The Sperm Donor 2 :The Discovery free porn video

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(Author’s Note: If you haven’t done so, you may want to read The Sperm Donor first. $)

It was one Saturday afternoon that the life of 45-year old Mrs Helen Smith, loving wife and mother would change forever.

“I take it Donald’s not happy about you doing this?” Asked Cathy.

Her younger sister had come round to help Helen with the spring cleaning.

“You don’t know the half of it, Cathy.” Helen complained. “Now that I’m pregnant, my over-protective husband doesn’t want me to do anything. In case it hurts the baby.”

Helen was two months’ pregnant.

“That’s including sex I suppose?” Helen and Cathy always had a close relationship and could talk about most things.

“Don’t even go there.” Helen looked over at her sister and saw the sympathy. “Oh don’t get me wrong, I love Donald but I can’t remember the last time we actually made love.”

“But surely you were having sex before you became pregnant?”

“Yes, ‘sex’. But that was when we were trying for a baby. When we found out that it wasn’t going to work, Donald just stopped. He then just concentrated in providing the hospital with the samples.”

Helen and Donald had been trying on and off for a second child for the last 14 years. But in the end, due to her husband’s low sperm count, they resorted to using artificial insemination which was eventually successful.

For a moment, Helen stopped as she thought about the beakers that Donald had to fill to take to the hospital. She could still remember how different that last beaker had looked as if it was a sign that this was the one that was going to work - which it had been.

“I’m sorry, Helen.” Cathy broke in.

“Oh I’m okay. It would just be nice if he occasionally treated me like a woman rather than just a wife and expectant mother.”

“He only loves you. I wish I had a guy like him”

“I know that he loves me.” Helen sighed. “But that doesn’t mean that I can’t do what I want and today that is to clean this fucking house.”

“Okay! Okay!” Cathy grinned. “I think I will go and start on Gabe’s room. You can come in when you have finished in here.”

Gabe was Helen’s 18 year old son.

“Okay. But no nosing around. You know how Gabe hates us going into his room.”

Cathy just rolled her eyes and left.

It didn’t take Helen too long and then she went across the landing to join her sister. When she entered her son’s bedroom, she saw that Cathy had changed the bed and had tidied up the room. She was now sitting at his desk using his computer.

“What are you doing?” Helen asked. “I told you not to nose.”

“Oh sorry, sis.” Cathy replied, jumping at the sound of her sister’s voice. “I wasn’t meaning to but found that his computer was on and couldn’t resist.”

“Well you have better turn it off then.”

Cathy turned and looked at Helen, her face completely deadpan. “I think you should look at this first.”

Helen went over. “What is it?”

Cathy got up and offered Helen her seat. “Just take a look. I’ll get us some coffees.”

Helen sat down and looked at what was on the screen. She saw that Word was open and that a document had been loaded.

She read the first couple of lines.

‘The Sperm Donor

18-year old Gabe Smith stood outside his parents' bedroom…’

“What is this? She asked herself. Helen carried on reading.

‘It was early in the morning and the young boy was thirsty and had got up to get a drink.

As he had walked back to his room, he heard voices coming out of his parents' bedroom. His curiosity aroused, he had stopped to listen to what they were saying.

"I hope it works this time, Donald." It was his mother’s voice...

(Author’s Note: Read The Sperm Donor for the full story. $).

…mum’s going to have my baby, he sickly thought even as he felt her soft breasts pressing into his chest. The boy managed to extract himself before his mother noticed his expanding erection. He quickly had to excuse himself.

That night, Gabe had to jack himself off three times before he fell asleep exhausted. A smile on his face.’

Helen sat staring at the screen before she noticed that her sister was standing by her, cup in hand. She took it and drank deeply. At that moment, she wished it was something stronger.

“I’m sorry, Helen. He had a folder open on the screen and the document was just there. I couldn’t resist opening it.”

“It’s a story on how I became pregnant.” Helen said, feeling numb.

“I know.”

“But it is so sick. It says that it was Gabe who got me pregnant, by switching the semen in the beaker.“ Helen felt disgust.

Cathy knelt next to her sister and squeezed her arm. “I’m sorry, Helen. I knew that Gabe had a very vivid imagination but this…?”

Helen nodded. But she wondered if it was just her son’s imagination. Some of the things depicted in the story had actually happened and then there was the thing with the beaker. She could still remember how full it looked compared to the others, as if…

No! She could not think that.

“You okay?” Cathy broke in.

“Huh? Oh I’m fine.” She lied.

The last line of the story came back to her: ‘That night, Gabe had to jack himself off three times before he fell asleep exhausted. A smile on his face.’

Had Gabe really wanted to make her pregnant? His own mother?

Helen felt a tinge and realised that this time it was not just revulsion.

“Helen?” Her sister was speaking to her. “You keep zoning out. You sure you’re okay?”

“Huh? Oh sorry, Cathy. I am just a bit shocked I guess.”

“I don’t blame you.”

Helen looked around the room. “Look. Mind if we call it a day? We have pretty much done everything and I can finish up later.”

“You sure? I haven’t dusted and hoovered in here yet.” Cathy said.

“Oh don’t worry about that. I will do it later.”

“Okay.” Cathy sighed. “If that’s what you want.”

Twenty minutes later, Helen was seeing her sister off.

“I wouldn’t worry too much that story, Helen.” Cathy said. “He’s a teenager, full of hormones and a very vivid imagination. He has just gone off track a little. I have heard worst things. He will grow out of it.”

Helen smiled at her reassuring words. “I guess.“

“So what are you going to do? Are you going to tell Donald?”

“He would go mad. No, I will deal with it.”

Helen could see that Cathy wanted to ask more but had decided against it. Instead she said ‘bye’ and left.


Later, Helen lay on her bed. In her hands was a print out of Gabe’s story.


A few weeks had passed and Helen, having the house to herself, was in the sitting room trying to watch the latest instalment of Eastenders, but with very little luck.

Again she found her thoughts returning to the story Gabe had written. Try as she might, she just could not forget what she had read. The rational side of her said it was just a piece of sick fiction. Of course, it did not help that she kept reading it over and over.

But some of the events in it had actually happened. Discovering that they had forgotten the beaker and having to go back home for it. Finding Gabe with it in his hand.

Had he just found it himself or had he been doing something? The contents in the beaker did look different and there was the nurse’s comment about it. That she had never seen one that looked so good.

Could he have actually done it? Could he have actually swapped his father’s semen with his own?

At first, she tried to pass the whole thing off was preposterous. But now she was slowly growing more convinced that it was not. She felt herself flush at the thought as she continued to nurse her cup of coffee.

Christ! She wished she could have a real drink.

But it can’t be true can it? The idea was so sick.

Again, she felt that flush and realised it was excitement. Immediately she felt guilty. The story didn’t excite her? Did it?

Surely she could not find the idea of being pregnant with her own son’s baby exciting?

Oh God please no!

Maybe it was just hormones? Her hormones rather than her son’s.

She had to admit that she had been feeling more horny of late. Maybe it was the pregnancy? They say that it could affect a woman’s libido though she could not remember how she was like when she was pregnant with Gabe. Of course, it did not help that her husband had not touched her in months. She had tried approaching him a few times but he would just back off with the excuse that he did not want to harm the baby. Eventually, she had given up and resorted to other methods.

Yes. That was it. It wasn’t the story, she told herself unconvincingly.

Helen sighed. What a mess!

“Hi, Mum.” Helen’s chain of thought was interrupted as Gabe came walking through the door.

“Gabe!” Helen said, surprised in seeing her son. “You are back early.”

“Well there wasn’t anything on at the flicks and it’s pretty cold so I thought I just come home.”

Helen knew that Gabe would want to go up to his room as per usual.

“Could you sit with me for a minute?” Helen found herself saying.

What was she doing?

Gabe sat down on the sofa next to her.

“What’s up, Mum?”

No! Don’t!

“I have something to show you.” Helen fished out Gabe’s story from her handbag and handed it to him.

The boy opened it up.

“Oh.” He whispered as she watched the colour drain from his face.

“I read it.”

The boy looked terrified. Instantly, her maternal instincts came to the fore. Reaching out, Helen took Gabe’s hands in hers.

“It’s alright.” She soothed. “I am not mad.”

No, she felt something else altogether.

Gabe said nothing.

“Well perhaps a little disappointed.” Helen conceded. “What if your father had read it? He would have gone berserk.”

“Y-you weren’t suppose to read it.” The boy said, not looking at her.

“And you weren’t suppose to write it, honey. What made you do it?” Before she waited for an answer, Helen found herself asking: “It’s true isn’t it?”

Again she felt a flush of excitement. But stronger this time.

The look on the boy’s face had told her everything. However, he tried to evade her. “W-what’s true?”

Helen was determined to get the truth. “That you swapped the contents in the beaker.”


“That you substituted your father’s semen with your own. That you got me pregnant.” As she said it, Helen could feel the excitement surge through her.

Gabe said nothing.

“Well?” She pressed.

“I..” She knew that Gabe wanted to bolt. But she held him firmly by the hands.

“I said I am not mad with you. But I need to know the truth.”



Gabe slowly nodded. His face ashen.

Helen fell back into the sofa. It was now a certainty. The baby was Gabe’s, not Donald’s. The very idea that she was having her son’s baby should have made her sick to the stomach. It did not. Instead she had butterflies.

Helen looked at the boy. Why wasn’t she furious with him? Instead she felt her heart go out to the lad. Gabe was still her son. Despite everything else, he was still her little boy.

Pulling herself up, Helen lifted his chin so that he faced her. He tried to squirm.

“Look at me.” She told him. The boy obeyed.

She just stared at his face and could not help but think how handsome he was becoming. He was already so much better looking than his father. Her boy was growing up.

Her excitement grew.

“But why?” She asked softly, finding her voice a little husky.

“I-I…” He started

“Go on, sweetheart. Tell me. Tell Mummy.” In the past, when comforting her son, Helen had often referred to herself as ‘Mummy’. When she did it this time, it felt different.

“W-well, I knew that you and Dad were having problems having a baby...” Gabe started to say.

Helen waited for him to continue.

“…and I heard you and Dad that morning and I just wanted to help.”

Oh baby, she thought.

“But Gabe, that was so wrong.”

“I just wanted to help.” He simply stated. It looked like he was going to cry.

“Oh, sweetheart. Come and give your Mummy a hug.” Again Helen felt herself flush as she pulled her son into an embrace.

“I’m sorry, Mum.” Gabe said, almost sobbing. “I was only trying to help.”

“Shhhh!” Whispered Helen. “It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay.”

But despite her words being all maternal, Helen was now aware of how her son fitted in her arms. His developing young body felt so good. She could smell his musk. His hot skin against hers. He was definitely turning into a young man.

She felt another surge of excitement.

Helen pulled back and looked deep into his blue eyes.

“Oh darling, I do love you. You do know that?” She said.

“Yes, Mum.” Gabe nodded.

“And that I will never stop loving you. Whatever happens.”

Gabe nodded.

Helen was going to say something else when they heard the front door slam. Her husband was home. She instantly stood up.

“Hi, guys.” Donald announced as he come into the living room, throwing his briefcase onto his armchair.

“You are home early.” Helen said, finding herself annoyed at the interruption. “At least I can now start the dinner.”

Helen went into the kitchen, leaving Gabe in the sitting room while Donald went upstairs to change.

As she got the pans and pots out, her mind went over the revelation she had with Gabe.

She was going to have her son’s baby! Her heart fluttered.


Dinner went ahead as normal with Donald going on about things that were happening at work. Helen nodded and commented, her attention kept returning to Gabe who just sat at the table quietly. His plate hardly touched.

“You okay, Gabe?” Asked his father.

“Yeah.” Gabe replied.

“But you haven’t touched your dinner.” Stated Helen.

Gabe pushed his plate away. “Sorry. Just not hungry.”

Helen leant over and felt her boy’s forehead for a temperature. Though she knew the real reason why he had lost his appetite. ““Are you feeling okay?”

“Just a bit tired.” The boy replied.

“Then why don’t you go up to your bedroom and I’ll come up later to see how you are.” Helen said.

“Okay.” And the boy quickly left the table.

“You haven’t eaten much yourself.” Commented Donald, looking at Helen’s plate.

“I had a sandwich earlier.” Helen lied.

“I don’t know what’s the matter with that kid.” Muttered Donald. “He’s been funny ever since you became pregnant.”

“You think?” Helen was not sure if she was being sarcastic or genuine.

“I wonder if he’s jealous? Being an only child all this life and now he has a little baby brother or sister coming along.” Donald wondered.

Or rather a son or daughter, thought Helen. Again she felt herself flush.

“I don’t think so, darling.” She told her husband. “Anyway, I will check on him later and see how he is.”


As usual, Helen and Donald did the washing up together. With Donald doing the actual washing while Helen dried and put the crockery and pans away since she was the only person who knew where everything went.

Helen then went on to make a chicken sandwich for Gabe while Donald excused himself back into the living room. A few minutes later, she went through on her way upstairs.

“I am just seeing how Gabe is.” She said.

“Okay.” Replied her husband as he went through the channels on the Sky remote. “There’s a good film at nine on the Syfy Channel that we should watch.”

“Okay.” Helen said, not really listening.


Outside Gabe’s bedroom door, Helen knocked.

Getting no answer, she let herself in.

In the dark, Gabe was sitting on the edge of his bed. Turning on the bedside lamp, she placed the plate next to it and then sat next to the boy.

“You were very quiet at the dinner table. You okay?” She asked, knowing full well that he was not.

“I’m sorry.”

Helen then saw that Gabe had been crying.

“Come here.” Helen took her boy into her arms and held him tightly. Again she noticed how good it felt.

“We will get round this.” She soothed.

Gabe nodded again. “But…”


“For long moments Helen held her child to her. She then pulled back.

“Sweetheart. What is done is done. I know that if you could go back, you wouldn’t have done it.”

“Huh! Huh!” The boy nodded.

“But if you hadn’t had done that, then there would be no baby.”


“Gabe. You are almost an adult and I should treat you like one and so I am going to be honest with you. If it wasn’t for you, I doubt I would ever have another baby.”

And it was true. In her heart, she knew that she and Donald would have never had another child together. If it hadn’t been for Gabe...

The revelation brought tears to her eyes.


“I’m okay.” Helen said, wiping her face. She then continued.

“I already told you that your father has a low sperm count. Well the doctors told us that it was very doubtful we would ever conceive. Literally that last visit was our last chance. I saw the beaker when I first got up and knew it would not work. But then when I checked it after coming back for it. After I took it off you.”

“Y-you knew?” Gasped Gabe.

“I knew there was something different with it…and when the nurse said how good the sample was. That it was the best she had ever seen. I didn’t realise it at the time but maybe I did suspect something.”

She found herself looking into her son’s face. Into his startling blue eyes. Eyes that were a mirror image of her own.

“God, darling. Do you realise how handsome you are becoming?” Helen sighed. “Some day you will make a lucky girl very happy.” And she felt a wave of bitterness. Helen did not want to lose her baby boy. Not to anyone.

Gabe blushed.

Helen stared intently at him as she felt an intense wave of love for her boy. Something that she had never felt before. Oh she would always love him but this felt different. Was it gratitude for what he had done? For what he had given her? Or was it something much more?

He was so handsome. His face. His mouth. His lips.

Oh baby.

Helen started to move forward. Her face closing on the boy’s. Her lips moving towards his.


Her husband’s voice was like a jolt of electricity. Helen quickly stood up.

“Now eat your sandwich and we can talk more about this later.”

The boy nodded and went to eat his meal while Helen left him to join her husband downstairs.

“What had happen just then?” Helen asked herself.


“Where are you going?” Her husband asked as Helen pulled on her dressing gown.

“I’m just going to check on Gabe.” She told him.

“You worry about him too much. Let him be.”

“I just want to make sure he’s alright.” She answered though she knew there was more to it than that. Her rational side told her that she should stay in her bedroom but she had to see her son.

Like before she knocked on her son’s door before letting herself in. With the bedside lamp still on, she saw that Gabe had changed and was now in bed.


“I just came to say ‘goodnight’”. She looked at the half eaten sandwich on the bedside table. “You didn’t like your sandwich?”


“You keep saying that.” Helen smiled as she sat on the edge of his bed. She reached over and pushed back his mop of hair.

“I just wanted to make sure you are okay.” She continued.

“I suppose.”

“Gabe. Everything will work out. I promise you.”

“I suppose.” Gabe said again and then after a slight pause. “Mum? Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure. Shoot!”

“Will you keep the baby?”

The question struck Helen like a dagger. Why would he even think that she would consider anything other than keeping it?

“Why do you ask?” Helen managed to keep her voice calm.

“Well, because it’s not Dad’s and…” The boy trailed off.


“Isn’t it incest?”

For the first time, she felt a flash of anger aimed at her son. On impulse, her response would have been: “Well you should have thought of that earlier.”

Instead, she thought it over before replying.

“Gabe,” She said finally, “I didn’t lie to you earlier. You have given me something that no-one else could. Not your father, not the specialists. Yes it was incest but I don’t care. Nor do I care if other people see it as wrong. Thanks to you, I have something wonderful and no-one is going to take it away from me.”

“And Dad?”

“As far as he is concerned, he is the father. That is all he needs to know. It will be our secret.”

Gabe nodded.

They were both silent and then Helen took his hand.

“Would you like to touch it?” She asked him.


“The baby, honey. Would you like to feel it?”

Gabe nodded.

Opening her robe, Helen took Gabe’s hand and placed it palms up on her belly.

“I’m not showing yet but your baby brother or sister is in here.”

Your baby, she thought and she felt that tingle again.

She looked up and saw that Gabe was staring. But not at her stomach but at her breasts as they hung full and low, filling out the front of her nightdress.

Helen felt herself smiling. Despite the situation, she realised that a teenage boy was still a teenage boy. Led by his hormones.

And she felt her own excitement rise in response. Her nipples extending against her nightdress, showing themselves to her boy’s hungry gaze.

Almost in a trance, her eyes fixed on his face, Helen slowly lifted up his hand. Moving it up and pressing it into her full bosom. Noting with a sick satisfaction that despite Gabe’s hand being large, her breasts were larger. Much larger.


“Shhhh.” And she brought up his other hand, attaching it to her other breast.

She gasped and closed her eyes as she felt him squeezed both of them. His palms rubbing against her aching nipples.

“Oh God…” She whispered. What was he doing? What were they doing? This was so wrong but felt so good.

“Oh Mum.” Her boy whispered.

Helen opened her eyes and looked at Gabe’s face. His mouth. His lips.

God, she wanted to kiss him.

“NO!” She cried out, pulling away from the startled lad.


“No, Gabe. I-I must go.” Helen got up and turned to make for the door, pulling her robe tightly around her.

“But Mum.” Pleaded her son.

At the door, Helen tried to pull herself together, ignoring the temptation to look back. Knowing that if she did so, she would return to his bedside. Despite the excitement she felt inside her, Helen calmly told him: “You go to sleep. You have school in the morning.”

And she left his bedroom.


An hour later, Helen lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Her mind going over what was happening between her and her son.

Why did she let him touch her breasts?

But the boy did more than touch them.

Helen’s own hands went to her breasts and felt her nipples were still swollen. Their touch caused her to groan as she remembered how Gabe had touched them.

What is the matter with her? She thought. He’s my son for God’s sake. But despite herself, Helen moved a hand down to her groin. Finding her sex hot and wet.

“Oh God!” She groaned.

Next to her, Donald grunted in his sleep. Causing Helen to stop. She laid there quietly for a few moments, waiting for her husband to settle.

What was she going to do?

Feeling her throat dry, Helen decided to go downstairs for a drink.

At the kitchen sink, she poured a glass of water and swallowed greedily. As if the water would sate the feelings she was having. But it did not.

What was the matter with her? Was it her hormones? Was it because she hadn’t had any sex for so long?

She stared through the kitchen window at the night sky.

Finally having enough, she went back upstairs to bed. But on the landing, as she was about to go to her bedroom, she heard a groan coming from Gabe’s.

“Gabe?” Helen went to the door, her hand closing round the handle as she listened.

“Ohhh!” There it was again.

“Mummm!!!!” She could clearly hear his voice this time and started to turn the handle.

She heard another moan.

She gasped. It suddenly dawned on her what the sounds were. Her son was masturbating! Masturbating about her. His mother.

Helen’s pulse raced. Her mouth again dry.

Her rational mind told her to go. Go back to bed.

But she could not move. God help her. She wanted to go in, to go to her son.

No! She couldn’t!

Pulling her hand away, she retreated back to her bedroom.

Back in bed, Helen tried to ignore her husband’s snoring as she stared vacantly into the darkness. Her ears straining so see if she could hear anything else. But her son’s bedroom was on the other side of the landing. Too far away for her to hear anything.

But she could imagine.

Her hand slowly crept up her body and grasped one her breasts, finding its nipple heavily engorged. She closed her eyes as she squeezed.

Oh God…

She continued to squeeze her soft tit. Teasing the nipple further even as her other hand slithered down her body to the cauldron underneath. Her legs widening to give it access.

She bit her bottom lip as her finger moved under the gusset of her panties and along her enflamed pussy lips.

Controlling her breath, Helen slid a finger inside her vagina, to the knuckle.

Ohhhh. She was so wet!

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Donor X

I normally don’t write stories based on others people’s ideas, but when Literotica member dimimis1991 proposed this to me, it struck a chord deep within my twisted mind and I could see this story unfold. His idea was a young man whose sperm was so special that he becomes effectively a captive slave. I put it in the future to give context to the story I built around the idea I will leave it to the reader to judge whether James has ended up in a heavenly or hellish situation. = = = = = =...

2 years ago
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Donor X

In a future world, not that distant from our own, overpopulation is no longer an issue... but the survival of the human race is. Eighteen-year-old James Wiseman reports for his first monthly “deposit” and finds out that he is a very special young man.  * * * * WHO first announced that sperm counts were declining in Western males in 1990 following a fifty-year study. Several more studies followed. Publicly, experts said that there was no need to worry because a sperm count of forty-seven...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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From Sperm Donor to Father Ch 01

My story starts about six years ago when I was living in Kingston (a suburb to the south-west of Central London, for those of you outside the UK). I was, and still am, a senior accountant with a large financial services company. I had my own house, and because of some large bonuses, I had managed to pay-off my mortgage early. So there I was age 34, still single and I guess pretty well-off compared to most people my age. I had a small circle of friends but as is the way with these things all...

1 year ago
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OtherworldChapter 1 Discovery

If it hadn't been for Mrs. Martin's fourth period science class, I never would have made the discovery. I would have remained an ordinary teenager in an ordinary life. I would have continued going to school, working my ass off to get good grades. I would have kept coming home everyday to play computer games, or read comics or fantasy and science-fiction books. I would probably have graduated near the top of my class and gone off to college. But the discovery I made changed my entire...

3 years ago
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The Sperm Donor

My first sex story, by kiwi-bob at hotmail dot com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had been working at the fertility center for about two weeks during the summer break, waiting for university to start. They even gave me a nurse's uniform, which I thought was funny because I was just a receptionist. Ever since I started working there I had had a secret obsession with the sperm donation room, fantasizing about the...

1 year ago
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The Sperm Donor

100% fiction! 18-year old Gabe Smith stood outside his parents' bedroom. It was early in the morning and the young boy was thirsty and had got up to get a drink. As he had walked back to his room, he heard voices coming out of his parents' bedroom. His curiosity aroused, he had stopped to listen to what they were saying. "I hope it works this time, Donald." It was his mother’s voice. "It will, Helen." said his father. "How do you know?" asked his mother. "I just am." replied his father,...

2 years ago
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Sperm Donor in the Philippines

My work takes me around the world but I found myself on repeated trips to Manila which eventually grew into a year long assignment. After getting accustomed to the country and settling into life a bit I couldn't help but notice Filipina women were very much into western men like myself. I also found them to be attractive, with their petite frames and tan skin. A very attractive woman named Rosa was actually the manager of the building I stayed in and I began to hit on her a bit. She was...

3 years ago
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The Sperm Donor

18-year old Gabe Smith stood outside his parents' bedroom. It was early in the morning and the young boy was thirsty and had got up to get a drink. As he had walked back to his room, he heard voices coming out of his parents' bedroom. His curiosity aroused, he had stopped to listen to what they were saying. "I hope it works this time, Donald." It was his mother’s voice. "It will, Helen." said his father. "How do you know?" asked his mother. "I just am." replied his father, "Besides, if it...

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The Donor

Leanne wasn't fortunate with men. She could never find the right guy. Some of her past boyfriends were nice, but they just didn't want to commit on her level. Leanne had given up on men, but she did want a baby. When pressed, some past boyfriends were open about the issue but told her that they never wanted children, some said they didn't want the responsibility, some said they couldn't afford a child, some even said the world was overpopulated already. Some of them even broke up with her...

3 years ago
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From Sperm Donor to Father Ch 02

On the flight, we had a few drinks and generally chatted for most of the seven hours. After the transfer from JFK airport, we checked into our room and unpacked. We had a brief walk around the hotel and the local area and stopped for a drink at a bar. I explained that we would be there until Tuesday morning when we would fly to our next destination. “Next destination? I thought this was it” Mel replied “No I have a few more surprises for you yet” “You really shouldn’t have. This must have...

2 years ago
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The V Donor Girl

Hi and hello to all the readers of ISS and this story. You may think that this might not be a true story but I have nothing to proof well my name is V I don’t want to reveal my religion but leave this guess work on you people by analyzing my logical ability to introduce myself and I am a 35 year olds male and I am still unmarried all my friends cousins and colleagues even younger to me are married having fun in their life with their spouse you got my point right. I am a lonely man starved with...

3 years ago
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From Sperm Donor to Father Ch 04

The next morning, Wednesday, we had breakfast, checked-out and got a taxi to the airport. Luckily the journey to Orlando wasn’t a long one. We picked-up our hire car and checked into our hotel by mid-afternoon. On check-in I was offered the chance to upgrade our room to a separate villa for an additional 50 dollars a night, so I jumped at it. The villa was fabulous, extremely spacious. We had good-sized lounge area, a small kitchen, a dining area, a private pool, and even a large...

2 years ago
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From Sperm Donor to Father Ch 03

I awoke the next morning with Mel’s cuddled-up beside me with her arm over my side. I lay there for a moment thinking that I could get used to this and then I looked at the clock. We had slept a little later than usual and only had about an hour to get dressed, packed and check-out. I woke Mel with a kiss and said that we had to hurry. Given the morning traffic we left a little late really, but luckily made the final check-in just in time. The flight was uneventful in fact Mel fell asleep for...

1 year ago
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From Sperm Donor to Father Ch 05

We spent the virtually the whole flight in silence and didn’t even hold hands. I spent the time deep in thought, and I guess Mel was too. I decided that I did indeed love Mel. She obviously had feelings for me but I wasn’t sure how far they went or what exactly she wanted. Each time I had asked what she wanted, Mel wouldn’t say. My thoughts all boiled down to two things, firstly I knew I loved Mel, and secondly I knew that if I didn’t do something, I would probably lose any chance I had with...

1 year ago
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Being A Blood Donor Has Benefits

For Natalie…I have been a regular blood donor for many years and have done it more than thirty times, so it doesn’t faze me in the slightest. However, on this particular occasion, things turned out differently.I turned up as usual at the local sports club hall, went through the prick test and paperwork checking before being led to one of the reclining couches. It was in the corner of the hall, a bit away from everyone else. The hall was very busy with people waiting to give blood, some in the...

2 years ago
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BackscatterChapter 12 The Age of Discovery

One week later. Time: Friday, June 4, 2049 10:30 AM, 30 km due east of Santa Cruz de la Palma Discovery left its home port of Funchal just before midnight and spent the next ten hours cruising southward at a leisurely pace of twenty-six knots, four knots below its rated speed and almost twenty knots below its true maximum speed. Discovery represented Madeira's very first attempt to explore outside of Golem's bubble radius. The ship was maintaining radio silence, and after ten hours of...

3 years ago
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les bienfaits du sperme sur la santeacute

Le sperme et ses bienfaits sur la santéAvec des qualités nutritionnelles intéressantes, ses propriétés anti-âge établies et son rôle d’antidépresseur pour les femmes, le sperme est définitivement bon pour la santé. À tel point que certains chefs le cuisinent ou le transforment en cocktail.De nombreuses études prouvent les bienfaits du sperme pour la santé des femmes. La semence masculine influerait sur notre humeur ainsi que sur le vieillissement, en plus d’avoir des qualités nutritionnelles.Le...

2 years ago
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The Discovery

The Discovery By Margaret Jeanette Tom and Kris Rhoden were happily married. He was a junior clerk and she was chief teller at a bank. She always knew he wasn't very macho. In bed she always initiated sex and led the way, but she liked it that way. Occasionally she would tell him to do something like wash the dishes or clean a window and he always did it. It was on one such occasion that she told him to scrub the kitchen floor. She hated to do any sort of house work. He...

3 years ago
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Anal Discovery

Looking back I guess I was very sexually reserved as a young person. But by 18 I was beginning to feel more relaxed about have sexual desires and fantasies.I didn't start masturbating until I was 19 but it soon became a very regular thing. I would often think about touching myself during the day and I thought I was terribly sexually liberated because I knew I was going to act on it that night.I thought people would be astonished to know that I touched myself sexually. I now know that I was...

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A Daughter's Special DiscoverybyThomX©I think all girls have a secret desire to make love to their father. I knew I was one. My mother died when I was very young. (I would tell you how she died, but, since that's still a very sensitive subject for me, I won't.) Overnight, my father became a single parent, and I became his whole world and he mine. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and attentive father. I never went without as he would sometimes work two and three jobs just so I wouldn't go...

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A Daughter's Special DiscoverybyThomX©I think all girls have a secret desire to make love to their father. I knew I was one. My mother died when I was very young. (I would tell you how she died, but, since that's still a very sensitive subject for me, I won't.) Overnight, my father became a single parent, and I became his whole world and he mine. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and attentive father. I never went without as he would sometimes work two and three jobs just so I wouldn't go...

2 years ago
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Night of Discovery

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely coincidental...

2 years ago
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Children of the Gods Part 1Chapter 3 Discovery

Mark had become "the man of the house," after his father was killed. He had been forced to take his father's place in so many ways. By the time he was twelve Mark and Rachel became confidantes, rather than merely mother and son. In time, it became necessary to help her make certain business decisions. Soon after his father's funeral he began to learn how to repair things around the house. Rachel's job was more than adequate to support them. Their home was paid for and her taste in cars...

2 years ago
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A Voyage of Discovery

Welcome - This story is fiction. Pleases enjoy.----My wife Kim has many skills.She’s an accomplished organiser for an events firm, a wonder in the kitchen and she has that flirty manner that so many men, including myself, find so irresistible. What I have only just discovered though is that my wife isn’t as honest as I’d assumed, and her lying ways have changed my life forever.You may well be asking how it came to be that I knew nothing about my wife's behaviour, but there is this thing called...

3 years ago
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A Voyage of Discovery

Welcome - As always if you’d like a photo of Sharon in the nude, please send us a message. My wife Kim has many skills. She’s an accomplished organiser for an events firm, a wonder in the kitchen and she has that flirty manner that so many men, including myself, find so irresistible. What I have only just discovered though is that my wife isn’t as honest as I’d assumed, and her lying ways have changed my life forever. You may well be asking how it came to be that I knew nothing about my...

3 years ago
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histoires de pipe et de sperme

ca fait plusieurs fois que j'ai eu l'occasion de goûter à des bites et là je vais vous raconter mes 3 dernières histoires avec des gars plutôt 1er avec un mec black avec qui j'ai parlé sur, il m'a invité à venir chez lui en sortant du boulot. j'y vais très excité me voilà devant sa porte. il m'ouvre, bel homme plutôt mince, crane rasé. il me propose de m'installer sur son canapé ce que je fais. il s'assoit à côté de moi, on est là, un peu béa... j'entreprends les choses. je...

4 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 7 Princesss Taboo Discovery

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Seven: Princess's Taboo Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Nineteen: Catgirls Need Cock Too Sven Falk – Princedom of Kivoneth, Strifelands of Zeutch I grinned, loving the sight of my sister writhing on her back, Zanyia running her tongue through Kora's sloppy pussy, licking up the incestuous combination of my cum and my sister's cream. My dick throbbed, still slick with Kora's juices. My sister shivered, her round breasts...

2 years ago
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The Discovery

The sleek star cruiser moved towards the newly discovered solar system, the captain having advised the crew to be on special alert, as it was believed this system had showed life forms living on at least one of the planets in the distant past. One of the crew commented on the large planet with an interesting red spot on it, which seemed to be a storm of some type. Another crew member was intently gathering all the data possible from another planet which had rings circling its equator. Each...

3 years ago
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The First Extra Solar GenerationChapter 13 A Fascinating Discovery

When we reached Psi Serpentis we were astounded to find a water-ice bearing superplanet just outside the Goldilocks zone. Even more amazing we found an abandoned starship embedded in solid ice. It was much smaller than our great ships or even our moonlet ships. It was only a about 600 meters long and barely a quarter of that in diameter. We managed to slice it free of its entombing glacier. Once we could examine it, we found what appeared to be an emergency crank to open the hatch in the...

3 years ago
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Family Discovery

1.02 Sara and Sean, A Guided Mating: 1.03 Sara and Prince: 1.04 Sean, Preparation: 1.05 Sean and Prince: 1.06 Amanda and Sara: 1.07 Amanda and Rapture: 1.01 Sara and Sean, Discovery: It was Saturday and Amanda was getting ready to go the hospital where she works in the morning as a volunteer aid in the rehabilitation center. She fed the Golden's and let them outside into the back yard to play until she returned. The six month old puppy was named Prince and the year old Golden was...

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A Nocturnal Discovery

to be true it wasn't the first time Michcs teenage hormones had gotten the better of his prudence when it came to spying on his cousins, but this time it was different. For starters, she wasn't alone like previous times. She had a man with him who, with his back turned towards him, seemed to be about his age, and was evidently on quite intimate terms with her. She even seemed to be seducing him with her stare and the gentle curves she drew on his broad back with her long nails. Yes, he was...

3 years ago
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My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery

Introduction: Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery By Kim Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman This is a work of fiction and the story idea came from: Triple Sex Ultimate by blueheatt For more information on this topic I suggest the book Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides . This is part one of Randis story. The other parts will be more understandable if read in sequence. My name is Randi and I am now 16 years...

2 years ago
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A life changing discovery

With the remaining strenght left in my arms I pushed as hard as I could. The hinges finally gave up and the wooden doors opened before me, revealing a path leading deep underground. A cold gust of wind blew directly in my face which was giving me a small relief from the heat outside. But I wasn't here for shelter from the sun. Right at the moment, I was standing in front of a great discovery. Here in Egypt, a few hundred meters from an average hotel, I found a temple unknown to...

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Self Discovery

Chapter One They say that university is the place you go to discover who you are. To experiment with life to see what you like, what you don’t, your tastes, your desires, what you have a flair for or just an inclination for. Well, let me tell you. Experimenting? I thought I'd been there, tried that; got the proverbial t-shirt. I did the drug thing and discovered it just wasn't my thing. I even did the fun stuff in the bedroom. The bondage. The costumes. The rough. The wild. The teasing. The...

1 year ago
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Day of Discovery

Author’s info Gender: Male Age: I remember when the Dead Sea got sick. Location: Rochester, N.Y. Introduction: A story with some truth and some fiction For my pretty fourteen year old sister and me, the day of discovery would be remembered as the day when her life and mine took a mutually unexpected turn. The school bus driver had dropped us off and we’d just walked up the sidewalk to our door. Shelly had gotten off ahead of me, so she got to the door first and reached into her purse for her...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Summer of Discovery

Summer vacation in my younger years was a magical time in my life, filled with exciting, erotic discoveries. The thrills of the time actually started during the last week of school when I made a new friend. I’d always admired and envied him. His name was Bobby, and he was so cute; but we had nothing in common. He was the star of all the boy sports that I hated. I preferred to play on the swings and monkey bars; and when I was lucky, jump rope and hop-scotch with the girls. So I was confused...

2 years ago
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Sexy Accounts A Nephews Lust Part 2 Discovery

From the view of the Nephew.It must have been a year since I last got into my auntie’s bedroom. I had only seen her a few times since then and not spoken much. My erection and roaming around her bedroom were never mentioned again. I didn’t see my cousins as much, now we were getting older. I had to make do with my video, which I had saved onto my hard drive to wank off to, and any photos, which lay around.It was my cousin’s seventeenth birthday and my auntie was having a small party 'round...

3 years ago
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My Discovery

Original Story Date: Saturday, September 3, 2005 Heavily Reedited and Revised Mar. 27, 2020 Special thanks to DLAussie for his expertise in editing and proofing June 1, 2020. There was little joy riding my school bus at six in the morning, especially in late fall. Since the school administration changed the bus schedule my life had been upside down. The weather was not the greatest at this time of the year. With fall closing in it was getting colder and colder each morning. My uniform...

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