Indiscretions Ch. 21 free porn video

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Passion In James County IX


By D.C. Roi

Chapter twenty-one

Peter Tomlinson parked his car in front of Bonnie Markham’s garage, got out, walked up the sidewalk to Bonnie’s house, and rang the doorbell.

Bonnie opened the door and her eyes brightened when she saw Peter. ‘Hi,’ she said.

‘Wow!’ Peter said, ‘You look fantastic!’

Bonnie had on a loose-fitting turquoise dress, gathered at the waist by a sash. The looseness of the dress accentuated, rather than hid, her voluptuous figure.

‘Thank you,’ she replied. She felt herself blushing. It had been a long time since she’d blushed. But then, it had also been a long time since she’d been complimented sincerely on her appearance.

‘Ready to go?’ Peter asked.

‘Let me get my coat,’ Bonnie said. She did and they left.

He took her to the same restaurant he’d taken her to before. Milos, the proprietor, greeted them at the door and, as he had the previous time they were there, he made a huge fuss over Bonnie.

‘You are a very attractive lady, Miss Bonnie,’ the restaurant owner said. ‘I think it is about time my friend, here, finds one such as you. I have been telling him for years that he needs to find a good woman and settle down.’

‘Ah…thank you,’ Bonnie replied, feeling her face get hot again.

They were shown a table and Milos left them to study the menus.

‘How was your day?’ Peter asked.

‘I had a hard time concentrating at work, knowing we’d be together again tonight,’ she replied.

Peter smiled. ‘Do I really have that effect on you?’ he asked.

Bonnie smiled back at him and nodded. ‘Yes,’ she replied. ‘You do.’

‘Gee,’ Peter said. ‘It’s so nice of you to say that and boost the fragile ego of a poor traveling salesman.’

‘Knock it off,’ Bonnie laughed. ‘You do as much for my ego as I do for yours.’

Peter grinned and said, ‘I like the way you’re packaged tonight.’

‘If the meal’s as good as you claim it’s going to be, maybe you’ll get to unwrap the package later,’ Bonnie shot back, surprised how bold she was being.

Peter smiled. ‘That’s an interesting offer,’ he said. ‘I already know the quality of the goods wrapped in that package. And, knowing the quality of the meals they serve here, I think I’m in for two treats.’

The meal came, they ate, and chatted as they enjoyed their meal. As Peter promised, the food was excellent. When they finished eating, they went out to his car and he drove to the apartment he’d recently rented.

‘I assume you want me to come in for a nightcap?’ Bonnie asked after her date braked the car to a stop.

‘I thought I was promised I’d get to unwrap a package,’ he teased. ‘Did you find the meal satisfactory?’

‘You know I did,’ Bonnie said.

Once they were in the apartment, Bonnie took off her coat, hung it up, then turned to face Peter, who was staring at her, his face red.

‘Come here,’ he said softly, his voice husky.

Bonnie walked to him and was immediately gathered in his strong arms and pressed against his hard body. His lips covered hers. Warmth spread through both of them as their tongues emerged and dueled. The kiss finally ended and, breathless, they studied at each other.

‘I…I’ve been thinking about that all day,’ Bonnie gasped.

‘Me, too,’ Peter said. His voice was tremulous.

‘It was worth the wait,’ Bonnie said, then pulled his face to hers again.

Their second kiss was even better than the first. When it ended, Peter scooped Bonnie up in his arms as if she were weightless, carried her to his bedroom, and laid her on the bed gently.

Bonnie was amazed how gentle Peter always was and how tenderly he handled her. She lay there on his bed, her insides quivering, waiting for him to start making love to her.

Peter sat down on the bed next to her, reached for the sash around the waist of her dress, and tugged on it. ‘I guess it’s time for me to start unwrapping my package,’ he croaked.

‘Oh, yes!’ Bonnie replied.

Peter got the sash untied, then he unbuttoned her dress slowly, carefully spreading the garment open as he did.

Bonnie lay there, her excitement growing, as Peter slowly loosed her dress. After what seemed like an eternity, he had the garment completely unfastened.

‘My God!’ he whispered, gazing at her ardently, once the dress was fully open.

Bonnie felt as if her body was on fire. Her chest was heaving and she had a hard time breathing. Her heart was pounding so hard, she felt as if it were going to explode. All that remained on her was her sheer bra and pair of lacy string bikinis.

Peter undid the clasp of the bra which, fortunately, was in front, between Bonnie’s splendid breasts. The lovely globes, released from their confinement, stood proudly, the nipples already hard.

When Peter’s hand closed around one of her breasts, Bonnie felt as if she might faint. Many men had touched her, but none of them had ever made her feel the way Peter did! It almost felt as if she were being touched for the first time! ‘Oh, Godddd!!!’ she sighed. ‘Oh, yessss!!!’

Peter bent and his lips seized one of her nipples. Shock-waves of pleasure reverberated through Bonnie. She grasped her lover’s head and pulled him against her.

From one breast to the other his lips moved, trailing fire and delight. While his lips suckled Bonnie’s turgid nipples, Peter’s hand stole over her body, across her softly rounded belly, under the waist of her panties.

‘Please!!! Oh, Peter, please!’ she whimpered, her hips rocking, signaling how urgently she wanted his touches.

In answer to her plea her companion’s hand slid under the sheer fabric covering her middle and through her pubic hair, already wet with lubricating fluids. Her body arched upward and a susurrus of joy escaped her lips. His fingers began prodding her opening, seeking her clit, and she knew absolute bliss.

‘Ahhhhhhh!!!!’ Bonnie moaned.

Peter’s fingers caressed her silken labia, then plunged into her, his thumb coming to rest on her engorged clit. Gently, he began teasing her, his fingers stroking in and out of her vagina, his lips adoring her nipples, his thumb caressing her clit. The sensations drove Bonnie ever-wilder.

‘Ohhhhhhh!!!!’ she groaned, ‘Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Aggggghhhhhh!!!!!! Aaaaagggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!’ Before she realized she was that close, an orgasm ripped through her and she writhed wildly on the bed. Peter’s gentle caresses continued until she lay still. Her eyes wide and soft, she gazed at him. ‘I…I want you!’ she whispered. ‘Please, Peter! I want you! I need you!’

Peter stood and shed his clothes, then joined her on the bed. Bonnie, meanwhile, stripped off her panties. When he was next to her, she moved against him and their lips met. She felt his erection prodding her belly as she snuggled against him. Her hand slid between them and gripped the hot baton, evoking a gasp from her companion, making him shudder. She stroked him, loving the way his swollen wand felt in her hand, envisioning how wonderful it would feel to have it in her.

‘Take me!’ she moaned, ‘Please, Peter, take me!’

Peter rolled on top of her, his bulk pressing her against the bed. His erection slid between her legs and nestled against the folded flesh of her vagina.

Bonnie, who wanted him desperately, was experiencing sensations so exquisite she feared she might faint with joy before he was in her.

Peter raised his hips and felt the tip of his cock slide between his partner’s vaginal lips. Then, slowly, he lowered himself and his wand slid into her.

Bonnie couldn’t believe how wonderful all this was. Peter continued to move ever so slowly, sliding deep into her his cock, then withdrawing it almost entirely. Her lover’s tantalizing motions were driving her wild! Thrill after thrill coursed through her. Then the release she sought
was hers. ‘Ahhhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!’ she screamed, ‘Peter!!! Oh, Peter!!! I’m commminnnngggg!!! Oh, Goddddd!!! Oh, Goddddd!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh, Goddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!’

‘Me, tooooooo!!!’ Peter roared, ‘Ohhhhh, yeahhhhhhh!!!!’ He erupted powerfully, the fervent motions of his hips driving Bonnie against the bed. He felt her clawing at his back with her fingers as she shared ecstasy with him. Then, suddenly, she went limp. He pulled out of her and rolled onto his side on the bed next to her. Propping himself up on one elbow, he watched her carefully.

Bonnie’s eyes flickered open and at first she looked confused. Then she turned to look at Peter and smiled. He kissed her softly and she returned the kiss, pressing against him.

‘My God!’ she gushed, ‘I’ve never, ever been made love to that wonderfully!’

‘It was wonderful for me, too, ‘ Peter replied. He wrapped an arm around her, pulled her against him.

They lay gazing at each other for a long time. At last, sated, they slept.

When Peter awakened, he discovered Bonnie was giving him a fantastic blow-job. His cock swelled as she avidly ministered to him. He got so hard he thought his penis might explode, but that didn’t slow Bonnie. She kept on, her tantalizing lips and tongue working on him.

Peter raised his head just as Bonnie’s lips surrounded his erect organ. He watched, wide-eyed, as his cock disappeared into her mouth as her head lowered. Then it reappeared when her head moved upward. She kept raising and lowering her head while his level of need just kept rising. ‘Ah…Bonnie,’ he gasped, the excitement pulsing through him making it difficult to speak.

Bonnie looked up and let his penis slip from her mouth. She continued to hold it in her soft, warm hand. Her lips were shiny, her eyes bright with excitement. ‘You like?’ she whispered.

‘I…like!’ he replied. ‘What next?’

‘Is this OK?’ Bonnie asked. She straddled him. Her knees were on either side of his body and her warm, moist gash trapped his erection between them and caressed it. She leaned down and their lips met in a sizzling kiss.

Bonnie raised her hips, reached between them, gripped his erection, then guided it to her excitement-sodden opening. Slowly, she lowered herself onto him, exulting in the wild sensations that rushed through her as his swollen missile probed into her.

‘I’m gonna screw your brains out!’ she said, and began to rock her hips. As she did, his erection rubbed the walls of her jam-packed love-cave and she shuddered in response to the gratifying sensations that resulted. She pushed herself up so she was leaning over him. Her breasts, pendulous, dangled over Peter’s face.

Powerful surges of pleasure, beginning at the point of their joining, radiated throughout Peter’s body. He grabbed her dangling breasts and rubbed his thumbs over the turgid tips, feeling her quiver, hearing her moan. He was very close to coming, brought to that point by her expert ministrations. Her rocking hips brought him even closer. Finally, he could hold back no longer.

‘Gonna come!!!’ he roared. ‘Nowwwww!!! Nowwwww!!! Oh, Goddd!!! Am I everrrrrrr!!!!!’ His back arched, lifting his hips off the bed, while powerful jets of his jot juices shot into Bonnie, filling her, bathing her insides with heat.

‘Yessssssss!!!!!’ Bonnie cried, ‘Oh, yessssssssss!!!! Take meeeeeeeeeee!!!! Peter!!!! Peter!!!!!! Take meeeeeeeeeee!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!’

At last, spent and sated, Bonnie collapsed atop Peter. She felt his powerful arms encircle her, then he rolled on his side, taking her with him.

‘That, woman…’ he said, breathlessly, ‘was fantastic!’ He kissed her gently.

‘It was, wasn’t it?’ Bonnie agreed. ‘Would you mind terribly if I offered to stay the night?’ she asked. She had been to see an attorney earlier that day, and knew divorce papers would be filed on her husband the next day. The last thing she wanted was to spend another night in bed with Bill.

‘I’ll tie you to the bed if you try to leave,’ Peter replied. ‘No way in hell are you getting out of here before daylight!’

Sleepily, Bonnie murmured softly and snuggled against him. Once more, snuggled together, they fell asleep.

Bonnie awakened the next morning snuggled spoon-fashion, against Peter. One of his hands was holding one of her breasts and his fingers were teasing the nipple into tingling rigidity. His erect penis probed between her buttocks, the tip brushing the lower lips of her vagina. Thrills shot up through her.

‘Are you always horny?’ she murmured in mock-exasperation.

Peter kissed her softly on the neck, then nibbled her ear and heard her giggle of delight. ‘I wasn’t this horny until I met you,’ he said. He moved his hips and his penis slid deeper between Bonnie’s nether cheeks. He found the movement almost as stimulating as when it was sliding in and out of her vagina. He shifted and his next thrust caused the swollen tip to plow between her puffy labia, fanning the embers of desire smoldering in her to wildly burning fires of passion. Her hips moved back involuntarily in response to his action.

Bonnie hooked a leg back over Peter, opening herself to him. When he pulled back, she reached between her legs and when he thrust forward again, she directed the head of his cock into her. He continued pressing forward until his cock was hilted, her lovely bottom snug against his loins.

‘Oh, Peter!’ Bonnie whispered, ‘that’s wonderful!’

‘It sure is!’ Peter replied. The motions of his hips grew more and more urgent as the wonderful warmth surrounding his cock began transporting him to another peak of pleasure.

Bonnie was delighted by the relationship that seemed to be developing between herself and her old classmate. ‘He’s such a wonderful lover!’ she mused, her body quaking, as Peter lunged against her. ‘Is that all it is, or am I falling for him?’

She slid her hand over her belly, to her vagina, and could feel Peter’s cock sliding in and out of her, causing her nerves to crackle with excitement. Holding her hand against the point where their bodies were joined, he began caressing her clit, adding immeasurably to the furor Peter’s rapid thrusts were inducing. She felt herself ascending to a raging peak of need. Then, suddenly, she burst over the top.

‘Nowwwwww!!!!’ she cried, when her orgasm burst through her, ‘Ohhhhh!!! Peter!!! Peter!!! That’s ittttt!!! That’s itttttt!!!! Oh, yesssssss!!!! Oh, yessssss!!!! I’m therrrrreeeeee!!! Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!’

‘Yeahhhhhhhh!!!!!’ Peter groaned and exploded his molten juices into her. ‘Oh, yeahhhhhhhh!!!!!’

After they finished, and snuggled a while, they got up, showered and dressed, and went to a nearby coffee shop for breakfast.

‘What have you got going today?’ Peter asked.

‘I have some things I need to do at home,’ Bonnie replied, ‘although I’d much rather spend the day in bed with you.’

‘Dinner again tonight?’ Peter asked.

Bonnie leaned her chin on folded hands, smiled, and looked into his eyes. ‘I’d love that,’ she said.

‘About seven?’ he asked.

‘Seven will be fine,’ Bonnie answered.

‘You’re gorgeous,’ Peter said.

Bonnie felt herself blushing. Their relationship was intensifying much more quickly than she expected it to, but she was bothered, too. Was she ready for a long-term relationship with Peter? Even one filled with wonderful sex? She wasn’t sure. Should she be thinking about that before she was divorced? As she pondered her situation, the answer to that question became very clear to her. Of course she should.

Peter drove her home and walked her to her door. She kissed him softly. ‘See you tonight, at seven,’ she said.

He left and Bonnie watched him walk down the sidewalk, get in his car, and drive off. When she could no longer see his car, she turned and went in the ho
use. ‘I wonder what Bill’s going to do when they serve the divorce papers on him?’ she mused.

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This scene features Kylie Le Beau and I with really intense chemistry. We are insatiable with each other and fuck all over the bed with a wonderful balance of intimate kissing and passion with plenty of intense, energetic, rough sex. I hold her down and use a hitachi on her a bunch while she cums over and over again. She rides my cock and gives me a sensual blowjob before licking my ass. We keep the energy high through the whole scene until I cum really deep inside of her and show a close up of...

4 years ago
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The Ballad of Annie Greene Part 2

The Kidnapped Girl by Peggy Sue I don't remember being abducted. I awoke in the back seat of a car. On either side of me was a huge man and I was hemmed in between them. My hands were tied in front of me. There was a large gag in my mouth that prevented me from making a sound. Something was vibrating in the seat of my pants that wasn't just the motion of the car. I soon identified it as a vibrating butt plug. The waves of pleasure climbing up my body drowned out my panic at this...

1 year ago
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VacationChapter 8

When I woke up, I was flat on my back, with Aunt Karen laying beside me; she had one leg draped across both of mine and her hand was under the sheet, which was pulled up to our waists, holding my dick. I couldn't see her face, just the top of her head, which was sort of laying on my chest. Deciding I could get used to waking up to a naked woman stroking my stiffening dick, I stroked Aunt Karen's bare back. She responded by squeezing my dick and bending so that her head moved a few inches...

2 years ago
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Rubbing in the woods

I like to masturbate outdoors, and I know other men who share my passion. But until recently I never thought it was something females did very often. Turns out they do from time to time, you just have to be very quiet, and lucky, to catch them at it!I'd been going to some woods near work on the odd lunch break through the summer to get my pants down and wank off in the trees. I hadn't been doing any dogging, I was just enjoying my time alone. I'd get well off the beaten track before taking my...

3 years ago
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Big SkyChapter 3

Fawn got two tickets to Stanford's opening football game. They were playing Nevada which wouldn't be league game. The two beauties were hit on by dozens of guys in their walk to the stadium. They ignored them all. Their first week of school had gone well and this was their first time out since they went to Arby's. Fawn's family were well to do so she paid for most things unless Nancy insisted. Nancy had to tell Fawn how the game was progressing since she didn't know the rules except for...

3 years ago
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photographing the sister in law

Hi, this is a short story about what happened when my sister in law asked me to take some pictures of her for a calender for her husband. I am a photography enthusiast and love taking portrait pictures. A couple of years ago, my sister in law was asking for ideas about what to get her husband for Christmas that was a bit different. She didnt have much money and they had had a tough year so she wanted something special. SO I suggested a calender of her. I said I could either take the pictures or...

2 years ago
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Becoming a RangerChapter 11 Becoming a Ranger

It took a few weeks to get things sorted out. Almost half of the colony decided to stay in the home trees. I spent a lot of time in debriefings about what I knew of the Tron. Of course the colony had the job of cleaning up the mess I had made but they did not seem to mind. A month after the Cariss were taken away I was helping Mr Mabil up north. We were watching and protecting a Lenolyn female as she gave birth. Several males had made threatening postures when we arrived but I walked...

1 year ago
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Starting Over Ch 02

This is the second in what I hope will be a series of stories about Jack, a senior citizen who discovers there is still life after loosing his wife of 53 years in a tragic auto crash. There are some references in this episode to facts that were described in the first post. If you are interested, please search for it and read it to get a better idea of Jack’s sexual reawakening. * After the fantastic, mind blowing, toe curling, sex that Judy and I had on her massage table, we spent a lot of...

2 years ago
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Spuckly Part 2

I told you how I got my nick name in my previous story, "Spuckly". Check it out. I kissed and are out the frat whore without ever fucking her or getting much more than my nipples twisted or my ass grabbed by her. We were friends and met while she was mooching beer and being a generally filthy whore at out frat house. You know, sleeping on our floor and sucking dick for food and beer. It was like a few months maybe that I remember seeing her with cum on her face sleeping. Like waking up on the...

3 years ago
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The God Pill Winter JenningsChapter 9

“You’re so vain You probably think this song is about you You’re so vain, I’ll bet you think this song is about you Don’t you? Don’t you?” One sunny Saturday morning, out of the blue, Vanessa reached across the kitchen table, took my hands, and recited her rendition of Mr. W. H. “You’re my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I know that love will last, we’re forever strong.” Walker beamed with pleasure. Pilar...

3 years ago
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Put Me In CoachChapter 6

We had a nice home stand over the Independence Day weekend. Camden Yards was sold out for all three games against the White Sox, who were leading their Division. That is, they were leading their Division when the got into Baltimore. Not so sure about afterwards. We swept the series by lopsided margins. The Birds were back. Well, the excitement around town was at a five or six-year peak, and I was getting a lot of the credit for the way we were winning. It was true that I was having, so far...

3 years ago
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Starlight 300Chapter 2

After awhile you become one with your ship for I was instantly wide-awake after dozing after a very nice bout with Candy. "What's going on?" I shouted through to the bridge. "I've just dropped out of warp Captain," shouted Lila back to me. Within seconds I was standing beside her looking out into normal space. "I'm on short range navigation sensors only as per your orders," she explained, "when I picked up a small metal object." "What sort of object?" I asked. "Well we're...

2 years ago
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Sex and Sauna

So what are the options for men like me needing a quick, exciting sexual fix? Well, prostitute, but my wife is an ex-hooker so meh: Strip Club, but that's more frustration than excitement. Swingers site but, as a single man, it's hard to get attention unless you're young and hot. Occasionally there a wife who wants to watch you with her husband but it amazing how few times that turns into an actual meet up. The most immediate way to get sex is a gay sauna. I've tried camming on web sites...

1 year ago
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Erin and Alicias Pharmacy Face Fuck Part I

In the old days, a pharmacy usually was a one or two-person operation. You had your pharmacist and MAYBE an assistant at a small corner location; and all they sold was… well… drugs. But the pharmacist knew everyone, and you always received personalized service. Nowadays, you have huge ‘drug marts’ that sell everything from food and clothes to movies and, sometimes, furniture items. And no one knows you at all. Luckily, at a couple of those big drug marts near where I live, two pretty teen...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Toms DiaryChapter 15

Friday March 29, 2002 I awoke slowly, feeling Jenny's pussy contracting then releasing my erection every few seconds. It was a slow awakening, a delicious feeling. I opened my eyes and saw that it wasn't light yet, but it was getting close... like me. I reached up and caressed Jenny's breasts, and she sighed her first, "Aaaahhh!" Jenny tugged lightly, telling me she wanted to roll on her back; I did so, wishing she was reversed, but eager anyway. I started stroking slowly and deeply...

1 year ago
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Gay Experience with a StrangerFucked My Asshole3 Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

This is the final part of my story Gay Experience with a stranger. I will write in continuation of the cross dresser sex and how he fucked my Asshole. I maintained the eye contact as I again took his monster dick in my mouth and started sucking him harder. He grabbed my head and started matching my motion and fucking my hungry mouth. After a couple of minutes, he pulled out in haste. I figured out he probably was getting too hot and didn’t want to cum so soon. He pulled me up and started...

1 year ago
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My lovely wife impregnated by my friend for real

I’m the husband of Sabine and I like to tell you the story of my lovely wife’s latest natural impregnation.It started a few months ago at the end of an afterwork party with my mature wife Sabine. Sabine, my mate Thomas and myself were drunk a little bit and just for fun Sabine started to smooch and cuddle around with both of us. Sabine asked me if it’s ok taking Thomas into our home for playing around a bit. I agreed but I wasn’t sure if this idea is good or bad.At home we started to dance and...

3 years ago
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The double shuffle

Hi dear readers, after nearly a month your JJ is back with a cock rising story yet another mature love story. Sandhya is the 48 year old woman whom Badri has been obsessing about for the past few years. To a 36 year old horny male, she is perfect!! She was 30 running on 48 with the carnal urges that her husband failed to satisfy. Hearing the front door open and close, Sandhya smiles because she knows it means Badri is home and she has been waiting from their afternoon quick fuck. Laying on...

1 year ago
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Analized Kristina Rose Latina Bubble Butt Slut

Kristina Rose has made a journey to ANALIZED.COM to make a point. This Latina knows that she can take the dick harder and crazier than any other young bubble butt slut in the porn game. Kristina struts her stuff and shows off her flawless booty. She is proud that her holes are as tight as ever, but she wants the stretched open and fucked. Kristina goes nuts when she is tossed around. She gets wet and excited when a big cock is presented in front of her to suck. Nothing can stop this Latina anal...

3 years ago
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First milk

Hi ISS readers I am Mani, living in Chennai outskirts I am living with my aunt, a distant relative, she is a very good family friend for us. She got married three years back and she got a girl baby of 8months. Her husband is working in a company in Singapore with his family members. He is a very good person but don’t have interest in sex. My aunt is good lady with dark complexion, average body structure and big breasts. We both use sit n chat very frankly, we never use to hide anything from...

3 years ago
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Nutty Lesson

His name was Joe. He was a muscular man185cm, having just been medically discharged from the Arms Services. He never stated which part of the services he was attached to. He joined at 18 and left at the age of 38. This was like his gap year. He purchased a Honda super glider bike and was travelling around the country. Joe pulled up at a local cafe after some 4 hours on the bike. He saw the town was quite spread out and a homely feel. He asked at the counter for a steak meal. The waitress...

1 year ago
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The 3rd and 4th time really was the charm

My first time ever having sex wasn't all that good, actually. I was nervous. My first girlfriend was 3 years older than me. (21 to my 18) She did not want to get pregnant so she insisted on condom usage. She had been with a half-dozen guys before me, so she knew what she was doing more than I did.Anyway, That Friday night when the time came, she put the condom on me, guided me inside of her... and about 15 seconds later I felt myself ejaculating into the condom but without having an orgasm. I...

1 year ago
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Is this site called Porn 18 Sex because you need to be above the age of 18 to watch it or because you need to see all the hot 18 year olds in the porn videos? Hard to say, but whatever your reasoning in the title, keep going to this page and watching all the hot movies there. It’s a porn tube site that definitely focuses on the college crowd and has porn movies from the top sites and some amateur ones as well. The front page has all of the latest videos, but there is much more to discover on...

Free Porn Tube Sites
2 years ago
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Hostile Takeover Locked up Knocked up

Hostile Takeover: Locked up, Knocked up.I sat at my office desk, half-focussed on the figures on the screen as I wondered what was taking place in the conference room nearby. The office grapevine had been talking of mergers or takeovers for weeks now, and the team of expensively-dressed Chinese men who had arrived early that Friday morning certainly did nothing to quash that talk.Some of my co-workers had good reason to worry about the outcome of any talks: in this economy, it was virtually...

2 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 44 The Moment Consummate and Ripe

I dreamed that I was dead and crossed the heavens, — Heavens after heavens with burning feet and swift, — And cried, "O God, where art Thou?" I left one on earth, whose burden I would pray Thee lift." I was so dead I wondered at no thing, — Not even that the angels slowly turned Their faces, speechless, as I hurried by (Beneath my feet the golden pavements burned.) Nor, at the first, that I could not find God, Because the heavens stretched endlessly like space. At last, a terror seized...

4 years ago
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Uncharted Territory

As Matt sat there dreading this horrid day that was inevitable his thoughts came crashing back down to reality by the sound of his mother’s voice calling for him from the kitchen downstairs. “Matt your breakfast is getting cold, get a move on or you will be late on your first day.” Giving out a huge sigh he rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom where he took a shower and went through his usual morning routine in getting ready for school. He made his way down stairs and sat...

4 years ago
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Jens Story Ch 05

Stuck Between Jake and a Hard Place The summer vacation came to an end and I was excited to be entering college. Erika and I were going to be living at home and attending the local university. This didn’t really thrill me much given my family life, but I was excited anyway because both Danny and Steve had accepted full scholarships to attend the same university. I was so happy that Danny had not gone to some school far away. I now hung out with Danny’s friends which included Steve of course....

2 years ago
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Honeymoon with my cousin

HONEYMOON WITH MY COUSIN (1) It was a hot sunny day, my school exams were over, we friends celebrated,danced& enjoyed ourselves.It was evening time when i reached home.To my surprise i found my cousin sister opening door.Jeniffer how come are u here? ,i said,where is my mom?, jennyrelax,my parents dropped me here & went with yours to enjoy weekend,she said.but........,i said. don't worry go and get fresh,she said.While i was taking shower i heard opening sound of my door,is that u...

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RawAttack Nora Ivy 04192019

It’s simple…Fiery redhead Nora Ivy loves cock and cum. With a body like her’s it isn’t hard for her to find. Today I happen to be the fortunate cock in her presence. After our scene it was clean up time but a slut like her enjoy’s staying dirty. It’s not long before my cock is back inside her and her red bushed pussy is spread open and her fit, young, smooth ass is bouncing up and down. She sucks, spits and licks until she gets another load. She leaves a...

1 year ago
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Paradigm Shift Ch 0203

Chapter 2 Her Blissful state of mind vanished the next day as she left her apartment, walked down three flights of stairs (the elevator was still out of order), and hailed a cab. It was Monday, and she hated her job. She didn’t have much choice in the matter, though. Occupations were assigned once someone graduated from Conformitory School, based on various testing results, gauging everything from typing speed to lifting to grace and creativity. She remembered scoring well on her grace and...

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