Teleported Inter Planetary Cheerleaders Suck
- 1 year ago
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For as long as she lived (and on this planet, where the girls never age at all, this COULD mean forever), pretty blonde Stephanie would NEVER forget her first day on Planet XXX. One minute, she and the rest of her school’s cheerleading squad were on a bus back to school after cheering the boy’s basketball team on to another blow-out loss); and the next she and the others were all on some strange planet, captives to strange, tall and gangly green aliens with huge suckers on their feet, being shepherded single-file down into a huge pit. In that pit, thousands of girls were already on their knees having their faces fucked by endless line-ups of what the girls now all called ‘green dudes’ or ‘greenies’.
Stephanie remembers feeling terrified as the girls in front of her were led, one by one, to their designated spot and forced to kneel and begin sucking these huge, gross-looking, dark-green (almost black) and slimy alien cocks. And then as her turn came and she was pushed down to her knees, crying. And immediately a huge green alien stood in front of her with his enormous, snake-like cock ready for her mouth, and a line-up was forming fast and furious behind him. And she remembers his huge member being slowly but relentlessly pushed passed her lips and forced all the way into her mouth and down her throat... and him ever so slowly sliding his cock back and forth, all the while in her throat.
She laughed now at how frightened and sad she was... then. It took only one mouthful of alien cum for that all to change. It’d tasted not that unlike Earthling men’s cum... like her father’s and brothers’ and grandfather’s had tasted to her... in fact, most like her grandfather’s, which she’d never minded. But the alien’s cum was somehow even more intoxicating. She loved it. And so when the second cock appeared in front of her, not even understanding why, she latched onto it greedily. And after swallowing her third load, she was so eager to have another huge, dark green, snake-like cock in her mouth, she quickly glanced passed the alien directly in front of her to make sure that her line-up of cocks was still being replenished... and feeling delighted and relieved to see that at least fifty more aliens waited for her, with even more streaming down the hill towards where she was.
She’d been sucking alien cocks, literally non-stop, ever since, on this planet where the girls never could and never wanted to stop sucking. The girls just never felt tired. In fact, every swallow of cum seemed to refresh them and make them crave the next cock and next mouthful of semen even more.
Their mouths and throats never really tired either... they’d both grown so used to being stretched by these thick alien posts, being wrapped around them was as natural to the girls as breathing. In whatever number of Earthling years she’d been here (and Ms. Sexton, the sexy teacher who was kneeling and sucking greenie cocks next to her, guessed at least two if not three), Stephanie’s mouth had NEVER been more than about one or two minutes without a cock in it, and even that only uncommonly. Ninety-nine percent of the time, essentially all but a few times per day, the length of time between cocks in her mouth was less than five seconds.
“What about pooping and peeing?” you might ask. Well... that is what accounts for the occasional one percent. You see, sometime while Stephanie was sucking her first several dozen aliens (she was too distracted having her mouth fucked to notice), some other alien came along, slipped her camel-colored school pants down briefly and somehow guided some form of alien catheter up past her nylon bikini panties into her bladder, so now any and all urine she made passed through it into a large, see-through, box-like container where it was kept.
When the girls did get to take a 60-second break between cocks, they got to drink it by sucking on a long straw. Initially, Stephanie was drinking her own. But eventually, for fun, she made a pact with the blonde girl next to her to drink each other’s piss... and she’d been enjoying her “new best friend’s piss” ever since.
As for poop, presumably at the same time the alien catheterized Stephanie’s bladder, he stuck a thick butt-plug up into her anus, before pulling her pants back up and re-zipping and belting them. The butt-plug wasn’t visible through her pants, but she definitely felt it in there, whenever she stopped to think about it. And what the combination of the alien cum and butt-plug did was (1) slow down her bowels and prevent all cramping, so there was nothing but the sensual feel of the butt-plug stuck up her anus; and, more importantly, (2) reverse the flow of stool.
Now, every hundred blowjobs or so, Stephanie would suddenly feel the urge to gag, and would turn her head towards a big container on the ground next to her (like a bucket, but much more clever in design, in that it had a membrane on top that was penetrable, but immediately resealed itself like jelly). And then she’d open her mouth up wide and pause from sucking long enough for poop to slowly pass out through her mouth and drop down into the container. Something about the alien cum must have had roughage in it, because the girls all produced huge firm logs.
Often, three or more of these long, thick logs would pass through her mouth, one right after the other like a little train, before she was finished, each one taking 10 to 20 seconds to pass out over her tongue and past her lips to drop. She quickly discovered that the secret was not to close her mouth and squish the logs, because then shit would get into all of the recesses of her mouth and stay there for hours. Then, once all the poop had passed through Stephanie’s mouth en route to its container, the teen would calmly clean her lips with her tongue, take a nice, long refreshing sip of her neighbor’s piss, and then latch back onto whatever cock was before her, as if nothing had happened.
All the girls did this... at least those in this big pit (who mostly wore dress pants) and all the girls in the corse pit, all of whom wore tight jeans or tight jean shorts (the aliens must have watched American cowboy movies) and had butt-plugs. (If you’ve forgotten, a corse is a large, half horse, half cat-like creature that other girls like Meredith and Carol now were sucking non-stop). From time to time, some alien would come along and replace the used shit buckets with fresh ones, using all the girls’ stool to fertilize the trees and bushes in the ‘corse pen’, where it worked wonders.
The exceptions to the butt plug plan, of course, were many of the girls who hadn’t worn pants, jeans or shorts, most of whom ended up having both their mouths and asses continuously fucked, either by alien superiors or their more aggressive pets, like the huge werewolf-like creatures that Rachel and her friend Laura were forced to endure. These girls didn’t need their poop flow reversed, because they were continuously re-fed it off the cocks of the aliens or animals who instinctively loved to fuck the girls’ assholes first and then their mouths.
It seemed that poor Rachel and Laura, because the werewolf cum they
continuously swallowed made them poop even more than usual, hadn’t sucked a cock
without poop on it in years. Poor Rachel’s billionaire grandfather had led her
to believe she was a princess... now she was a continuously poop-fed princess,
and had become so resigned to this she probably would have requested poop on any
cock she sucked if she ever were to be rescued and returned to Earth (but that’s
not gonna happen, Babe!)
Anyway... back to dear, sweet Stephanie, whom Ms. Sexton, the teacher who now kneeled sucking alien cock next to her, had long considered one of the nicest girls she’d ever known. It’d been what she was sure was years since she’d first come to this planet. She was sure she’d blown at least 100,000 alien cocks by now... and never ever wanted to do anything else. She was happy. And the aliens all were happy too... except for one thing.
By now, they’d managed to abduct over 127,000 Earthling girls, a number that seems like a lot. But, with over 1500 stations like this one servicing more than 2.5 billion aliens across the planet, and each girl already working non-stop, every one of these girls and more was needed. Several new busloads were being shipped into each station every day to meet the growing need. It was the daily entertainment of the girls here to watch the new girls being herded in and directed to the spot they’d now be kneeling for an eternity, many of them frightened and forlorn despite the positive things they’d heard about it back on Earth.
It wasn’t that the Planet XXX-savvy girls were cruel in their thoughts... a ‘misery-likes-company’ kind of thing. No, what was amusing was how these experienced girls knew how unbelievably these girls’ attitudes all would change, almost instantaneously with that first wonderful mouthful of alien cum. That was what was fun.
So lots of new girls were streaming in every single day. But there was still one girl every alien thought about, who they hadn’t yet gotten here. Her name... was JoAnne.
JoAnne, of course, is the world famous JoAnne G., who every year over the last 15 has topped her own 24-hour blowjob marathon record. More than a decade ago, at age 18, she blew exactly 240 men in 24 hours to easily win the first annual event. Now, 240 blowjobs was not even an average daily total for her, and wouldn’t even finish in the top twenty of the marathon, there were so many accomplished cock-suckers out there, with girls on every block practicing continuously to one day be good enough to compete in this huge, highly-publicized and universally-televised event.
JoAnne was now gunning to soon blow 1000 men in 24 hours, a task that seemed impossible even a few years ago. But at this past annual 24-hour event, she blew 893, only using her mouth (Look Ma, no hands!) making the impossible suddenly seem possible. She was 33 now, though she still looked like she could be 23 at most, her face was so sweet and young. By the time she turned 35, there was no doubt, her 1000-men-in-24-hours goal would be counted among her hundreds of past suck-cesses, and she would have moved on to some other great goal.
But she’d never sucked an alien, and the aliens of Planet XXX had, thus far, been unable to lure her here.
It turns out, in fact, that these aliens are not the heartless beasts many Earthlings thought of them at first, abducting helpless teens and young women and forcing them into an eternity of oral servitude. To begin with, none of the 127,000 plus girls on this planet would now even consider doing anything else, and the aliens apparently knew this, if not with the first girls they abducted, at least pretty early on. For all of the girls on Planet XXX, sucking alien cock was EXACTLY what their mouths were for, they all had decided long ago. They LOVED it here, and LOVED doing what they were doing.
Their families back home had long since stopped worrying about them, ever since the girls started sending thousands and thousands of pictures back home, the aliens having developed the technology to spontaneously have these pictures upload as spontaneous slideshows every morning on every computer on Earth with a single touch. Throughout the world, moms and dads, grandparents, friends and hundreds of millions more checked their computers first thing every day to enjoy these pictures of girls posing proudly for the folks back home with these huge green cocks in their mouths (or, in the case of corses and the werewolves, virtually black cocks) and obviously enjoying themselves. Stephanie, herself, had learned that her dad now had over 500 pictures of her framed and hanging all through the huge building he worked in; he (and the company) was SO proud of her.
At times early on, she wondered just how pretty she was in those pictures, given how amazingly sexy and sophisticated Ms. Sexton was right next to her, in her long blonde hair and glasses, white dress blouse (that on this planet never wrinkled or got dirty because, somehow, there is no dust and the girls never sweat), sleek black dress pants and black spike heels. All Stephanie was wearing was her school uniform: a white blouse, green and blue sweater with white trim and the school crest on it, camel-coloured dress pants with two pockets in the front but none in the back (per regulations), black socks and black 2-inch wide-heeled shoes.
How sexy was that? But the, one day, one alien was nice enough to give her a scrap book of her pictures. In truth, it wasn’t really a scrap book at all; it was a sophisticated, totally transparent device that looked like a paper-sized sheet of clear glass, until suddenly pictures showed up transforming it into a screen that could be viewed from both sides. Every so often, as aliens were fucking her mouth and throat, she’d calmly pull it off the ground where it lay at her knees, tap the right hand corner to start it, and hand it to the alien she was sucking. They all were really nice about holding it for her.
Then she could watch a slide show that now had over 50,000 pictures of her on it. It was an entertaining way for her and all the girls (since they soon all had them) to spend the time. And she had to admit that she loved how she looked in those pictures. The aliens were, among their many talents, exceptionally gifted photographers. Every picture captured Stephanie’s sensuous mouth, so erotically stretched by alien cock that was as big around as her wrist (though oily and slippery – more like a big, dark green, almost black eel than a cock really – it would never ever fit inside most of the girls’ mouths otherwise); and her big beautiful brown eyes; and her sweet girl-next-door, best-friends-sister like face; and her lovely little ass.
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** This story is completely fictional. Please Enjoy! Rebecca could see up her skirt as she held Amy high above her head. “Nice ass, Amy.” That got a few chuckles from her fellow cheerleaders and a blushing face from her best friend. Rebecca and the other cheerleader holding Amy up released her feet and caught her as she twirled into their arms. Amy gave a death stare to Rebecca once she got back onto her feet. Rebecca just smiled back and laughed. She always enjoyed teasing Amy since she knew...
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Hey every one rah here….naam tho suna hi hoga.nyways there r goin 2 be a lot of storie s 4m my part so in case u wanna know any story in advance or any next episode of the existing stories dont hesitate 2 mail me on (preferrably gals) Jamie was exhausted as the cheerleading coach dismissed them from practice for the day. Since transferring to city high a month ago, her life had certainly changed. She had found herself making friends easily and had won a position on the cheerleading squad after...
IncestBy STORMKING (M/fff, NC) All characters are fictional and are assumed to be of the minimum legal age in your community or region. If you wish to imagine their ages to be otherwise since the girls here are high school seniors ( 18), then it is not my problem as I am not a mindreader. The idea for this story came from cheerleader car wash pictures someone shared with me a few months ago. A picture really is worth a thousands words or more. Bear in mind that this article is fantasy and...
Finally a quiet evening with just the family. Gregg and Nita were sitting on the couch while Abby and Michelle were on the floor, all watching TV. They were all still naked. Finally Nita spoke up, "Kids, we need to have a talk." They both looked at her a bit puzzled but said ok, they got up, Gregg and Nita moved apart and let the two girls sit in between them. "OK Mom, what's up", said Abby. Nita said, "first I want to know how you two feel about having sex with your Father. Good, bad...
It was Carla's idea, I swear it. "Let's go by the Pentagon and see what's going on." "Why, for God's sake?" That was Monica, always the practical one. "Because I'm horny, that's why." I knew what she meant, even though I didn't want to admit it. We were always horny after a game. Somebody once said that exercise is foreplay, and she was right. I say "she," because it was probably a cheerleader who said that. You've read those stories about football studs screwing the...
Summary: All through the tenth grade, Kendal loved everything about school. Her teachers were the best; the girls were really nice, and the cheerleaders treated their squad like one big happy family. Although she didn’t date, she made friends with many guys at school. Although asked out on several occasions, Kendal felt she didn’t have the time to date. Kendal decided that the next year, her junior year, she would start dating. Her mother agreed with her and even commented that she thought...
Brenda's reign as "queen of cheerleaders" was going well so far. She'd actually had two affairs on campus, fucking both her English teacher and the varsity football coach in their offices. That night Brenda tried to decide what she wanted to do next in flexing her newfound sexual muscles. Brenda had really enjoyed seducing both Ed Richey and Bob Williams, the two male faculty at the high school, but now she wanted to try something even kinkier. She wanted to expand her horizons. In her...
Returning home, Lexi found her neighbor Annalise waiting on the porch, smiling sheepishly. Lexi wondered how long she had been waiting there.“I saw your dad on his way out this morning,” said Annalise. “He said he’d be gone a couple of days, so I thought I’d bring you something to eat.” She indicated the casserole in her hands, which appeared to contain roasted chicken.Lexi felt pretty sure that this was not the real reason for Annalise’s visit. Despite the coldness of the day, the older woman...
Although she’d slept only a few hours, Kat woke up feeling optimistic and energetic. There was a bounce in her step as she left her house and walked to school.About a block from campus she ran into Adriana, a fellow senior cheerleader. In fact — Kat did a quick mental calculation — she was the only senior on the squad who Kat hadn’t fucked yet (there were just the four of them).Adriana — everyone called her Ana — was one of darker-skinned girls in their school; her parents were from the...
As Kelly Ann walked down Katrina’s driveway, she took out her phone, took a deep breath to steel her nerves, and called Jessica.“Hello, sweetheart,” purred Jessica’s husky voice. “How are you today?” Coming out of Jessica’s mouth, even that innocent question sounded dirty, and Kelly found herself wondering if Jessica somehow knew what had transpired between Katrina and herself. I wouldn’t put it past her, Kelly thought.“I’m great,” answered Kelly Ann, and it was true. She had just had a long...
The year was 1994. I was 18 years old and about to graduate high school. The prom was only a week away and I did not have a date. I was an average looking guy. I was 5’10, 190 lbs, short dark hair, and dark eyes with a decent build. I guess my best quality was tucked away in my pants. My dick was nearly ten inches long and very thick. Having had a girlfriend in private school for three years, whom I had just broken up with, word had not really spread throughout school about my goods.Through out...
It’s been several weeks since my fellow High School Cheerleaders and I teased my dad for being a sex crazed old man. One of my teammates, Keri, and her family belong to the same Health Club as my family. On this past Sunday morning, we happen to arrive at the same time her and her mom. I saw her mom, Judy, talking to my mom in the locker room as we were preparing to participate in the 9am aerobics class. My dad does not do aerobics, but this time my mom insisted he participate. Just before the...
Incest‘You just got rejected! Rejected! Rejected!’ the cheerleaders cheered with their pink pom-poms . The jock hung his head down as one of the most popular girls, and hottest, walked away. You’d have to be living under a rock to not know who Cindy Traynor was. That blond-haired, blue-eyed, pink-faced girl was in every man’s dream, even mine. All of the popular girls were in my dreams, and most of them were on the cheerleader squad. ‘What are you looking at, dork?’ Jenna Marble, one of the...
Introduction: Richard Johnson gets a pleasant surprise while closing up the school after the game. The Pulaski High School basketball game had ended about two hours ago. The varsity team had won. Richard Johnson, the assistant coach was in the process of shutting everything down for the night. He opened the door to the swimming pool and heard splashing. It only took a second to recognize that three of the varsity cheerleaders were in the pool and they were skinny dipping. Their crimson and blue...
Your name is John and work for Dallas Cowboy work in the IT department. You were stuck installing security upgrades for the corporate office that would lock everything out on the executive floor and you were suppose to be by yourself all day. You have had much luck with the ladies, being the most unattractive person, as were bit of a nerd. Most weekends you would the building would empty except for security guards. But this this weekend one of the top executives and couple of the team's...
By the time Betty Ann Collins arrived around 10:00, things had gotten well and truly out of hand. She saw her niece, Sally – until recently the shyest and most innocent of girls – kneeling behind Marie, alternately spanking Marie’s ass and lapping at her pussy. Someone was squirming underneath Sally, her head trapped between the girl’s thighs; judging from the pubic hair, it was most likely Jane. J.J., having secured a strap-on, was plowing into Kelly Ann from behind as Kelly licked Jessica. On...
It was getting toward evening on Friday, and Jessica sat alone by the pool with her first cocktail of the night. She was anxious to get things underway; she had a lot of big plans for the weekend. The time was now, she thought. This whole situation with the cheerleaders seemed too fraught to last long, especially in light of what Kelly had told her about Kat and her lack of discretion. Young women could be awfully unpredictable, and this was one reason why Jessica usually stayed away from them,...
So one day i was visiting my local green dealer David. He wanted to discuss some business with me so I was hanging out. It was about 1pm, and suddenly there was a knock at the door. David opened the door and let in three fine ass girls dressed in cheerleading uniforms. One was a tall, skinny, brunette with tan, beautiful skin. One was a short blonde with perky titties and an amazing face. And the other wore glasses, her reddish brown hair back in a pony tail. They were all sexy as hell but I...