i tuous Glamour Photography
- 4 years ago
- 62
- 0
Alex was like any other 19 year old student, spending what little money he had on drink and snack food. He was of an average height, slim with messy blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. He had always had look finding girls or rather they found him, but recently Alex found his attention straying away from girls and focusing on other boy’s bodies more than the normal straight man would.
Living in the centre of New York did offer a wide range of jobs but Alex still found it hard to find anything. Finally he struck gold with a job opportunity in a film studio which handled things from shampoo ad’s to model shoots. He had never had any experience in films of any kind, after all he was studying maths. Unsure what the job entailed he turned up bright an early on Saturday morning wearing a casual black T and dark blue jeans.
‘Alex I presume?’ a hurried voice came from behind him as Alex entered the side door to the building.
‘Err yes, are you Mr Higgins?’
‘Yes, yes please do keep up I have a lot to do so you only have my attention for a matter of minutes’
Alex and Mr Higgins rushed down a winding corridor passing rooms filled with stage props and lighting equipment to emerge in an enormous room where what looked like a stage was being constructed in the centre.
‘Right your job will be to assist that woman over there, her name is Claire Miller. Claire is the chief photographer of the catalogue shoots that will be taking place over the next month.’
‘What is it I am actually doing for her…sir?’
‘Don’t bore me with your questions boy, go talk to her and she will give you your instructions’
Alex walked over to Claire who was a short, brown haired woman in her early 30’s who had 3 cameras swinging from her neck and one in her hand.
‘Hi I’m Alex, I’m here for the assistant job’
‘Oh hey…Jimmy send this off to be developed’ she through one of the cameras from around her neck to the man stood nearest. ‘Sorry about that, I’m Claire’.
‘Not to sound rude but what exactly am I supposed to do for you, is it just fetching coffees and holding cameras?’
‘Well that depends…do you want to fetch coffees and hold cameras or do you want to learn something new?'
To his relief she gave him a reassuring smile and handed him a wad of papers. He flicked through the first few pages and read, tripod 7 located in room 113. Looking down the page he saw that it was a list of equipment and there locations, followed by a map of the building which showed the labelled rooms.
‘Alex, this is your bible…for the first week or so you will need to check on here where everything is. I only have one rule and that is speed, in this business I need things instantly if not before. Handle that and we shall become the best of friends, now get me 4 roles of X2 film and I want them in 5 minutes’. She gave him a huge grin, turned and walked away.
The time soon came round to 5 o’clock which meant home time for most but only tea break for some. Claire walked Alex to the exit, discussing his progress so far and even some things to look up in the university library.
Sunday morning arrived with a chilling wind and a curtain of rain that drenched anyone and anything that stood outside. Alex ran from his apartment onto the sidewalk and hailed a cab, luckily someone was just getting out of one a little way down the street. He was practically climbed into the front seat with anticipation, this had to be the first job that he had had that he actually looked forward to going to. The cab pulled up by the side entrance when a number of expensive cars drove by and parked by the door onto the studio. The combination of weather and distant made it hard to make out who came out of the cars but from what he could see there were 4 figures being escorted into the building by a number of men holding umbrellas. Throwing the money onto the front seat, Alex ran into the building and squelched down the corridor to the coffee room, hoping to find Claire there so he wouldn’t have to endure Mr Higgins complaining about the trail of muddy footprints in the corridor.
‘Morning Claire, have you seen the weather outside, I nearly had to swim to the side door’
‘Ha-ha I came prepared’ she wiggled her feet showing off some bright pink wellies. ‘right down to business, we have some models coming in today who will be spending pretty much most of the time around the studio so I will introduce you to them when they arrive’.
‘I think they have arrived, I mean I saw some expensive cars and people being brought in with umbrellas’
Claire rolled her eyes ‘yes that would be them, I hope their not that type of models’.
‘Err that type of models??’ Alex looked around seeing everyone sighing into their morning coffees.
‘You find in this business that there are 3 types of models...the spoilt models who don’t need the money but do modelling because they are bored...then there’s the models who think that they are perfect and demand the best of everything, finally you have the best type of models who are humble and modest or as we like to call them…the holy grail of models.’
‘Have you any idea what these models are like?’
‘Nope but I’ve got a feeling we are about to find out’
At that moment Mr Higgins strolled in followed by a tall, slim woman with platinum blonde hair wearing an impressive white suit.
‘This is Anita Calise, she is a representative for Decker’s modelling agency and will be looking after the models whilst they are in the studio. I trust you will make sure she gets anything she needs’ and with out so much of a smile from the women, both her and Mr Higgins left the room.
‘Does this mean we curtsey every time we approach her’ said a small women in the corner as she practised a curtsey, everyone laughed and joined in.
Morning passed with out any contact with the models and only a few errands from Anita much too many peoples relief. The atmosphere in the studio was different from earlier, everyone was fully awake and carrying props and wheeling lights around. In the centre where what had seemed like an empty stage yesterday, a beautiful garden scene had been created with an apple tree on the left and what looked like a tree stump covered in moss and flowers beneath it.
Alex was intrigued to what possible reason a fake garden would be created and indoors no less. Then to his surprise, he got the first glimpse of 2 of the models, not wearing designer clothes like he would have expected but wearing barely anything apart from a few leaves and flowers. Alex walked over to Claire who was talking to another photographer.
‘Why are they wearing flowers exactly, I thought they were fashion models?’
Claire looked at him and smiled.
‘Not all fashion is Gucci and Prada. Some fashion includes perfumes, moisturisers and hair products. Take this shoot for instance…what do you think they are modelling?’
‘Well I’m guessing it’s not baby bio so I’m going to go with perfume’
The other photographer looked at Alex impressed. ‘Not bad Claire, see you have still got a way with the young nippers’ and with that he walked towards the models and started chatting to them.
‘So how did you know it was perfume?’
‘I saw them chasing the people in the studio earlier trying to get them to smell their wrists.’
‘Aaahhh so you’re not as clever as I thought then.’ They both laughed and made their way to the 2 models on the stage.
As Alex got closer he realised just how beautiful the 2 female models were. Each of them had flawless skin and beautiful slim figures but for some reason he didn’t feel an attraction to the girls like he would have done in the past. However, the girls on the other hand felt a bit more strongly towards Alex than he had expected. The instant Claire introduced him each of the girls looked him up and down and gave a devilish smile.
‘So until we get started girls I will leave you in my assistant’s capable hands.’ She winked at Alex and left.
‘Right…err…can I get any of you anything to drink?’
‘That depends on what you have to offer…doesn’t it’ replied the black haired girl as she rested he hand on Alex’s shoulder as she got off the stage.
‘Don’t mind her she has no social boundaries, I’m Jess.’
‘I’m Kate and I do have boundaries, they are just hard to reach that’s all’.
‘Err ok, anyone for a drink then?’
‘I’ll have a beer if you have one to hand’
‘No she won’t, 2 waters please Alex, that would be great’
Alex shuffled away from the 2 girls not quite knowing what had happened but knowing he had to find some water.
It was the first shoot of the catalogue so things got off to a slow start. After the first frame was shot the girls returned to the dressing rooms and most people including Alex and Claire headed to the coffee room for a much needed caffeine boost.
‘What did u think of your first shoot then? Pretty lucky that your first shoot was nearly naked girls I guess’ she patted him on the back, spilling a little coffee on the floor.
‘It was ok, Jess seemed nice enough but Kate kind of scared me a little’ he handed her a towel to mop up the coffee.
‘Ha-ha yes I picked up on that vibe, I’d say those seductive poses weren’t only for the photo shoot’
‘No no I’d never go for a girl…a girl like that, like her I mean.’ He buried his face in his coffee mug.
‘Oh right, I see’
There was something about her tone that Alex couldn’t quite figure out, it was as though she knew something that Alex didn’t. He didn’t have much time to dwell on it however as the second half of the shoot was beginning and he had to some how get hold of a 5 foot light and bring it to the set. He checked his bible for the light and found it in room 7a next to the changing rooms. He hurried along the corridors, dodging angry people waving plants and came to sudden halt as he nearly ran into the back of a man wearing a dressing gown. The man turned round and Alex saw that it wasn’t just a man it was the most stunning man he had ever seen in his life. He had average length brown hair that swept across his forehead and a defined jaw line that cud only mean that he was one of the models.
‘Oh…err…I’m sorry I err need a light’
He couldn’t believe how stupid he had sounded, here he was looking into the big brown eyes of a god and the only thing he could say is I need a light.
‘Sorry I don’t smoke, it’s a nasty habit you know’
‘I meant a stage light, I was just thinking out loud…sorry’ he started to feel hot and could sense his face was going red.
‘Don’t worry about it, but I’m afraid I can’t help you with the light’
‘Yes well no you wouldn’t because your not…the…light…guy’
‘I’m guessing that would be you?’
‘Ah yes, I’m going to go now and look for the light…err…bye’
‘Good luck’
He turned away and joined the groups of fussing makeup artists and then was gone from Alex’s sight. What had happened, it was all a blur. Why had he got so tongue tied and why did his face go all red, it was only a guy after all. He ran into the storage room labelled 7a and attempted to drag the 5 foot light onto a nearby trolley.
‘Oooo cutting it close there Alex, only had 10 seconds left’ said Claire tapping her watch.
‘Yeh sorry, I ran into one of the models and well basically made a fool of my self for a minute or so.’
‘Well that’s what models are here to do, make us feel inferior. At least you have the light now so wheel it round to the left hand side over there’ she pointed to where Jimmy was standing waving to him.
The stage was just about ready now and as usual everyone was waiting for the models to arrive on set. At that moment the doors from the changing rooms opened and out strode Anita closely followed by 2 men wearing dressing gowns. Alex immediately noticed the second man to be the gorgeous guy he almost walked into.
He walked away from Jimmy and sat down by the drinks table, still in clear view of the stage. The 2 models made their way to the side of the stage where the first man took off his robe to reveal a light brown toned body. Alex was a little less surprised now to see that the man had only a few leaves covering his crotch compared to a full outfit. For some reason Alex found himself checking his watch constantly, almost like he was urging time to go faster but he didn’t quite know why. The first model sat on the tree stump, whilst Claire ran around taking photos from all angles and calling out instructions. Finally the first frame was over and the second model took to the stage. Alex got up to get a better view as the female models had come out to watch and blocked his view. The man took off his robe and revealed a stunning golden brown physique. His body had no flaws in it at all from his perfectly toned stomach to his beautifully plump ass. Alex felt a familiar the hotness that he had experienced when he made a fool of him self in front of the model. He got onto the stage and positioned himself by the apple tree, reaching up to the apples showing his big arms.
‘Hang on Mike I think you leaves are slipping’ there was a quiet laugh amongst the other photographers.
Claire climbed on stage and started rearranging the leaves surrounding Mike’s crotch. Alex suddenly found himself making his way closer to the stage trying to get a better look. Thoughts started running through his head, he imagined himself running his hands down Mike’s smooth body, those deep brown eyes and soft pink lips, leaning in and kissing….he snapped out off it and shock his head. He then realised that it wasn’t only his mind that had wondered, there was a reasonable sized bulge now showing in his trousers. Quickly he pulled his shirt down further and walked back to the drinks table.
‘Alex get me some safety pins please...Alex…ALEX!’
‘Yeh sorry, got some’ he hurried over to the stage and handed them to Claire.
‘Could you just hold that bit, the glues broke and I only have 2 hands I’m afraid’
‘Which…which bit is that?’ he cleared his throat and took hold of the 2 leaves Claire pointed to.
He glanced up into Mike’s face to see him smiling down at him, Alex’s heart melted and he felt the tightening in his trousers again. Quickly he pinned the 2 leaves together and got off the stage, trying his hardest not to make his bulge visible.
The shoot ended and both Mike and the first model left the studio. Claire walked over to Alex and sat down beside him.
‘Make a coffee would you Alex, my hands are shot. Right that’s the end of that shoot then, we’ve made good time really, we can get the stage sorted for the next shoot for tomorrow.’
‘What’s the next shoot going to be?’ he handed her a coffee.
‘Not sure yet, I will be briefed tonight and we will have to get started on making it tomorrow!’
‘We…I’m at uni tomorrow remember and I’ve got about 20 equations to do for Wednesday so I won’t be back until Thursday.’
‘Ahh right, well I’m going to have to persuade Amber to help me then.’
‘Who’s Amber?’
‘She’s just another student who helps out in makeup…not jealous are we’ she pinched Alex’s cheek, ’Shit’. Coffee spilt onto some papers on the desk.
‘You know coffee works better if it goes in your mouth, think I’m going to have to get you a bib.’
‘Oh aren’t we the little comedian this afternoon, maybe you should save up your comic skills for when you next talk to Mike.’ She gave him a little smirk.
‘And what’s that supposed to mean exactly?’ he wasn’t sure what she was getting at.
‘Nothing nothing I just thought I saw a little spark between you and him before…when you had your hands on his crotch!’
‘What…you…you made me pin it, there wasn’t a spark, why would you think that, I was just following instructions!’ he could feel his voice getting higher and higher, why was he so quick to make excuses.
‘Ok, ok calm down I was only having a joke with you’ she got up and ruffled his hair.’ Well you know what that say about male models don’t you…’ and with that she walked away smiling.
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Please do not read if you are under 18 or if reading this story is illegal where you live! This is not a quick sex story, if you are looking for that, you will be disappointed. This is a romance story that will eventually lead to sex. This is my first submission, so please be kind! Comments and constructive criticism are welcome. *********************************************** Chapter 1 JOEL Sometimes I think about the images that will flash back to me when that moment comes that I’m...
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Copyright 2014 by robindavisfiction. This story may not be republished or reposted on other websites without written permission. ***** He warmed the lotion in his hands before spreading it gently on her swollen feet and rubbing each cold toe carefully between his fingers until the chill was gone. Gently, but firmly, he massaged each foot before working slowly up her calves and shins, steadily increasing the pressure with each upward stroke. He lightly caressed her cool, smooth skin with each...
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Kurt is back in town and coming to visit and fuck his wife My wife Gerta had baked chocolate cookies, my favorite, and they were now on a plate on the kitchen table, still nice and hot, their fragrance filling the room. She was sitting there in just a low-cut top that barely contained her huge bust, and shorts that looked ready to burst from the size of her double-wide butt. I had just finished washing all the dishes, which is one of my regular chores, and thought I deserved a reward, so I...
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The Dog Days of August were finally at an end. Dave let out a sigh as he stepped off the jetway. He was finally on the journey home. It felt like he'd spent more time on business trips than in Colorado during the past month. After doing a quick mental calculation, he chuckled and shook his head. He had, and it wasn't even close. It'd been over six weeks since he'd spent three consecutive nights sleeping in his own bed. And the days he'd been home hadn't been all that great either, he...
Copyright© 1996-2003 "There once was a lady named Carter, Fell in love with a virile young Tartar. She stripped off his pants, At his prick quickly glanced, And cried: 'For that I'll be a martyr!'" -author unknown "Love Eternal" Those were the words we spoke to each other on our wedding day. In fact, standing at the head of the church, we had almost a hundred witnesses to those phrases, including the priest who pronounced us married. I can still remember the echo from...
The windshield wipers on the black SUV swept frantically back and forth, valiantly fighting a losing battle with the ever-thickening snowfall. Jennifer Love Hewitt brought the overmatched vehicle to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road; or at least she thought it was the middle of the road, the blizzard conditions made it nearly impossible to distinguish anything outside the truck. She turned on the interior light and reread her directions for what seemed like the hundredth time. The...
Sometimes in life the actions we take set in motion forces that lead us in some unintended directions. It's like entering a maze, you go in innocently enough, but you never know where or when you're going to come out. Carrie Kruger walked into one of these mazes once, and eventually came out somewhere where she never expected to be. It all began when she went to a dinner dance her company held every January; it was supposed to help alleviate the post-holiday depression that seems to affect...
I spent less than twenty minutes on the phone with my dad as we came up with a plan. He was very happy to hear from my mom I was free of the commands Father Xavier had given me, and even more pleased to hear I was interested in going to the Crow Academy, a coed boarding school for teens with the telepathic ability. Troublesome telepathic teens from all over the continent were sent to the Crow Academy to knock off their rough edges and learn self-control, coexistence and humility. Weekly...
After spending Friday cleansing seven girls, I had the rest of the weekend off as the rest of the girls weren’t ready. So what did I do with my time? I spent part of Saturday afternoon haggling with my parents about the future of the Hamilton mansion. Like my father, I had formed a sense of resentment towards the south wing out of what I had done there. When my dad suggested tearing down the south wing, I was perfectly okay with it. My mom didn’t like the idea, but she really didn’t have a...
That Jack would actually call her within a week was really surprising to Ariel. He called her three days later and they met at a local coffee shop called Café Z. They sat at a corner table drinking coffee and talking about many topics, the weather, sports, music, current events, and their families. They were there for 3 hours enjoying each other's company when Ariel asked him to come to her house for dinner the next night. He accepted right away, saying, "I'll even bring the wine,...
Ariel went into the kitchen to stir the pasta, which was almost done. She put the wine in the freezer to chill. Jack came into the kitchen and placed the long white box on the table. He walked up behind Ariel and slid his hands around her waist, pulled her close and kissed her neck. Ariel laughed and gently pushed Jack away, saying with a laugh, "Dinner's gonna burn if you continue doing that! Here, make yourself useful and toss the salad." She handed him the salad tongs and he took the...
Making love to an eighteen-year-old, a seventeen-year-old and three fifteen-year-old girls was, for the first time, not a chore for me. Belinda Graves, the junior, was especially fun. My first titty fuck. I thought about having a painting made up for it, but later decided it would be kind of creepy. I was using the RVs again since the south mansion was now closed. Adam and Jessica helped out at the RV, but my mom was pretty much running the show. Jessie was there too, though she wasn’t aware...
Ariel stepped away, took Jack's hand and grabbed the wine bottle. He grabbed the glasses and they went into the kitchen, then Ariel led him up the stairs to her bedroom. She placed the bottle and glasses on the dresser. Then she walked over to her bookshelf and turned on her stereo to some soft rock music. When she turned around, Jack was sitting on the bed smiling at her. She smiled back at him then walked to the bed and sat beside him. He leaned over and kissed her tenderly. Jack...
The twins were at the airfield in their new white convertible limo. That limo was a sweet ride, especially from all the buttons. I love buttons. The twins had been using my dad’s convertible while I had been gone, so having the top down was nothing special for them or our friends. I was momentarily a little jealous of how they had spoiled our friends with that without me, but it was to help cheer them up rather than show off. We rode with the top down. I thought it was cool, and not just...
"Are you ok, honey? Am I hurting you?" Jack asked. Ariel said, "I'm fine, Jack. It doesn't hurt at all. In fact, it feels wonderful! Love me Jack! NOW!" Jack smiled and kissed her as he started moving inside her, slowly in and out, almost withdrawing all the way before plunging back into her completely. Ariel drew her legs up, wrapped them around his waist and locked her ankles behind his back, giving him deeper penetration. He leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth,...
Sunday afternoon, I said a tearful goodbye to everyone before leaving for the airport with only the twins going with me. Hanging around my neck was my mother’s quarter, Suzi’s heart necklace she had worn to school, and Joey’s new necklace with my coin. When Joey insisted I take it, I said, “No, Joey. You keep it.” Joey shook his head and said, “You’re going to need it more than me. I have Suz. You won’t have anybody. Just don’t let them take it away from you.” I had left a little earlier...
So Jack went to the refrigerator, took out what he needed to make breakfast, and sat everything on the stove. He opened the cupboard to get 2 frying pans, putting them on the stove. He opened the package of bacon that he took from the fridge, separated the slices and put them in one pan over low heat to cook. While the bacon was cooking, he poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table, looking out the window at two horses grazing in the pasture behind Ariel's house. He glanced toward the...
Suddenly, Jack's mouth was on her left breast, sucking hungrily upon her sweet, tender nipple. He gave equal attention to the right breast and nipple as his hand caressed her tummy in slow lazy circles, moving slowly toward her secret treasure hidden beneath that patch of dark curls at the juncture of her thighs. His fingertips grazed over the soft silky curls and he heard her gasp. He smiled as his hand cupped her treasure trove of sweetness. His fingers gently opened her, then slid into...
Cajun's ears swiveled forward as he slowly walked toward Jack, who had stopped walking. As the horse approached, Jack held his hand a little closer to himself so Cajun would come close enough to hook on the lead rope. As Cajun took the carrot, Jack hooked the rope onto his halter. The horse jerked his head but did not try to run away. Jack gave him the other carrot half and led him to the barn to be saddled. As he led Cajun to the barn, he saw that Ariel had Lady saddled already and was...
Jack grabbed the saddles and carried them into the lean-to, placing them in the corner. Ariel came in and bent over the cooler bag, about to unpack the lunch she had brought. Jack stopped her. He was breathing hard and Ariel could see the rather sizable bulge straining against the front of his jeans. She smiled at him as he said, "Lunch can wait, baby. I want you right now!" She put the cooler aside and stood up. Ariel slowly took the braids out of her hair, tossing the hair bands to Jack,...
Ariel smiled at Jack and he could see his seed running down her chin and dripping onto her chest as she sat up. He reached over and unzipped the backpack, removing the roll of toilet paper. He smiled as he handed it to Ariel and she unrolled some of it, using it to wipe her face and chest before tossing it aside. Then she climbed up on top of Jack, her legs straddling his stomach, her breasts hanging over his chest as she leaned down and kissed him. Jack could taste himself on her tongue as...
They stood there in the water for a while, still joined together intimately. Ariel could feel him softening inside her vagina. Jack pulled himself out of her and carried her to the shore of the pond. He bent down and Ariel grabbed the towels, then Jack carried her back to the lean-to. He laid her on the blanket and dried her off. He handed her clothes to her and then dried himself off while she dressed. While Jack dressed, Ariel straightened the blanket and set out the picnic lunch that she...
They walked inside hand in hand and Jack closed the door behind him. Ariel took the flowers into the kitchen, pulled a large vase out of the cupboard and put water in it. She removed the plastic and tissue paper from the bouquet and put them into the vase of water. She carried the vase into the living room and placed it on the mantle above the fireplace. Jack was sitting on the couch looking at one of Ariel's horse magazines. When she turned around after putting the vase on the mantle, she...
Jack pulled his now soft shaft from her dripping love nest, rolled off her and looked at the clock on the night stand. It said 8:45 pm. He turned to her and said, "Honey, we better get cleaned up and dressed if we're going to arrive on time at the restaurant where I've made dinner reservations. The reservation is for two at The Dream Scape Restaurant for 9:45 pm. I've arranged for a private candlelight dinner in one of the small private dining rooms, complete with wine and dessert if you...
Ariel stared in awe at the gorgeous fountain garden where little orange and white Koi fish were happily swimming in the pond. She turned to Jack and said, "Oh Jack, this is so lovely! Thank you for bringing me to this beautiful restaurant. I love you so much, Jack." He got up from the table and walked over to her by the garden, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply, then said, "You are so welcome, baby. I knew you'd like this place." As he spoke, his voice turned husky. He...
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against his body, his arousal very evident against her tummy. She slid her hands around his waist as he kissed her, then she moved them down to his hard firm butt and squeezed hard with both hands, making him grunt and growl. He picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. He unfastened her garter belt and tossed it to the floor, her panties following quickly. He spread her legs and lay between them, kissing her deeply, his tongue engaged in a...
BUZZZZZZ!!! BUZZZZZZ!!! BUZZZZZZ!!! Ariel slowly woke up to the sound of her alarm clock going off. She looked at the clock: 7:30 am. She reached over and turned it off, then stretched her arms and legs out. She rolled over to look at Jack, but she was surprised to see that he wasn't in bed beside her. She yawned and looked around. His clothes were still on the chair by the dresser where he had left them. All that was missing was his underwear. Her clothes were sitting in the laundry baskets...
Jack pulled the picnic basket out from under the kitchen counter and took the picnic blanket from the closet after he put on his boots. Ariel looked at him curiously and he said, "The picnic is part of my surprise, baby. I packed it when I came downstairs this morning. And if you look outside by the barn, you will see that the horses are both saddled and ready to go too, baby." She looked out the kitchen window, and sure enough, there were Cajun and Lady, all saddled except for their...