Donal’ Ch. 01 free porn video

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The sun had set and a steady drizzle now fell from the darkening skies. He had first sighted the boar a half-mile back down the glen but it had spooked at an untimely breaking of a twig as he had approached. Donal’ had cursed and carried on with his hunt, taking more care of where he placed his feet.

A sudden flash of lightning threw the jagged spikes of the Black Cuillins into stark relief off to his left, the sharp blade of rock of Am Bastair, the executioner, prominent amongst them. An omen? he thought. He cursed again, the weather was turning for the worse. He’d have to find shelter soon, he thought. Thunder rolled over him and the drizzle was turning to sleet as he continued to follow the boar’s spoor.

The boar had crested a small rise in the ground, forsaking the cover to either side. Donal’ slowed his stalk, wary now. He drew his short sword, the sword his father had left him, covered in oiled cloth and buried so that the English wouldn’t find it. The English invaders were harsh if they found an armed clansman, especially so if they came across one kilted in tartan as he was.

He crouched down, studying the ground to either side of the boar’s tracks. The rise was the moss and grass covered remains of a low wall. He peered through the sleet and cursed again. He hadn’t realized he had come so far down the glen. The ruins of a keep lay a hundred paces in front of him, the dark mass of Creagh Liath, the gray crag, behind.

Donal’ straightened from his crouch, there were unlikely to be brigands near by. The boar must just be stupid. He sniffed the air, cursing yet again. Snow would be coming soon and he had better find a place to stay dry and warm, hopefully get a fire started if he could find enough dry kindling. He unconsciously checked the pouch tied to his belt, the reassuring weight of the flint and steel inside.

He made his mind up, sheathed his sword and strode towards the ruins. He’d given up on the hunt, he would just have to eat cold tack or maybe make a broth.

The keep was not totally ruined, some rooms had remained untouched from the fire that had swept through the building one night. The Campbells, curse them all, had come on orders from the English. They’d been given shelter and fare, as was custom and right, but had risen in the small hours to slaughter every man, woman and child in the castle, most while they slept. A fire had been started and when those who had not been murdered in their sleep tried to escape the flames the Campbells struck them down.

The castle was never entered again after the dead were buried by their kinsmen. It was said to be haunted by the ghosts of the slain.

Donal’ crossed himself, muttered a prayer under his breath, and entered the Main Hall. It was half roofed as the oak supporting beams had resisted the fire. A large hearth dominated the far end and the floor was littered with leaves and debris, even some broken branches for a fire. The room wasn’t suitable for Donal’s purpose so he moved towards an arched doorway beside the Great Hearth that led through to what appeared to be private chambers.

It was too dark to see so he retraced his steps scouring the floor for a likely branch. He soon found an arm’s length piece of wood and some dry cloth under a pile of wind blown leaves. Donal’ wrapped the material round the end of his makeshift torch and struck a spark from his flint and steel, using a piece of frayed cloth he kept in his pouch as tinder. His mood brightened as the torch guttered into life and he returned to the doorway.

The room beyond was small, cosy one might say, a small hearth set into the wall to his right and a stone, spiral staircase leading to rooms above. An animal had made its lair here, but had abandoned it some time ago. He gathered wood and kindling from the detritus on the floor and soon had a roaring fire going. Setting his torch in a wall bracket he set his bedroll and kit down and warmed his hands before the dancing flames. He set off in search of more fuel for the fire and water for his small copper kettle.

Firewood was stacked against the wall, his kettle was bubbling with a weak mixture of roots, herbs and even some barley he had found. He was warm and dry, life couldn’t get much better than this, he thought. Time for a bit of an explore.

Donal’ retrieved his torch from the wall and relit it from the fire, it had gone out some time before. He thrust the torch in front of him to light the stairs that wound round and up to his right, a defence from attackers climbing the stairs, left-handed clansmen were few and far between. The stairs hadn’t been used in a long time but looked to be in good condition. He could hear the wind whistling softly through unshuttered windows above as he climbed.

The room he entered was similar to the one below except for a window slit set in the outer wall. There was a hearth here too and the spiral stairs continued up to the next floor, nothing of note left behind. As Donal’ looked around he noticed from the corner of his eye that the stairs were lighter than they should be, as if a dim light was in the room above. He quietly placed the burning brand in a wall bracket and tiptoed towards the stairs, turning his back to his torch to acclimatise his eyes to the dimmer light.

Don’t be daft, Donal’, he thought. He’d been making a fair noise for the last hour with his preparations for the night. No one was about. He still crept warily up the stairs though, his hand poised over the hilt of his sword. His sight adjusted to the gloom as he entered the chamber but his eyes widened in shock as he saw where the light was coming from. He closed his eyes tight shut, opened them again. She was still there, a translucent, silvery-white figure dressed in a long shift, combing her long, fine,silver hair.

Donal’ stayed rooted to the spot afraid to move from fear of disturbing her. She hadn’t noticed him, seeming to be preoccupied with the ministrations to her hair. He realised he was seeing a vision, a ghost or some such, but what harm could she do him?

She finished with her hair, the comb seeming to disappear or be absorbed into her substance. Her hands came up to the front of her shift to undo the ties holding it closed over her breasts. She shrugged the garment off from her shoulders to let it fall at her feet in a silvery pool, which dimmed and vanished.

Donal’ could feel his cock harden as he watched. He’d seen some bonnie lasses in his time in various stages dress or undress, even rolled with a few, but this fair Lady was startling in her beauty. Unlike the wenches he was used to bedding, she was slim and long of leg. He lifted his kilt to wrap his hand around his cock, stroked his hardness as he watched the tableau before him unfold.

She cupped her small breasts in her hands, squeezed and played with them, her head arching back in rapture. A hand snaked down her body to cover her sex, to stroke the wee bud that brought women pleasure. Donal’ stroked harder as he watched the Lady kneel on the floor and spread her legs to rub the bud there. She held her small breast tightly as she inserted her middle finger inside her. Her finger plunged in and out as she bucked her hips. She appeared to be enjoying this as much as Donal’ was. He saw her hips shudder as she threw her head back and he felt his cock tighten.

He came with a rush and a grunt. The figure flowed towards him, dipping her head into the spurt of his cum, combing her fingers through her silvery hair as he continued to come, washing her hair as she would under a mountain stream.

Donal’s hand slowed on his cock, her head came up to accept the last drop that oozed out. A chill touched him, his cock softened quickly and he let his kilt drop back down.

She looked up to him from where she knelt, seeming to have more substance than before, a sigh escaped her lips. ‘Thank you,’ she said, her voice a rustle of leaves in the wind. She rose to her feet, her shift appearing to clothe he
r again. She wandered around the room and touched once present furniture, watching him from the corner of her eyes.

Donal’ watched her warily in return, not knowing what to do or say.

She returned to stand in front of him, an imposing figure, her silvery eyes on a level with his, studying him. ‘That was as much of a surprise to me as it was to you,’ she said. ‘There was a desire, a…need I had.’ Her head cocked to one side. ‘Ye’r no afeared,’ she stated rather than asked.

Donal’ thought for a moment before answering. He chose his words carefully, unwilling to upset the presence in front of him. ‘No, M’Lady, not afeared. A bit wary perhaps. If ye had wanted to harm me I reckon ye would ha’ done so by now.’

She regarded him for a few seconds and seemed to come to a decision. Her posture relaxed. ‘What is your name, bonnie lad?’

‘Donal’ MacDonald.’

‘Ah. You’re faither was a wit.’

Donal’ frowned. ‘He wasn’t renowned for such.’

The soft sounds of a tinkling of tiny bells came to him. She was laughing. ‘I was pulling yer leg, Donal’ MacDonald!’

He looked sideways at her, a grave look on his face. ‘Ye’d have a hard time doin’ that, M’Lady.’ His eyes were sparkling, giving lie to his seriousness.

Again came the sound of tiny bells. Her silver eyes, unblinking, peered at him. ‘Clean shaven, too.’

A cold breeze seemed to touch his cheek as her ethereal hand touched his skin.

‘Aye. The lasses seem to appreciate it. Better than kissing a badger’s behind I’ve been told.’ He laughed at the memory.

‘A fair compliment, indeed.’

Donal’ looked around the room. ‘Was this your room before…?’

The Lady’s eyes suddenly changed from silver to black and a look of fury hardened her features. Just as quickly she relaxed, her eyes returned to their silver colour and her face softened. ‘Aye. This was my bed chamber,’ she said looking around the bare room.

Donal’ looked embarrassed, his eyes dropped to look at the floor. ‘Are you confined to this room? I’ve heard stories.’

‘No. I’m bound to the castle. It gets… uncomfortable for me if I venture too far beyond the outer wall.’ She cocked her head at him again, noticed his embarrassment. ‘Is there something bothering ye, Donal’?’

He lowered his gaze to the floor, unwilling tomeet her eyes. ‘It’s just that I’ve got some broth cooking downstairs, and I’ve no’ eaten since breakfast.’

Her laughter was infectious when it came and he grinned roguishly back at her. ‘Oh, Donal’! What a terrible host I am! Nothing changes. Men and their stomachs! Lead on, Donal’. I’ll no have ye wasting away on my account.’

Donal’ turned back to the stairs and made his way back to his fire, picking up the torch as he passed. He called back to the figure descending the stairs behind him, ‘Was that a terrible ghost ye said?’ Laughter followed him down.

Donal’ had laid his bedroll out beside the hearth. He sat cross-legged upon it as he supped his weak broth from a wooden bowl. The fire had settled down and gave a reddish tint to the walls. His companion sat similarly across from him, content to watch the flames. He studied her as he sipped. The red light from the fire didn’t seem to affect her appearance: silvery-white lit from within. Her breast did not rise and fall with any breath real or imagined. Her face was more than fair, he would have certainly chanced a second glance when she was alive. He shifted his position slightly to ease the numbness growing in his behind.

She noticed his movement and cocked an eyebrow at him.

‘I was wondering, M’lady… what ye are named?’

‘Mhari. Mhari Anne Montrose MacGregor, daughter to Challum MacGregor and heir to this pile of rocks you are sitting in.’ Her mood had darkened along with her expression, the last being said with anger. ‘Forgive me.’ Her mood softened. ‘It was none of your doing.’ Mhari appeared to take a deep breath. ‘I was one of the first to be murdered that night. Murdered in my sleep. When I… awoke, it was some time after, a few days maybe. The castle was much as you see it now. Not overgrown, but burned and empty. I’ve walked these rooms for twelve years.’

‘Aye. I was a lad of about ten at the time. By the time the alarm was raised the cowards had fled back to the mainland to claim their bounty from the English, it’s said.’

She regarded him quietly for a moment before speaking. ‘You are the first mortal to pass the outer wall. It was a shock to me. I’ve… felt others pass by but none ventured close.’ She peered more intently at him. ‘Why you, Donal? Why did you cross when others didn’t?’

Donal’ thought on her words before answering. ‘Why not? The weather was changing. I needed shelter.’

‘Though for ten years others skirted the wall during the day?’

Donal’ shrugged, sipped more of his broth.

‘There’s more to this, methinks. No matter, I’ll think upon it.’

Donal’ finished his broth and knelt before the fire to place more wood on it to last the night. He glanced at Mhari as he caught sight of a movement from the corner of his eye. She was untying her shift again, a coy look on her face.

‘Donal’? Now that you’ve filled your belly… I find that I have a hunger too.’ She shrugged her shift from her shoulders and breasts, cupped them for him to see. Mhari looked across at Donal’ her eyes wide with lust. ‘I need this Donal’.’

His cock hardened again as he watched her. Donal’ got to his feet and lifted his kilt. Mhari’s eyes stared longingly at his cock as he stroked it for her. Her shift had vanished without him noticing, drawn into her substance. Mhari knelt on the floor before him and spread her legs, cupped her sex with a hand.

Mhari held her breasts and kneaded them, watched Donal’s eyes follow her movements. She sucked two fingers, stroked her pussy and saw Donal’ intent on following their progress. Her fingers entered her easily and she remembered pleasuring herself when she was alive. Her fingers slipped in and out of her as she stroked her clit with her other hand.

She felt no pleasure from her actions, more an anticipation of Donal’ coming on her. The fire of his seed entering her substance brought a thrill to her. She concentrated her attention on the tip of his cock, her eyes widening as she saw the first signs of his precum. She reached out to touch it, impatient in her desperation.

Donal felt the cold of her touch, her indrawn breath, and stroked harder. Mhari shuddered at the contact. It was as intense as a mortal orgasm.

She leaned in closer to his cock, avid to see him come. She watched intently as his hand slowed and tightened around his shaft, as the first spurt of his come shot out to be absorbed in her hair. Her eyes closed and she felt his come land on her cheek, her lips. She shivered again as she licked her lips, drawing his hot life into her.

‘Thank you Donal’. I feel stronger, more alive.’ A wry expression crossed her face. ‘I am… changing.’ She reached a hand out to touch his cheek. He felt a cool breeze move down his jaw to his chin and a tingling down his spine. Her voice was stronger.

Mhari blurred as he watched her, sprang back in to focus clothed in a blouse, bodice, skirt and slippers. She held her arms up to inspect them, seemed pleased with herself. ‘It’s good to be wearing something different for a change,’ she said, brushing an imaginary crease from her skirt. She looked to Donal’ for approval.

‘It’s more… fitting, for a Lady. We can’t have ye wandering around the castle in just a nightdress.’

‘I sense irony in your tone, Donal’,’ she said with a slight smile. Mhari shimmered again, came back in to focus in just her skirt, an innocent look on her face.

‘Ye’r not expecting me to perform fer ye again surely?’

‘Just practicing! Do you not like me like this Donal’?’

‘Aye, Mhari, I could get used to it,’ he said with a sparkle in his eye.

‘Used to it!
‘ Mhari blurred and was again fully clothed. ‘I think not!’ Mhari looked down to her hands clasped in her lap. ‘Donal’,’ she started. ‘I’m scared.’ Her silvery eyes looked up to his.

Donal’ shifted his seat on the bedroll, giving him more time to think before answering. ‘Mhari, it seems to me that ye have no reason to be scared. Maybe this is… natural, for one in your situation. What will be, will be.’ His gaze dropped to his own hands. ‘I’d cuddle ye if I could, Mhari.’ He looked back up at her.

Mhari saw that he was serious, answered, ‘Thank ye Donal’. Maybe if I lie down beside ye, just being close to ye might help.’

Donal’ made himself comfortable on the bedroll, lying on his side so he could see her. Mhari joined Donal’, lay facing him but not touching him. He yawned, covered his mouth with his hand.

‘Close yer eyes, Donal’ MacDonald. I’ll look out for ye.’

Donal’ did as she asked, weariness taking its toll at last.

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The TV Show 8 Simple Rules and its characters don’t belong to me. I receive no monetary compensation for the writing or posting of this story. All characters appearing in the story are eighteen years old. After Bridget and Kyle broke up, Kerry went out with Kyle. While Bridget was mad at her younger sister Kerry, it was Kyle that was made out to be the scapegoat. It all started when The Horror Train pulled out on the rails behind one of the Detroit suburb Hardees. Bridget, the pretty long...

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Tyssas Closest Friends

I woke up later than morning and Tyssa was already up and in the kitchen. I climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen. She was busy preparing coffee, so I walked up behind her and I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. I kissed the back of her neck and said “Good morning.” “Good morning, would you like a cup of coffee?” she asked. “I sure would and is it ok if I make myself at home?” I replied back. She looked over her shoulder and said, “It would make me happy if you...

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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 22 Confrontation

Eight people were in the van as it pulled up in front of Amanda Tyler’s apartment building. Those in attendance were Joan Coswell, Dale Harnett, Alice and Dave Prentiss, Derek and Emily Wilson, Clive Henderson, Esquire – Joan’s divorce attorney, and Sgt. Jeffery Wallace of the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Department. The latter was officially the process server of the divorce papers on Brian Coswell, Joan’s soon to be ex-husband. He was also there to ensure that no fights or worse broke out...

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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Three Daisy Begins Her New Life as a Sissy

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Three Daisy Begins Her New Life as a Sissy Maid She took and held three enema bags before I allowed her to get out of the tub and she was emotionally, sexually, mentally, and physically broken. Not permanently, that takes years to accomplish, but she had given up and began the process of accepting that she was powerless and too weak to resist me. To keep her in the right frame of mind, I grabbed her by her hair and walked her...

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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 39 Texas III

Dave and Ashley stood naked in the dimly lit living room. He’d just removed the last of her clothing. They’d started sharing kisses over dinner, just the way some of the others in the private dining room had. To not embarrass the hotel staff, everyone had kept things pretty tame. Dave was pleased to see Ginger and Robby making out in the elevator back up to their several suites of rooms. What he hadn’t expected was what he saw across the room as the two of them hugged. Robby had removed...

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A young submissive female meets her new Master

The little one stands before Him for the first time. As instructed she stands in the middle of the hotel room and keeps the eye contact her Master demands. She waits, lost in her thoughts with the tension of the moment making her entire being scream inside. Master’s instructions for dress were specific and the girl made sure she did as ordered. She is wearing a white button down blouse, dress jeans, a red bra and panties. The outfit extenuates her shapely curves and perfect B cup breast....

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Homely Mom In The Park

Hi guys, I am Kumar from Hyderabad and any aunt or girl how like to have fun can mail me at And also share your comments only real people and fakers stay away I am 21 years with a good physique, coming to my mom sneha, she is a sex bomb, most of the men in my locality stare at her ass like hungry dogs, she loves to be in modern outfits, she generally wears leggings and trendy tops, coming to her body she is 34-28-36,both my parents are in corporate field, I never had any bad intensions on my...

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Just getting a new job and trying to impress the boss, is my very most priority in life. I make sure that I'm dressed well each day: a business suit (blazer, shirt, tight skirt, panties and bra to match), pantyhose and heels. My hair groomed nicely and my makeup just so. I choose a nice light fragrant perfume, just a little something to make the boss turn his head.My desk, just outside his office, is neat and organized. I make coffee each morning and always make sure there is some kind of...

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Satisfied The Wish Of My Reader

Hello there, this is your favorite writer back again. Harsh and in this sex story, I will tell you guys how I did make love to one of my sex story readers, I met recently. This type of this sex story is new to me so I have tried my level best to bring it to guys. So I would suggest you read this sex story separately because you guys will surely get a goose bump after completing this sex story. As most of you know, my Stories are a mix of self-imagination and based on stories sent by your...

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Housewife Gangbanged By Husband8217s Relatives

Introduction: This is a fiction story. Here one couple they loved and married without knowing their parents. Their life goes happily. But one day their life change by one incident. That wife was gang bang by his husband’s relative when his husband not in home. Let us see in the story. Characters of the story: One old age person and other five youngsters.And one young newly married women. Name of the characters in the story Rajesh Geetha heroine of the...

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At The Company Seminar

Hello horny people out there.. This is Arjun here with my first story how i hooked up with an office staff when we met for a 3 day seminar in bangalore…. I am Arjun a merchant navy officer hailing from Kerala…..I was on vacation after my contract when i received a call from office informing me to attend a seminar for fleet officers held in bangalore…. I agreed to attend attend the seminar as all the expenses will be beared by the company…. So finally i flew to bangalore and we checked in to the...

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Carl Carla and Hannah Epilogue

It’s now been nearly a year since Hannah and I got married, and my goodness, what a year it’s been! As soon as we reached the Bahamas on our honeymoon, Hannah and I (as Carla, naturally) had an absolute wonderful time. The days were full of warm sunshine, and the nights were full of… well, I think you can guess! When we got back, my plan to live full-time as Carla started well. After a couple of months, my request to work from home was granted, and two weeks after that I was living 24/7 as the...

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A Bar Night

"I'm not sure," I shrugged, "It sounds cool and everything but..." "Not scared are you?!" "No!" "Then come on then! Come ooon!" Jenny whined, grabbing my arm, "I hate going there alone, it sucks. I can't go with that twat of a boyfriend anymore 'cos he's not my boyfriend anymore since he met that fucking cunt he's now banging." "So you're dragging me there so you don't look like a sad recently-dumped singelton," I grinned. "You motherfucker,"...

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DoorToDoor SalesmanChapter 8

For a long moment, there was complete silence. Doug made the first move. "Betty, honey..." he began tentatively, his voice soft and hesitant. The gentleness of his tone was too much for Betty; she dissolved into tears, her shoulders shaking, her face covered with her hands. In a moment, Doug was beside her, cradling her in his arms. "There, there, don't cry, baby... it's all right now," he soothed, pulling her to him. Somehow, the knowledge of her infidelity didn't matter quite so...

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10th GradeChapter 24

Hans drove me over to Holton the next morning. Mrs. Parsons came downstairs to sit with me at breakfast, and to see me safely off. She looked more natural than she had the night before, but still very tired and wan. I told her that I needed her to try to eat better and to regain her strength. She said that she had already checked with the school and cleared it with the administration for me to be picked up Friday after five P.M. It was school policy to try to be responsive to the wishes of...

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Fighting temptation

Fighting temptation is the single most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my life. My name is Jessie and for a while there was a time where temptation got the better of me. I first met Annie when she started working at the pizza place I was working at. She was the most beautiful woman I could have ever imagined. She had mid shoulder length sandy blond hair that was shining in the florescent lights of the store. I have always had a hair fetish but its not like most people would think. I...

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she loved it

at the end of the night most ppl had left or went to a room to sleep as i sat smoking a joint alice came in asking if i enjoyed her and jims party great i said only down is my girlfriend was so drunk she was out cold and alice said jim was the same but am horny i said as drink gets me like that me to alice said i had been looking at her all night as she had on a flimsy short dress that kept opening up to show her small tits and dark pussy she had a few joints with me as we chatted and we got...

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My Buddy My Lover Chap 7 Sandy

The couple years she had with Oliver, the owner of the company, was exciting and memorable. She had thought that he was THE ONE for a while. But, eventually, like most couples, they grew apart. They remained friends, and, amazingly enough, it has not affected their professional relationship. Sandy enjoyed the little pleasures in life: weekend breakfasts with Barb and Jess, watching her tomatoes and beans grow in her little balcony garden, visiting Mum and Dad in the desert and her...

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Learning How to Talk and Act Dirty On Board Episode 2

“And I suppose you will be watching us too, huh?” she chimed in. “Of course. Your Daddy loves to shoot his load and you will be learning how and where to catch my hot cum as it splashes in and all over your naked body! Let’s start off with a couple of tame shots, and see if he is eager for something even more naughty.” “Okay. So you want me to put back on my clothes?” Amy asked. “How about a pair of shorts . . . like regular shorts . . . not panties and a button-down top? Guys love to be...

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Fucking my sister

I am 22 years old and my cousin who i did it with is 21.This story is a real story and happened in the 1st week of march.My cousin who is fair , hot and with perfect tits had come over to my house to stay coz her parents were not in town.We stayed in the same room and shared the same bed.We were watching a movie which had a lot of sex scenes and i was not feeling ok so i switched off the TV. She immediately slept off and i acted like i slept off. an hour later i turned towards her and saw...

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evil thing

its monday morning.ur sisters and jeff r all gone to vegas..u start waking up with ur shake...talking to me at on my phone ,wich is weird acording to u.what u dont know that i didnt realy tell u the whole truth.coz i wasnt working at all when we fact....i was allready pretty close to u.while we talk at aim....u keep doing ur things in the bathroom.....singing.......brushing ur teeth..doin ur hair and make up after ur shower...ill tell u uve got a...

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Five Friends 8211 Truth Or Dare Game

Hi this is john again with a college true story . This is actually a continuation of my previous story. you can write your feedback to me at Let me introduce myself, John 5″7′ high, fair looks average body and a dick size of 7′ thick. It was my college days we ,means my friend bevin and we took house outside the hostel. We were like cool and every girl wanted us. Bevin is 5″8′ high and very strong and fair look. The day was a local festival we decided to have a red label to get booze. But the...

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Object of Desire

This was also written as a tag-team effort, with a remarkable woman named Trixie:   He:   I stepped out from the elevator into the hotel lobby.   I had no idea why I was even there, except that I knew that if I didn't do it, I would regret it the rest of my life.   It all started out so innocently.   I had read a story on Lush which caught my eye.   This led me to the bio page of a female writer, who had published a number of other stories as well.   I...

Straight Sex
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Wifes casual gang bang

Saturday I was in my shop talking with my best friend Tim. He and I were tinkering with my Model A when the subject of my wife came up. My wife and Tim have been carrying on for well over a year with my blessings. I'm the one that actually brought her up in conversation when I asked how things were going with them. After a little bit Tim and I came up the idea of inviting two other guys we know to come over for a small gang bang.I had a couple of more things I wanted to get done on the old car...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 14 The Game of Love

As I stepped up to the counter, the young woman looked my way and smiled. Her long brown hair was tucked behind one ear, but the rest curtained around her very pretty face. She half hid behind her hair and I could tell that she was more than a little shy. When dealing with one customer after another, one would think she wouldn't be that way after working there for a while, but maybe the shyness was due to something else? Maybe she was being bashful because it was me that was approaching? I...

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Angels Bisexual young lovers Part 1

Jason, Brad and Mark all sat on the couch with their cocks in their hands slowly pumping themselves waiting for Jason’s Angel baby to come back home. Jason had been fucking his “Angel Baby” for over 3 months now. Each time he had tried to do something even more wilder than what he had done before in order to please his Angel . Today he had brought Mark and Brad over, two of his buddies to surprise his girl friend with two extra cock for her to play with.     Leann was 40 years old when she...

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All or Nothing The Female Executive

You better be over 18 if you want to read this (or 19 in UT and similar places). I'm not responsible if you ignore this warning. There are naughty bits in it, which will warp your fragile young minds. You have been forewarned. Everyone else can enjoy and send e-mails to [email protected] . Thank you Trisha for writing the original "trilogy". Disclaimer: I'm really not that good at writing descriptions of the sexual encounters, with unfortunately little personal experience to...

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Lets Try Again

She hadn’t known how much I cared for her. I had never told how much I needed her. She didn’t find out until last late how much I longed her. She has been my best friend, the one person I ran to after so many horrible heart breaks. I never thought I’d have the courage to tell her because I was worried about the conflict it could bring if it didn’t work. We’re both so scared of ourselves, we’d never know what to do with one another. We did everything together. There was nothing we didn’t know...

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Taking Turns with My Cock

It was a Friday night, and I was hanging out with my girlfriend, Jessica, and her friend Britney. The three of us had been drinking vodka together for several hours in the living room of my apartment. They had been talking about Britney's breakup with her boyfriend for about an hour, and I was getting extremely bored and sleepy."I'm getting tired. I think I'm going to go pass out," I said."Okay, Baby. Goodnight," Jessica said."Goodnight," Britney chimed in.They both quickly turned their...

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The Games Ultimate Prize Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Bilingual Ashley had been worried when walking into the Luxies Club tonight. When eyeing the crowd in the bar, she could not find a man that fit her profile. On her previous trips to Luxies there were plenty of men that were her age or older than her with strong physiques and totally take charge attitudes. Tonight’s candidates had mostly been younger. She was relieved, and excited, when her eyes settled on Chad after scouring the bar. She guessed that he was maybe five years...

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Distant Love Part 6 Were friendsright

"You look like some cartoon character!" Alex said. "That because you never saw me fighting..." I said. "I've heard that it's worse..." Mark said laughing a little. "Haha..." I said sarcasticly. "I thought brazilians were good in...other sports like soccer and stuff..." Alex said. "Yeah...half brazilians like Samba too...I don't...and I always hated soccer..." I said. "Are you sure you were born in the right place...?" Mark asked. "I have my doubts..." I...

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