Girlfriend 2 Private Tutor
- 4 years ago
- 33
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I was utterly dumbfounded and shattered when the Headmaster, having pulled me out of my class in the middle of the morning session told me that a complaint had been made by the parents of a student, that I had raped their fifteen year old daughter the previous afternoon after school hours in a deserted class room. She had apparently arrived home from school in a distressed state, and after examination at the local hospital the fact that she had been raped was quickly confirmed.
The Headmaster told me that he wanted me off the premises as soon as possible, and that he hoped that I would spend a long long time in jail, and he would make sure that I would never ever teach young people again. The police were waiting for me outside his office, and I was then formally arrested, and taken to the police station where I was asked to make a statement. I was medically examined, and I had to give a sample for DNA testing. I could say nothing more in my statement other than the whole story was a complete fabrication, and that I had never had any contact with the young lady, other than as her teacher. I was not given bail, until the next morning, when an embarrassed policeman confirmed that there was plenty of DNA evidence, but it was definitely not mine, and so the likelihood of any charges being brought were now extremely remote.
After going home for a shower and a meal I went to school, confident that I would be re-instated, but the Headmaster who seemed highly embarrassed and very subdued told me to clear my locker, and leave the premises. During this process I was verbally attacked by two other staff, and one teacher actually struck me in the face. She was pulled away before I could retaliate. When I told them that I was not being charged as the evidence did not support the girls allegation, they looked a bit shamefaced and left the staff room without making any form of apology. I had a brief interview with the union representative and then went home.
The deputy head called to see me a couple of days later then told me that the Headmaster had been reprimanded, and suspended by the Chairman of the Governors for handling the situation so indiscreetly, but now the problem was, that because he had released a press statement naming me as the rapist, it had been decided that I should stay suspended on full pay for the time being until the governors had time to review the whole situation, and to let the while incident die down to avoid further embarrassment to the school.
Sitting at home with all this hanging over me I was well on the way to becoming a physical and emotional wreck. I spent mist of my free time just slumped in the chair staring at the four walls of my living room. I could not conceive of any logical reason why the girl had named me as her attacker, and the fact that I had been abused and physically attacked by some of my colleagues in the staff room was almost as frightening to me as the accusations themselves.
I had been so happy to get this job at one of the top sixth form colleges in the city. I had worked at a couple of schools before, and my new appointment at a higher grade seemed to have been a reward for my previous successes. I had always tried to make my lessons interesting, and as practical as possible. I loved teaching in an innovative way, and my students seemed to enjoy my teaching methods as well.
At 25 I was very fit and I seemed to be well on my way to the higher echelons of the profession. Rickelhurst Grammar was an all girls college. The students were all in the age range sixteen upwards, and I was under no illusion as to the dangers of teaching teenage girls. I was scrupulous in ensuring that I had never been alone or in any compromising position with any student in my short time at the school.
The class I had been teaching that afternoon of the alleged incident were a very lively bunch when the mood took them. I knew that we had one or two glamour pusses in the group, and they would if given the opportunity take full advantage of having a male tutor to show off too. The girl who was accusing me was a new student, and seemed to be very popular with other girls. She had never caused me any problems until now, and I was absolutely amazed to find that I was being accused by her.
During the next week my car was vandalized, and abusive slogans painted on my house after dark and my situation was made worse when my neighbours had obviously heard the rumours, or had read the allegations in the local papers had completely ostracised me. Even my local newsagent asked me to take my business elsewhere. I was surprised that even a retraction in the local evening paper by the governors stating quire definitely that the Headmasters press release had been wrong, and that I had been cleared of all charges and all suspicion, had little effect on public attitudes towards me.
Then one afternoon I had a knock on the door and I opened it to find a man who told me he was the regional union representative of NATFE the lecturers union. He told me that there were many doubts now arising about the validity of the girls statement. The hospital examination had showed evidence of bruising and she had obviously been raped, but the DNA from the semen was definitely not mine, and now together with my statement and denial, her story had to be closely questioned.
However, the question of my re-instatement had to be a decision for the Governors. If I was not re-instated the union would support me by taking the case to an industrial tribunal to claim unfair dismissal. He further said that the way in which my suspension had been handled by the Headmaster, had brought criticism from the governors and his position as Headmaster was now looking very perilous. He had in their opinion made the school liable for an action of libel and slander in the way he had publicized my suspension.
I knew however in my heart that the damage had been done and that I had no future at the school. I knew people would say “there is no smoke without fire” and that would be the thought that would dominate many peoples minds, and I would never be trusted by staff or the parents of students again. Apart from that, I could never consider ever working with the staff who had orally and physically abused me, or with the Head teacher who had been so personally vindictive towards me, and had obviously made my situation and that of the schools so much worse.
On the following Friday I had just finished looking through the Times
Educational Supplement, searching in vain for suitable teaching posts, but in
fact I was despairing of ever finding another job in teaching, because I knew
that the allegations would follow me, and in any case my confidence was at such
a very low ebb that the thought of putting myself in a similar situation again
was rather frightening. In frustration I had tossed the paper to the floor in
utter disgust. I was seriously debating joining the Army Education Service when
the telephone rang. There was a lady on the telephone, and she asked. Is that
Mr. Tony Nash.?”
“This is Mr. Tony Nash.“ I replied. “What do you want?.”
“Are you looking for a job?“
“Who is asking?
“This is Lady Anne Amersham.
Thinking straight away that I was being set up by some weird practical joker.
“I am sorry but you have the wrong number My days in teaching are finished.”
Before I could put the phone down the voice said.
“ Hello Mr. Nash. Just go and look out of your window and you will see my car
parked outside.”
Curiosity won in the end, and I pulled the curtain back and saw a slim blonde
young lady I did not recognise, standing by a large black limousine with a
mobile phone in her hand. She waved at me.
So I told her “OK you win, I will open the door.”
As she walked in I realised my mistake, so I apologised. I told her It’s just
the bad company I keep and the fact that I had been the subject of quite bit of
anti social behaviour by some people.
She laughed. “That’s alright Tony. I really am Lady Anne Amersham and I was
given your name by a friend of mine who is a governor at your school. I am
looking for a private tutor for two wayward but thoroughly loveable young girls.
One is seventeen and one is sixteen. Their father is dead, and they have both
been expelled from private schools for misbehavior, and now I can not find any
other school in my price range which will take them. We have had two private
tutors, both ladies, and one lasted a week the other disappeared after 24 hours,
so you will know its not an easy job I am offering you.”
“You can not be their mother - you are too young?“ I said almost without thinking.
“Thank you. No, I am their older sister and both our parents are dead. I married
his Lordship and he became their stepfather but he fell of his horse during a
local hunt meeting and now he is dead as well.”
“What sort of behaviour are you talking about?” I asked my curiosity aroused.
“You name it, and they do it including a charge of attempting to seduce one of their male tutors”
“You obviously know that I am suspended for allegedly raping a student at my last school.”
“Yes, I know all about that, but I also know that the allegation has been proved to be wrong, and they are in a quandary about what do about you now, but you are my last hope. Look Tony, I know the girls are not saints, far from it. They frankly are a pair of young tear -aways, so I am prepared to accept my friends word, she is a school governor and she assures me that you are an OK sort of guy, and that you are a good teacher. As long as you can give them some sort of education - I believe my friend, and I am prepared to trust you.”
“Wow that’s some statement, but I assure you in my case I was totally innocent and my Union and my lawyers will be fighting it.“ I said, as my mind was busy digesting the offer she had made.
“Yes I know but the main thing is that my friend who is a governor at your school, said some of your teaching methods were a little unconventional, but they were very effective, and very popular with the students, and they brought good results. She also said you were quite a nice person, and that everything points to the fact that someone has set you up.”
I told her “My future is very much in doubt and I am prepared to give it a months trial, if we can agree terms. When do you want me to start?” I asked my curiosity aroused, and spurred on by my desperate need to find work and at least salvage my self respect.
“The salary is no problem. We will pay you the same as you are getting now, including all your meals and accommodation. Can you start tomorrow? How long will it take you to pack?”
It did not take long to pack, and within an hour I was sitting in the back of her chauffer driven limousine on the way to her home at Endelshome Park. The very attractive blonde Lady Anne Amersham sitting by my side and I talked for a long time, and then as we went round a corner her body slumped sideways against mine. I looked down and Lady Anne seemed to be fast asleep, I lay her head on my lap, and I pulled a rug over her legs to keep her warm, and I put my arms loosely round her body to steady her and stop her falling off my lap as we went over a few bumps on the country roads.
It was about an hour later that she awoke as the car slowed down to go over a
cattle grid at the entrance to her estate, that she sat up with a start and
said. “I am so sorry Mr. Nash.” I laughed and said
“ I’m not sorry, there is nothing like having an attractive woman in your arms
to boost ones ego, and please Lady Amersham call me Tony if I am to be working
for you.”
Agreed as long as you call me Anne.” She replied.
On arrival a butler saw my case was taken to my room and lady Anne took me into the dining room for a snack meal and then into the lounge where we had a few drinks and together started to go through the details of my contract. I think I was so pleased at getting employment and finding someone who trusted me that I drank much more than was normal for me.
The next morning I woke early, as always, but today it was the whine of the rain and wind attacking the eaves of the house, that must have woken me as well as the strange surroundings. As I moved my body slightly to take in my new luxurious surroundings I gradually came to I suddenly realised that I was stark naked, and then I also realised I had a warm body lying on top of me. Lady Anne's head was laying on my chest, her blonde hair cascading over my shoulder. Her right arm was across my naked body and my own hands were still wrapped protectively around her back, my fingertips against her smooth skin.
I groaned miserably as the events of the previous evening came flooding back. My head was aching and I was trying to figure out what I had done the night before, I realised that I had probably fouled up my new job, and I had probably had unprotected sex with my new boss. The slight amount of light filtering through the drapes marked the beginning of the daylight hours. Lady Anne, feeling me stir, opened her own eyes and looked up at me.
"Hi, lover" she said meekly, giving me a warm smile.
"Hi, my lady " I said, finding it difficult to look her in the eye.
"That was the best I've slept for a long time.” She said stretching her arms, and letting the bedclothes fall away to reveal her naked breasts.
Sorority Tutor by Linda_C (Note: While I've been working on a longer story, which might never get finished, I've decided to try something shorter, inspired by the works of "A Happy Wife" and "Jennifer White". Well, I failed, and wrote another long story instead. Oh well. Anyway, I adore their work, and hope this homage is appreciated. If it comes out well, I'll try to write more! By the way, this is forced feminization, done to a guy who doesn't want it to happen to him by women...
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The Tutor Sixteen year old Alex Parker wasn’t quite sure why his parents had insisted upon engaging a tutor for him. For Alex the whole thing was a mystery, considering he was already a straight A student in school. His pleas to his parents that he didn’t need a tutor went unheeded and his parents persisted in their strange idea. Alex stopped complaining about getting a tutor as soon as he met her, for the first time for the tutor his parents hired for him was a very pretty girl doing her first...
The Tutor Jack sat in the back of class, lost in a daze as usual. He thought, "The professor really should make her lectures more interesting." Maybe then her would pay attention in class. As class dismissed and students began to file out of the lecture hall someone grabbed his arm and stopped him. It was the professor, and she didn't look very happy. She motioned for him to sit down in one of the chair on the front row so she could speak with him. Jack sat down and began to wonder...
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In this 4th chapter about the seductions of Adam, he joins Megan in her tutoring sessions, only to be seduced by the tutor, a friend of theirs. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16...
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It was late January, the day after my 19th birthday. The temperature outside was freezing, around 28 degrees. As I smoked my cigarette outside Wallace Hall. I looked up and saw this tall gorgeous man, about 6'3 walking towards me. As he walked by me towards the entry doors I smiled and said hi. I didn’t give him another thought until I saw him come back out, this time he asked for a cigarette. I handed him one, and lit another for me. I was so cold but I was determined to talk to this hunky...
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LesbianThe Tutor: finished 'Who’s he?' I asked 'That’s 'she' to you Lamar. Jacqueline Haier, 21 years, a college student at NY University, works part-time at Enterprise corp., she was recommended to us by other player’s who were flunking out. She’s very good at what she does and in no time you'll be back in the team Lamar...' 'Damn coach how can they just pull me out, I’m the best you got.' I said frustratingly throwing my arms around 'I know Lamar, but if you do real good. You’ll be back in no time....
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I have a tutor for school. Not that I'm failing school but my parents want to make sure I don't fail. So my tutor is an Asian milf. She comes from Malaysia and is so fuckable, huge tits, married but a flat ass. Initially I didn't want to fuck her but I eventually that changed on one night...
MILFI was spanked by my piano tutor once. She was a middle-aged housewife type. Overall, a very sweet lady, but as I found out she could be quite vicious when she was angry. I think she felt that a spanking was justified because I went to a Catholic school that still used paddling. If my teachers could do it, why not my piano tutor as well? Ha. You’d think that the threat of spanking would have motivated me to practice, and I guess it usually did, but I could be awfully lazy sometimes too. I was...
Valerie was a porn movie stereotype, but she didn't know it. Quiet and studious, she wore glasses and always had her permed black hair back in a ponytail. When I asked if she ever dressed up, she said, "I don't have time to go out."I usually walked her back to her dorm after our calculus class. "You're such a gentleman," she told me in her soft Southern accent. If only she knew the thoughts I had about her. I wanted to reach under those loose t-shirts and grab her firm breasts, take off those...
Hi to all the readers of Being a lady, I am a little hesitant in sharing my story but I think I should let you all know what has happened with me. It’s a long story, so this is the first part of my story. My name is Miss Rina Oberoi, age 42 years, height 5.2” and my vital stats are 36-30-36. I am a widow and my husband has left quite a good legacy to take care of myself and my lovely daughter Sonia. Sonia is my only daughter. She has reached the age of 20 but due to her...
During college, I tutored high school students for a few extra dollars. The subject I always excelled in was math, for some reason, it just came easy to me. It all started by accident really.A couple summers before I had worked with a small construction company who needed a "grunt" while building a customhouse. The owner of the company, Robert, was a real nice guy and we became good friends. I continued to work for him every break I had from school and helped him build his own 3 story Victorian...
I was ecstatic when I learned I had secured a job as an adjunct professor at a local community college. Almost immediately, some of my professional consulting friends warned me about the plethora of young ladies willing to do just about anything to score a good grade. I dismissed their warnings as jealousy, especially since I was a consummate professional and very happily married. I under-estimated the warnings. The very first day of class, I scanned the forty-three fresh young faces sitting in...
College SexIt was the second semester of my senior year. Everything was going well except my grade in math was close to failing. I was worried because I knew I wasn’t going to do well on my final. My mom decided to enroll me in afternoon tutoring sessions. I was only excited because that means I could drive to school in my new car I got for my 18th birthday. And it didn’t hurt that my tutor was a hunk. He wasn’t my actual teacher he was a Assistant Teacher. A college senior trying to get a feel for how a...
It was the second semester of my senior year. Everything was going well except my grade in math was close to failing. I was worried because I knew I wasn't going to do well on my final. My mom decided to enroll me in afternoon tutoring sessions. I was only excited because that means I could drive to school in my new car I got for my 18th birthday. And it didn't hurt that my tutor was a hunk. He wasn't my actual teacher he was a Assistant Teacher. A college senior trying to get a feel for how a...
The Tutor Jack sat in the back of class, lost in a daze as usual. He thought, ‘The professor really should make her lectures more interesting.’ Maybe then her would pay attention in class. As class dismissed and students began to file out of the lecture hall someone grabbed his arm and stopped him. It was the professor, and she didn’t look very happy. She motioned for him to sit down in one of the chair on the front row so she could speak with him. Jack sat down and began to...
Anna and Laura are both hopeless cases when it comes to studying.Boys, clothes, and clubbing play a much bigger part in their lives than their school work. Their teacher, a well meaning soul called Mrs Clarke, despairs of them and knowing that they have more intelligence than they get credit for, has found them a tutor to help them get through their exams."Ernest?!" Proclaims Laura as they make their way to his house one warm Saturday morning. "Who is called Ernest these days?""He must be an...
The afternoon began with the two of us entering my old university library. We walked hand in hand, without a word, though I distinctly remember catching your eye and smiling at you, squeezing your hand as I did so. I was dressed in dark dress shoes, black suit pants and a black collared shirt, sleeves rolled up, my tattoos contrasting with my professional demeanour. You were wearing a grey cardigan, buttoned up, over a white blouse and a red and black tartan skirt, slightly shorter than would...
BDSMThe Tutor By Amy Carlisle (c)2002 No thunder. And no lightning. It was a good start. Yes, I know, it rarely storms indoors, let alone in an endocrinologist's waiting room, but after all these years, the simple everydayness of this visit was something entirely unexpected. At first too nervous to notice my surroundings, one hour and forty minutes of waiting made me intimately familiar with every untidy nook and cranny of this house of healing. I had already browsed the...
As I’ve said, I never saw that girl again, nor did I see any other one like her, nothing ever reminded me of her when my father took me with him on his visits to the Bey, but of course I did not need to be reminded, and I did not need to be at the Bey’s palace to think of her, I thought of her all the time. To the Bey, obviously, she had just been an idea, a fancy, something to be tried out once, to be savored for a moment, to be dismissed, to be followed by the next idea, the next fancy, and...
My name is Sandra Wolchinowski. I know that is a hard name to pronounce so right up front I will tell you that most of my friends call me Sandy W. That is because my best friend is a girl called Sandy Simpson and I guess it can be confusing sometimes. My parents are both second generation Polish Americans and they like to speak Polish at home when they don't want me or my brother to understand what they are saying. I never had any interest in learning it because it was hard enough just to...
I got my results. Again I failed in mathematics. I got disappointed. I went to the headmaster’s room. She suggested me to get a private tutor. I told her that I knew no one. He told me that she knew someone who might help me. She told me that her elder daughter had just finished her college. Teaching me might give her some experience. So she asked me to come to her house on Sunday. I went to her house. I rang the door bell and a beautiful lady opened the door. She was wearing a...
My name is Roxanne, I’m 39, and I have a daughter named Sofie. She is in college and 20. We’re both dark brunettes, and people even mistake us for sisters at times. Her dad divorced me and moved roughly 2,000 miles away. Anyway, she has a rather cute tutor named Amber. Well, I think she is really cute. When I was in college, I experimented with a couple women, but I never considered myself a lesbian or bi-sexual though. Amber is blonde, and she definitely proves that not all blondes are dumb....
I was taking a French class back in college with was 20 years ago. The instructor said that I was in jeopardy of failing his class. I was going to fail because I was not interested. We had a f****y gathering and my aunt Peg and Uncle Red were there. Aunt Peg was not really my aunt. My aunt was early thirties and my uncle was in middle fifties. She was the rebound from by first aunt. You could say that she was my uncle’s trophy wife. Everytime I saw her, I thought I would a piece of that trophy....
The first time I sucked a cock was when I was forty eight. I’d always been drawn to men, but because of society's attitude towards homosexuals and my strong religious background I suppress the urges. I kept telling myself that it was just a passing phase and that if I ignored it, it would go away. I was a volunteer tutor with the college athletic program. To keep them eligible for sports I helped both young men and women with their studies. Over all the years that I volunteered there was never...
First TimeMy mind reeled from the power of the sensation flooding my body as my beautiful mother's head descended lower and lower down my tummy. With one hand she gathered my skirt up, exposing my white cotton panties to the light. She tickled her nails lightly along the inside of my thigh, watching my expression with hungry eyes. Then, down she went as she pulled the soft cloth way off to the side, the moistness along the opening of my puss cool in the breeze from the ceiling fan in her home office. Her...
hello fellow writers, readers I would like to share yet another story with you in hope's that you will enjoy and have great pleasure when reading like you have in previous ones.another situation that occurred with Shelley...yes you guessed it the same Shelley as my babysitter when i was a young boy whom later became my girlfriend but that is another totally different story.besides being a great babysitter and beautiful she is a math tutor..which was not my strong subject so she would help me...
I was taking a French class back in college with was 20 years ago. The instructor said that I was in jeopardy of failing his class. I was going to fail because I was not interested. We had a family gathering and my aunt Peg and Uncle Red were there. Aunt Peg was not really my aunt. My aunt was early thirties and my uncle was in middle fifties. She was the rebound from by first aunt. You could say that she was my uncle's trophy wife. Everytime I saw her, I thought I would a piece of that...
I got my results. Again I failed in mathematics. I got disappointed. I went to the headmaster’s room. She suggested me to get a private tutor. I told her that I knew no one. He told me that she knew someone who might help me. She told me that her elder daughter had just finished her college. Teaching me might give her some experience. So she asked me to come to her house on Sunday. I went to her house. I rang the door bell and a beautiful lady opened the door. She was wearing a...
Group SexMy first time with another girl I had to stay over her house one night after a late study session she was my tutor Jan, She was 24, I was in HS. It was too late for a pick up or her to take me home. All I had on was my denim mini, a midriff top and no panties (blush). Jan gave me a t shirt to sleep in she told me to put it on while she showered. I did but it came all the way up to my belly button and my lil peach fuzz area was totally Xposed. So I hopped in her bed to cover myself. Jan came out...
LesbianHello everyone! My name is Shelly Rockton, I am twenty-one years old, 5’1′ tall. I have blonde hair that reaches a little past my shoulders. My eyes are ice blue in color. What you are about to read is an unexpected lesson I learned. There is no homework, exams or studying for this subject. The only requirement is practice, practice. *** It is mid-term exam time for the first semester. My senior year here at the university is starting out as a big failure. I know I failed my English,...
...Alley stroked his hard member, and watched it harden even more... Mr. Roberts' groans encouraged her to further explore. One hand was stroking, while the other hand really was exploring, near his sac. Upon reaching his balls, she felt his hand push her long hair behind her ear then lift her chin so he could see her face. Alley," he gasped. "Alley... I... I... " BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! She slammed her hand down on the annoying alarm clock, shutting it off, and cursed it in her head. He was...