Heathrow Ch. 02 free porn video

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Thanks so much to BGMISFUN for the editing assistance with this story. All mistakes are my own!

This is a continuation, it will make more sense if you go back and read Heathrow: Chapter One. Jenna and Tom were introduced there.

Tom poked his head out from behind Jenna.

‘Martin! You’re awake!’

‘As I’ve been half the night, actually. You are aware that the wall you kept using for leverage is the same one that we both share?’

Jenna looked down at this. She knew they had been raucous, but it really hadn’t occurred to her what it would be like to have to listen it from the other side of the wall. It turns out she had been right the night before, she was embarrassed to meet Martin. Martin, however, didn’t seem embarrassed. He seemed pissed off. She looked up and attempted a smile.

‘Hi, you must be Martin.’

‘Yes, how clever you must be to have put that together. You must be another one of the random bimbos Tom picks up and I have to hear him shag all night long.’

Jenna set her jaw. ‘Well, that is the name on my passport, but I usually go by Jenna. Easier to pronounce and all.’

Tom stifled a laugh. ‘Yeah, by the way, Martin, Jenna’s going to be staying with us for a bit.’

Both Jenna and Martin turned to look at him.

‘I thought that was just a line to get me here for the night?’ said Jenna at the same time Martin said, ‘There’s no way I’m staying here while you entertain another one of your flings.’

‘Look,’ said Tom, aiming his comments in Martin’s direction. ‘Jenna has no place to stay while she’s here, and we’re going to be gentlemen and let her stay here. I realize we were a bit inconsiderate last night and I promise I’ll keep it down from now on.’ Turning to address Jenna, Tom said, ‘It was a bit of a line last night, but I really had a lot of fun with you and would like the chance to show you the city, this being your first trip to London and all. Are you in?’

A smile broke on Jenna’s face. ‘Yeah, I’m in. Thank you.’

Martin just stood there and glowered at Jenna. ‘Why can’t she stay in a damn hotel?’

‘Because,’ Tom said with the air of explaining something to a child, ‘I just asked her to stay here. She’ll sleep in my room, so she won’t be taking up any extra space.’

‘I can help with groceries and stuff, too. I’m not looking for a free ride,’ Jenna added.

‘No, that’s what Tom’s doing.’ Martin shot at Jenna, glaring at her with an amount of contempt Jenna had never had leveled her way before. She met his gaze. She wasn’t really the kind to back down, and she sensed Martin wasn’t used to being challenged head on.

‘And he’s doing it exceptionally well. I would think you should be happy to hear what’s going down on his side of the wall. That way you don’t have to waste precious hand energy looking up your own porn on the internet.’

Martin’s mouth fell open, but he quickly recovered. Tom cleared his throat, obviously wanting to get in the middle of this before it progressed any further.

‘We were actually just going to head out for lunch. Care to join?’

‘Hell no. I’ll leave you to it.’ With that, Martin whirled on his heel and headed back into his room, slamming the door behind him.

‘Well, that went well.’ said Tom as they got outside, still trying to stifle his laughter. ‘I knew you two would get along.’

‘That was funny to you? I have to say, I didn’t particularly enjoy myself.’

‘It seemed as though you did a little. It’s not often Martin gets taken down a peg like that. I must admit, I enjoyed it. Maybe he’s finally met his match.’

‘I’m sure he’s already met his match. At the zoo maybe?’

‘He’s really not that bad once you get to know him. Martin and I get along pretty well, but we don’t have a lot in common. He’s more of an indoor type, he doesn’t have very many friends. I’m more of the ‘go-out-to-parties-sow-my-wild oats’ type. He’s a really good guy, don’t get me wrong. He’s just a little dull for my tastes.’

Jenna looked back at the flat. She didn’t think a guy who called her a whore right off the bat wouldn’t necessarily qualify as a ‘really good guy.’ He clearly thought she was just another easy girl Tom had brought home. If she really thought about it though, that bothered her a bit. She had never been what one would call ‘promiscuous’, three (well, four now) guys over the course of her life time certainly didn’t qualify her as easy. Still, her behavior of late was a little on the wild side, and if Martin thought she was a whore, then so be it. He could go to hell for all she cared.

Tom took Jenna to a little pub not far from where he lived. Now that Jenna had sowed a few wild oats herself, she was starting to want to go out and see the sights. That was part of the reason she had chosen England in the first place. Jenna loved history. To walk where ancient kings and queens had walked was one of the top things on her bucket list. She mentioned it to Tom as they were eating.

‘I guess they just aren’t that big a deal to me anymore,’ Tom said as he munched on his fries (although he insisted they were called chips, and Jenna had been wrong her whole life).

‘I know, but please humor me. I’ll go and see everything alone if I have to, but it would be so much more fun with you acting as a tour guide. At least I won’t get lost.’

‘You know, I do have a job. I’ve only been able to hang out because you happened to fly in on a Friday night.’

Jenna stopped. Actually, it hadn’t occurred to her that he would have a job. As soon as he said it though, she didn’t know how she could have not realized it sooner. Of course he had a job.

‘What do you do?’

‘I’m a graphic designer for the Guardian newspaper.’

‘Wow, that sounds very impressive. So what exactly does that mean?’

‘Basically I’m in charge of the layout, deciding what goes where, if anything needs additional graphics to make it pop, that sort of thing. What do you do? Actually, now that I think about it, why are you here and not at your job in Canada? How long are you here for?’

Jenna sighed. ‘That’s a rather large can of worms, actually. I don’t know how long I’m here for. I just kinda packed up and flew over on a whim. If you want me to get out of your place at any point, just let me know,’ she added hastily. ‘There’s no reason you need to support me through my journey of self-discovery.’

‘So, you didn’t have any kind of plan when you came over here?’ Tom sounded a little incredulous.

‘Nope. That was pretty much the idea. Just to get away, go somewhere I’ve never gone before, meet new people, see new sights, do things that I normally wouldn’t do.’

‘Like go home with guys you just met at the airport?’

‘Yeah. Kinda exactly like that.’

‘What was it you needed to get away from?’

‘I’d love to tell you that my life was terrible. I’d love to say that I was abused, and tortured, and beaten, and subjected to all manner of ills. That’s why I needed to get out of there. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. My life was pretty good. I have a lot of friends back home, my parents love me, and I’m on good terms with my brothers.’

‘So what’s the deal?’

Jenna looked out the window. ‘So was it your job that brought you from Staffordshire to London?’

Tom raised his eyebrows at the sudden change in direction, but seemed to know to leave it alone. They chatted for a little while longer about the differences in climate, what he thought she should see while she was there, and so on. Jenna found Tom really easy to talk to. After what had happened, it would have been easy enough to fall into lots of awkward silences. Tom just picked up and talked about whatever struck his fancy. When they had finished eating, he asked, ‘Well, I’m all yours at least for the rest of today and tomorrow. Is there anything you would like to see right away?’

‘The Tower of London.’

Jenna had answered so fast it caught Tom off guard. ‘Uh, okay. We can head straight over there.’ They got up from the table and headed out the door of the pub.

‘I need to go back to the flat and grab my camera. I’m still a tourist, remember?’ Jenna said with a smile when they got outside.

Tom looked hesitant. ‘Can’t you just use your phone to take pictures?’

Jenna stared at him. ‘Are you kidding? I have no idea if I’m going to ever be able to come back to England, and there is no way I’m taking pictures of incredible historical buildings with my crappy phone camera. I bought a lovely new expensive camera specifically to take pictures on this trip, and I am going to use it!’

‘Okay, okay. Sorry for bringing it up!’ Tom raised his hands in surrender. ‘It’s just…’


‘Well, I’ve never known Martin to turn down an opportunity to go to the Tower. He’s also big into history.’

‘And you think he’ll want to go with us if we go back to the flat and tell him where we’re going? Seriously? Yeah, he seemed like he was just dying to spend some quality time with me.’

Tom chuckled at that. ‘Good point.’ He reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her right up against him. ‘I don’t know if I’ve ever met anyone like you, Jenna.’

She reached up and brushed his hair out of his eyes. ‘You ain’t seen nothing yet, baby.’ She moved her face to his and kissed him very lightly. The physical reaction was instantaneous. She could feel him get a little hard, and she felt that same electricity race through her body. He kissed her a little harder, wrapping one hand in her hair. She reciprocated, feeling as though she could lose herself in his kisses. He pulled away, leaving her breathless and wanting more. ‘How much of a hurry are you in?’

‘What did you have in mind?’

Tom grabbed her hand and led her around the back of the pub, to a place in the alley that was fairly well hidden from the public view. Not totally hidden, though. Jenna looked around, suddenly paranoid that someone was watching them. ‘Um, are you sure this is a good idea?’

‘I’ve always wanted to bring someone here. It’s very exciting, don’t you think?’ Tom asked, already planting kisses on Jenna’s neck. She leaned into him, wanting to be as close as she could. He backed her up against the wall and held her hands there, all the while kissing up and down her neck and chest. Jenna could barely breathe. She was past the initial feelings of disbelief that she was doing these things. Now she just wanted to enjoy the ride. However, having sex outside was still very far outside her comfort zone.

Tom was now holding both of her hands above her head with just one of his strong hands. He was undoing his pants with the other. Jenna broke her hands free and quickly hiked her skirt up to her waist. She then used Tom’s shoulders as leverage to wrap her legs around his middle. She slowly lowered herself onto his waiting dick.

‘Oh God!’ She moaned. As he entered her, she winced a little. She was still sore from the night before, not to mention earlier that morning. Even with the other guys she had been with, there had never been this kind of blatant lust. The feeling that every minute without them inside of her was a minute wasted. Tom seemed to feel the same.

‘I notice you’re not wearing any knickers …’ Tom breathed out between kisses.

‘I get the feeling that’s going to be a pretty regular occurrence. It’ll just make things easier.’

‘I really like the way you think.’

‘Shut up and fuck me.’

Jenna had been moving herself up and down his shaft while they spoke, but with her last words Tom decided to change the pace. He pushed her back up against the wall, holding her there with his powerful thrusts. Every time his cock rammed into her body, she moved her hips down, trying to make sure that every inch of him was inside her.

Tom buried his head in her neck and nipped a little. Jenna cried out, and then clamped her mouth shut. ‘God yes! Just like that, I’m almost there …’ She could feel the orgasm coming on, and she kissed Tom hard when it hit to keep from screaming. She kept moving her hips, grinding them into Tom’s pelvis. She felt him swell, and knew he was getting ready to finish. He kissed her back harder as he came to his climax. She assumed it was for the same reason she had kissed him. As he finally pulled his face from hers, he grinned. She smiled back at him.

‘No, you are definitely not like anyone I’ve ever met. You’re amazing.’

‘You’re just saying that because it’s true. And because we just had sex in an alley.’ Jenna said back, still with her legs wrapped around him. She kissed him once more, and then lowered herself onto the ground. ‘I may need to sit down for a minute …’

Tom led her out of the alley onto a bench on the street. He sat down next to her and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her toward him. She leaned her head on his shoulder, feeling very content. It wasn’t just the sex, she thought, although the sex so far was off the charts awesome. There was something about Tom that made her feel so comfortable. She felt relaxed and safe, like there was nothing in the world that could penetrate this little bubble with her and Tom in it. Get a grip, girl, she warned herself. She knew that it would be a bad idea to get too emotionally involved with Tom. For him, she was just an exciting diversion, someone to have fun with. She didn’t want to become needy or clingy, or make this out to be anything but what it was: a vacation fling.

Just as they were getting ready to go back to the flat, a passing stranger said quietly as he walked by, ‘Thanks for the show.’

Jenna and Tom looked at each other, shock registering on both of their faces. Then they both started laughing. They laughed all the way back to Tom’s place.


They were still giggling when they came through the door to the flat. Martin was sitting in the living room on his computer. Jenna managed to compose herself and said to Tom, ‘I’m just going to make a quick visit to the washroom, then I’ll grab my camera and we’ll be gone.’

As she walked past Martin, he said ‘What the hell happened to your back?’

‘Sunburn.’ Jenna barely made it into the bathroom before collapsing into giggles again. As she reached for a cloth to clean off with, she twisted a bit and caught a glimpse of her side in the mirror. She gasped. Apparently being banged up against a brick wall has its disadvantages. Her skin was flaming red, and fairly scratched up in more than a few places. She hadn’t even felt it when it was happening. Now that she saw it, however, it started to sting. Totally worth it, she thought. She finished cleaning herself up and headed for her camera. As she grabbed it and put it around her neck, she realized she had left the door to Tom’s room slightly open when she came in. She could hear Tom and Martin, and the two men were arguing.

‘Look, you get laid plenty. Why does she have to stay here? Just so you can be assured of getting ass for the next few weeks whenever you want it?’ Martin said.

‘It’s my place too, and I can invite whomever I’d like to stay. She’s not going to be a bother. She wants to get out and see the sights. She’ll barely be here.’

‘That’s not the point. You didn’t even ask. What if I want to walk around naked?’

‘Go ahead, I’m sure she could use the laugh.’

‘Asshole. I really don’t want her here, and I certainly don’t want to have to listen to you fucking her all over the place. Don’t think I don’t know what the marks on her back were. I want to be able to sit on the couch without worrying that you had sex on it.’

‘First, you would have to get off the couch for me to have sex on it. Second, that ship sailed like a year ago.’

Jenna heard Martin jump up. ‘Gross!’

Tom laughed. ‘I’m only joking. Take it easy. Listen, Jenna is really fun. I think you
‘ll get along with her if you really give it a try.’

‘I don’t befriend skanks.’

‘Don’t be an arsehat. And stop calling her horrible names. My patience for that has run its course. Next time you call her anything it’s going to cost you a tooth. C’mon, she’s funny, smart, and she seems to be a history nerd like you. I bet you actually have plenty in common. We’re actually just on our way to the Tower of London. Did you want to come with us?’

‘Not gonna happen.’ Martin then walked to his room. Jenna grabbed a light shrug to cover her back and walked to meet Tom in the living room.

‘All ready!’ she said.

‘Great, let’s head out of here then.’ Tom said. Just as they turned to leave, Martin emerged from his room.

‘I changed my mind.’ He swept past them and out the door. Tom and Jenna looked at each other for a minute.

‘Oh goody,’ said Jenna. ‘Now he’s a mobile insult machine. I can be called a slut anywhere.’

‘I told him to lay off you. He will too, he knows I’ll kick his ass if need be. Look, he really is kinda fun to have at these things. Actually I suppose it all depends on how you look at it, but he knows almost everything there is to know about the Tower. It’s like having our own personal tour guide.’

‘Fine. But the first name lobbed my way means we’re going to be ejected from a national monument.’

‘Why would we get ejected?’

‘Because I’m assuming they won’t take kindly to my attempting to behead him in the courtyard.’


As they approached the entrance to the Tower, Jenna had to stop herself from skipping. Even Martin’s glowering presence couldn’t diminish her enthusiasm. Not only was she on her way to the Tower, something she had wanted to see her whole life, she was out and about in London. She felt a sense of freedom wash over her. She was really here. There was no one to answer to, no one who expected her to do anything. She could go where she liked when she liked. She could even screw who she liked without any fear of judgment or gossip (Martin notwithstanding). This was a good thing, because she really liked screwing Tom.

She could admit to herself that she had been hoping for some kind of vacation fling when she came over. She had never slept with a man that she wasn’t dating, and the thought had excited her. The logical part of her brain told her that she was putting herself at all sorts of risk, but she really didn’t much care at the moment. Tom was fun to be with. He didn’t expect anything of her other than sex. This was such a welcome change from the guys she had dated, all of whom were dating solely for the purpose of finding a wife. It was so nice to just hang out with someone, laughing and joking and occasionally screwing. Okay, screwing often, at least so far. She loved it.

She suddenly realized that in her excitement she had out a fair amount of distance between her and the guys. She stopped and let them catch up. As they approached, she just couldn’t help herself.

‘Did you guys know there are seven ravens that live here in the Tower permanently?’

Martin corrected her. ‘There are only six ravens.’

‘No,’ Jenna said. ‘There are seven. The required six plus a spare, just in case one dies or loses his job. There needs to be six at all times so they basically keep an alternate on hand.’

Martin was starting to become animated. ‘When has a raven ever lost his job?’

‘One of the ravens named George was fired for eating TV antennae that were put up.’ Jenna said. She was enjoying the look on his face. She knew she was being petty, but Martin was an ass and she loved knowing more than he did. That applied double as he lived here and had visited the Tower on a regular basis.

Martin said nothing, but stuffed his hands into his pockets and strode off ahead of them. Tom looked at Jenna in amazement. ‘You really are a history nerd, aren’t you?’

‘I’m an everything nerd, sadly. Just a good, old-fashioned, all-around nerd.’

Tom leaned down and kissed her lightly. ‘Well, you are the sexiest nerd I’ve ever seen. You give nerds a good name.’

Jenna smiled up at him. ‘Thanks.’

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My name is JJ. I have cerebral palsy and confined to a wheel chair. Although my body is constrained, my mind is not, it is rather active especially when it concerns sex. I was 30 and a virgin, at the time of this story. I didn’t get out much, so my chances of meeting women were very slim. The major women in my life is my mother and my cousin Jesse. Jesse is a nurse and takes care of my needs three times a week, she was 27. Well, not all my needs as I said I was still a virgin, but I had a...

3 years ago
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E091 Labor Day

Donald and Emma undress and lie close together in the bed.  The only option that's possible in this narrow cot.  They talk about what Dorothy and Maude revealed and their on-going relationship with David and Bobby. All through their quiet chatting, they caress each other’s privates, enjoying the leisurely, gentle touch each is feeling as slowly the heat rises in them both. Around three in the morning, both now perspiring a good bit, Donald suggests, “Let’s go down to the beach to sleep, it is...

Love Stories
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TheLesbianExperience Maddy May Scarlit Scandal Maddy And Scarlit Get Serious

As Scarlit is on top of her lover Maddy something feels off and Maddy is wondering what is on Scarlit’s mind. Scarlit brushes it off saying she has her exam on her mind and prepares to leave, but Maddy not happy asks Scarlit to come clean. Scarlit is feeling that she is just another hookup for Maddy and would like to know if there’s a future for them. Maddy quickly assures her that they are a couple and with that Scarlit takes control of the situation getting Maddy nude and enjoying...

3 years ago
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Sweet Father8217s Cousin Sister

I’m Prakash in late 40s pretty fair and hansom man from Ahmedabad and own a dyes manufacturing unit. This story is about my FOI (father’s younger cousin sister). Actually she is not real sister of my father but some distant cousin, who don’t have any near relative in her family. My father was the only person who accepted her as cousin sister. She is married and in late 30s no kids. Even though she’s in late 30s she looks much younger, slim but fair like me, nice but not big boobs, and no shag...

2 years ago
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My Hot Son 2

I was awaken by a hard cock deep inside my vigina moving slowly back and fourth. My head was on my son's chest and he was still asleep. I love the feel of a hard cock inside but I did not know who this one belonged to. Then I felt it explode, cum filling my pussy. Then as the cock began to soften it was pulled my pussy. I heard the owner go into the bathroom and start the shower. I laid there basking in the glow of a night of hot sex and also having my cunt filled to the top with cum. The...

1 year ago
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Visit Helleston Become A New You

Although I was hoping I'd be able to come up with enough ideas and time to use every character that Gunslinger offered for use in the story (what a story that would have become!), I settled on four characters resulting in a three part story. Please note that the first TG takes place in part two, so please don't stop at part one if you don't find what you're looking for there. I certainly hope that a few things will come about from this story, a) you will enjoy reading it, b) I...

3 years ago
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 12 A New Way of Thinking

Michael straightened up in his seat as did I. For another moment we both looked at each other. After seeing his memories, I felt like I had known him for quite some time. Not years, but certainly considerably more than a day. I wanted to apologize for my previous behavior, but we both knew it had been reasonable. After the scare with Dr. Livingston and how Michael initially approached me, I had many reasons to be paranoid. "So, what do we do now?" I asked. He smiled that knowing grin,...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 319 Power Abhors A Vacuum

I know that. What is the big news that brought three women from almost halfway around the world to my house? Camden’s eyes went wide when she heard the three girls speaking the variant of the Elder’s language the families used to have a common language. Camden didn’t know it. I did and needed to be very careful in how I joined the conversation. “What language are you speaking? I seem to be able to pick up spoken languages easily from hearing them, but I don’t think I’ve heard that one...

4 years ago
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Best Test Drive Ever

One of the things I like about selling cars is that I get to meet a lot of new people. I especially enjoy the warmer weather when the ladies wear less clothing. I think that like me a lot of car salesmen hope but don’t expect to get lucky some day with a horny lady we meet on the lot. I figured if it ever did happen it would be with a lady my age or older. I think my odds of hitting the lottery are better than what actually happened to me though. It was mid-May and in the Atlanta area the...

3 years ago
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Why am I attracted to men Like these men

1) A Middle Aged Man a whole Generation Older.We had been drinking all night and it was closing time. Our flat was on the outskirts of town, so we decided to hit the kebab shop and grab a taxi home, as it was approaching midnight.We left the pub and there was clearly a storm brewing, as we struggled to the kebab shop at the end of the block. It was pretty packed but eventually we got to the counter and placed our orders, with my friend Cathy batting her eyelids for a discount, but these Asian...

1 year ago
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a new bench

My wife got a new bench it's amazing. She told me she wanted to try something new I agreed and she told me to be at home on Fri night at 8:00. I asked why and she said youll see. I got there at 8 and she met me at the door and asked if I was ready and I replied I guess. She said heres the deal me and some friends are having a toy party and we need someone to demo toys on. I was a little nervous then she said oh you will enjoy it and if you want you can back out. Well I couldn't let her...

2 years ago
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Letter to S

I know I haven't talked to you in a long time, but I just can't stop thinking about you. Or about everything we used to talk about, everything we wished we could to with each other... or to each other! Especially when you told me about the time you wanted to go swimming but your brother wouldn't let you because of the swimsuit you wanted to (barely) wear lol. If only I knew when you were in the area! Maybe you come to the Fanime convention we have going on a few months from now, and we bump...

1 year ago
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The Love Fairy Took My Dick

So... Gonna need some explanation for that, huh? Well, sorry to disappoint, but it's not exactly the triumph over my virginity that it sounds like. Not at first anyway. Not to say I haven't been trying to get with some women... A woman. She's really cute, works at the games store I frequent. I've been attempting flirting. Not sure if it's really gotten across. Either way, I'm pretty sure she's not interested. But about that title. The "Love Fairy" part will take some time, but I guess I can...

1 year ago
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From Chuck to Irene 2

Chapter 2 Cleaning They went to the city and talked to Helen. She was surprised. "You both want to be in on cleaning the apartment?" Donna seemed to want a discussion. "Look, sis. How long would it take you to clean it yourself?" "Forever and a day. I never liked cleaning." "Precisely. If I should do it alone - I'd say six hours - minimum. With Chuck pitching in - probably four. In time he'll get better, I suppose. They discussed exceptions. Window panes - cupboards -...

1 year ago
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Lonely Delivery Driver

The driver came to my door to deliver the package of some things I had ordered earlier. As I signed for the package he reached down and put his hand on my crotch. "I know John," he said. "Do you? Do you also know that those who enter this door become my slave to be done with as I please? John and Ed are both here at this time. I was just about to give them a whipping. Are you sure you want part of that?" He replied, "I am so lonely. I have no one to care for me. I am up for almost anything." I...

Group Sex
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The Fitting Room

The Fitting Room By Transfemme 1. Misha Waverley adjusted his beret as he made his way along Lyndhurst Road. It was late in October and the wind carried a chill promise of snow. The breeze was particularly brisk down here in the middle of town, where the office blocks cast their long morning shadows. Misha glanced at his watch; his appointment was for half-ten, which left him five minutes to find the place he was looking for. He hastened his pace a...

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TVCD adventures going for ice remember ID

It's amazing what high heels, wig, makeup, nylons, mini, etc can do for ya when going out in public. Couple months ago I got me a room at Imperial Palace on the strip and I think the front desk caught on I was using the room for casual sex. I put up an ad on craigslist and gave out the room number. But setting up times and availability was difficult because I didn't have a computer in the room. So the front desk constantly was connecting me to "different" guys. After being drilled deep by...

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Darkness I open my eyes but it’s still dark. I have no idea where I am last thing I remembered was sitting under a tree reading a book. I can’t move, my legs and arms seem to be tied to something. I can only move my head a little. Everything is hazy and I seem to drift off. I suddenly awake when I hear noises, I find myself straining to hear more. Slight breathing noises. I want to say something but can’t I have something soft gagging my mouth. I hear three distinct claps and a door opening and...

1 year ago
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My new family of 3 women

100% FICTION! It started about 3 years ago I started with my Neice when she just turned 18 a senior at high school. I had a nasty devorice and gave my home to my ex-wife so I had to stay with my younger daughter. My sister was 34 and a wet dream and her daughter was even more of a wet dream. My sister is 34d - 28 - 37 and my neice is 36dd - 27 - 36 they have beautiful tit's and ass to die for. And they both are 5'5" and 5'6" and me 5'9' and work out cause I'm a lifegaurd and teach martial arts...

2 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 1 You must remember this a kiss is still a kiss a sigh is just a sigh

"Malcolm Gridley," Dana told us with a note of satisfaction in her voice. It had been a week to the day since we had started the fire inside Creepy's garage and we were all seated around the living room drinking wine. Maria was curled up in the big red easy-chair, Kim in the love seat and Jen and Pat sat on the large burgundy couch while Vicky sat on the floor atop a large throw pillow with her back against the wall. Dana and Candy were standing; both still dressed in their smart looking...

3 years ago
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PLEASURE ISLAND THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 3A Your New Appreciation For The Female Figure

PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 3A Your New Appreciation For The Female Figure You wake up after a short nap and your brain is slow to process what is going on, what has gone on, who you are, and where you are. You start to sit up and the weight of your breasts surprise you all over again answering one of your questions. Who are you? You are a sexy chick that was just fingered by your sexy girlfriend to an amazing orgasm. In your hotel room... another question answered....

1 year ago
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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 22 Meeze investigates

He had been here once before, time of other realms had no meaning here. The ground he stood on, was a polished hard surface of highly reflective properties and stretched into every direction and into infinity. The universe with all its clusters and superstrings reflected in it from the infinite sky above this surface. This was the Plane of Eternity, a place beyond the Omniverse itself. Lumis remembered when he was brought here the first time. Then, he did not listen to the name of Lumis....

3 years ago
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My intro to real bondage 4 5

She owns an older house in the suburbs with an attached 2 car garage. She decided to sell my car, as she said I could walk the half mile to the town commuter lot and take the bus to work. She said it would keep me in better shape for her weekend enjoyment. I'm 5' 11" and weigh 170#, but she thinks I'm getting a bit pudgy. She also thought the extra space would make a great place for an idea she had, as the ceiling is much higher then in the cellar. She had seen one of my computer...

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Ein heier Sommerbrennende Leidenschaft

Susanne ist ein junges Mädchen von 21 Jahren. Sie ist eher klein und zierlich gewachsen,jedoch mit üppigen Brüsten und Schenkeln bestückt und hat dunkelblonde bis zu den Brüsten reichende Haare. Es war bereits seit Langem schon ein heißer Sommer und somit hat Susanne schon einen leicht goldgebräunten Teint. Die Hitze und die Sonnenstrahlen lassen sie nicht nur schwitzen,sondern auch unendlich geil werden.Deshalb liebt Susanne kaum etwas mehr,als es sich häufig selbst zu besorgen,sie liebt...

3 years ago
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 Part 2 He watched me redress from the couch, legs crossed comfortably, once again an image of polished sophistication. It brought a brand new flush to my cheeks to imagine the godlike figure lounging behind me had, only moments before, been having his way with my body, and I hurried to dignify myself in the heat of the thought.Once I had completed the seemingly endless task of smoothing myself out I stood dutifully before him. He slipped the strap of my purse over my shoulder, cupping my newly...

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DogmanTime flies

I stood there watching the police car go down the road and then walked back to the house. Turning to step up onto the porch, I spotted a flash of light on the hills to the north as I went inside. Going to the desk, I picked up my dad's Canon binoculars. Going over to the window, I looked at the hill where I had seen the flash of light, and grinned as I saw Mark Hamilton jumping up and down, throwing a fit. His horse was shying away from him as he was bitching. He finally grabbed the reins...

2 years ago
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First Date

We had been dealing with a lot of issues lately that had been keeping us apart. So she and I decided to meet, even if just for a night. AND, because of the nature of how we met, we never actually had a real “first date”, haven gotten to know each other so well by phone and mail long before we met in person. SO… we decided to make this our actual “first date”. Richmond, Virginia just about halfway between us, so we made plans to meet there at the Copper Grill – a very romantic restaurant. ...

4 years ago
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Naukrani ko Chuada 8211 2

Hi readers im manju i was 16 when i done my first sex it was that ki humare yaan ek maid thi us waqt wo 20 ki thi or mein 16 ki . Ek saal ho gaya tha usko humare yahan ate hue hmu freind ki tararah bat kar te the thode frank bhi hum ek dusre se bat karni shuru ki sex ki wo bhi karti thi wo shy nature ki thi usne mere saath ek bar sex kiya hua tha thoda bahut chut mein ungli dali thi magar time nahin mila bus kiss kiya phir hum humasha kiss karte or breast dubate mere breast bhi badfe ho gaye...

2 years ago
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Twins Shopping Trip

Samantha couldn't believe it. Not another fucking store! she thought to herself. Samantha and Hannah had been shopping all day looking for just the right dress. Every dress looked beautiful on the pretty blonde but there was always just something not right. Too short, too plain, nobody wear's that style anymore. Samantha had heard it all. Samantha got to watch Hannah undress down to her black bra and matching thong. This was the sweetest torture as the sight of her sister's nearly naked body...

1 year ago
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She took my hand in hers as we walked. "You are gonna love my mom. She is just like me, but twenty-two years older. She still has dirty blonde hair, nice melons, and can be sweet when she wants to be.""Really, are her hooters bigger?" I pondered, getting front of her."Yes, smartass," she replied, taking my other hand and looking into my green eyes. "She is just the most important person in the world to me. I just really want both of you to like each other, that's all. We've been seeing each...

2 years ago
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LostChapter 5

His mum called from the freeway to let him know that they were on the way up from Sydney, so he went into the kitchen to start cooking. Tacos; Eddie wasn't a good cook, but anyone could do tacos by kit. They were all ready, with the meat just simmering, when the rest of his family got home. His sister, Jill, who was a year younger than him, was full of excitement about the show they'd watched, the hotel they'd stayed at, the shopping they'd done. His mum was pretty excited, and his father...

2 years ago
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Nowhere Man Book TwoChapter 6

“John, I get an impression of you as a leader of a local civilisation expanding not through warfare but through trade and influence. Could I be right?” “There is a distinct possibility that might be the situation, Duke. I like the idea, but much depends on what happens over the next few years, and the effects we have, through interaction with other power groups such as your army and the northern civilisation. The local tribes will also be part of the development of our group. I would like to...

3 years ago
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Womens Meeting

In the past, and only on special occasions, his wife had reluctantly yet convincingly assumed the dominant mistress role to satisfy his submissive needs. Calling herself ‘Natasha’, she always wore the black leather, knee-high, stiletto-heel boots her husband bought her. With black leather halter and black leather hot pants and a figure to fill them all attractively, she was an awesome sight to behold; even at 55years of age. These past dominant/submissive episodes had been relatively tame...

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Friends Like These3

Willie and I laid there on the cushions till we slipped off in peaceful slumber, how long we slept I don't know. I was waken by Willie as he begin to grind his rock hard penis into me again, I stammered weakly '...Willie, please...'He cut me off '...don't worry, I'm gonna fuck again and bust another nutt in your ass...' Willie took his time grinding deep and slow into me as he worked his body over me hunching, grinding and slamming into me causing me to grunt, groan and cry out as he enjoyed...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Emma Starletto Fucks and sucks her hot hung stepbrother

Emma Starletto is so excited to be getting settled in her brand new loft apartment! She decided to invite her stepbrother over to check it out. The only problem is she didn’t realize he was going to come over right NOW. After she invited him she got a video call from her boyfriend and he wanted her to rub one out for him but her stepbrother showed up in the middle! Things are pretty awkward at first, they’re step siblings after all… but they also reveal that they were both...

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Turned into a Pussy Licking Lesbian Slut

“Okay counsel, your witness” The judge said as he motioned to the prosecuting attorney.The prosecutor stood, straightened his suit jacket and approached me as I continued to sit on the witness stand. “Mrs. DeFrancisco, how long did you know the victim, Miss Simmons?”“Since we, I mean my husband and I moved to Arlington,” I answered.“And how long was that?”“Well we moved here in May of 2001 and I met Debbie about a week after we moved in,” I answered. That was how my cross examination began. It...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 5

They all left the jewelry store, with Tracy in front of the other girls. They watched as she wiggled her cute little ass for them and began to think of all the possibilities they could have with this little toy of theirs. Tracy, on the other hand was trying to think of how she would explain the new jewelry to her parents, should they ever see it. They were very strict about these things and wouldn’t even allow her to get her ears pierced. Now she had her belly button pierced and a chain...

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