Gifted Bk. 01 Ch. 03 free porn video

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You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in.

This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society.

Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due to some serious girl problems. Now he has met the twins, his next door neighbors, and is feeling confused about his feelings toward them. His first day of school was great until he got into a fight with the school bully


Gifted: Book One

Soul Mates

Redemption and Confusion



The day had started out as one of the best days ever. Seeing Joshua standing at the back door had made the embarrassment of that morning seem… nonexistent. Josh has to be one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen, and he lives next door. Somebody’s looking out for me.

I wasn’t the only one looking either! The girls in AP cal were giving him the eye too! And giggling! ‘Oh no you don’t, he’s mine!’ was the look I was giving them. Before I could say anything to them, the teacher walked in and started class.

It’s not just that he looks dreamy, or that he has a nice body! There is something about him I can’t describe. I can’t help myself. I think I’m in love!

Anyway, after class Me, Cas, and Josh were walking together out of the class. I saw one of the girls that had been goggling my Josh, heading his way. (My Josh?) I stood in front of her, between her and Josh, so she could see me, and gave her a very nasty look. She ducked her head and walked away.

I smiled to myself for standing up for Josh, but then it hit me what that must have looked like. I’ve only known the guy for one day and already I’m laying claims. I don’t even know if he likes me yet! I needed to remedy that. I had decided that I would find a way to talk to him this afternoon, alone.

I had just left Josh and Casey at their lockers, and went on to my next class. I’d been daydreaming about Josh. After the dream I had last night it was about the only thing on my mind all morning. Yep, I had it bad! I was about halfway there, when Casey entered my thoughts. ‘That’s weird’ I told myself. ‘Go back to dreaming of Josh!’ Then it hit me, something was wrong. I had to find my brother quick. We have always known when one another was feeling bad or in trouble. It’s just one of those twin things.

So I turned and ran back up stairs, running though people. I think I knocked down the poor girl I frightened earlier. As I approached his locker, I found a large crowd had formed around the locker area. It was the sound of a fight. Cheering! Goading! ‘Kick his ass Mark!’ ‘Aww, that had to hurt!’ A couple of Mark’s flunkeys were running just in of front me.

Oh God! Mark was fighting my brother! He’ll kill him. I made my way though the crowd just as a hushed silence was falling. The sound of hard breathing was very loud, like someone gasping for their last breath. NOO!!!

I heard a couple of teachers, ‘A fight, and a little one-sided I’d say. Take this boy to the office.’

Mark’s flunkeys were pushing their way through the crowd, leaving a path to get though. So I pushed my way behind them until I found my brother crumpled on the ground, leaning against the wall of lockers. ‘Oh my God! Casey!’ I yelled as I ran to him. It was then I noticed Mark, on the ground in a fetal position, gasping for air. His hands were griping his stomach and his head was bloody. A teacher was attempting to figure out what was wrong with him.

I then looked down the hall and saw my Joshua being hauled to the principal’s office. Josh!? Josh couldn’t have done that to Mark… could he?


James Kingston

After my Son’s message I took an extended lunch break and headed for his school. On the way I received a phone call from Mr. Darwell, The principal at Stratus High.


‘James Kingston please…’


‘Yes, this is Hector Darwell, from your son’s school. I’m afraid there has been an incident today with your son. I would appreciate it if you could come in for us to discuss it with you and your son.’

‘Was he in some kind of accident?’ I asked feigning ignorance.

‘Actually a fight sir, instigated it seems, by your son.’

‘Well I’m actually in the area talking to a client I’ll be there in 2 minutes.’ And true to my word I walked in the building two minutes later. I headed straight to the head office.

‘Yes, is there something I can help you with?’ asked the student behind the counter.

‘Yes. I’m here to speak with Mr. Darwell.’

‘Oh, I’m afraid he is busy at the moment. There was fight a while ago and he is seeing to the boy who was injured.’

‘I’m Mr. Kingston, Joshua’s father. That is the reason I’m here. How badly was the boy hurt?’

‘Oh… that was fast! I’m sorry, I’m not sure really. The nurse’s office is just down the hall to the left. The principal is in there and he is expecting you.’

I left the main office and went to the infirmary. Before reaching the door, I could sense the pain and the fury! Entering the room, there was a young man, he was huge, looked like he was 20. He had his shirt off and I could see the damage. It looked as though he had been beat many times in the right ribs. He was bruised from just below the breast to his waistline. His head was also bandaged.

The man beside him stood up, and came over to me with his hand out. ‘You must Mr. Kingston. Thank you for coming so quickly. As you can see your boy did quite a number on poor Mark here.’ Mark just moaned

‘Yes. What happened?’

‘Well, according to students that were there for the fight, Casey Toma, a friend of your son’s it would seem, tripped Mark up and then started the students up to laughing about it. Mark, the boy on the table, got up and shoved Casey into the wall, and asked him why he had done it. A fight between them started, but it was two on one, as your son jumped in. Mark managed to knock down Casey, but Josh was too much for him, as he threw him to the ground and began kicking him. Joshua claims different, but I think he is just trying to save himself from punishment.’

‘Hmm, that does not seem like Joshua to me, not the way you described things.’

‘Look, all parents think their kids can do no wrong, but I see it everyday. Seemingly good kids at home are little hellions here.’

I did a minor probe into the man’s mind, looking for surface thoughts of today. I found the three tough looking boys as they explained what had happened in the fight. The other kids around them seemed to not want to say anything, almost frightened. I didn’t like it! I can tell when someone is making up a story on the spot, when I see it. Things were defiantly not adding up.

‘Let me see my son.’

‘Of course.’ He led me down the hall to another room and opened the door. I had seen rooms like this many times, an interrogation room. Josh sat at a single table with a chair at either end, him in one of them. He seemed to make a slight smile as I walked in.

‘Leave me a moment with my son’

‘Of course.’

After he closed the door, ‘Son, this is bad! Have you seen what you did to that poor boy?’ I thought you said you acted in self-defense. That’s not what this looks like.

Dad, I hit the guy once, and put him in an arm bar!

Son, that’s kind of hard to swallow. That boy looks like he was assaulted by five kids and you don’t have a mark on you.

Ok Dad, just watch this! he then he opened up his
mind, replaying the event through our link. I had a sinking feeling as the scene played out.

I understand now son, completely open your mind to me for a moment, please. I felt the access to his mind open up. I went in deep to his subconscious, found what I was looking for, and suppressed it. I knew I couldn’t help my son with this, my father might be able to though. I’d call him later to explain the situation. I thought to myself, My son has no idea… well this can wait, he’s safe for now, and so are the people around him.

Before I could explain anything to my son, the door opened up and Darwell reentered. He was probably hoping to catch some snippet of conversation. ‘So have you gotten to the truth?’

‘Yes! I have, and it sits right where I always thought it would be, with my son!’

‘WHAT!!?? But you have seen Mark. You know your boy is telling a boldfaced lie!’

‘Is he?? First, the boy in question is a known bully at this school! A fact you forgot to mention. Second, my son cannot lie to me. He’s never been successful and I don’t think he ever will!’ I said smiling to my son’s blushing face. ‘Third, your eyewitnesses weren’t even there for the fight. They arrived as the fight was ending. And besides you know damn well they are part of Mark’s gang anyway! So Mr. Darwell, my question to you is why are you helping a known bully spread his reputation, by slanting the evidence in his favor?’ I began sending strong feelings of embarrassment toward Mr. Darwell to really sink in the facts I had uncovered.

It seemed to be working. The principal was dumfounded. He said meekly ‘b…but how do you know all of this?’

‘I’m a lawyer, its my job to know what the truth is!’

The color drained from Mr. Darwell’s face. As much as the revelation that I was a lawyer as from the waves of guilt I was sending him. ‘Umm… I’m sorry Mr. Kingston. It’s just that the injuries sustained by Mark, and physical marks absent on your son. I just…’ I had him feeling like an ant right now.

‘You assumed he was a new bully in school, staking his claim as the new top dog! Well my son is the farthest thing from a bully, I have ever known. He came to the aid of a friend and tried to stop a fight that Mark repeatedly refused to end. Mark is just the kind of kid that won’t back down for anything, because it would ruin his reputation in the school as the number one bully.

‘Joshua has been in martial arts since he was six. He is a third degree black belt and has been taught how to roll with punches to alleviate as much damage as possible, not to mention delivering devastating blows. I’m sure my son did not intend to cause the damage that he did, but he was merely trying to defuse the situation before someone else got hurt’

He seemed to believe my explanation and the dawning of his mistake was evident on his face. ‘I am so sorry for the misunderstanding and the embarrassment this may have caused. We were merely going on the evidence at hand, which I see now clearly indicated Mark as the guilty party.’ He said, sounding very sincere, well as sincere as a man can that is trying not to get sued.

‘Sir, Let me introduce you to your valedictorian for this year! He will win many academic awards for you. Not to mention athletic ones too.’ Josh squirmed at that, he’s never been much for sports, but now he was about to become great! ‘You need to treat him right or I will take him to a different school!!’

‘Yes sir. That will not be necessary. I think your son will come to like Stratus High!’ he was now saying with a smile, as he realized I wasn’t intending to sue the school for gross misconduct.

‘Josh if the principal has nothing else I would like you to go on to your next class please. We’ll discus this later when I get home’ I said to my son with a smile. He was just beaming. ‘I would like to have a word with Mr. Darwell.’



Oh, my God! I thought for sure I was a goner. After the nurse told me of the damage Mark had sustained, I was mortified. How had I done so much damage to the guy? Was he going to hold a grudge? At that point my dad walked in.

He was concerned about Mark, but more about me. As I was showing him the fight as I perceived it. He was both reassured and disturbed at the same time. Kinda weird huh! He had me stop in a couple of places and took a look around. He seemed to like what he found.

He eventually asked if I would open my mind to him. Wow, what a big request. I haven’t done that in five years. So, I opened up, but put a barrier around my feelings for the twins. Luckily, he didn’t go anywhere near them, instead he went way back, beyond my conciseness. I’m not sure what he did, but I could feel something was different about me.

Before I could ask what he had done, the principal came back into the room. Let me tell you, my dad was brilliant. I could not believe how he stuck up for me, and he figured everything out in less than five minutes. Damn! I admire his power of clarity. He always seems to know the best way to do something. When I realized that dad was flooding Mr. Darwell’s emotions with guilt, I almost burst out laughing.

Dad then proceeded to make me really blush, as he started talking about my achievements. What was he talking about sports awards, about the only sport I like is swimming. He then asked me to go on to my next class, but made it clear that we would talk later today.

I had missed a whole class and it was time for lunch, so I headed for the cafeteria. I was kinda worried about Casey. I should have killed Mark for hurting my… what am I thinking? My what? This is starting to feel really weird.

I entered the cafeteria, with a lot on my mind. Suddenly there were kids all over me. ‘How did you do it?’ ‘Oh man, I can’t believe you stood up to that asshole.’ ‘I heard you broke a rib with only one punch.’ The questions were coming at me in a blur. I was desperately looking for a way out.

A tall blond guy came though the crowd and right up to me. He winked at me, then turned and said, ‘Ok, come on people, break it up, and give the guy some room. He’s just spent the last hour being interrogated and I don’t think he can take another hour of it. Now shoo!’

He turned around and said, ‘Hi. I’m James Carlson. I don’t think we’ve met yet.’ as he offered me his hand.

This guy was very handsome. Long Blond hair, gray eyes that seemed to look through you, and he was well built, like a brick. I knew I heard his name before… the twins had told me. He was the captain of the football team and the chess team, as well as others. I took his hand. He had a strong, firm grip.

I started getting images from him. He was undressing me and fondling my… Wow, he’s gay? I wonder if anyone else knows. If I was gay I would surely have to check this guy out, to say he looked good was an understatement. ‘I’m Josh, pleased to meet you.’ The images went away as my words brought him back to reality.

‘Well! Why don’t you come sit with us?’ He motioned over to a table. I saw several kids already sitting at the table looking at us. Casey and Carrey were there too, both smiling at me. I followed him over and sat down right beside Carrie.

‘How’s the neck Casey?’

‘Oh it’s fine, he just knocked the wind out of me,’ he said smiling. ‘I wish I had been awake to see you take him down though.’

‘Yea, well I don’t like to fight, someone always gets hurt.’ I said, with a frown.

‘You can say that again. The rumor is that you broke one of his ribs’ a red headed boy I had not met said.

‘Well, it might have been more than one they told Me.’ someone else piped in. I really started feeling embarrassed.

A lot of ooos and ahhhs coming from all around, ‘I saw it, I was there, and although he got in a few good hits, that blow to his stomach was a good move. It took him down fast. And you must have nuts of steel! I saw that hit he gave you break
ing that arm lock.’

‘Well luckily he hit me in my ass, just behind the sack. It still knocked me back though.’ there was some giggling.

Carrie put her arms around my arm hugging it, and laid her head on my shoulder. Oh God that feels good! ‘I’m just thankful you didn’t get hurt and that you saved my brother.’

‘Gee thanks, I guess I should be glad I at least rate on the list.’ Casey said smiling smugly. Carrie just smiled.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, except for the fact that I had become the schools favorite celebrity. At the end of school day Casey came up to me, ‘I just want to thank you for helping me today. You know you didn’t have to do that.’

‘Are you kidding me, of course I’m going to help a friend in trouble.’

‘I just wish I could have seen it. Haha!’

Carrie ran up as we were walking to the bus, ‘Hey Josh, I was wondering if you have any plans this Friday?’

‘Not that I’m aware of. What do you have in mind?’

‘I thought maybe we could go to a movie or something.’

‘Yea, that’s a great idea!’ Casey said. I got the initial feeling that’s not what she meant.

‘That’s sounds cool’, I said.

Carrie jumped up and yelped, ‘Yea!’ She ran up and kissed me on the cheek.

The ride home was very nice. Carrie sat beside me, quite close. I really do like her. I have been thinking of asking her to go on a date one night. The only problem there, are these feelings I have for her brother I can’t quite explain. The big thing is not just that I have feelings for him, but I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have the same feelings about me. Well, it will be nice to go out with them both Friday night.

I wish I could keep my mind open around them. It’s kind of strange, I’m so used to getting insights on the people around me and the only time I can chance it around the twins is when we are in a crowd. I have never made friends without knowing what they really feel. This is a new experience for me. I kinda like it. There is a mystery there that I have been missing.

At home I went straight to my room to do some homework. About five o’clock, dad came upstairs. ‘Hey Son, busy day huh!’

‘You could say that. Fight on my first day. Hehe!’

‘Yea, we need to talk about that.’ He came over and sat on my bed, ‘I understand you were helping out a friend, but you need to be careful when you decide to fight. I think you don’t know your own strength. You have been working out a lot lately… You were very helpful during the move, by the way. I just think you need to be careful.’

‘Yea dad, I had no idea I had done that much damage to the guy. I was only trying to stop him. I hope he’s ok.’

‘He’ll be fine after those ribs heal. Just remember what I said and be careful. Oh, by the way, your grandfather is coming down for a visit next week.’

After dad left, I got back to homework. A half an hour later there was a knock at my door. So I went downstairs to the door to see who it was, and there was Casey.

‘Hey bud, I was going to shoot some hoops. You interested?’

‘Sure, let me change clothes.’ I ran upstairs to change. Just a loose fitting shirt and a pair of basketball shorts I own. I ran back downstairs and we left.

I have always liked playing basketball, but I’m not very good. It has been awhile since the last time I played. However, I kind of surprised myself that I wasn’t doing that bad. I made quite a few baskets, not as many as Casey, but I did ok. It had been over a year since I last played. We played one on one, and horse. I lost both times.

I did have a lot of fun though. I just haven’t felt as worn out as I was feeling right now in a long time. After it got dark we came back to my place, sat on the back porch, and drank some grape Kool-Aid to cool off.

‘You know Josh? I feel like I could talk to you about anything and I’ve only known you for a couple of days. It seems like we’ve been friends forever!’

‘You know, a lot of the guys back home said the same thing. I knew all of the secrets of my old school because my friends confided the whoppers to me.’ I smiled sheepishly.

‘I’ve been really confused lately. I find myself really attracted to someone at school. I can’t stop thinking about them. The problem is the person I think I like, can’t possible feel the same way about me. They don’t seem like the type of person that would go for a guy like me.’ He seemed really nervous. I really wanted to open up a bit to him to get a better read.

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Orphan MagusChapter 7

Hayden’s Rho sat where I had left her. She stood up. “Did everything go well?” I nodded and held up the key. “Is this the key to the Locket I was supposed to receive?” She looked at it and nodded. “Yes. You should put it on now, so you won’t lose it. You must keep it safe and out of sight at all times.” I nodded and slipped the chain over my head. “By the way, you should have mentioned something about exiting the Vault before I left. For a second, I panicked.” Her expression seemed...

3 years ago
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Jay and Faith chapter 1

Jay was s 29 year old teacher in the local high school. He also coached the soccer teams at the school. During the summer he worked an extra job at the local ice cream shop to earn some extra money. One evening he was working when he saw a car pull up with a number of teenage girls in it. Jay recognized Faith who hopped out and with some of her friends. Jay remembered the first time he laid eyes on Faith at the beginning of last school year. She walked into his 6th period class in a short...

2 years ago
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A Kind of Reconciliation

A Kind of Reconciliation: We were both very young when Jennifer and I got married. It feels like a lifetime ago now. Jennifer was two years older than me and came from a broken home. Her father was one of those men who had never recovered from the scars of his own childhood and brought them into his family home. He was an abuser. Jennifer never saw her Mum and Dad fighting but remembers that she used to think that her Mum was very clumsy as she was always falling down the stairs...

4 years ago
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Why I am the Way I Am

As I get on in years I am trying to figure out why I am the way I am. I mean I don't seem that unusual on the outside but on the inside I know I am wired very differently than most males, a fact the I am beginning to enjoy even more. I have been a closeted cross dresser for as long as I can remember and I have not given that much thought until recently. I must have had some suppressed memories that are beginning to unfold which indicates there is a reason why I am the way I am. I came from a...

2 years ago
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The Brothers Return

Much like the time between our first and second sexual experience together, little was said about anything that had happened. Strangely our relationship had remained much the same, no awkwardness or pauses in conversation. Basically life went on as though nothing had happened; which was fine for me and evidently for Derek too. The happy atmosphere was broken, however, when Derek's brother came back from New York. He had arrived only 3 hours before Derek hadd led me back to his house as usual...

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Its Hard For This Sissy

IT'S HARD FOR THIS SISSY by Throne Pete had just gotten home from work and he immediately noticed a look of mischief in his wife Andi's pale blue eyes. He seen that all too often in the past. She must have spotted the concern on his face because she wanted to know, "Is something the matter, Petey?" She was calling him by the diminutive of his name. The switch from Pete to Petey was another bad sign. "It's just..." he extemporized, "that you seem... distracted." "Well,...

1 year ago
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Our First Sexual Experience

Tony and I continued to see each other in the hayloft of my folk’s barn at every chance when we could slip away, but not quite as often as we would have liked.Tony started coming over to my house a few evenings each week when we would sit out on the front porch in the swing just talking. Every now and then we’d meet over at my place and go out to my folk’s barn and, if no one was around, we’d slip inside, wait for a few minutes to make sure we were alone, and if we were, then we’d climb up into...

First Time
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My First Mature Pussy

So this story it's true and i will never forget, because this was my first time that fucked a mature lady. this happen a few months ago .So this is how it started, its was a saturday ,i wasn't doing that much. I get a call from my best friend Tony, Tony:'Hey dude what are you doing?' .Me:'nothing just here home not doing much'Tony: Are you down to come to my family party cuz this shit is boring and i want you to hit up everybody so we can turn this place up sight down and get it cracking...

2 years ago
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Mom and dads video file

Last night I stumbled on a video that I can't stop thinking about, making it impossible to hide my raging hard on all day at school. All I can think about is getting home, releasing this bulge from my tight jeans, watching the video again, and jerking off until I unload my balls, covering my hand in hot jizz. Even for a sex-crazed 18 year-old boy I'm way hornier than usual. I've seen plenty of porn and a few teasing videos from girls at school, which I like, but this one? This one is amazing....

1 year ago
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The 1st Orgy I ever Hosted

have been having these parties for a while now and a lot of people always ask me what happens at the parties. I mean from novice swingers, to people that frequent swing clubs. I guess because bisexual men being such a taboo, they figure something different happens with us than with every place else. I have been to several swing events too and the only difference with us is everyone get naked and plays. So let me tell you what I saw last time.About 6:00 a lady we had never met before, that was...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time Pocket WatchChapter 9

"Listen to this," she excitedly exclaimed. "Second Officer Charles Lightoller, acting on his own accord, caused the Senior Radio Operator, Jack Phillips to immediately send out a distress call for help. The crew immediately launched distress rockets as Lightoller sent for the Captain. The SS Californian was only twenty miles from the Titanic and they immediately turned about and steamed to aid the floundering ship. The SS Carpathian also answered the transmitted SOS, but they were four...

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How we began swinging

Sharon couldn't believe what she was looking at. After saving over $7,000 her bank balance had dwindled down to only $950. Although her income was bolstered by the government's student allowance and the occasional part-time job, she had one more year to complete her teaching degree and hitting the workforce as a fully qualified English teacher.She needed another job, preferably one that paid cash and wasn't traceable by Mr Taxman. The classifieds revealed nothing and she sat forlornly in her...

3 years ago
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Angels Conditioning

"I can't stop thinking about your ass." Matt whispered to me while giving my ass cheeks a quick grope, pulling them apart."I want to fuck you until you scream for mercy." He made a point of brushing his hard on against my ass. "My brother is a lucky bastard. If I was him, you wouldn't walk straight for a week... or more. I'd fuck you every day and night."If anyone looked my way they would see me blushing. Thankfully, I was being ignored by everyone but Matt.Ever since the episode of my...

4 years ago
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OIL ON CANVAS, A WORK IN PROGRESS   The boy stood watching us, uninhibited, as Andrea and I attempted to re-arrange our dishevelled appearances. Only moments before, my friend’s face had been buried deliciously between my thighs. Her lips were still damp and glistening from her foray. My shirt was open, my tits exposed, hard little nipples protruding eagerly. How embarrassing! I was aware of a deep, warm blush flooding my cheeks, this seemed to amuse him. His eyes played greedily over my body...

2 years ago
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A curious boy and an Adult Bookstore

I had heard about Adult Bookstores from some older k**s. Some said that inside them were all kinds of sex toys, magazines and videos. Some said it was just for Gay men. I’m not sure if I believed them or not, but I was curious. I was so horny, all the time, the thoughts of someone touching my cock, maybe even sucking it, was overwhelming. I had to know, I had to try. I rode my bike to one on the edge of town. I nervously waited outside, until no one was around, and darted inside. My heart was...

3 years ago
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Sunny TooChapter 18

A trip to the Chemist. Condoms weren’t the only thing we needed. When women live together in close proximity they tend to “Moon” together. Abby and Myndee had been Nanny and client, now they were advisor and teen. They, because I had been such an asshole after Just Abby died, were together far more than even a mother/daughter relationship. Myndee didn’t have to be an employee ... she was independently wealthy ... but living arrangements other than the status quo ... were unthinkable. Her...

2 years ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 32 Meeting Artimus

-Guild Branch- The Tech City Guild Branch, that was somehow being managed and run by ex-Lackey 1, now Overseer Gary, was far more impressive than in the past. It was a 30 story building right next to the biggest plaza in town, which also happened to be the Monolith plaza. It remained mostly empty but was manned 24/7 and still posted Jobs that needed doing. Most of the cultivators that lived in the shadowy side of the city got their jobs here. The entire third floor was just 4 walls of job...

3 years ago
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Just To Eat You My Dear

Sitting at work, I have been chatting with him most of day as I have been doing for the last couple of months. I haven’t been moved to meet him as of yet and his picture didn’t turn me on all that great but I could always use a new friend. Someone I can chat with you know, just shoot the breeze. I keep putting off meeting him but finally agreed to do lunch. As we were setting up plans, time and day of the meeting he tells you he wants to meet you today. He says he wants to meet me today and I...

4 years ago
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Cursed! by Eddie Glover part 1 Tommy Thompson frowned as he ran home from football practice. He wanted to go out tonight with his girlfriend Megan but this was the night of the full moon. Unlike the rest of his family who only changed form upon their strange curses, he changed into a gorgeous red-headed woman whenever he uttered a profanity....or under the full moon. Needless to say this curtailed his social life on those nights. He walked in the front door of his...

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A Hike A New Discovery

"Hello Todd," the owner said, "and (firstname). Back into the woods today?" "Yep," Todd responded. "Probably still some place left that we haven't found yet." "I heard it was gonna rain," the man said. "That's all right, we always take along the ponchos, just in case," Mark added. "Smart kids," the man said, and bagged the items. "Well, be careful out there, and head back if it gets too stormy." "We will," Todd assured him, and the pair of boys exited the store. They stopped outside, only...

3 years ago
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Sharing Idle Play

It's getting late and Leora is in the guest room with Masha. They're sitting on the futon while the dog is barking at his own reflection in the wall mirror. The whole wall is a mirror. Tonight he's decided that he doesn't like himself.Leora ignores him. She usually does, the silly little thing. Masha is laughing at the pup while looking at her cell phone. Both girls are on their phones. They've been giggling at something a friend sent to each of them.Masha is a good friend. She's Leora's rebel...

Quickie Sex
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Take Down

Take DownSFCityDom ? 2008She walks from the bathroom; showered, teeth brushed, hair combed out into a ponytail, and with that clean girl scent, she is ready for bed. As she walks into the bedroom, he startles her.?I see you have your wrestlin’ attire on.? She is wearing a tank top and boy-shorts.He is leaning back against the footboard of the bed. He is dressed in boots, jeans, and a black t-shirt. He rushes her, pushes her against the wall, and with his hands around her throat, he lifts her...

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BurrChapter 43 Wait and See

Gina made her demands clear and I did my best to listen to her with a straight face. "We're over. You will play golf with my father and be his buddy. You will do anything he wants, come to his parties and act the part of my boyfriend at school. You may be required to take me to a school dance or to a party if it's to my advantage to be seen. On Saturday nights you'll come to my house to pick me up and we'll go our separate ways. I'll even drop you off near that old lady's apartment...

3 years ago
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Benutzt und unterworfen

Dies ist eine wahre Geschichte. Sie beschreibt mein erstes Mal mit einem Mann. Zu mir: 18Jahre, 172cm, 66kg.Alles begann damit, dass ich über Internetseiten Kontakt zu Männern aufnahm. Mein Fokus lag auf älteren, dominanten Herren die einen jungen Boysklaven suchen. Es dauerte nicht lange und mein Briefkasten war voll mit Anfragen. Leider waren viele davon Faker, aber ein paar wenige stellten sich als real heraus.Mit einem dieser Männer begann ich intensiv zu chatten. Es stelle sich sehr...

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Seduction Of Young Nurse

My name is Nafisa. I am 22 years old student. I am studying nursing and in order to help my widow mother financially, I work part time at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Sharma, a lovely couple. Mr Sharma is in his forties while Mrs Sharma is much younger. Her husband met with an accident and has suffered concussion and broken ribs and many deep injuries. Mrs Sharma is a gorgeous looking woman who is modern minded. My duty is to look after her husband while she is out most of time shopping or with...

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masturbating at the gym

im going to cut to the chase. i usually do. im impulsive, unrealistic, unhappily married, honestwhile searching for a vibrator on line in one of my more aroused days i came across a web site i couldn't resist i want it bad and its all i care about i could confess anything, like what i was doing, or trying to do... yoga just ends im peaceful, blissful, balanced, i was especially efficient in the corps pose, i love it. i breath in serenity, i am serene.nothing unusual lead me to...

1 year ago
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OkChapter 16

He arrived at Sir Maurice Callaghan’s outer office at two minutes to one. “Good to see you John!” Paula said. “Same here,” he said, and waited. She buzzed through, “John’s here, Maurice.” She looked up with a look of compassion, “Go right in John.” John felt foreboding at that look, and his spirits dropped. He entered the holy of holies. “Hi, Maurice,” he said as Maurice extended his hand for shaking. “Please sit down, John,” Maurice was smiling broadly, indicating the padded chair...

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Drunk wife taken advantage of and I dont sto

The wife and I were on a vacation at a resort in the Dominican. As you can imagine we spent the day sipping cocktails in the sun. By dinner time we were both pretty hammered. After dinner we made our way to the bar, and continued the party. By about 11pm, I noticed my wife was beyond drunk. The bartenders had been putting out tequila shots, and she just kept taking them. I decided I needed to take her home, because pretty soon she would be puking all over the bar. But when I tried to convince...

4 years ago
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Beewi Ki Chudai

Hi all lund chut walo-Sabhi ISS readers-aapki lund gud gudane wali stories padh kar bahut maja aata hai-maine socha mai bhi likhu apni aap beeti. Sab ke jeevan me sex enjoy karne ka waqt aata hai…Jawani me hamara bhi waqt aaya shaadi hui beewi aai normal sex life enjoy ki-bachche bhi hue ab bade hokar shaadi kar ke bahar chale gaye hai. Ham miya beewi rah gaye hai. Age meri 52 aur beewi 47- Baniya hone ki vajah se wajan bada hua pet aage nikla hua height 5’5 rang sanwla Pet 44 bhari gand lund...

1 year ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 33

Day 120: John’s shoulders ached. As did his back. And buttocks. Hell, even his toes hurt. He had no idea how long they’d been rowing, but guessed it had been a couple of hours at least. Modi sat on the bench opposite his and was matching his new boss stroke for stroke. So long as he was still conscious, John refused to let one of his men get the best of him. Each of them had a chained slave seated on the bench, closer to the hull. Both of those men were already beyond exhaustion. Neither was...

4 years ago
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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 12

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

4 years ago
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Undress Me With Words

I stow the crumpled slip of paper with the address in my purse. My hand reaches out to push the large brass knob, and while I stand here on the steps of the large manor house that towers over me and wait for a response, I feel a bit intimidated. Strike that. I feel a hell of a lot intimidated, and it takes all my concentration to keep from shaking like a leaf. The house looks as if it has been pulled right out of a cheesy movie, with those fucking huge Ionic columns framing the entrance, with...

2 years ago
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Danas Story Part 4

Dana's Story, Part 4 Dana and Kathy are settling in to married life, and opportunities abound for Dana's CD. Coffee Club Wives The impending birth of our daughter also brought another significant change. We decided to buy a fairly big colonial home with a built-in pool in a nice school district. It was at the end of a cul de sac in a nice western suburb close to the airport and two major malls. Our neighbors were typical traditional nuclear families. It was comfortable for us...

1 year ago
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milf cousin part 3

A week had passed since having a wonderful sexperience with my older cousin. Thinking about it, makes me hard to this day. She had invited me over for dinner that night, which was becoming pretty regular.When I go to her place I found that it was her son’s weekend with his dad and he was already gone. I couldn’t smell anything being cooked so I wondered what we were having. Through highschool I worked as a cook at a local restaurant so I knew my way around the kitchen and she knew that.She said...

2 years ago
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At the movies

The film is almost over. The cinema is quiet. I can see another couple kissing. But my girl is dirtier that that...ff I play my cards right. She’s wearing her little black dress so I can move my hand up between her silky thighs and gently touch her right where she’s sensitive, right where I can make her scream if I want to.I feel her shiver in pleasure. She takes my ear in her mouth and puts her hand down my shirt, pulling at my nipples. She grows wetter as I finger her -I can feel that through...

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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 32

“Joey!” Maddie screamed. Fry charged into Keith and Maddie, knocking them to the floor behind the door as the explosion rocked the outer chamber and the shockwave extinguished the torches. Absolute darkness claimed the space. “Maddie! Maddie!” Keith called frantically as he groped for her hand in the darkness. “Joey, no!” she wept. “Why? Why?” Keith caught her hand and soon had her cradled in his arms. “Maddie, are you injured?” A flashlight flicked on and Agent Fry swept the area toward...

3 years ago
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The Body Oil

The Body Oil I'm not the most romantic guy in the world, though I have my moments. My wife of nearly five years had been dropping enough hints, saying that we were stuck in a rut, that our sex wasn't as exciting as it used to be, that special occasions deserved special attention, so I finally decided to surprise her with a grand romantic gesture. With our anniversary was coming up, I began making preparations, buying supplies, carefully storing them in the trunk of my car. On the...

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