Punjabi Desi Aunty Ko Choda Us Ke Ghar Mei
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
Thank you for the feedback and your encouragement. Thanks to ‘John,’ ‘Pierre’ and ‘Andrew’ who helped proof read. There are still errors, I’m sure, but they are all mine.
Please start with Chapter 1 or you won’t know what’s going on.
She floated up again from a pleasant calm depth and repeated most of yesterday morning’s routine. His alarm sounded just as she slid the coffee onto the side table and herself into bed with him. She began to gently stroke his belly and thighs, waiting for him to awaken fully. To Philip, it felt wonderful, not sexual but just a wonderful sensation and when her cool hand cupped his scrotum and rolled his testicles around he let out a soft purr.
‘You remember what I said about being nice today?’
‘Yes, I’ll be so good.’
‘Good. I have something planned for you tonight.’
‘Can’t wait.’
‘Oh it’s not that. Tonight you’re going to start going to the gym. I’ve got a membership for you at one downtown. It’s about six blocks from your office.’
‘At 6:30 you’re going to have an introductory interview then a session with a personal trainer.’
‘You’ll go to the gym three nights a week unless I have something else planned for you. You can do pretty much whatever you want there, yoga, Pilates, aerobics. They have a salon. Get a facial if you want and you can finish with a massage. You have an unlimited budget and tonight I want you to fit yourself out with a gym bag and all the clothing it can hold. Can you swim?’
‘Sign up for one-on-one lessons. You’ll stay till nine unless I call or text you. Got it?’
‘Yes, I understand. How do I thank you, Philip?’
‘Be grateful and obedient, of course.’
‘Wow,’ she thought to herself, ‘he must be loaded.’ A membership at a downtown gym had to be at least $200 a month plus massages were going to be extra and facials weren’t going to be cheap, she could run up $1,000 a month with no problem. She felt real gratitude. She had always wanted to go to a really nice gym but could never afford it. It wasn’t that she felt her body needed a lot of work, she had very little fat, but she wanted to tone her thighs and her ass a bit. And having a salon at her disposal, fully paid for, was like, crazy. She began to think of all the hair care and creams she could buy. Having her haircut and a facial three times a week was too good to be true. At the peak of her excitement she came back down to earth. She figured the quality of the salon might not be great. ‘I mean, how good could a health spa’s salon be?’ But maybe they could do her nails and scrub her heals and wax her pussy, which she’d always wanted to try. Shaving left stubble.
‘The other nights will be a variety of things,’ he said, breaking into her thoughts, ‘I’ve enrolled you in a flower arranging and bonsai class on Tuesdays for three months.’
‘Wow.’ It was all she could say. He seemed to be filling every moment of her life. Flower arranging sounded dull but if he liked flowers, she’d go. But when would she have her own time? Then it occurred to her, that was the point. He was going to control every waking moment. She was confused with conflicting emotions. Resentful that he was taking over her life, yet so grateful and touched that he cared enough to deprive her of the chance to backslide to her former self.
‘Take off your collar,’ he said, interrupting her thoughts again. She did and laid it on his night table. ‘You can’t wear that to work.’ He pointed to his dresser, ‘Go get the box that’s in the top drawer.’
She got up and walked over to the chest of drawers. His eyes followed her twin dimples of Venus, marveling at the beauty of her back giving way to the gentle curve to her spectacular ass.
She found a box in his drawer that was about the same size as the dog collar he’d given her, but this one was different. It had real leather on the cover, ‘or was it ostrich?’ and a gold colored band between the halves of the clamshell.
‘Bring it here,’ he said.
She knelt on the bed, knee walked over to him, feeling the unexpected weight of the well made case. She was filled with excitement and trepidation. She could feel the smile stress her face muscles. ‘What has he bought for me? This has to be expensive,’ she knew. ‘What is he going to expect from me? What kind of commitment am I getting into?’ Then she recalled that she was his slave and she felt better.
‘You need something to wear outside that will remind you that I own you. Open it.’
Though she wanted to, of course she wanted to, she was afraid of what was in the box and of what it might mean. She felt that whatever it was would change her life, take hold of her and possess her like some alien spirit.
She wanted time to think but knew she couldn’t hesitate, he had ordered her to open it. ‘Oh well,’ she said to herself, ‘in for a penny…’ It came open without the creek of a cheap jewelry store box. The first sight was of whiteness then it opened, seemingly by its own power, and she saw it resting on black: a magnificent pearl choker. A sense of joy lifted her, filled her spirit and broke her heart. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
‘Oh… My… God, Philip.’ Her eyes momentarily shifted to his, burning green and happy. Then back to the necklace. Three rows of perfect pearls, but most magnificent of all was the red ruby that hung like a teardrop at the bottom.
‘Oh, My, God,’ she said again, ‘I love it.’
Her tear ducts tingled. She set the box down on his chest and took it in her hands. ‘Surprisingly heavy,’ she thought.
‘It’s just. It’s so, beautiful. So… I don’t know. I never thought I’d have something…’ She thought a horrible thought, looked him in the eye with little less than terror in her eyes, ‘You’re giving this to me? Philip? As… to be mine or just to wear?’
‘It’s yours until you die, Mei Chun. Forever and I can’t take it away from you.’
‘Oh my god.’ She began to sob.
It wasn’t an object. Guys didn’t understand this, she knew. It wasn’t calcium carbonate strung on some wire with a pretty red rock. It was love in tactile form. Love she could show, that she could flaunt and feel. Love she could touch when she felt blue, or bored, or angry.
‘God, Philip.’ She fell on him, crying and kissing and touching him. ‘Oh he is mine! My man!’ She imagined his heat was his love for her radiating from him.
His arms embraced her and she felt his love penetrate her skin as his arms squeezed her into his body.
‘God I love you, Philip.’
‘All for a necklace?’
She pulled back just enough to see his eyes. ‘Don’t be stupid. It’s because you made me love you. Made me yours.’ She sniffled the tears away. ‘You may now call me Mei whenever you wish. Inside or outside of me.’
‘Well thank you Mei,’ he said, a bit of a chuckle in his voice but not to denigrate her, ‘That means a lot to me.’
She stood, in a hurry to try it on. She looked for a mirror and recalled he didn’t have one in the bedroom. She ran to the bathroom.
He got out of bed and followed her. She was at the sink, struggling to put it on.
‘Philip, help me with this, please.’
He stood behind her. Her hands shook. He took it from her, lent down to kiss her neck but she was impatient, then thought better of it and released her tension, relaxing into his touch.
He took his time and kissed around her neck and shoulders, licked up to her hairline and smelled her.
‘You are so beautiful Mei. This is just a decoration.’
Then he stood straight, saw her dreamy looking half closed eyes and her lovely tears in the mirror, wrapped the pearls around her throat and connected the clasp. He worried when he had it made that the size would be off but the jeweler had a daughter the same build as Mei. It was just right. He put his hands on her shoulder and looked again int
o her eyes. ‘It’s perfect for you, Mei.’
She rubbed the tears from her eyes, put her hand over his and said, ‘Thank you, Philip.’ She gazed at it, ran her fingers along the bumpy pearls and fingered the dark red ruby. It fit close around her neck, snug but not restricting. The three rows, held horizontal with four vertical staves of silver or white gold, with, ‘were those diamonds?’
He cupped her breasts and pushed forward against her but she hardly noticed his erection so transfixed she was by the way it looked on her. A gentle pinch of her nipples made her look at him in the mirror and she saw that look. ‘Oh yes, that would be perfect right now,’ she thought and gave out a bit of a moan.
‘Do we have time?’ she asked.
And with that she lent forward, gripped the far edge of the sink, arched her back and he pressed his head against her lips. She let him in with a smoldering look into the mirror.
It was a slow delicious ride, gentle, caring, warm, full of real emotions. His long strokes filled her, and each embrace of her breasts made his love for her more real, more solid.
Her moans and exclamations of, ‘Oh, Philip,’ were her continuous thanks for the love he was giving her and taking from her.
He never sped up or let his excitement carry him away. Slow and steady, love, not sex. His murmurings were sweet, gentle words of love that anointed her and filled her to overflowing.
‘You mean so much to me, Mei.’
‘Mmmm…’ She really saw his love for her, never knowing that you needed to be in love to see in another person.
‘I love that growing heart within you. The one that cares.’
‘I don’t want to cry.’
‘It’s ok. I love your tears.’
‘Oh, Philip…’ Despite her wish a few formed in her eyes but held their place. ‘If this is love then I want more.’
He moved faster and she gripped his cock with the muscles designed for the purpose, thinking of his pleasure first. ‘What can I do? How can I make this better?’
‘It’s love Mei.’
‘You were right. Goddammit. You’re always right. It’s the only truth.’ She moaned and saw how her pleasure affected him. Touching him that way made her moan again.
‘God, I love turning you on,’ she said. ‘I feel so good when you grunt like that.’
‘Love is better than sex.’
‘That sounds so crazy but now I see it’s true. Oh god, I love it when you fuck me… make love to me. I love the fucking part but this really is so much better.’
‘I always love you Mei. When I’m cooking, when I’m working, when I’m spanking this superb butt of yours.’
‘Teach me to love you like that.’
For the remaining minutes they left the talk aside and she watched the ruby bounce against the dip in her collar bone, beating out the tempo of his thrusts. She felt the heave in her breasts when he made impact and the way he watched them bounce. ‘I adore his lust. I want to give him more. I want his love to drown me. I just can’t stop feeling this, this draining and filling of my heart. It’s like a drug. Shit… it’s better than anyone ever told me.’
‘You love me,’ she whispered, ‘you love me.’ She said it in rhythm with this cycle. ‘You love me.’
‘You love me.’ The tears came to her unblinking brown eyes. ‘You really love me.’
‘God it’s so goooood.’
Her eyes rolled up. ‘God, it’s so beautiful.’ Her orgasm came. The tears were squeezed out and the quietest, ‘Oh god, oh god, oh Philip!’ fled past her lips as she shivered, tensed, held on for a moment, then a deep animal grunt erupted from within her.
Her head sagged as she recovered. Her mind empty except for the knowledge of his feelings for her and the sensations of the pounding he was giving her. She tightened her grip on the basin, raised her head, looked at his face in the mirror and said, ‘I’m so grateful. So love you, Philip. Come for me honey.’
That look of love in her eyes was the spark that exploded the charge within him. He stopped at the apex of his stroke, quivered and said, ‘Jesus Mei, so beautiful,’ then she felt the throbbing within her that told her he was releasing. A moment later he resumed a short jabbing thrust each time he squirted into her, as though he wanted his semen to stick as deep into her as humanly possible.
It was so perfect, she thought, so perfectly romantic and sweet and just lovely and perfect. When he withdrew after holding her for a few moments, she spun around, crouched and took him in her mouth and lovingly sucked as he softened. Then, with a final kiss and stroke of his balls she raised up and led him to the shower. She soaped him and washed his hair. At the end she couldn’t resist a little two minute blow job that got him firm again and looked into his eyes to see if she could finish him, but a wave of his head indicated that she’d have to wait.
She toweled him off then herself and he left her to apply some lotion. He’d obviously bought the lotion for her, she thought, ‘no guy would put this kind of stuff on themselves,’ and anyway, it was a full bottle and a brand she couldn’t afford. She contemplated him for a moment. He thought of everything, prepared for whatever she might need, except tampons, but, then again, she bet he had those too somewhere.
She skipped into the bedroom, her new ruby bouncing on her collarbone and it felt great. It was too dressy for everyday but so what.
He surprised her again by what he was holding. Two garment bags. ‘Wear these today.’
‘What are they?’
‘Clothes to go with your necklace.’
‘Huh? You went shopping for me?’ He nearly winced at the brightness of her grin.
‘Yeah. I hope they fit. I’ve never shopped for women’s clothing and I got some help.’
She tore into the bags, a Neiman Marcus logo on the side, and took the ivory blouse off the hanger. It was silk and beautifully embroidered, first class. The other bag had a smart black silk knee length skirt. She hurried to put them on, not bothering with underwear.
The skirt would need just a bit of tailoring but a pin would do for today, the blouse however was a great fit, hugging her just right.
To Philip’s eyes she was stunning. A vision of youth and beauty. This is how he envisioned her. Here was the princess she could be.
She beamed and raced back to the bathroom. He followed. The outfit was just what the necklace needed, the collar of the blouse hiding it just enough to transform it from gaudy excess to appropriate accessory. She thought she’d never looked better.
‘But,’ she said as she turned to him, ‘my shoes.’
‘Oh. Right.’
‘Don’t tell me?’
‘Yeah. In the closet.’
‘God, Philip, you are spoiling me! Do I have to marry you now, to keep the presents rolling in?’
‘Six months baby. That’s all I ask.’
‘Keep it up and you’ll have six years,’ she said as her voice diminished down the hall.
‘Oh, my, god!’ He heard her yell. And he found her sitting on the bed trying on the shoes.
‘These are Jimmy Choos.’
‘Yeah. God, I hope they fit.’
‘How in the hell did you know my size?’
‘Your account on Amazon.’
She looked up at him momentarily, smiled and said, ‘Oh yeah,’ and thought nothing more about it.
‘There are hose in that bag.’
‘You got hose as well?’ She couldn’t believe it. He was such an übermensch! ‘What kind of man was this?’ Beat her like a rug, fuck her like a machine, massage like … well a really good masseur, and cook like an Iron Chef. Plus he was evidently wealthy. This outfit was at least, ‘I mean Nieman Marcus, come on,’ and with the choker, ‘what $10,000, probably more.’ The skirt was eight hundred if it was twenty five and the blouse easily six. The shoes were three she knew and the gym membership with an unlimited salon budget. He was footing one hell of a bill to enslave her. She’d better make it worth his while.
‘You’d better get ready to go, you’ll be late. The taxi’s outside I think.’
‘I’m ready like this but let me see the hose.’
‘Aren’t you going to wear a bra?’
‘Are you going to see me today?’
‘Maybe. Maybe the homeless guy in the corner in the army surplus coat will be me.’
She remembered just such a bum being thrown out by building security a week ago. ‘Was that you?’ she asked as she looked through another Neiman Marcus bag.
She pulled out a garter belt and hose. ‘Oh my. Lovely.’ Yes these would have to go on.
She quickly unzipped the skirt, took it off carefully and lay it on the bed. She’d never had one of these before and got a bit confused but he helped and she rolled up the hose and clipped the straps on the lace cuffs. Black hose and belt, classy, sexy and with the power to make her feel both.
Back on with the skirt, which now felt just right over the belt and she was set. A totally transformed Mei Chun.
She twirled for him, a smile lighting her face. ‘Like it?’
‘Are you kidding? You look fabulous.’
‘Kiss me?’
He did, holding her tight.
‘Be good,’ he said as she stepped down the stairs to the cab.
‘I will honey. Miss me.’
The woman who arrived fifteen minutes late to the clinic wasn’t immediately recognized by her coworkers. It wasn’t just the clothing or the spectacular necklace, it was that she vibrated with happiness.
She self-consciously settled into her chair at the counter, said, ‘Sorry I’m late,’ to the others and began to efficiently and politely process those in line.
At first, no one spoke other than the usual business of the clinic, but behind her back the other three women exchanged glances and eye gestures. About fifteen minutes later, the line dealt with, Judy, the closest to Mei in age said, ‘Alright Jenny, out with it.’
She cringed at hearing that name but turned to the three women with a wide, bright grin, and they got their first good look at the choker. They all three moved in spontaneously for a closer look.
‘What’s this?’ asked Carol. ‘My goodness,’ said Samantha.
‘He gave it to me this morning?’
‘Who?’ they said as one.
She said, ‘Philip,’ like they all knew who Philip was.
‘Who’s Philip?’ Carol asked and she started telling them a story about the guy who had kept coming into the clinic. She told of how they met by accident in the Starbucks and how she reluctantly agreed to go out with him. How he swept her off her feet and how they had spent the weekend together.
‘I knew you were getting laid,’ said Judy, ‘Didn’t I say that?’ Carol elbowed Judy so she’d shut up and said, ‘And after a weekend into dating you he gives you that?!’
‘Yeah, isn’t it beautiful? It’s to remind me that he owns me,’ she said with a hypnotized look in her eyes.
‘Owns you?’ Judy said, ‘What does that mean?’
Samantha, a black woman in her fifties knew exactly what it meant. ‘Don’t worry about that Judy, can’t you see Jenny’s in love?’
Judy whispered, ‘Have sex yet?’
Her smile and blush told all.
Carol, an enthusiastic Christian, patted her knee in silent approval.
‘So,’ Judy said, ‘They’re not real, are they? I mean… That’s a garnet right, I mean a ruby that size would cost a fortune.’
It hadn’t occurred to her, but before she had time to let doubt turn to panic, Samantha said, ‘Take ‘um off and let me see ’em. I know how to tell.’
Mei turned in her chair and let Judy remove the choker who handed it to Samantha. She looked carefully for a few seconds them brought it to her lips. She carefully nibbled on one of the pearls and then gently ran it across the edge of her front teeth.
Mei was apprehensive. If it was fake it changed everything.
‘Mmmm,’ she said, ‘gritty. These are real pearls, sure enough,’ she said, handing the necklace to Carol who looked closely. ‘Sure are fine ones too, each one is exactly round and they’re all identical size. And that looks like a ruby to me. I’m not an expert but these are beautiful pearls and putting a garnet with them just wouldn’t make sense.’ Carol handed them to Judy. ‘What do you suppose it cost?’ she asked. But neither of the older women would venture a guess, being better bred than Judy.
She wondered why the idea that they might be fake had not occurred to her? Trust must have been the answer, she trusted Philip.
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******STANDARD DISCLAIMER****** Do not read this if you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal where you live. All characters in the story are at least 18. If you don't like this sort of story, then don't read it. Also, this is fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead or to actual situations is entirely coincidental. ****END STANDARD DISCLAIMER**** =========Author's Note========= I'm sorry this took so long to write. I don't really have an excuse, I think it's been...
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This is my first try at erotic fiction. I hope you like it and please be nice. It’s largely autobiographical but not literally so. I’m an Asian girl and lots of what I write about Mei is me but lots isn’t. I’ll leave it to your imagination (hint, if it’s about sex it’s me) If you all like it I’ll write more but please let me know in the comments and by voting. ***** Jenny was a cold, heartless bitch, and that was ok, it worked for her. It certainly never got in the way of her getting what...
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Steven was strangely attracted his sister 16 year old Cynthia when she agreed to skinny-dip in their pool with him. He watched her take off her bathing suit and hid his arousal under the water. With both parents at work they didn’t dream of their teenage children doing this. Cynthia had tiny breasts and had shaved her pubic hair off with a razor. She let Steven touch her breasts and nipples. They got dressed before their parents came home. Steven said, “Cindy tomorrow would like to play...
As Jenny got out of the swimming pool she could feel the hot sun on her amazing sexy body, she was 19 and lived with her mum Taylor and her step dad Brad, Taylor met Brad at his fitness club he had and well as they say the rest is history, Jenny was on holiday from university her mum Taylor was a PR for a huge finance company.As she lay on the grass Brad shouted to see if she wanted a cold drink, Jenny got up and went in doors and sat chatting in the kitchen, she looked at brad’s very muscular...
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For my darling Eve.Both Jenny and Eve quickly rearrange their bikini`s and pull on their clothes over them. They quickly packed their bags and began to hurry back down the beach. As they moved up the beach they passed a few more tourists. Eve grabbed at Jenny`s arm and pulled her back. “Hey hun, we don`t want to tire ourselves out do we?” Eve said giggling. Jen smiled at her and took her hand in hers; she squeezed it and smiled at Eve. “I guess not.” She paused before carrying on “It`s just...
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Jenny gets a new lifeBy Sarah Jenny felt out of place at the university. True, she had been granted a scholarship for her track time at high school, but she didn’t really feel worthy to be deserving of a full four year scholarship. Still, her parents had begged her to take it, since it might be the only chance she would have to get a college degree. So reluctantly, she had signed the acceptance letter, and was soon on her way to the Kansas University, S.U. The moment she had...
Jenny waited at the arrivals at the airport, waiting to meet Eve. The two of them had become friends online chatting most evenings until Eve had said that she was coming over to England on a business trip, but could come over a week early so they could meet up. Jenny jumped at the chance at getting to know her new friend a little better and suggested that they should hire a car and go and do a bit of sightseeing. So here she was, waiting to meet Eve for the first time. Finally, passengers...
Jenny waited at the arrivals at the airport, waiting to meet Eve. The two of them had become friends online chatting most evenings until Eve had said that she was coming over to England on a business trip, but could come over a week early so they could meet up. Jenny jumped at the chance at getting to know her new friend a little better and suggested that they should hire a car and go and do a bit of sightseeing. So here she was, waiting to meet Eve for the first time. Finally, passengers...
LesbianBackgroundRegular readers of my Jenny episodes can skip this paragraph – you already know who is real and who is fictional.Jenney (Cumslut) and Rob were ch1ldhood sweet-hearts – fucking each other’s brains out since High School. Unfortunately, now they are married to two different people and Rob’s rare army leave the opportunities for a weekend of bliss are limited. Rob’s wife Ana knows all about Jenny and hates her with a vengeance; Jenny pretends that her husband John is blissfully unaware of...
A Surprise From Jenny - By SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - My Dream I was a normal, happily married man aged 28 married to my beautiful 26 year old wife, Jenny, except for one slight problem - I was a secret cross dresser! Jenny worked as an estate agent which meant she worked most of Saturday and Sunday mornings most weeks and this allowed me to enjoy my feminine side. Soon after she...
Introduction: On Jennys way to work, her fiance convinces her to call in sick. A day of fucking ensues. Jenny was wrapping up the shower from her regular morning get-ready-for-work routine. Wake up, brush her teeth, undress, stare at her body, shower, stare at her body some more, get dressed, apply some make-up, and top it all off with fixing her hair. Jenny did this every morning, from 7 to 8:30 a.m., which left her just enough time to commute to the office by 9. Jennys schedule was rigid. As...
JENNY’S SECRET – PART 3 – MinnieAfter her love session with Lihua, Jenny went home and was very happy her parents were away because she ranked of sex. She took a shower, had a bite to eat and tried to get some sleep. She tossed and turned, thinking about Nickie, Lihua and now Minnie. She replayed the whole scene with Lihua. She finally fell asleep but in her dream she could see Lihua and hear her say “I know a lot of lesbians” over and over again. Then she saw the Chinese lady at the rooming...
Mrs Denver stood up, hands on her hips, looked cross, was very cross, and shouted, “Mrs Howe, that was extremely dangerous and could have hurt young Emma. I’ll need to deal with you.” The afternoon had been going well. Parents and students were using the swimming pool. The swimming competition had been exciting. Now, about thirty parents and students were relaxing in the pool, some swimming lengths but most just were standing in the water and chatting to friends. Then came the incident. The one...
SpankingBy: kangaroo08 The old man had been making claims for years about a large pig, perhaps many, who had been making foraging attacks on his farm land that bordered on the swamp country. Not many people believed old Joe after listening to a lifetime of tall stories told at every opportunity and to anyone who would listen. Still he persisted with his larger than usual pig stories. “I tell him!” he would insist, “Them pigs is huge, one big boar must be seven or eight hundred pounds. Huge he...
Note : This story is completely fictional! As soon as his mom left for work Bill went to his little sister's room and undressed. He climbed in bed with her and pulled her nightgown above her waist, Jenny kissed him and removed her panties."Do it quick, I have to get ready for school" she whispered.Bill fucked his 18 year old sister with all he had. Jenny was glad when he filled her pussy with sperm. She knew someday he would make her and looked forward to having his baby. brother and sister had...
IncestAt HomeJenny’s smart-phone buzzed to announce a new photo message. “Who’s that from”? Demanded John, her faithful but dull husband. “Oh, just one of the girls I’m staying with this weekend” Jenny lied casually.Jenny opened the attached photo from Rob – her high school sweetheart. There was no need to zoom in to appreciate the detail – it was entirely cock. Jenny new every inch of that cock – the thick shaft, the tight balls, the shiny head just waiting to be sucked again. It was the most...
Manchester AirportThe usual interminable wait in the baggage pickup area, Jenny standing, waiting, looking for some talent, miles away day-dreaming of her Great Dane Toby – all that lovely cock stretching her wide. A hand on her side, a cock pressing into her backside: “Hope you liked the Tribute, Babe”.Jenny melted into the black Co-pilot’s arms – he had cum all over her tits, in First Class, while she was asleep – now she wanted him properly: “Don’t tell anyone” he whispered in her ear “I...
Just Like Jenny Part Two Written by Dauphin http://dauphinsworld.activeboard.com/ [email protected] When we came home, Granny lifted me in the playpen, and said I was being punished for causing a scene in the mall. I tried to explain that any boy would complain being forced to look like a girl and wearing pull-ups. She just shook her head and asked me how long did I want to sit there? I just sat there talking to the doll about all my problems. I wish that my guardian angel...
Since my wife, Jenny, confessed to me about her cravings and the urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have heightened. It is strangely hot to have her retell the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites.For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a five-foot-ten-inch, fair-skinned, fifty-five-year-old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink...
Oral SexNothing but the silvery glow of the crescent moon illuminated Matilda's sleeping quarters. The autumn night was calm but cold, and thick layers of furs and blankets kept the young woman warm and comfy. The oaken bed was large and sturdy, and made Matilda's feminine but short body appear smaller still. Only her head poked out of the covers, the skin pale in the moonlight and her locks dark.Electricity crackled. At first, just tiny sparks, invisible to all but the keenest observers, then the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHi I'm Jenny Cumslut's journal. Jenny loves to see her name in print, in the sluttiest stories imaginable. I live under Jenny's pillow, and she writes in me most nights describing her filthy thoughts. She just adores sex. Sex with men, sex with women, sex with an1mals. Her cunt is constantly driving her behaviour.Jenny's latest entry is all about a trip to the Lake District in England to visit the Experimental Breeding Farm, and have sex with Sam, Amy, Lucy, Scarlet and the lovely young colt...
Since my wife, Jenny, confessed to me about her cravings and the urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have heightened. It is strangely hot to have her retell the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair-skinned 55-year-old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...
It took several weeks to hatch the plan that was building up inside my head. I knew it had to be done and I knew what I wanted to happen. Jenny and I, through all that time, had had some of the most wonderful sex sessions that we had ever experienced. At one time we were so outrageous that we were nearly caught by the local police. I don’t know how they never heard her scream out as I fucked her behind the empty barrels at the back of our local pub. We certainly didn’t know they were there...
Since my wife Jenny confessed to me about her cravings and urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have actually heightened. It is strangely hot to have her recant the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my own cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair skinned 55 year old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...
It took several weeks to hatch the plan that was building up inside my head. I knew it had to be done and I knew what I wanted to happen. Jenny and I, through all that time, had had some of the most wonderful sex sessions that we had ever experienced. At one time we were so outrageous that we were nearly caught by the local police. I don’t know how they never heard her scream out as I fucked her behind the empty barrels at the back of our local pub. We certainly didn’t know they were there...
Anal"J-Jenny?" my mother said, finally finding that she needed to sit down after all. "Hi, Mrs. Welch! Yeah, it's me," my best friend giggled and licked her wet lips. Jenny stood up and I could see she was dressed in black, like in that plastic PVC stuff, all polished and shining beneath the bright fluorescent lights. She wore a corset with demi-cups that pushed her large, pale breasts out and up invitingly. It clung to her tiny waist and I wondered how she could possibly draw a breath...
On this morning, as Jenny was drying off from her shower, she noticed her fiance, Sean, staring at her from their bed. Though she didn't mind, she was surprised that he was up this early and playfully tossed her towel at him from the bathroom, smiling and saying, "pervert!", as she turned to the mirror. Sean removed the towel from his face and continued admiring Jenny's body. She was tall, about 5'9, had hair down to the upper part of her back, and had B-cup breasts that fit perfectly...
Clara said, “Steven thank you so much for setting me up for Richard Dreyer.” “He called me today and we talked for 30 minutes.” “I have date with him this evening and another date to come here tomorrow for dinner to see me naked.” “Richard told me he is looking for a wife.” “I want to thank you by offering this diamond ring to give when you propose to Jenny who loves you deeply.” Steven looked at the diamond and said, Thank you very much Clara I am sure Jenny will like it.” Clara said, “My...
Clara said, “Steven thank you so much for setting me up for Richard Dreyer.” “He called me today and we talked for 30 minutes.” “I have date with him this evening and another date to come here tomorrow for dinner to see me naked.” “Richard told me he is looking for a wife.” “I want to thank you by offering this diamond ring to give when you propose to Jenny who loves you deeply.” Steven looked at the diamond and said, Thank you very much Clara I am sure Jenny will like it.” Clara said, “My...
It was a typical rainy night in a typical small Midwestern town. Jenny strolled into the bar with her girlfriends in tow. It was a typical bar, playing country music and serving overpriced drinks. It was girl’s night out for her and three of her closest friends. They had put on their evening dresses and said goodbye to their husbands. It wasn’t unusual for them to have a girl’s night out but this one was a little different. Jenny's dress was extra tight, her perfume freshly selected. The bra...
Love Stories“Jenny, get in here!” It was not even eight in the morning and Mr. Kempel was already screaming at her. Jenny picked up her notepad and a pen and then made her way around the secretary station. The short walk didn’t take more than five seconds but when she walked into the big corner office Mark Kempel sighed and said, “you did take your sweet time. Sit down and take notes.” “Sorry, Mr. Kempel.” Instead of answering he indicated with his hand for her to sit. She took about two pages of notes for...
BDSMNot finished yet, will update....keep looking..thanks....any comment will be truly appreciated.......IanxJenny 01....“OK, see you Monday.”“Bye”“Bye”"Wow! What a week! Gerald thought to himself as she closed the door. He watched her as she walked down the road and joined the throng pouring into the college gates. She was a good looking girl, just turned eighteen but you’d think she was older to look at her. She walked with a confident movement that was quite fascinating to him. Her figure was...
Jenny Takes ControlBy kewtieboyMy bisexual tendencies were known by Jennifer before we married. My male encounters had been at school and later at an all male college. There weren’t hundreds of guys but the sex had been quite intense and probably unusual for a guy like me I had actually had active and passive penetrative sex with a room mate I had really fallen for. He moved on and so did I and when I met Jenny, she was my first proper girlfriend. She had the shiniest brown hair I had ever seen...
JENNY’S SECRET – PART 4PREAMBLEThose who have not yet read the first three episodes or get confused with Asian names, here is a summary of the characters. I apologize for the long preamble but it is important in order to understand the rest of the story.THE FACTORY – a shipping and distribution center for Chinese food all over the US.JENNY – 40-year old non-Asian factory worker. Attractive but modest closet lesbian doing her coming out. The main character of the story.NICKIE – Non-Asian lesbian...
JENNY‘S SECRET – PART 2 - LihuaA few days after her evening with Nickie, Jenny was back at the factory and went outside as usual for a smoke during her break. It was raining and she ran to a small shed next to the door leading out of the kitchen. The shed was used to store canned goods and anything the rats couldn’t eat. It was of course locked but there was a covered porch which one could use to get out of the rain. Jenny stood smoking and watching the rain when she spotted the Asian girl who...
"Where are we going?" Jenny asked. "Ah, my sweet Jenny, I am going to share with you, the first and second wonders of this world," I told her. "You are so silly!" she giggled. "It's only because your beauty makes me that way. When I'm in your presence, my senses depart and I am left a silly mess inside!" I continued. Sarah met us in the Lodge and gave Jenny a skirt and some shoes to ride in. I noticed she was similarly dressed. Then together we walked down to the stables. Mable...
Jenny is 18 year old and hails from Bradford in the UK and is studying at Nottingham University. She's 5ft 1" tall, 107lbs and has the kind of perfect slim shapely body that most women would die for. Everything in proportion, nice rounded breasts, a full rounded bottom, a trim waste and shapely legs. In fact she's fucking gorgeous!!Her brown eyes shine causing many a male heart to flutter. She keeps her shiny dark brown hair fairly long and it enhances her Mediterranean lineage. After seeing...
Early YearsHi I’m a vagina; I belong to Jenny Cumslut. I’m sure that’s not her real surname, but she likes to be called that. I’m Jenny’s best friend; I’ll do anything to make her happy and she loves to stroke and rub me all the time. Jenny Cumslut adores Cum – she cannot get enough of it. She will do anything to swallow the stuff, coat her fabulous tits in it, fill her arse with it, or best of all let me suck it out of the end of a nice boy’s cock. We were born around 1985. We spent the second...
Jennifer receives a new set of rules for her sex educationJennifer needs constant observation to teach her obedience and respect for my rules.Jenny's sexy secret is her longing to be the only lover of her legal mentor Peter.Jenny isn't allowed to masturbate without Peter's permission, no more privacy for her.Jenny is too keen on severe spanking and the mindblowing orgasms as a hot highlight.Jenny will now only be flogged along her love lips as a reward for being a good girl.Jenny will be...
Alice and I were getting on great and had moved in together as well as Jenny her daughter, Jenny and I had been fucking every so often and had even been able to fuck Jenny’s friend in the back of my car one night on the way home after she had given me some head on the way back to her house, I was gagging for it, Janet was making me beg for it and I’m glad I did never fucked such a tight snatch in my whole life but was so worth it. As time went on I proposed to Alice and she duly accepted and we...