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Almost 30 years have passed! A chance comic encounter with Irene Regan, a former lover, and memories consigned to Sidney Cuniff’s mental attic tumble into the present. These escaped escapades assemble at his feet. Given their unplanned resurrection, he unsurprisingly finds himself reliving vicariously:


The divergence between Sidney Cuniff and Beryl Lind was tricky. No, twisty.

Perhaps had he been upfront at some point about Irene Regan their course of events might’ve been simpler and clear-cut. Instead what they once shared lingered improperly resolved over miles and years.

Having shared intimacy with Beryl, ‘nefarious’ was not one of the attributes he’d ascribed to her. He saw her in mostly complimentary terms. Fortunately for him she never had an inkling of his liaisons with Irene. Because if Beryl had known then surely what eventually transpired never would’ve occurred.

In real life, that was. Certainly in the letters sections of men’s magazines. Still, though, even the densest frat brother knew those stories were churned out in formulaic and assembly-line fashion.

Cuniff decided late on that fate, love and trust had coincided. Beryl wasn’t using the occasion to discomfort nor intimidate him. Rather, taking an extensive now educated view, her gesture, as magnanimous as he’d ever heard or seen, proved the extent of her affection. Had he been less self-absorbed — far less self-absorbed — Cuniff would’ve recognized it and hurried to reciprocate, therefore solidifying their union.

While he grasped all the implications eventually, he acknowledged never possibly being man enough to abide such unquestioning belief.

Cuniff achieved sexual and emotional equilibrium between Beryl and Irene. His justification’s perfection satisfied him almost as much as the girls’ actual complementary charms.

Approaching that time of semester, Beryl grilled Cuniff about his previous Spring Break. He could’ve spilled completely, but had no desire to undergo any thoroughly subsequent interrogations. Sparing himself, Cuniff told Beryl he’d wasted the week away in Matzalan, a little resort town on the Mexican Pacific Coast. In reality, he’d spent much of that week bedding the woman whose guidance refined his urges, the same which Beryl and Irene enjoyed.

If Cuniff needed to keep Irene secret, no way he’d reveal … Beryl might’ve parsed those interludes down to their molecular structure. Then he knew she would’ve culminated her auto de sexo by asking who the better of the two.

Any answer would’ve been unsatisfactory.

One early evening a few weeks before Spring Break 1979, Cuniff accompanied Beryl to the university’s main library. These were rare occasions. Not his visiting the library, but going with her.

An essay was due. She absolutely required tranquility in order to write. As dead as he found a women’s dorm during the week, she believed hers still had too much vibrancy. Beryl’s academic struggles in a men’s dorm surely would’ve made her skull explode.

Ordinarily, Cuniff simply borrowed books from this library. He didn’t even bother haunting the stacks in search of sweet-looking susceptible betties.

Tonight, though, a rare convergence. ‘Triumph of the Will’ had recently been screened in his Language of Film class. Impressed by the primitive propaganda, he scoured the shelves for writings about Leni Riefenstahl, the movie’s director.

Through cursory reading, Cuniff learned the old Nazi had evaded major post-war punishment. In spite of having been in bed with the regime’s high mucks, the director confessed to nothing. Or as Cuniff saw it she used the ‘piano player in the whorehouse’ dodge.

Leni Riefenstahl had it right. When confronted by the facts deny everything! That often worked. It certainly did in her case. If she hadn’t been an old Nazi who’d escaped serious reprimand, he might’ve admired her bald-faced lying as much as her work.

Cuniff knew Beryl would be holding down a table. He looked to demonstrate some diligence by keeping her company as well as separate Leni the artist from Riefensthal the fascist from the white-haired old lady who late in life became an advocate of animist sub-Saharan African tribes.

Somehow his inquisitiveness deviated into asking why the truly bad usually sought atonement for their misdeeds through prodigious botany or championing less advanced cultures. Oh, how Keyworth, Cuniff’s professor, would cream over that theoretical switchback!

Their conversation sotto voce under color draining fluorescent lamps, Beryl suggested they take a driving excursion along the California Coast, from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Monterey, Carmel, the whole Pacific Coast Highway actually, particularly interested her.

He liked the idea. Over a year in the West and Cuniff had yet seen the Pacific. Besides, seeing Hearst Castle in San Simeon ought have clarified some questions he had about the movie ‘Citizen Kane.’ The vistas around Carmel were said to have been dramatic. Also, six nights with Beryl.

Unlike the spontaneity Irene presented him, sex with Beryl was too regulated. Mood seldom struck. The time always had to be right. The loosely structured approaching vacation week should’ve opened opportunity aplenty for them to indulge in mindless, feckless sex play.

Only after he wholeheartedly endorsed the road trip did Beryl mention Coral. She didn’t pop his balloon, though rude fingers on its surface sure emitted skin-crawling squeaks.

‘Beryl, darling, why do you want to bring Coral along?’

‘You don’t want her to come?’

‘I see it as a time we can have all to ourselves,’ Cuniff said. ‘We won’t have to be nice, kowtow or accommodate anybody else. We can be alone and do what we want when we want without worrying about maybe inconveniencing others. We can be selfish with each other.’

Beryl owned an uncanny knack for shredding his solid reasoning.

‘You mean we can stay naked a lot longer after we fool around that much more,’ she said.

‘Well, there’s that, too.’

‘Sid, right now chocolate wouldn’t melt in your mouth.’

Cuniff slid fingers into the notch between the folds of Beryl’s shorts. She carefully glanced around. They faced the second floor stacks. Behind them a picture window filled by a lighted Arizona Stadium. She reflexively clamped her thighs together.

‘Give me two minutes I’ll make this melt 22 times in my mouth,’ Cuniff said.

Beryl bolted upright.

‘C’mon, baby,’ Cuniff cooed. ‘Let me be your 60 Minute Man.’

The refrain from an old entendre-laden tune forced her to stifle a snigger. One big snigger. While her upper torso remained straight, Cuniff’s below-the-belt fingering made her wriggle.

‘Aye!’ he said. ‘There’s the rub!’

A brittle trill running through her voice, Beryl said, ‘Fuck, Sid, I’m gonna –‘

‘ — Scream!?’ Cuniff answered.

Her inner impropriety alarm must’ve rung because as much as she obviously enjoyed Cuniff’s manipulations, the frisson increased thanks to their public exposure, Beryl forcefully concluded the session. Using both hands, she clutched his pleasuring hand’s wrist. Drawing every reserve of Swede farm girl strength, Beryl dredged his appendage from her lap. His resistance more for show than effort, she still struggled. Beryl thumped his forearm on the table. After looking around once more, a clear coast allowed Beryl to perform a most unlady-like shimmy in her shorts.

Cuniff asked, ‘Are your nipples hard? Mine are.’

‘No doubt,’ Beryl sighed, unbunching her clothing.

‘We ought to give these books a break and find an unoccupied bed someplace,’ Cuniff said. ‘What luck! I happen to know of one that’s close by. C’mon, Beryl, you know how I like to see your –‘

Beryl knew exactly what he liked to see. Her widening eyes and tightening mouth shushed him. He gave the amorous stuff a rest. His face
sloughed off its wolfish cast. He hoped it settled into one that appeared at least mildly interested. Cuniff weaved his fingers behind his head and leaned back in the seat.

He conceded the conversation to Beryl. Eagerness replaced her perturbation.

‘I know it’s an imposition having Coral come along,’ she said. ‘I wouldn’t insist if I thought all it’d do was piss you off.’

‘I’m not pissed off,’ Cuniff said. ‘The week should be ours, is all. Ours alone. Hitting the Coast is a perfect suggestion you skewer by including Coral. If she wants to see the Pacific, fine. There must be some guy who wants to go, who’s looking for some chick to go with. You and I, we put our heads together, we can find him, pair them up, then go our own way.’

‘It’s that simple, huh?’

‘That’s linear thinking,’ Cuniff said.

Beryl slid her hand into his crotch. His shorts were baggy. She deftly managed finding his cock among the confining folds. Alone the pressure of her palm was enough. Her teasing strokes elicited one big Pavlovian response.

‘This is an entirely girly answer,’ Beryl said. ‘I need you to do something you wouldn’t understand now because doing so later will prove how much you would do for me.’

‘That’s convoluted, isn’t it?’ Cuniff asked.

She pled in an insinuating tone. ‘Do this, Sid, and the result will be reciprocal. I will be grateful. I promise.’

Cuniff pondered while she kneaded his joint. Beryl had done much for him and been much as well. Mostly a challenge. Until tonight the adjective ‘grateful’ had enjoyed little currency between them. What was her ulterior motive? Oh, yes, there must’ve been one. She wouldn’t simply drop Coral on him out of goodness, mercy and kindness. Coral was clutter. Beryl functioned in a precise calculated manner. That was the kind of discipline which should’ve been exploited at the track and various games of chance.

Now his curiosity was engaged. Cuniff wondered about the urgency behind Coral’s incipient third-wheel-hood. Beryl had to have known his agreeing would make her beholden to him. Her stroking blurred all the angles.

Absently, his regret vague, Cuniff approved.

Beryl ceased working his meat over and kissed him. Not a cheek peck, but one full on the mouth passion exchange. This gesture further raised his suspicions. Beryl was not into such overt displays of affection. Especially in a site as holy as the library.

Nonetheless she piqued his interest as well as tented his pants.

Roomy as Beryl’s car was Cuniff couldn’t quite shake how the three of them crowded it. While he drove the lions share through Southwest voids, Beryl and Coral navigated city lanes.

Coral’s was a chirpy presence. She prattled incessantly. Funny thing was Beryl kept pace. Until the radio signals faded, ceding the dial to country/western or religious stations, he heard them as competition against music. Yet once appreciable reception weakened, their diversion became relief.

Listening as closely as he did, Cuniff still failed making heads or tails of their references. To him theirs was a plain language code whose simple key lay maddeningly just beyond his reach.

While his time behind the wheel mounted, Beryl started spending more and more miles sprawled in the back seat. Glimpses of her were becoming rarer. Maybe if he craned his neck and canted sight he might spy her wind-blown auburn curls and mystery-laden placid expression. Otherwise there was only Coral’s constant being beside him. Whenever his eyes swept the three mirrors (to break the asphalt’s hypnotic effect), Coral’s sight always seemed leveled on him.

The frequency discounted coincidence. After some several hundred miles Cuniff realized he was Coral’s focus. Any more blatantly and she would’ve been staring. On one hand, her insistence should’ve creeped him out. On the other, Cuniff was a 20-year-old man — women making him the center of their universes was his due by dint of everything masculine.

Naturally that last self-serving observation kept him from sharing his realization with Beryl. Somehow he knew she’d take offense at being just another satellite orbiting his sun.

Since Cuniff ‘endured’ hundreds of miles of Coral (mostly in three-quarters profile), he used the long seating to really appraise her. Over miles her lively face, one framed by light brown bangs, became less goggle-eyed. Instead, he gauged an appealing brightness and liveliness, behind which burned piercing expectation.

Coral’s mouth was small, her lower lip fuller than the top. He bet her lips would be sweetly responsive slivers to an attentive man. Especially one with thick lips such as his own. Several times his gaze lingered longer than both knew necessary and she blushed lightly, her mouth’s corners twisting into intricate curlicues.

In spite of himself he met Coral’s smile.

A generally northwestern blaze through Arizona, Las Vegas, the Mojave and Central Valley poured them into San Francisco. Spending two nights in Vegas, they indulged in a truncated Rat Pack crawl along the Strip, making poor people’s bets in the Flamingo and at the Frontier, then enduring cheesy lounge acts at the MGM Grand. For true ring-a-ding-ding splendor, they nursed drinks while swapping excitement as the city boldly twinkled below them from atop the Sands’ rooftop revolving bar.

To each person, Vegas failed lasting long enough.

The Mojave did not broil in March. Indeed, conditions were such that an inversion sealed cool and fog against the desert floor.

Endless verdancy aside, the Central Valley held little appeal for Cuniff. He wasn’t an Aggie and agriculture bored him. Besides, he’d seen more than his fill of companeros in Eloy, a town astride the Interstate between Tucson and Phoenix. Whether the crop cotton, pistachios or now in California, vegetables, he knew the back-breaking, hand-wrenching toil hard yet badly compensated.

One absolute about Northeastern elementary and secondary schools — there were always overly conscientious teachers who spared little guilt while illustrating the relative privileges of their students’ lives. Their kvetching was well meant. As utmost professional agitators, um, educators, as they were, most, if at all possible, would’ve fed students chunks of ‘Let Us Now Praise Famous Men’ intravenously.

It was seldom enough to read ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ when a petitioner from Cesar Chavez’ organization could be procured to lead the class in a discussion concerning the plight of current migrant workers.

Of course Cuniff loved table grapes.

San Francisco wasn’t New York but Boston squeezed onto a smaller Left Coast landspit. With the girls along there wasn’t any visit to the Mitchell Brothers theater. With the girls along there was one unsteadying sojourn through the Castro District. Believing himself secure enough in his manhood, Cuniff still lacked exhibiting the total indifference required while being perused and cruised by gays.

Funny thing was men objectifying Cuniff raised his estimation in Beryl’s eyes. Coral chimed in, calling him ‘a pretty man.’ A being of all surface, Coral possessed no sense of drollery. He accepted her bald statement for what it was: a bald compliment.

The Pacific Coast Highway was the only way they considered going south. Sure, blasting along I-5 would’ve been faster, but Coral wanted to see Pebble Beach — who knew she liked golf? — Beryl a winery and 17-Mile Drive, while Cuniff’s goal waited in San Simeon.

In San Francisco they fulfilled the touristy circuit. Coit Tower. Lombard Street. Drinky-poohs at the St. Regis. Sourdough bread and chocolates in Ghiaridelli Square, eating the day’s catch on Fisherman’s Wharf. Cuniff knew from New York that these venues mostly the province of out-of-towners like themselves. He wondered if the locals were numb to them like he was to the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty. Although he lived barely half an hour dis
tant from both, Cuniff had yet ever visited the observation deck or sail to Liberty Island.

And skate at the Rockefeller Center ice rink — forget it!

Such absences conferred echt New Yorker status, no?

Fortunately, Beryl and Coral toted along their cameras. Back in Tucson, the results weren’t brilliant but after reflection touching.

Aboard an Alcatraz Island tour boat, Coral had snapped several of him and Beryl. The deep blue of the bay further drew the color in Beryl’s face that the morning’s chilly breeze stirred. She wore a contented smile, her eyes warm. Frozen in the photograph her wind-whipped hair became lustrous under the bright sun.

It was the most beautiful Cuniff had ever seen her. He should’ve told her then. Afterwards, after seeing Coral’s results, he ought to have again. Yet such were their power, combined with the trip’s latter phantasmagoria, that he reluctantly withheld the effusion. Emotion and an unspoken though nonetheless imposed feeling of obligation might’ve transformed his simple declaration into one ambivalent claim of love.

Cuniff could not speak the words because he did not believe them. Having Irene Regan on the sly proved that. Still, in his later years when the chosen course stopped looking so sure, Cuniff unearthed and gazed upon that perfect frozen moment before taste succumbed to male gluttony.

Until San Simeon, sleeping arrangements were tolerable. Seeing themselves worldly enough, Cuniff and Beryl shared one bed, while Coral sprawled in the room’s other. The miracle behind America’s hospitality industry assured those beds would always be queen-sized twins, the gap between them ample enough to muddle his and hers bundling or frottage.

After all the communal screwing he’d done at Stennerson’s, Cuniff found it odd to be so solicitous of Coral’s propriety. He worried she’d view their intimacies as inconsiderate. Or worse, mistake them for instances of blithe abandonment. Her lack of suitors was the biggest reason Beryl insisted having Coral accompany them. She didn’t want Coral moping around a pretty devoid campus during Spring Break. Watching or hearing them carry on might’ve made them all regret Beryl’s kindness.

When clothed friction just wouldn’t suffice, Cuniff and Beryl maneuvered themselves into positions whose efforts emitted as little noise as possible while exacting the greatest amount of pleasure. Excruciating and ridiculous, it was all the pair could do not to curse or laugh aloud at their plight.

Thankfully after her first rugby party Beryl never returned to Stennerson’s. Drunkenness nor brutish behavior kept her away, but the sheer excessive frivolity of those bacchanals. She believed the dissipation witnessed that night could only have been exceeded by what remained unseen.

As Beryl often told him she had quite an imagination.

How he didn’t flatten that claim by cluing her in Cuniff never knew. Obviously some part of her didn’t want him wallowing at party central. However, Beryl must’ve also reasoned that demanding his curtailment in those social spectacles might certainly have been seen by him as her intrusion.

Nonetheless had she asked Cuniff would’ve complied. Yet his subsequent attempts at not resenting her would surely have strained both. In the end her ‘outta sight, outta mind’ stance diluted their likely discord.

Different than Irene’s or any girl he made at Stennerson’s, Beryl’s love-making wasn’t demonstrative. No great yelps of passion from Beryl. Her limbs didn’t thrash. Cuniff liked how she took him. She lost herself in his exertions, transported to places he’d only suspect, transformed behind closed eyes and dreamy expressions.

Often Beryl’s palms and fingers completed soft circuits of his tensed shoulders and arms. Through this contact along his contour she not only acknowledged his presence but also subtly directed him.

In San Simeon, Beryl introduced an unexpected variable. At first Cuniff saw it as an ingenious device by which she hoped to expose his indiscriminate bed-hopping at Stennerson’s, as well as his more passionate rampings with Irene. Ultimately Cuniff concluded Beryl’s machinations were from immense empathy, not sinister motives.

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Introduction: two boys discover their passion This is a continuation of the story Cody and Adam. I highly recommend that you go back and read part one if you have not already. Cody and Adam Part 2 I think Im gay. As soon as he said this he buried his head into his arms and curled up almost into a ball. It took my mind a moment to register what he had just said and all I could manage was really? He said nothing but just shook his head slowly. At that moment I moved right next to him on the...

2 years ago
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Sexteen Simone Slow Seduction 1 Start

SIMONE AND I HAVE AN INTIMATE INTENSIVE BOND AS IF I AM HER HORNY GREAT GRANDFATHER!Simone and I are cunningly close - As close as two humans can - Simone has no idea: Simone LOVES MESimone and I are coming closer to that Tremor Truth step by step slower after every move till it seems to stopSimone and I lose contact almost - although REAL LOVE IS FOR EVER & ETERNAL IN FACT IT'S HEAVEESimone and I lose contact in terms of Eye-sight - and in geographical distance at Amsterdam's opposite...

2 years ago
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Erbarmungsloses Afrika

Meine Geschichten sind alle frei erfunden und haben keinerlei Bezug zur Wirklichkeit. Alle Darsteller und Darstellerinnen sind über achtzehn Jahre alt und niemandem wurde während der Erzählarbeiten ein Haar gekrümmt. ### Eine Nacht in Madanibougou Teilnehmerinnen der Minusma-Mission in Bamako werden für politische Zwecke und auch sonst missbraucht. ### Im Dienst nach Nigeria Eine diplomatische Mission zu den Boko Haram im Dschungel Nigerias geht fürchterlich schief. ### Durch das grüne...

4 years ago
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The Job Chp 2 The Changes

They held each other for a long time, their bodies subtly swaying with the constant low rumble of the machines flying overhead. He felt her body's heat against his, her familiar form felt strange against his chest. Finally, Stan broke their embrace as he tried to lighten the mood.“Could use a towel, though,” Stan chuckled as he gestured to his elongated soapy face. His own laughter sounded and felt oddly nasal with his pushed-out face. He wanted to stop as soon as he started, it felt too...

Monster Sex
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The Check Up

" Mandy who is next" "Mrs Smith. Ms Pointer" Mandy hands me a manila folder as I walk passed and enter the surgery. "Hello Mrs Smith" I look down at a beautiful woman, her long slender black stocking legs are in the stirrups. Her black dress d****d over the chair. Her black lacy bra garter belt and knickers are of a very high quality with little white flowers. Her black high heels hang from her toes. Her pussy is trimmed. "Hello. I was expecting Dr Long. " she looks disappointed."How can we...

3 years ago
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MY BEAUTIFUL COUSIN...our morning walkAfter breakfast I packed a little something for our lunch. I walked to my room and knocked on the door,"Hey Ginger are you about ready? I just need to get my jacket from the closet." Ginger opened the door and I walked in taking a quick look at her as I opened the closet and grabbed my jacket. "You're looking nice this morning." I said, "You ready to hit the woods?" She stepped closer and said "I'm ready to hit this wood, I've been thinking about it all...

3 years ago
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Wild CardsChapter 8

Anthony was trying to figure out how to control this new development or at least understand it. He could feel the beast bubble to the surface, as a strange scent came through the open window. Anthony was greatly interested in this unexpected reaction. First he checked to see if Leah was still asleep. Then he followed the scent out of the building. He made his way to the rooftop to get a better view climbing upward. Anthony soon lost scent as he made his way across the rooftop of the...

1 year ago
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Doing Another Sexy Neighbor Rhoda

I'm surrounded by sexy women -- they're all married, they're all very pretty and sexy, and, fortunately for me, they're all willing to put out. Yeah, whatever terms you want to use for it, all of my married neighbors are willing to spread their legs, to take my cock up their pussies, and most of them are equally willing to suck my big hard cock into their sexy mouths and suck me until I'm hard enough to fuck them or even to suck me completely off. It's an unbelievable...

3 years ago
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DaughterInLaw Tricked Into Sex Twosome

Raj and his friend shyam sat down on the couch with a can of beer each and started to watch the basketball. Raj was a married 55 year old who lived with his wife of 30 years out in the countryside. Raj was a slightly overweight man who had a large beer belly, and had gone completely bold. Since he retired five years ago, he would spend most of his days, and night drinking with his buddies. His wife had gone to her friends for the night, so raj had invited shyam over to watch the basketball with...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Nikki Benz Big Boob French Maid Services Mandingo8217s Big Black Cock

Naughty maid Nikki Benz is here to service all of Mandingo’s needs. She does some dusting in her slutty maid outfit with a tiny patent leather top, matching mini skirt with NO PANTIES, fishnet stockings, a choker, and black high heels. Nikki makes her way over to Mandingo, who is waiting on the couch, and teases him as she shows off her perfect body. Mandingo joins her in the kitchen, turns her around, and lifts up her mini skirt so he can lick her tasty pussy from behind. Now that Nikki’s all...

2 years ago
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Our Shower Experience With my Girlfriend

I thought of standing in a shower with you instead …the thought of you being in the shower with me… The thought of standing in the shower face to face and together was just so very inspirational and exceptionally soothing. Facing each other, as the warm water is gently pouring over us and as the first warm streams flow down from over your shoulders and onto our skin and making us feel even warmer and more relaxed. I am slowly feeling my body against yours, sliding my skin on yours and feeling...

3 years ago
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Introduction To True Gangbang 8211 Part 2

Very sorry for the huge delay in the second part. Work commitments had kept me extremely busy. Hope all of you out there enjoy this. Continued… As she stood still, their eyes scanned every inch of her visible skin, lustfully they looked at her like a hungry tiger looking at a piece of meat. What followed next was a minute of silence and zero motion, which finally broke when I moved towards the bed, picked up a sheet and walked towards Anu. “Stop!” said the second guy, “what’s the rush?”. Anu...

1 year ago
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AssParade Sahara Leone Sahara Loves BBC

Today we have Sahara Leone showing us what she can do with her ass. Her ass is so amazing that we ask her to jiggle and twerk for us and she blew our minds; we can watch her play with her ass all day. Lucky for her we have Isiah coming in ready to rock her world. Sahara has been wanting to fuck Isiah so what better than to have big daddy Bang Bros make it happen. Isiah oils her down and gets ready to fuck her tight pussy. Sahara gets on all fours and backs that ass up until she cums, multiple...

2 years ago
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25 May 2008Chapter 7

Mark had taken several sips of water, his own pulse elevated by the intensity of the play on the ice below him. “The face-off is in the Chiefs’ end to the right of Tokarski. There are thirty seconds remaining in Subban’s penalty, a minute and fifteen remaining in the third period. The Falcons are that much time away from winning their first CHL championship. Can they hold off the constant onslaught from the Chiefs?” “Mark, this must be the longest two minutes of P.K. Subban’s hockey career!...

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7th Heaven Annies Sexual Awakening

It was early Sunday morning when Annie Camden awoke to the sun shining in her bedroom window. She rolled over reaching for her husband Eric but of course he was already awake. Probably downstairs in the office practicing his sermon she thought to herself as she stepped out of bed. She walked to the bathroom and turned on the tub faucet. She would have liked to sleep in a bit longer but it was Sunday and that meant another day at church. Eric was the reverend so attendance for herself and their...

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Seducing the Neighbor Girl Ch 03

Chapter 3. Going Public Saturday morning I woke up with Paige’s dark haired head on my chest. Her fingers were gently stroking my genitals. ‘Having fun playing?’ I asked. ‘I’ve never really studied one of these up close before. I could just sit here and play with it like this all day.’ ‘Sounds like a plan to me.’ I agreed. ‘Babe, what’s next for us?’ ‘I thought we just decided to stay in bed so you could play with me. We should think about breakfast or lunch at some point though.’ ‘No...

2 years ago
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Jessica Part 2 Exploring Bondage

After spending an night and morning exploring the sexuality of my best friend’s wife, Jessica, she had expressed an interest in exploring bondage. I decided that I would put together some things to have with me, just in case I got a chance to spend another night with her while her husband was out of town. I was certain that a fair amount of rope would be necessary, several pieces of varying lengths were readily available, since my wife and I had sometimes explored some bondage scenarios. ...

1 year ago
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Alex to Alina Chapter 5 All Work

Chapter 5: All Work... Almost immediately after swallowing the pills I had rushed back to my room and relieved myself of my "tension". I don't remember much other than a lot of moaning, but as soon as I was done, and panting on my bed, the guilt had come rushing back, and I had quickly removed everything from my body. I then devoted the rest of my afternoon to drying out a set of my normal clothes. I made sure to leave the pills, reddit, and lingerie to themselves, and was scared to...

4 years ago
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Runaway becomes a prostitute

I was walking towards i dont know where, i just wanted to go away. It was dark, there werent any cars, i would occasionally see a truck or two go by. It was then a Truck slowed down next to me. The trucker opened the window and asked me if i wanted a ride. I declined, he insisted that its dark and i might get hit by someone. I got inside his truck. His name was Noah, he was an old silver bear in his late 50s, white beard, hairy white chest hair poking out and a big belly. We introduced...

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Delta OriginalChapter 5 Essco Gets Lucky

Hue was getting worried. Ed and Ria were giving him grief about only being able to be with him on level four. He’d only let them fuck him in the lab or occasionally if it was very late in his room. He wouldn’t go to their place, and he wouldn’t sit with them at mealtimes. The fact their room was opposite to William’s didn’t help. The lab they had set up on the ship for growing the crystals had a decon door. It was also one of the few labs on the fourth level. Due to the chemicals, they were...

3 years ago
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Another AmberChapter 2

By the fourth day, Amber had recovered sufficiently for Roger to have sex with her. Though her vagina was still sore, her mouth and throat had healed already, and were the target of Roger's desire. She took him into her throat easily. Though he was 8 inches long, she had been abused by men with 12-inch cocks, and had been taught to take them. Roger was easier to take. Afterward, he had kissed and sucked her breasts and nipples, bringing Amber to another set of orgasms. In the following days...

1 year ago
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DTE night 2

it had been about a year since our first date night, and we were both getting worked up about trying it again. she had this night for next weekend. the anticipation of the night was killing me, and finally it arrived. once again we met at the bar. she was wearing a short skirt and a purple top that accentuated her shoulders and large tits. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. she had a guy on the hook already. I could see he had a hand on her leg. I sent her a text asking if she was having a...

2 years ago
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My first time giving a blowjob

This is my second story to post here. My first effort was a true story about my first time with a male, who happened to be my uncle. After that first time we continued to play, mostly just mutual masturbation and he performed oral sex on me a couple times. I was so excited to return the favor, I wanted his dick in my mouth in the worst way. I had just come in from doing some outside chores, he was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer. We were both nude, which was the common mode of dress...

3 years ago
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Real Family Sex Part 8211 2

Oru NAL na ennoda 3rd Akka vani veetuku pona nanum avalum friends madhri ellathaium pesuvom sex pathi kuda share pannipom annaiku adhe pola pesumbodhu ava keta ennadi un husband epdi okkurarunu na nallatha okurarunu sonna apram un husband epdinu keta , okkave matrandi enaku ippo age 41 enna 25 varushama okkuraru. Enna othu othu salichu pocha masam oru murai okkurarudi En kuthiku varam rendu murai othale pathadhu masam oru muraina epdidi neeye sollu? Rev: sari apram ennadha pandranu ippo. Vani:...

4 years ago
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Cheating Wives Leila Relapses Chapter 9

In the months since Leila went back to seeing Ace, she had been slipping in many ways. It wasn’t so obvious at home, where she was constantly taking precautions to keep Joel fooled. But at work, she was different. Her mannerisms and her tongue were looser, more carefree and vulgar. She had girlfriends at work that she gradually confessed to. They knew months before Joel found her out and left that she was being a cheating, reckless slut. Her friends were divided on this. A few of them...

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Pagan Princess Chapter One

It is the year 50 AD; Roman invaders had set up enclaves throughout the southern lands of Briton. They had met with fierce Pagan Kings who fought bitterly against them and also showed the same aggression toward their neighbouring counterparts.One of these Kings was Alfred who had spawned two c***dren, a boy and a girl. His son who was every bit as fierce as his father perished at the hands of the Romans in one of the bloodiest of battles ever to have raged on the south coast of Briton. The...

2 years ago
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Colors of the NightChapter 13

Travis switched cars with his mother, despite his father's protest over how he mishandled cars, trucks, and anything of value. As he made his way across the width of Michigan, Anya had crawled into the back seat of the sedan and promptly had fallen asleep. She didn't even stir when he pulled off of the interstate to fill up the gas tank. He grabbed a couple of bottles of juice from the little store, paid the bill and slid back behind the steering wheel. As he put the car into gear, he...

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Starting fisting

Starting Fist 1 STARTING FIST I've always been proud of my body. At 38 I'm 5'8", 156 pounds and have always been thin. It seemed most of my weight was centered in my breasts. I once tried to weigh my boobs and figured they were about 14 pounds each. They are the only out of kilter part of my body. I do love having huge tits but wish they weren't so long. They hang to a few inches above my crotch and should be broader for their length. I suppose that as the rest of me is on the...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part VIII

Julie’s email sent Alistair straight up to the bedroom. He quickly got out of his trousers and pants and grabbed a pair of her knickers and lay on the bed. He didn’t know where to start as he began to stroke himself. Should he concentrate on Bajram fucking her? Perhaps he should think about Ceres and his Julie together? Maybe even think about Abdul and Bajram both fucking her that very morning? But the two faces that filled his mind were those of Jeff and Alan, his friends of longstanding. ...

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Those Days With Bhabhi Pt 1 Bete Ki B8217day Party

Hi dosto, mera naam Arpit hai aur main Gurgaon mein it company mein job karta hu. Yeh story meri aur mere neighbour mein rehne wali Deepti bhabhi ki hai. Unke husband ek saal se Germany mein hai to meri line clear thi. This is my first attempt in writing a story so I request everyone to forgive me for any mistakes. Story thodi lambi hai but I hope apko pasand ayegi. Apke feedback ka mujhe intezar rahega. . Aap mujhe mail kar sakte hai aur hangout par message bhi. I will continue with the...

4 years ago
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Fresh Creampie

It was a warm summer day we have been working on the house all day long. My 3 buds were helping putting in the hard wood floors Dave's married and Jeff's single and a bit of a ladies man. My wife was looking great as always she was keeping us in food and drink. She was wearing her really short shorts and a loose T-shirt no bra so her beautiful 34 B breast were looking great. What was interest was every time she brought us some beer, she would bend over and you could get a glimpse of her perky...

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Adventures Across Aarkathia

Long ago the continent of Aarkathia was formed of the bones of the Dragon it was named after. The great beast was slain by the combined efforts of three god-like heroes: Aven'Dashiel of the Icehome Elves, Badhagor the Orcish lord of the Stonehead tribe, and Coralia, human champion of the ancient Storm Horse Empire. They were aided in this task by a mysterious young woman known only as Demizida the Hooded, a trusted servant (and some say lover) of them all. The magical weapons used to strike the...

3 years ago
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Muriel III

“Caress” was not a typical adult toy store. It was bright and cheerful. Products were on display and well organized. It was not a large store, but they certainly seemed to have a very good selection of products. When we entered there was already six or seven people browsing.One girl with blue-black hair and a ring through her eyebrow was on behind the cash register. The other shop girl also with dark hair and dark make up, but no piercing came out from behind the counter and approached my wife....

Group Sex
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Sex Education

Mohandas looked at the class and with a smile in his face said-“Today I am going to teach you the most interesting chapter for you people”. He winked at some boys and said –“I know some boys has already gained this knowledge”. Rajiv is little different from other boys was listening carefully to his teacher. Mohandas-“So boys, have not you feel any attraction to any girls or woman…”. Rajiv felt like a bolt, he do felt attraction to women, though he thought it as sinful. Mohandas-“ It is a nature...

4 years ago
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A Sleepover with Tammy Chapter 2

For a boy to wake up with three beautiful girls all snuggled around me, I was in heaven. Okay, I did sleep on the floor with some sleeping bags wrapped around. And I was wearing a bra and panties with Tammy's Hannah Montana nightgown twisted around my body. I tried to unwrap myself as quietly as possible so I didn't wake the girls, but Tammy was already awake and staring at me. "You should have washed your makeup off before you went to sleep, Jamie." I stood myself up and fixed the...

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