Indiscretions Ch. 14 free porn video

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Passion In James County IX


By D.C. Roi

Chapter fourteen

Melissa dragged herself out of the shower, dried herself off and got dressed. She spent the morning doing chores inside the house. Tom had returned home from his extended trip, but he left almost immediately on another one. She had barely been able to talk with him, much less do anything to work on mending the problems in their relationship.

In the afternoon she went to the office and tried to get some paperwork done. There were letters she needed to write and bills that should be sent.

‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me,’ she wondered as she pulled a mistake-filled paper out of the typewriter and threw it in the waste basket. ‘The was a time I was an excellent typist.’

She put another blank sheet of paper in the machine, rolled it around the platen, and began typing again. As her fingers moved over the keys, her mind began to drift. Thoughts she believed were wrong filled her head, and even though she didn’t want it to, her body responded.

‘I wonder what it would be like to have Mitch make love to me out in the field the way he was making love with that woman?’ Melissa thought, recalling the time she’d spent observing Mitch and the woman on their picnic. As she did, her groin began to grow warm and tingles of desire began to spread through her. ‘No!’ she said out loud, shaking her head. ‘What’s wrong with me? I’m married! I have to stop thinking things like that!’

Mitch walked up onto the back porch of the farm manager’s house and knocked on the door. Melissa came to the door, dressed in a plain button-front blouse and slacks. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes were red. It looked to him as if she’d been crying. ‘Anything wrong. Mrs. S.?’ he asked.

‘Uh, no, not really, Mitch,’ Melissa replied. ‘I…I’m just having a bad day, I guess.’ She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. ‘I’m embarrassed you found me this way.’ She tried to suppress the growing elation she was feeling at having him there. He was the last person she should be alone with, given the things she’d been thinking about him.

‘Anything I can do to help?’ Mitch asked. He had a suspicion there were problems in the Singleton marriage, but he didn’t want to stick his nose in where it didn’t belong.

‘I…I guess not,’ Melissa replied. ‘It…it’s something I have to work out on my own.’ She sniffled, took a tissue out of a box on the kitchen counter, and blew her nose.

‘Hey look,’ Mitch said, ‘I’ve got all the chores done, and I was just going to tell you I was taking off early. But, I do have some time, and I am a pretty good listener…’ He hated to see her this upset. Besides, having a chance to spend time alone with her was OK with him, too.

‘I…I really don’t know,’ Melissa replied.

‘Come on. What are friends for?’ Mitch said. ‘I’ll make some coffee and you can tell me your troubles.’ He was supposed to go to Kristin’s for dinner, but he had the rest of the afternoon free and it was just after noon.

‘Well…I…I guess it wouldn’t hurt,’ Melissa said. Having someone listen to her would be a nice change. It seemed as if she and Tom hadn’t exchanged a hundred words in almost a year, and when they did talk, they wound up in an argument. She sat down at the kitchen table and watched Mitch walk to the counter. When she realized she was watching his bottom, a shudder went through her and she hugged herself. She had to stop this, before she wound up doing something she’d regret.

Mitch got the coffee pot going, then he sat down at the kitchen table next to Melissa and put his hand on her shoulder. It was supposed to be a friendly gesture, so he was taken completely by surprise when powerful sensations shot up his arm when his hand came in contact with Melissa. If he wasn’t careful, he’d have a hard time standing up to pour the coffee when it was ready. On the other hand, touching Melissa’s shoulder felt nice, so he left his hand where it was. ‘What’s up, Mrs. S.?’ he asked.

‘Tom’s never home any more!’ Melissa exclaimed and began sobbing.

Mitch had noticed that his employer had been gone a lot lately and had been wondering if that meant something was wrong in the Singleton marriage. ‘He has been pretty busy with his transport work,’ Tom said. ‘Do you think it’s more than that?’

Melissa nodded and tears splashed onto her slacks. Her body shook. Mitch began rubbing her back and as he did he could feel her bra. That didn’t help his situation at all. He was supposed to be comforting her. Instead he was reacting like a randy teenager feeling a woman’s bra strap for the first time!

The coffee maker finished brewing, so Mitch got up to pour each of them a cup. He was very careful to keep his back to Melissa, so she couldn’t see the swelling in the front of his jeans. The woman had her head down, so he was pretty sure she didn’t see the bulge in his jeans. ‘Go on,’ he said, ‘I’m listening.’

‘He…he didn’t used to be gone so much,’ Melissa sobbed, ‘He…it used to be he couldn’t wait to get home. Now…now half the time he calls and says he has to stay out longer.’ She dissolved into sobs again.

Mitch carried two cups with coffee to the table, set them down, and sat down again. He adjusted his legs so he wouldn’t be too uncomfortable. ‘I don’t know, Mrs. S.,’ he said, ‘I know that, sometimes, when you’re building a business, it does take a lot of work.’

‘I…I don’t think that’s it at all,’ Melissa said. ‘If…if I didn’t know better, I…I’d think he was…he was…’ She began sobbing again, unable to put her worst fears into words.

‘You don’t think…’ Mitch said, realizing what she was thinking. ‘Mr. S. wouldn’t do anything like that. He loves you.’

‘But…but if that’s not it, why…why isn’t he ever home any…any more?’ Melissa whimpered. She blew her nose and wiped her eyes. ‘Do…do you think, maybe it could be…that I’m not attractive to him any more?’

That set Mitch back. He found it hard to believe Tom Singleton wouldn’t think his wife was a gorgeous woman. Any man who couldn’t see Melissa was a knockout was blind. He kept rubbing her back and continued to enjoy the pleasurable effect it was having on him. And she did seem to be calming down. At least she wasn’t crying as hard as she had been.

‘Mitch, do…do you think Tom….that he’s…cheating on me?’ she stammered. ‘Do…do you think he finds me unattractive?’

Melissa’s question startled Mitch. ‘Ah…no…I, ah, I don’t think so, Mrs. S.,’ he stammered. ‘I can’t believe Tom, or any guy, wouldn’t think you were, you know, attractive.’ He realized that his voice sounded funny and hoped Melissa didn’t notice.

‘Really?’ Melissa asked. She turned and looked at him with interest.

Mitch had a new problem. Melissa had moved so quickly he didn’t have time to take his hand from her back. When she turned it wound up resting on the side of one of her breasts. Even though he’d just gotten to do something he’d long dreamed of doing, he pulled his hand away quickly. He saw Melissa turn bright red and felt his face getting hot, too. ‘I…I’m sorry, Mrs. S.,’ he stammered, ‘I…I didn’t mean to do that. I…’

‘It was an accident,’ Melissa said, softly, ‘Please don’t be embarrassed. What you were doing felt nice.’ Her face got even redder. ‘Rubbing my back, I mean.’ She was having serious problems. When Mitch’s hand landed on the side of her breast, a powerful rush of delight went through her. And she realized she wanted their hired hand to give her more of those wonderful feelings, just as he’d given them to the woman she’d seen him with!

Mitch had a raging hard-on and no idea what to do. Melissa said she liked it when he rubbed her back, but he couldn’t reach her back with her facing him, so he began stroking her arm. Her blouse was satiny and he thought she felt wonderful through it.

Melissa smiled softly and closed her eyes. ‘God,
that feels nice,’ she murmured. She found herself fighting the feelings of desire growing in her less and less.

‘I bet you could use a hug,’ Mitch said. He didn’t plan to say that, it just came out. He knew he was treading on thin ice, but he couldn’t stop himself.

Melissa opened her eyes and looked at him for a few terribly long moments. Then she nodded slightly and leaned forward. Mitch put his arms around her and she moved against him. He could feel her breasts pressing into his chest. His throat tightened and his cock leapt in his pants, but he kept holding her.

Melissa wasn’t sure she should be doing this, even though it felt awfully good. Things were happening inside her, things she knew were wrong, but she’d been without loving contact for so long! And besides, Mitch was a friend. After a few minutes in his arms, she tilted her head back and looked up at Mitch, her lips parted ever so slightly. She desperately wanted him to kiss her. Would he?

When Melissa looked up at him, Mitch did something he’d been dreaming about doing for years, even though he knew it might get him fired. He covered Melissa’s lips with his. At first the woman in his arms stiffened, then she relaxed and began to kiss him back. The kiss grew more passionate the longer it continued. Mitch’s tongue caressed Melissa’s lips and, tentatively, her tongue emerged, seeking his. Her arms slid around his neck and she strained against him with a muffled groan. Her reaction certainly wasn’t what Mitch had expected.

When the kiss ended, Melissa again leaned back and gazed at Mitch, her chest heaving, her body quaking. ‘Mitch, I…I don’t know what’s happening here,’ she whispered. ‘I…I feel so strange. It…it’s been a long time since I…since I…I felt like this.’ She knew exactly what was happening and, even though she knew it was terribly wrong for her to want this to continue, that’s exactly how she felt!

‘If you’re feeling what I’m feeling, I think it feels wonderful,’ Mitch said softly. He traced her face lightly with his fingers.

Melissa continued gazing into Mitch’s eyes. She was extremely confused. Feelings she wanted to feel, yet feared, were threatening to overwhelm her. She’d already let things go too far. If Mitch tried to do anything else, she wasn’t sure she’d have the strength to stop him, nor was she sure she wanted him to.

Mitch, too, was struggling with conflicting emotions. He wanted Melissa as much as he’d ever wanted anyone, even if she was his boss’s wife. And, he told himself, since her husband was neglecting her, she needed what he wanted desperately to give her.

He stood up, took Melissa’s hand and pulled her to her feet. Then he pulled her into his arms. She moved against him and their lips met in a kiss even more passionate than their first one had been. Once the kiss ended, Mitch gently began leading Melissa out of the kitchen and down the hallway, toward the stairs which led to the upstairs bedrooms.

‘Mitch…what…what are you doing?’ Melissa asked. She wasn’t sure why she was acting so reticent. She wanted this as badly as he seemed to.

Mitch stopped, turned to Melissa, and pulled her into his arms again. This time, as they kissed, he cupped her bottom and pulled her against the swollen mass at his middle. Her tongue lashed his, and he could feel her buttocks tightening in his hands.

When the kiss ended, Mitch clutched Melissa’s hand and his heart thudding like a pile-driver, he started up the stairs. Melissa offered no resistance, or protest as he let her the rest of the way to her bedroom. Inside the bedroom, they stood next to the bed, facing each other.

Melissa’s felt her chest rising and falling and squeezed her eyes shut. She knew she should stop this, but Mitch wanted to make love to her, and she knew he was a good lover. It had been so long since Tom had made love to her! She needed loving so desperately! If Tom wouldn’t give her what she needed, why should she miss out on a chance to get it from someone who did?

Mitch decided he’d go as far as Melissa would allow him to. He began opening her blouse. She wasn’t resisting, but she wasn’t helping him, either. He peeled the blouse from her and dropped it to the floor, then he ran his fingers lightly over skin he’d exposed and saw goose-bumps rise where he touched her.

‘Mitch, you…your touch is wonderful,’ Melissa whispered. ‘So soft…’ He was making love to her! And she needed that so desperately, she didn’t care if it meant cheating on Tom!

Mitch opened the belt encircling her waist, then the clasp that held the waist of her slacks closed. He heard the gorgeous woman sigh when he pushed the slacks down her legs. The only clothing that remained on her were her bra and panties. Melissa gazed at him, looking extremely vulnerable. That only served to make her more desirable.

‘Tom…he’s the…the only man who’s ever seen me this way,’ Melissa murmured as Mitch caressed her trembling body. This might be wrong, but it was wonderful, too, more wonderful than she dreamed it would be.

When Mitch slipped his hands behind her and unfastened her bra clasp, Melissa raised her hands to her chest and held the garment in place, looking at him uncertainly.

Mitch coasted his hands down her sides, hooked his thumbs in the waist of her panties, and dragged them down. He began caressing her buttocks, rotating his palms over them lightly.

Melissa opened her mouth as if she were going to say something, but only a soft moan came out. She found she was no longer able to speak. She continued to clutch her loosened bra over her breasts, even though the rest of her body was bared.

Mitch pulled Melissa against him. Soft murmurs kept coming from her. He could feel her trembling as he held her against him.

‘I…I’m frightened,’ Melissa said, her voice very soft. ‘We…we shouldn’t be…be…doing…this…’

‘Yes we should,’ Mitch said softly, then he kissed her. When the kiss ended, he stepped back and gently lifted her hands away from her chest. Her bra slid down her arms and fell to the floor, leaving her completely nude. He looked at her. Her generous breasts sagged a little, but the nipples – surrounded by large, dark areolas – were thick and had begun to emerge. Her belly was softly rounded and had a few faint stretch marks on the smooth surface. Her hips were wide, and her legs were strong and well-formed. Her body was even better than he’d imagined it would be.

He got her to lay down on the bed on her back. Then he knelt next to her, bent over her, and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. Melissa grasped his head and moaned. He moved his lips from one breast to the other, sucking the tips, massaging her other breast with his hand as he did. Her body began to twist and turn and the volume of her moans increased.

Suddenly, Melissa’s back arched and she began to wail. Her hands were tangled in Mitch’s hair and she pulled at him so hard he was afraid she’d pull handfuls of his hair out. She shuddered and moaned for what seemed like an eternity, then she relaxed on the bed.

Melissa gazed at Mitch, who looked as bewildered as she felt. ‘What…what happened?’ she murmured. ‘Nothing…nothing like that ever…ever happened to me before!’

Mitch was shocked, too. As far as he could tell, she just had an orgasm! From him sucking her breasts! ‘That never happened to you before?’ he asked. She needed loving even more than he thought she did!

Melissa shook her head. ‘Never,’ she replied.

‘I can’t believe you came!’ Mitch said, still a bit awed by what he’d accomplished, ‘You had an orgasm from me kissing your breasts.’

‘Ohhh, God!’ Melissa murmured. ‘It was so wild!’

Mitch began kissing Melissa’s breasts again and at the same time he let his hands explore the rest of her body. She pressed up off the bed against his caresses, moaning softly. Her moans grew more impassioned as his lips moved over her lush form, onto her rounded belly.
He slid his hand between her thighs, onto her vagina. Her clit was hard and erect and, as his hand slid over it, her body jolted.

Melissa was long past caring about whether what she was doing was wrong. All she wanted was more of the wonderful feelings Mitch was giving her. ‘Ahhhhhh!!!’ she cried. ‘Oh, God, Mitch! That feels wonderful!’

His partner’s legs fell apart when Mitch began tracing the outline of her wet opening, feeling the silken softness of her labia. He worked his finger between them and her hips rolled upward. His finger moved into her and her body responded, seeking the pleasure that penetration was giving her.

‘Yesssss, Mitch!!! Do it!!! Oh, Yesssss!!!’ Melissa wailed. Her body once again began to fill with passion and need. This was what she needed. And she was glad she was getting it from Mitch, who was such a wonderful, loving man!

Mitch’s lips traveled across Melissa’s belly to her dense thicket of dark curly pubic hair. He wanted to taste her, to know what it would feel like having his tongue in her pussy, to see how much pleasure he could give her. It was obvious it had been a long time since she’d made love and he wanted to give her as much pleasure as he possibly could.

‘Mitch, what…what are you doing?’ Melissa asked suddenly, a trace of trepidation in her voice. Her legs stiffened and she tried to bring them together, to keep Mitch from doing what she realized he intended to do. Before she could stop him, Mitch got his head between her thighs and captured her clit between his lips.

‘Ahhhhhh!!! My Goddddd!!!’ Melissa groaned. Her hips arched off the bed and her hands pulled at the bed covers. Then her body went rigid and she again began to quiver.

‘Eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaiiiiii!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaiiiiiii!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!’ Mitch heard Melissa’s high, keening wail and felt her vagina clasping his finger when she peaked.

While Melissa lay on the bed, calming down, Mitch got up and stripped off his clothes. When he was naked, he laid down on the bed on his side, looking at her.

Melissa gazed at him, her eyes large and fluid. ‘I…I needed that so badly!’ she whispered. ‘How…how did you know? But…but what about you? Don’t…don’t you want to…to…’

Mitch kissed her softly. Then he rolled on top of her and felt her spread her legs as he did.

‘I want you, very much!’ he said. ‘You can’t imagine how much!’ He grasped his rigid cock, guided it to her still-wet opening, then he slowly lowered his hips, forcing his blood-engorged rod into her, finding her channel surprisingly tight. Her hips rose, drawing him into her. The thrills he felt as he sank into her were incredible.

Melissa’s arms went around him. ‘Oh, God, Mitch, this feels so good!’ she exclaimed, beginning to move her hips. He was giving her exactly what she wanted, and much, much more!

Mitch thrust deep. He was super-excited and knew he wouldn’t be able to stand the delectable grip of her tight cavity for long. It thrilled him when, after he’d been stroking into her for only seconds, he felt her body begin to quiver again. Rippling sensations began in her vagina began milking his cock, and he let himself go, spewing blast after powerful blast of hot cream into her. Waves of pleasure swept over him and it was his turn to moan in ecstasy. While he came he heard Melissa’s wails blending with his and knew she was coming again!!!

‘Take meeeeeee, Mitch!!! Oh, yesssssss!!! Oh, yesssssssss!! Take meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Take meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Melissa cried, her fingers digging into his back.

Afterward, they rested in each other’s arms. Melissa snuggled against Mitch. She put her arm over him and began stroking his back. She smiled at him. ‘How can I ever repay you for the pleasure you’ve just given me?’ she asked, flushing attractively.

Mitch rolled onto his back to give her better access to his body. ‘What you’re doing is just fine,’ he told her.

Melissa slid her hand across his belly, into his pubic hair, which was matted and damp from the juices of their joining. When she grasped his limp penis, Mitch felt a pleasurable tingle run through him.

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My name is Joe and I live alone. I moved out of my parent’s house about 4 years ago. I would have asked my sister to move in, but she recently moved in with her boyfriend, and they are getting serious. So I just live in a one bedroom apartment alone, but on the plus side, I have this neighbor named Angel. She is the nicest and sexiest woman on the planet. We’re both 28, but I’m six foot with brown hair and eyes and she is 5’4 with blonde hair and blue eyes. We both come over to each other’s...

2 years ago
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Old Friend8217s Stunning Wife 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, this is Vikram Singh again with a very real story which happened some months back. I have been a regular reader of this site and after my wife joined a job in Dehradun its the only source of my sexual entertainment. I am 40 year old well built and good looking guy from Delhi, 5′ 7″ tall, very fair and sexually very active guy so if any female from and around Delhi interested in discreet relation with loads of fun and excitement can contact me at Now coming with the story which is a...

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A Southern WarmingChapter 20

The next morning, I arrived early as instructed. I quickly learned that our favorite football team was finally going to get a new stadium. Fortunately for us, the men who make those decisions had chosen our company to supply the decorative paneling and wood trim. It would turn out to be a massive undertaking and would require putting in some very long days. During lunch, I stopped in to check on my mom. She did not look good. I learned that her oxygen had been turned up quit high. It was at...

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Tarak Mhehata Ka Hot Chasma Part 8211 14

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto kaise ho aap log shama chahata hu me apne story ko todi der se pesh kar kar raha hu.. Aap logone mere sari story padi hai aur muje der sara aap ka oya bhi mila hai.. Aasha karta hu ki is part ko bhi aap vaise hi pratisad doge jo aap nw muje pichli story me diya hai..aap logo ka jyada wakt barbad naa karte huye direct story pe ata hu.. Pichle part me aap nwpada hoga ki kis tarah babitaji apni chudai ki dastan sabko batati hai aur sabhi ledies ekdam exite ho...

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Part the second

Okay, continuing on. As I said we weren't a rich family but back in the day house blocks were quite large and we had a big yard. It was divided visually halfway down by the garage so beyond that was completely out of site. We never had the money to go off to movies or such so play was in the yard and the parents were used to us disappearing for hours to play hide and seek or chasies etc.So when we got the chance my sister and I would head down the yard to play, if only our parents knew what we...

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Crazy Cuck Session

I'd been involved with some hot wife couples as a Bull before, a different thing from helping a woman cuck her hubby. Hot wiving means the husband is involved somehow, or may sit back and watch and direct. Can be Hetero or Bi. I always went straight hetero with couples, as I'm averse to sex with men. Nothing wrong with the Bi thing, just not my bag.When I met this particular couple it was pure happenstance. I'd told myself I was going get out of the lifestyle because my last experience had...

1 year ago
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CumBang Daya Knight 08212017

What kind of girl throws a pool party…when she can’t swim? Daya Knight, that’s who! The busty, ebony beauty really can’t swim! That didn’t stop her from inviting 12 white boys over to her place for some fun in the sun. “If you can’t swim, then what are we doing in the pool?” Daya gets right to the point: “I wanna suck a lot of white dick!” In a matter of seconds, Daya’s poolside and on her knees, her 19-year old mouth open and...

1 year ago
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Fancy dress party gone right

As she undressed and got into the shower Natalie once again felt the mixed emotions of excitement and worry. For a short while the excitement took over while her hands, lubricated by the shower gel, wandered over her body. She knew that her tits and pussy were no dirtier than the rest of her, but she gave them extra attention anyhow, enjoying the sensations as the stroked and teased herself. She was rudely interrupted by her husband banging on the bathroom door demanding to know when he could...

Group Sex
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A Plethora of Sex on the High Seas Part III

10:00 pm rolled around and still no word. My wife had been sleeping on the bed in the nude and I wa s starting to wonder if David was going to come. As 10:30 came though, there’s a knock on the door. As I open it, I see Tony with his wife Dana. They are both in bathing suits and as they walk in, they don’t say a word. Tony looks at my naked wife, smiles and goes over to our luggage and starts going threw it. Finally, he pulls out a one piece red bathing suit that, when it got wet, you could see...

2 years ago
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Middle America

Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. My name is Jack and I was born in a small town in Kansas. My dad owned and ran his own store which kept him away from home a lot but I'd usually spend lazy summer days helping him out around the store or just hanging around it in general. I was an only c***d until my little brother was born when I was going into middle school. The introduction of a baby into the family dynamic was anything but smooth. My parents were already spread pretty thin...

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Megha My Ultimate Sex Angel

Hello friends mera naam Vicky hai aur mai Pune ka rehne wala hu.mai ek businessman hu mai baki ladko ki taraha tall nahi hu and I’m just 5.4 inch tall bt mai kafi good looking hu aur ladkiya n middle age women mujse kaafi attract hote hai even I’m a regular reader of ISS n so I decided to post my story so let’s start with story ye baat 4 mahine pehele ki hai mai aur mera ek dost Hamesha aisi ladki ya aurat ki talash main hote hai jo sex ke liye ready ho. So ek din muze mere dost ne kaha ki ek...

3 years ago
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Just a Bad Day

Have you ever had one of those kinda days? The kind where you should have just stayed in bed. You know it’s a bad day when you totally fuck up a wet dream! (But that’s for another time.) Anyway, you get the idea of the kind of day I was having.   My boyfriend came home from work. He could tell by my demeanor I was having a less than stellar day. He pulled me into his lap, grabbed at my shoulders and could feel the tenseness being held within. The more he squeezed the more I could feel my body...

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Compelled Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My best friend and I had known each other from grade school onward, but I kept one secret from him. I kept it from everyone as a matter of fact. I had been dressing in my sisters clothes since I was just a kid. Only twice, when I got really careless, had I been discovered all dressed up. Once by my Mom, and once by my sister. Both times they scolded me and I quickly changed clothes. Now that I am 17, there is no doubt that...

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Honey Do

Honey Do By Fringold Sixfingers "All is as planned master." A little imp with a rather large, and disgusting grin, stood before an old man on a throne. The man, dressed in robes of purple with trim of gold and silver, slouched with a staff draped across his lap. The naked imp tried to control his eagerness. His failure led to dance. "I have done as you have instructed. Now, even Gnar, hero of Beleth and hero/warrior of the sorceress Tenre, cannot stop your plan." "Good," the...

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His lucky break

Beautiful. The only word that comes to mind viewing Becky Daemon laying face-down on his bed. Her t-shirt laid beside her, her sports bra covered her nicely, her tan was even all over her body. She wore tight shorts that made the button barely hold, her nice round butt stood tall over her but not freakish. Her head turned to the right, in the dim light she looked like the perfect goddess. While everyone else was just in the next room partying thru the graduation party. There was 9 people in all...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 308

As we were following the Humvee to our assigned parking spot I looked over at Vicky, remembering how much she had grown since I had met her. In just two and a half short years she has proven herself time and time again that she can master anything that came her way just like the other girls back home. Remembering just last week, when Vicky proved herself once again in the heat of battle during the first embassy visit, - she followed me around back and took two rounds in the vest and still...

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CHAPTER 3: THE GATEWAY BOYSMy eyes crack open the next morning to the filtered light of a clear sky. The sheers softly move on the breeze. The muted sounds of my isolated property filter in through the open balcony French doors. I tentatively search the room without moving my head. I see nothing except the furnishings of my bedroom. I cautiously lift my head and turn my body to search further. I still see nothing. Of course, all seven could be here and I wouldn’t know it unless they...

2 years ago
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Masi Ho To Meri Masi Jaisi

Hi to all friends myself Vishal (name changed) aur main Kolkata ka rehne wala hoon aur iss ka regular reader hoon it’s a great site for us to read ani one’s sex experience, so dis site rocks is site ki lagvag har story maine pade hai specially from desi incest,teacher, category. Aur ab main iss ka 1 reader ko thanks kehna chahta hoon,kyunki unki wajah se mera yeh sex experience hua hai. Now coming to myself. Meri umar avi 20 saal hai aur main eng. Ka student hoon meri height 5’11” hai,aur...

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Lottery Winner TravelsChapter 4

I had brought a water and drank it while letting the sun warm me. I was almost dozing off when one of the men wandered over. “Good afternoon, I’m Tom Mays from Houston. Who are you?” “I’m Xavier Marigold from Nashville. I go by X. I’m headed on to Arizona and New Mexico. I may stay there for the winter. I haven’t decided yet.” “Cool, X. We’re on vacation but I’m guessing you don’t work.” He said it with a questioning sound to his voice. “That’s true. I retired after striking it rich quite...

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An Affair to Remember

Hi readers! I am back with another story to share with you. This incident took place when I joined intermediate science and she was newly married to my cousin brother Sumit. Let me write something about her. Her name was Sunayna (Nick name Sony). At the time wedding, she must have been 25 years old with sandal complexion. Her height was 5.4" and gifted with a gorgeous look. She had a nice and sexy figure of 38-30-40 size. Honestly speaking, I had developed a soft corner for her. I must add that...

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Going anal

After the joys of the night I spent with Mike and Jo we discussed meeting up for more fun and I mentioned to them I was interested in trying anal. Mike and Jo were very happy at this and said they'd love to induct me into the joys. As a result I met up with Mike and we headed to his house. On entering I, again, met Jo and we shared a kiss. Mike and I hung our jackets up and Mike led us up the stairs to their bedroom. Jo excused herself and headed into another room. “She’sgoing to get changed”...

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Part 1 A night with escort

Me - Hello, **** Escort Agency. EA - Yes? Where do you want escort? Me - Umm... Sir, this is my first experience. I might need a little briefing. EA - Okay Sir, Wait a minute. we will transfer your call to another representative, you can talk to them for full enquiry. * In about a minute, I was transferred to another person. It was a female this time. EA - Hello sir, How my I help you? Me - Mam, This is my first time hiring an escort. I wish to have know about the escorts you provide,...

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A good start to summer Part II

I got up and headed for the bathroom down the hall from his room. Last night had left me sore, tired, and a little bit jittery. It had been awesome, but I always feared the worst, and the worst was what his attitude would be. I couldn’t stop thinking that he would tell somebody or people would find out about us. I wanted to keep the little popularity I had. I trudged to the white porcelain toilet and began my business. It felt weird peeing without boxers. It felt weird to be walking around...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 37

Friday June 2 We finally felt that we were ready. The Pickup Truck was already sailing in the general area, with the SDV in one of the holds. We spent one last night with our families and then flew out to the Pickup Truck. We rested and napped while we sailed closer to the oil platform. Well after dark descended, we suited up and did a last-minute check of our gear, and then prepared ourselves mentally. After midnight, we brought out the SDV and lowered it into the water with the Aircrane....

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Lily Love 22581

Lily Love’s boyfriend Richie is starting a new job, and she’s so excited that she’s going to celebrate: while he’s away at his first day at work, Lily’s gonna fuck his best pal, Johnny! Yes, who needs a bottle of champagne when you have a horny, cheating girlfriend who’s continuing an ongoing tryst with your good friend?! All dressed up in thong and a lingerie, Lily dials Johnny the minute Richie leaves the house and makes sure she gets porked good and hard while her man is out to bring home...

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Oh Coach

I attended a small university in the Midwest where I was a decent basketball player. During my first year I was redshirted and basically practiced with the team and kept statistics. During that time, I got to know the coaching staff well and was able to play on the team while working on my degree in athletics. After I graduated with my BA, I stayed on to do post graduate work for my Master’s degree and with my additional year of eligibility continued to play on the team. In the second year...

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my best friend wife

I have know them for a long long time and we do alot of parting and puping togeather.My friends wife is a great looker and i have all along got on quite well with her but we never thought of sex as we were just great friends.Recently she visited me at home do drop something for my wife and as i was at home alone(my wife had gone to work and it was my day off while the k**s were at school) i called her in for some tea and that is quite normal thing for us to do.The TV was on and while i went to...

4 years ago
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My son and I the fourth chapter

I gave him a funny look for a minute, because he just called me by my first name.“'Did you just call me, 'Roxanne'?” I pondered.“Well, that's your name, isn't it?” Travis asked rhetorically.“Yes, but to you it's 'mom', and not 'Roxanne', little man,” I let him know.“I'm sorry, but did you just call me 'little man', Roxanne?” Travis asked.“OK, how about this: when we have sex, you can call me 'Roxanne', but all other times, it's 'mom', got it?” I wanted to know.“I got it, Roxanne,” Travis...

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The Football Bet

“Hurry up,” Johnny shouted up at me.“I am going as fast as I can,” I shouted down the stairs. “What's the big deal?”One of his co-workers was coming to our apartment to watch a football game. I didn't see the big deal.“He's always on time,” Johnny said.As he looked himself in the mirror for the three-hundredth time, I came down the stairs. Staring at him, I shook my head at him.“Come here,” I said. I always had to straighten his hair, it was always a mess.“You're wearing that?” he asked.“Yeah,”...

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Ek Anokha Safar

Hello frnd I m Renesh thakur is baar phir haazir hoon ek nayi kahani lekar badi hi rochak dastan lekar actually ye kuch 8-10 mahine pahle ki baat hai me ek din bhind se Gwalior bus se aa raha tha bas bahut bheed bhad thi aur sheet bhi khali nahi thi me apna bag laker sabse peeche ki sheet par jaakar baith gaya. Aur wah ri meri kismet mere bagal me he koi 30 saal ki ek lady baithi hui thi jo dikhne khuch khaas nahi thi par bhare poore badan ki malik thi aur ek nazar me dekhkar lagta bhi nahi tha...

2 years ago
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This Fat Skank BBW

so its one of them usual boring nights an im browsing online an i come across this chick who lives close by an i hit her up an we get to talking an of course it turns into sex dicussion an she seems like a freak so im like watever an then she asks me if i wanna "chill" so im like sure i didnt have anything better to do so i go pick her up an she hops her big ass in the car an asks me wat i wanna do and im like idk this is ur area wat is there to do around here an shes like well theres a motel...

4 years ago
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my moms sursprise

a few days ago i heard my mom talking with a family friendmy mom has big tits and a great ass and she is beautiful,a milf and yes i would like to fuck her but she is not that hot but for her age is prety good and the family friend is an 22 years old woman that is a very good friend with my mom:"i saw my son a few days ago jarking off in the bathroom,i don't know but i was so horny and i kinda wanted to go inside and suck his cock""well i know many woman that teach there sons""realy?""yes,my...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Rebecca Johnson Venezuelan Hottie Tied Up For The First Time

This SAS shoot is hot Kink from Colombia with sexy Venezuelan model Rebecca Johnson. Rebecca has a fantasy to be tied up for the first time so today is her lucky day. Decked out in a strappy, leather revealing outfit with thigh-high stockings and red heels Rebecca is a ready and willing trainee for her horny boss Cipriani who introduces her to BDSM. Starting with the crop, flogger and rope she gets a taste of BDSM and then some pussy eating and fingering which gets her turned on even more. Then...

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Anitas Phone Tease

"Ummmm - is it noon already?" Anita's hand found the alarm clock on the nightstand next to her bed and switched it off. She turned over and lay on her back, stretching luxuriously. Sunlight was streaming through the windows, brightly illuminating the white sheet that covered her nude body. Her blonde hair was spread out on the pillow around her pretty face, a single strand lying across her lips. She brushed it aside as she yawned, smiling at what promised to be a fine day. As she lifted...

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InnocentHigh Riley Star Saved By The Bell End

Riley Star thought she was sending a nude picture to a boy she liked, but it turns out that the image was forwarded to the entire school! Even her teacher received it. He was concerned and confronted her about it. He even thought about informing her parents, but RIley certainly did not want that. She offered to please his cock if he was willing to and forget about the picture. She began by sucking it then spread her pussy wide on his desk for him to ravage. His cock was much bigger than the...

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The Professor and the Bimbo

Here's another "gargoyle." Now that it's out of the way, I can work on the long one for a while. The Professor and the Bimbo By Ellie Dauber (c) 2001 "Yo, Gordo, the grades are in," Steve Lambert said, knocking on the open door of the room he shared with his frat brother. Gordon "Gordo" Barrenstein had his back to the door. He was sitting on a stool doing biceps curls with a set of weights taking his timing from the heavy rock music coming through his stereo headphones. Gordo...

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AssParade Anais Amore Anais Amores Perfect Booty

Anais Amore is brand new to the biz. She joins us this week to show us her assets and more importantly parade her amazing booty for us. This chick has a killer body, great tits and an incredible ass that would make everyone drool with excitement. First, we get to know her for a bit. Soon after, comes time for her to get properly fucked. Our boy Johnny Love is the lucky SOB that gets a chance to take this hottie for spin. He penetrates her tight hole in several different positions making her cum...

2 years ago
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The Morning after

As I open my eyes my head instantly aching from the sun beating down on my face ending long night of partying with my friends Shan and Lala. I look around my hotel room.. The sheets laying on the floor, the tv on mute, and the drap3s spread wide open and my clothes missing from my body.. then I realize the shower running in the bathroom..quickly trying to get up I collapse back onto the bed my knees weak and numb and the insides of my pussy feeling painfully sore..i hold onto the blanket and...

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