Innocence Lost Ch 02
- 3 years ago
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In Which Kedi discovers an innocence quite unlike the Innocence she knows so well, Innocence learns that the virtues of her name can contain elements of ignorance, and Mouse achieves success in her audition.
Null was a girl driven entirely by sexual passion. But an undirected, random and indiscriminate sexual passion. She was forever in a state of sexual readiness, constantly dripping with passion, and constantly aching to have her vagina filled with sexual satisfaction. She was a slender girl with a bush of wild uncombed shoulder-length hair and nothing else. Clothes didn’t remain on her long enough to be called her own, and all attempts made to keep make-up or jewelry on her was wasted. All she ever wore was a ring pierced through the top of her vagina, above the clitoris, where a chain could be connected to restrain her from attacking any potential candidate for sex. Most of the time, she would sit in a state of torpor, occasionally stroking her crotch or massaging her breasts, but when a man, a woman or a child came by she suddenly became rampant, and would, where there were no restraints, throw herself physically on that person and attempt to have sex with them.
When Null was introduced to Kedi, she was chained up with her ankles to her wrists, looking very sorry for herself in the corner of a night-club room. The owner of the Teddy Bear had bought her, or at least signed a contract for her services, in the hope that she would make a good act. Unfortunately for him, she was untrainable, she couldn’t speak a word or even, seemingly, understand any, and when released from her chains, simply launched herself in an uncoordinated fashion on the first thing she saw. This happened to be on stage, when the Sex Machine, as her stage act was known as, was unleashed. There was no build-up, as the proprietor had hoped. No gentle masturbation or even a routine of sexual advance. She had been brought on stage where she’d been actively rubbing her clitoris, clearly excited at the prospect of attention. Her keeper, a small man in his late forties, unchained her with her face to the audience. When released, however, she sprang straight off the stage onto a table where a young couple were sitting, clearly more interested in each other than anyone else, and started molesting the two of them. With no preparation, she pulled off the already modest dress she was wearing and started grasping at the crotches of the man and the woman, groaning in a full-throated and quite frightening way.
It had been difficult to restrain Null, as everyone who touched her was instantly the focus of her sexual attention, as she pulled penises out of their trousers, and unbuttoned blouses. Initially, there was an amusement value but this became somewhat diminished as the struggle to restrain the girl started resembling that of controlling an escaped animal. Kedi had heard of this embarrassing evening, and how it had convinced the proprietor that Null wasn’t a suitable act for his place. Perhaps at the Bird Cage or the Revue Bar, or other coloured establishments, an uncontrolled beast like Null would be better suited, but her act would be all audience participation and no showmanship at all.
Kedi knew that the proprietor was offering Null to her because she was black and that he had the peculiar idea that black people were somehow better than white people in coping with such naked sexuality, but it was more out of a sense of sympathy for the girl that she’d accepted. She couldn’t help feeling sorry for Null, seeing her chained there with her bushy brown hair falling over her face but not obscuring her manic hungry stare and the tongue that lasciviously brushed across her lips as she eyed Kedi watching her.
It was not easy for Kedi to take Null back with her to the flat she shared with her lover, Chastity, and with Innocence and her lover, Mouse. Even in Wonderground, a certain degree of modesty was required. It was all right for someone like Kedi to walk about naked. She was after all, black, and somehow this was considered more acceptable. It was another matter to take around Null, who seemed to forever have her hands stroking her vagina, anus or breasts, and couldn’t be trusted to keep her clothes on for any length of time at all. Her hands still had to be manacled together, and a chain was attached to her cunt-ring to a lead which Kedi would hold. The reason for the cunt-ring, Kedi was told, was that Null was much more responsive to a tug about her crotch than anywhere else, and thus much more co-operative.
Null was a girl much adapted for sex. She had had so much sex in her life, that her vagina had become quite hardened to it, and she seemed to produce lubricants from inside her at a terrifyingly consistent rate. Her stamina for sex was of record-breaking proportions. The proprietor had found to his cost that Null had no sense of when to stop. When she was released for sex with him and immediately jumped on top of him and within seconds had stimulated his penis and pushed it inside her, he had thought that he was on to a good thing. After more than an hour later, when he was thoroughly exhausted and she seemed as fresh and hungry as when they had started, he felt somewhat out of his depth.
Kedi gingerly led Null through the streets by her lead. She wore a single white robe, with her manacled wrists, as well as the lead Kedi held, attached to the cunt-ring. Null followed behind, with her eyes wildly roving and blowing kisses and making very lewd gestures with her tongue at people passing by. When the two had got onto seats on a train, Kedi securely held onto Null’s hands which given any opportunity would either burrow deep inside her dress to her cunt or wander to Kedi’s own cunt. On one occasion, she let her eyes drop down to see that Null had somehow pulled up her dress to above her waist, had her legs wide open and swivelling her mousy-brown and slightly worn crotch at the young seven-year old girl opposite. While Kedi bent over to pull Null’s dress down to her knees, she could feel Null’s teeth nibbling at the back of her neck, and the tongue wandering along to her ear. This felt quite pleasant, so Kedi allowed this to continue. This was a mistake, because the next thing was that Null got out of her seat and pushed her self against Kedi on her seat groaning loudly and gutturally as she pushed her crotch hard against Kedi’s own.
After Kedi had settled Null down, and thought that perhaps she had nothing more to worry about, she relaxed by looking at the advertisements on the train above other passenger’s heads. These were for such things as condoms – showing a woman putting one over a man’s erect penis with the slogan For a Firmer Fuller Fit – and cigarettes, which were bizarrely as full of sexual content as the one for condoms. Kedi’s eyes dropped down to the level of those of the passengers opposite and noticed that the old woman and the young boy opposite were staring across at Null with what looked like appalled voyeurism. Kedi turned her head to see the object of their stares, which was Null who had bent her head over and was fellating another boy, in his early teens, who was clearly enjoying it from the size of his penis. With an apology to the boy, she pulled Null up, and took the two of them along to another seat in a different part of the train.
On the way down the corridor, however, it was necessary for Kedi and Null to squeeze past a tall man standing by the doors and it even startled Kedi when Null suddenly dropped onto the floor in front of the man, pulled his trousers down with her teeth and started sucking and licking his penis which, rather predictably, started swelling at the unexpected attention. Kedi pulled Null up by her hair, hoping that the action wouldn’t cause her to bite the penis off, and bundled the girl off to the end carriage. It was there that she resolved that the best strategy was to restrain her as forcefully as she could, which she did by securing her to her waist and allowing Null to lick and kiss her face all over. It was,
therefore, with relief that Kedi was able to bundle Null out of the train eventually with her face stinging from a coating of saliva, and then to march her to her flat.
Null was not generally curious of the environment she was in. She’d been in many and in several different countries, but she’d never really thought about anything other than sex, and where she’d next be getting a fuck from. She loved the strong forceful way that Kedi handled her and she looked forward to being able to have full sex with her. On the walk down the green leafy suburban streets of Wonderground, Null held passionately onto Kedi, allowing her dress to ride up as high as it could to feel Kedi’s smooth black thighs against her own. She felt constantly driven to throw herself bodily against Kedi and luxuriate in her beautiful tall firm body. It was only when Kedi had pushed open the door of the modest flat she shared that Null was at last able to achieve her ambition. At last her advances on Kedi were not repelled and she pushed the tall black girl onto the sofa and the two were making love.
Null wasn’t very able to compare the quality of her sexual experiences, but had she been able to she’d have known that this was amongst the best, particularly when two other girls, a shorter one and one almost as tall as Kedi – Mouse and Chastity – joined in, and she found herself the centre of attention of three women. She’d often had group sex before – though normally with men and usually with penises in every orifice, but what was lacking in quantity was being compensated to a certain extent by quality.
Innocence came as a surprise to Null. Even she had come to associate a woman’s body with a cunt and a man’s body with a penis. But here was a woman’s body with a penis. And what a penis! Null leaned over Innocence’s body licking her thighs with a long practised tongue and watching the swelling as she eased herself closer and closer towards it. She then took Innocence’s testicles into her mouth and ran her tongue round and round them, watching with fascination as Innocence’s penis swelled and grew and swelled in a curious upright contrast to the round-thighed, smooth-skinned, flat-stomached, full-breasted woman’s body it was attached to.
Null put her lips to the glans at the end of Innocence’s penis, with the foreskin pulled back as far and as tight as it could go. She then gradually eased her mouth over it and then pushed the whole of it deep and deep down into her throat, while the throbbing sexual urge between her thighs grew and grew. And then it couldn’t be contained any longer, as she pulled Innocence’s fully erect penis out of her mouth, and in two or three swift manoeuvres she had it firmly inside her cunt. Her eyes swelled with satisfaction, and she gasped with a frightening intensity as it pushed as deep inside her as it could.
Then sitting astride Innocence, she looked down on the beautiful woman’s body beneath her, with her straight hair grown just to her shoulders, her round breasts with pink full nipples, the slender waist and her beautiful full lips. She stared into Innocence’s eyes which projected a compassion and intelligence she couldn’t really understand, but also a lust and sexual urge that she understood fully. It was this latter she loved, and which drove her to push her body up and down with fierce rhythmic thrusts and an urgency she rarely felt as strongly, until her inevitable orgasms came.
Null always orgasmed. She orgasmed several times each day, not necessarily from sex with other people but just from the passion of her own masturbation. But this time her orgasms came with a strength and ferocity that frightened even her. Where was it coming from? Her eyes burst into spontaneous tears as she thrust and thrust at Innocence’s beautiful body. And in the meantime she pushed her middle finger deep inside her anus to add to the thrusts of Innocence’s prick which she could feel against the tip of her finger through the internal membrane.
Then, she had to do it, she pulled Innocence’s still erect penis out of her vagina and thrust it deep inside her anus. For a few minutes this went on while she used her fingers to part her vagina and thust them deep inside the front of her and exercised her clitoris. And then came an explosion of orgasm. Greater than that before. And in the midst of it she felt Innocence release herself. Quickly she pulled Innocence’s penis out of her backside, and while the semen was still pumping out, she put her mouth around it, – ignoring the traces of shit and blood that had attached itself to it – and released it into her throat. Her favourite food was semen – and woman’s semen was a feast she could never miss.
Fortunately for Null, Mouse didn’t appear to mind too much that her bed with Innocence was now often shared with a rampant sex machine – although if she’d had the wit to understand, she would have become aware that Innocence was becoming a little exhausted and frankly tired of Null’s incessant craving for sex. It was while Innocence’s penis was deep inside her anus while her hands were grasping the headrest at the top of the bed that Mouse returned looking thoroughly exhausted herself. Her hair, now cut very short in a boyish style was sticking up and out in all directions and the jacket she wore had its buttons done up slightly out of sequence. These days Mouse had adopted a very business-woman appearance, with frequent visits to the barbers to keep her hair a tidy short-back-and-sides and a neat jacket or blazer that almost, but not quite, covered her shaven crotch. She had taken to wearing stockings and stilettos – but on this instance she was completely bare-legged.
‘How did the auditions go?’ wondered Innocence, withdrawing her penis from Null’s rear end and signalling her to resist.
Mouse smiled triumphantly. ‘It was hard work – but I got through!’ She had just been auditioning for the lead part in a prestigious musical, which would take her touring around the world, and would instantly propel her into the aristocracy of sex actresses. This musical combined music and song, drama and comedy, sex and more sex. It was in fact a musical version of Anne of Green Gables, where Mouse would be playing Anne and would distinctly relish the sex scenes with school-children.
Mouse settled down on the end of the bed and idly stroked Null, who was being restrained by the chain tied to her cunt-ring and with the end looped around Innocence’s wrist. ‘How hard were the auditions?’ Mouse’s lover wondered.
Mouse leaned towards Innocence and kissed her tenderly on the lips. ‘Very very hard!’ she elaborated.
In fact as Mouse explained, the tiring aspect was to have to perform so many demanding sex acts in front of people she’d never met before with people whom she’d also never met – and certainly had never fucked – before. And she had had to do that with a degree of enthusiasm and professionalism that had to be greater than that which she would more normally need to achieve.
The first part of the exercise was simply to determine how well Mouse could continue to act while having sex with a single partner. Her partner in this case was a man who was himself being auditioned. Her task was to convincingly recite her lines, – which she’d had the opportunity to practise at home, – while being fucked from under her and at the same time bring her partner to a climax at the appropriate point. Then at that point – and neither earlier nor later – she would take her partner’s penis level to her face and have him ejaculate into her mouth. She knew that a lot depended on the skill of her partner to curb his ejaculation to the right moment, as well as on her skill to assist this process. As it happened her partner ejaculated too soon, while Mouse was completing her speech and positioning herself to take the final act. Semen splattered all over her breasts and covered her lipsticked nipples. Mouse however managed to ad-lib sufficiently well at this stage to make it appear that this might not have been an accident.
She had obviously done quite well enough at this stage, because she was then invited to a more formal interview. Here – like other candidates – she rushed to the lavatories to straighten her clothes, pull on her stockings, apply make-up and lipstick to her face, breasts and cunt, and run a comb through her hair. She then carefully buttoned her jacket and waited anxiously with others in the anteroom. She spent a little time reading the various Stage and Theatre magazines and examining the other candidates who were both competitors and potential future colleagues. Like her they were dressed in their smartest – or in ways that they felt put themselves at their best advantage. One slim girl with a gorgeously boyish face that Mouse was aching to have sex with in the auditions, was dressed in a pair of thick-soled boots, a short unbuttoned leather jacket and nothing else. She hadn’t shaved her vulva, which was a gloriously abundant bush through which Mouse caught a glimpse of some gold jewelry.
The formal interview was one where Mouse felt she’d excelled. She carefully arranged her legs so that her cunt was shown to its best advantage, and unbuttoned enough of her jacket to emphasise the voluptuousness of her bust. The interviewing panel consisted of the director, the producer and a short girl with glasses and long, abundant hair which obscured most of her face and most of her body. They asked her the usual questions about her experience, her acting qualifications and what she knew about the production. At the end, they informed her that she was invited to be amongst those who would be judged on their sexual abilities after the formal interviews.
This was to be in the afternoon, so Mouse was free to spend time by herself, which she did by looking around the clothes shops in the vicinity of the theatre where the auditions taking place. It was with some anxiety that she noticed that the girl with the boots and leather jacket was also invited back for the sex tests. The tests were on three areas of sexual expertise – which were fairly standard – being anal, same-sex and group categories. When Mouse came back, she carefully stripped herself – putting her stockings into her jacket pocket – and positioned herself with the other naked candidates at the side of the stage, waiting for her turn. She made a point of sitting next to the girl who had worn a leather jacket – and was now revealing a tattoo of a naked child on her shoulder – in the hope that she would have her same-sex audition with her.
The sexual audition ordeal took several hours. The first exercise was fairly short – being essentially the anal sex. The candidates were examined by a doctor first for their suitability – and one man with piles failed at that stage. Then each candidate had a greased dildo eased up their anus, while their clitoris or penis was stimulated. This was clearly an opportunity for acting – where some candidates made rather too much of an effort to demonstrate their arousal at anal entry. Mouse was no different of course. When you’re being fucked up the arse-hole on stage and you’re sharing the lead part in a song with the man who is buggering you – it is essential to appear to be enjoying what you’re doing it.
The lesbian sex session lasted much longer – and Mouse was pleased that she did in fact enjoy the girl who’d worn the leather jacket. Disappointingly for Mouse, she soon established that this girl wasn’t actually very keen on sex with women at all. Although she’d obviously had some experience on stage, – and went through the motions in a fairly convincing way, – she had no native enthusiasm for the task and her cunt was hardly lubricated at all. This was totally unlike Mouse, who was aching with desire for the girl and was persuading her to do such things as putting her finger up her anus and to nibble her clitoris that really went beyond the call of duty. However the role of Anne of Green Gables involved a great deal of lesbian sex, and Mouse hoped this wouldn’t go unnoticed. And in any case, it may have been that this girl was being auditioned for a different role where there’d only be perfunctory lesbianism.
In Which Innocence is exposed to the world and the world learns to love Innocence. * * * * * Innocence had never known before what it was like to be so wealthy. Thanks to Leon’s expert negotiating skills, Innocence had gained the relatively uncommon position of earning a percentage from the sex films she was performing in, and as the demand for them grew, so did Innocence’s wealth. She and Dodie were able to put enough money by to put down a mortgage on a flat in Congress, and still live a...
In Which the virtues of Innocence are spread throughout the world and are prominent in Congress, Innocence and Virtue are conjoined, old friends are reunited and Chastity is resolved to the service of Innocence. * * * * * Innocence found that her fame brought with it not only the material rewards which meant she was able to exchange her Congress flat for a country mansion, but also the cost of selling her virtues through the media. In actual fact, it was a cost which Innocence found that she...
In Which we learn about the pains of Humility, and Innocence leaves Religious devotion and we rediscover the virtues of Chastity. When Sister Innocence had returned from Brook to her own Convent she was to find that Sister Charity’s bed in her room had been taken by a new nun, Sister Humility, who seemed to take the literal meaning of her Christian name very seriously indeed. In fact, the first time Innocence met Sister Humility she was knelt down on the floor with her robe pulled forward over...
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In Which Innocence is found in a Vegan Commune, and gains profit by untrammeled display to an unknown public, and in which Dodie discovers Innocence in the cool mountain air. Innocence made the journey to Brook by train, waving goodbye to her sister and Kedi and wearing the clothes she thought best suited her destination. These were a pair of baggy shorts, sandals and little else except for the rucksack she had over her shoulders. She had decided that the clothes of her sister’s district were...
In Which Innocence is embraced by Religious Faith and found in a Convent, the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity are also revealed and Charity finds her natural place, Purity is found in the spiritual home of Faith but lives outside its confines. The Convent of St Mary Magdalene the Prostitute was situated a long way from any town or city and surrounded by fields and woods. An ideal place Innocence believed for peaceful meditation and religious contemplation. The order of Magdalenites was...
In Which the Pleasures and Virtues of Innocence, Chastity and Purity are Revealed. 18-year-old Innocence was the most attractive girl in her school. She had beautiful rounded breasts, the perfect figure, long sandy blond hair half-way down her back and the most attractive face anyone could wish for. When she smiled, boys melted into helpless submission and she was the envy of all the other girls. However, Innocence had a secret. Although the perfect girl in almost every way, between her legs...
In Which Innocence is restored to Purity, the beauty of Innocence is immortalised on film and Purity and Innocence are exposed to the virtues of great wealth and proportion. Dodie and Innocence were staying at different resorts on opposite sides of the mountain where they met, so despite Dodie’s entreaties that they stay together and further what she said was potentially a beautiful relationship, Innocence returned to her hotel room to spend a few more uneventful days in the shadows of Les...
In Which Innocence is lost in the country, there is much self-discovery and the less savoury aspects of country life are revealed. Innocence and Dodie didn’t share very many interests in common, but one that they did and which Innocence was particularly keen on pursuing was a love for walking in the countryside which they often did together. It was lovely to get away from the city and out into the open air, feeling the country air on their skins and finding deserted spots where they could make...
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In Which Dodie rediscovers Innocence, and Innocence acquires a new fame from past endeavours. Dodie had been away from Wonderground for so long on her travels which had taken her as far as her stamina and savings allowed her. She had seen so many different countries and districts, and had met so many different people. And frequently made love to them. She’d accumulated possessions and had them stolen. She’d lain for days in foreign hospitals and frequently been so intoxicated or drugged up...
In Which Innocence prevails upon Dodie to perform and Griffin is reacquainted to the virtues of Innocence. Dodie enjoyed hearing about Innocence’s new job. She loved listening to Innocence’s accounts of the sex she was having in the series of Quinze Cunts and Bizarre Bazaar films that she appeared in, and where there was any particular activity that she found especially erotic she would persuade Innocence to join in similar activity with her in their tiny bedsit. However, Dodie was quite...
In Which Innocence is matched with virginity, a career in giving pleasure to unknown benefactors is reviewed and Leon’s own artistic vocation is revealed. It took quite a lot of persuading and rather a lot of money, but eventually Innocence agreed to make a Virginity Loss film (or Bleeding Fanny Film as they were less subtly known). It wasn’t that Innocence hadn’t taken a girl’s virginity before, she just felt that there was something sordid about the whole notion of making a film about it,...
In Which Alice rediscovers Innocence and learns the virtues of Purity, in which Innocence and Purity are shown in the practise of religious devotion, and in which Innocence leaves Chastity and Purity loses Innocence. The fruition of all plans is often much less than the ambitions associated with their formulation, and so it was with the vacation that Purity had planned together with Innocence. They had scarcely been away a day when over a drink in a café that was near the hostel they were...
In Which Innocence is embodied in the value of Twelve, and joined in a fury of pain and pleasure, and in which Chastity pursues love of a woman and Innocence the Love of God. It was in another field, this time within Une’s extensive estates, that Une and Innocence were happily fucking together. Being her own estate, Une naturally chose a comfortable field where the grass was short and green enough for there to be relatively little scratching or discomfort from the ground as the two lovers...
In Which Blanche returns to Innocence, consideration is given on the sole pleasures of her virtues, and Dodie learns more about Blanche. Blanche didn’t often visit Congress and when she did she always felt the restrictions of wearing clothing very uncomfortable, which on a body as plump as hers were rarely as flattering as total nudity would be. It was not something that she could avoid for too long as it became necessary on occasion to visit her suppliers to get the literature she needed to...
In Which Innocence and Chastity are found in the countryside. Une just loved to be fucked. But with a cunt as large as hers it took such an effort for her to be satisfied. Generally, one man just wasn’t enough, she’d need two or maybe three simultaneously pounding away in her nether regions for her to be satisfied. It was sometimes awkward to arrange such a meeting of pricks inside her, but practice had brought great facility and imagination to her. Two was easy enough. One from above and one...
In Which Kedi rediscovers Innocence by choice, Chastity by circumstances, and meets Honore who is herself reunited with Innocence. Kedi knew that Innocence was soon due to arrive to spend a few days with her, but she wasn’t exactly sure when she’d arrive. She had been quite surprised to hear from her, although they’d kept in touch all the months since they’d lived together with Chastity and Mouse in Wonderground. Innocence didn’t say why she felt the urgency of the visit, nor why she felt it...
In Which Innocence is found in work and in work is found revived passion. Innocence had achieved her independence: she had at last found a bedsit and a job that paid well enough for her to afford the rent. Honore had loaned her the money necessary to pay the deposit on her new home, but she hoped that with overtime she’d be able to repay her eventually. It was a very small bedsit – much smaller than what she’d been accustomed to in Labia or Wonderground – but at least when she shut the front...
In Which Purity is reconciled with Innocence, Purity is separated from Chastity, and Purity appreciates the value of Twelve, but is displeased by the association with Chastity. Purity hadn’t seen Innocence for such a long time, and she was very pleased when she heard that she and her sister had left Wonderground. She’d never cared to visit a place with such a poor reputation for racial discrimination, so it was with rather more enthusiasm than might otherwise have been the case she took the...
In Which Innocence is displayed on film and is shown together with an old friend. It was Dodie who reminded Innocence of the interview she’d had with Fuck Films Today and her appearance in Forbidden Love. ‘It seems absolutely ridiculous to me that you should be working for virtually nothing at the Fierzehn, especially as you don’t really like music, when you could be earning a hell of a lot more in fuck films.’ ‘I’m not sure I want to be filmed fucking people,’ Innocence retorted. ‘Don’t be...
In Which Innocence is lost in Congress, and Twelve introduces Innocence to the literary merits of Honore. Twelve had no intention of returning to the flat to rejoin Chastity. She’d had just about enough of her and how she’d persuade her to do things with her young lovers that made her feel guilty and soiled. She carried her rucksack of possessions over her shoulder through the streets of Labia, relishing the attention her appearance aroused, and made her way to the railway station. She wasn’t...
In Which Une joins in the study of Algebra, the properties of Twelve are examined by Algebra, and Chastity returns to Innocence. After their one session of lovemaking, Algebra was disappointed to find that despite her attempts to repeat it Dodie was decidedly unenthusiastic to do so. Algebra soon came to conclude that her brief love affair with Dodie had finished almost before it had begun, and resigned herself to her studies as a means of keeping her mind off her continued passion. Her...
In Which Honore learns about the relationship between Purity and Innocence, a film is made illustrating Innocence’s virtues, and Honore is introduced to Leon. Honore was struggling with the composition of her Adventures of Priccho, in which she’d now managed to get her hero to a Land of Naughty Boys, where he was having sex with a number of boys and admired how large their penises were, in many cases more than eighteen inches long, not knowing that this was merely the first stage of a...
In Which we learn about the rewards and joy of unbridled pleasure, but also see how it may compromise the better virtues of Innocence and Chastity. What could be done about Null? wondered Kedi as she sat astride Innocence thrusting her crotch backwards and forwards on Innocence’s wonderful penis. She was unable to avoid wondering about this as Null was sitting opposite her on the floor, chained as always to the furniture frantically masturbating herself while Innocence and Kedi were in the...
In Which Dodie compares the relative virtues of Innocence and Chastity, Kedi abandons Chastity, and Dodie leaves the comfort of Innocence. Dodie understood the freedom of Innocence’s love-making, and how it would frequently involve her fucking her sister or Kedi, but it did little to lessen the jealousy she felt as Kedi or Chastity would be yelping with pleasure from the continued thrusts of Innocence’s beautiful penis. Although she so often thought of her lover’s prick being her own that she...
In Which Leon rediscovers Innocence, and Honore is introduced to virtues beyond the normal condition. Leon never enjoyed his visits to the city of Congress whenever they were necessary. He was very uncomfortable squeezing his enormous penis into the leg of his trousers – even though he always made a point of wearing them very baggy irrespective of how fashionable or not that might be at any one time. He particularly dreaded getting an erection as it pushed so obviously against the inside thigh...
© 1997 Chrissy was a sweet, sensitive young girl. She appeared to be much younger than her actual age, but of course, she had turned eighteen eleven months ago. She was short and very petite. Her skin was white and very smooth, and she had a sweet, shy little personality. She was, as they say, a late bloomer, small breasts were just starting to take the transformation from girl to woman upon her lithe form. She was shyly innocent, and she was adorable. Her fair skin was extremely white....
In Which Mouse appreciates Innocence and her thespian ambitions in equal measure, her performances help Kedi otherwise wedded to Chastity, but she affirms greater affection for the virtues of Innocence than those of Chastity. Mouse was passionately in love with Innocence, with a passion that burst through her tee-shirt and swelled her breasts. She could hardly bear to be parted a moment from her side. She loved putting Innocence’s gorgeous penis deep inside her mouth and allowing it to brush...
In Which the Science of Algebra lives with the virtues of Innocence and Dodie discovers some of the more bizarre attributes of Algebra. True to her name, Algebra was a student of Mathematics at the University of Congress. She had applied unsuccessfully to read at the University of Labia, but Congress was a good second choice, where she was able to study with some of the very best professors in the country. Also true to her name, Algebra was a girl of very pure principles and practices. She was...
"Innocence Happily Lost"By billy69boyIntro:The following is a true account of one young girl's first sexual encounter, which occurred at a wedding reception. The story is told in her own words, written in the style of an interview:Author: I think most successful stories are the ones that start out with a true premise, first and foremost. The goal is to establish "believability". So, my first questions will be seeking background information leading up to the actual wedding. I will use numbered...
Innocence Lost: An Early Introduction to BDSM, Pt. I ? Hannah Sullivan was not your average schoolgirl.? She was not interested in most of the things that excited her schoolmates.? People might have confused her demeanor as being shy or even stand-offish.? Actually she was just basically independent.? She was a pretty little teen but lagged behind her classmates in body development.? She was a virgin who had not yet developed much of an interest in boys.?She had an experimental and adventurous...
*As usual, if you're going to neg it please tell me why so I can improve. Don't neg it just because you don't like the themes, they're all tagged so if you don't like them don't read the story. And if you do like it, don't hesitate to give it a +1. All comments, suggestions and constructive criticism welcome.* Innocence Enslaved chapter 1: That fateful night Emily woke slowly. Her eyelids felt heavy, she was cold, and the room was brighter than usual. She was uncomfortable, the...
Innocence Enslaved chapter 1: That first nightEmily woke slowly, her eyelids heavy. She was cold, and the room was brighter than usual. She was uncomfortable,the surface beneath her hard and unyielding... had she fallen out of bed? Still drowsy, she blinked a few times and tried to lift a hand to rub her eyes. That's when she realized she wasn't in her room, and suddenly she was wide awake.She realized she was face down on some kind of table, her ample breasts squashed painfully against the...
Maurice Smith knew to count his lucky stars everyday. It all started when he married his pretty blonde wife, Miriam, twenty years ago. It seemed to Maurice that his lovely blonde wife got even prettier and prettier each and every day. He enjoyed looking at her as well as watching the reaction from other men. You see, Miriam seemed to have an innocence about her that stemmed from her teenage years. Without her even trying, she was both provocative and shy at the same time. Miriam could go almost...
Scott stood at attention at yet another long day of rehearsal. It was the third day of band camp, almost halfway done with the week. Tired, dehydrated, sore, and yet still determined, Scott went over the movements in his head. They were about to run through a small segment of the halftime show, but it was important for the movements. Eight steps forward, sixteen to the side, four back, and stop. That was his job, to get to his spot in time with the rest of the band. Scott wiped the sweat from...
In Which Gryphon teaches Innocence and Chastity in a college of Further Education, and develops a particular affection for the attractions of Chastity. Gryphon had enjoyed her work as a school-teacher and it was a great disappointment for her when it became clear that she would have to seriously consider a move to another institution – and as there was such a shortage of suitable places in the district, it had to be to the local college. The job suited her as she was able to indulge in both...
In Which Gryphon purchases affection and gains a little satisfaction, the provision of Chastity to those willing to pay, and Gryphon’s discovery of the hidden virtues of Innocence. Despite the rewards of her affair with Chastity, Gryphon still didn’t feel that her sex-life was wholly satisfactory. She acutely felt the insecurity of having a relationship with a girl who had so many different partners and made no pretence otherwise. She looked for another outlet for her sexual needs, and thought...
She realized she was face down on some kind of table, her ample breasts squashed painfully against the cold surface, and her hands were strapped to the sides. She could feel something strapped around her head, and taste the rubber ball gag that had been shoved in her mouth. To make matters worse, she was naked. She began to panic, struggling to free her hands. "It's no use", spoke a deep, monotone voice from behind her. She struggled to turn her head to see the source of the voice, but...
Sultana, a hot girl from a poor family of innocent daily labors. born in a small village raised to be a very religious but she stands alone in her entire village. Even though she was raised by poor parents, she looks like she is a princess, no matter how dirtier or fade her dress is. She is the candy of the eyes for entire villagers. Her beauty and innocence makes every villagers wants to have a piece of her. Her parents are idiots, even though they love them more than anything in the world but...
**As always, don't neg it just because you didn't read the tags or above foreword or you just don't like the themes. Please give feedback and if you don't like it let me know why so I can improve.** Innocence Enslaved part 5: Learning to cope ***** The two boys couldn't believe their luck. If Jakes brother hadn't given them bottle of whiskey they would have stayed home playing PlayStation and skipped the party completely. They figured it would be boring simply because of the...
Copyright 2003-05-23 I was seventeen when I lost my virginity, one month short of my eighteenth birthday. The boy's name was Scott and he was two and one half years older than I was. I have never spoken to him since that night. I haven't told many people. Less than a handful know my story. All of these years, it has been my dark secret. However, it's time for me to share my story. I am telling it now for several reasons. The number one reason is for me. Maybe, by telling it, I can,...
The beginning of the end part 1 My name is Kate or Katie as I was born. I am 35 and I live in L.A. I am a mother of three children and do my best to support them as a single mother. I have two boys and a daughter, my oldest named Cindy and my two boys Luke and Richard. At first you may what's wrong?, well...I have visits from the suicide watch teams every couple of days and my two 10 year old boys live with foster parents. I haven’t seen Cindy for three months now, I have no idea where...
Disclaimer: The following story contains mention of the state of Vermont. This may bring back traumatic images for anyone who has ever gone through that sort of experience. If Vermont is objectionable to you or anyone in your household then you are strongly advised not to read on. If you do read on and are offended by the presence of Vermont, then you were warned. Innocence There is just something to be said about ruining innocence. Many people glorify the raping of a virgin, but they...
He ran his finger over her tiny breast, along her stomach until he reached her pubic hair, His searching finger were moist from their lovemaking earlier as he inserted into her. She felt the thrill of his finger paddling into her moistness. "I bet being pregnant will make you develop a bigger bosom." Jack said teasingly, as he started to unbutton her blouse. Marisa smiled in spite of herself after the tease she got from her husband. However, she was still depressed about her husband leaving to...
Wearing a tight, thigh-high florescent green dress, the 13-year-old from San Bernardino started her first shift on Compton Boulevard. "Do me proud," her pimp tells her flashing his golden grill as she opens the door. She knows what that means. She smiles back and gets out. The clock on the bank across the street reads 10:54 A.M., the normal start of her day. Scarcely ten minutes passes before the first car pulls up along side of her. "How much?" the large black man asks showing no emotion....
***** The two boys couldn't believe their luck. If Jakes brother hadn't given them the bottle of whiskey they would have stayed home playing playstation and skipped the party completely. They figured it would be boring simply because of the loser who was hosting it, and if they had known of even one other party nearby they wouldn't be at this one at all. Now they were in the master bedroom, standing awkwardly on either side of the king sized bed as the cutest girl in school lifted...
Introduction: A naive freshman girl gets taught a lesson the hard way by a senior. High school was going to be great! After all those years of having just the same old group of boys to chose from, after the small group of friends, there was finally high school! Rosalie couldnt wait. Rosalie was almost 15 years old and was coming up on her freshman year. She could hardly wait! Her best friends and her had theyre whole plan laid out, they were already all gorgeous, now they just needed to charm...
I awake full of excitement. Morning glory pitching a tent under the duvet that any scout would be proud of. My hand gripping my cock it takes all my willpower to wait just a few more hours. Today is the day I finally get to meet Emma. After 2 years of talking with her every day I have finally persuaded her to meet in person. I can't wait to see her for the first time. I know what she looks like because we have talked on Skype several times but I have no idea what to expect from the rest of her...
Author’s note ~ this story contains a diversity of sexual tastes, including: anal, lesbian, gay, BDSM, and group scenes, among others. If any of these flavors offend you, please move on to somewhere else. This is the first thing I’ve ever written and I hope some of you will enjoy it. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* My name is Veronica Fallon. I am eighteen years old and have lived a very sheltered, innocent life in the small castle of my father. That small world has grown beyond...
Many, many moons before I met my man, I had a friend – let’s call him Arnold. And I do mean a friend. Arnold was gay, or so my innocent self believed. I was about eighteen at the time and thought I was a worldly woman. A fumble at fifteen made me believe I wasn’t so innocent but turns out the cherry was still there, but that’s another, much more boring, story. So anyway, Arnold and I would hang out with some mutual friends most weekends, and we got on great. Naturally, one night the talk turned...
AnalThanks for your response to my previous story of innocence lost. I hope you like this one. You can give me your feedback on the comment section or at Ajay heads home, not sure of what to expect when he gets home. He enters the house and looks for his mother. There she is in the TV room watching a Hollywood movie, in the embrace of her husband. She notices Ajay and quickly gets up Mom: Hey, sweety! How was your day at college? Ajay: It was fine, Mom, thank you for asking. Stepfather: Have a...
*** Taylor raced across the court and snatched the ball from a boy on the opposing team and arrowed off toward their hoop. After zigzagging around another boy he dunked the ball, much to the other teams disappointment. His friends patted him on the back as he went to sit on the bleachers. He had been playing nonstop for a while now and was sweaty and hot. Because it was the day before Christmas break, the...
Kayla watched from the bleachers with her friends as Taylor ran across the gym with the basketball and passed it to one of the guys on his team. He was a year and a half older than her, had a lean but muscular build and was about six foot two. She liked to watch him play everyday with all the other black boys. No one suspected that she had a thing for black guys, seeing as how she was one of those shy, artistic, intelligent type white girls who never got into trouble. It just wasn't expected....
Our story begins in a simple village Paathshaala. Prem was barely interested in what was going on in the class, for his eyes were busy stalking Sanjana, the class failure. Sanjana though now 18 years of age and was yet to pass out of school. She was not the brightest of kids, and flunked regularly in most subjects. What she had however was a gorgeous body. Her eyes were innocent and face beautiful. Her boobs were big, and were cramped tight in her old school shirt. What was more, she was...
We're a bit older and like the quieter more relaxing adult pool area. I'm 50, 6'1" and 200 lbs. My wife, Kate, is 45, 5'2" and 160 lbs. She's not in the best shape but I think she's beautiful and has some great 34D tits, lovely long natural red hair and a light complexion with freckles. "Hey honey, how does going to the pool sound today?" I ask Kate. "That sounds great! Can you make up some of those mixed drinks you did last time and put them in something we can take with us? We...
Night after night, she dreaded going to bed. Bella knew he'd be coming to her room, and trying to steal her virginity. This was her life ever since she had turned eighteen. Then one night her dread became a reality. The household was asleep, her father and stepmother out, and Ivan had gone out with friends. Little did anyone know that he had been hiding in the stable, waiting to make his move. Bella climbed into bed, and began to drift into an uncaring slumber, unaware of a figure climbing...
Writing this makes me wet. I haven't washed my pussy in a few days and I can smell it. It is a hot day, and a small patch of wet has formed on my white knickers. I am thinking back to the time when I turned 18 and stayed over at my best friend John's house. His parents were out and he invited me and another friend, Jack, over to play computer games. As I think about this and write about it I am dreaming of cock. I want it now and am thinking of how I might get it. I am spreading my legs a...
First Time