Erotic Adventures Ch. 01 free porn video

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Kristen Carpenter sat alone in her bedroom missing Alex, who had divorced her two years ago and relocated a few hours away where he managed a hotel. Despite the emotional distance that had developed between them before he left, she still loved him dearly. She thought of him as a very handsome man who had provided anything she or the kids needed financially. She thought about the love-making which started out passionate and frequent. After a few years together it had become completely different. She often thought that Alex had been too sexually demanding, wanting to do more than she did. She often succumbed to her wishes mostly out of wifely responsibilities. She had experimented with various positions, even anal sex, which she did not really enjoy. He was great at giving her oral, and she enjoyed pleasuring him that way in return.

She had been a teacher for many years before taking over as vice-principal at the local High School. She had brought three children into the world, Sam and his twin sister Lexie who were a few months past age eighteen, and a daughter Willow who was twenty. Kristen realized that with her kids grown, her parents deceased, and Alex gone, she was spending far too much time alone. The previous month had marked their twenty-five year anniversary. But being single once again made that night more painful.

Sam and Lexie were both athletic and kept their bodies in prime condition. They just graduated from high school where both had ran on the track team. Sam also played basketball and Lexie spent three years on the swim team. Like her mother, Lexie had natural red hair, while Sam’s and Willow’s were a light shade of brown like their father. She noticed that Sam always seemed rather shy when it came to girls, and sensed that he had never gotten too far with anyone. She also knew Lexie was a virgin by choice, and would soon begin to explore her sexuality. Willow had been married for a brief ten months before divorcing her cheating husband and lived in her own apartment near her Father, and worked at the front desk of the hotel he managed.

Kristen removed her blouse and laid it on a chair, sat down on the bed and kicked off her shoes, then slipped out of her snug jeans. She gazed at her reflection in the closet door full-length mirror, reached behind and unhooked her bra, and carefully examined her medium sized breasts. They stood firm with nipples that ached to be touched. She cradled one in each hand, enjoying the feeling, but wishing it was someone else touching them. Next she peeled off her panties, and looked her nude figure critically. The few remaining stretch marks on her abdomen were so faint that they were scarcely noticeable. Her pubic hair matched the red shoulder length hair on her head, and formed a lush triangle below her waist. Her legs were well toned, the result of daily exercising, and occasional lengthy walks. She considered herself attractive for a woman of thirty-nine.

Lying in the dark, she felt sexual need gnawing at her and began to caress her breasts, feeling her body respond even more. She did not prefer to pleasure herself, but couldn’t stop because it felt so good, and moved her hands to the forest of soft curls. Barely audible groans escaped her lips as her fingers touched her clit, causing her hips to thrust upward in response. As one hand stroked the pleasure bud, the other traveled up to her breasts, pulling on the erect nipples.

Oh yes…this feels…so…good. Oh yes!’ she moaned, trying to keep quiet. She knew Lexie was on a date at the time, but did not want to advertise her actions to her son. She felt certain that her kids knew she masturbated, but still preferred to keep it private. Her fingers quickly took her to the brink of orgasm. Soon the sweet release took control, filling her with much needed relief. She somehow managed to keep her moans soft, and hoped she had not been heard. Even though pleasuring herself had been nice, it wasn’t enough. Kristen reached under the mattress and retrieved a recently purchased and unused sex toy, which was something she had not used since her teenage years.

She recalled visiting to the adult shop recently, and seeing several men of various ages were standing around looking at the video racks. She had felt their eyes looking at her as she looked at the various vibrators. One middle aged man had even approached her, and asked her to join him in the arcade booth. When she asked him why, he simply stated he would like a blowjob. She debated his request, but decided to turn him down politely.

Now her hands trembled as she unwrapped the fake cock and held it in her hands. It seemed so long since she had felt anything that hard as she put batteries in the device and turned it on. The toy began to hum and vibrate. She found herself growing excited as she glided it along her nipples. With a mind almost tormented by confusing emotions, she slid the buzzing machine between her trembling thighs and rubbed it against her clit. Soft moans escaped her lips she teased herself with the humming toy. After a moment, she moved the tip between the lips of her vagina and slowly inserted it inside.

In a matter of minutes she realized she was within moments another orgasm. With sheer need and determination, she began working the humming device deeper. Kristen cried out as her body convulsed in a powerful climax, one of the strongest she could remember in far too long. There had been no way to control the intense pleasure of her second climax, and she was certain that her son had heard her moans.

She had never had sex with anyone but Alex since they got married, but needed to find satisfaction. During her teen years she had been a wild and rather easy girl, and was hesitant to become that again. As she fell asleep, began to consider finding a man to satisfy her.


That same evening, Lexie’s breath came in short pants as she felt her desire level grow rapidly. Her boyfriend Jason’s hands rested almost motionless on her bare breasts. As he tenderly kneaded the soft flesh, she wondered why she had been the one to place them there, and not him. The possible soon to be lovers were parked on a secluded road, just a few miles outside of town. Just minutes before, Lexie had removed her pullover top and white lace bra. On the lower half of her body, she wore denim shorts that fit the delicate curves of her thighs nicely. It was the first time she had exposed her breasts to any man. She really liked Jason a lot, and was at the point in her life when she would freely give him anything he asked for.

He was not the first boy she had dated, but he certainly was the kindest. The few others seemed to want only to get into her pants. Anytime they tried to move beyond kissing, she always put a halt to it. More than once, she had walked home from a date’s car just to avoid the pressure. Maybe wondered if she was getting paid back for the times she did not offer any other guys relief.

Jason consistently treated her with respect, but for some reason he was reserved when it came to becoming intimate. His tender kisses sent flames of desire soaring throughout her body. Until recently, Lexie had been glad that he never pressured her for sex. But since she had reached the point in her life of wanting to experiment, it bothered her. She desired to share things with him that she had only heard about. But anytime she got him stimulated, he asked her to discontinue her actions. That always left her rather feeling puzzled.

‘Oh Jason, I love your hand there. It feels so good.’

‘I really like you Lexie. But well…I don’t know about this yet…’

There was a gentle softness in her voice as she said, ‘Jason, its okay. I want you to see me, touch me…’

‘I know. Listen…maybe we better stop before it’s too late.’

‘No, don’t stop now,’ she pleaded, as she placed her hand on his lap. Feeling a definite bulge, Lexie was pleased to know that he was aroused. Her fingers grasped his zipper to pull it down, but
as on other dates, he stopped her. With a frustrated sigh, she pulled her hands away and tried to somehow calm her heightened excitement. She wondered why he stopped her. Maybe he was undecided of his sexual orientation. Or perhaps he had some untold religious reason. But she hoped that he was probably just concerned about pleasing her. Once more, she reached for his zipper.

‘Jason, I want to please you, don’t stop me again.’

‘I know Lexie, I…I just can’t. Please don’t…’

‘I can feel you are really aroused. Do you really prefer to jerk off at home rather than letting me help you?’

‘If I have to, yea, I will. Sorry Lexie, please try to understand.’

‘Would you at least let me watch you do it? I would be willing to masturbate also if you want to see me pleasure myself.’

Lexie felt rejected when her request was politely rejected. Once again, she had to settle for a good night kiss at her door. She went to her room and sat on her bed. Even though she needed sexual release, she was too upset to bother with it. Before she eventually drifted off to sleep, she wondered if it was time to look for a new boyfriend. But she wanted to give him just one more chance, and see what developed.


The next morning, Lexie woke to the subtle breeze coming through her bedroom window. The gentle sound of birds chirping mingled softly with the sounds of the peaceful neighborhood as it awakened from its slumber. She looked through her window, and down the tree lined path of her street. Thoughts filled her head, as they often did. Not a day had passed that she thought about her Dad, and the good times they had shared.

Lexie knew her looks were visually stunning to most any male. At six foot in height, she had been the tallest female in school. She admired her full breasts, slim waist, and inviting hips that tapered into long toned legs. Her hair hung in graceful curves over her shoulders, and cascaded down to the middle of her back. She kept her pubic area natural and considered the reddish curls to be rather inviting, Lexie knew from her gym class showers that many other girls either trimmed or shaved that area completely. That made her wonder what a man would think once the day came that she allowed one to see her nude.

Even with her popularity, she felt that many of the girls in school had seemed conceited, and that the boys were more interested in her body. She was not ready to pursue further schooling just yet. In a few days she would begin her first job, working at a place called the Aqua Palace, which was essentially an adult entertainment location.

During her interview it was explained that the customers had several options. These included nude modeling with pictures not being allowed, shared showers, and sessions that involved mutual massage which could be done with lotion, or soap and water from a hand spray. The massage sessions would include caressing each other. From what she understood, it would be up to her if they could touch between her legs. She understood that she could potentially have many guys see her nude within a short time period, and knew that they had the option to have her jerk them off . Lexie had not disclosed the fact that she was a virgin on the interview since full sex was not allowed. She felt some excitement at the thought of helping to get men off, and hoped it would help to overcome her shyness of being seen nude.

Lexie slipped on a robe and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of orange juice. As she passed the living room, she saw Sam on the sofa watching TV. As she stood by the sofa talking to him, Lexie realized her short robe barely covered her thighs, but thought nothing of it. She returned to her room, and removed a pair of shorts and a sports bra from her dresser. She slipped them on, finished her juice, and headed out the door for a morning jog. It was a pleasant temperature, just right for a nice run.

When she returned home, Lexie decided to take a refreshing shower. The warm water felt delightful as it splashed against her skin. Still frustrated from her previous night’s date, she considered getting herself off under the gentle spray, but decided to hold that idea for later. She dried off, and returned to her room.


Willow reclined on the lounge chair next to her apartment complex’s swimming pool wearing a new pink bikini with tie strings for the top and bottom. She was well aware how well it showed off every curve of her body. Her mind wandered, as it often did, to her desires and needs. Then her thoughts were interrupted by a soothing male voice.

‘Hi. I’m Tyler. Mind some company?’

‘Huh? What? I’m sorry, you caught me daydreaming. Sure, please sit down.’

‘I think you really have nice hands,’ he said’

‘My hands are not what guys usually notice first, but thanks. I’m Willow, by the way.’

‘Well Willow, to be honest, you look nice all over. But I think hands are very sensual.’

They talked for the next hour about any topic that came to mind. She told him about her job, and learned that he was a commercial pilot, twenty-eight years old, and had never been married. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend after discovering her cheating on him. She tearfully explained what had happened with her marriage. It was obvious that they both felt the deep hurt and pain of lost loves.

‘Willow, I know we just met, but would you consider having dinner with me? Wherever you want to go.’

She thought about her reply for a moment, then replied, ‘Tell you what. Why not have dinner at my apartment? I’m a pretty good cook if I do say so myself.’

‘You sure that’s okay? You barely know me.’

‘Tyler, I like talking to you. Any man who likes my hands can’t be all bad.’

‘Sure, OK then. What time?’

‘Well let’s say in three hours. I’m in apt 212.’

‘OK. After dinner I can give you a massage, if you would like that of course. I’m not asking you to get naked for me or anything, just an offer.’ Tyler said.

‘I know, that sounds nice. See you in a few hours.’

Willow headed to her apartment and took a long shower. Her body ached for attention, and in some ways, she wanted to give herself to Tyler later. Yet she did not want to rush into intercourse, or let him think she was easy. She slipped on a red blouse and a black skirt that exposed the majority of her shapely legs. Underneath, she wore a red bra and black panties. Even though she did not intend to show them off, she felt sexy wearing them.

Tyler arrived right on time, and Willow offered him a drink while she finished the meal. When dinner was ready, they sat down to eat. Tyler appreciated the food greatly, and complimented her on her talents in the kitchen.

‘Thanks, but that’s not the only place that I have talents,’ Willow said without thinking, her face red in embarrassment. After dinner, she loaded the dishwasher, and sat beside him on the sofa.

‘Now, it’s my turn, my feet need rubbed,’ Willow said.’

She kicked off her shoes, placed her bare feet in his lap, and wiggled her toes in anticipation. As Tyler took turns on her feet, she melted into the sofa and enjoyed the pampering. After twenty minutes of having her feet rubbed by his strong hands, she felt disappointed when he stopped.

‘Oh, all done already?’ she asked.

‘Well, unless you want your back done.’

‘That sounds nice, but would I have to take my top off?’

‘That’s up to you. I could do it over your blouse.’

Willow asked him to wait a few minutes, and went to her bedroom. She removed her skirt and top, and then decided to take off her bra. She wrapped a big bath towel around her, and then called for Tyler to join her. He sat behind her on the bed and placed his hands on her shoulders. His strong, yet gentle hands felt so good as he massaged the muscles of her shoulders, neck, and upper back. He then caressed her shoulders and the exposed skin above her towel. He used firm, but gen
tle pressure, and with each circular motion, his fingers moved slowly downward. Willow sensed he wanted to touch her breasts, and in a way she wanted the same thing. When his fingers slipped under the towel and touched her nipple, he hesitated.

‘I’m sorry…I shouldn’t do that,’ Tyler apologized.

‘It’s OK. To be honest, it’s been way too long since they were touched,’ Willow replied.

She turned to face him, dropped the towel to her waist, and exposed her breasts to his eyes. For several minutes, his hands softly caressed them. Each time they came in contact with her nipples, Willow felt a spark of desire run down her spine. She loved the touch, and knew she could become attached to him easily. Willow figured Tyler was probably aroused, but by being a gentleman, did not want to make her feel pressured to do anything.

‘Tyler? Would you let me see you naked? I’d like to expose all of me, but I’m just not sure how far I’m ready to take this.’

‘Whatever you want Willow. I can always masturbate later.’

‘I know, and thanks. Let me see you and we can see what happens from there.’

Tyler stripped and stood before her nude. His erection bounced as he moved towards her. She estimated him to be about seven eight inches long. She reached out and tenderly stroked the shaft with one hand, and cupped his balls with the other. She really wanted to feel it inside her, but also knew that would need to wait until another time. Willow stood, dropped the towel, and modeled for him in just her black panties. She knew that a few curls could be seen above the lacy material.

‘Willow, you are so sexy,’ Tyler said softly.

Willow asked him to sit beside her on the bed. She slipped his cock in her mouth, and slid it slowly back and forth between her warm lips. She wanted to take as much down her throat as possible, but the best she could manage was just over half its length. As she pleased him, Willow slipped her hand inside her panties, and fingered herself rapidly. She needed sexual relief and decided not to deprive herself of that pleasure. This way she hoped to get off also, without being fully naked. In just moments she climaxed, and moaned around his shaft until it was over. It was no doubt, one of the best orgasms from masturbation in months.

‘Willow, oh this feels so good…I need too…can’t…hold back…’

‘Then don’t try to, let it happen,’ Willow said, and braced herself for his ending.

Seconds later he exploded fully in her mouth. She eagerly swallowed every spurt, and purred like a kitten around his shaft as the flow ended. The quantity was much more than she had expected, but she found the taste to be even better than her husband’s had been.

‘I hope you did not feel like you had to do that,’ Tyler said.

‘Not at all, I really wanted to. And I enjoyed making you feel good.’

Tyler looked deep into her eyes, and asked, ‘Would you consider being my girlfriend?’

Willow shed a few happy tears, and embraced him tightly. His request was just what she needed, someone to share her lonely times with. A man that she felt would be her friend, not just her lover.

‘Yes, I would love to be your girl. Thank you so much for asking. But I think you better go home, or I might keep you all night. And I don’t want to go all the way, not just yet.’

Tyler dressed, and they kissed tenderly for several minutes before he left. After he was gone, Willow knew that a huge emotional weight had just been lifted in her life. She also knew that the next time she saw him, things may very well go further sexually.

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“My water, boy.” Sir Egan said, his voice raspy. Moving forward, Flynn dutifully took the bottle out of his bag and handed it to the knight. Yes, Flynn was Sir Egan’s squire, having started earlier than most boys did. Many had chastised Sir Egan’s choice in picking Flynn, with most saying the boy was still too small to be able to serve him in his knightly duties effectively. It was true, with his small frame, Flynn was smaller than most boys his age, though he never did get picked on back...

4 years ago
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By Docker5000 Part 1 David Hart lay on his bed reading a sci-fi comic and relaxing, it was only the first week, of his summer holiday from college. And he was already board. June Hart was in her bedroom stripping off the dirty sheets from her bed. It was wash day. She walked onto the landing carrying her dirty sheets, which she tossed down to the bottom of the stairs. She then went into her son's bedroom. David's mother walked into his bedroom. He looked up at her as she entered...

2 years ago
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Juans day at school juans sex adventures

"Good bye thank you for riding with us and have a safe trip" she smile and wave at me as I past her. "Thank you very much. Muy hermosa las cosas que haría que si era su hombre(You very beautiful the things I would do to you if I was your man), I said as I walked off. She just smiled and blushed. As I walked the hall try to find the exit, my phone goes crazy with text messages once I turn it back on. 60 messages from friends saying there sorry for my Grandpas passing. I quickly fall...

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Tinas Horse Adventures

She lay on the bank of a small pond about 100 yards from her uncles house, feet resting on a rock underwater. Just as she was dozing off, she heard her uncle calling her. "Tina!" he said "I need to talk to you for a minute, come on inside." "Coming!" said Tina. She got up and made her way back to the house. When she walked in through the backdoor, her uncle had a cup of sweet tea waiting for her. She picked up the glass and took a nice, long sip. "Ah, Tina, I need to ask...

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Toms summer adventures

Disclaimer: This story is fictional and it involves sexual actions between teenage boys. If you find stories of this kind inappropriate and/or you are not old enough to read them, please leave this site now. Info: This is my first erotic story ever, so I would very much appreciate any kind of comments, suggestions etc. I hope you would also forgive any possible grammatical mistakes, because English is not my mother tongue. So if you have any opinions, suggestions, comments, questions,...

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Ninas Adventures

My name is Nina, I am 23 years young. My body measures cute 152 cm, but they have it in themselves. My long pitch-black hair is silky and falls down smoothly around my head, my neck and my shoulders and goes as far as my breasts. I am a small fitness freak and for my body I have - as I am gladly told - huge titts. My breast size is 75 D and fortunately they are round and firm. My nipples are small and light brown. My little ice blue eyes are ideal to give people puppy eyes with which so far I...

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Sexy Naruto Adventures

Ok so in this story you create your own naruto character male or female and take them through perverted adventures and stuff. You will need to provide information like their name, what clan they are in, what is their gender, what do they look like, and what ever else you want to tell the readers about. Oh and please follow chyoa guidelines

1 year ago
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Celine begins her porn Theater Adventures

An Early Excursion to the TheaterFor Wifex & CelineCeline enjoyed some of our outings to a porn theater, but was still a bit reticent in going very often and was a bit shy in what she would wear to the theater. She was a bit more afraid of what she actually wore to walk from the parking lot to the theater entrance.I was a bit surprised then, when I came home and Celine was dressed in a new, and fairly slutty outfit. She was in a short skirt, black hose and heels, displaying lots of her...

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Farm Family Adventures

Farm Family Adventures----------I was taken quite by surprised seeing Kelly again. She had spent the day here during the Farms open membership event a few weeks ago, and I convinced her that she would be a perfect model for the Prestige Farm Brochure that featured the custom saddles and bridles. Her body is that of an athletic swimmer, pear shaped, with wide shoulders, 36DD chest, trim waist and shapely hips. Her piercing green eyes glowing like emeralds under blondish hair bundled in a green,...

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Our New Adventures

New adventuresThis story, unlike most sexually explicit or erotic writings start with a death, I won’t cheapen a dear friend’s life by mulling it over here, but suffice to say that news of her passing affected me, affected us. The much-recited sentiment that “life is too short” suddenly felt very real. Who we are; I’m 47 my wife is 45, 25 years married k**s grown up and moved on and we are surprisingly still very much still in love. At this point the stories usually say that their sex life...

2 years ago
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Two Swinging Couples Some Gentle Adventures

We would like to tell you about one of our adventures with our friends who have since unfortunately moved interstate, Linda and Barny. We had been seeing them for quite a few months and had been in the habit of starting the sexual side of the get together with a sexy game of strip poker. This always seemed to get everyone into a relaxed and sexy mood. We would play the game and the losers would shed their clothes; and if you had lost all your clothes you could continue to play by choosing to...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Adventures

After some great adventures with my c0usin at his house, I was back home with the girlfriend again. I did not discuss what my c0usin and I did together as I was unsure of her reaction. We continued to see each other, with some heavy making out, but only over the clothing contact. She would occasionally rub my cock, but not enough to make me cum again. I got my hands under her shirt once or twice, but always was stopped over the bra. I think she was deterred by the fact that her older...

2 years ago
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Ronnies Totally true sexual adventures

When I walked in the back room four out of the six boys had their cocks out waiting on me. Michael who’s cock wasn’t out yet told me to take off my clothes. I couldn’t get my clothes off fast enough. By the time I got my clothes off the final two cocks were out and ready. I was the only one in the room totally naked. Michael and the other boys just had their pants down. I didn’t know it at the time but, I loved the feeling of being exposed, vulnerable and powerless. It really got me...

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Taras Adventures

Tara's AdventuresPart 1I had met them on line. Marla 1st then her owner Mistress Olivia. We chatted for well over a year and had met for drinks. They knew of my submissive fem side and we had planned meetings on several occasions but things always developed that upset them.Then a period of time developed when I went into a period of denial. Denial of my female side. I turned off my screen name for almost two months but my female side finally got the better of me. I turned on my screen name...

3 years ago
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How i started my sex adventures

This is a true storyi remember this one time when i was in colombo, i was walking on the pavement with blue jeans and a white t shirt looking at shops around 2 oclockin the afternoon i noticed people (men) standing along side the pavement looking busy but actually passing time standing there. so i was curios what was going on. therefore i also started to pace here and there passing time secretly watching those men (most of them are very dirty and pretty ugly and looking suspicious). suddenly a...

1 year ago
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Sexy Nurse Adventures

Hi guys, this is me, back with another story. My first story was ‘sexy sister seduced me’. This is my second story. I am a 6 feet guy with a great tool of 7 inch in size that is much on the fairer side. Any girl or ladies in kolkata interested in one night stand can ping me at I am not interested in any relationships so please, only one night stands. This story is about how I fucked a sexy girl whose name was Mahima. She used to work as a nurse at a doctor’s place where i used to visit once in...

3 years ago
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Continuation of Jinnis Adventures

Continuation of Jinni's Adventures These stories are actually events as they occurred during my first few times dressing in public. I was still feeling hot as I returned to my office on Monday after a wonderful weekend of sex during my first two trips out while dressed. I sat at my desk wearing my pantyhose and silk thong under my suit. I was feeling horny all day long and could not wait to arrive home and get into my "real clothes". I hurried out of the office and headed straight...

3 years ago
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I finally got a vacation, where to go? I sit down on my flight headed for Ohio, knowingonly one person there. Her name is Mary and she is an extremely attractive lady i have taken a liking to. We met online through an adult chat site and moved to emails, over the past 6 months. She doesn't know I'm coming, other than my email to her stating I would be gone for the next two weeks on vacation. Little did she know, the next call she gets from me is me getting off the plane in Cleveland. I...

2 years ago
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Naughty Outdoor Adventures

Naughty Outdoor Adventures By Daphne Xu Friday Afternoon Out Bryce Mansfield put the finishing touches of make-up on his face. There, thought the six-foot-two, 22-year-old, 170-pound engineering senior. He should pass adequately as a twelve-year-old Chinese- American girl. He'd attempted to dress up as a twelve-year-old Chinese-American girl during many classless afternoons the past half-year. Although his initial attempts were utter failures, he got obsessed with the...

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Saras Adventures

Sara's Adventures! As usual, we all know this is a fictional story, with fictional people, and of course there might be some autobigraphical material as well,made up characters, and names of course.If this resembles anyone living or dead it's purely coincidental. I'm sitting here proof reading my Halloween story from this year, yeah I know it's late! But right now I've got other things on my mind, like how to get out of a predicament I'm in at the moment. See part 2 of this story,...

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Victorias Adventures

Victoria’s AdventuresFor those of you who read Reluctant Rebecca, this is the story of Victoria who was introduced in chapter 7. We are meeting Victoria, three years before Rebecca attends Sappho College (although Victoria has gone through a few physical feature changes). I didn’t plan to write another series, but it looks like this will be at least a couple of chapters. Hope you enjoy?and as always it is intended for readers over the age of eighteen. Please do not repost without the author’s...

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Sissys Corporate Adventures

                             Sissy's Corporate Adventures                                 by Lex Ludite                                Chapter14        Squatting at the feet of one of the older Japanese men was a half naked woman wearing a leather helmet that totally covered her head. She wore shiny black boots that came up to her thighs and a pair of black latex panties. Around her neck was a steel collar from which extended a length of chain that was hooked to a ring set into the table that...

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Taras Adventures

TARA'S ADVENTURES CHAPTER 6 TRAINING – PART2 The hot, humid air seemed to fill with a sickening sweet scent leaving abitter aftertaste in my mouth. My mind felt muddled as a strange tingle spreadover my bound and exposed body. The cage seemed to melt away leaving with thefeeling that I was floating freely in space. A dark abyss encircled me; theonly sound that of my shallow rapid breathing and pumping heart. A light mistlazily drifted down to envelope my heated body. My body cooled ever so...

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Mary Janes Adventures

Mary Jane and her hubby were having major financial issues after they both lost their jobs during Covid. Mary Jane's friend offered her a chance to be a weed delivery driver to make some cash. She would earn 20% of sales plus tips. All she had to do is deliver weed orders to people and try to upsell them while there. Her hubby was on board with this as they needed the cash. She met many of the "regulars" during her first 2 weeks of training and was now ready to go out on her own. The only...

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Gym Adventures

When Mike and Lynn arrive home from the Ritz, where her husband watched his wife fuck her businessman lover, they shower and immediately go to bed and fall fast asleep.The next morning Mike wakes up a little earlier than this usual time. Lynn is sleeping soundly on her side. He lowers the covers, baring her back to the swelling of her hips. There are slight bruises on her hips where Derek gripped her while taking her anally.He lightly strokes her back and kisses the nape of her neck.Lynn stirs,...

3 years ago
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Black Familys Nasty AdventuresChapter 2 Carols Animal Adventures

Once the two sluts had finished gulping down all the nasty dogjizz, Emily took hold of one of Carol's nipples and used it to roughly pull her over to the stable. She pulled hard on Carol's nipple, distorting her huge tit into cone while she twisted and pinched the nipple and Carol stumbled after her. The horny housewife felt her cunt juice from Emily's dominant behavior, and even more so when she saw the big horse in one of the stalls. Emily shoved Carol to her knees on the dirty wood...

1 year ago
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Literotica Masturbation

Awww, literotica is mobile-friendly now. Like watching Gone with The Wind in VR! Welcome to, the virtual home of a shitload of amateur erotic stories that are more than stories. The website has been an inspiration, for years, for a bunch of content writers and smut authors and made a name for itself despite a shit ton of hardcore adult websites. is a fucking classic!I don't buy that "I've never read a single erotic story" crap! I hate to...

Female Masturbation Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Erotic City Part 15

23 July 2014EROTIC CITY (Part 1)The cab pulled up outside the London hotel. I paid the driver and stepped out into the glorious afternoon sunshine. Michael had asked me to meet him here; it was a surprise weekend away for us both, a break from the norm and a treat for our wedding anniversary.I walked up the steps and in through the revolving glass doors. The first thing that struck me was the vast entrance hall, all marble floors and high ornate ceilings. This hotel was not cheap, that was...

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Literotica stories, search, and tags! If you’ve ever stroked the pole while reading dirty stories online, you’re probably already familiar with Literotica. The site has been around for 20 years now and gets well over 50 million views a month. It’s the king daddy motherload of written porno.The site has hundreds of thousands of stories, poems, and pictures, all submitted by Literotica users. This active and horny community has been key to the site’s longevity and popularity.Twenty Years of...

Sex Stories Sites
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Literotica Interracial Sex Stories

Do you want to masturbate to something different than the same old tube site pornography? If you want content that feels more intimate and will get you off in a different way, don't knock erotic fiction until you've tried it.What, you mean reading takes too much time and effort? You lazy mother fucker! You don't have a choice now: head over to and check out their insane library of interracial content.You will find all kinds of sexy fucking fiction to read here. Who...

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