Dressed to kill
- 2 years ago
- 21
- 0
This fills the story out, so stay with me as its will hot up next chapter. I promise!
Thanks for reading.
Tuesday was a day of calm in comparison to Monday. She had the three kids over for dinner and as they talked over their meal she found everything had calmed down with Damien. He was actually treating them well, even though Marcus, had put Damien in his place.
She awoke excited on Wednesday, for this was the day she was going to get her beloved Mercedes back. She rose at seven o’clock, showered, dressed in a smart trouser suit, breakfasted and left for work by seven thirty, with her precious gifts for Jodie and Paul in her hand. She took the Mazda for the last time.
At two minutes to nine she breezed in the door of the legal practice. Steven was standing at the front desk talking to Stephanie the receptionist.
‘Hi Noella.’ he chirped.
‘Hi Steven. Hi Stephanie.’ she bubbled.
‘We’ll leave at ten?’
‘Sure. Can we take the Mazda and drop of it at my friend Paul’s office on the way back.’
‘Yep. That sounds like a plan.’
‘Good. See you at ten.’
‘See you then.’
Noella waltzed off to her office, a spring in her step.
Ten thirty came and Steven and Noella were pulling up outside a dodgy looking car yard in North Melbourne in the the Mazda 2. Noella’s heart wias a flutter with the excitement of being reunited with her beautiful red chariot. They walked in to a seamy looking office and were greeted by a young woman whose hair was bleached white and her face was covered with trowelled on make up. She wore a skin tight mini skirt which didn’t really cover her ample butt and a neon pink tank top that struggled to tame her double D breasts.
‘Wot da ya want?’ she drawled in a broad western suburb’s drone.
‘We’ve come to pick up a stored vehicle.’ announced Steven in his best lawyer voice as he showed her a release form that took from his jacket pocket.
She looked at the form for a few seconds.
‘Con!’ she bellowed a the top of her voice. ‘Come ere!’
There was a rustling at the back of the workshop which adjoined the office and a bald headed gentleman in oily overalls appeared from behind a car.
‘Whacha ya want, Cheryl?’
‘This guy wants to collect the red Benz.’
By this time he had reached the office and Noella could detect a distinct waft of body odour.
‘Yeah. Nice car that Benz!’ he observed as he looked at the paperwork over Cheryl’s shoulder. Noella hoped the had looked after her car better than he looked after his personal hygiene.
‘It is.’ agreed Noella.
‘Yep. Paperwork looks good to me. Wanna follow me?’ he asked. He took a key of a large board on the office wall before guiding them through the main garage and outside to a smaller garage, which stood a the back of the lot. When they reached the shed he lifted the roller door that sealed the garage. As it rose up it revealed a row of four cars parked neatly inside. A black Porsche, two Audi’s and Noella’s beloved convertible Mercedes.
‘We keep all the good stuff out here.’ announced Con.
Noella was just glad that her car had been kept safely tucked away safe and sound. Con passed the key to the car to Steven.
‘Do you want to back it out.’
‘Is that OK?’ he asked Noella.
‘Yeah. Why not?’
The car beeped as the doors unlocked and Steven jumped behind the wheel. The engine fired up and he slowly reversed the car out of the garage and then got out, leaving the engine running.
‘Ya wanna check her over and then ya can sign the release.’ advised Con.
‘No problems.’ said Steven. He and Noella went over the inside and outside of the car to make sure it was still in perfect condition.
‘Are you happy Noella?’ asked Steven after they had been over the car with a fine tooth comb.
‘i’m happy.’ she replied.
‘OK. Gotcha driver’s license?’ asked Con. Noella rummaged through her hand bag.
‘Here it is.’ she chimed as she passed it to Con who diligently took down her details.
‘Sign here.’ he demanded, pushing the release in front of her nose, which she dutifully signed.
‘Would you like to drive to Paul’s office as reward for being so brilliant in finding it?’
‘I’d love to!’ he replied brightly. She quickly gave a quick run through the controls.
‘So you’ll follow me?’
‘No probs!’
‘Thanks Con.’ she said before walking to the Mazda and reversing it out the driveway. She drove up the road a little and waited for Steven. He pulled in behind and followed Noella to Paul’s office in Moorabbin.
Forty five minutes later they pulled up in front of Greater World Imports which was Paul’s company. They parked in the visitor bay and Noella alighted with her gifts in hand.
‘Do you want to come in and meet Paul?’ she asked Steven as he shut the door on the gleaming red Benz.
‘Yeah. Why not?’
They went inside and climbed the stairs to the reception area which was decked out with displays of all the home wares they imported including cookware, knives and cooking utensils.
‘Interesting!’ observed Steven.
Noella told the receptionist that they were there to see Paul. She made a quick phone call and within a minute Paul strode out from behind the wall at the rear of the receptionist.
‘Hi Noella!’ he greeted her, giving a her a kiss on the cheek.
‘Hi Paul.’ she replied. ‘This is my boss Steven Berry.’
‘Hi Steven.’ he said greeting him with a firm hand shake.
‘I’m returning the Mazda.’ she announced as she handed him the keys. ‘I’m so thankful for you lending it to me. It’s been most helpful.’
‘Glad to be of help.’
‘Here are some gifts for you and Jodie.’ she offered.
‘Why thank you.’ he said as he took the gifts from Noella.
‘Now you’re not to take a peek at Jodie’s.OK?’
She again gave him a kiss on the cheek, Steven shook his hand. They went back down to the car park. Noella slid behind the wheel of her beloved Benz and drove Steven back to the office, enjoying every moment of the twenty minute drive.
Noella flew through the rest of the day, be re-united with her car made her feel whole again. She couldn’t wait to take the long way home to get re-acquainted with her.
A little after three. Her mobile rang and she grabbed it from the desk. It was Suzie.
‘Hi babe! You near a computer?’
‘Yes. What’s this about?’
”I have sent you an e-mail.’
‘Yeah I’ve got it.’ replied Noella as she scrolled through her inbox.
‘Click on the link.’
‘Noella clicked on the link.’
‘What the fuck!’ she cried as a picture formed on her screen.
‘That’s my house! That’s my fucking house!’
‘You’re not selling are you Noella?’ asked Suzie tentatively.
‘No way!’
‘Well what’s going on?’ asked a concerned Suzie.
There on Noella’s screen was a large photo of her townhouse.
‘Unit 2, Number 125 Fahrenheit St., Brighton.’
‘Modern four bedroom townhouse. 2 large living areas. European kitchen. Granite benches. Spa. Triple car underground garage.’
‘Expected Pricing Range: $2.5 Million.’
Enquiries: Paul Jones – Rodgers Real Estate.
She couldn’t believe her eyes.
‘I don’t know what’s going on!’ she cried. It felt like her life was starting to disintegrate again.
‘I thought you needed to know.’
‘You did the right thing. I’ll call you later when I’ve worked this out.’
‘Alright. I’ll talk to you when you know more.’
‘By the way Have you spoken to Jodie?’
‘You should.’
‘Okay. As soon as I’ve fixed this, I’ll give her a ring.’
‘Good.Talk to you soon.’ and Suzie was gone.
Noella forwarded the e-mail to Steven and picked up the phone.
‘Can I come an
d see you now. It’s urgent.’
‘What’s the matter Noella? You sound terrible.’
‘I need to see you.’
‘OK, OK. Come now.’
In a flash she was in Steven’s office.
‘I sent you an e-mail. Open it and click on the link.’
Steven obeyed.
‘What’s this he asked?’ as the picture of Noella’s house came into view.
‘That’s my house!’
‘I didn’t know you were selling?’
‘I’m not!’
‘Fuck! You’re not selling. What the!……….Have you rung the agent?’
‘No. A friend just sent that to me. I don’t know what to do.’
In a flash Steven was on the phone.
‘Can I speak to Paul Jones?……………………..Hi Paul. My name’s Steven Berrt. I just saw a house on your web site….ah… Unit two, one hundred and twenty five Fahrenheit St.’
‘A beautiful house.’ Noella could hear Paul say over the phone. ‘Are you interested?’
‘Very much. Could you fax me the Section 32 to me?’
Within five minutes the fax machine next to Steven’s desk was whirring away. He pulled the pages off the machine and flicked through the pages.
‘What are doing?’ she asked.
‘I’m looking for the Vendors Disclosure.’
He found the details he was looking for.
‘For fuck sake!’ he yelled.
‘What’s wrong?’
‘Look!’ he pointed.
She looked over his shoulder to look where he was pointing. As she focussed she couldn’t believe what she saw.
‘Vendor: Manta Pty. Ltd.’
‘Fucking Manta Proprietary Limited.’ he cursed.
‘Shit!’ she gasped. ‘They steal my car! Now that want to steel my house! Who is this? What did I do to deserve this?’
Steven had now had a moment to think.
‘We’ll put a caveat on the house. That’ll stop them from selling the house for now. Now we really have to find out who runs Manta!’
‘Thank you Steven. I don’t know what I’d do without you?’
‘Don’t worry. We’ll fix these bastards!’ he said with determination.
Still worried, she rang Suzie and told her that Steven was taking care of it. After she hung up, she that there for a few minutes trying to regain her composure.
My God! How can this be happening? What’s happening to my life?
As she was packing up for the day Steven came past her office.
‘Caveats done. It will be lodged in court first thing in the morning.’
‘How many times can I say thank you?’
‘It’s fine. We’ve known each other for a long time. There’s no way I wouldn’t help you. Now don’t worry. Go home and relax. We can handle this. You won’t lose your house.’
‘Thank you.’
‘Now go home.’
The drive home wasn’t as joyful as she had expected ,the shine of having her car back had been taken away by the threat to her beautiful house. As she drove past the front of her to get to the driveway she noticed a enormous bunch of flowers sitting on the front door step.
‘Oh my God!’ I wondered who they’re from? I hope they’re not from Mark!’
She sped down the ramp and quickly parked the car and climbed the steps that took her into kitchen. She dropped her bag on the bench and went to the front door opening to pick up the enormous bouquet. She struggled inside and carried the flowers into the kitchen and placed it on the bench and looked for the card. Finding it tucked under a leaf she opened the envelope.
‘Dear Noella,
Thank you for the lovely gifts
They gave us a wonderful night!
Many thanks,
Jodie and Paul.
She poured herself a tumbler of scotch and had a gentle sip. As she made dinner for herself she gave Jodie a ring.
‘Hi Jodie. It’s Ella.’
‘Hi Ella. How are you doing?’
‘I’m feeling better because someone sent me some beautiful flowers’
‘Do you like them?’
‘I love them, but there was no need, I was the who was supposed to do the thanking.’
‘They were just a little thank you for the beautiful lingerie.’
‘It was the least I could do and I thought you would love them.’
‘I do! And Paul loves them too!’
‘Really! I thought he might.’
‘Well put it this way, we didn’t get much sleep last night.’
‘Sorry. Is that my fault?’
‘No. It was great. We made love like we used when were young.’
‘Where did you get the corset from?’
Noella told her ‘Le Boutique de Armour’ and the incredible range they had.
‘Sounds great!. I’ll have to go and have a look. Might be able to drive Paul even more wild!’
‘You just might!’ Noella laughed.
Should I warn her about the wickedly delicious Madam Justine?
She decided not to.
Let’s just see if anything happens!
She washed up after her meal and rang her kids who were all well. Feeling a little calmer she relaxed for the rest of the night with some word games on her tablet computer before going to bed hoping there would be no more surprises tomorrow.
Noella woke next morning to the sound of banging out the front of her house. She quickly pulled on a black silk dressing gown and some slip on heels and hurried down stairs and out the front door.
As she rushed down the path to the front of the townhouses she couldn’t believe her eyes. There at the front of the property were two tradesman who had erected a framework for a sign and were just about to attach a large and bright ‘For Sale’ .
‘Never to be missed opportunity! 2/125 Fahrenheit St. Mortgagees Sale’
‘Stop! Stop! Stop!’ screamed Noella. ‘Don’t do that or I’ll sue your sorry asses from here to eternity!’
The tradesman stood there frozen to the ground looking non-plussed.
‘What’s the problem luv?’ the older of the two asked.
‘Don’t put that sign up! This house is not for sale!’
‘We’re just doing what we’re told.’
By this time Prue and Julia had joined Noella on the street.
‘What’s going on?’ asked a flustered Prue
‘I didn’t know you were selling.’ said Julia.
‘I’m not! Somebody is trying to sell it fraudulently! My lawyer has put a caveat on the house, but we’re still trying to work out who’s behind it.’
Aa Noella spoke to Prue and Julia the men moved to continue to erect the sign.
‘No! No! No!’ she screamed as she threw herself in front of the frame, preventing the men from putting the sign in place. Prue and Julia joined her.
‘You try and move us and we’ll scream rape!’ threatened Julia.
The tradesmen put the sign down and the older one reached into his pocket and pulled out his mobile phone.
‘Hi boss. It’s George. Look we’re at 2/125 Fahrenheit St. putting a sign up and there are some nut bag women saying if we put the sign up they’re going to screen rape…. the main nut bag says it’s not for sale………Put her on? ………sure. Hey lady, the boss wants to talk to you’
‘Hi, this is Noella Howson……….I’m the owner of this house. Your name is……..hello Jeremy Peters……..No I don’t have a contract to sell with Rodgers Real Estate………Somebody is trying to fraudulently sell the house and my lawyer has put a caveat on the house so even if they try it’s not going to happen……If your guys try to put that sign up I’m going to sue your fucking arse off. I’ve got your number off the truck and you’ll be hearing from lawyer within the hour……you want to speak to George……..George. Jeremy wants to speak to you.’
She hands the phone to George.
‘Hi boss…..Okay we’ll pack up and skip this one and go onto the next one. Okay. Bye.’ said George as he hung up. ‘You win lady but I think we’ll be back.’
‘I wouldn’t if I was you George.’ A thinly veiled threatening tone permeating her voice.
Now Stephanie and Jeanette arrived all dressed to work.
‘What’s going on?’ asked Jeanette who looked liked a glamazon in a white silk shirt, black pencil line skirt and enormous black paten leather heels.
‘Yeah. What’s happen
ing?’ chimed in Stephanie who looked a lot less intimidating in floral pattern dress and flat shoes.
Julia quickly explained what was happening as Noella stood guard whilst the men dismantled the frame.
Jeanette walked over to where she was glaring at George and his mate.
‘Are you okay?’
‘Hi Jeanette. I’m okay. Just extremely pissed off.’
‘I can understand that. Can I help?’
‘Yeah. You’ve got your phone?’
‘Sure. Never without it.’
‘Could you take a photo of the sign on the truck so I can send it to my lawyer so he can sue their asses off!’
‘I’d be glad to.’ replied Jeanette as she joined Noella scowling threateningly at George and his offsider.
Noella breathed a sigh of relief when the tradesmen’s truck disappeared down the street.
‘Anybody for coffee’ she asked. All her neighbours said yes and they were soon inside drinking strong coffee as Noella rustled up some pancakes with a berry sauce, which everybody sat their enjoying.
‘Can I look a that photo?’ she asked Jeanette. ‘I need to ring Steven.’
She was soon explaining the whole disaster to Steven who asked if she could send him the photo so that he could send the agent and the sign company letters. Jeanette obliged and Noella told Steven she would be at work soon, albeit an hour late.
‘Don’t worry. I understand but you are keeping me busy!’ he laughed. ‘I can’t believe there is so much going on in your life.’
‘I just wish life would get simpler.’ she told him.
She joined her neighbours to finish off her pancakes and they chatted happily. When there was a break in the conversation Prue piped up.
‘Now everybody remembers that it’s afternoon tea at my house on Sunday.’
Noella had totally forgotten.
‘Now it’s not going to be afternoon tea, it’s going to be a cocktail party.’
There was a murmur of approval.
‘So bring your favourite bottle of spirit, I will provide the necessaries for some old favourites. Okay?’
Everybody agreed.
‘And one last thing ladies. It’s cocktail dresses only.’
More murmurs of approval followed.
‘Great I’ll see you at four.’
Pancakes and coffee complete they all filed for the front door to get their days underway. As Jeanette was leaving, she pulled Noella aside.
‘You know that Josh keeps talking about you at work. What did you do?’
‘Not much?’ Noella giggled out a white lie. She knew it had been an awesome night.
‘Have you rung him?’
‘I’m sorry Jeanette. I haven’t. He messaged me but his timing was bad. There’s so much going on at the moment, I kind of half blew him off.’
‘Well I’d give him a ring if I was you.’ she said with a wink.
‘I will.’ confirmed Noella. ‘I will give him a ring’
Jeanette gave her kiss on the cheek and followed the others out the door.
Noella bolted upstairs and madly got ready for work. On her arrival Steven briefed her on the letters he had sent, but thankfully the rest of the day was uneventful.
At lunch time she rang Josh. She wasn’t sure where this was going, but she had been letting life come to her and why should this situation be any difference?
‘Hi Josh! It’s Noella.’
‘Hi beautiful Noella. You’ve been avoiding me?’
‘No. You just rang me at the wrong time. I had so much going on, I just couldn’t give you the time I needed to. Okay? Do you forgive me?’
‘Well that depends if you’ll go out with me.’
‘Yes. I will go out with you. But a proper date…..No whips or tying up.’
‘Promise! No whips or tying up! How about a picnic Saturday?’
‘A Picnic in May? It’s a bit cool.’
‘I know the perfect spot. You’ll love it!’
‘Okay a picnic Saturday it is!’
‘I’ll pick you up at eleven.’
See you at eleven!’
That was easy……A picnic! …..WTF!…I hope it’s fun!
Friday brought lunch at the Larder. Suzie and herself arrived first and were sitting enjoying their first sip of Pino Grigio when a familiar figure, who they couldn’t quite make who it was, walked towards them with a smile. It wasn’t until the attractive woman reached the table that they realised it was Jodie.
‘Jodie!’ they both exclaimed.
‘Hello ladies.’ she smiled.
‘Look at you!’ gushed Noella.
‘What have you done!’ squealed Suzie.
‘I just had a bit of an update.’ she announced as she did a little twirl next to the table.
‘You look fabulous!’ announced Noella.
‘You do.’ agreed Suzie.
‘Why thank you.’ she replied.
‘What happened?’ asked Suzie.
‘It’s all Noella’s fault.’ she said.
‘How’s that?’ asked Noella a little defensively.
‘Well she gave me this beautiful pink lingerie set for lending her the car.’ she began. ‘As I told Noella the other day, it lit a fire in our sex life.’
Disclaimer: I do not own the Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins, the author does. This story has been given a rating of ESV for extreme porn Sexual Violence. Depicted in this story are naked females using their bodies to smother and kill young males. There are no ages given in this story, it is up to you, gentile reader, to supply them as you see fit. A Letter in the Mail Definition: Imperator: Benson Corp. Hunger Games Regulation 1, Pg 5: This is to state that the status of Imperator is created...
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Part 24We took the elevator down to the parking garage and drove off in my pretty pink Rolls Royce.“Where are we going, Caroline?”We drove to the city where I knew there was this shop with all kinds of Victorian and l****a dresses.“First, we need to get your nails done, so we need to find a salon! I know there is one in the mall. So let’s start there!”He looked at me a bit frightened. “No...I can't! I'm in pantyhose and panties! I refuse!”I parked the car outside the mall and stepped out, but...
Part 23It was a long flight back home and I was very glad to have a seat in first class. I walked through the tunnel and into the airport. I went to get my suitcase and walked through customs. Then check my passport.“Did you have a nice flight, miss?”“Yes. Pretty long though!”He looked at me and then my passport. “I bet! Well, you’re clear, miss. Have a nice day!”“Thanks. Ehmm. I’ve got my car stashed in a hangar. Can you maybe help me get to it?”“Sorry miss. But ask at the airport security...
Part 22The taste of cum and her sweet saliva was so good. Feeling her soft tongue twirl around mine was just the best feeling. I was for real kissing the women I had a crush on for a while now. It was magical. Mmmm, I open the buttons on her beige silk shirt and pop one of her big breasts out of her black bra. We stopped kissing and we were both breathing heavily from the excitement."Wow, Caroline...you're a really good kisser. Please untie me, sweety!"I got up and untied her hands and feet...
Part 21My whole body felt warm inside when he talked that way about me. He knew that I had a tiny dick from the start, and I was treated like a princess. I totally blushed “Th...Thanks...Ehm!”Then the waiter came with some ice desert with some strawberries on the side.“Can I ask you something, Caroline?”“Sure!” I picked up a strawberry and put my dark red matt lips around one. Mmmm, they were juicy and full of flavour. It tasted so good; I closed my eyes as I took another bite.“God, you’re so...
Part 20We stepped out of the car and inside. Such an old yet classy place. Noah came with the suitcase. Lauren was talking to the receptionist and was handed 2 keycards. She turned around and gave me one.“Here, Caroline. The room number is on the card. Do what you like. I need to go with Jonas and Noah to their tuning factory to check up on some things. It's very important that this racing deal goes smoothly. So don't wait up for me!”I nodded “Ok miss. What about your suitcase?”“Take it into...
Part 19I woke up rested and feeling great. I went to bed late and woke up around 16:00. Luckily for me it was Saturday. I have just been in the shower, and cleaned my pussy good from Jan’s cum. As I was done with that, I turned on the TV and made myself a cup of coffee and saw my phone had received a text message.Afternoon Caroline. Put on some burgundy red nail polish. And do your makeup in the same colour theme. And put on some white opaque pantyhose.I went to the bathroom and took my...
Part 18As I walked out of her office, I found my way to the elevator and went down again. I left the building and thought about her gorgeous nylon feet that I’d just massaged. I smelled my fingers and crossed the road to my parked light pink ‘Royce’ outside the cafe. I was so freaking horny thinking about her pretty nylon toes. I saw a girl with her friend taking pictures of my car. I unlocked the car and was about to get in, but then I thought ‘I’ve got black tinted windows all over’, only the...
Part 17Well a text was showing on my TV again...That was fun to watch. Seeing Jan cum in his pants was kind of a surprise to me. He ran out like a little boy. I know how much he loves those pantyhose of yours. He was in your apartment while you were taking your driving licence.“What...? What do you mean?”Look at this.A video clip was showing onscreen. Watching Jan enter my apartment. There were multiple camera angles following him across the living room and straight into my bedroom. I saw him...
Part 16He turned around and saw me sitting there on the bench with my champagne. He got a beer from the fridge and sat back down on the chair. He opened the beer and it foamed over. He drank from it and looked happy. “So I’m gonna tell you, Caroline...it was fun playing along, but did you really think you were the dominant type? Inside, I was laughing of that foolish attempt. How pathetic! I feel so tipsy about now, and you teasing me all night, made me so fucking horny. I think I’m gonna take...
Part 15Oh god, this could not be happening!“Mmmm...aren't you a cute little girl?” She got a tight grip in my light pink hair, and pulled my head back. “I see why my useless thing of man wants to fuck you! Harrold, you need to pleasure this girl. Or can you not even do that right?” She looked at Luis, just laying there in the middle of it all, with his big black cock out, but she didn't care. “Does it feel good while my husband is fucking your tight little pussy?”Harrold got turned on, and...
Part 14“Candy it is!”We had been driving for around 2 hours, mostly on the highway.“I'm getting hungry. Let's take a break!”“Yeah, I could really use a coffee too!” I said.“Good! Let’s hold at the next gas station!”After 10 minutes of driving, we turned off to the gas station and found a place to park. He quickly jumped out and got my heels for me, and opened the door for me again.“I got you, Candy! You just sit there with your feet turned to me!”I turned around on the seat. The car was pretty...
Hot kill Another message had arrived from Brutus on a long scroll of parchment left on the assassin's doorstep. It entailed a new target for him, a merchant who had been supplying their enemies with vital weapons under the cover of transporting textiles. The merchant was bringing in thousands of swords, spears, shields and armour along the Tiber. All that was meant to supply the troops that were being mobilised undercover in order to stage a coup in the senate. The merchant himself...
hi ppl i m rohit….i m 16 yrs old and i live in delhi…i love to crossdress when i m all alone. i hv been doing this sicne i was 13 yrs old.i used to wear my mom’s clothes n gaze myself at mirror. though i was not a gay but i wanted to try gay sex once by turning to a women. it was in d month of june when my parents had to go to noida for some work and i was left all alone at home for a week. one evening i thought i should try crossdressing and go out to enjoy in public n tease some ppl.i...
Gay MaleFrom many small countries grew larger ones until each held one of the eight continents. There were still wars but they grew more contained. After another millennium two governments merged into one. Within a century there were only three left and they were monarchies. It took three decades of arranged marriages to create the single empire. I came into my power at the age of three. From there I had several masters begin to teach me. Not just all the languages but about nature or the elements. I...
“Hello, admirer?” Mumtaz spoke, staring at herself in the mirror. She looked like a woman aching for a man between her legs. She was wet. The person on the other side cut the call immediately. Was he shy, or was he acting? Mumtaz couldn’t differentiate. She called him again! “Never thought you would call me!” The man on the other side said. The voice was very manly, attractive, and had a pinch of erotic effect to it. Mumtaz was thrilled. “I don’t know who you are, but thanks for those gifts,”...
Late February the damnedest thing happened. Someone tried to shoot me! They were pretty stupid about it, I must say. I heard the reports and 'spang' noises off the front of the house. I wasn't about to stick my head out there and get it shot off. I looked through the window and spotted a boat out on the water, a few hundred feet away. I'm not Johnny Rambo. I didn't go all ghillie suit and try to sneak up on 'em. I called the Coast Guard to come and arrest their asses. Well, I tried to....
[Undated Entry] Oxford, Oxfordshire STRIKE, FUCK, KILL. The small man’s strategy was simple. He’d visited Lucy one more time just as he’d planned. That time their lovemaking, if their rutting could honestly be termed lovemaking, was vigorous and just sharp enough to keep memories of his mother uppermost in the small man’s thoughts as he reamed her. He was a stallion that night, or so he saw himself, a stallion riding a mare who fought his advances but only enough to ensure he forcefully...
Friday, April 29, 2005 (Continued) At the Williams', I had the opportunity to briefly pull Julia and Carol away to another room, tell them what I was going to do, quell their laughter, then tell them what I wanted them to do. Then we all went up to Julia's bedroom, Donna and The Boys excepted. To the four parents I said, "I have a few reasons for showing you what I'm about to show you, but the most recent reason is to address Mom's concern at my ability to handle someone attacking me...
She, at first when Ann blew one guy and then made a deal out of eating his cum. She even let some coat her fingers and sucked them clean. " I can't see how you can do that Ann." my wife said. Ann had taken another cock, there were seven men there. Ann had tried unsuccessfully, even acted disgusted to get Sandy to join in. She finally succeeded, along with the help of the man she was sucking who grabbed Sandy's hand and used it to jack his cock for him. Sandy's hand was trapped under...
Introduction: He was off working on an oil rig…when he returned he found…. My wife has taken the term eating cum to a new level. I wasnt happy about it. matter of fact I was in a rage about it. Sandy had never swallowed my cum when she, reluctantly, gave me head. She always spit it out and made an issue of washing her mouth out. About six months ago she was at her friends, Anns house.Her slut friend had several guys. When it came time for her to do all them Sandy watched. She, at first when...
SRU: Killer By Julie It was one of the loveliest spots in the area. The black tarmac of the road wove around the gentle hills. Their slopes were scattered with trees. Newly foliaged with the advance of spring, the trees were covered in dogwood blossoms. The open spaces were filled with a profusion of wildflowers; their colors pleasing to the eyes and their aromas, the nose. The birds were singing their mating songs since spring is a time of rebirth. The rest stop is...
The fancy dress party was in full swing as the Hunchback walked through the door of the night club, none of the other people seem to noted him as there more famous monsters in there five and sixes vampires all with chalk white faces and gelled back hair, ghosts of many shapes and colours and many other creations from angles to nylon wearing nuns each dancing, swinging and at the bar drinking, added to the waiters and other bar staff dressed in the same way it was easy of the Hunchback to go...
Hello, everybody. Tonight, I got a tale to share with you. You see, I have a problem and to solve it, well, I am forced to do things. The kind of things that law enforcement kind of frowns upon. I’ve always been that way. In the eyes of the world, I am just your average guy. I’m six-foot-one, slightly chubby but still alright, with dark brown skin and curly Black hair. My glasses kind of make me look nerdy. Mr. Ordinary Black Man. I attend Carleton University, where I study Criminology. I’m a...
Stupid girl. This girl seemed different. She had no real want for money. No real envy for shopping. She didn't believe in the tradional god. Hallows was on his way on getting the town to fear him again. Not as a mobster though, a tactic that didn't work to much the time before. But instead a legend. He would make everyone know who he was through his malicious actions. He wanted to be a symbol of fear. The first few victims were already found, the entire town was already nervous. It was...
"AHHHH!" I groanedThe water is nice and cool in my fur as I slid into it the Nanobots that were apart of me since the beginning had altered my body structure in different ways stronger muscles thicker bones they seemed to rewire my brain my hearing sight and the fact that I could see in all directions was due to their influence getting my body deeper into the water dunking my head till my ears finally went under the surface then I allowed my body to free float there in the nothingness of the...
He laid his garment bag on the second bed in the hotel room, unzipped it at the front and then immediately hung up the suit that was in it. He wanted the wrinkles to fall out before he had to wear it. He was a little nervous. ‘It’s normal. Like they used to say in the Army: you watch out for the guys that are fearless,’ he thought. Out of his small carry-on, he unpacked his weapon. Nothing fancy: a .40 caliber Beretta that would easily do the trick. He then pulled out the box. It wasn’t fancy...
Airplane Pickups, and almost getting KilledIn the first few years after I started my business, I had to do some traveling around the country, and the only practical way was to fly. To entertain myself, I came up with a little game I played on almost every flight. Or at least I attempted to play the game on virtually every flight. As soon as I boarded a flight, I quickly scanned the plane to see if there were any attractive women who were sitting in a row by themselves, or at least with an open...
This is dedicated to my dog, Shandy, who died around the same time I had my wisdom teeth out. And of course, my lovely lady, Liv. The events in this are fiction, but the background with my teeth and dog actually happened. RIP Shandy 4/26/02-5/5/12. You’ll be in our hearts forever. Hope you like it. I had a hell of a week. My dog died on Saturday and I had my wisdom teeth yanked the following Monday. I couldn’t eat much and could barely talk. I missed school 3 of the 5 days that week. And my...
It was the smell of cigarette smoke that clinched it. I gave up smoking at the age of eleven. I'd managed to smoke my way through a ten pack of my mother's fags and wasn't feeling particularly well. My brother laughed at me, telling me I wasn't doing it right. Later that day I spoke to my favourite uncle, a sailor and a smoker himself. "You'll never have any money if you smoke, Tosh. I wish I'd never started." He always called me Tosh, I think it was a term of endearment from his Navy...
The whisper was urgent and sharp, yanking me toward the surface of consciousness like a fish finding itself hooked on a nymph. A groggy net of disorientation entangled me as I awoke. As I broke the surface, I was shocked to feel the warmth of someone lying beside me. The first light of dawn picked up the features of her face as she turned toward me in her sleep. I stared, wide-eyed. Heather, in my bed? What the— Then the events of the previous night crashed into my brain. Oh shit. Who just...
John is a man with an ordinary job, working from morning till night and his only hobby is collecting antiques. As John was getting out of bed one day, the pointed antique on his nightstand sank into his hand and the blood got on the antique. The blood-smeared antique shone with a faint light and changed some rules all over the world.(Rules added at the end.) When John removed his hand, the blood had been absorbed by the artifact. John looked at the ancient artifact in surprise, and everything...
FantasyI couldn't believe that he was going to be my new neighbour. What was I going to tell Roxy? I really wanted a key for the gym, but I didn't know if I should call him? Now that I knew it was him, I sat down at the dinner table, and looked through the notebook. And sure enough, there it stood in writing...Jan Martin, is the handyman of the building. He will also provide the keys necessary for the gym and washing room. He needs to know your personal information if you need those. So give him a...
I got back to Peter's apartment, but no sign of Roxy. I sat down in the sofa, And there on the table in front of me was a folded note with 2 joints pre-rolled. I picked up the note and unfolded it. I read it...‘I’m sorry. Working late. But I have been thinking of you all day. I really enjoyed sucking that tiny clitty yesterday. I bought you a small present, it's in the bedroom. I'll be home around 22:00. Cya’I lit a joint and walked into the bedroom. The bed was neatly done with all light pink...
As I had fallen asleep - I started dreaming......I was licking Roxy’s pussy again.“You’re such a good pussy licker!” and I kept going. She stopped me and pushed me onto my back. “Now I’m gonna suck your pussy, Caroline!”I tensed up and was scared. She was sitting on my stockinged legs and grabbed my skirt and pulled it up. I only had on some pink panties. And in the dream, I had a huge cock. Her face looked shocked and was stunned.“I'm so sorry, Roxy. I meant to tell you that I’m a guy!” The...
I was totally exhausted after that good fucking. He passed the joint...“I can't believe I just fucked you! I never imagined that you so good-looking as a girl! Mmmm, fuck, Caroline!”I passed the joint back to him. “I'm glad you took it like that! But I guess I relaxed a bit after seeing you being so crazy about my feet. I liked the attention. He-he!”He smoked some more. “I don’t just like them...they’re the best girl’s feet I’ve seen in pantyhose ever! I love you in pantyhose, Caroline!”I...
I cleaned myself in my behind and there was still cum oozing out of my pussy. Wow, dad had cummed a lot inside of me. I soaped my whole body after I was done cleaning my hole.It was a really nice shower my dad had - all glass walls, with a huge window view over the city, and as it was in the middle of the night, it was real pretty. Even peaceful.I grabbed a towel and dried myself off, and just put the towel around over my tits, and it went down over my butt-cheeks. I walked out into the living...
I arrived at my step dad's place and paid the cab driver, plus tips. My body was shaking with nervousness and found myself in doubt if I should do this. I got in the elevator and pressed ‘4’. I held my bottle of ‘Pink’ firmly in my hands and the elevator stopped and opened.I walked down the hallway to Steve's front door. Breathe in and breathe out. I rang the doorbell and I was just gonna tell him that ‘It is me, Brian’. But then, the thought of me sucking his cock and everything that happened...
I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. And as I did that, I saw a note on the kitchen table...Good Morning, Darling. Mommy had to go early this morning. I wanted to let you know that you don't need to take those drops anymore, for now. And your father called. He asked if he could talk to you. But you were asleep. Please call him back. Cya soon. Kisses from mom.I picked up the phone and rang him up, and sat down with my coffee.“Hello, this is Steve!”“Hi Steve, it’s...
I woke up the next day pretty late again. My head was sore. But other then that i was fine. I walked passed Nico room and his stuff was already gone. I continued into the kitchen, were i see mom. I ran over and hugged her. “Hi sweety. How you been?” I sat down at the table. And Margret came with a cup of coffee. “Thanks. I've been a good girl mommy” “So you have? I drove my boy to the bus station this morning. But before that i see you sleeping in your own bed fully clothed as Caroline” I...
I heard him put the stuff back and closed the door to my bedroom. He took his clothes off and went to bed right next to me. I was still fully clothed. Course i still had my pantyhose on and the flatten corset. “Good night Brian. Again im sorry” He turned away from me and fall asleep. I think i only slept an hour, and then i woke up. I couldn't really sleep because i still was drunk and felt dizzy. But I was so fucking horny after what happened with me and Nico. He was full on snoring right...
The next morning i got woken by Margret Who opened my mouth and gave me my drops. “Rise and shine Caroline. I put a pair of black nylon pantyhose on the bed. Can't have you walking in dirty cum stained hose” I took my old pantyhose of. And slide my legs in some black nylon pantyhose with flower lace kinda pattern. Oh my god those pantyhose woke me up right away. The felt so good on my feet and all the way up my belly button. I was still in my fluffy dotted skirt from last night. And all the...
I woke up the next morning alone in bed. I didn't had a clue what time it was. But my head felt somewhat sore. I can only remember climps of what happened last night. I then realized that i was still in her lingerie, and that the door stood open to the bedroom. As i laid there, i could hear a radio going in the background. “Good Morning!. The time is now 10:30 and your listening to Radio Morning Tunes” Then Queen with bohemian rhapsody started playing. I then heard Margret started singing, and...
First Time“Phew that was a close one” And we both laughed, though it all felt a bit awkward. I just tasted my best friends dick. I'm sure it was a mistake, just 2 boys that got carried away. He put on some music. Then his mom called him. “Nico. Someone on the phone for you” He got up and left the room. I sat there in his little sofa. Feeling the stockings and the panties against my skin. Mmmm it felt so nice. A few minutes later he came back. “So listen up. I just got offered to come down and...
Since an early age i started wearing pantyhose. Remember one time when i was around 7 and it was cold outside. Then my mom gave me a pair of black opaque pantyhose on, to keep me warm under my winter clothes. Since that time i've been in love with pantyhose. I had a couple of different once hid under my bed. Some nylons some stockings and lots of pantyhose. As i grew up, i had a really good friend. His name is Nico. And we were together everyday after school listening to music and watching...
my sexual deviance is based largely around the high heel... of course with the females who wear them but also the nastiness i can get up to when wearing them myself..i wont meet anybody for sex unless i'm wearing a pair of fuckme heels which are of a certain standard , the idea of wearing just stockings revolts me , as does wearing a pair of heels that i deem un-sexy. the next obvious step up from wearing heels and lingerie and little black dresses is to be presented to somebody else who...
Hello everyone..I’m harsh aka ayesha..I’m a regular reader of Indian sex stories and always search for stories of gay crossdressers.Before starting my first real life gay experience let me introduce myself..I’m a 24-year-old boy who wants to be treated like a teenage girl..Wants to be pampered.Wanna be treated as a wife for my man at home.His girlfriend when we are outside and as his slut when we are in bed.. I come from ranchi..I am slim, fair and height 5’8″..I m very curious about sex.I...