tunic and pants Chung Low said,’ Why do you disgrace me this way?’ Sam replied, ‘Stop being a mother hen. I’m all right.’

Chung began again, ‘You drink too much. You always get in trouble when you drink too much. What was it this time? Was it another woman? You know that Hong Kong is a very dangerous place. There is all manner of cut throats here. One night when I’m not there to watch your back, someone will slit your throat.’

Sam waved his hand through the air, ‘I should never have taught you to speak English. All right, I am sorry mother hen. Come on let’s get out of here.’

The mother hen thing was a running joke between the two men. As far as mother hens were concerned, Chung Low didn’t fit the mold. Mother hens are supposed to be little nervous individuals who are afraid of their own shadows. Chung Low on the other hand was a big man. He towered over Sam’s six foot frame by as many as six inches. He was packing about two hundred seventy pounds of hard muscle. In addition, he was a master at hand to hand combat. He had a habit of crushing small objects in his large powerful hands to intimidate his adversaries. His long brown hair and his oriental features made him a very believable bone crusher.

Jeffrey said, ‘There you are old sport. Ah now then, you two run along. I don’t want to see either of you anymore today. I especially do not want to see you Sam any more today. You see I have a date with a bit of all right, if you know what I mean. Cheery bye old boy.’

Sam was dismissed curtly by his old friend, and that was the way the day began for Sam.

In large emerald green letters, the sign over Sam’s office depicted, ‘Sea Dragons.’ The sign boasted a pair of dragons breathing fire into the air. A green dragon was placed on each side of the sign such as to bracket the emerald green letters. The background was black for contrast. In small green letters were the words, ‘Kincade Enterprises.’

Sam had come to Hong Kong to start a shipping company. He gambled upon the fact that after the war the Chinese would need all manner of goods relative to the reconstruction. In addition, China had been taken over by the communists who closed the countries markets to the west. Also the British controlled Hong Kong which made it the only free market in the region. To Sam’s way of thinking, this was an outstanding opportunity for the right guy who wasn’t afraid to take a risk or two. Sam knew something also. He knew that when markets are closed, a black market arises quickly to emulate a free market. In a situation like this, the right guy could get rich quickly.

Sam had set about buying a fleet of sea going junks. His first purchase was a large sea going junk which he named, Hornet. He and Chung began running the blockade set up by the communists. It was very risky business, but it was very profitable. The shipping company grew quickly bolstered by the profits from the black market goods. Along the way, Sam had become a sort of hero among the boat people who lived in the harbors. The hornet was always a welcome sight when it sailed into the harbor. Sam was smart enough to know that favors placed in the right place would bring good returns.

‘So what was it all about last night?’ Chung asked as they sat in Sam’s office at the shipping company.

Sam still in his ripped gray suit replied, ‘She said that she wasn’t married.’

Chung, ‘And you believed her?’

Sam, ‘Well she wasn’t wearing a ring.’

Chung, ‘What else did she tell you?’

Sam, ‘Well all right. I had a bit too much to drink, and I guess that my judgment was a little slippery. I saw the mark on her finger where she usually wore her ring. Allot of the wealthy tourists pull that trick. They want to have a night on the town without hubby. Besides, she was a knock out. She had these big beautiful eyes, and sh
e had a great pair of tits. You know that I’m a sucker for a big beautiful blonde. ‘

Chung, ‘So, what else?’

Sam, ‘Well we were sitting all the way in the back where nobody can see you. I had my arms around her, and we were making out. I was grabbing her tits, and she was rubbing my cock. She started saying things like, why don’t you take me somewhere and fuck me. Then the shit hit the fan. Before I knew it, she is saying, My husband is here. You got to do something. He can’t find me like this. Well, I figured that the only thing to do was to start a fight. I told her to run out through the kitchen when the fight started. I hated to do it, but I grabbed some sailor who was on the town with his buddies. Then, before I knew it, the whole place turned into a free for all. Everybody was throwing punches. I was holding my own when the lights went out. I guess one of Jeffrey’s men popped me on the head. Well, that’s it. ‘

Chung sat and gave Sam a look of contempt. At that time, there was a knock on the door.

Sam said, ‘Chung see who is at the door.’

Chung opened the door to see a pretty woman with dark hair. At the sight of Chung, the black eyed beauty stepped back in fright.

She asked, ‘Are you Sam Kincade?’

Chung merely pointed at Sam. With trepidation, the tall slender Eurasian stepped into the office.

She asked, ‘Are you Sam Kincade?’

Sam replied while sitting at his desk, ‘Yes what can I do for you?’

‘I have come to make you a proposition. May I sit?’

Sam gestured.

Sam began, ‘Please forgive my appearance. It was a rough night. ‘

She said with a smile, ‘Well I wasn’t going to complement your tailor.’

Sam chuckled, ‘I don’t blame you. Is there something that I can do for you?’

The pretty woman took a look around Sam’s office and said, ‘Well I can’t complement your interior decorator either.’

Sam’s office was sparse. Its’ best attribute was the view of the harbor. The office contained a brown leather couch and a couple of sitting chairs.

Sam said, ‘Why don’t you tell me your name? That’s always a good place to start.’

She said, ‘I’m Susie Benten. I am Lee Wong’s stepdaughter. ‘

At that, Sam’s attention was drawn up.

A moment passed before Sam spoke, ‘That name takes me all the way back to China when I was a member of the Flying Tigers.’

Susie said, ‘I know. You see I received a letter from my step sister telling me all about it.’

Sam asked, ‘Where did you come from?’

Susie replied, ‘I am an American. I was born in San Francisco. My mother was Lee Wong’s first wife. I guess I should tell you the whole story. ‘

Sam said, ‘Please do Miss Benten. I am very interested in what you have to say.’

Susie continued, ‘Not long ago, I received a letter from my step sister Jade. She told me that our father is being held for ransom by gangsters. I am not sure if you know that our father has become a very wealthy man in the Jade trade. Well since the communist take over, things have changed drastically. Several groups of people have taken up the life of crime. These gangsters are not above kidnapping people for ransom. They are holding my father, and they are threatening my sister. They know that my sister is holding a fortune in jade artifacts. It comes down to this Mister Kincade. My sister Jade wants you to help. She wants you to come to China to rescue her and our father.’

Sam fell back into his chair and let out a long low whistle.

Then he said, ‘holy shit! ‘

A long silence passed before anyone spoke.

It was Chung who spoke, ‘It is a debt of gratitude and honor. You must honor it.’

Susie asked, ‘What is he talking about?’

Sam began, ‘When I was a Flying Tiger, I was shot down. I bailed out, and I soon found myself on the run. It was Lee Wong who took me in and hid me. Later, I was able to get back to my unit. If it wasn’t for Lee’s help, I probably would have been killed. ‘

Susie asked, ‘So then, will you help?’

Another long silence passed. The two men seemed to be considering the proposition. There was a lot to consider. There was danger involved, and one or all of the participants may not make it back.

Sam said after some consideration, ‘I guess we are going for a sea voyage.’

Susie said, ‘Good, when can we get started.’

Quickly Sam said, ‘Hold on there. You’re not going anywhere. This is no trip for a woman. You missy are going to stay right here in Hong Kong until we get back.’

Susie flurried, ‘Not on your life. I’m in this all the way. Remember these are my relatives. ‘

Chung agreed, ‘She has a right to be there.’

Sam looked at Susie and said, ‘You know that something like this is very dangerous. You could get hurt or worse.’

Susie retorted, ‘I haven’t come all this way to quit now. I am going all the way with you regardless of the consequences. ‘

Chapter 2 The Voyage:

The thing About a junk is that they are all built to traditional specifications. Some are small and some are large, but all junks are sea worthy crafts. The people who build junks have had no need to change the design. Once they found the design which worked, they have adhered to that design for a hundred years or more. Another nice thing about a Junk is that they all look alike. This is a handy thing for a guy who intends to sail into forbidden waters.

Sam’s junk sailed out of Hong Kong harbor with enough crew and provisions for an extensive sea voyage.

Susie asked, ‘Why do you call this ship the hornet?’

Sam answered, ‘It’s because it has a bit of a stinger in it’s tail. You see in my business a guy needs a little bit of an edge.’

Susie, ‘I’m not sure just what you mean, but I’ll take your word for it.’

It was that time of year when the days are hot and the nights aren’t any cooler. The humidity made the air wet and sticky. The sun beat down upon the sea as to make the sea glassy and moody. Under these conditions, storms could come up suddenly. It could be a sunny day full of blue sky, and in a short time, clouds could roll across the horizon. When that happened, you were in for a hell of a time. Sam and Chung were experienced sailors now, and they knew these waters as well as this coastline. They never underestimated the danger of sailing these waters.

The voyage was under way, and the crew settled down into a daily routine. Because of the heat most of the crew had stripped down to light weight clothing. On the second day, Susie appeared upon deck wearing a red bathing suit and a white sun hat. Sam became very aware of her presence. Although she was tall and slender, Susie filled out her bathing suit nicely. Her raven black hair made a pleasant contrast to the red bathing suit which she was wearing.

As they were standing on the after deck, Chung remarked, ‘I have seen that look before.’

Sam replied, ‘She has a nice pair of tits.’

Chung, ‘Her ass is not too bad either.’

The two men made their appraisal of Susie’s assets, and she came out to be viewed as a worthwhile piece of ass. Sam knew that before this voyage was over, Sam and Susie would be more than business partners. Susie on the other hand was aware of Sam. Dressed in his captain’s cap, tee shirt, and shorts which revealed his rippling muscles, Sam was a very attractive man, and Susie noticed every part of him. The flirting began that night at dinner.

Sam, ‘We are going to be on this boat for some time Miss Benten. Why don’t we bring it down to a first name basis?’

Susie, ‘Well all right. You can call me Susie, and I’ll call you Sam. And let’s not forget Mister Low. I will call you Chung, like Sam does. If that’s all right?’

Chung, ‘That will be just fine Susie.’

Sam, ‘Now that is over let’s have a drink to get us in the spirit of things.’

The night’s dinner was a success. All three diners had a very pleas
ant time getting to know each other. Sam accompanied Susie to her cabin. Susie knew that Sam was going to kiss her, but She didn’t mind. All through dinner Susie was thinking of what it would be like to have this big handsome man in her bed. She had made her mind up that that would happen sooner than later. The narrow corridor accommodated Sam’s move. Standing outside of Susie’s cabin, Sam leaned up against her and kissed her hotly. Susie kissed him back. This made Sam’s cock hard. Sam began to dry fuck her as they stood there. He began to grind his cock against her belly as if he was already inside her, and he heard her gasp with heat. Susie began pushing against Sam’s cock. She could feel the heft of it. It was big. She thought he is trying to tell me that he’s got a big cock, and I’m going to be taking all of it.

Susie broke the kiss and said, ‘hold on there sailor. Let’s take this a little slower. I’ll see you in the morning. Until then, you better cool down mister.’

Sam stood back and he replied, ‘Yes I will see you in the morning, but I don’t think that I’ll be any cooler then.’

The cabin door closed behind Susie, and Sam stood in the corridor. He stood there for a moment as if he was trying to make up his mind. Then he pulled his zip down and pulled out his cock. He was full hard and his balls were throbbing. He grabbed it as to point it at Susie, and he gave it several quick strokes. Then he tucked it back into his shorts as he moaned with satisfaction. He then went to his cabin for the night.

The next morning Susie arose with a bit of a kink in her neck due to the small bunk. The Hornet wasn’t a luxury liner. It was a working cargo ship more suited to working men, not a pretty tall Eurasian woman. Space is limited on a vessel like the Hornet. Sam’s cabin was the largest, and It is usually reserved for the captain. The first mates cabin was occupied by Chung. Susie’s cabin was even smaller. The crew had their own quarters arranged in a communal way, and there was a small mess hall which was used by all. Susie arose to realize that it was about mid morning. The hot and sticky weather made sleeping difficult, and Susie wasn’t fully awake. In addition, Susie needed a wash to cleanse the sweat away before she could attempt some brunch. She casually put on a pair of blue denim trousers and a white short sleeve shirt. Having done that, she went looking for something to eat. Sam and Chung were sitting at the mess hall table. They seemed to be looking at some charts, and each man had a grim look about them. So intent they were neither man noticed Susie as she entered the mess hall.

Susie said with a cheery voice, ‘Hi you guys. What’s up?’

Sam acknowledged her, ‘You had better get something to eat now because it’s likely to get a bit rough later.’

Susie knew now that something was definitely up. A crewman entered the mess hall and spoke to Chung in Chinese.

Then in turn, Chung said to Sam, ‘the barometer just dropped again.’

With a puzzled look upon her face, Susie asked, ‘Will one of you guys please tell me what is going on?’

Sam voiced his concern, ‘Typhoon’

Susie knew what a typhoon was, and she knew that it was bad business especially on a ship out in the open ocean.

Susie, ‘But it’s a sunny day outside.’

Sam gestured, ‘Come with me.’

The three of them went up on deck. The day was clear, blue, and hot. Sam led them to the port side as he gazed out to the horizon.

Sam said to Susie as he pointed, ‘It will come from that direction. It will come fast, and it will look like hell. These waters are known for these quick and unexpected storms. They usually don’t last long, but they play hell when they come. ‘

Susie understood fully now.

She asked, ‘What are we going to do?’

Sam began, ‘We are going to make a run for it. There is a group of islands not far from here. Most of them are not inhabited, and one or two of them don’t even appear on any map. Chung and I found one of those uncharted islands which were perfect for our purposes. It has a lagoon just big enough to hide the Hornet in it, and so we built a shelter there. If we are lucky, we will be there before the storm hits. For right now, you better prepare yourself for some rough weather. I expect the seas to get very rough soon. I hope that you brought your sea sickness medicine because you may need it soon.’

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Cleaning services

Both my wife and I had full time jobs and my wife felt that we spent too much of our weekends cleaning the house, so she asked if we could get a cleaning service.It was awesome to come home every Friday to a clean house, since we had scheduled the service to come Friday mornings.My wife and I got a lot more time on the weekends to do fun stuff instead of cleaning. It was well spent money.I did not know who was over at our house. The cleaning company was bonded, insured, and had a very good...

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motel blackout

I always enjoy my sales trips. The trips fit into my crossdressing lifestyle and the thrill of being in a different town and different people.After a long day on the road, I had just checked into a motel just about 30-miles outside of Nashville, TN. For my overnight trips, I always bring my special suitcase that has my “girly stuff” (panties, dresses, makeup, lingerie, etc.). Sometimes I would just dress up pretty and cam or play with myself. On a very few occasions I would run into a very...

1 year ago
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LegaciesChapter 4 Visit to DC for awards and negotiations

Much to my surprise a limousine with driver and bodyguard was waiting at the bottom of the stairs along with two suburban escort vehicles. We were loaded in the limousine and our luggage into one of the other vehicles. Upon our arrival at the hotel we were advised not to leave our rooms without our escorts for security reasons. Two suites had been arranged at the hotel. One for the Doctor and General and the other for me and my dates. I don't know what others expected but I just wanted to...

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My First Time With a Guy4

But this is the story of my first gay experience, and this happened not that long ago and I remember it vividly and smile while thinking about it. Anyways, so back in high school during my senior year I had dropped roughly 70lbs because honestly, I really wanted to get fucked out of my mind by a girl. And being my senior year, my golf coach had me promoted to Captain and I had to work with all the incoming freshmen who joined the team. Some were cute to me, but one kid stood out amongst...

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Great Maui Young Couple

I had been working very hard for about 8 months and Cindi, my wife, finally tole me she had booked us for 12 days in Maui. We live the high life, our house is in a gated community, we have country club membership and we enjoy any amenity we desire. This all requires money and I spend long hours at work.We have a modern design house with a pool and tennis court. There is a pool house and we enjoy entertaining. Often times we end the day swimming naked in the pool. We finish with sucking and...

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Rocket Girl

I was looking over what I’ve put up here and realized that it could take a bit of time to bring even one to a conclusion since they aren’t short, any of them. I wanted to give readers a nice little romance without any fur or horns in it. Well, other than what’s supposed to be there, I guess… I have a few like this, but they’re mostly woven into longer epics and I didn’t want to pull them out of context. This is just a little tale and involves two people and the friend who helps out to make it...

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Devlins StoryChapter 2B

Sabrina always said this was a critical moment for a guy. This was when they realized, for the first time, that they'd actually cum inside a girl. For some guys it was a traumatic moment. Some guys got all soppy and sentimental, thinking that because their cum was inside the girl they had some claim on her. Other guys would beat their chests and crow. She'd never done it with a boy when it was his first time, well, except for Butch, but that was different. They were both learning together...

1 year ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 26

Rockie felt like a chauffeur with both girls sitting in the backseat of Patty’s Honda while she drove. Even though she trusted that Katie knew the way to the mall that they wanted to shop at, she programmed it into the GPS just in case. Katie and Cile were jabbering and giggling in the back seat, so Rockie wouldn’t have been surprised if they forgot to give her a critical direction at some point. “How old were you when you got your ears pierced?” asked Cile. “I was fifteen,” Rockie told...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 290

THE TAX SYSTEM EXPLAINED IN BEER: Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100... If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this... The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing. The fifth would pay $1. The sixth would pay $3. The seventh would pay $7... The eighth would pay $12. The ninth would pay $18. The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59. So, that's what they decided to do... The ten men...

4 years ago
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His Everyday Object The Beginning

Jon was a typical teenage boy, always horny. He was less average in other ways. His sexuality wasn’t something he was ready to be open about. Not with friends or family. He wasn’t sure what to call himself. Straight with bi tendencies maybe? He liked anal play. No, he loved it but it didn’t have to be with a guy. He didn’t even need a toy. Just an every day household object. Sometimes even a long, thick cucumber would do. He wasn’t a leading man as far as looks go but he had boyish charm. A...

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Keez Movies! Many porn sites today offer tons of kinky porn videos, that you will be satisfied for life, however, sometimes they offer the same shit over and over again, which is literally when I prefer to search for a new porn website instead. I came across this one site called, and I am pretty sure if you are not Patrick (aka. living under a rock), you have heard about this site or other sites within their network.Now the first thing that this place told me is that I have to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
3 years ago
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Finding Family Chapter Three

We seemed to play for hours, and soon it was time to clean up and find some dinner. It was early evening when we rose, her beautiful naked body slipping back into her outfit so exciting. I had a hard time believing that she was my granddaughter, and yet she had the same levels of desire and lust as had her grandmother. She slipped in to her panties, thin cotton, barely wide enough at the groin to cover the lush flower, I smiled as she tugged them in place. Her bra was layered with a soft inner...

2 years ago
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The High School RevengeChapter 5

Nedia spent about an hour sitting on her couch staring at the wall thinking about what happened. "How did he get my address?" she asked herself that question more than 100 times. It can't possibly be Jenna or my parents. "I'm sure it's not them." She thought. When Nedia left 4 years ago she made them promise not to give anyone her number or her address. She didn't want to know anything about anyone and sure didn't want anyone to know anything about her. "Then how did he get my...

3 years ago
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Dungeon SlutChapter 2

It’s been a few months since our parents died. We grieved for the proper amount of time but it was time for Joy and I to get back to our routine, a slutty routine. Joy is upstairs slipping into a whore uniform for another trip to the sleazy downtown adult porno shop that we love so much. I am talking to Tammy our Guardian cousin. It’s a three day weekend coming up, so she is going away with her boyfriend and making sure it’s okay with me. As usual I convince her everything will be fine. “Joy...

1 year ago
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Masturbating in Public

masturbating in public has a terrific edge to just tossing off. I have spent a lot of time playing with my penis in public and having it near women that I wish I could fuck. One of the best masturbation sessions that I had was in a bar some few years ago. It was a Wednesday afternoon and I was staying at a Motel that was convenient for the job that I had to do. At about 2.30 I arrived at the Motel and after a shower and a little slow penis play while soaping my testicles and penis I decided...

2 years ago
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MC125 Ch 13

John put away the last of the beakers and stood back to admire the day’s work. He had finished moving into the new next-door facility. The newly delivered PCR machines and electrophoresis scanners were set in their respective stations, the autoclave was humming away on a set of dishes and pipettes, and the CRAY computer in his lab was humming by the far wall. Samantha had spared very little expense in giving him what he needed to run his experiments by himself. There would be no lab assistants,...

4 years ago
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The Princess Incest Diary

Dear Princess, Oh, you are so lovely and so young and sexy. I can't believe that I fucked you last night! I am such a sinful, wicked father. I have committed incest with my own virgin daughter! And I know I will do it again and again! I can’t stop now! Though I haven't a clue how I'm going to continue this perverted affair after your mother comes home. I woke you up at dawn this morning, with the sun just coming in through the window. When I pulled the sheets back, the smell of sex was so...

3 years ago
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Courting Danger

NOTE: This is one of the first stories I ever wrote. I don’t think it’s very good, but a friend asked me to post it here.When I met Chrissy, she was a fairly innocent 19-year-old. I was 24, in my first job as a low-level political hack who thought he had the world by the balls. Hey, I was drinking free liquor three nights a week courtesy of lobbyists and flirting with pages all day, so I was pretty happy. Chrissy was a sophomore at the college I’d recently graduated from, and we’d hooked up...

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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 23 Path of the Look

Bernard had been left in his cage for some time. The others had been taken out, no doubt for work in the loading bay or elsewhere, but he was still locked behind the bars that held him captive. At first he had thought that this was an improvement over his usual lot but he soon began to feel uncomfortable at his confinement, hungry and thirsty and desperate to use the toilet. Voices from the corridor told him that he was about to be disturbed and moments later Wan Yu and the four western...

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Memorial Day Party

Illustrated version available on request to Author Good things were happening to Paul in almost breath-taking fashion. First, he had received a token payment for his novella, which was promptly followed by a solid $5000 retainer after the publisher had read a rough draft of the first three chapters of his latest novel, with additional funds to follow if and when the subsequent chapters met the standard of the initial pages. Now with Memorial Day approaching Carol had called to invite him to a...

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Lauren GisalChapter 36

The girls sat on the bed, still covered in the duvets. They looked slightly happier than a couple of hours ago, although had Nikki removed her covers, the wounds would have looked much worse with the dull bruising that had now set in. At just after one fifteen, they heard the door open above them followed by footsteps on the stairs into the reception area. Simone had changed her clothes and now wore what looked like a black silk kimono, embroidered along the lapels with oriental...

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HandsOnHardcore Heidi Van Horny Double Cumshot On Her Bday

Heidi Van Horny is a hot brunette babe with big boobs and a craving for cock. The brown-eyed girl from Canada celebrates her birthday with her boyfriend Lutro who came up with a very special surprise. He blindfolds her and guides her mouth to David Perry’s dick! Once she notices the generous threesome b-day present, it’s time for a closer look! Sit back and enjoy a 4K firework of Hardcore entertainment, brought to you by the one and only DDF Network! This busty babe gets to suck two...

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Big Sister is horny 3

Mindy slid down the long, thick shaft slowly, pausing only when Eddie’s cock-head pressed against her womb. Then, with a lust moan and a sexy wriggle of her hips, she ground her hungry pussy down fully onto his cock, taking every solid inch until only his big hairy balls were showing. Her greedy little cunt was stuffed almost to bursting with her brother’s throbbing prick. She soaked his shaft with molten spurts of cream, and Eddie lay there glassy-eyed with bliss, looking up at her...

3 years ago
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Horrible Wake Up call

So what if you wanted to take time off of school? I mean you did just graduate right? So what if you took more than a year? Lots of people start college at the age of 21. Thoughts upon thoughts that had filtered your head throughout the years to justify NOT GOING BACK to school. But it's alright though, for the first time in awhile you are having fun. Working full time at a Cafe, partying at night with friends. Who needs school at times like these? Tonight you went to a party and lived it up...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 39

"Yo, stud, the music stopped." There was something about holding Tami. We were surrounded by a hundred other couples, but as I held her close and danced we might have been alone on a deserted island. I'd been looking in her eyes and had gotten lost in them. "Huh?" I looked around. The band had stopped playing, and the other couples had stopped dancing and were applauding as Dennis Krimalaenski walked to the center of the stage. Ski, as everyone called him, held up his hand and the...

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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 13

The next morning, the five Westerners were amazed by the breakfast they were served, and especially by the quality of the coffee. Karen was to take over the education of the four new women, with the key being the explanation that they were no longer whores and didn’t need to be. Furthermore, they were to leave the other men alone for now. She didn’t want them to aggravate the wives. Meanwhile, Jake and I took the Humvee out to see what had happened to the two mules. On the way, I had picked...

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A Friends idea of FUN with Angel Part 3 In the

There was only 1 problem with this. Angel did NOT know how to swim so she toldeveryone that she would only stay in the shallow end of the pool as she wasgetting in it. It really felt wild fucking the girls in the pool with those weights hangingfrom them at the same time. The water made them move differently it seemed & the weight hanging from their clits kept banging into my balls a bit too, butnot hard because of the water. I did fuck both girls too. Angel in her cunt &Helen in her...

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Son to Mom

Son to Mom Jose sighed to himself as he sat in traffic. Life was really getting him down lately. He worked a boring job with no opportunities for growth. He was single and hadn't even gone on a date in over a year and a half. He lived with his Mom still. He was 29, soon to be the big 3-Oh. On top of all that he was fundamentally unhappy with who he was. He didn't like what he saw in the mirror. He had tried all kinds of things to boost his self esteem and self confidence, but at the...

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Amy My Big Fine Girl

It was a fairly small gym situated upstairs in a community centre. Many of the people who worked out there were also members of a local judo club, who used the same premises. It as a fairly nice place to go, most people there were friendly, and the bonus was that there was a good bar there, so you could immediately put on the calories you had burned drinking cold beer. Well, at least I could. I used to go there either 2 or 3 times a week after work, for about an hour. Usually I would...

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IncorrectionChapter 15

Yes, basic cable, but it was something, which always beats nothing. Grisham set it to a national news network as instructed on the work order. The remote would be taken to the warden, and I was left wondering when I was going to get it back if ever. How I went from happy to mad so quickly almost surprised me. But it was my kind of luck, as always. If I could find some way to reach it, I could change the channel myself. The question I contemplated was the punishment that would be for doing...

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BrattySis Megan Marx It8217s Just Dry Humping

Rion King is watching a documentary about exploring sexuality and his stepsister Megan Marx joins him. Rion reminds Megan of the times they used to dry hump, but Megan freaks out and leaves. Later, she comes back to talk it out. She says she does remember and asks if it would be weird if they tried it again now that they’re older. Rion agrees to lie down and let Megan do her thing. He gets permission to touch his stepsis’s tits as she rocks her hips. Megan likes it enough that she...

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Spring Cleaning helped me find the cuckquot

My name is Jay. You're every day middle age guy with a family, wife, dog decent tech job. All the things in life you'd consider "normal". I'll never forget that lazy Sunday that changed my sexual appetite and outlook with my wife forever. Her name is Lisa and she's my sweet wife of 10 years and we've been together about 14 in total. One day I was lounging around without much to do on a Sunday and I started cleaning out some old stuff around the house. She had gone shopping with the family and I...

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Cherry chapter 7

Chapter 7 It was a nice day outside, so I decided to go for a run. Just as I was getting into my rhythm, it occurred to me that everything was unusually grey for such a sunny day. Looking into the sky, I found there was a very strange cloud over me that had me stopping in my tracks to get a better look. It was perfectly stationary but seemed to blow like a flag in the wind; only it blew in all directions at the same time—as if the source of the wind was from the center of the cloud. ...

4 years ago
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Busty Dreams

Hello and welcome to the site If you didn’t already know what this site is for, we will explain. This website was made for women that lack having the bodies they want, to view and or buy our prosthetics. Our prosthetics are the best most realistic to hit the market up to date. The prosthetics are made to mimic the appearance of real flesh, and have matching skin colors for any race or shade of skin. While some women get implants which never turn out looking real or even...

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Ladies Melons

The only time our family ate watermelon was if someone else brought it. I never saw my father eat any watermelon. The women in the family would wolf watermelon slices and politely pull out the seeds. The Culp family up the road on the hill had a family farm. They grew corn for the critters, vegetables to feed the hungry hoard, strawberries for Mrs. Culp and watermelon for the local farm boys. Mrs. Culp was cooking, yakking on the party line phone or working Dallas (father of ten kids) on her...

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Widhva Bhabhi

By : Amitjain.Mjs Main ek sadi dda aadmi hu, aur mera do bache hai mera garments ka business hai aur jab bhi koi naya samples aate hai to mujhe market mai jana padta haiek baar us se koi new samples aaye the jiske orer ke liye mujhe delhi jana pada aur mai delhi chala gaya fir main apne sample le kar market mai gaya aur waha se kafi orders liye ye ladies garments ke sample the jisme bra, pnty, aur kuch shorts gound the, ek din main market mai ghum raha tha to ek shop mai sample dikha Ke nikal...

2 years ago
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Babysitting 02

“That was pretty weak,” Christy said, again pretending to be a boy, my date. “ I’m surprised that you haven’t been ****d before, but I’ll tell you this, I don’t care what you want, I’ll do whatever I want to do with you, and if you give me any trouble, you’ll wish that you hadn’t.” I think she really meant it even if she was pretending to be a guy date. She was kissing and licking my body from my waist, to my tits, my neck and then locked onto my mouth, I was aroused more than I have ever been...

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