Gifted Bk. 01 Ch. 00 free porn video

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You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in.

This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society.


Gifted: Book One

Soul Mates

Prologue: Moving


They say we only use ten percent of our brain capacity, and that could we ever tap into the other ninety percent we could do wondrous things. My family, on my father’s side, doesn’t have that problem. Since before I was born, I have been able to feel my parents around me. I felt their love, the longing for me to arrive, but also a fear from my father that was distant, but there none the less. I didn’t understand it, I didn’t understand anything that early in life, but I do remember it.

You see among other things, I was gifted with an eidetic memory unlike any other (except for the other men in my family.) My father was afraid of that, and had hoped it would skip me. My father’s side of the family has had a number of these gifts for as long as we can remember, going all the way back to the dark ages, and then some. My father suspected it a couple of months before my birth that I would have it but he wasn’t sure until after I was born.

Because of my awareness I didn’t really cry a lot. About the only time I would cry was when I got hurt or something, but I didn’t cry if I merely wanted something. When I was hungry I projected a thought of the food I wanted into my parents’ minds, my Mom was freaked out the first time I did that to her, but Dad knew it was coming. I couldn’t speak to them per se, but I could send images, and feelings. However, I was fully talking in sentences by the time was fourteen months old. I would pick up on the meanings of the words they were using, and eventually figured out how the words fit into place. I really freaked Mom out when I said ‘Mommy’ after only two months.

The real spearhead of my development was my father. He knew exactly where I was coming from, because he had gone though the same thing when he grew up. He was able to help me to shut it off when I wanted to be alone, which wasn’t very often when I was young. He taught me how to block other people out, mainly him, and also how to keep my thoughts to myself.

I started school when I was four years old. School was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand I made straight A’s. I could see the complex formulas and rules and the why and the how that they worked straight from the teacher’s mind, the way the teacher understood them. It was a breeze!

On the other hand, I had to deal with hundreds of other students. Which isn’t so bad… it was worse from first through to about fifth. Most of the time unless I pry (and Dad taught me to never do that because it was an invasion) I only got snippets of thought. You see, the only time someone broadcasts their thoughts is when the thought it is tied to emotion. A bully pissed off at someone, a happy couple talking in the courtyard, the whole class when they’re taking a test! On those days I have to close off just to concentrate. I could have easily skipped several grades and been in college now, but my Dad wanted me to have an ordinary child (well as ordinary as I could).

My name is Josh. I’m now eighteen years old, a senior. I stand about five foot ten and the last time I was on the scales, I weighed in at around one-eighty-five. I just started working out last year, but I don’t want to ‘bulk up’, I like a nice tone body. I think I look pretty good, and so do most of the girls I walk past. I have ice blue eyes and shoulder length light brown hair.

I have two younger sisters, Adria is fifteen, and Kim is eight, and a baby brother, Danny just thirteen months. The gifts only pass through the males in my family, but it has skipped on Danny. Boy did it pass on Danny! He is the fussiest, loudest kid I think I’ve ever seen. Mom gets upset at the fact that Dad and I can calm him down in a few seconds, and we always know what he wants when he cries. It was like that with my sisters too. The rest of the family is OK with mine and our father’s gifts. The girls have grown up with it and Mom, although a bit annoyed at us at times, accepted it before she married my father.

We have just moved to a new town. I had a major girl problem back home, to the point Dad decided to move. Dad is a lawyer, a pretty good one too. As you can imagine he has a little bit of an unfair advantage. He knows how far to push as to not give away his secret. He has never lost a case in seventeen years. His boss had a good friend who ran a law firm in Charleston, South Carolina. After a call and an interview Dad got the job with ease and here we are in this small town called Goose Creek, funny name right.

Anyway, the reason we had to move started at the beginning of the school year. We had only been going to school for just one week. It was a Monday morning. I had a good number of friends that I hung out with, but I usually kept to myself most of the time, it’s easier to study without all the other random thoughts. Generally, everybody came to school an hour early and just hung out. It was like a pre-period to school in which to relax and be with friends. I was talking to John and Willy, two friends of mine, about how much of an idiot one of our teachers was, all of a sudden a terrible pain shot out from someone to the north.

It can’t be!!! I don’t understand!!! Why!! Over and over again, in between sobs. It was a girl’s mind that was screaming. I could hear it from all the way across the school.

I excused myself from my friends, giving some lame excuse, and went to see what the problem was. I found her under the north staircase. It was Jessica Maynard, one of the most beautiful girls in the school. Long blond hair, beautiful green eyes, a fabulous figure, and a rack that was just big enough to strain fabric. I had passed by her many times in the hall on my way to my AP classes. She always smiled at me and I got the distinct impression that given the right situation she would love to get to know me. However, I was the kind of geeky, preppy, smart kid and she was the star cheerleader, athletic female jock that just would never move in the same circles as me. Not to mention that everybody knew that she was dating the captain of the swim team, James Mason.

Well, she was sitting on her knees on the floor, with her arms folded loosely around her stomach. Although she was trying her hardest to not seem upset, it was clear from her body language and her face, not to mention her thoughts that were getting louder as I got closer. I also realized that anger was mixed in with the pain. I walked up to her, pushing calming emotion towards her.

‘Hey, Jessica, What’s up? You OK?’

She looked up, shocked, as recognition set in, ‘Y…You’re Joshua, r…right?’ Her mood immediately changed, almost to one of embarrassment. I’m not sure if it was from being caught on the verge of tears, or from the emotion I was trying to send.

I smiled, ‘My mother calls me Joshua, my friends call me, Josh’

That really got her blushing. OMG, I can’t believe I’m…. I got with a rush of joy from her, and then she leapt up and grabbed me. Hugging me as if we had been best friends for years and she laid her head on my shoulder and began to weep openly. As she cried, the sadness came crashing back but not nearly as bad, thanks to my, still exuding, calming. I can’t believe it, like a knight in shining armor. After about a minute of sobs her emotions finally came into check.

Still sobbing, although I know there is no more need for it, ‘James just broke up with me… I’m… I’m not sure why but right now, I feel completely safe in your
arms.’ At first I wasn’t sure what was going on, her emotions were just all over the place a few minutes ago and now she was calm but still sobbing. She was putting up an act for me, and I wasn’t sure why.

Then it all became very clear. I felt it Moments before she pressed her lips to mine. The overwhelming lust seeping into my head from her was intoxicating.

‘I’ve wanted you since the first time I laid eyes on you!’ She whispered in my ear. I don’t know why, but she had just chosen her replacement boyfriend (in less than thirty minutes). I had been out with a couple of girls before, but I had not really had a steady girlfriend yet. I had never felt this kind of emotional strength from anyone before. The rest of that day is a blur to me now, but I know that I did not remain in school.

We ended up at her house. No one was home, and we ran to her room. I remember her throwing me up against the wall and practically ripping off my clothes. I had never been so turned on in all my life. She undid my belt and flung open the zipper on my jeans, thumbed my boxers and jeans to the floor, and ‘Ooooed,’ as she found what she was looking for. I could do nothing but just stand there and let it happen. The feral lust exuding from her was unlike anything I had ever felt. I was mesmerized and in heaven as I reached out and grabbed her hair massaging her head.

I couldn’t believe this was happening. She came back up, minus her cloths, and took my virginity in animalistic throws of passion. Only in my wildest fantasies had I ever thought I would be doing this. A part of me was saying this was wrong, too fast and too sudden, but the animal in me, or maybe it was in her, was in charge now.

I was in such bliss. And so was she. ‘Oh Josh!’ So Good! Her thoughts were spurring me on. I could feel the explosion building in her. It was weird, I knew how my orgasm felt, but I could feel her building and it started me building. Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! ‘Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!’ A bit of curiosity hit me then and I opened up a link to her so she could feel my feelings too. …FUCK! Her eyes shot open at the new sensation, staring at me with a look of total rapture.

‘Oh Fuck!’ I heard us say in unison. But that wasn’t all, we breathed in unison panted in unison, and moaned in unison. Somehow I had linked us in a way that we were just one person feeling as one, speaking as one, and about to explode as one!

My knees buckled and we slid down the wall to the floor. We had our heads on each other’s shoulders, with tears streaming down our faces as one of the most powerful orgasm of either of our lives washed over us from head to toe.

The next thing I remember I opened my eyes to see her still lying against me, her head on my shoulders. She was snoring lightly, her breathing shallow.

‘Jessica!’ I whispered as I ran my fingers on her delicate back.

She began to stir, ‘Mmm…Hi, stud.’ As she pulled back her head and smiled

‘You were pretty damn hot you’re self’

‘Ha…that was the most awesome fuck I’ve ever had. Where did you learn that technique you used that at the end?’

Oh my God! I had forgotten what I had done. I can’t believe that, rapped up in the moment, I had invaded her mind. Luckily she thinks it was some positional thing I did. Thank god! I almost broke the #1 rule, and for what? A little roll in the hay?

‘Uhh…It’s an ancient family secret, passed from father to son,’ I said with a smile in my best oriental accent.

For the next three hours we did things I had never thought of doing! Then, it was getting late, about four o’clock, and her mother would be home in an hour. She said she wanted to talk about us, but our time was running out, so she asked if we could meet early the next morning to talk. I was still in a state euphoria from losing my virginity in the most spectacular way imaginable, so I said sure. I took a quick shower to clean all the sex off of me and left.

The walk home, however, was aggravating to say the least. The events of the day slowly started to settle and the absurdity of what had happened to me was starting to piss me off. How could I have allowed a girl that I barely knew in passing, as beautiful as she may be, to seduce me like that? Had she manipulated me? I didn’t want a relationship to start like this. I had blown off school, I’m sure Mom and Dad would get a call about that. What was I going to tell them? ‘Yea, this hot girl dragged me to her house and fucked my brains out!!’

On one hand, this day had been any eighteen-year-old’s dream come true. On the other hand, I not only had sex with a girl I hardly knew, multiple times, but I did it with no protection. I’m smarter than this!

I decided that I would play it cool. If my parents did get a call, how could they begrudge their son one missed day of school in twelve years? They will probably be glad I’m doing something normal for a change. I was defiantly breaking it off with Jessica tomorrow. I felt cheap and used. I know what you’re thinking… Damn man, you just had some awesome sex, with a hot girl that wants to continue having sex with you! Well to me it felt as though I had just been raped! Somehow her emotions had overpowered me, and I couldn’t stop myself. I felt… dirty!

Well, to cut a long story short, (too late right) she didn’t like the fact that I didn’t want to continue the relationship, and began stalking me. I finally told Dad, after a couple of weeks of this, of my exploits, without all the detail, with Jessica and how her emotions overpowered me. He also helped me learn how to shut out strong emotions so that won’t happen again. He also admonished me for the unprotected sex, but that he understood that I didn’t exactly have any control over the ordeal. We agreed that Mom shouldn’t know about this, just one of many things that me and Dad kept as personal secrets.

Her stalking got so bad she started coming over to the house to ‘talk’ to me. The last straw was when she threatened my youngest sister one day when she dropped by. Dad started looking for work elsewhere, and we moved to South Carolina. None of us kids liked the idea of moving, especially with school already started, but everyone wanted to get away from psycho-bitch. My sisters, although they didn’t know the sex part of it, still knew that the move had something to do with me and my screw up.

They were not happy with me at all right now.


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My Black Neighbor and my Wife

My Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Story part 1I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking!He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me inside his apt to show me...

3 years ago
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First TimeAgain

My ex boyfriend and I were definitely not one of those couples that ever got bored sexually. In fact, most of my first time trying new things all happened with him. From my first time trying anal to first time being brought to an orgasm in front of tons of (unknowing) people, to first time having sex outdoors, and even random things such as giving him head while he was driving. He even made me cum while we were watching a movie with my family… completely unbeknownst to them… However, one of his...

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A Fuck to Remember

It was a late afternoon and we were finishing off a lovely dinner together. I sipped at my glass of white wine and smiled at Charles. A waiter carrying three plates of hot food walked past my field of view and my eyes clamped hard on his buttocks as he walked away. I felt my panties instantly soak with my juices. I turned to Charles and smiled. “Darling, I really need a good fuck tonight,” I said, staring into his eyes. I saw the wry smile sneak across his face as he nodded. “Relegated to the...

2 years ago
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The Trouble with Roommates Chapter 4

Nick spent the next week trying to keep his mind off his closet full of women's clothes. Brian was getting more controlling as the money owed kept increasing, and now he was texting "Nicole" at random times during the day demanding a selfie to see if his makeup was done or to make sure he was wearing a bra and panties at all times. Unfortunately for Nick he'd barely been able to get any work done over the past week. His daily makeup and hair routine took him close to an hour before it...

1 year ago
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I have been instructed to write this as my case study, for permanent documentation of what has happened to me and to act as a I have been instructed to write this as my case study for the files, for permanent documentation of what has happened to me and to act as a CV for any future ?employers? My name is Anita and always has been. Some of the other girls had their names changed, but they liked mine so I?ve kept it. Looking back 9 months ?Anita? was a very different person. I was living...

2 years ago
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Notes From A Secret Admirer

Author’s Foreword— This is my ninth posting to Literotica and my first posting in the ‘First Time’ genre. The following is a true story. You are invited to visit my profile’s archive to find my previous postings, I hope you enjoy them. John W. Adams, Jr., November 23, 2008 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This posting is going to involve me tripping and stumbling down Melancholy Boulevard, it parallels Memory Lane and is much less pleasant to drive. If you’re not in the mood...

4 years ago
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Jackies Neighbour Part 2

The more time she spent with Ron the more she fell under his spell she was hooked the more time she spent with Ron the more she wanted. Then after an afternoon of pleasure Ron was in the kitchen wearing just his t shirt it was becoming his trademark look after they had their fun making coffee when she joined him. They sat at the table chatting when Max trotted in and rested his head on Jackie’s leg she was stroking him his fur soft and warm to the touch “looks like he’s just got out of his...

3 years ago
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fun with mom

My Name is Sam I am 25 years old now. This happened to me when Iwas 24. I was working in a IT Company in bangalore. I was staying with my Mom alone. My dad divorced mom 7yrs back. My Mom is 47 years old, works in Private company. She prefer to wear sari when she leaves for work.She is really beautiful and sexy.Especially I love her boobs. She is fair in color and her boobs are really huge and those two cannot be kept with in her Bra and Blouse. Most of the time when she is doing household work...

2 years ago
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Caught Watching Gay Porn

Have you ever woke up in the morning, thinking that your day was going to be just another day, but within 30 minutes of getting out of bed you were doing something you thought you would never be doing? Well that was my last Tuesday morning and I thought I would share my incredible experience with you.I am an independent contractor and my wife is a teacher. We have two older c***dren as I'm in my mid 40's and my wife is about the same age. My wife has to leave the house Monday through Friday by...

3 years ago
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Puddle of Trouble II

As our trip to Starbucks continued I couldn't help but get nervous. I mean sure the clothes I was wearing were different than my usual clothes. But how bad could it be who was really going to eye me up that closely. As Ashley and I were walking and talking I felt a ponytail band in the pocket of her hoodie and threw my hair in a pony tail. Ashley kind of grinned when she saw me do it. So I gave her a playful punch in the arm and we walked into Starbucks. No sooner did I walk in the...

4 years ago
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The Mole

Feel Free to post some Comments or share your ideas. Writers are always welcome :) When Captain America entered the room he already suspected that it would be one of those days. It was extremely rare that the leaders of all 4 big associations met. Tony, who walked next to him, seemed to know that too. The heavy steps of the Iron Man armor echoed in the long corridor leading to the main chamber. Reed Richards had called this meeting and that was bad enough. If it had been SHIELD or the JLA, they...

3 years ago
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My Ex Girlfriend Sharon

Though I am 40 Yrs young, married to a beautiful woman, father of a son. I feel that I am not living my life as per my heart. It was late in the evening and suddenly there was a call on my cell. I couldn’t recognize the number and was in a hurry to leave the office. I picked the call nevertheless, curiously thinking about the caller.A sweet “Hello” and my brain went into a rewind looking for matches. The moment my brain flashed the matching face near my eyes, I slumped with astonishment and...

4 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 11

When I got home, mom and I cooked burgers on the grill. Aunt Karen, and Molly came over and ate with us, and we all rehashed our vacation, all the good times we had, and mom told them about my physical at Dr. Burk’s clinic. She told them that she was putting it on the computer and we would all watch it the next time we got together. Everyone was excited about this, my first porn movie and picture, Aunt Karen kept saying. The party soon broke up, Aunt Karen kissed us all and left. Molly went...

2 years ago
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Aaisha Aaina

Mera naam Aisha Khatri hai, hum log basically Uttaranchal ke ek gaon se belong karte hai magar main apne gaon me kabhi rahi nahi hu kyunki mere Father IAS hain aur unka transfer hota rehta tha, toh humara gaon jana kam hi hota tha. Main pahadi hone ki vajah se bahut gori hoon aur meri height 5’5 hai aur mera figure 36c,27,38 hai, Meri ek choti behen bhi hai jo mujhse bhi adhik sundar hai aur uska naam Aaina hai, aur uski height 5’3 hai aur uska figure 34d,25,36 hai. Maine ab tak kisi ek city me...

2 years ago
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Movie Theatre in the Summer

On my third day, I was still in the training with Keith, a high school kid about to graduate who has worked there for over a year. Keith was a pretty cool guy and always having fun while the bosses weren’t looking. “Look man, every summer some wild stuff happens. So be prepared,” he told me with a grin on face. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well,” he says as he looks around and slaps something in my hand, “you are going to need some of these if you are lucky man.” I look down at my hand and...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 2

Fiona was pensive as she considered the abilities of Elizabeth, then delivered her verdict. “For a girl of her age, and her low self-esteem, if you had asked me when we first found her, I would have had no hesitation is dismissing her chances of success in anything, but she has changed drastically. Her self-confidence has improved, her weight is beginning to drop, and she is discovering that education can be interesting, and at times, fun. Now, I think she can do it. As long as she has done...

2 years ago
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Claires Eyes Ch 02

Pierre gently laid her onto the bedroll, carefully tearing at her garments to find the wound. He removed her tattered dress, leaving only the petticoats. He chided himself for looking at her breasts. He was attending to her life, not sating his desire! He gently turned her on her side, looking at her lower back. The bullet had gone clean through, and he offered a silent prayer of thanks. If it had been lodged in her stomach, it would have caused further damage. He did not have the tools, or the...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Cousin

It was our annual family vacation to the countryside. Our family own a lake house in the countryside and our family go their every summer for two months. My family consists of my parents, my aunt and uncle, myself and my cousin. I have an older sister but she moved to a different country for her job so she doesn't come anymore. It's a three bedroom house and up until this summer I've been sleeping on the sofa every year. Since my sister didn't come this year, I got her bed in the room with my...

1 year ago
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The Promotion

I had submitted the story for a contest, unfortunately it didn't make it as a semi-finalist. Here it is! THE PROMOTIONbyJuniysa Serens Greg's thick, callused hands perspired with anxiety. For the past hour, he tapped his foot on the dark, rosewood floor as the man on the other side of the desk droned on his performance review. As the Directing Manager at the Ford Motors Company, Greg worked tirelessly perfecting the company's fleet of efficient, stylish, and durable automobiles. Sales, even in...

2 years ago
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Guardian Angel part 1

Created by CeZy Note: All names and locations, including the story itself, is pure fantasy. Part 1: Superstar Kiyan Roberts is an average 13 year old, long black hair, very skinny and quite a fan of the computer world. Sports are what he calls his “weakness” and a very passive boy, avoiding as many conflicts as he possibly can. Although his eyes are meant to computers and video games, he also enjoyed movies, also enjoys a Tv show whose big star is Jake Warsavage, a muscular 14 year old...

1 year ago
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An ClochnChapter 55

It was near 11:00 on 34th day of Sevmonth when the shuttle carrying a member of each Command Staff approached Tara Ardchlár. Sarah guided the shuttle so that it flew slowly past the settlement giving them a comprehensive view of progress. In preparation for their visitors four large tents had been added to Central Square. They were next to each other and next to the western side of the large tent that sat in the center of the Square. The accommodations in this central tent included the...

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A Sad and Weary Young Man

A Sad and Weary Young Man. By Juliette Lima A sad and weary young man walked by me in a dress While at the teeming mall, I was compelled to stare And wonder what had lead to his damsel like distress The tear tracks down his cheeks wrought my heart to care. I turned and grasped his arm and spoke to the lost mother?s son He flinched and blushed and sobbed as I asked if he wanted aid His weeping was sore distressing, yet he pled to be loose to run But ?fore he could flee he clutched...

2 years ago
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BBW Wife Sharing

She was his age 45 and very fat, her round face was pretty but her body was just enormous. As I said he was macho and liked his wife to dress sexy but on her it looked comical. When I arrived for dinner the first night she was dressed in a lycra cotton dress that only barely reached below her wide ass and clung to every bump and curve on her body. I didn’t know where to look. It was as if she were naked, her breasts swelling out on top of her bellies like two footballs and her nipples poking...

1 year ago
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Sailing We Will Go

Copyright© 1995-2003 "There was a young sailor from Brighton Who remarked to his girl, 'You're a tight one.' She replied, 'Pon my soul, You're in the wrong hole; There's plenty of room in the right one.'" -author unknown The slight westerly breeze promised a wonderful start to a week of sailing. The six-year-old sloops sails caught the wind only moments after leaving the breakwater. The forty-eight-foot ship creaked as the wind pressed it to starboard and the few...

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