Badge Bunnies I Have Known Episode One
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Passion In James County X
Badge of Dishonor
By D.C. Roi
Chapter sixteen
Luke Thomas walked into Tim Jackman’s office near the end of his shift. ‘Lou, can I talk to you about something?’ he asked.
‘Sure, Luke,’ Tim said. ‘Have a seat. What’s up?’
Luke held up a VCR tape he had in his hand. ‘I think, maybe, you better see what’s on this tape,’ he said. ‘Today, Jonas and I picked up a couple of slime balls – Bud Dickerson and Skunk Loomis – and took them to the lockup on warrants your division issued.’
Tim nodded. ‘I know, they’re the ones behind that series of burglaries, right?’ he said.
Luke nodded. ‘Yeah, that’s them,’ he replied. ‘Anyhow, you know we have those new TV systems in the cruisers, the ones that tape what’s going on in the car. Policy is that we have the camera on when we’ve got prisoners in the back, to protect us in case they claim we abused them. Bud’s a real chatterbox, and while Jonas and I were out of the car talking with the detectives, he was bragging to his pal about something I think you better hear.’
‘Give me the tape,’ Tim said. He took the tape from Luke, stood up, and put it in the combined TV/VCR in his office and turned the machine on. The TV screen lit up and the image of two unsavory-looking men in handcuffs in the back seat of a police car filled the screen.
‘Don’t worry about gettin’ busted, Skunk,’ Bud Dickerson told the man sitting next to him in the car. ‘We’ll be out on personal recognizance soon as we go to court.’
‘Yeah, Bud, but you told me we wasn’t gonna get busted, ‘his friend protested. ‘Jesus, Bud, you know I hate bein’ locked up! If I’d a had any brains I’d a stayed home. I shoulda known better than to let you talk me into bustin’ inta them places. My old man’s gonna kill me for gettin’ busted again.’
‘I told ya’, don’t worry,’ Bud said. ‘Look, tell you what. Soon as we get out tomorrow, how about I get you a little poontang.’
‘Who?’ Skunk replied. ‘I seen the chicks you go out with, Bud, I ain’t sure I’d touch one ‘a them.’
Bud grinned at his partner, exposing a mouth filled with rotting teeth. ‘Nah, this here’s prime ass,’ Bud said. ‘It’s the chick who lives down the road from me.’
‘Down the road from you?’ Skunk said, sounding surprised. ‘That married red-head with the dynamite body, is that who you’re talkin’ about? The one who lives in that new house?’
Grinning, Bud nodded. ‘That’s the one,’ he said.
‘Man, Bud, I seen her, she’s choice!’ Skunk exclaimed, looking at his friend with a little bit of awe. ‘How in the hell did you get in her pants?’
‘You ain’t gonna believe this,’ Bud said, puffing himself up a little, ‘the fuckin’ cops helped me.’
‘The cops?’ Skunk asked. ‘Come on! How did the cops help you?’
‘Well…’ Bud said, ‘I been watchin’ her house, you know, ’cause sometimes she comes out in a fuckin’ bikini to get some sun, you know? And I broke in once, too. The cops got no idea who did that, but I noticed the fuckin’ state patrol seemed to be comin’ back a lot. Same fuckin’ pig, you know? That one think’s he’s hot shit, Billingham. Anyhow, one day when he was there, I went over. Guess what he and the chick are doin’?’
‘You mean the chick is fuckin’ the cop?’ Skunk asked.
‘Like a fuckin’ bunny,’ Bud replied. ‘So, a little later, I paid her a visit.’
‘And she let you screw her, just like that?’ Skunk asked, his voice a little higher in pitch than it had been.
Bud shook his head. ‘Nah, it weren’t quite that easy,’ he said. ‘I hadda point out to her that unless she came across for me, her old man might find out what she was doin’ with the cop. After I told her that, she came across.’
‘No shit!’ Skunk exclaimed. ‘She any good?’
‘Best I ever had,’ Bud said, smirking. ‘I figger once we’re out of court tomorrow, you and me, we can go over and pay her a visit.’
‘Yeah!’ Skunk said. ‘Oh, yeah!’
Tim shut the TV/VCR off and shook his head. ‘Jesus!’ he exclaimed.
‘That comes pretty close to an admission of rape, doesn’t it?’ Luke asked.
‘It does,’ Tim said, ‘I think we have an admission on the burglaries, too. But I don’t think the prosecuting attorney will go with the rape charge unless we have a complaint from a victim. And I’m not sure that tape will be admissible, either.’
‘It might be,’ Luke said. ‘We tell prisoners they’re being taped when we put them in the car, and there are signs in the back, too.’
‘Tell you what,’ Tim said, ‘I’ll show this to the boss and see what he wants to do. Maybe, if we go and talk to this woman and tell her what Bud’s planning, she’ll cooperate.’ He smiled at Luke. ‘This is good work, Luke. If we actually do take these guys down, I’ll make sure you’re in on the bust, OK?’
‘Great!’ Luke said. He left Tim’s office, signed out and headed home. He was excited about the possibility of being able to put Bud Dickerson out of commission for a while, but he was upset, too. Learning that Rod Billingham was cheating on Lise disturbed him. He had been having lunch with Lise fairly regularly and had developed a bit of a crush on her. He didn’t want her to get hurt, but knowing what he knew now, he wasn’t sure how he’d be able to prevent it.
Luke arrived home a bit later than usual and found the house dark. He decided Lorrie must have gone to bed already. He hadn’t been in his apartment in two days, ever since he and his landlady had begun sleeping together. At first he considered joining Lorrie in bed, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Lise Billingham, and what he’d learned about what her husband was doing.
Instead of going directly to bed, he went down the hall to the bathroom to take a shower. As he stood in the shower, he thought about Lise. He liked her a lot. But was what he felt for her more than that? And what about the things he’d been doing with Lorrie?
As he stood under the stinging spray, thinking about Lise, he felt warm hand slide around his hip and grip his cock, and a warm body pressed against his.
‘Wha?’ Luke muttered and stiffened. He turned and saw Lorrie’s flushed face. ‘Oh, God, Lorrie! K…keep doing that, don’t stop!’ he stammered, as her hand massaged his cock to full erection.
‘I was hurt when you didn’t come right to bed,’ Lorraine murmured, letting her free hand roaming Luke’s soap-slick body while the other one pumped his now-hard cock. ‘Then I heard you going down the hall and the shower started. I thought you wouldn’t mind if I joined you. You don’t mind, do you?’
‘No, of course not!!’ Luke groaned. His legs were getting rubbery as her hand moved up and down on his swollen lance.
He looked at his landlady. Her lush body glistened with droplets of water and her nipples were already hard. While she stroked his cock, she rubbed them against his arm. The contact with her was making him feel incredibly good.
‘I’m glad you’re not angry,’ Lorraine purred. ‘I love taking a shower with you!’ Contact with Luke’s body, especially that wonderful cock of his, was getting her very turned on!
Luke was holding a soapy washcloth in his hand and began using it to caress his landlady’s wonderfully-formed body. It didn’t take long before she was gasping as loud as he was and trembling wildly.
‘Oh, Godddd, Luke!!!’ Lorraine moaned and squeezed his cock. ‘I’ve never been washed like th…thaaaat! God! It feels so wonderful!’ Luke’s hand, moving in insistent circles between her legs, had her about to explode!
Luke was pleased by this unexpected development, even though Lorrie had disturbed his thoughts of Lise. As she pressed against him, he felt her trembling and knew she was close to coming.
‘Le…let’s get out of the shower, dry off, and go to bed,’ Lorraine gasped, quivering. ‘You can’t imagine how bad I want you!’
‘I want you, too, Lorrie,’ Luke said. ‘Why don’t we do it here, in the shower?’
‘Can…can we do that?
‘ Lorraine asked. She was having a lot of difficulty thinking. Luke had her so turned on! She wanted his cock! She needed it inside her!
‘Turn around, bend over, and grab the faucets,’ Luke said.
Lorraine did what Luke suggested. As she clutched the faucets for support. She felt Luke moving behind her.
Luke, standing behind her, grabbed his cock, and slid the tip up and down through the soap-slick lips of her vagina.
A wild rush of delight swept through Lorraine. ‘In meeee!!! Pleeeeeze!!! Luke!!! I need you!!!’ she moaned. She pushed her lovely ass back at him. She couldn’t believe this was happening! They were going to make love in a way she hadn’t thought of! And it was wonderful! Now, if Luke would just put that big cock of his in her, where she needed it…
Luke heard Lorraine’s entreaty, but didn’t take her…not yet. Instead, he probed her vagina with his fingers while her body continued to buck and quiver. He poked one finger at the tight little opening above her vagina.
‘Ohhhhhh!!! Goddddd!!! Oh, Luke!!! That feels so good!!!’ Lorraine groaned. She pressed back at him and felt his soap-slippery finger begin to slide slowly into the snug opening that had never before been entered. She felt such delight she was barely able to comprehend what she was letting him do! She never dreamed having him play with her ass could feel this wonderful!
Luke couldn’t believe he was actually finger-fucking Lorrie’s ass! His cock got still harder. This was too much!
‘Luke!!! Oh, Goddddd, Luke!!! Do you have any idea how good that feels? It feels so good!!! So gooooooddddd!!!!’ Lorraine wailed as her body twisted and turned. The lovely woman was ecstatic.
As his finger slid into Lorrie’s bottom, Luke’s level of passion soared to the point where he could no longer hold back. With his finger still in her anus, he guided his cock to her pussy, then drove it into her until his thighs slapped against hers. Then he started driving against her, his cock plunging wildly, his finger matching the pace in her ass.
‘Luke!!!! Gggggggaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Nowwwwwwwwwww!!! Nowwwwwwwww!!! Ohhhhhhh!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Lorraine screamed and went wild. His dual invasion was giving her sensations more intensely pleasurable than she dreamed were possible. All rational thought was swept from her mind by the overwhelming ecstasy caused by Luke’s hard cock and probing finger.
‘Uhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Luke groaned as he sprayed Lorrie’s insides with powerful spurts of sticky cream. It was one of the most intense sexual experiences he ever had!
As their passion waned, the lovers sank to their knees on the floor of the shower, while warm water continued pelting them. They clung to each other until their strength returned.
‘God, Luke, that was incredible!’ Lorraine breathed when the young man’s cock softened, then slipped from her. When it did, he also took his finger from her bottom. ‘What on earth made you do that?’ She pushed herself erect.
‘I…I don’t know,’ Luke said, ‘You…you aren’t mad at me because I did, are you?’
Lorraine turned and kissed him passionately. ‘How could I be mad at you? God, do you have any idea how wonderful that felt? I…I’ve never felt anything like that!’
Luke felt his face reddening. He still had a hard time handling compliments about his love-making ability, although he did love hearing them. ‘Ah…I…I’m glad you liked it,’ he said.
‘I loved it!’ Lorraine exclaimed and kissed him again.
After they were again able to stand, they rinsed off, got out of the shower, and dried each other off.
‘Were you planning on doing anything tonight?’ Lorraine asked, smiling at Luke.
‘Yeah, I was,’ Luke smiled and started toward her. He pulled her into his arms and covered her lips with his. ‘How does that strike you?’ he asked Lorrie when the kiss ended.
Lorraine pressed against him, kissed him again, and her tongue forced its way into his mouth. Heat rushed through her as his naked body once more pressed against hers. Excitement blossomed in her as their tongues lashed.
‘It strikes me just fine,’ she said when the second kiss ended.
‘Come on,’ Luke said. He took her hand and led her out of the bathroom and down the hall to the bedroom.
Lorraine went with him, her legs rubbery. They got to the bedroom and Luke led her to the bed.
Luke sat down on the bed, then he pulled Lorraine onto his lap. Her firm, full bottom pressed against his swollen cock and she murmured with delight when he pulled her into another torrid kiss.
Lorraine felt Luke’s cock pressing against her bottom. She still believed what they were doing was wrong, but was unable to stop. She groaned, pressed more tightly against him, and speared her tongue as far down his throat as she could get it.
Luke’s hands began roaming over Lorrie’s hot, velvety skin, bringing gasps of delight from her. She caressed his face and slid her hands through his hair while her lips and tongue roamed his face.
Luke slid his hand onto the warm, smooth skin covering a breast. Lorraine groaned with delight and squirmed on his lap. That made his already-hard cock even harder. He bent and began kissing her nipples.
‘Ohhhhhh!!! Godddddd!!!!’ the gorgeous woman groaned as the young man sucked first one nipple, then the other. His hands massaged and squeezed her firm mounds, adding immeasurably to the passion she was experiencing.
Soon they were sprawled naked on the bed. Luke’s hands were roaming over Lorrie’s body, while hers roamed over his. She never wanted these delightful feelings to stop!
‘You like it when I do this, don’t you, Lorrie?’ Luke asked as he shoved two fingers into Lorrie’s well-lubricated pussy and began rubbing her clit with his thumb.
‘Yessssss!!! Yesssss!!! Oh, Luke!!! Yesssss!!!!’ Lorraine cried, her body writhing. ‘Please! I…I need you!!! Take meeeee!!!’
Luke managed to get behind her and slid his cock into her warm, snug opening as they lay on their sides. He’d never tried this position before, but he loved it because he could suck her breasts while he fucked her.
‘God!!! You make me feel so wonderful!!!’ Lorraine crooned as the young man’s cock began sliding steadily in and out of her. His lips were on her breast at the same time, making her crazy! ‘You…you…Oh, God, Luke!!!’ she groaned, barely able to speak because she was rapidly being overwhelmed by desire.
Luke was enjoying what he was doing to Lorrie, especially the effect he was having on her. She shook every time he slammed into her and all she seemed to be able to do was moan and gurgle with delight.
‘I can’t waitttttt!!!! Ohhhhh!!! Ohhhhh!!! Luke!!! I can’t waitttt!!!’ Lorraine cried. She stiffened, then began to tremble wildly. ‘Gaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! I…I…I’m commmminnnnngggg!!! Eeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! Eeeeahhhh!!! Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!’
Even though the lovely woman impaled on his cock was going wild, Luke didn’t come. Steadily, inexorably, he continued to slide his cock in and out of his landlady’s cum-slick pussy.
Lorraine was aware that Luke hadn’t come, and the realization scared her. ‘Luke, you…you didn’t come!’ she exclaimed after her peak passed and she’d calmed a little. ‘What…?’
‘Don’t worry, Lorrie,’ Luke said. He pulled out of her, rolled her onto her back, then slid atop her and jabbed his cock back into her.
Lorraine experienced another rush of delight as her body rose to meet his onslaught. ‘Yesss!!! Oh, God, yesss!!! Oh, Luke!!!! Don’t stop!!! Don’t ever stoppppp!!!’ she cried, her hands clasping his ass, pulling him against her. She hoped he’d never stop! Never!
Once he was able to look down into Lorrie’s passion-inflamed face, Luke rapidly plunged toward his own release. She was so beautiful, so needy, and her body was moving against his so wildly!
, I’m gonna come!!!’ he cried, feeling his insides begin to unleash, knowing his explosion was near. ‘Oh, God!!! Lorrie!!! I’m gonna commmmmmmmeeeeee!!!! Yyyyyeeeeeeahhhhhhhh!!!!!’ His insides uncoiled and he spewed gusher after gusher of hot, sticky cream into the woman’s clasping vagina.
‘Yesssssss!!! Oh, yesssssss, Luke!!! Take meeeeeeee!!! Take meeeeee!!!’ Lorraine cried, pulling at him, her body again trembling with ecstasy. ‘Eeeeeeeyaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! More!!! More!!! Oh, Goddddddddd, Luke!!! Oh, Goddddddddd!!!!!!’ Her body arched against his while her tight sleeve milked every bit of pleasure possible out of his cock.
‘Wow!’ Luke said breathlessly after their passion ebbed. He and Lorrie were wrapped in each other’s arms on the tangled bedcovers. ‘That was really intense!’
Lorraine kissed him. ‘You are so fantastic!’ she exclaimed. ‘I had no idea I could feel this good!’
‘I’m glad,’ Luke said, ‘I want to be good for you.’
‘Oh, God! Are you ever!’ Lorraine kissed him again. ‘Would you like some dinner?’ she asked.
‘Yeah, that would be nice,’ Luke said. He grinned. ‘Afterward, I think we better get to bed, though.’
Lorraine giggled. ‘Yes, I think that’s a wonderful idea,’ she said.
As a uniformed Law Enforcement Officer, I sincerely and honestly try to give the taxpayers a full day or night's work every shift. However, I must confess, that the little head occasionally overrides the big head and has its way. Usually, this occurs on very slow and boring nights when there is a fair maiden in dire need of some special attention. I will give you a few examples. DONNA LEEJust last week, an older Badge Bunny, Donna Lee, who recently broke up from a long-term romantic adventure,...
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Passion In James County X: Badge of Dishonor Chapter twenty-one Fifteen minutes after they got the phone call from Eileen Frenett, Tim and Heidi were in her motel room and she was telling them what happened. ‘It’s too bad you took a bath,’ Tim said after the sobbing woman finished talking. ‘I understand why you did it, but it probably destroyed a lot of evidence.’ ‘I…I’m sorry,’ Eileen sobbed. ‘I…I just had to get the feel of that…that man…I had to get it off me!’ ‘Tim understands,...
Passion In James County X: Badge of Dishonor Chapter twenty Lise was at her desk typing furiously on the computer keyboard, trying to get the report she was working on finished before she went home. She knew she was going to be late leaving the office, but Alex said he needed the report and she wanted to have it finished for him when he came in in the morning. Normally, she wouldn’t have worked late, but her kids were staying with her folks, so she didn’t have the pressure to get home she...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter eleven The fact that he’d gotten home late because he spent the evening fucking Wanda Dawes didn’t keep Rod from waking Lise and telling her he wanted something to eat. Lise got sat up in bed and wasn’t sure, but she thought she smelled a faint odor of perfume on her husband. It smelled like cheap perfume and she told herself it probably came from someone Rod had arrested. ‘I thought I told you to keep supper warm for me,’ he...
Passion In James County X: Badge of Dishonor Chapter fourteen Lise Billingham sat at her desk, opening the bag that held her lunch, when Luke Thomas, a young deputy she’d gone to high school with, walked into the office holding a coffee cup in his hand. ‘Hi, Lise,’ Luke said. ‘I heard you were working here now. How are you doing?’ ‘I’m fine,’ Lise replied. ‘I didn’t realize you were a deputy.’ ‘I’ve been one for two years,’ Luke said. ‘Ever since I got out of college. I usually work night...
Passion In James County X: Badge of Dishonor Chapter six Lise dropped her kids off at the county employees daycare center, then she headed for the sheriff’s office to begin her first day on the job. She was nervous, but she was looking forward to the challenge of working, too. She had worked as a secretary in a large law firm for a short time after she graduated from high school, but hadn’t worked since her marriage. Now she was going to be the personal secretary for the new sheriff, Alex...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter eight ‘I’ll take this asshole to the jail and lodge him,’ Trooper Martha Loomis told Rod. After a bit of a struggle during which they used pepper spray, she and Rod managed to get Ray Leone, the battering husband, in custody. ‘I’m going to charge him with domestic assault, resisting arrest, and two counts of assaulting an officer.’ ‘Sounds about right,’ Rod told his colleague. ‘I thought the bastard was gonna break my arm...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-three Rod Billingham, unaware that the police were looking for him, had spent the night driving all over Jamestown in his pickup truck, looking for Lise. He finally found her car at the diner. He checked, but he found no sign of her. He found a place in the parking lot behind the diner where he could park his truck without being seen. Then he sat there, watching Lise’s car, waiting for her to return. Rod always hated...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-five Sheriff’s Department Sergeant Joan Mills was just turning onto Millis Street when she heard what sounded like shots. She was on her way to make a swing past the little diner where other deputies had spotted Lise Billingham’s car, to see if Lise had returned to pick up her car. The shots caused a surge of adrenaline, which sent Joan’s heart rate sky-high. She grabbed her radio microphone. ‘Operations from James...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter nineteen When Tim Jackman got home from work he found his wife, Heidi working in the kitchen and their house filled with wonderful smells. He hung up his coat and put his gun away, then he walked into the kitchen. ‘How was your day, honey?’ Tim asked. Heidi shrugged. ‘The usual,’ she said, ‘How was yours?’ ‘Nothing too weird for a change,’ Tim said. ‘Alex and I put a couple of bad guys behind bars.’ He took a deep breath....
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter twelve Deputy Sheriff Luke Thomas arrived home in the morning after a very boring night shift. He had lived in a tiny two-room second floor apartment in the home of Lorraine and Marvin Keeler ever since he started working for the sheriff’s department. Luke was an orphan. His parents were killed in a car crash when he was nine, and he’d been raised by an elderly aunt and uncle, who had retired to Florida the year Luke finished...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-six Deputy Lee Williams, the sharpshooter on the Sheriff’s Department Special Operations Squad, was watching Rod through the scope of his sniper rifle. He saw the man in the truck put the pistol to his head. ‘I wonder,’ Lee thought as he centered the cross-hairs of his high-powered rifle on the biggest part of the target available to him. ‘The range isn’t too bad, maybe I can do this…’ He took up the slack on his rifle’s...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter three Alex Martin, a handsome, bulky man with light brown hair and clear blue eyes, woke up, looked out the bedroom window, and saw that it was just starting to get light. The rising sun was still just a brilliant golden-glow on the horizon. His wife, Jennifer, was lying next to him on her side, with her back to him. It was warm in their bedroom and she’d tossed the covers off during the night. He gazed at the graceful curve...
Passion In James County X: Badge of Dishonor Chapter twenty-seven ‘Luke, you did a good job this morning, as far as I’m concerned,’ Tim Jackman said after the young deputy explained what had happened that morning and, to some extent, the evening before. ‘You could have been hurt, but you weren’t, and neither was anyone else.’ After the E.R. doctors were finished with him, Luke had been moved upstairs and admitted to the hospital. The doctors assured him he’d only be staying overnight to make...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter one Lise Billingham finished her shower, dried herself off, and slipped on her bathrobe. She left the bathroom and walked to her bedroom, sat down in front of the dresser, picked up her comb, and began combing her hair. Lise, who was the mother of three children, didn’t look much different than she did when she graduated from high school. She was about five-eight and weighed just over a hundred and twenty-five pounds. Her...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter five ‘321 to Jamestown,’ Rod Billingham said into the microphone of his cruiser’s radio. ‘Jamestown, go ahead, 321,’ the dispatcher replied. ‘I’m 10-41,’ Rod said, using the radio code that indicated he was on duty. ‘I’ll be stopping to do a follow-up interview on a B & E investigation before I come in to the office this morning.’ ‘Copy, 321,’ the dispatcher said. ‘Do you have an ETA this location?’ ‘I should be there in...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter ten Lise had been working for the sheriff’s department for almost a month now, and she had really grown to love her job. Not only was she getting the hang of the job, she was making friends, too. She had just finished her work for the day and was about to stand up when her phone rang. She picked it up. ‘This is Lise,’ she said. ‘It’s your husband, on line two,’ the dispatcher told her. Lise punched one of the buttons on the...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty-nine Eileen Frenett and her friend Maude, unable to reach home in one night of driving, had checked into a motel. Eileen, exhausted, had taken a bath and was lying on one of the two beds in the room, waiting for her friend to finish her shower. She was still feeling frightened and unsettled and was unable to fall asleep until Maude was someplace she could see her. She needed someone who could give her a sense of...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter fifteen Lise laid in bed and felt her husband’s body pressing against hers, then his hand slid up her body and cupped one of her breasts through her nightgown. Tingling warmth began to fill her body. ‘At last!’ she thought, as desire began flooding her, ‘Rod’s finally going to make love to me!’ She was elated. After virtually ignoring her for several weeks, Rod was making love to her! Her nipple stiffened in response to her...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter thirty ‘Don’t screw this up,’ Rod’s lawyer told him while they were walking out of the courthouse after Rod’s arraignment the next day. He had made what he thought was an eloquent plea to get his client released on conditions, even though he believed the judge would set high bail. He was stunned when Judge Gephart bought his arguments and released the accused trooper on conditions, but then Judge Gephart had been getting pretty...
Passion In James County X: Badge of Dishonor Chapter twenty-eight When Tim Jackman finally got home from the office, his wife Heidi met him at the door and they shared a long, passionate kiss. ‘Is Eileen still here?’ Tim asked after the kiss ended. ‘No, she called a friend of hers,’ Heidi said. ‘She came and got Eileen and they left.’ ‘I’m glad to hear that,’ Tim said. He cupped his wife’s firm bottom in his hands and pulled her against him. Heidi felt her husband’s swollen member...
Passion In James County X: Badge of Dishonor Chapter seven Rod Billingham finished his paperwork at the state patrol office, then he headed out to do a few hours of traffic patrol, the primary focus of which was speed enforcement. Not long after he’d been assigned to the Jamestown office, he had found a spot on one of the state highways outside Jamestown that allowed him to clock speeders without being seen. He was guaranteed to write five or more speeding tickets in less than three hours. ...
Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter two When Lise awakened in the morning, she lay in bed next to her still-slumbering husband, planning what she’d wear to for her first day on her new job. She had been hired as personal secretary for newly-elected James County Sheriff Alex Martin. She was mentally reviewing the outfits hanging in her closet when she felt her husband move against her. His hand slid over her, cupping a breast through the silken material of her...
Passion In James County X: Badge of Dishonor Chapter thirteen ‘I don’t think there’s any reason for me to charge you with any motor vehicle violations, ma’am,’ Rod Billingham told the woman sitting in the passenger seat of his cruiser. Her name was Rhonda Whitman and she lived in one of the better sections of Jamestown, judging from the address on her driver’s license. Rod was investigating a minor car crash she had been involved in. She’d lost control of her car and run into a guardrail...
Hi. My name is Jen. I am 27 years old and have long brown hair. My eyes are hazel, my skin is tanned and I have perky C cup tits; my butt is really nice to look at too. I listen to Eminem, Marilyn Manson and Patsy Cline. I have a tough exterior, but once you get to know me I am warm and fuzzy inside. Cross me and you might as well never show your face around me again. I am very confidant in who I am and not afraid to show it. Now that's out of the way I can tell you my story. I consider this...
Straight SexHere we go again. Another sexual adventure with a very sexy mature, and very beautiful lady. Today she would be called a MILF.It had been a long and boring night driving a one-man patrol unit in a nice suburban area with a very low crime rate. It was during the week so most everyone was home and asleep by now. I had received the usual calls of barking dogs and loud music, all of which were quickly taken care of. I contacted those responsible and requested they quiet down. On slow nights, I...
UniformThis is story number three of my Badge Bunny episodes. Bethany enjoyed having sex with law enforcement officers. Several of her family members were law enforcement officers. I met Bethany on a call regarding a loud and unruly party of sixteen to twenty-five-year-old participants. This was in the early 1970s when parties such as this involved too much alcohol and a lot of noise. The location was a vacant home for sale. Fortunately, the home was not damaged and the participants agreed to...
UniformAfter the bar, Kira and I crashed in the barn at my aunt’s house. Years ago, my Uncle Tim fixed the barn up for me, he said a girl always needed a place to hide. I loved spending nights in the barn as a child. From the outside, you would think there were horses inside. When you step inside, the light colored pink walls with black trim kind of pop out at you, black and pink were always my favorite colors. The room was large, set up like a bedroom. I had a T.V., couch and a small bathroom. The...
Luke hated the idea of stealing another man’s wife, but he’d been in love with Lise ever since they were in school together. He’d never enjoyed love-making more than he had with Lise the previous night, but he was afraid they wouldn’t be able to develop a permanent relationship. On the other hand, she was the woman he’d always dreamed of being with. ‘I’d be a fool if I blew a chance to be with her,’ he mused. ‘She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. And I know I could make her happy if she’d let...
Mrs. Mays took me for a tour around their facility. I was introduced to several of the road deputies working that day. I met deputies, Hatch, Marshall and Ward, of course with Ward, there was no introduction needed. Ward was dispatched to a call and jokingly shook my hand saying it was nice to meet me. I giggled and told him bye. Hatch offered to finish my tour and Mrs. Mays told him that would be fine. Marshall was an older man about 60 and didn’t even register on my radar, Hatch on the other...
I stared into the sky as I lay next to Ward. He rubbed my leg gently and asked if I had enjoyed my evening. I looked at him then smiled and expressed that I was indeed pleased. We laid there for a while and talked about random things. I knew that Ward had a gun, of course he did, he was a cop. What I didn’t know, was he was a firearm enthusiast. He went on about his different guns, competitions, etc. and asked if I’d like to go shooting with him, I was never one for shooting, but I thought what...
I stood innocently looking as Hatch hopped in his car and left. Ward walked up to me and didn’t really seem concerned with my guest. He apologized for the intrusion and said he really needed to talk to me. I told him it wasn’t a problem and invited him into the barn. I sat next to him on the sofa and listened to him. He told me he came across the video today. I looked into my lap with shame, for some reason, I felt guilty in Wards eyes. He went on about how disgusted he was by what Dane had...
Hi. My name is Jen. I am 27 years old and have long brown hair. My eyes are hazel, my skin is tanned and I have perky C cup tits, my butt is really nice to look at too. I listen to Eminem, Marilyn Manson and Patsy Cline. I have a tough exterior, but once you get to know me I am warm and fuzzy inside. Cross me and you might as well never show your face around me again. I am very confidant in who I am and not afraid to show it. Now that’s out of the way I can tell you my story. I consider this...
I stood innocently looking as Hatch hopped in his car and left. Ward walked up to me and didn’t really seem concerned with my guest. He apologized for the intrusion and said he really needed to talk to me. I told him it wasn’t a problem and invited him into the barn. I sat next to him on the sofa and listened to him. He told me he came across the video today. I looked into my lap with shame; for some reason, I felt guilty in Wards eyes. He went on about how disgusted he was by what Dane had...
Straight SexMrs. Mays took me for a tour around their facility. I was introduced to several of the road deputies working that day. I met deputies, Hatch, Marshall and Ward; of course with Ward, there was no introduction needed. Ward was dispatched to a call and jokingly shook my hand saying it was nice to meet me. I giggled and told him bye. Hatch offered to finish my tour and Mrs. Mays told him that would be fine. Marshall was an older man about 60 and didn’t even register on my radar; Hatch on the other...
Straight SexI stared into the sky as I lay next to Ward. He rubbed my leg gently and asked if I had enjoyed my evening. I looked at him then smiled and expressed that I was indeed pleased. We laid there for a while and talked about random things. I knew that Ward had a gun; of course he did, he was a cop. What I didn’t know, was he was a firearm enthusiast. He went on about his different guns, competitions, etc. and asked if I’d like to go shooting with him; I was never one for shooting, but I thought...
Straight SexAfter the bar, Kira and I crashed in the barn at my aunt's house. Years ago, my Uncle Tim fixed the barn up for me; he said a girl always needed a place to hide. I loved spending nights in the barn as a child.From the outside, you would think there were horses inside. When you step inside, the light colored pink walls with black trim kind of pop out at you; black and pink were always my favorite colors. The room was large; set up like a bedroom. I had a T.V., couch and a small bathroom. The...
Straight SexIt was Wednesday. The day I always arrange to meet Badger at the allotment. Sometimes I help the old guy with a little bit of digging. “This is the time to do the autumn dig,” he says, “So that the frost can get into it and kill all those pests.” But today, after a good fall of snow, there would be no digging. “But you are still welcome to call, Alex,” he told me on the mobile phone. “I have a good steaming cuppa for you and all the comforts.” How could I resist. Badger’s allotment shed was...
It was Wednesday. The day I always arrange to meet Badger at the allotment. Sometimes I help the old guy with a little bit of digging. “This is the time to do the autumn dig,” he says, “So that the frost can get into it and kill all those pests.” But today, after a good fall of snow, there would be no digging. “But you are still welcome to call, Alex,” he told me on the mobile phone. “I have a good steaming cuppa for you and all the comforts.” How could I resist. Badger’s allotment shed was not...
Gay MaleGrowing up, I had a friend named Alex, we were inseperateable, and when we were 13 we had first started watching porn, and then found gay porn. We both knew it was very wrong, but we also knew it would be a long time before either of us ever got to fuck a girl, and figured that if we used eachother for sex, we could get a nut anytime we wanted. We began just 69ing eachother, then went onto anal stuff, I was the first to bottom, I thought it would be horrible, but it was fun, and felt good. When...
Snake, Part 6 ? by: Beverly Taff Jacqueline Bentley cruised slowly up and down the strip that comprised the main drag of her small town. She knew all the clubs and watering holes intimately, from the prestigious country and golf club right down to the most menial dockside bar. In her previous persona as Jack Bentley, she had frequented them all. That was as a man, now she was a woman. From the high vantage of Jack Bentley's 4X4 she studied each nightclub and squirmed sensuously...
I walked into Abby’s room, which is right across the hall from mine, and of course she’s not ready, all her shit is in a big pile on her bed with the suitcase open and empty on the floor, and she’s nowhere to be found. That’s when I hear water running and music playing right next door in our shared bathroom. I go over and knock on the door but don’t get an answer, probably because she has the music set to ear splitting. The door knob is unlocked so I decided to just go right in. I open the...
I really do love being on the boat. I love the isolation you can feel when shore is so close, yet so far away. It was getting to be too far away however, and I needed to go to shore. My Man still wanted to get a bite and the Honey Hole just wasn’t cutting it today, he was happy to find a better place to fish too. His rod came back into the boat and he started to pull the anchor up. The winch was acting up so he had to kick-it old school and bring it in by hand. A nice little show for me as I...
I have a secret. My secret is that I’m a teacher that has had sex with one of his students, a beautiful and intelligent blonde cheerleader named Tiffany. If Tiffany keeps this secret between us, then I wouldn’t worry about my job or my reputation, not to mention jail time, and I trust that Tiffany will. Unfortunately, I’m paranoid that a third person will find out about my secret … that is if a third person hasn’t already found out. You see, the door wasn’t closed when I...
TabooMirror Image By Cherysse St. Claire (c) 2004 Rachel Roberts was at the top of her game. At thirty-two, she had endured and survived the rigors of the feature circuit, made a pile of money through careful investments, and got out with her voluptuous body, sanity, and self-respect intact. Well, she hadn't got out completely. She still operated her web site, which would be a lucrative source of income for several years yet. Her fans still craved her, even...
Jackson, Jackson, Jackson! Since leaving the prison last week he was all Beth could think about. He dominated her waking thoughts, as she glided around the house in a dream world, frustrating her little daughter and annoying her husband at how distracted she was. Being taken forcibly in the Governor’s office had awakened something in Beth that she was struggling to control. Beth had made herself have sex with her husband on that very first night back. The very moment she had got home. It had...
When i turned 18 i got a fake ID and started going into the city on weekends to go bar hopping with my friends at our favorite bar i was approached by a young good looking black guy who offered to get me and my friends high but i thanked him and told him no thank you. He bought us a round of drinks when i turned to thank him he was walking out the door. I didnt see him for a couple weeks then just my one friend Suzy and i went to the city to visit our favorite bar. As we sat at the bar talking...
The burning wood in the fireplace crackled pouring light and warmth into the vast room. Walls floor to ceiling lined with books and shelves. The glow of the fire made everything in the room look like burnt sugar and honey casting about a calming sense of feeling. But on the contrary an infuriated man hurled a large thread bound text against the wooden wall in anger letting out an estranged growl in doing so. He let his gaze linger on the dent in the wall. He rubbed his palms over his face and...
My aunty and I live alone because her husband died in a car accident when I was 12. After that as my mom and dad suggested me to stay here with her for my studies and to do take care of her as she needs help of somebody. So I came to my aunt house. When I Joined in school I was 19 and my aunty was 42 when it all happened. We were very close and she always was treating me like a friend as her priority in her behavior with me and that made her to talk to me very openly, even about her sex life....
IncestNatalie Murphy was a rather reserved young woman. 21 years old, a shapely feminine jawline, plump lips, and sexy dark eyes, but given that she wore conservative clothing, little to no makeup, her hair in a ponytail, and had spent her high school and college years largely in the library, it meant that her social skills were a little lacking, and her romantic and sexual prospects even more so. They say that girls could have who they want, but she felt like she'd been dealt a bad hand, at least in...