Kimiko Ch. 01 free porn video

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During my senior year in high school, my economics teacher thought it would be a neat little exercise to have us students learn about the world of investments. So she had a couple of local stock brokers come in and give us a couple of presentations. Mutual funds, the stock market, penny stocks, treasury bonds, junk bonds, the works. The number of choices were mind boggling! All with different risk and reward potentials.

All this had a purpose however. Our teacher then gave us an assignment to put together an investment portfolio with an imaginary $10,000, along with the reasons why. With a couple of weeks to go, I started looking at various choices and finally settled for the balanced investment approach, some in mutual funds, some in money market accounts, and some in stocks. Of the stocks, I selected three stocks, one being a blue chip that returned steady dividends, one that I thought one would turn over periodically, and one that was a long shot that I thought a patient investor might, just might (!?) make money at.

Well, my paper got a B-, so it probably wasn’t such a great investment strategy! Its short term earnings potential was moderate, and it proposed an unknown earnings possibility with the ‘long shot’ investment. So what! At least I got a B-.

Got through college without much fanfare, graduating in computer sciences. At that time, it was still pretty much wide open as to where the industry was going. But I figured that technology would be one of the significant drivers of our lives in the future so stuck with the curriculum. Glad that I did.

Anyway, I seemed to take to computer technology and infrastructure design and did well in school. At least well enough to land a fairly decent job upon graduation. I became a technology designer for a hardware manufacturer located in Silicon Valley. Yep, a technology designer working in ‘Chip City’!

What’s a technology designer you ask? Good question! I asked the same question when I was hired. But since I was looking at a reasonably good starting paycheck, I wasn’t going to question it too much. As it turns out, technology design really interested me!

What it is, is the art of taking advancements in technology and seeing if they can be melded together in such a manner so as to address a future market need. That’s how laptop computers, PDA’s, routers, digital cameras and other stuff came about. And I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

So there I was, with a dream job, making more than a few bucks in the process, but working my butt off six or seven days a week. And the travel! I had to be able to pick up and go at any moment. It wasn’t uncommon to be called to New York or Chicago at any given moment! Video conferencing was still in its infancy development stage at that time. But that did eventually make it into the real world, didn’t it!

When I was around 25 or so, I was doing my tax returns before the annual deadlines caught me unprepared again! My investment income was horrible. I decided that I really needed to take my liquidity and invest it into things that would give me a suitable return. So I dusted off my old high school investment paper and gave it a quick look see.

Well, I still didn’t see anything wrong with it so I went to see a broker the next day over my lunch hour. He gave me a couple of mutual funds to take a look at along with their cash management account details. He also gave me a couple of stocks that he considered long shots, if I wanted to take the risk.

I took a look at the stuff that night and decided to plunk down most of my cash into a mutual fund, a lesser amount in their cash management account, and enough in stocks to buy 1,000 shares in a small computer manufacturer that seemed to have potential. It was listed at 9-3/8 on the broker’s informational sheet so I figured that it was cheap enough that it made the risk affordable. We all know this company as it really went big time later!

After the paperwork was done and the money transferred, I promptly went back to work and forgot all about the investments that I had made. Good thing the mutual funds were managed by someone else! Anyway, the funds and the cash management account returns were ok. And I lost track of what the stock was doing but I figured that I would keep it for a rainy day anyway.

Anyway, the hustle and bustle of the job was exciting in the beginning however it became tiring after 10 years or so. Plus, with me on the road so much, and not knowing where I was going to be from week to week, it was hard to establish a meaningful relationship with someone of the opposite sex. Something that I regretted.

It wasn’t so much that I wasn’t getting any. But the occasional one night stands and casual link ups left me empty afterwards. The sex was great! The babes tended to be younger with lots of energy. But relationships were generally not high on their agendas. So after a night of great sex, I would usually feel unsatisfied and disappointed. I guess we were just using each other to get off! So I lost interest in one night hook ups.

Back to the here and now……..

So here I was at age 44. Spent 21 years with the company that I started with. They had been good to me but the bubble was about to pop. At least I could see it coming. We had attracted too much attention with our success and we were about to be acquired by a larger company. Actually, it was that same company that I had invested in years ago.

They wanted the patent rights and trade registrations to a couple of our products that had turned golden! What better way to acquire them then to acquire the company that owned them. Not only do you get access to the patents and trade registrations, but you also get access to the company’s earnings and cash flow! Well the acquisition was history before anyone had an idea of what was going on.

With the acquisition unfortunately came the layoffs. The redundant departments were the first to be let go. Then those of us who were high on the salary matrixes were next. And with my 21 years, I was really high in the salary matrix. So I had become another nameless statistic in the world of M that’s mergers and acquisitions to those of us who haven’t been ‘touched’ yet!

They wanted me to stay however at a much reduced compensation level. I felt that was a lot of bull! I didn’t give my all to the company to now be treated like chattel. So I applied for and received full retirement even though I lacked the age. At least I met the years of service plus age requirement to qualify for retirement. Although I had to wait until age 60 to begin receiving benefits, my monthly income would be about $5,000 per month, not including social security benefits, assuming that it wouldn’t be broke before I started drawing my retirement.

On my last day of work, I was asked to report to Human Resources where I was met by some personnel flunky who must have been all of 22 years of age. And he had the gall to remind me that I had signed a non-compete agreement when I was first hired by my original employer.

I promptly told him to stuff it up his ass and walked out. On the way out I informed him that if the company chose to enforce that archaic agreement against me, that he could expect to be talking with my attorney. No smart ass was going to tell me what to do! The hell with him and the hell with this company! I guess I caused quite a scene as I departed! Everyone was looking at me as I strode down the hallway and into the next available elevator!

I was so pissed I decided on the spot to cash out all of my company stock that I had purchased years ago! Perhaps it was going to be more symbolic than anything else! After all, the sale of 1,000 shares of stock wasn’t going to set the world on its edge! Well, at least I would get my satisfaction, well at least some satisfaction.

So I picked up the phone and called my stock broker. Ok, at least some guy at the brokerage where he used to work
. My original broker apparently left some years ago, but I guess I really didn’t care or take notice. Anyway, long story made short, I found out that my 1,000 shares had morphed over the years!

After a number of stock splits and stock dividends, my 1,000 shares ended up being more like 100,000 shares! Plus I had apparently elected to reinvest all of my dividends so that was thrown into the pot as well! So after all these years, my investment in the company was more like 150,000 shares!

So I cashed them out! It felt good! Because of the number of shares I owned, I had to file some sort of SEC form to give the company advance warning of my intent to sell. Plus I had to wait a week before I could sell. Don’t ask me why. I just wanted to dump the stock. So I signed and the broker filed the report.

Amazing! The next day I received a call from the company’s investor relations department inquiring why I was selling. So I told them that I needed some funds to live on since the company had just laid me off! Ha! It was sweet however bitter at the same time.

Well after a week had gone by, the brokerage firm called me up to inform me that they had my check waiting for me. But as the amount was so large, that they felt it prudent that they withhold 30% for taxes. I did some rough math in my head, 150,000 shares at $30 per share came out to $4,500,000 ~ HOLY SHIT!!! And 30% of that was $1,350,000!!!! ~ HOLY DOUBLE SHIT!!!! That left me with a check of about $3,150,000! HOLY TRIPLE SHIT!!!!!

I had become a millionaire overnight! I went down to the brokerage and picked up my check. I guess my hands must have been shaking as I took possession of it! I don’t think I’ve ever seen that amount of money in my entire life!

I took the check down to the bank and paid off my mortgage, all of my charge cards, and still had more than $2,750,000 left over! I just stuck it into a money market account and decided that I better think this over before I blew it all on meaningless stuff. One of my better decisions.

Unfortunately, the world soon knew that I had come into some serious cash. I thought banks were supposed to keep their customer information confidential but I started to get hit up by every insurance agent, realtor, investment advisor, and the like! So I stopped answering the phone and decided that a trip was in order until the buzz died down.

Over the years I had made several trips to Honolulu to see clients. I usually stayed at a hotel right next to a large shopping center, just before you get into Waikiki. I didn’t like the traffic and the crowds of people there but I also liked the convenience of being close by to restaurants and night spots. So that hotel did just fine by me. Nothing extravagant however decidedly a level up from Business Class. So I booked a trip to Honolulu for two weeks. I figured it would be nice to kick back someplace where no one knew who I was.

The flight over was ok. I figured since I’d be there for two weeks that perhaps a rental car would come in handy so I picked one up along with instructions of how to get to the hotel. The gals at the rental counter were pretty helpful in providing me with directions that were pretty complete.

After about a half hour of fighting traffic, I made my way to the hotel and left the car with the valet. When I checked in, I discovered that the hotel had upgraded my room to one of the business class rooms. That meant that I had a small Jacuzzi in the room and access to their pool, fitness equipment, and a continental breakfast each morning in their penthouse lounge. Pretty cool.

By the time I got myself settled into the room it was about six in the evening. So I decided to go find someplace to eat. The guy at the concierge desk gave me a ton of options in the immediate area that I could walk to. As I was scanning the list of restaurants, I couldn’t help but overhear the conversation that another guy at the desk was having with a young Japanese gal. She must have been in her late twenties, perhaps a little over five feet, and on the slim side. Plus she was cute! Very attractive. She was dressed in blue jeans, a nice blouse that hugged her body and sandals. Pretty much designer wear. The Japanese are very into name brands and stuff.

Anyway, she knew enough English to carry a conversation with the concierge as I could hear her asking the guy at the concierge desk about places to eat. I figured since she and her friends were also looking for someplace to eat, that perhaps we could keep each other company. So I walked over to them,

‘Gomenasai (excuse me),’ I said. I know just about enough Japanese to get myself in trouble.

She looked at me a little startled but acknowledged my presence, ‘Hai (yes)?’ she responded.

‘I understand that you were looking for someplace to eat tonight?’ I asked.

‘Hai, I want find nice place to eat. Maybe not to expensive?’ she asked in a quiet voice.

‘Well, perhaps we can help each other as I’m also looking for a place to eat tonight. Would you be interested in helping me look for somewhere to eat?’

She looked at me not knowing what to think. I could see indecision in her eyes.

I figured that I needed to put her mind at ease so I added, ‘I was thinking of finding a place to eat where the local people eat. Nothing fancy, then return to the hotel. What do you think?’

‘Let me talk with friends please.’ and she turned to the phone on the concierge’s desk and called her friends. After a brief conversation, she replied, ‘I think you are very kind to offer, but we are three all together.’

‘Three all together? Oh, you mean there are three of you?’

‘Yes please. Sorry, but we all friends so we all together. Is ok?’ she looked a little apprehensive thinking that it might be a problem.

‘Yes, it’s ok. Not a problem.’ I turned back to concierge and they gave me the name and address of a local restaurant nearby that they all ate at themselves. The driving directions seemed simple so I figured that I could take us all there in my rental.

‘Ok, let’s have dinner at a restaurant nearby. I think we can go dressed any way you want so I’m going in my shorts and shirt. What time do you want to go to dinner?’

‘We can go anytime you want. Now is ok.’ She replied, smiling a little more comfortably now after seeing that I was also staying in the hotel. ‘Oh, my name is Kimiko,’ she said.

‘Thank you Kimiko. My name is Todd and I’m a tourist also!’ I smiled as I extended my hand which she shook. When our hands touched, I was taken by the softness and warmth of her hand.

She smiled back at me, then turned back to the phone and called her friends. It took them about 5 minutes to get down from their room. Kimiko and I used the time to get better acquainted with each other.

She was part of a group of tourists that had been stranded by their tour organizer. Pretty shitty deal, but it happens. Their tour guide met them in Osaka, got everyone on board the airplane and accompanied them here. Got them all checked in and had been ready to escort them to dinner when the guide got a call on his phone. After a brief but heated conversation on his phone, he told them that the company had just folded and so he was leaving since he wasn’t getting paid. And he just split.

That had happened the day before. Luckily for them, the hotel rooms had been paid for and they all had their return airline tickets in hand. So they weren’t necessarily stranded. It’s just that they were kind of stuck for the rest of the week. So some of them decided to just go back home while the rest were left to do their own sight seeing. She and two of her girl friends decided to make the most of the days that they had remaining on their vacation also. They figured that this was probably their only trip to Hawaii and so they might as well see as much of Hawaii as they could.

By this time, her friends had joined us and we introduced ourselves to each other. Besides Kimiko,
there was Ai and Mikan. All three were from Osaka and had grown up together. Ai was Kimiko’s cousin. Ai and Mikan were a couple of years younger than Kimiko. Both were just as cute as Kimiko with Ai having a slightly bigger bust than Kimiko, and Mikan being slightly taller than both.

As we left the lobby to retrieve my car from the valet, the three were busily chatting away with each other. I could see by the frequent glances in my direction by Ai and Mikan that they were interrogating Kimiko about me. Probably questioning Kimiko’s sanity in allowing me to take them to dinner. At one point Ai playfully slapped Kimiko on her arm which caused both Mikan and Kimiko to laugh out loud! As I turned to them, Kimiko turned an interesting shade of pink, she was blushing which gave both Ai and Mikan another reason to laugh at her expense.

As I raised my eye brow to them, Ai explained, ‘Sorry Todd-san. But we very surprised by Kimiko agreeing with you take us dinner. We tell her that she just want American boyfriend!’ At which Ai and Mikan had another laugh!

Kimiko got embarrassed at this point and scolded both girls in Japanese, then turned to me, ‘Todd-san, please I sorry. But my friends rude sometimes.’

‘Kimiko, I will not be upset so long as all of you enjoy your dinner with me tonight, ok?’

Kimiko smiled, ‘Domo (thank you), Todd.’ Then turned to her companions and chastised them again, although both Ai and Mikan continued to give her a bad time!

Well the valet finally drove up with my car and brought it curbside. We all jumped in with Ai and Mikan in the back seat and Kimiko in the front. She didn’t have a choice as both Ai and Mikan pushed her into the front seat and shut the door on her! They were having a good time already!

Kimiko continued to blush at their behavior. I reached over and took her left hand and squeezed it gently, ‘It’s ok. I’d like you to sit in the front with me if you don’t mind.’

Kimiko looked at our joined hands, then squeezed my hand back and smiled at me. She then turned back to her friends in the back seat, stuck out her tongue and made a face at them! We all laughed at that!

It took us about a half hour to find the restaurant. It was located close to the Honolulu harbor area and featured seafood of all types. The restaurant was called Sam Choy’s after its founder who was one of the local chefs who made it big. I had purchased one of his cook books on one of my prior trips and anticipated that the food was going to be simply great! And it was!

As we ate, they asked me whether I was a tourist or not as it appeared that I knew something about the restaurant and wasn’t afraid of driving here. I told them about my prior work as a technology designer and having been to Honolulu on several occasions. But that this trip was a vacation just for me!

All the girls worked in Osaka as general clerks. Ai and Mikan had boyfriends back home however Kimiko was single. Ai told me at dinner that Kimiko had helped to raise her from when they were small. Ai’s parents both died when Ai was five and Kimiko’s family took her in. Kimiko’s mother passed away when she was in high school which left Kimiko, as the daughter, to now assume the responsibility of taking care of the household that included a younger brother and her father. Ai felt that Kimiko never had a chance to have a little fun on her own so this trip was for Kimiko whether she knew it or not.

Kimiko told Ai to not say anything but Ai insisted. Kimiko chastised her again, however Ai pouted and asked if there was anything wrong in telling me their story? Kimiko just shook her head.

Ai then asked if I could recommend places for them to see and visit. I decided right then and there that I would try my best to give all three of them a vacation to remember!

After dinner was done and we were in my car driving back to the hotel, I asked that they meet me back in the hotel lobby lounge so we could talk about places to visit. They wanted to refresh themselves so we all agreed to meet there in thirty minutes. We exchanged room numbers so we could call each other if needed.

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Reddit RealAhegao, aka r/RealAhegao! Sometimes, I feel like such a fucking Boomer… with all these new fetishes rising, and them having some weird-ass names, I can’t help but think that I am getting old. Good thing one can never be too old for porn, and that is why you are also here. Let me just start by saying that Reddit has it all, no matter what the fuck you might be searching for.As for those who have read the name of this subreddit and instantly clicked, yes, I am here to talk about...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Wild Sex At The Conference

Dear ISS Readers, thanks for the wonderful response to my previous two . The whopping 5000 likes and a series of emails were good enough reasons to write again. However, it took longer than expected. No complaints though, I had good fun all along thanks to the adventurous and horny readers looking for action. For those reading my story for the first time, I am a 33 years old, six feet tall and a moderately built married man from Bangalore. I have had a lot of fun outside my marriage. Thanks to...

2 years ago
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What Mom Knows Fucks Her Again

What Mom Knows Fucks Her Again Summary: The day after: son fucks Mom again and then her friend in hot threesome.Note 1: This is a sequel to the story What Mom Doesn’t Know Will Fuck Her. Although this story can stand on its own, I highly recommend you read Part One before reading this one....Note 2: A great big hug of gratitude goes to Estragon for his editing.Note 3: Another ‘thank you’ goes to all who voted for part one and requested a sequel to a story I never intended to have a sequel. I...

1 year ago
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Maami Aur Unka Ladka 8211 Part I

Hiii friend i m ari.. Ye mera real name nahi hai.. Mera lund ka size normal hai 6 inch.. Baat kuch mahine pahle ki hai main main kanpur ka rahne wala hu.. Meri maami b mere ghar k pass rahti hai aur unki age 40 hai aur figure 38 32 38 hai.. Main jab unko dekhta tha to mera lund khada ho jaata aur unko chodne ka mann karta.. Main unse bhut frank tha.. Ek din main unke ghar gaya to wo nahane ja rahi the.. Wo mujhese bhut majak karti to maine b majak me unse sath nahane ki baat kahi. Unhone mujhe...

1 year ago
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That special new years eve0

Without much hesitation I agreed and took a large glass of baileys from her, Amanda was gorgeous, to be honest. She was around 5" 4' but from the added height of the heels she had on tonight she looked an easy 5" 8'. She was wearing a short white dress that was mostly see through and was short enough that, if she bent over, you could clearly see her underwear which tonight was a leopard print G-string. She had died red hair that was styled perfectly and always looked great. As I took a...

3 years ago
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The Prescription Fill Generically or Dispense as WrittenChapter 8

My sleep was interrupted a second time by a ringing phone, but at 7:45 Bell's invention was only robbing me of 15 minutes of divine sleep. "Hello my sweet prince. I spoke to Lisa when I saw her go for her bus this morning and I think I know what happened last night. Thank you very much for rescuing me. I was very, very stupid to do what I did. I underestimated you. What you did you would only do for someone you cared deeply for. How I could turn you out or doubt you is beyond me. If you...

3 years ago
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Daphne looked fondly at the framed picture on her desk, sighing to herself as she raised a hand to it. They all looked far too young, too young to be away from home – in her opinion at least. She softly traced the forms of her c***dren with her fingers, smiling at the moving image. Rose was s*******n now, newly crowned head-girl. Her twin brother James also being named head-body, both of her c***dren achieving the best they possible could do.Even though they were both twins, they were separated...

2 years ago
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my wife and our friend cuckold true story

where to start my wife loves her tattoos so one day during sex we like to play fantasize about her fucking another man while I watch so this one particular sex session I asked her if shed like to fuck the guy who does her tattoos she said yes straight away but she said hes an ex weight lifter so he may have a small cock I said only one way to find out try it she said ok. so two weeks later off we went to get her this tattoo I said what you getting she said wait and see so off we went. when we...

4 years ago
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Blackthwaite House Part 2 of 2

BLACKTHWAITE HOUSE (Part 2 of 2) By Lisa Lovelace A month passed. I was still a captive in Blackthwaite House in northwest England's Lake District. I was a boy forced to dress as a girl and serve Lord and Lady Blackthwaite as their maid. Against my will, I found myself growing increasingly resigned to my fate. After all, my captivity was a comfortable one. I could not escape, but as long as I was obedient and diligent in my toilette and housework, I was treated well. I was not...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Hime Marie Lulu Chu Stepsisters Graduation Day

Hime Marie and her BFF Lulu Chu have just graduated! As a prank, they have decided to go nude beneath their graduation gowns. They’re chatting about what they’re not wearing as Hime’s stepbrother, Tony Lovelock, overhears them. He comes up to hit on the girls, especially Lulu. In an effort to impress them, Tony whips his cock out. It’s a bit of a mistake, though, because it’s not long before he accidently cums all over Hime and Lulu’s feet. Grossed out, the...

2 years ago
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"I am nervous" he said. I said "it is notneeded I am there with youna. we will bang her hard. now you justconcentrate on a way to herhouse". he said "I am nervous because thisis my first time. well,when she called me to her house, initially Iwas in heaven. butnow...... will she feel okay looking both of us.I said "I know her.she is very hot & curous about sex. almost allboys of our class hastouched her whole body. It will be not agreat deal for me to convinceher for sex..we reached at her...

2 years ago
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Hardon Family 05 Convention Surprise

John was in an unusual position! Unusual for him, that is. At six-four, two hundred pounds, with an eleven-inch slab of meat that jutted out like a monster club from a jungle of crotch hair when he was hard—like he was now—he didn't often find himself on his knees at the edge of a king-sized bed, resting his weight on his forearms, so that his hard-mus­cled butt was sticking in the air. And he didn't often find himself waiting eagerly to play mare to another man's stal­lion—like he was...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 13

Dave and Evie were in the kitchen at six the next morning drinking coffee when Doctor Boswell walked in, her hair still wet from her morning laps in the pool. She and Evie exchanged greetings. Dave smiled a good morning and stood up. "There's no one in the living room this morning. How did you get him to go to bed?" "Sit down, please," Doctor Boswell, laughed, "You make me feel old." "Sorry, Doctor. I was raised to stand when a lady entered the room. Old habits are hard to...

2 years ago
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Erotic City The Path to No Mans Land

Over five hundred years ago, the Andromeda galaxy collided with the Milky Way, causing the near destruction of the human race. A series of tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornados ripped the Earth to pieces. Those who were unable to get to the shelters perished in the cataclysmic natural disasters. The small number of humans who managed to seek refuge underground struggled to exist in the dark caverns miles below the irradiated surface. In order to adapt, several genetic mutations...

3 years ago
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Milky Adventure Part 6

Hello’s been a while I have uploaded my story..sorry for the delay. Hope u like it and please do comment ur view about it. Please read all my previous stories in the series. This story is more about feelings and less about sex so hardcore sex readers this story is not to ur liking sorry. ( this part is the prequel to the previous part where Riya has not yet given blowjob to her stepson and aravindo. This part is about how she first gave blowjob to them) Aravind was a bit lost. His...

2 years ago
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My Eighteen Year Old Wife Tutors My Baby Brother in Sex

My wife Dee Dee and I married in 1975. We had known each other for about three years and dated regularly and I finally popped the question. During this period, Dee Dee had met my brother Alex many times. We had all gone camping together, eaten many Thanksgiving meals together, and generally hung out together both at our house and his apartment. Dee Dee and Alex had always gotten along very well. They were both the same age and had attended high school together. They had sat in the same...

1 year ago
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Discovery Part 7

After they had finished breakfast and David had put the dishes away, he directed Diane to sit on the couch in the living room, facing the large television mounted on the wall.Sitting down, she called back to him. “How big is this TV?“It’s eighty-five inches,” he answered.“I’ve never seen one this big.”Laughing, David replied, “That’s what she said.”It took Diane a minute, but she started laughing. “Well, I’ve never seen one bigger than yours.”“How many have you seen?”She was quiet for a second...

1 year ago
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br Lust

I was 18 and my b*****r was 19 when we found each other. I have always known my b*****r was gay but my parents didn’t. I would catch him surfing gay porn websites all the time and sometimes I would watch him furiously rubbing his huge cock. I would get turned on but I would never wank myself over it, it seemed wrong. There was one time when my b*****r got so horny that, when he thought I was asl**p he started rubbing his cock on my face and in between my lips. I just stayed still I didn’t know...

3 years ago
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Sarahs NIght Out

My name is Sarah, 33 and married to Dan for six years now. We have a good relationship, and are comfortable rather than well off. We both have careers, Dan as an IT engineer, and I work in an office, organising work for a small team in a book warehouse.We have been thinking of starting a family, but want to wait until we have a place of our own. We are still living with my Mum, which is OK, and it does mean we can save up for a house deposit, but it is a little restricting on our social lives,...

2 years ago
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Jack had had a long fucking day. Nothing in particular, just a lot of those little things that happen now and then. Just a long fucking day. He’d ended up having to stay late to take care of a client. He’d sent his Candy a text message, “Gonna be late kitten… have a drink and a cigar for me in the living room. Had a long day, wear something… exciting. ;)” That was two hours ago. He’d forgotten about having even sent her the message. Now he was tired, kind of grumpy, and his back hurt. Now after...

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Ringing. There was incessant ringing, but Raghav was too tired, physically and mentally, to answer the door. "Come in," he yelled. More intensely the second time: "Come in!"Raghav could not have been more surprised to see his love Deepali, nor less surprised. Nothing made sense anymore. Not since she walked out. He never saw it coming until, well, until she announced one evening that it was time for "a talk." He didn't know about the bag packed in her closet. Nor that her co-worker Dev, the new...

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How Traditions Start part 20 and final

After over two years and countless weeks of working on this series I am both glad and sad to see it conclude. I would like to thank everyone who joined myself and the Fletcher family on this journey. Thanks to all those who read the series, rated it and especially to those who commented and urged me to keep writing. It wasn't always easy, other projects and life in general often got me sidetracked but I was intent on seeing it through and glad that I did. If I offended anyone who read this...

3 years ago
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A husband has been 8220temporally8221 sharing his wife with their gay friend

Charlene and I had been married for the past eight years. We got engaged right out of college, I got a job, we promised each other that we’d wait to have children until our income could make ends meet. That was eight years ago. We live together in a north-side condo. I work as a marketing coordinator and she is in advertising for a for a local fashion designer. That’s how she met John. John was the junior art designer, hired on temporarily to assist with a advertising campaign. My...

1 year ago
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Exciting times in the female toilet

I posted this on my blog some time ago, lost my nerve and deleted it... now I want to write it again.One afternoon when I was in university, I was about to join a lecture in a very old building. First I needed to visit the toilet which was in the basement.As I exited the toilet, I noticed that the female toilet entrance was directly across the hallway. It was very quiet - not many people came down here apart from between lectures. I realised that I could easily see when the female toilet was...

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My Hot Wife Rebecca

My wife became a hot-wife a few months ago. Rebecca and I went out to a local club almost every Saturday night to dance. If she became interested in a man or I in a woman, we would bring them back to our house. A threesome was our usual sexual experience, but there were times both of us had picked up a partner. Those were special nights, and a small orgy usually ensued for the remainder of the weekend. Rebecca and I have an open marriage, that we both are enjoying now. I'm sure as we age, we...

4 years ago
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The Descent of AlexChapter 9

“OH FUCK --- GUYS get your asses in here – you got to see what is in here” I heard as I shook my head, the room now filled with light. In front of me staring down were two young boys in running shorts and cleats – their bare chests glistening with sweat in the filtered sunlight. “Look – someone pissed all over her ... or him ... or fuck I don’t know what the fuck it is...” he said as several other guys crowded in the room. “I wanna piss on her – it’s so fucking hot” “Look at its cock ......

3 years ago
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A Tragic Beginning

Of course I felt guilty; the opportunity of a lifetime had come to me and even if it turned out to be better than even my wildest dreams that wasn't the way I had wanted it to happen. I never wanted to profit from someone else's tragedy. My name is Josh Benning and I have been a closet crossdresser for most of my young life; living out of the clothes hamper of my female relations and those of my few friends. I was never caught, not once, in all those years of dressing up but that was...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Ashlyn Peaks Insanely Huge Natural Tits

You’re going to want to suck, fuck, and share Ashlyn Peaks tits with your homies. They’re so big its amazing Danny Steele can even get his hands around them. Seriously her tits are so big they’re like a dream come true. Not to mention she has a big fat ass too perfect for hitting from behind. Danny Steele fucks her hard and her humps and lumps jiggle all over his cock like an earthquake of sexual pleasure. She sucks and fucks his dick with her tits, and eventually he cums all...

2 years ago
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The Caning of Gina Part II

Gina sipped her coffee as Jim looked on. As on her previous visit to his home she was very nervous. There was no feeling of nervous anticipation this time because she knew what to expect, but she was going to experience pain and, of course, someone else would be present. It had been an ordeal letting Jim see her nakedness last time and it was going to be a bigger ordeal letting another stranger see her intimately. “Well let’s get it over with then” Gina said as she stood up. Jim smiled. “Is...

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Strange Relationship ndash Version X Chapter 007

Tuesday; the morning after the lunch before. I’m still tingling from my encounter with my boyfriend’s son, but thankfully it’s balanced by the headache that the same encounter also left me with. What I really needed was a nice quiet day at work, I had a hundred simple tasks that I could do that would take my mind off everything. The last thing I needed was to get an email from Ben.It said simply this:Log into the instant chat messenger.Not even signed. I knew it was from him of course, not...

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Remembering Tracey Part Five

I followed Tracey out of the movie theater, watching her sexy butt sway in her short skirt. Anyone looking would have noticed the big bulge in the front of my pants, and probably notice the flush on her face as well. We walked out to my truck and I opened her door for her. As she climbed into the seat, I reached up and slid my hand up between her legs, nudging her pussy. It only took a second, and I did it just to make her jump. When my fingers touched her, she was still wet enough that they...

2 years ago
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Life is but a Dream

I had this dream one night and a few days later it came back to me. It is actually based on two separate incidents from my own life, combined with the resulting news coverage of each. I wrote it down and now submit it, for whatever it may be worth. I’ve been writing for many years, but only for my own self-gratification. Submitting my output for peer review is all very new to me. I welcome any and all constructive criticism that will help me become a better writer. I know I’ve still got a lot...

4 years ago
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My teacher

*Please note this is not real. Just a Teacher-student fantasy. This is part one. Part two will come at a later stage. Tell me if you liked or disliked the story and why please. And of course, Enjoy.*Sitting in class during another after school detention for not having my homework done. ''What a load of bullshit'', I muttered to myself, while finishing for the eighty-first time the sentence 'I must do my homework every night or else I will not be ready or able for my future exams'. This was the...

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My Outing With Mr O

A couple of weeks had passed since that special day and I’d been torn by a mix of guilt and ecstasy, every day, reliving those moments with Mrs G and Mrs O. My high school days were coming to an end and next year I would be in college. I had not been asked to babysit at any of the three houses since Mrs G and Mrs O had taken me. So, I’d had to fantasise about wearing lingerie at night when I pleasured myself. The long weekend of June 24th approached, usually the O’s spent this weekend at their...

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