The Secrets in Arthur s Basement
- 3 years ago
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‘That was just what I needed,’ Simone told me, licking her lips as the receding sound of Consuela’s van had remade the street into a quiet, dark, and lonely space.
‘You know,’ I replied, ‘at first I was freaked out when you took our cocks and were licking them both. I’ve never touched another guy’s cock, especially with my own!’ I laughed a little uncomfortably as I said it, almost surprised at myself for thinking or at least saying it.
‘Consider it as being liberated,’ she responded. Then added, ‘And don’t worry about it. This shouldn’t turn you ‘gay.” She said that in such a faux-mocking way, it made me laugh at myself.
‘Your cum was even thicker and even more delicious than usual. You didn’t jerk off while I was away, did you?’ I nodded sheepishly. ‘Well, it proves you have self-control. Good for you.’ After mulling it over for a while she said, ‘I hope it wasn’t disappointing not to be able to see it well in the van. It totally turned me on, but I know how guys are so visual.’
‘It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. I was glad to see you have such a nice orgasm — all ten minutes of it.’
Raising one hand in an attempt at a courtroom confession, she said, ‘Guilty as charged.’
A little bit concerned that I still had no clue about what she had planned for us next, I asked her about it.
‘I can’t tell you too much just yet, but we have an ‘appointment’ in a few minutes and most of what you need to know will be revealed then, I promise.’ She was suddenly serious. ‘I just need you to take my lead and really think about what you’re doing. Also, you’ll have a chance to ask questions at the end. Be honest and don’t make any decisions based on me.’
What the hell did that mean? Suddenly, I was awfully confused. It began to dawn on me that the relationship I thought we had was probably a sham. I had already imagined what my life would be like with Simone. It was to be a wonderful future. I was ready to settle down in the next year. I’d be an MBA and a CPA. I’d get promoted. All I needed was a partner. Simone, in my fantasy was to be that partner.
But now it was muddled at best. My confusion was the realization that there probably had never been a future, that I was a pawn in some kind of an operation, and that Simone was simply an agent doing her job.
We walked another cold city block in silence. My thoughts ran from disappointment, always one to expect the worst, to an uneasy hopefulness that our relationship was sincere and that we had grown close enough to be able to move past this.
As I pondered my own position, I was surprised at how her demeanor had shifted to ‘all business.’ It caused me to consider more about the ramifications of whatever clandestine activity she was involved in and how it might affect me. Except for the experience with the thugs a few nights ago I’d never thought much about being in personal danger. And, the way she’d handled things I felt like she knew what she was doing and wouldn’t do anything to actually put me in harm’s way.
Would she?
A block from her apartment, I followed her into a Burt’s Yogurt Yurt (or as it was called, a B2Y), a regional chain of desert shops with half a dozen tables and cheery décor. We went in and ordered some frozen yogurt deserts from a pimply-faced counter kid. We were the only people in the place — frozen yogurt not being the desert of choice for a chilly, late October weeknight.
We got small portions of some very tasty real fruit-sweetened frozen yogurt, sat and ate in peace, and exchanged some small talk. After a few minutes, the server got a brief phone call. When he hung up, he told us that he was closing for the night because there was no business and he needed to get home to help his sister with homework. He shut off the outside lights and dimmed the ones inside. He began to balance the till when Simone got up and said, ‘While he’s finishing I’m going to the washroom,’ she told me.
‘You should too,’ she added emphatically.
Not a very subtle hint, but if she wanted me to follow her to the washrooms, well, I guess I got the message.
As we walked to the back of the shop the kid told us to just make sure the door was locked on our way out. When we got to an alcove in back there was a door marked Restrooms. Beyond the door in a small hallway were three more doors, labeled ‘Men,’ ‘Women,’ and ‘Employees Only.’ She opened the last and the door slammed firmly behind us, the sound followed by an electronic click or two. It was clear to me that this was not simply a room for the employees of a frozen yogurt shop.
The room was a brightly lit, off-white color with a grey floor, uniformly pitted with tiny holes spaced about an inch apart. I briefly considered that this was the entrance to a secret lair and that the floor was loaded with fast-acting knockout gas just waiting for the wrong person to attempt to get beyond it.
I followed Simone across the empty room to a door on the opposite wall. I happened to look up and noticed that there were three small black hemispheres protruding from and evenly spaced around the ceiling. This new door had some security devices built into the wall next to it.
Simone swiped an ID from her wallet, appeared to have a retinal scan performed, and then punched in a code. The door opened mechanically with an ominous metallic swoosh and we walked into another small room where two guards in uniforms sat behind a sealed glass wall, monitoring at least a dozen displays. This room, too, had a door on its far wall.
They smiled and quickly waved to Simone who professionally reciprocated. After efficiently taking my photograph, in seconds they pushed two ID badges through a sealed hole in the glass. Simone’s had her photo on it and mine had the newly taken one on it.
Except for the lack of windows, the next room looked like an open office almost anywhere. A score of low-walled cubicles — most of which had people seemingly hard at work as though it were nine in the morning and not nine at night — were illuminated by fluorescent ceiling fixtures.
An uneasy feeling began to creep into my gut as I doubted I was going to get much studying done this evening. I tried to console myself with the fact that I had high marks in class this semester and if I blew one exam it would still be possible to redeem my grade.
We walked through the room and to a small medical workstation on the far side. Simone took off her coat and I followed suit, still marveling at this busy office securely hidden behind a B2Y.
‘Open your mouth,’ I heard Simone say to me. Turning, I noticed that she’d put on a pair of surgical gloves and was holding a long cotton swab. From what I’d seen on TV it looked like one used for DNA testing.
‘I realize the irony in this, given the amount of your DNA I’ve sampled, but please don’t make me laugh,’ she whispered to me with a smile. ‘I need to get a blood sample too, Ed. Please roll up your sleeve.’
In a very business-like manner she took my blood like any phlebotomist I’d ever encountered. She labeled it and left it in a pale pink plastic tray along with the tube containing my mouth swab.
I followed Simone through another door, down a short hallway to a fire door, and down two flights of stairs, passing a landing to a sub-basement. This door too was solid and was opened electronically from the inside.
The mood in this new hallway was dramatically different. The color was a light grey with indirect lighting that gave it a futuristic appeal. We walked down a very long ‘corporate’ carpeted hallway to the door at the end. It too clicked open as we approached.
Now my curiosity had gone beyond simply being piqued: I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic in addition to the sense of foreboding in my gut. (Maybe I shouldn’t have finished my yogurt, I thought.)
Then, of course, there was your basic feeling of What the hell am I doing here?
I also realized that
I was so turned around by our five or ten minute negotiation of this hypogean maze, the only directions of which I could be sure were ‘up’ and ‘down.’ Even if I wanted to, I knew it wouldn’t be possible to make a run for the exit.
We entered a rather non-descript small conference room that looked like it would be in a Marriott or Hyatt hotel: one rectangular conference table with a dozen chairs and two speakerphones evenly spaced along an imaginary line running down the middle, a water glass and a large manila envelope were at each seat. There were two coffee urns, some fresh-looking fruit, cheese, crackers, and sandwiches on a couple of trays on a side table, a mirror on one side, and a generic piece of abstract art on the opposite wall. At the far end was a display built into the wall and on our end of the room was another side table with some reports in three stacks on it, each having the words ‘US Government’ and ‘Top Secret’ on its cover.
Even under fairly normal circumstances this might have freaked anyone out, but with the small pieces of information I’d picked up over the past few days, my heart was racing and I began to think about my freedom — and if I would ever see that again.
‘How are you feeling?’ Simone asked me.
‘Just fine, fine,’ I answered with utter dread, my voice cracking.
‘Hey, while we’re waiting, how about a quickie?’ Simone asked me.
I was so surprised that in the harsh blue tint of the fluorescent ceiling lighting of this businesslike and almost antiseptic environment she wanted a quickie, I grabbed a chair for support. Then I pulled it out and sat.
‘Are you crazy?’ I asked her. ‘Aren’t we about to meet some of your colleagues for some sort of briefing, one that is so important that I can’t be home right now studying and for which I had to provide you with saliva and blood samples? And you want a quickie?’
‘Aw, come on, Ed. It’ll relax you. I know it’ll relax me. Wouldn’t you like to give me a mouthful? We haven’t seen each other for a few days and I know we just had that one in the van. But, that’s got to be at least three-quarters of an hour ago. You must be ready to come again by now.
‘I know I can make you come…’
It was all too much. I felt overwhelmed by the whole ‘covert operations’ stuff. I’m just a regular person, I thought to myself. I have a job. I take care of my health: I eat well (most of the time, anyway) and I work out regularly. I call my parents at least two or three times a month. I’m even thinking about buying a house after I get out of grad school.
What am I doing considering a blowjob from this incredibly sexy, busty, and beautiful woman in a subbasement of a clandestine government building in the middle of my hometown?
On the other hand, she wouldn’t be offering to give me a blowjob in such proximity of her coworkers if she thought they’d come in, would she? She was clearly too smart and professional for that.
So, back to that question: What am I doing not considering a blowjob from this incredibly sexy, busty, and beautiful woman in a subbasement of a clandestine government building in the middle of my hometown?
‘Please, Ed, I just need a little more,’ she said to me in a pleading way that made me realize that I was hard and quite uncomfortable in my pants. ‘Don’t you want to give a girl some cum? You can just jerk off in my mouth if you want. Or, I can deep throat you and massage your cock with my throat while I lick your balls. I know you like that. Please?’
It’s moments like this that makes me realize just how much a guy’s brain is wired directly to his cock. And, when you get an offer of a blowjob, how can anyone let his little head be governed by his big one? In fact, even if my third grade teacher had been there at that moment and said those same things to me I would have caved.
Interesting that I thought about Mrs. Shelby, my third grade teacher, who was pretty hot, from what I remember of some two decades ago. Nowadays, well, who knows? But, I digress…
‘OK, let’s do this thing. In fact, you pressed all the buttons that needed pressing with that offer of yours. I think my cock might react like the hydrogen in the Hindenburg and just shoot off when it’s exposed to air.’
‘I can’t wait to see that cock of yours explode — just as long as I get to taste it.’
She picked up a phone, dialed what seemed to be an inside extension, made some obligatory small talk for a little while, and finally asked when the meeting was to get started. Then she hung up, took my hand, and walked me to a side door of the conference room.
We entered a vestibule that was from a different world. There was no overhead lighting. The smallish room had a cozy feel. On one wall was a sofa between two end tables, both with homey lamps. The opposite wall had two big armchairs with a good-sized round table in between them, the table also had a lamp. On the far wall were two evenly spaced doors between a modern water sculpture, one that made a pleasant refreshing sound reminiscent of a murmuring brook.
It was such a stark contrast to the rest of the place that the ambience in here literally had the effect of entering an alternative dimension.
Simone walked me over to the sofa, sat herself on it, and opened the fly on my jeans, only inches in front of her face. While she worked intently to get my cock out without hurting me, I put my hands on either side of her head and began to stroke her short blonde hair. Just as she unwrapped my dick from inside my shorts, I could feel her gasp at the excitement of seeing it again.
She drew it out and it began to point straight at her. Gently she licked the slit in its head and I could feel a silent, small tremor occur in her body, a reaction to the post- orgasm fluids that had accumulated there. I smelled mostly her shampoo and perfume mixed with a tad of the smell of sex from my now fully engaged prick. Moving one hand down to her neck, she automatically lifted her shoulder in response, pressing my hand more firmly against her. Though I’ve never felt it myself, her skin felt as smooth as the Jean-Antoine Houdon statue of Diana the Huntress that I saw in the Frick Collection many years ago. Of course, Diana would surely not have an acceptable BMI had she been human. But that same silky flesh was the epitome of youthful femininity yet, cool and solid when pressed. It was exciting and sensual, but also formidable and compelling.
As these complex thoughts bounced around my addled skull, I hadn’t noticed — other than the feeling of completely unbridled pleasure — that her superb competence had once again completely engulfed my eight or nine inches so far down her throat that I could feel her nose jabbing me in my lower abdomen.
Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, she began to pull back and then slowly push back down onto my dick — as though she were fucking me with her head, but in slow motion. I could still feel that thing she did around the head of my cock. It almost felt like she was rubbing it with her lubricated fist, but of course, that was not the case. Maybe she had some other appendage in her throat that she could control, some muscle that would rub your cock while it was there.
She had maintained this in-and-out, slo-mo movement for enough time now to be pulling me almost completely out of her mouth and then shoving me all the way back down her throat. On each outward movement it seemed to permit her to moan in pleasure and that sound, that slight wail, had caught my attention. It was so vivid and intense that it aroused me even more than just the physical aspect of this extradimensional deep throat blowjob.
After another minute or two she took her hands, which had been planted on my butt cheeks, off of me and put them primly in her lap. I decided that two can play at that game and stopped caressing her head and neck (to tell the truth, I don’t think she even felt it any longer because of her one-track focus on my cock and m
y eventual and inexorable orgasm).
She’d built up a head of steam by now (Pun? Nah.) and was moving her head forward and backward on my cock as though her life depended on it. It surprised me at first that she could be so strong to keep it up with such focus. It always looked like such a strange thing — but a sexy thing, too — to do: taking a cock deep into her throat rapidly while the cock pretty much stayed still. She really was fucking me with her head in the same way that a guy might lie still while a woman sits on top of him, completely controlling the movement for her own pleasure.
It almost became a blur: both the movement of her head as well as the past few days’ events. How I came to be in the cave. How I came to be seeing this incredible woman. And, for the nonce, how I was about to come.
I don’t think we’d ever had sex this way. Let me rephrase that: I don’t think she’d ever quite sucked me so hard, long, and deep in such an aggressive fashion. I was afraid she’d hurt herself. I worried that she could bruise her throat or her nose each time she slammed her face into me.
Just as it seemed like she would not be able to keep up the movements any more, I could feel my climax approaching. Knowing how she would never give up on anything, it was clear I didn’t have to say a word. However, I suddenly heard myself moaning with such a cry, I was afraid I’d set off some kind of sensor in this high-tech labyrinth.
As my orgasm was now going to happen, Simone sensed it as strongly as I did. She knew only a little more was necessary. Suddenly, she pulled back until only my head was in her mouth, just beyond her lips. She proceeded to do some new trick: using her tongue, teeth, and lips, she bathed my head and the sensitive part just behind it, and especially beneath it, with everything she had. It felt like she was washing me with a thousand tongues while simultaneously putting pressure on everything at once.
That was all I needed: I pulled back for a split second just as my first shot of cum went flying out, landing flat with a sound on her outstretched tongue. She began to climax and thrust her head down on my dick farther than she’d done since she began the slo-mo fucking several minutes ago.
Her upper teeth were putting pressure on her upper lip at the very base of the top of my cock and it seemed that her lower jaw had all but engulfed as much as possible of my balls. At the same time, her tongue was languorously licking at the underside of the base of my cock and swabbing away at every inch of ball sack it could. It seemed like she was putting pressure on my prostate, forcing me to feel such intensity that my orgasm was actually uncontrollable. I could have passed out at that moment and the cum would have nevertheless continued shooting.
My cock was in heaven. I was in heaven. Simone was having a huge climax.
Spurt after spurt of my semen seemed to shoot down her throat. I knew she would be disappointed not to have any to play with, but I could tell she was having such intense pleasure that there was nothing to worry about. As I said, she was completely in control of everything now. My dick was in automatic fire mode.
And it felt like no other climax in my life.
Maybe each one is like that, but this was one I still remember to this day. Perhaps it was the odd situation, the room, the fact that we’d not had sex (well, except with Manny and Consuela an hour ago!) for several days, or maybe it was some kind of logical progression or climax in our relationship. I didn’t know at the time.
In fact, I still don’t know why it felt the way it did. It just felt amazing and unique.
The way that nature tells us to slow down is to make us tired. (Or to have a heart attack, but I was way too young for that at the time.) At that moment I felt as though all of my semen had been shot directly down her esophagus and was now resting in her belly.
Between the two of us we’d both had a very intense experience and I needed to sit, if not immediately, at least very soon. The last thing I wanted, though, was to take away from her hard earned orgasm. I just stood there, still in awe of the ecstatic feelings my body was sending my brain and letting Simone continue to work on my cock, milking as much juice as her throat could out of it.
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Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy, a student, living in Mangalore and Bangalore, Karnataka….I am a great fan of ISS. Thank you guys for sharing your awesome experiences. It really turns me on. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> I can remember the day about six...
Hello deston ye meri real story hai mera naam manish hai main 26 saal ka hun meri sis ka naam deepa hai wo 25 saal ki hai deepa dekhne main bhut mast lagti hai usse dekh ke har kisi ke maan main usse bas chodne ka khyal hi ataa hoga.Deepa ki bra ka size 32 hai uski navel bahut suckable hai uske boobs uski chut sab bhut mast hai uske nange jism dekh ke aisa lagta hai jaise koi gadrai barson ki payasi jawani hai jo machal rahi hai, aur ye sab main kaise janta hun ye hi batana chahhta hun.Main aur...
IncestHello everybody. I am Sujith, want to pen down my experience with Deepa aunt. I am using simple Indian spoken language so as to reach maximum number of readers you can mail me your opinions on my experience to I am 5.8 height handsome, well maintained going regularly to Gym. I am fetish about voluptuous women especially aunties in the mid age with massive ass, because most of them will be neglected at this age. I believe that for love or lust age has no bar. I like women wearing sari and...
Hello, readers, my name is Rustamjaani () As I mentioned briefly in my first Submission ( titled cuckolding my beautiful wife), and a huge response, lots of emails urging me on to write about my affair with the wife of my colleague namely Deepika while I was stationed in Mumbai India by my company. I am 35 years and work in London for a big British MNC as a manager. I am told I am very good looking, 5.11ft tall , fit as well as sporty. My company had taken over medium size Indian company with...
By : Vijay Hello friends I am a Vijay and main dehradun ka rahne wala hoon aur mba karke Chandigarh main job kar raha hoon meri age 24 saal hai aur average body hai meri dick ki length 5,”6″ hai. Aur ye sari baat real hai is site par maine bahut si kahania paddhi hai to socha ki ek ghatna jo meri real life hui hai use v ap logon se sayer karun main is site ka bahut bara fain hoon jo sabhi ko apni bat kahne ka mauka deta hai ab main apni stori par aa jata hoon agar apko (mainly girls) pasand aa...
Hi, readers, this is Rustamjaani () with the second part of the story about me and my colleague’s wife Deepika. Please read part 1 to familiarize your self with the story. I took a taxi to Deepika house, as I didn’t want any one to get suspicious about me being there. I got dropped off a bit early before her house and rang her on her cell. I told her if it was ok for me to come over, She said yes as she had sent the maid home early and she was alone at home but be careful. I asked what she was...
She wakes up from hearing footsteps on the floor above her. She hopes that it's him who's on his way down. The night before he had made her feel so good. Her clothes are torn to pieces on the floor in the basement under his house. It's dark down in the basement and she starts thinking about the previous night. She feels how she gets horny. She tries to touch herself but then remembers that she's still tied to the bed. She wants him so badly to come down and take her again. She misses how his...
BDSMRuth came home smiled and told me she wanted me on the block,get it ready while she changed. I striped naked my cock getting hard knowing she was going to use me. Then naked I went to THE closet containing all of our toys and set out all the items needed for her to enjoy herself.In our basement we have an old wooden butcher block she had me purchase at a yard sale. It is large and very thick, it took three guys to move it to our basement. The top is waist high and she had me add some rings to...
Anita at Jerome’s basementMy loving wife finally confessed that her black lover Jerome had moved to L.A., just few miles from us.A Saturday afternoon Ana told me Jerome had called her, because he was willing to fuck her in his own house; then my sweet wife pleaded me to go there. I could watch.When we arrived to his home, he invited me a glass of bourbon and showed us the nice house.Anita was delighted with the master bedroom; it was really a very nice place, but then Jerome said he had in mind...
I was driving through a small town in Oregon early one summer morning on my way to Portland. I had been out of work for a week and I was getting real low on cash and the fuel gauge was close to empty. I checked out a gas station that was still closed but it became obvious that it had burglar alarms as I cruised past the pumps. I was getting desperate but I wasn’t going to take the risk of going to jail over a few dollars and a tank full of gas. I gunned the engine and cursed my luck as I...
When I was growing up there were lots of k**s in the neighborhood to play with. I had many older friends, but my best friends were a year or two younger then me.Dougie was one of my best bud's. Wen we first met, he was in the field with 2 other guys from another neighborhood and they were both 14 . I knew they were trouble and Dougy was maybe 10. The 2 guys were coaxing him to suck them off. I walked in to the clearing they were in and startled them. the 2 guys ran off leaving Dougie with his...
Its been awhile since I posted, but here is another time with dad.I was younger in my teens and had found dad's stash of porn in the basement in his workshop area. He had some hot shit even for back in the 70's. lots of group porn 4somes and more. I was down there got one of my fav's and had pulled the cock out jerking, I was going thru the pages and jerking harder and harder. Listening to hear if anyone is coming down the stairs. But must of been going at it pretty hard when I looked up and...
I was in our basement that day as I have been so many times before, entertaining friends and family. Only this time, I was tied spread-eagled between two posts, with my arms stretched out above me, and my legs tied wide apart at my ankles. I wore what you told me to. A lace bra with holes for my hard nipples. A matching garter belt and G-string, that ties on the sides, and of course lace top stockings. Lastly, the open-toed six-inch-high heels. All in black. I was blindfolded and that turned me...
Wife LoversDear reader of My name is Dev. I am a young boy age of 26. I live in Bangalore. This story began at 3 year back. When I finished my higher education and I went to stay in Bangalore. The day is very nice and I have a really enjoying my daily life here in Bangalore. I just enjoying watching movies and chatting on Internet. One day when I was alone in home the phone bell” rings”. When I pick the phone it was my Aunt from the place. She told me that she is coming to Bangalore to meet her...
IncestBy : Jamesh8080 Hi friend’s what can I do? I get half filled story which excites me I think it will be completed but its doesnt get completed by the real author. Anyway this too I am sending is not mine, It Belongs to one Deepa Patil as per what she chatted with me. I like it as it’s a first insect story that I liked, I hope you too will like the same. Next morning, my cunt was sore. I felt a little discomfort while walking. However, as the day progressed the pain was replaced by a gentle...
Hi readers this is Ashok writing my first story. I am an aunty fan and the most tempting thing for me is aunty navel, especially when aunty removes pallu. Our family moved to an apartment when I was on ninth standard. I am the only son of my parents; father is a businessman, and my mother a housewife. Our neighbours were Telugu people a widow and her son named Suresh. After some time Suresh married Deepa, a Telugu native from Chennai. Deepa is my crush and heroine of the story and myself...
Hi guys, this is schmuk once again coming to you with a maid sex encounter. I have a fantasy with maids, which now is the heart of my sex life. I have experienced sex plenty of times by now since my teenage, but it is with my maids padma (How i finally attained my maid, part 1 and part 2) and gowri (cook became my meal and maid to taste) that i have felt maximum pleasure. Their sexy indian dusky skin color, their toned bodies, supple stomach, tight vaginas, cushion like ass and fleshy thighs...
Deepika perfect Milf part 5 Hi, readers (). Apologies for so many parts as the whole story would not upload. Thank you for your patience Story continues. “ What”. I needed confirmation “Spank me” “ Are you sure?” I asked her “ Spank my ass” she screamed with frustration in her voice. I proceeded to slap her both buttocks gently. “ Harder my darling lover, soon to be conqueror of my pussy and all of me” “ Deepika I want to conquer not just your body but your heart too” “ Time will tell,” she...
This is Ashok back again, I earlier submitted a story deepa aunty in blue saree. This story narrates what happened after that. As in the end of first part I was seeing the sex video I shot in my handy cam. I got two more sleeping pills from my fathers drawer for today and went to deepa aunty house. She had come already from shopping. After lunch she went to sleep,may be tired due to my fucking sessions yesterday. I had same plan make her sleep at night and fuck. I felt bored and started seeing...
Hi folks..I am back with yet another experience of mine..first of all i would like to thank all of them who read my previous two stories and mailed me..thanks a lot for the compliment and support u had given me…Now here i start my next story…This happened to me when i was in my second year college.we were basically living in a our colony lived an aunty whose name was tell about her..she was very beautiful,fair,slim and very hot.her husband was working in very rarely...
Hi, readers . () . please read earlier parts to enjoy the story fully. Comments welcome from married ladies. Back to story she played with me, at the same time began to fellate my very hard cock with her left hand, I was putty in her hand, moaning and squirming constantly on the bed. “You like it” “ I love it, but be careful not to make me cum” “Cum if you want, I want to see you shoot” “ No, I want to cum inside you” “ You can’t as it is my fertile time and I am not on the pill either, you...
Hi readers. Please read part 1 and 2 if you are new to this story. In this part I have found it hard to exactly narrate all that happened between me and Deepika, , but I shall attempt it as best as possible. Question for my married lady readers (). If you were presented with a chance for an affair ( like Deepika was), would you as a supposedly conservative Indian woman go for it or not. ? or if you had an affair already what circumstances led you to it.? Your answer would be very educational...
It was doing the spring of my tenth year of high school, a year after my assault by the three delinquents that stole my innounce. My biggest fears had come true and more of my school mates knew of my sexual assault then I thought. Numerous occasions I was sexually accosted by other male school mates and their associates. Not wanting to be slapped around or beat to a pulp I usually just gave in to what ever they demanded and went about my business. Geoffrey R. was a student that I had known...
The Head Mistress returned a few minutes later and found Amber Fox still lying face down in the cushion on her sofa. She continued to sniff and sob loudly and Amelia ignored this as she placed her tube of Aloe Vera gel on the coffee table and removed a couple of wipes from the pack before she placed these on the table too. Miss Marks got on her knees and began to wipe the moist wipes over every inch of the younger woman’s sore bottom. The forty-two-year-old woman ensured that she touched every...
SpankingHello all, My name is Rahul and I live in Bangalore. Recently I came across this site thought that I should share with you what had happened to me a year back. Ok now about myself, I’m 25, tall and an extremely handsome person. I would like to narrate an experience with my cousin Deepa which happened a year back. Now about Deepa, she is 38, married with two kids, her husband works abroad and he visits India only once a year. Deepa is one of my uncle’s daughters and stays close to our house. I...
A few years after my wife and I were married, I was watching the game in the basement with a couple of buddies, Tim and Barry. We had been drinking and were feeling pretty good when my wife got home from a night out with her girlfriends. I was in the easy chair and Tim and Barry were sitting at opposite ends of the couch when Sue came down stairs and plopped herself on the couch between the two of them. She was still in her 'night out' clothes, short skirt, low cut top and high heels. She...
Group SexI'm a divorced construction worker. I've got two sons, 18 and 20. I love my job but it can be a long day hard day and I've got the body and marriage to prove it. Hard, muscled, divorced and exhausted. My favorite time of day is after work, for 2 hours I've got the place to my self. I take a long hot shower in the basement, put on an old bathrobe, then lay in the dark on an old couch and watch some tv. I always end up falling asleep until the boys come home. The noise of their arrival always...
I have a guy friend, Brent, that I see regularly when I visit Atlanta. He is strictly a dominate top and I of course like taking the submissive role. This time when I visited Atlanta, Brent had me meet him at home that was for sale. Brent was a real-estate agent so he was able to let us in. As we walked in, Brent was caring a bag and I could not help to wonder what was in the bag. He let me to the basement which was unfinished and a bit musky. Bob told me to strip naked and positioned...
Miss Karen and I had met at a big gay bar near Washington Navy Yard and we had had a sweet experience in my car. She was telling me a story about her encounter that evening in the ladies room and I got so excited I pulled my cock out and began stroking it. What else are you going to do when your erection is tenting the gym shorts you’re wearing? She could’ve seen it whenever she looked down so I just did what came naturally. A few minutes later she reached over and stroked it and finally gifted...
BDSMNovember 23, 2020: First Monday in the basement. The carpenter and the electrician both arrived at 8:00 A.M. sharp. John got them started, took their bids and asked a few questions then agreed to both. The carpet arrived at 9:00 A.M. The boys and girls along with a dozen volunteers helped get it inside. The guys with the truck said the factory had stacks of one pattern that was paid for, but the company had had a fire and looks like it was going out of business. The carpet had just become...
During sex, my wife and I often tell each other stories to heighten the experience. Frequently, the stories become very adventurous, especially if we have been to a party and we’ve had a few drinks. My wife often likes me to tell her stories about my cum, and enjoys themes where she is forced to eat it and such, so I have known for some time that she has a fetish for sperm. A few weeks a go, we were really going at it one evening, and it was her turn to cite a story. Well let me tell you, what...
Group SexThe play after-party was done, and Jonathan and Daniel were in Jonathan's downstairs basement/room. Jon's parents were asleep, and Jonathan and Daniel were having some fun because they had swiped some beers from the fridge before coming down. Now, chilling in some La-Z-Boys, Jon and Daniel began to talk as the TV blared some late-night program. "That was a fun play," Jon said. "We did indeed put a lot of work into it," Daniel replied, sipping on his beer. "It was such hard work," Jon says....
GayThis is Sandeep from Maharashtra. Here I am going to narrate my amazing day with my elder sister. We fucked and sucked each other many before marrige. But now I had very less chances to fuck her. This January I came to home and my wife at her native. I get call from didi to come to her home as her husband going to his native from city for a farm-work for 2 days & her c***dren are also at my home. I was more than happy & started my journey to her home.At outside of her house, I met my...
Hi to all the ISS readers! I am RK from Chennai with my 2nd story on ISS. For feedbacks and private sex for ladies in Chennai can mail me at . This happened 2 weeks ago with my neighboring girl deepa who is 19 yrs old. She is from bengal and lives with her family. She has a perfect porn star figure, Big boobs around 42 but not too fat. She is a virgin till then. Her family and my family are good friends as our fathers worked together in office. Deepa was good friend of mine. We use to play...