My Problem Ch. 03 free porn video

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Over coffee Sunday morning I knew my problem was eliminated when I yelled at Kara. The tension was gone yet I sighed as my eyes remained focused upon the same black mark on the way. The price was my valued friendship with Kara. Before a raging fire in den I curled up on the sofa. Tears welled up. Much of what was said needed to be said, but said differently at a different time. Rarely my anger controls me. Regretfully at that moment I lost control. Why I went off still haunts my spirit.

The pained look upon Kara’s face rightly continued to cut me to the core. I felt more alone than I have ever felt in my life. Daiquiri purring on my lap was my sole comfort. The loneliness, alienation was my just punishment. The ‘if only’ thoughts were haunting. If only I had not befriended Kara. If only I had remained detached. Why did I allow myself to care for Kara and Tim? If only I had refused to be enticed by Kara’s offer.

I resisted the temptation to apologize to Kara to apologize by reminding myself I needed to have for fortitude or I would become too involved again. I had become too enmeshed in their marital life and Kara’s game. Cold detached distance was the order of the day.

Another temptation I resisted was to email Rene. Kara had deleted all recent and all early correspondence. But she had deleted some fourteen pages of junk mail. It was clear Tim had also been using the email address for registrations. There within a long list was a message from 2004. I smiled with satisfaction and started typing, ‘Rene, you do know me. I am Kate. You have not heard from Tim because at his request I took control of this address. Here is a link to a story as to why. I am out of the picture and advise you to stay clear too. If you want to email him, Tim’s address is ….’ Then my better nature overcame my baser nature. I was sending it in anger. This was not like me. I hit delete and felt at peace. And I was not sure I would ever email Rene. She is dead in his mind and heart, and should remain in the grave.

I continued to be melancholy. Kara is truly a good woman. She is intelligent and thoughtful. She is very passionate about her family and friends. We shared so much and provided each other volumes of support.

I had also become good friends with Tim. He served as my quiet rock standing in the background. He was invaluable in settling matters with my father’s estate. As I grieved he listened patiently to my stories. When I was frustrated with co-workers he listened and his insights help were invaluable. He reminded me of my grandfather in Missouri which may be one of the reasons I liked him so much.

I reminded myself to forget Tim. I had walked away yesterday. ‘There are many other single men out there’ became my mantra. If I kept my eyes open and allowed enough time I could to find a man who would stir both my heart and mind. Ben and Pat reminded me I needed someone to love and cherish me.

Shy of 4 that afternoon the telephone rang. Tim asked if his wife visited me the Saturday. Kara was moody but she was not giving him an explanation other than mumbling. He apologized when I mentioned we spoke. He regretted for giving me an inappropriate glance that had been seen by his wife Thursday night. He was sorry for creating tension between Kara and me. He vowed he would be more careful and limit his contact with me. He would do what he could to heal our friendship.

Cutting him off I assured him the difference between Kara and I had nothing to do with him. I told him his wife was not angry about anything said or did toward me. He replied he was not sure. Trust had been lost and she now was seeing innocent things in a negative light. He said he will seek his wife’s forgiveness. When I hung up I collapsed upon my bed weeping. If only I had turned Kara’s suggestion down flat I would have no heart ache.

An hour later having difficulty concentrating on reading Angelo’s First Families I headed to a local lounge. I needed a different set of walls to upon which to stare and different sounds to file my ears. Being around others without being with them would help. Unfortunately within 15-minutes I was hit upon by a twenty-something man and moments later another offered me a drink. I refused both.

I continued feeling sorry for myself. Twenty another minutes later a late forties/early fifties man offered me company. I glared at him. He kept trying to strike up a conversation even though I was not responding. Watching the Olympics while consuming my second daiquiri the man just kept trying to hit on me. Finally I moved to another stool while I muttering, ‘men, all they want to is a fuck.’

Almost immediately a mid forty-something woman sat on the stool beside me. Taking my hand and leaning over she whispered, ‘do you want men to stop hitting on you?’ I nodded. She whispered she could stop it all. Again I nodded. ‘When I come back from the washroom I will kiss you on the cheek then we will move to a booth. That should end it and we will protect each other’ she said.

Before collecting my thoughts she was gone. Suddenly it dawned on me that her plan was to make it look as if we were lovers. Was this a harmless ploy or part of a greater design?

Finishing my drink I recalled the words of one email to part one. The woman noticed that in part one I expressed a desire to taste sex with a woman. It was not intended. My mind wondered if she was right. Maybe she detected a subconscious desire seeking fulfillment. My mind was awash with those thoughts when I felt a hand take mine.

Lifting my eyes while turning my head, I felt feminine lips kiss my cheek. Speaking loud enough for several men to hear she said she had missed me. Wendy quietly introduced herself as we walked hand in hand toward a booth. Wendy explained that she had flown in earlier that afternoon from Indianapolis. Rather than having her husband risk driving in from Charles Town to pick her up she was spending the night at the motel across the street. The plan was for him to pick her up from the motel at 6:00 and for her to take him to his office.

Nancy and I shared several drinks together while talking about why men hit on any women they see available in a lounge. I groaned there seemed to be a dozen or so stranded men in the lounge seeking female comfort. She nodded and said that is why she has continued to touch my hand and arm. We laughed at each other’s stories of how women are different from men. Responding to her sympathetic spirit and touches she drew from me why I was sitting alone at a bar. Her understanding and pithy comments lifted my spirit. I was no longer thinking about my problems. I was starting to feel good again. Three hours and five drinks passed quickly.

I was laughing at her story about her husband’s fragile ego when she blurted that her husband treats her sometimes as if she was just a piece of property. I agreed many men see women that way. She laughed that it was sometimes nice to be used completely by a man and to be out of control for a night. I was unsure how to respond and remained silent. ‘Speaking of property, two men by the bar look as if they are about to head our way. I am in no mood to be property tonight.’ Before I could turn, her free hand moved to my chin. Looking me in the eyes she quietly whispered, ‘this will keep them away.’ To my amazement she leaned forward and kissed me on my lips. Though the kiss lasted only two or three seconds my pounding heart and confusion made it seem much longer. My mouth did not part, but her tongue running across my lower lip hinted of more to be offered. When she drew back she whimpered ‘wow, I did not expect such a reaction.’ I did not know if she was referring to her own reaction or me.

Before long we left our partly finished drinks behind and I was walking to her motel room. My gate was erratic. I was tipsy, tipsy from too many drinks. And tipsy from my pounding heart and light headedness. The experience of kissing a woman and her gentle touches did not help eit

I will not get into the details as such a description is not the intention of my reflection. That evening I was soothingly and willingly seduced. Her touches and kisses were much unlike a man’s. She took the pleasuring initiative in introducing me to female lovemaking. My body responded. My heart danced and my body swooned at the pleasure being experienced. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment.

Far too long I denied myself sexual release and pleasure. Overhearing Ben and Pat making love helped flame my desires. And that desire was tapped by Nancy. As she did so I recalled various erotic romantic stories. The thrill of living one out drove me to greater heights. I knew I would not close off my sexual desires. Tim denied this opportunity a week ago to be my lover. Now a woman out of nowhere was drawing my sex life out of hibernation. All these thoughts flowed back and forth in my mind as she drew me up climax mountain with her mouth and tongue upon my womanhood.

Words fail to describe how it felt to suckling her breasts. It was both erotic and comforting. Having my hand guided upon another woman’s sex and playing with the crux of the source of life was not offensive. Admittedly it as enjoyable as playing with a man’s hardness, but the memory of it energized me.

She sensed I was not ready to return the oral pleasure. She was content to allow my fingers to become moist with her womanly essence and to use them to draw forth her moaning releasing. Though controlling the release of a woman was different than a man’s, I felt as equally satisfied. Maybe it was the newness and the difference of it all. There was a look of passion and urging in her eyes as she slowly moved toward that moment when a woman’s spirit is overwhelmed and seems to become detached from her body.

For the first time since leaving Wyatt I slept cuddled in a bed against another person. The curves and softness was different yet enjoyable. I longed for a male body to hold but a woman’s was a lovely substitute. As the fog of sleep came over me Tim’s face and voice came to my mind while Wendy’s smooth soft hand rested upon my breast. I moaned inwardly feeling warm breath crossing my face as I feel asleep.

Waking a little after 6 the next morning I found myself alone. Then I recalled Wendy saying her husband was picking her up at 6. I noticed she had folded my clothing and placed them on the table. Upon the pile was a note, ‘Kate, I wish I could be here to awaken you this morning. I really hope this will not be our only time. I would enjoy taking your to new heights. Thank you for allowing me to be your female first. Love Wendy.’

I lay there recalling the prior night. Being with Wendy was an emotional and touching experience. I allowed myself to be seduced. Yes, I had too much to drink. Yet, I knew what was happening and went willingly. My unknown female emailer was right in her reading. My conscious mind now knew the curiosities of my subconscious. When the opportunity presented itself, and with alcohol reinforced courage, I ceased it.

Wendy was gentle and understanding. She drew me forward step by step. She knew this was a daring step for me. She made me feel like I was the only person who mattered to her. As we lay entwined in our after passion I learned Wendy had eight affairs over her seventeen years of marriage. Six were women. Her husband did not know of her affairs. His male ego would be threatened by her seeking female lovers. He would feel that she was doing it because he was not a good enough lover, not for desire to be with a woman and experience female loving.

Would I do it again? The memory of Sunday night aroused my curiosity for more. That said, would I do it with Wendy? The note provided her email address, but no telephone numbers. Evidently she was being guarded and taking few risks. It is ironic that I left Wyatt because of his philandering ways with women. Now I am ‘the other woman’. I did not like it, but that is what I would be if I met Wendy again. All day Monday the irony of it all played upon my mind.

An hour and a half before heading home on Valentine’s Day, a potted red mini-rose bush in a white planter with a red bow came to my desk. The large card read, ‘Katie, thank you for a memorable evening. You are a precious woman. The power of your sensuality is surpassed only by your generous heart. Within you is a volcano of passion seeking release. I saw it your eyes that night. I hope you felt it too. My wish is that your passion and strength of spirit will find full release.’

‘Though in the scheme of life our time has been mere seconds, I feel we have known each other for an eternity. There was something by the way you looked that night that took my breadth away. Your smile and the glint in your eyes caused my heart to leap. When you first touched me hand I wanted to embrace you fully and to protect you from all harm. My heart wanted to reach in and take from your heart an unspoken pain I saw in the back of your eyes. Though I could not stay with you until the sun brought forth its warming light, I departed into the darkness with a heavy heart and a tear in my eye. My first love still means more to me than I could ever express and I will not put our relationship at risk ever again. My heart and life will forever belong to my first love. None will be able to replace the joys, passion and love that are grounded in youthful days.’

‘Yet on this day of love I cannot let my thoughts go unspoken. I still see your smiles and your tears. My heart desires nothing less than to apply a healing balm and to be your protector. Your soft round face is burned into my mind. Your laugh and sweet voice dances in my ears. Being with you feels so natural. Thought I wish we could become best friends and kindred spirits, I acknowledge that wish is not possible. In am conflicted in my thoughts about you. While I would like to think you feel the same, such a hope may only be one of my unrealized dreams.’

‘You deserve only the best. Nothing further will be said unless you return an expression in the coming days. Lacking a clear message or sign I will do nothing more. I made that mistake once and I will not make it again. I will tuck the memory of that night and our conversations in the sweet spot of my heart.’

‘May these flowers recall a cherished evening. May the mini roses grow in your home as they reflect the beauty of your face and spirit. May they remind you of your sensuality, your beauty and strength. May they encourage you to unleash your passion and unleash your heart that you have kept chained too long. At heart, your lover.’

Initially perplexed as I had not given Wendy my address or telephone number, I realized I told her where and in what department I worked. I knew it was unsigned to protect me. She must have paid a premium to have such a lengthy message included printed onto the card. Wendy was good, very good indeed in continuing her seduction. She was well down the road to capturing my heart. I could read between the lines that she was saying she wanted to be with me again. I want to give myself to someone. Wendy walked through the door to captivate my attention. Tim and Kara are away from the front of my mind.

Being gently seduced warms my heart. A smile came upon my face. I was the focus of someone’s amorous intentions. Wendy reached in with words I needed to hear. She knows my heart even though we just met. Before I heard the voice of our department’s secretary, I clutched the card to my breast thinking, ‘I have a lover. I have a lover who has touched my heart!’

I could not fault Gina for being curious as to the man who sent the flowers. I avoided the question by asking her for a report on a spill in Nigeria. There was no way I was going to say that the roses are from another woman.

Though alone Valentine’s night, my spirit was quieted by the warmth of knowing I am loved. Lately, my life has been on a roll coaster. Wendy has pulled the break, allowed me to get off, and given me new op
portunities to experience tenderness, desire and pleasure. I had been trying to get my mind around what happened Sunday. The flowers overcame the last of my issues. I am no longer feeling guilty for having a female lover. I quietly smiled at the lack of concerns about no longer being a nice girl.

The night with Wendy was tender. That night along with the roses provided me the physical and emotional release I needed.

It seemed only natural to start this reflection on Valentine’s evening, an evening of love and passion. I am amazed how things have changed in ten days. Then I was participating with Kara to attract her husband’s desires. Back then Tim filled my thoughts. Being in his arms and to experience his passion and kisses was my dream. Now, my thoughts have turned to another. Wendy’s seductive letter was drawing my heart to her. My problem is how much to give myself to this new experience. I still earn for male passion, touch and hardness. For now I am pleased to have Wendy’s words, touch and lovemaking skills draw forth my sexual desires and passions.

While I want to repair my relationship with Kara, I will not play her games. If we do repair her friendship I have walked away from Tim. I am surrendering myself to another, albeit a woman. As far as Tim is of concern, fortunately he has not been aware of my interest and feelings for him and any feelings he has had for me appear to have been more lustful in nature. I am not in his heart and for that I am thankful. My feelings will die as my desires for love and passion for another bloom with the rose bush.

The first draft helped me to work through my thoughts enough to send a Valentine’s email to Wendy. ‘Wendy, or should I say dearest Wendy for what I am saying? Thank you for Sunday, for not only coming to my rescue, for her understanding and for introducing me to a new world. Your gentleness and kisses are so different than what I have ever experienced. You worked through my initial awkwardness to bring forth pleasure I have long suppressed. Your roses and note touched my heart. I almost cried that you thought so much about me to send them. Without reservation I want to be with you. I am longing for more of your sensuous touches. I am surrendering myself to you. Yes I want you to teach me more about female lovemaking, and to introducing me to more new experiences. I want nothing less to give you my full passion in return and to thrilling you. Wendy, I am yours for the teaching.

Your face and womanly body are vivid in my mind. Between now and then I will find ways to increase my longing to see and make love to your body. Again, I am yours to be taught and for your pleasuring. Katie.’ The last thing I wanted to do was send a mixed or unclear message. Seeking to be as clear as possible I told her to take charge and I wanted her to be my teacher.

The next day checking my emails at noon I noticed a message from Jeff, Tim and Kara’s youngest son, reminding me of the time of his high school band concert on Thursday. I cursed under my breath for making the promise to be at the concert. How Kara would react concerned me. The last thing I wanted was a public scene.

Thursday I slipped into the back rows as the first jazz band was playing its first item. Over on the right half way up sat Tim and Kara. When the first two concert bands started the stage change Kara moved into the seat beside me. She patted my hand as she said ‘thank you for coming. Jeff will be happy to see you after. He thinks the world of you. Thank you for what you said. A best friend says what needs to be said, even if it is painful to speak and hear. A best friend is willing to risk the friendship. Thank you for being you and kicking some sense into me.’ Before I could form my thoughts on this unexpected turn she left to join Tim. She gave me my space.

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The Bus Encounter

Hi Friends, I am Sanjay from Delhi and below I am sharing with you one of real life experiences of a very good friend of mine. In her very own words: I am Chithra. I would like to share my experience with you. This happened recently. I am In my early thirties, married still in shape. (My stats are 5 ft 7″ tall, fair and 36C 30 38). I normally wear saree every day and usually prefer to wear it low-hip, exposing the deep navel as it suits my height. I also secretly enjoy the stares & peeks I...

2 years ago
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My experience as a White Bull with a cuckold India

So I’m an average white guy who’s in good shape with a pretty decent toned body. My Indian friend Anil is skinnier and shorter than me and has a more fattier body. I’ve known him since school and he had been with his girlfriend for a about 5 years when this happened, who is also Indian. We live pretty nearby to each other so were always going round to each others houses. His girlfriend would always compliment me when I saw her and would always insist on hugging me, she always wanted to take...

2 years ago
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My Old Flame pt1

I was waiting to catch my flight to a conference when I saw a woman come off the top of the escalator near my gate who I could have sworn I’d seen before. Try as I might I could not take my eyes off her as she crossed the concourse towards me and sat down a couple of rows away. I shook my head to clear it and went back to the report I was reading. A few minutes later I noticed a movement and saw her walking away towards a coffee shop. I decided I had to speak to this woman and find out if I...

Straight Sex
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Dans Home Coming

As far as business trips go this one was a bust. The client I was to meet with had a burst appendix two hours into our first meeting and had to be carried off to the hospital. As a result I was home two days early. Beverly's car was in the driveway; good, I thought, I was horny as a goat and a round in the sack and a good dinner at Carl's Chop House would do me just fine. I walked in the house and hollered, "Bev, I'm home." No answer. Maybe she was taking a nap. I carried my suitcase into...

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Weekend CaptiveChapter 3

The early morning rush to complete packing, take showers, eat breakfast and get to the airport precluded any discussion about the previous night. Linda's mother did manage to ask after Tom, and her father wondered how Linda had got into the house and into bed without anyone hearing. Linda was trying to avoid her parents, an intention that went unnoticed in the scramble to catch the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service - Qantas - airliner. Linda made a half-hearted attempt to...

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Tabithas Bimbo

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is not intentional. Ditto for the situations. You, the reader, should be of legal age of consent (usually about 18 years old) for the location from where you are connecting. I am not responsible for those who choose to ignore the above and read the story below. This story may not be reproduced or posted on another site without the express permission of the author. Tabitha's Bimbo By Jamcd Sean sat in front...

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Dawn of the Federation Book II Darkness on the Edge of SpaceChapter 4 The halfnaked Truth

Tholos' antennae were planted firmly to the back of his head as the horrible whining sound of a ship crossing a vortex filled the bridge again. Only for the second time Captain Reed had ordered the maneuver to be performed and with a sense of satisfaction he noticed that this time all weapons systems stayed online. The long after-duty hours with Lieutenant-Commander T'Len and her second in command, Lieutenant Trak had paid off. The vortex generator still strained the ship's systems, but at...

3 years ago
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I Fuck A Straight Friend this really happened

I fucked a straight FriendThis really happenI had this friend named Pete we race Circle Track against each other and flu air combat online once we got out of the racing I didn't see him a whole lot we just flew together online at our own houses.. One day he asked me if I like to play cribbage I used to play cribbage when I was younger with my friend Barry.. after he moved away I had no one to play with so I stopped playing I told Pete yeah I know how to play cribbage and we started playing...

2 years ago
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The whole world was watching the chase. Your father, Victor Von Doom, has truly done the impossible. After years of fighting, his old friend Reed Richards was now and finally dead. It was your idea in fact, your fathers boundless Intelligence had been passed down flawlessly. He hid you from the world and taught you everything he could, but now in your hour of triumph he was in trouble. His streamlined chrome light-jet was faster than any other plane in existence. Nearly every superhero now...

1 year ago
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Anything Can Happen On Vacation Chapter 3

Anthony had watched as his daughter had returned the favor, going down on Kate and devouring her more mature cunt. Based on the noises Kate had made, Jenna had seemed to know exactly what to do. Then, as the two women crawled into the bed, Jenna grinding on Kate's face as Kate slid her tongue deep in Jenna's teen snatch, the dream had faded away. Now, as he lay in bed, feeling more refreshed than he had in a long time, Anthony felt Kate's body pressed against his. He pulled her closer, his...

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GirlsWay Spencer Bradley Liz Jordan Luring The School Nurse

Spencer Bradley – a nurse at a high school – escorts Liz Jordan, a seemingly sick student, back to Liz’s house. They haven’t been able to get ahold of Liz’s parents, and Spencer resolves to put Liz to bed so she can rest. A few moments later, Spencer tucks Liz into bed and leaves the room to try calling Liz’s parents again. While Spencer is out of the room, Liz grins mischievously, revealing that she is faking sickness with the aim of seducing Spencer, since...

2 years ago
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Sleeping Sean

"Seven!!" I yelled, laughing and waving as I climbed onto my bus. I sat down in my usual seat and put in my headphones. I was looking forward to going over to Ashley's house tonight. It had been a particularly stressful week with school and I really needed some fun. And as an added bonus, Ashley had a brother two years older than us that was super hot! Sean was always really nice and I never thought of him sexually until I accidentally walked in on him as he was getting out of the shower....

3 years ago
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Friends Mother

Jeff and I where at the bar, everybody we saw out was older crowd 35 and up. Didn't bother me I like older people, they are fun, mature and know how to tend to your needs. I had enough to drink to say I'm not driving. Jeff said I can crash at his place and get my car tomorrow. He said his mom was visiting and that she will be in the guess bedroom. Told him no problem I'll take the couch, plus that's where the projector screen is :) Jeff's mom is pretty hot for 61 years ripe. She has mostly...

2 years ago
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Teaching Her Girls How To FuckPart 1 The Mother

I was home on leave in late September, with nothing to do on a Friday night. So I headed down to the bowling center to visit some old school buddies, who were bowling on a Friday night league. We chatted for a while about old times, and I told them some war stories. I then told them I was heading into the bar to watch the baseball game that was on the TV. There were a few people in the bar, but I did not know any of them, so I grabbed a table by the TV, and order a beer, and settled back...

1 year ago
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Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 10 Iron Fist

The stars rolled by the office window lazily as the Pinwheel’s torus spun. Chief of Security Moralez looked up at the readout that was scrolling past on his monitor, yawning as he nursed a styrofoam cup full of dark coffee. It was gritty, and it tasted like shit, but it was all that was left in the pot. His shift was almost over, and he was eager to get back home to his girlfriend. He gave the readout another glance, then set down his coffee on his console with one of his prosthetic hands,...

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BBCSurprise Aarora Fire Not The Kind of Fuck You Get At Home

We love our redheads around here, so it’s a real pleasure to get one of our favorites back, Aarora. She’s done a few scenes for us and thinks she’s back for another one with faux Director Will, who is happy to oblige in the ambush if for no other reason than to get his dick between those luscious lips that know how to suck oh so well. Little does she know she’s about to get impaled by her first ever BBC and life will never be the same! While waiting in the wings, our stud Isiah has only one...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Lost Weekend

One of my favorites!-----------------------------------------------My Wife's Lost WeekendbystoriemaxHere are the events that took place last weekend and how I learned all the juicy details. It all started just after I left the house to play golf for the weekend with a friend. My 45 year old, prim and proper school teacher wife was left at home to fend for herself. Now that was nothing unusual but what happened in the next 24 hours was very unusual for both of us. My wife Pam, as I stated...

3 years ago
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Slaves Next Door

"Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh." I blink . The burning red alarm clock next to my bed tells the time. It's 3:00 AM. Three fucking 'o clock in the morning. I try to block my ears with my pillows, but it doesn't do shit. The constant guttural sound pierces it like it wasn't even there. I lay back in bed. This was the third night this week I've woken up to this. "Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh." The third night this week. I had work in the morning too. I should call the cops. Have them break up...whatever they're up to....

3 years ago
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Skipped Work for horny crazy night

LETS GET RIGHT TO IT... It was a monday night around 10:39pm when I became over powered by this feeling for sex. I took a shower and got all dressed up in a black lacey outfit with garter belt, stockings and heels. I was looking so hot and so horny that I wanted to cum before even getting to the adult arcade to have fun. The parking lot had about 8 cars in it so I picked my best spot for the next few hours. I was so ready that I quickly took off my jogging outfit that covered my sexy whore...

4 years ago
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Niece Beth Confesses

Niece Beth ConfessesBy billy69boy(Sequel to “Creative Nieces Get Punished”)“Goodbye, dear, we’re going over to the pool now,” my wife yelled down the basement steps to me. “Okay, darling, have a good time, see you later,” I replied. “Beth doesn’t want to go with us. She’s still in bed, is that okay with you?” she asked. “Yes, that will be fine, I’m not going anywhere,” I offered. My two favorite young nieces and their mother were staying with us for a summer weekend visit. I looked out...

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A surprise from my brother

I heard a knock on the my door. I glanced at the clock. It was 3 in the morning. I turned over in bed, but didn't get up. I heard a knock again, louder this time. Who could it be? My parents were most certainly asleep. If there were a fire, someone would come bursting in, they wouldn't knock. The person knocked a third time. I reluctantly crawled out of bed, muttering under my breath, and opened my bedroom door. Before me stood my brother, in only his boxer shorts. His abs made it hard for me...

2 years ago
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Whos a Fairy 12 Once Upon a Time Divide

Who's a Fairy? 1-2: Once Upon a Time Divide By Ron Dow75 Chapter One: The Fairy Godmother Flutz had never read the Story of Sleeping Beauty or Snow White. Flutz had never read anything she didn't have to. She was a Royal... or she would be again, once she found the Princess she'd lost. === In an alley on a long way to home: "Get up, you sissy!" demanded the larger boy who'd knocked Alfred down. The twerp, in cross-trainers, jeans and yellow pullover sweater, was just...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 66 Old Acquaintances

Grandpa was right about some of what he had said. I googled ‘medal of honor procedure’ later and it turned out there was a huge process involved in giving the Medal of Honor. Once the recommendation worked its way up from Battalion to Brigade and then to Division, it landed at the Pentagon. At least two boards in the Human Resources Command had to approve it, and then it went before the Chief of Staff, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of...

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22 spanks

“Do you trust me?” I ask, standing in front of my apartment. “Yes, I do,” you say, looking at me in the dim light of the hallway. Your green eyes look at me briefly, before looking down at the black scarf in my hand. “Good.” I turn you around, place the blindfold over your eyes and tie it behind your head. You let out a deep sigh, as if you’re about to dive from a cliff in unknown waters below and are mustering all the courage you have. Noticing your body tense, I move closer, press my body...

4 years ago
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Kirsten Goes to Work

It started when the company I had worked for for twenty-two years went bankrupt. I suddenly found myself looking for work in an almost non-existent job market in an economy that sucked. When I finally did find something it was at less than half of what I had making before. I ran through a lot of our savings before I found the new job and while things were not necessarily desperate, money was tight. My wife Kirsten and I sat down, reviewed our finances, and since the kids were grown up and gone...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 8 Submissive Genies Cherry Love

Chapter Eight: Submissive Genie's Cherry Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

4 years ago
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I miss her so much

Weeks ago, I decided to go for a massage even though I still have this fear due to the ongoing pandemic. Although in my place, Cebu city, massage spas have already resumed operation.I remember when Covid hit our country last year of March, I told myself, “Mike, this is a sign that you would stop lusting around with those massage therapists. This could also be the sign that you will finally evolve to become a better spiritual man.”I thought I could hold on to my words but I didn’t last, as...

Monster Sex
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Im on a boat

This sexual adventure began on a cruise i went on last summer. The first 2 days of the 9 day cruise were boring. We didn't really do anything and i hadn't found any k**s my age yet. Until that night, i had found a whole bunch of k**s, same age, hanging out in the hot tub. I decided to join them, there were 4 girls, 2 guys, and then me. So we all hung out for the rest of the cruise. The night after i had met them, we were back in the hot tub again. Everyone was messing around splashing each...

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Ancient Abilities Part 2Chapter 8 The Growth of Mission Finances

During the week after the privacy legislation had been passed by Parliament, Frank, Jim S, I, and our wives met to discuss our plans for the future. Some months back, we had decided that a few of our older children were mature enough to be informed of the mission. We briefed them on the four tasks and our desire for them to help support the mission. We made very sure to make it clear that the decision to support the mission was theirs to make. When they agreed, we strongly suggested that they...

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Dysfunctional Lustful Incest 8211 Part 1

My name is Rahul, I am 34 years old and from Mumbai. Touch wood, I am still blessed physically and emotionally. I have a wonderful wife of 32 years old and blessed with an amazing daughter of 6 years old. I am a dealer in hardware products. Hard work pays off (I am earning well). Well, you must be thinking I have a systematic life so why I am sharing it over here. Well, the real story begins now. I have an elder sister-in-law Raadha of 35 years old, who is little crazy and kind of horny. She...

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PureTaboo Haley Reed Penny Barber We Warned You Last Time

Ellen (Penny Barber) and her husband Walter (John Strong) are walking through their backyard when they notice a neighbor’s teen, Terry, sneaking around. They are especially curious yet suspicious since Terry soon stops at the home of their troublesome teen neighbor, Gina (Haley Reed). Ellen and Walter watch with growing disgust as Terry nervously knocks on Gina’s door. When Gina pokes her head out, they have a hushed conversation and Gina hands over a brown paper bag. That’s...

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Brandi Gets Her Hair Done and a Little Bit More

I had promised Brandi a two week vacation for everything we had been through. Brandi came to me and asked if we could postpone it for a few months. She said that she just didn’t feel like going anywhere right now. I told her that there would be know problem with that. In fact, I think we should wait about six months. When Brandi was in school her major was biology. The branch of biology that she got her degree in was zoology. Brandi was working for a travel agency and we could get decent rates...

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