Do The Dog Ch. 02 free porn video

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WARNING: This novel contains explicit language, violent situations and graphic sexual references throughout.


Raheem Ford, back in his hometown of Ottawa after spending a few years in Calgary, meets the sensual but tough talking Amira Cruz while staying at a homeless shelter in the city. Despite clashing violently when they first meet, they soon embark on a wild and carefree romance, living their lives in a similar fashion.

Raheem eventually discovers there is more to Amira than meets the eye. Her friendship with women from similar troubled and abused backgrounds has ignited a disturbing night-time activity that at first horrifies Raheem and then draws him in.

In the meantime, a series of violent sex attacks are hitting the city.


I banged the locker door in frustration. The resulting boom sounded as if a RPG had been launched. It doesn’t take much to alert the staff and send them running down from the office to see what was happening. They react like a spider to a fly struggling on a spider web at any suspicious sounds that could indicate a bout of rowdiness and aggression from the residents, even if the end result was limited.

‘It might be in the laundry,’ said Rob helpfully, one of my dorm mates and one of the more decent guys in the building.

‘Nah, that’s gone, and those were my best pair of pants too!’

My bed was empty except for the pillow. The sheets and the blanket had been taken up by the cleaning staff, as they did every morning to put into the house laundry. That was a beloved pair of Guess jeans, blue, straight fit, and they matched my dark brown Timberland shoes almost perfectly.

The last I remember was taking them out of the locker in the morning before going into the shower room. I must have left them on the bed when I went over to the Kitchen for breakfast. I was over there for about thirty minutes, munching Bran Flakes, peanut butter and jam toast and watching the sports news on the flat screen TV on the wall.

‘Go tell the staff and make ’em search the laundry room,’ Rob advised.

It sounded hopeful, and I thought he should know, since he had been here longer than me. So I hot stepped it along the hallway, past the shelter managers’ offices and the washrooms, to the shelter staff office at the front of the hallway. I told them what happened. One of them, a portly but kind gent called Chris, escorted me promptly to the laundry room. There were two large wheelie type bins in there with all the dirty sheets and blankets they had collected that morning. They were waiting for someone to place them into two large, aging washing machines. I did not fancy the idea of digging my clean hands through all those soiled sheets that guys had rolled in, farted in, rubbed against themselves, blown their noses into, wiped themselves on or even (gulp!) masturbated on. But I wanted those pants. I could not afford to lose them, not now.

I did what I had to do. As Rob looked on, I held my breath and waded into what I did not want to know. I shifted fitted sheets, flat sheets, blankets and pillowcases to the side, making a bigger mess than what was there already. After ten slow minutes my work was done. I left a lovely mess of linen, but no pants.

‘Shit!’ I cursed. ‘Some dirty bastard has my pants!’

Chris shrugged his shoulders. ‘Sorry buddy. We’ll keep an eye out for you.’

I nodded and left the room without waiting for Chris. I hope the bitch who stole my pants loses his thieving hand in a nasty way.

I was into my second week at The Good Shepherd, one of the four main homeless shelters in Ottawa, with three of them situated within a 1 km radius of each other in the downtown area, off Rideau Street. Ottawa is my home city, I was born and raised here, me and my younger brother. At the age of eleven, my parents divorced. My dad headed to Calgary to try and make some oil money while I stayed with my mom and brother in Ottawa. We moved from a three bedroom house in Orleans into a two bedroom apartment at Merivale and West Hunt Club in the west of the city.

My mom was still an attractive woman and quite young looking for her early thirties. Before long, other men noticed she was single and available, she remarried within two years of divorcing my dad. The new husband was a guy she worked with, he was ten years older and he was white. I could not see how that was going to work, especially when she became pregnant for him at thirty-five. I was thirteen years old, I called him by his first name, Kevin. He was a good guy really but had I reached my teens. I followed my peers and got a bit rebellious. I could not take Kevin scolding me or giving me any punishment. That lead to conflict with my mom, and things came to a head after Grade 12.

After one big bust up where I physically attacked Kevin, I was told to leave. I was run out of the family home, because of that old asshole. I cursed him to the ground. I stayed at a buddy’s home for a few months, before finding a batchelor flat rental. I struggled to work and maintain a roof over my head. After a few years of that, I got in contact with my Dad. I was on my way to Alberta before he had to chance to know why I had called. In Calgary, I received a lukewarm reception from my dad at his three bedroom house that he shared with two other guys. He acted as if I was some zit to be erased and fast, if not permanently. He was enjoying freedom from the chains of marriage and had girlfriends coming out of his ears.

Calgary looked better than Ottawa in the summer time so I hung around, finding mostly manual work through a temping agency, then I was working with my Dad. A couple of brutal winters soon sent me running like a gazelle escaping from a lion. That and a fight with my Dad, although not before I begged some money from him, having to practically shove my birth certificate in his face to convince him, the tight asshole. I bought a coach trip to Montreal, where I had family on my mom’s side. Here again, I was treated as if I was one of the ten great plagues, and so eventually found myself back in Ottawa.

With a big smile and a few juicy horror stories, I got myself into mom’s good books, although Kevin was now just cool towards me and not the street kind of cool either. A month later, I had a big bust up with him and got thrown out the house again. Not even the dignity of allowing myself to leave, they threw me out. I was twenty-six years old now, so there was less guilt from my mom this time. At least it was not winter. I was out on my backside on the bare streets of Ottawa with my backpack and some clothes in a sports holdall. I let with some choice foul words towards the whole of them which insured that any chance of reconciliation was as likely as a heatwave in the Arctic.

So I slept outside, not really knowing where to go, since I had lost contact with most of my old Ottawa buddies. I slept under trees, on park benches, at bus stations and sometimes in shopping malls. It was all good when the weather was nice. It was so crappy when the rain fell and I had to run for cover.

After one night when I got so drenched after security kicked me out of Carlingwood Mall on Baseline Road, I dried off at a local sports centre and then took the bus downtown. I went to the YMCA on Argyle Street, as that was the only place I knew that could take in homeless people. They said they had no space and referred me to the Salvation Army on George Street. I was not too impressed with the Sally’s drab, grubby looking building, so I was not too upset when they said they were full too. They called the nearby Good Shepherd, who said that I should call them later, around 7pm, once they had confirmed how many people would be sleeping there that night.

So I hung around downtown, becoming thoroughly bored as there was not much to the area once you had walked out the Rideau Centre shopping mall. I bought a large coffee at Tim Hortons and drunk it very slowly by the front win
dow as I watched the Ottawa female hotty club strolling by. It was very insightful, I never realised that there were that much hot girls in Ottawa as I did on that early summer’s day on Rideau Street.

By 7pm, by which time hunger was digging out my insides, I walked the ten minutes it took to get to the Good Shepherd, who thankfully confirmed that they did have a bed available: bed E28. A young, fit looking female member of staff (she had a small jacket on that said ‘’staff’ escorted me to my quarters, a small room with three bunk beds and six high school size lockers. Welcome to the jungle! I put the larger of my two backpacks in the locker that was assigned to my bed number, tucked my wallet in my inside jacket pocket, washed my face in the washroom, picked up my other backpack and headed out to the adjacent building on the other side of the road that served as the Good Shepherd’s soup kitchen. They had a drop in centre going on in there by this time, so I was able to get some vegetable soup, some bread with butter and a hot coffee while a 32′ flat screen TV showed a movie on Showcase. I thought, this shit ain’t so bad. There was a fairly large cooking area where the food was prepared and handed to us over a glass counter. We sat in an extensive vinyl floored area with tables and chairs there were fixed to the floor.

The soup kitchen had a mix of grubby looking men, in various states of cleanliness. Some looked like they were straight off the mean streets, in their soiled, creased and ill fitting clothing, others were dressed in manual workfare of jeans and safety shoes and there were a few half-decent guys, who would not look out of place in a line up for Tim Hortons. There were a few dour looking females, and the odd black and Aboriginal face in the mix. At least I was not the sole visible minority in this line up of misery.

Homeless shelters. I never in my life thought I would end up in one of them. I read that they were dangerous, violent, dirty, invaded by bed bugs and polluted with the lowest of the low. I read that many homeless people would rather take their chances on the street than stay in a homeless shelter. That the staff treated you like cattle, pushing and prodding you to move that way, go this way, take that bed, take these blankets, take your possessions elsewhere, take our advice, take our shit and be grateful.

The reality, not so bad, not so good. Maybe I got lucky, but The Good Shepherd was bearable. I was thankful for a bed in a room and not a mat on the floor. The shelter held two washrooms, a shower room, a tub room, a TV room, a lounge area (just another room with a few chairs) with an attached elevated patio area for smokers. The bedding was cleaned daily in their in-house laundry and you could wash your clothes there too once all the sheets and towels were done. And there were filling meals three times a day at the soup kitchen for Good Shepherd residents.

The residents were a mixed bunch of good guys, some A plus dumb-asses, drug addicts and the mentally challenged (the loonie toonies). The shelter was a renovated old school building the size of an average grocery store, with three floors. The building itself was okay, it was the residents who decided whether they wanted to keep it clean or not. And too many times it was not.

Homeless men, hopeless men, angry men. On my second night there were two major arguments between the inmates. The second bust up woke everyone up and caused the police to be called at 1 AM. Hopeless guys, guys walked around indoors, sometimes topless, in shorts or just their underwear. Too many of these dirty fuckers used the toilet and then just left without washing. I ain’t shaking none of their hands! Guys stayed up all night in the lounge, chatting, shouting, smoking. Some of them smelled like crap like they had brought the street in with them. There’s a frigging shower room for goodness sake! I was cleaning down my ass on a daily basis.

This was a new world, one that you had heard about but never really thought about until Christmas when you hear those adverts asking you to donate a dollar to give a homeless chump a dinner. Within a week I realised I was thankful for the shelter but the longer I stayed here, I would eventually adjust and become one of the these fools. I would be wandering around the hallways in just my boxers and bare feet taking shits without washing afterward.

Why did mom have to marry again? Wasn’t one bastard of a man enough for her. Now that pale faced fool is running the house while I, her blood, was out sinking into this human cess pit.

I needed money therefore I needed to work. That was the normal route. However I was essentially sans address. What the fuck do I put on my tattered resume as my address? I left my mom’s address on it and would deal with any fallout if and when it happened. Being the slow dickhead that I could be, my driving license still had my current address as my dad’s place in Calgary. I had applied for an Ontario Driving License when I was still at my mom’s house. I was not too concerned. I was her blood, she would let me know whenever it arrived. I would phone and ask her about it in a week’s time. I doubted she would get all nasty about it and decide not to give it to me.

Fucking Ottawa, one thing that I hate about this city. Obtaining a decent job with a good salary is nigh on impossible unless you are either bilingual in English and French and/or you have a degree. My French flaked out after grade 12 and dashing from province to province in my young adult years messed up my post-secondary education plans.

So with the lack of work opportunities, I bummed around for a while, making sure my belly was at least full, with breakfast, lunch and dinner courtesy of The Good Shepherd Kitchen. Beyond that, it was a case of drifting around downtown, trying to look decent and not like a homeless bum, and hoping against hope that you will get lucky somehow.

There was one little glimmer of light amongst all the drudgery, the Good Shepherd housed a male and female shelter in the same building, with separate entrances for the genders on alternate sides of the building. And human nature being what it is, the male and female species will always attract when in close quarters. Men hanging around the female entrance was not encouraged, but a blind eye was given to the odd females chatting around the male entrance. In any case, we would all meet up at the Kitchen.

These women were homeless chicks, so basically a squirmy, messy sample of the female species. There was a higher percentage of Aboriginals among the females than the males for some reason, some wacky ass skinny white girls who were either crackheads or hookers, or both, as well as the odd black kitty.

I saw them all in the Kitchen. They were messy but mostly a decent bunch compared to the men. There were those wacky ass ones who deliberately brought attention to themselves, especially when they were drunk or high. Once, one of them white gals came in with her skinny pants hanging down, revealing the top half of her backside and the hint of a thong. What did she want a thong for with that thin, bony ass? I watched her as she swore at the men, danced with her food, and wailed at her female buddy about some thieving landlord. It was a turn off at first, and then as I watched that jumping, jiving thong, I was thinking, go on, let those pants drop lower and let’s see if she would dare expose her snatch. Some guys were telling her to pull her pants up, but then she lowered them further on purpose. I still couldn’t see shit but my head was spinning like crazy. I had not seen pussy for a while, and I wanted to see this skanky one right now!

What if she were to pull her pants all the way down, whip that stringy thong one side and offer it up for whoever dared? Would I dare? Would I??

Is this what lack of sex does to you? You think of crazy, whacky shit that would not normally enter your head. What do I want with some skanky hoe? She is most probably hi
ring out that pussy for her crack fill. Shit, would I care? My dick was throbbing for a wet female hole. Yeah, it had to be wet, hoe!

That was when I declared that this life had got to me. I had officially gone to the other side. I had to get back to the land of the living! Later on that same night, there was a mighty row in my room when one guy from another room accused a roomy called Mac of stealing his baseball cap. Mac says what cap? This Toronto Maple Leafs one? No, I bought this today off a buddy for five bucks. Garbage, says the alleged victim, that is my cap. It’s got this oil stain at the back, let me show you. Fuck off, says Mac. That’s not an oil stain and I paid for this.

The feds visited yet again when buddy boy threatens to cut off Mac’s balls. He is eventually told to leave the shelter for the night. Afterward Mac admits that the cap probably did belong to buddy boy, as the seller was a known crook.

After all that, and the lost pants, I had had enough. I had to get out. Find me a job, someone, please! I was going to walk the streets, or find free wifi for my iPhone and work desperately to find work, regular money and then the shelter can go do one.

That was my aim, until I met Amira.

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Hayleyrsquos first time dogging

So me and Hayley have been together for a good couple year now. Still happy and still her taking plenty of cock. One day she come back in from work with a big smile on her face. She comes out that she has finally found a place where a dogging spot is and that we are going this Saturday. I ask how she found that out and her reply is just from the delivery guy at work. My next question is why and how were you talking to the delivery guy about dogging? She looks at me with her slutty smile and...

2 years ago
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sisters horny Dog

The beautiful young teenager sprawled wantonly on her bed, her entire body completely naked. She ran two fingers in and out of her dripping pussy, moaning with pleasure. Her lust-glazed eyes were fixed on the handsome German Shepherd who was sitting at the foot of his mistress' bed, his own eyes riveted on her wet cunt. "Oooh, you're really turning on now, aren't you, boy?" Babs Nichols groaned, laughing with delight at the sight of the huge hard-on visibly throbbing beneath the dog's...

4 years ago
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

2 years ago
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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I Caught My Mom Dogging

I got into the dogging thing in my mid teens thanks to an older neighbor guy who was into everything sexual big time. He had all kinds of videos and pictures, he and his wife were swingers. He took me out the first few times to show me the ropes. He even let me watch his hot wife dog a time or two. This guy always knew who would be where. My favorite woman was one older lady who would only fuck one guy but afterward would let all of us masterbate and blow our wads on her bush then she would...

3 years ago
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Like Mother Like Daughter Like Dog

Shhhh! My mother may be asleep, wait out here while I check. “Whispered Shelly to her two male companions. “Okay.” Carl whispered. Carl Fields grinned knowingly at Greg Sullivan, as the two of them sat down in the darkened hallway outside the Burnside’s front door. They started talking about the exhibition she had just put on. What they had seen in the movie was nothing like what Shelly had just accomplished. They talked about getting a camcorder next time she was over...

3 years ago
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

3 years ago
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I Lost a Pillow Fight with the Dog

Wednesdays were always hard at work because it was the day new stock arrived. Everything had to be counted, received and put away. We could barely get it done in 8 hours. I was always beat when I came home so the wife took this as her shopping day so I could get a nap. Our routine was we would talk a little, I'd play with our dog then I'd lay on the floor and take a nap with the dog curled up with me. The wife would be gone shopping for an hour or two then would come back with supper for...

4 years ago
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The Borrowed Dog

I was at my girlfriend's place and we were going to have a fuck. She had rung me and said she was horny and would I fuck her. While we were getting undressed, I told my girlfriend about the story. She said, “She had heard of it but didn't know any girl who would let it happen.” I joked and said, “You should try it one day.” And she didn’t say anything. Then we had our fuck and while we were doing it she started to talk about what I had said. “Do you think it could happen?” she...

2 years ago
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Debbies Dog

Mark and Debbie had been married for two years when the local office of the company for which he worked was closed as a cost-saving measure. Mark was lucky. Instead of being terminated, he had been given the opportunity to become a roving troubleshooter. The position paid slightly more than his old one, but he would have to spend almost three weeks of every month traveling. He tried contacting other companies in the area, in hope of finding something that would allow him to stay near home,...

2 years ago
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My Life as a Dog

I have a powerful recurring fantasy image of myself. In the image, I a pet dog. I have always loved animals and treasure my memories growing up with a pet golden retriever. I loved that golden and he loved me. He was my prized possession. Through teenage triumphs and disappointments, I always new that I had one true and loyal friend. I often told my pet about how lucky he was to be such a loved and treasured possession. I told him how lucky he was to have none of my worldly concerns. After all,...

2 years ago
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DOGGINGWe pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was...

4 years ago
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DOGGINGWe pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was...

3 years ago
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Depression SoupChapter 18 My Dog

The next morning, Dog, as I began calling him, followed along with me when I went to bring the cows in. As soon as he saw the cows, he trotted out to them and started to herd them toward the barn. It was obvious Dog had worked stock before. Even though the cows knew where they were going, Dog followed and kept them bunched up close together, nipping a leg here and barking at a wanderer there. They headed for the barn and each cow went to "her" own feed box. Dog lay down in the door on his...

4 years ago
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Master Karl8217s dog

Master Karl inserted a funnel gag into its mouth, strapping it around the head. He bound the arms behind the back in leather cuffs shackled together with an S clip, separated and secured the legs with a spreader bar attached above the knees, locked the neck in a thick steel collar and then connected that with a short steel linked chain clipped to an iron ring on the floor so it couldn’t escape from a prone position. He allowed it to kneel on a cushion, although he could just as easily...

3 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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A dog loving lady gets almost too much dog

When I first loved, was loved by, a dog, it was a novelty. My favorite. Then, two dogs, got my neighbor involved and soon she too had a dog which I learned to enjoy. It had been weeks now and we would invite each other to our respective houses for a bit of dog fun… but then I started choosing. My dog was better than hers and so on. One time we had both our dogs involved, switched dogs — a kind of dog swinging — watched each other with our dogs and then, in a sea change, I...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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First Time Fuck With the Family Dog

Cody, being of legal drinking age, offered me one of his beers to ease my nerves in preparation of finally losing my virginity -- to the family pet! He turned on the big-screen living room TV and soon a porno was playing, porn actresses' moans echoing through the house. My brother cheered as a huge-titted porn star's face was nutted on by one of the male porn stars. I watched from the kitchen, sipping my beer and petting Bones on the head. He sniffed under my short flowered dress,...

4 years ago
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A guy and friends get to watch his girlfriend getiton with a dog

Bonnie’s remark caught me off-guard. “My next dog is going to have a big tongue.” My girlfriend’s little beagle was enthusiastically licking her hand when she said it. We had been drinking tequila. Alcohol always makes Bonnie more uninhibited, but even so I was a little shocked at what she had said. “Why’s that?” I asked, trying to sound naive. “Because they say you can train a dog to do anything,” she replied with an impish smile. “I...

3 years ago
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A transvestite meets up with a guy and his dog

As I lazily drove along in the evening’s dim light and looked down at the hem of my black PVC mini-skirt, I saw that as I passed under the orange glow of the street-lights, the knob-end of my semi-hard cock, my black suspenders and my stocking-tops were plainly visible between my nylon-clad thighs! I seldom if ever wear panties or briefs preferring to let my cock and balls dangle naked and unhindered underneath a short skirt or dress. Maybe I should explain right here and now that...

2 years ago
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Nikki8217s big Dog

Nikki’s remark caught me off-guard. “My next dog is going to have a big tongue.” My girlfriend’s little beagle was enthusiastically licking her hand when she said it. We had been drinking tequila. Alcohol always makes Nikki more uninhibited, but even so I was a little shocked at what she had said. “Why’s that?” I asked, trying to sound naive. “Because they say you can train a dog to do anything,” she replied with an impish smile. “I...

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How to train your guard dog

I had originally intended to have a career in cybernetics. I had worked with a girl called sue at uni where we developed a chip to monitor brain waves in animals and humans. It was a variation on the bio chip that most pets are implanted with. We incorporated the chip into a small titaniun ring which could pick up small nerve currents. The titanium was engineered to allow the bodies repair mechanisms to incorporate it into the cells surrounding the spine. So unlike most bio chips it wouldn't...

3 years ago
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My Wife Rose and the Stray Dog

This is what happened to me not so long ago with a stray dog. I was on the Internet reading stories from white shadow and was slowly getting turned on, I removed my knickers and was finger fucking myself, then started thinking of Max my Doberman dog that died last Christmas. When I decided to get a drink, as my mouth was dry thinking of all the fun times we had. I looked in the cupboard for a coke, there was none, so off I went to the off-licence, at the bottom of my street next to the park. As...

4 years ago
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A story about an attractive young widow and her evil son and a dog

Amanda was by any stretch of the imagination a truly beautiful woman even at the age of 34 she still held the figure of a woman over a decade her junior and has shoulder length dark blonde hair which framed her angelic face. Her breasts, whilst not being particularly large were perfectly shaped and in proportion to her slight 5′ 4″ frame. She had met her husband Francis at high school they had dated and she had fell pregnant on her seventeenth birthday having a son who they named...

2 years ago
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More Than Just A Dog

I didn’t like him at first, feeling intimidated and a bit afraid of him, but those feelings changed over time. I don’t know how to explain in a way that you would understand, that Bruno, on some animal level, could “read me,” understood what I wanted and needed. Perhaps it was just my imagination, but sometimes I actually felt Bruno behaved and had the emotions and even sexual perceptiveness of a human male. What is it? What’s the word for projecting human qualities and behavior onto a...

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Linda and the Dog

I first must tell you about my wife Linda, she was 4 years younger than me. She was about 5 foot 4 inches tall. Weighted about 95 pounds soaking wet. And had Red Hair. I met her when I was 27 years old. When my truck that I was driving broke down in Duluth Mn. And I was stuck there for two weeks. I met her at an Army buddies house during this time at a dinner party put on by my friend’s wife. People talk about true love, and I know most people say no such thing exists. But I fell for Linda,...

4 years ago
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Piece of Tail Wags the Dog

I'd never told my boyfriend what really happened to me while I was tied to the kitchen table as part of his little rape fantasy. I did tell him that his best friend, Bill, had fucked me while Tommy had been passed out on the chair, oblivious to my situation. Mind you, I enjoy sex and hadn't minded Bill fucking me, but what I didn't tell him was that Caesar, Tommy's big mastiff, had taken advantage of me as well. Yes, Tommy's fuckin dog fucked me, not just once, but twice. You see, I...

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