Double Dare
- 4 years ago
- 65
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As the four us walked up to the fraternity house, we could all feel the eyes on us. Most likely because Ashley was wearing nothing but tape over her nipples, but we all looked hot. As we got inside Kaylee turned to us and said, ‘Ok girls I’m going to take a few shots and do a keg stand and get Tarzan over there to give me a ride to Professors Finstos office, see ya later!’
As soon as Kaylee walked away, Lauren and I both realized Ashley was already held up in a corner making out with Michael Graham while he played with her boobs. I rolled my eyes, ‘They really should think about getting a room.’ Lauren laughed, ‘No way is Michael taking her anywhere, he wants all his brothers to see what kind of girl he can pull!’
‘Lauren, Ashley isn’t even that kind of girl, she would have never worn that costume if you didn’t dare her… wait, did you know Michael was gonna want her wearing that?’
Lauren laughed, ‘Oh Taylor your ruining all the fun. Ashley is in for a really good night tonight… Come on lets go to the bar.’
Just as we were making our way past the beer pong table, My 7 inch stripper heels slipped on a rolling ping pong. I knew I was falling so I tried to grab onto anything I could. Before I knew it, I had taken down someone else with me, luckily we fell on a couch and instead of it looking like I was falling to my death, I manage to pull it off as if a guy had just grabbed me to sit on his lap.
My face blushed from embarrassment as I looked at who I was sitting on, ‘Oh my god I am so sorry!’ I gazed into the darkest blue eyes I had ever seen. He was tall maybe 6’3′. And he had perfectly tanned skin that went well with his light hair.
‘Don’t worry about it, we were bound to run into each other at some point tonight.’
I looked at our costumes and laughed, we were wearing matching nurse and doctor outfits.
‘Well thanks for breaking my fall doctor…?’
‘Thanks doctor Sean’
I turned to get up and made eye contact with Lauren across the room, she had the remote in her hand. ‘Oh shit’ I thought. I started feeling the vibrations in my panties and really tried to get off Sean but he grabbed my waste and held me on his lap.
‘Wait, I never got your name.’
‘Uhhhh TTTTaylor.’ The vibrations were getting stronger and I was having a hard time concentrating on anything other than my soaking wet cunt. But I realized I was still sitting on Sean’s lap. I figured he was clueless because he had yet to say anything.
‘Well Nurse Taylor you really should let Doctor Sean give you a check up after that fall. You still seem to be shaken up.’ My eyes shot open as he adjusted me to face him and straddle his leg and started gradually bouncing me to move my tits up and down and to have the vibrator dig deep into my pussy.’Besides I don’t think you should go anywhere just yet it might be a little hard to walk, and we don’t want you falling again.’ The vibrations were on high and I was stifling back moans. I closed my eyes and was practically grinding his leg to try and get some release while my fingers dug into his shoulder blades. I was about to cum when all of a sudden it stopped. I opened my eyes and realized Sean was now holding the remote. Lauren must have walked by and given it to him while I was in ecstasy. My face turned red.
‘Don’t be embarrassed Taylor, you gave me quite a show. Besides I’m the one who is going to have to walk through here with pussy stained scrubs and a hard-on. I’m not going to let you get off that easy.’ He had placed my hand on his cock, it was hard to tell with him wearing scrubs but it could have easily been 9 inches maybe 10.
He got up and told me to follow him. I was hesitant at first, but he was the one with the remote and I really didn’t want to get off in front of an entire fraternity. As I was following him I walked by a room and saw Ashley chatting to a few guys who were ogling her boobs. I wondered where Lauren had gone and if Kaylee had completed her dare yet.
We walked into one of the biggest bedrooms I had ever seen. It was old but not in a bad way. There was dark stained wood and brick lining the walls with a king sized four post bed in the middle of the room. There were book shelves lining every wall beside the 2 closets and bathroom. One wall was made completely out of windows and in the corner there was a spiral stair case leading to who knows where.
‘I didn’t realize you were a brother in this Fraternity. Do all of you have rooms like this?’ This house must have been bigger than I thought.
Sean was laughing, ‘No Taylor we don’t all have master bedrooms, I’m not just a brother. I’m the president.’ I was surprised. I was alone with the most powerful student on campus and I hadn’t even realized it. I became very self conscious and out of habit started biting my lip. Sean’s eyes grew with hunger. Taking my face in his hands he pressed his lips to mine and we started making out. Our tongues intertwined and he pulled away with my lip in his teeth, letting go he gently kissed my lower lip ‘Taylor do you know how bad I’ve wanted to bite that lip since you walked in this house tonight? You were biting it the entire time you were humping my leg. It was driving me crazy!’
My face flushed thinking of what happened just moments ago.’I don’t ever realize I’m biting my lip when I do. Guess it’s just a bad habit.’ We started kissing again, he was leading me backwards and I could feel the bed post behind my legs. I pulled our faces away before we could get on the bed. ‘Wait Sean,’
He interrupted me, ‘Don’t worry Taylor I get tested every month, and if you’re really afraid I have condoms. I know the reputation I have isn’t the best but believe me I really don’t do this all that often…’
I backed away from him and sat on the bed. ‘No Sean that isn’t it.’ I couldn’t keep eye contact with him so I just stared at the bear skin rug on his floor.
‘Oh god do you have a VD? because…’
‘Eww Sean shut up! I don’t have herpes. I’m a virgin.’ The words just flew out of my mouth. I usually don’t tell people I’m a virgin but this was getting heavy fast.
Sean was laughing hysterically at this point. Embarrassed and mad and on the brink of tears I got up to leave. When Sean realized I was half way to the door he ran and placed himself between me and my exit.
‘Sean let me leave. I’ve been through this before with guys. At this age no one wants to sleep with a virgin because of the ’emotional attachment’ involved and I get it. No need to drag this out any longer than it needs to be.’
‘No, that’s not it. I just can’t fucking believe it. There is no way I am letting you walk out these doors. I have been looking for you all my life. A fucking dime and a virgin too. This is too good.’
‘Sean I’m not some conquest you’re going to sleep with and then check off a list. I’m leaving.’
‘Taylor, babe, that’s not it at all. I’m not going to brag about this moment with my inbasul brothers. This is precious.’ His hand went to my cheek to wipe away a fallen tear, ‘You’re perfect. And besides I’m not going to sleep with you until you’re begging on all fours for me to take that virginity of yours, and that will probably take time, but I am a very patient man. God, Taylor do you know how hard I’m getting just thinking I’ll be the only man who’s had you. Every time I think of you it will be an immediate hard-on knowing that this…’ He cupped my sex. ‘Is all mine.’ He pulled out the remote from his pocket and turned the knob on. My wet panties started to vibrate again. ‘Taylor please stay.’ My knees started to buckle with the rise of a climax near and I knew I wouldn’t be able to walk out those doors even if I wanted to, but did I want to? I was tired of being a virgin and this hot man was going to give me what I’ve wanted for so long. I pressed my face into his and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his back and he carried me to the bed.
was on top of him making out, his hands had moved to the front of my nurse costume and he started to unzip it. A couple of inches and my breast popped out. Sean took one nipple into his mouth and started sucking and biting it. He had my other nipple between his finger and thumb pinching and pulling until both were hard. I could feel the pressure grow in my stomach. It felt amazing. I took off his shirt and made my way down to his pants. Before I knew it I was off the bed and on my knees with Sean’s 10 inch cock in my hand. I started to tease his tip with my tongue as I stroked his shaft. I started playing with his balls with my other hand as I kissed his cock. Finally I started taking him fully with my mouth. I watched his face for the surprise look when he figured out I could deep throat without gagging. He grabbed my hair and started fucking my face. I looked up at him happy that I could please him so well. I kept playing with his balls while he thrust into my mouth. I could tell he was about to cum. He pulled out his cock and I opened my mouth ready for him to shoot his load all over me, and he did. He covered my tits and face in his cum. I looked at him and smiled and I took my finger and wiped my boob and stuck it in my mouth. ‘Yum.’
‘Taylor you’re so fucking hot. How did you… I mean, that was just…’
‘Sean I said I was a virgin, not a prude.’
I licked every last once of cum that was on me and watched as Sean got hard again. But before we could do anything else his room flooded with flashing red and blue lights from outside.
‘Shit it’s the cops.’
‘Oh god, Sean I’m only 19.’
‘Come on,’ He grabbed my hand and started leading me out the door we came in. I just managed to zip my costume before we entered the zoo of people trying to evade getting an MIP. I looked around and spotted Lauren trying to drag a very drunk and disoriented Ashley out of a bedroom. As the President, Sean was going to have to deal with this mess and the cops. He was trying to wake the stoners to get the drugs out of the house as I slipped away to help Lauren.
‘Shit Taylor where have you been? Never mind, just help me with Ashley we need to get out of here.’ We both had one of Ashley’s arms over our shoulder as we made our exit out the back door.
As we were piling Ashley in the car and trying to get her to drink some water I realized we were missing someone. ‘Uhh Lauren where is Kaylee?’ But before Lauren could answer a very drunk and giggly Kaylee on the back of Tarzan whipping his butt to make him go faster yelled, ‘Here’s my stop monkey boy.’ He put her down and then begged again if they could ‘hangout back at his place’ but she refused and sent him on his way. Kaylee started getting in the car, ‘What happened to Ashley…’ Lauren and I didn’t have an answer so we all piled in the car that was parked in a very hidden spot in preparation for the cops busting the party. It is better to wait out the cops hiding then try and drive by them with the risk of getting pulled over. Lauren was sitting in the driver’s seat while I was sitting shotgun and Kaylee was in the middle seat of the back but on the edge so it was like we were all side by side so we could talk.
Kaylee looked at me and grabbed my hair, ‘Looks like someone had fun tonight!’ I looked at the piece she was holding in her hand and realized there was still cum on it, my face turned pink.
Lauren swatted at Kaylees hand, ‘Eww Kaylee don’t touch that. You better get that costume dry cleaned before returning it Tay.’
I wasn’t quite ready for the girls input on Sean. I had to leave him so fast before anything else could happen and I still wanted to figure things out for myself without the girls judging me. And besides, I could very possibly never see him again and I didn’t want to ruin the memory I had. So I shut the conversation about me down with a very curt ‘Don’t worry Laur, I will.’
They both got the picture fast so Lauren turned to Kaylee for different conversation, ‘Soooo did you do it?’
‘Oh. My. God. You guys are never going to believe what happened tonight!’
My eyes got big with horror, ‘Please tell me you did not fuck Professor Finsto!’ This is something Kaylee would very possibly do. Junior year of high school she had an affair with a teaching assistant. Unlike Professor Finsto, he was young and still in college. They would sneak around school and fuck as much as they could, in the bathroom, in a storage closet, in his classroom after school. It was intense. As soon as he started having more feelings for Kaylee than her preferred friends with benefits she dropped him. It made English class very awkward for the rest of the year. But Kaylee never seemed fazed by it.
Kaylee scrunched her face before going into her explanation for what happened tonight, ‘Ughh Taylor as if. Ok so after a few shots of tequila and a quick game of beer pong I had Tarzan drive me over to Finsto’s office. I told him what I was going to do and that I needed him to stand outside Finstos window and video tape it. I promised I would let him whip me later for incentive. That was why he was so needy. Anyways, as I left him to set up the shot I walked in the building to find Finsto’s office. His door was cracked and I could see him standing in front of his desk facing the windows. I was confused as to what he was doing so I just stood there before going in. I mean it was so weird. He was just standing there with his hands on his back. And then I heard him grunt.’
Lauren looked confused, ‘Wait grunt?’
‘Yeah you know, like a grunt or like a moan. Uhhhhh…’ We all laughed at her imitation. ‘Shut up and let me finish my story. Okay. So Finsto was grunting, and it was getting louder and louder and then he stopped. He dropped his hands from his back and looked down, then all of a sudden up popped Luca Harris wiping cum off his face and smiling.’
Lauren and I both were surprised and said at the same time, ‘NO!’ Luca Harris was the most annoying person on campus. He was leader of practically every club and he would let you know. He was the biggest teacher’s pet there was, always sitting front row in every class and I guess now a fag. But Professor Finsto? This was weird.
Kaylee continued, ‘So obviously I wasn’t about to burst into this in case something else was about to go down, or should I say someone else…’ We all laughed. ‘So I turned around and ran out to find Tarzan, I was prepared to kill him if he didn’t catch that all on tape.’
Lauren was excited, ‘Please tell me he did!’
Kaylee pulled a camera out of a bag and dangled it in front of us like candy. Lauren grabbed it and hit play. And sure enough there it was. The perfect shot of Luca Harris on his knees with Professor Finstos 4 inch cock in his mouth. After the video was over Lauren flipped the camera over and took out the SD card and placed it in her wallet. With a serious face she turned to Kaylee, ‘So you didn’t complete your dare?’
Shocked Kaylee started with her excuse, ‘Lauren come on, there was no way I was going to get a closeted fudge packer to whip me. You can’t be serious.’
There was still no smile on Laurens face, ‘Okay I will give you a second chance. Because you got this video I won’t send out your tape. But if you don’t go through with this next dare your ass will be blasted all over the college’s website before the sun comes up.’ Lauren was being literal, Kaylee’s video was of her having anal with Marquis Williams 12 inch cock. If Kaylee was going to have a sex tape, it was going to be a damn good sex tape.
‘Ok Lauren, what do you want me to do?’
Lauren didn’t answer, instead she turned on the car and started to drive. 15 minutes later we were outside a tattoo shop. ‘Lauren I’m not getting a tattoo, that’s part of the rules, nothing that permanent!’
‘Relax Kaylee, it’s not a tattoo. And stop being such a pussy.’ All three of us got out of the car and left Ashley asleep in the back. According to Lauren this wo
uld only take a couple of minutes so Ashley would be fine with the doors locked. We walked in and Lauren left Kaylee and I in the lobby with a flask and told Kaylee to start drinking.
Lauren walked to the back and started talking to an overweight 40 year old man who was covered from head to toe in tattoos. I was worried for Kaylee as I saw Lauren keep pointing at her and the creepy man smiling. It wasn’t long before they both walked back to us. The man looked at Kaylee and said, ‘So what are you getting pierced?’ Kaylee’s mouth dropped open from shock when Lauren turned to her and unzipped the zippers in front of her boobs, her perfect 34 D titts popped out with her nipples already hard from how cold it was in here. Lauren smiled and said, ‘That’s not all.’ She then proceeded to unzip the zipper that was covering Kaylees pussy. Of course Kaylee wasn’t wearing any underwear so her smooth freshly waxed vagina was out for anyone who wanted to see. Luckily it was late and it was only the four of us in the shop.
Kaylee was sitting in a chair with clamps over her nipples holding them in place while the tattoo man prepared his needle. I was holding her hand. ‘Lauren I don’t know if I can do this…’
‘Don’t worry Kaylee it will all be over in less than a minute. See, he is preparing everything now so there won’t be a wait between each piercing. He’ll do your tits first and then your clit.’
Kaylee took another swig from the flask. ‘Okay, just hurry up.’ She closed her eyes and the man started the procedure. I was surprised to see how fast it went. In less than a minute Kaylee had two bars going through her nipples. And then he did her clit and she didn’t even flinch. When it was over she opened her eyes, ‘That was it?’ Kaylee looked in the mirror and was surprisingly happy. She liked the way the piercings made her look a little edgier and she was excited to see how everything would feel during sex. She zipped back up and we all headed home.
As we climbed into bed I couldn’t help but think about Sean. Tonight I almost lost my virginity. I didn’t know if I was ever going to see him again. Would he even remember me or was he already laughing with all his friends about meeting a 19 year old virgin. Getting any sleep tonight was going to be out of the question.
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12345678910 Truth or Dare February 7, 2016 Nerdgasm Stories, Steamy Erotic 1 Comment TRUTH OR DARE Matt had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Andy, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex. They’d all gone round to Andy’s place for a drinking session, and after an hour or so and several levels of inebriation, the night had turned into a game of truth or dare. It had started out light enough, with normal boring questions...
12345678910Truth or DareFebruary 7, 2016 Nerdgasm Stories, Steamy Erotic 1 CommentTRUTH OR DAREMatt had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Andy, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex.They’d all gone round to Andy’s place for a drinking session, and after an hour or so and several levels of inebriation, the night had turned into a game of truth or dare. It had started out light enough, with normal boring questions and...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
The pressure was on as the young woman glanced at the people around her, trying to decide who was going to be next. Her choices came down to either one of the three young men who sat in front of her, or her blonde friend who sat next to her. Two of the men who sat before her were brunettes, while the other had short, raven hair. All three of them had athletic builds, although one of the brunettes seemed more muscular than the other two. She knew she wanted to pick one of them, but which one? ...
MILFTruth or dareI had been travelling alone for quite some time, so when I was in the south of France it came as nice surprise to find some people who were also venturing around the world on their lonesome. There was me, white athletic male. Dan, a skinny white lad with brown hair down to his shoulders from the states. Fran, a petite black girl with short jet black hair from Spain who spoke surprisingly good English for a Spaniard and Kim, an Australian blonde bombshell with bright blue eyes. We...
I invited him and we went to my room. We were kind of bored so we decided to play some sort of game. I could not think of anything and he could not either. Until I thought of a very good game that we never played called "truth or dare". I told him we should play that and he said okay. He was the first to go. Truth or dare he said. I picked dare. He then said, "I dare you to put your hand down your underwear for five seconds. I did because I usually masturbated on a daily basis. So...
I want to thank Zen Master for editing this story. His input had been extremely helpful “I’m tired of playing cards. Let’s do something else.” Stella complained. Stella Benson is my wife Pam’s best friend and she and her husband Greg get together with us every few weeks and play card games or sometimes Pictionary or some other board game. We’ve been doing this for the past eight or ten years, ever since they moved into our neighborhood. Pam and Stella were friends’ from way back when they...
Liam prepared a light dinner of salad and hot sandwiches and the couple lounged in the living room while they ate. After finishing, he cleaned up the dishes and changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt. "It's getting late, Gina; why don't you take my bed?" offered Liam. "Where will you sleep?" "I still fit on the sofa. It's not that bad." "Look, why don't I just go back over to my apartment? It's not like it's a long way away!" "I want you close by in case something happens...
Over the course of the next few days, my dalliance with Santiago had apparently become public knowledge among my teammates. They didn't know the full details, but after Kaitlyn and Roach had witnessed that embarrassing encounter with my mother, it was only a matter of time before the rumors started flying. And it seemed to be helping my popularity, too. My teammates wouldn't stop pestering me for all the dirty details. As the quiet kid on the team, it was a lot to take in. But I'd be lying if I...
Oral SexThe Thriller B's Triple Bitch Dare ( a sort of triple-dog dare ) Elizabeth Owen, Bette to her friends, had been the youngest of three Triple Dog Dare Daredevils at her high school. She was 15 years old when the trio started pulling dares and pranks. The other two, Beverley Evers and Barbara Lane, were a year or so older. Barb lived in the house just behind Bette's and Bev lived just a few blocks away. Ever since tenth grade, the three girls had become best buds and for years they giggled at...
Mark "Sandy" Sands didn't take his gay friend's heed too seriously when he warned that these house parties had a tendency to get out of control. Also when he said that he was "generally up for anything", he didn't seem to realise the full extent of what that meant to the people interested in him for more than his personality. Sandy couldn't say that Josh hadn't warned him! Taking an invitation to a gay house party; what on earth was he thinking?Josh's friends were not in Sandy's social circle....
Sighing I listened to the laughter coming from the living room where my 15 year old son Ted and his two best friends were sharing a joke or something similar. I sat at the kitchen counter and wished, not for the first time, that my husband would spend less time working and more time at home, not just so that I could feel less lonely and frustrated, but so that he could share our son's growing up. Another burst of laughter made me sigh again and a single tear trickled down my cheek, at that...
After a lengthy chat with a friend here on lush a week or so ago I found myself compelled to write yet another tale of sensual incestuous delights. Consider this one inspired by a guy I admire and the lady he courts.“You two know not to have any parties while we’re gone,” Cameron’s mother had told him and his little sister as she and their father got ready to leave for the weekend. They’d been looking forward to it for months and knew their 18 year old son could watch after the safety of Amie,...
IncestTruth or DARE!My annoying little si(s)ter I really do mean annoying and little. The fuckin' brat is about 5' 1” maybe 100 lbs soaking wet.I have seen her in a bathing suit in the back yard. For skinny little teen girl the brat has nice size tits and a great round ass. Every time I see her I wonder how a tiny girl like her grew such nice tits and a great ass.Mom and dad have to go to “the office” a lot in the evenings and weekends.I don't know where they go. If it's any indication of the way my...
Hey, darlings. This is your Harish back again. Thanks to all of you for your response to my previous story. Also special thanks to my horny girl fans who showered their love for all . A quick re-introduction about myself: I am Harish (name changed) from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Age 24. Fair complexion. I go to the gym regularly. So have a strong, firm & athletic body. Have a 7 inch brownish dick with a good width. I am 6 feet in height and 70 kg in weight. New readers, I request you to read the...
Hi friend this is my first story which I am going to elaborate to you this is an which took place with me 2 year ago.the incident is about me and my sister best friend it is a real incident and this is the incident which changed my look toward sex. The story is about me when I was 18 yrs and my sister friend who is 1 yrs smaller than me.Here name was sania she look beautiful.She was damn hot and sexy she had a good figure of 28-30-28 as I was young I had an attraction toward her beauty I wanted...
George and I knew that Wesley wanted to have sex with me it was somewhat my fault as well as George’s though. I mean I had given George a blow job on the couch while him and Wesley watched the game. Wesley watched more of me giving George a bj than anything though. That and the fact I was nude almost every time Wesley came over. For the most part I put on a gown or lingerie robe. I just remember how wet and twitchy my pussy got just knowing that wesley was watching George’s cock in my mouth and...
"Babe.""…""Babe," she tried again."…""Babe," Tori whined again from the side of the big red couch in her living room. Jade rolled her eyes. She and Jade had been officially going out for eight months going on nine, and they both couldn't be any happier."Yes?" she reluctantly asked without taking her eyes off of the gruesome movie on television, lightly chuckling as another dumb girl got murder with a spoon."I'm bored." "Okay. What do you want me to do about it?""Let's play Truth or Dare!" she...
"Well, that certainly was a unique experience!" said Bob. He and his friends, Kim, Heather, Sarah, and Jack had just witnessed from the vantagepoint of Bob's old treehouse some passionate lovemaking by his next door neighbors, the Smiths. The dim light of a lamp in the lower level of Bob's palatial hiding place in the leaves illuminated all their faces. Each glowed with perspiration from the experience of watching. They sat for a long time in silence each wondering if the sexual tension...
Truth or Dare Written BY: Amber2165 It all started innocently enough. I was a normal 14 year old playing a little basketball in the driveway one summer evening when April and Danny came up and asked if my sister Cathy was around. I told them that she was in the house and Danny went to talk to Cathy while April chatted with me in the driveway. April asked me if I was interested in a game of Truth or Dare at her house. I grinned and told her that game was stupid. She egged me on by...
HAVING JUST returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria's quaint one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth suddenly produced a hefty joint."Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana inquired."One of the guys at the party just gave it to me.""Really?""Yeah, I offered to give him a hand job for it but he ended up leaving the...
HAVING JUST returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria's quaint one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth suddenly produced a hefty joint."Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana inquired."One of the guys at the party just gave it to me.""Really?""Yeah, I offered to give him a hand job for it but he ended up leaving the...
The four of them met up at lunchtime in the Student Union cafeteria on the following Friday and, over their food, David said ‘Jennifer, I’ve got a dare for you.’ ‘Oh, yes. What?’ ‘Come down to the seafront with me tomorrow and play a game of mini-golf.’ ‘That doesn’t sound like much of a dare.’ ‘You’ve got to be wearing just a bikini.’ ‘That still doesn’t sound like much of a dare.’ ‘Ah, but I choose the bikini.’ ‘What, a g-string bikini, I suppose? That still doesn’t sound like much of...
"Luis, please go ask the next door neighbors if they have some duct tape!" "Yes mom," came the reply. 13 year old Luis Rodriguez crossed the yard of the new house he and his family were moving into towards the neighbors' house. The tall house with large windows was indimidating but Luis strolled up the driveway and rang the doorbell. Luis, a handsome young latino with brown hair and brown eyes, was stunned when a pale, blond haired and blue eyed beauty opened the door. "H-hi, I'm Luis the new...
GayIt started with Katie’s Official No-Underwear Dare and with the impossibility of keeping a secret, especially when it has to do with sex. We all go to a private high school, you understand. It’s really a very good school and at least it’s coed — I’d go crazy in an all-girl school — but that’s balanced out by the stupid uniforms we have to wear. I mean, we all groan about homework and everything, but I like most of my teachers (most of the...
It was one of my favorite games as a teenager. Truth or Dare seems to just tingle with incredible tension whenever I get to play it. I love the anticipation of when the game will turn naughty and what will happen. I love being "made" to do dares, things I would love to be able to do, but have always worried would make me appear a deviant. You see, I think I'm addicted to sex. I love to think about it, to see it in pictures and films, to imagine it, to read about it. It has taken hold on my...
The hot California sun hung in the sky so much brighter than the overcast northeast. It's perfect though. I can finally purchase a home and be free of the frustration of New York rent. Driving around from potential home to potential home with my long lost friend Alina made it even more familiar. She opened the white door of a large home after undoing the keypad. Gesturing me inside, she indicated to the curved stair case, the recent remodel, and the wood paneled floor."Now let me tell you,...
LesbianIt had finally arrived. The weekend that Katherine's parents were leaving town to visit her Aunt. Her parents had reiterated all of the house rules before they left for their time away -- homework was to be done before going to a friends house, no friends were to come over while they were gone, certainly no parties were to be had, and most importantly: no boys. Katherine had of course agreed to all of these terms before waving her parents off for the weekend. Even so, no sooner had her parents'...
TeenImage Source It had finally arrived. The weekend that Brie's parents were leaving town to visit her Aunt. Her parents had reiterated all of the house rules before they left for their time away -- homework was to be done before going to a friends house, no friends were to come over while they were gone, certainly no parties were to be had, and most importantly: no boys. Brie had of course agreed to all of these terms before waving her parents off for the weekend. Even so, no sooner had her...
TeenI was 16 years old. I'd been gay for about 3 years, always checking outother boy's penises in Boy Scouts. And now, I was finally in a tent withanother boy, and it looked like he would be willing to fool around with me.I had waited for this moment for so long. I'd seen so many naked boys inthe showers and tents and cabins, and jacked off to the memories of all ofthem. But I'd never reached the point of actually "fooling around" withanybody else. The closest I ever came was the occasional "do you...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been quite an exciting and lively weekend for forty year old Cybil and her nineteen year old son Matt. Of course, things were always so when Cybil’s sister Amanda came to visit. She had always been a bit of a ‘wild child’ ever since her teen years. In her adult hood she had learned to be a bit more in control, not getting into so much trouble, but was no less wild. The last few hours however, had been quite uneventful. It was as if the three had...
IncestThe whole thing was stupid, and I really wanted to be somewhere, anywhere else. But I had agreed to the sleepover at Mandy’s, and she hadn’t allowed me to go back on my word. Thus I was stuck with spending the evening with her, that stuck-up bitch Jen, a strange goth called Liz whom I didn’t know at all and had only gotten some glimpses of at school, and to round up things in the worst possible way, Naomi. Not that Naomi had an unpleasant personality, she was quite outgoing, bright and funny....