Pussy In Training
- 2 years ago
- 24
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“Patel?” my wife said, astonished.
It started at the sex therapist. Just before Christmas.
Our sex life was fine, but not perfect. Two years after our first kid, we wanted to have a second, just in time for my wife’s thirtieth. However, we both admitted that we could barely conjure up the passion to make love once a week, much less multiple time during her ovulation period.
It wasn’t because her body had changed. In fact, all my favorite features about my beautiful wife had barely changed after childbirth. She always had these “slut tits” that I loved. I only called them that in my head, because they reminded me of the type of tits that most men imagined on their penultimate stripper or fantasy hooker. Her little belly was still cute, her eyes were still big and blue, and her ass hadn’t changed. We just...lost the passion.
We had everything in life: great jobs, a beautiful five-year old daughter, our dream home, and a pretty damn good marriage. Everything was going according to the plan. Rather than wait until things degraded into a dead bedroom, which many of our other married friends endured, we went to a therapist. We thought the best defense would be a good offense..
I nodded in response to her inquisitive look.
“So this therapist handed you an index card,” she continued, a little louder than normal, “...and you wrote on it that the sexual fantasy you turn to when you have to be aroused, before making love to me, is of me have sex with fucking disgusting, lizard-faced Patel at one of the Brighton’s pool parties? This cannot be real.”
“Now Nicole,” the therapist said, “we promised we wouldn’t judge. This is an open forum. John, can you explain what excites you about that situation?”
I sighed, “Patel is a pretty unsavory guy, he-”
Nicole interrupted, “Uhm, he’s like five foot five, balding, kind of fat, has weird Indian-guy hair, is addicted to strippers, let me repeat that, is openly addicted to strippers and talks constantly about them like they’re his friggin girlfriends…I mean, your co-workers are techy guys, I get that, and some of them are crazy anti-social, but this guy is just outright repulsive. On, like, a base level. That’s why this is so….well….”
The therapist laughed a bit in order to add levity to the situation. My wife failed to mention that Patel was a multi-millionaire thanks to his dealings in the tech startup scene. She failed to mention that his stripper ramblings were tongue-in-cheek party talk that came from a man with few social graces and deep, deep personal insecurities. Or, that when we attended one of these pool parties, he stared at her wet bikini-clad breasts like a suckling child every second he could.
“Right,” I said, “That’s the thing. You talk all the time about how much he disgusts you, and he’s unbelievably pathetic. Everybody knows that. Hell, even Patel knows he’s pathetic. So….I guess...it’s two things. First, if you did make love to him, it would be because I told you to. Any other guy in this world, you might be attracted to, it would make me jealous and feeling betrayed. But him...in my fantasy, you’re with him because I told you to be, and that gets me off, really hard. I think it’s a power thing.”
“Good, good,” the therapist said, “That’s the root of it...go on...”
“And the other thing,” I said, continuing, “So here you are, this genetically gifted person, with so much going for you, and this...I won’t be insulting but...Patel’s genetic….whatever….his scent, his bonding hormones, his cum….you’re risking so much just letting him inside you, and it makes no sense, on like this really animal level, and-”
“It makes no sense, at all,” my wife said, eliciting more polite giggles from the therapist.
“I know! OK? I know it doesn’t. There was one pool party where your top was above the waterline and Patel was just flat out staring at you. I mean this guy was borderline ready to jump your bones five feet away from me. He was in love with watching the water evaporate off your tits. And...I don’t know. It really lit me up. It’s the last time I can remember feeling something deep, sexually. Something that pierced the veil.”
The therapist started to go off on a diatribe about openness. She advised us to not actually act-out these fantasies, but instead to dabble in them in harmless ways. The rest of the session didn’t reach that level of emotionality. I was left wondering if I deeply disturbed my wife.
This exchange happened after Nicole admitted her deepest fantasy: having me watch her have sex with another man. She was quick to assure me it didn’t have to do with my sexual performance, but it was just a naughty idea that popped into her head.
“At its base, I think it would get me off that you showed that much self control. That you could be a Gary Cooper strong silent type, even in that situation. That’s what I love about you the most, when you’re just….so, so strong.”
I didn’t probe into her reasoning the same way she interrogated me. I just accepted her, like I always did.
This was in the car on the way home from the therapist.
She brought up the Patel thing, but she was more accepting this time.
“So...let’s say, guys like Patel….one of these lizard men in their mid 40s with no wife or children...what would you even do if I flirted with them?”
I felt the anxiety from the fantasy bubble up in mind, “That wouldn’t shake me. But you could fool around. You could even go further with my permission. That would get me going. Afterwards, I don’t think I’d care what you did. You’d get a pass.”
I couldn’t believe I had said what I said.
“You soooo would care! You would be mad at me forever.” she retorted, smiling.
“Yes, I suppose I would be. Sorry.”
She laughed. But after years of marriage, she knew I was being truly honest with my first response. We just couldn’t say those types of things out loud or dwell on them. If we did, things would fall apart.
This was midway through the Brighton’s first pool party of the summer.
It was six months after the sex therapist session. I had completely forgotten about the Patel fantasy. Our sex life was red-hot for a few weeks after we saw the therapist, but had settled back into mediocrity. And...she still wasn’t pregnant.
The Brightons house was huge. They had something like eight bedrooms, a dedicated gym, and a billiards room with arcade games. The IT industry was a place to meet people with extreme wealth, and Patel was nearly in the Brighton’s range of excess. I saw him briefly and said hello. He was ranting about his new bright purple sports car, how he spent twenty thousand dollars at a strip club last week, how he took a hooker as his “date” to a resort in Mexico. All of this would be confounding if it wasn’t coming from a meek, tiny man with thinning hair and a beer gut. Through his broken English, pretty much everything Patel said was almost adorable, even if it involved stripper orgies and the impulsive spending of an isolated, lonely man.
I was getting a beer from their outdoor kitchen when I saw, out of the corner of my eye, my wife talking to someone. Her tits were hanging nicely in her bikini that night and her ass looked to be on point. We briefly made eye contact, and she gave me an intense look that I didn’t normally see from her. I glanced away and when I turned back, she was gone.
Twenty minutes later, I went inside to use the restroom. When I exited, I realized I hadn’t seen Nicole for some time. The look she gave me earlier seemed to say that I needed to find her. I walked through the house quietly. In the dark, I could see two figures shifting in the moonlight.
I saw the outline of their bodies as they laid on the end of a bed, heads facing the doorway. Patel was on top of my wife, kissing her quietly but with intimacy. The side of her bikini top was shifted and one of her breasts was visible. Patel was massaging her inverted nipples as they explored each other’s bodies.
I felt the blood surge from my legs straight into my skull. The initial defensive reaction subsided almost too quickly as I noticed an outright intoxicating level of arousal overtake me, with a deep mix of fear. It was like smelling gasoline at a fill station: it felt really good, but my mind was telling me to stop enjoying the sensation before I hurt myself.
Patel pulled away, “Do you like me?” he whispered to her meekly.
She gave him a cadillac smile. “I like you. I like your strong hands.”
“This is bad, your husband will hurt us.”
She rubbed his head, “We’re just fooling around. We only had two good kisses. My other boob isn’t out. It’s just a little fun.”
For the next ten minutes, my wife led him on with those little phrases, assuring him. After slow goading and casual giggling, she had her top off, and his fingers disappeared beneath her bottoms.
“Our suits are on,” she said, as Patel fumbled around with my wife’s vagina, “It’s not cheating.”
There was something so erotic about her gentle words guiding him down the slippery slope. She was giving him every excuse to continue, like she was leading on a hesitant child.
I walked into the room. Patel looked startled, his big doe-like innocent eyes loomed large. My wife grabbed his head and turned him back towards her, giving him soft, meaningful kisses. She knew I would come and find her eventually. She didn’t even turn to look at me.
I stood at the side of the bed. The musty smell of chlorinated water mixing with the down comforter and my wife’s juices was stimulating me in ways I couldn’t understand. After she broke their final kiss, she pushed down his swim trunks. Patel’s brown, freckled cock sprang free, and I have to say it wasn’t as diminished as the rest of the man. Even in the moonlight, I could tell he was unbelievably hard. It was the first time in my life I had seen a man’s penis in any erotic situation, and yet I had no true reaction to it. In my detached fever, it was the instrument that could further the taboo that had soaked my mind in euphoria.
“Ooohh, bad, bad...we should stop..” she cooed. Patel took his cock in hand and began to rub it into her bottom. He rubbed hard enough to shift the cloth of the bikini. He was deliberate, probing, but respecting her rules.
“I feel heat,” Patel muttered sheepishly, “I can feel the heat.”
Her camel toe appeared and I could see the outline of her pussy shift as he shoved into her. He kept probing into her and she was moaning softly, leading him on. Her nipples were now erect, and her mouth was agape from her deep breathing.
I felt like I was walking in a dream when I reached forward and untied the string of her bikini.
Even in her altered state, she was horrified. She finally looked at me. I stared back defiantly. If she could do all this heavy petting without informing me, I had a “gimme” in the bank. It was my turn to dictate the course of things.
Patel was shoving his cock against her loosening bottom in an animalistic state. He was too timid to rip into her, so he kept playing the game. Slowly but surely he was using his cock to push her bottom to one side. The thin layer of material was covering less and less of her crotch.
“So bad…” she muttered, keeping up her reluctance. I didn’t know if she was serious or if she just enjoyed building tension. The bottom was pushed to one side, and I think Patel may have edged the head of his cock inside her slightly. He withdrew timidly and she put her hand in front of her opening. Of her short list of lifelong lovers, Patel had made the cut. That much, at least, was irreversible.
“Do you do this with the other girls?” she said, breathlessly, ”At the club?”
She kissed him with a peck to distract him, “Yes yes,” he said. She sort of motioned to get space between the two of them and smiled, hoping to buy time.
“Do they get tests? Do they-” he pushed the tip into her and she moved her hand to try and cover where he probed, “Tests? Clean? Are they cl-”
Somehow he found a way to push past her hand and he was entering her. Her eyebrows furrowed and she clenched her teeth. The blood in my head felt like it rushed through the floor.
“Heeeey,” she said, placing her hands on his chest in a sign of affectionate resistance, “Come on, lll--” she lost her thoughts and her eyes widened as he pumped. Her body was relenting. “Let’s talk….bout this….wait a sss--” she groaned, “sec…”
He began rocking his hips. I sat there, my own cock erect, dying inside as I watched another man see my wife’s breasts jostle in circles as he plowed into her. That sight had driven me to hundreds of orgasms and now, for the first time, another man was stealing that same, deeply personal joy. Nicole’s head tilted and her eyes closed. She was getting deeper into it. I knew how sweet her breath smelt at moments like this. Her respectful, level-headed self was withering.
“Ok you….had a few pumps….lez talk….let me….uhhohh no. Gotta...pull out…”
A man she truly loathed was probing into her depths, spreading microscopic cells inside her that were no less dangerous than bullets in a game of Russian roulette. If Patel was a little rough in the booth at the club the night before, he could be pumping a disease into the mother of my children, one that could haunt her for the rest of her life. And yet here I was, watching as she shuddered each time he threw his body weight into her. I didn’t lift a finger to stop him.
Globs of the genetic material coating the end of his cock rubbed deep into her womb. This was the worst risk of all. Even if we escaped unscathed, and erased the “mistake” at a local pharmacy, we would have to remember another man as a potential father of her children.
Every thrust into her was like the empty click of a gun chamber...click, click, click.
My most looming, darkest fear: what if she...cared about him. The man inside her was far wealthier than me and malleable. She could upgrade her life, and find a new man servant...what if this was pandora’s box? How many beautiful woman hung off the arm of men far uglier and older than him in the name of the almighty dollar? Could we ever be the moral judge of his stripper addiction if we allowed her, my precious wife, to be debased beneath him like a low-class call girl?
My mind envisioned clumps of his precum, sticking to her walls. She looked lesser to me now, like a stupid, wayward bitch. Less than human.
I was so horny. I was feverishly, devotedly horny. Ten years of total sexual monotony was scorched along with our fidelity, and I was either going to watch my fantasy unfold or get divorced trying. I noticed a digital clock that Patel could easily see.
“If you last until 10:30, you can cum inside.”
Patel didn’t acknowledge me, but slowed his strokes. Nicole’s face contorted and she struggled to convey her disagreement through the waves of taboo pleasure jolting through her. Strategizing, she started mulling him on...and probably praying that Patel’s obedient nature and extreme arousal would spare her from taking his cum.
“Cum in me,” she said with despondent, begging eyes, “Make your cum in me, make a baby, Do it. I’m so hot, I need you….”
She started panting. Sweat was pouring off her forehead. Stroke after stroke was pounding into her as the clock ticked away. In a move that was more to toy with me than it was to goad Patel, she pressed her knees into his sides, trapping him inside her. This was the first point where I felt the need to physically stop the proceedings. It was the first time I felt deep, bellowing jealousy. She was a whore on her back in a cave, waiting. If I ripped him off her, I might save the cultured, intelligent woman I loved. Or at least, my idea of her.
The seduction became too much for her overwhelmed new lover. Much to my relief, he pushed past her gripping knees and barely escaped her slick vagina. A thick, audible jet of cum sprayed hard against her shaved pussy lips. It was so intense I could have sworn some of it pushed them apart and slithered its way inside.
“Oh wow,” she said in between pants, “Look at all that baby spray...”
As the last of his cum escaped him, her hand wrapped around his cock and milked it, spreading the last drops onto her pussy lips as she squeezed them from him. She smiled and laughed as she took both his cheeks in her hands and looked him in the eye.
“Baby spray!” she said again, laughing.
The clock switched to 10:30. He was so close, yet so far away. I was too flustered from the intensity of the moment and left the room. I sat in the hall, my head in my hands, trying to collect my thoughts. I peered around the corner and saw them in an embrace, her nose nuzzling his as they smiled and exchanged sweet little nothings. They faced each other, side by side.
“You love me?” she asked him. I could see him palming one of he breasts.
“Yes yes. You love me?”
She nervously giggled, “You’re special to me. You’re in my heart now.”
They kissed. And this wasn’t a peck, or even passion. This was meaningful, deliberate.
“This is good love,” Patal uttered.
She beamed at him, “This is good. You’re making me feel so special.”
I saw him sort of rock his body into her. I couldn’t tell if he was adjusting position or probing her with another erection. They were whispering.
My wife’s eyes grew again.
“No….this is so dangerous....”
He pumped into her five or six times with his cum covered cock. Somehow she summoned the presence of mind and pushed away from him. His half erect cock slurped out of her. He shoved it back in and she cooed. I had to walk away. This was her choice now, and I had to save myself from any further agony.
This was in the car, after my wife opened the door.
She was still wearing her bikini. I was furiously masturbating, being careful that no one else leaving the party could see me. I had left her in his arms, defenseless, so I could masturbate, alone, in the dark.
As soon as she was inside, I jammed my fingers into her bottoms and collected two fingers worth of the ice-cold sperm still matted on her vagina. I didn’t know if this was fresh, or left over from the session I had witnessed. I shoved his cum deep into her cunt. Her eyes glazed over and she nearly came in an instant.
We made furious love, in the parking lot, not caring if anyone could see us.
This was in the living room, the next day, after we fed our kid.
While she prepared breakfast, I ran to the pharmacy. She was sitting in a chair in a red silk bathrobe. The top of the robe was split open and a faint hint of cleavage was saying hello. I placed a morning-after pill next to her on the end table.
“How are you feeling?” I asked her.
She sighed deeply. The sun was bouncing off her big, saucer-sized blue eyes. I couldn’t believe how innocent she looked. I was deeply in love with her.
“In my mind? I….can’t believe what we did. I have this deep, deep, sort of...loathing, thinking about touching him, saying those things to him. I can’t believe his naked body was...anywhere near me.”
I was surprised at her negative reaction, “Well then you’re one hell of an actress.”
She looked me in the eye and shook her head, “I said that was what was in my mind. That loathing and that disgust is still... energy. Still the first time I felt alive in a long time. My heart was bursting out of my chest because it felt so good to explore another man, and to have him make me….feel. Even if it was a slog and a challenge, and a little disgusting...I still felt. It’s been so long since I felt anything that immense.”
I nodded, “We took a lot of risks.” I made sure to group us together to avoid shaming her.
She agreed with her eyes. “So, so unsafe...what if there’s a baby…”
We let the big, big elephant in the room sit in silence. I remembered how it felt shoving his cum into her. What if she was unscathed until then? What if my horn-ball, delusional action was the deciding moment when nihilism bore fruit?
“There’s the mind, the heart, and the soul. We haven’t talked about the soul.”
I paused. She looked white as a ghost. “What do you mean?” I asked.
She licked her lips, “I considered him. I think, if we want to come clean, we have to talk about that. Not just the gaudy porn stuff. You need to know that I considered him.”
I was in disbelief, “What…?”
Her shoulders shrugged, “Maybe after the third or fourth long, drawn out kiss, I asked myself if I liked the way it felt to look in his eyes. He was touching me in ways you never have, what can I say? Novelty is exciting. We shared humor. He told me he loved me. Look…”
She reached for and then shoved her phone in my face. It was filled top to bottom with flat-out worshipful text messages from Patel, showering compliments on her.
“I ask myself: could I find a way to love him back? For a better life? Could he better support our daughter? You’re the one who let other people into our marriage. Is it a marriage?”
I was agasp, “I….”
“I wish he was here now.”
That statement just left me floored. She could see it.
“Right, so you thought because I disliked him, you had nothing to worry about. No jealousy, just the erotica, just the fucking. Well, here we are. I haven’t stopped thinking about him, or how he smelled, or how his hair felt in between my fingers, or what it was like to have him inside me. I haven’t stopped thinking about him. I feel bad because I judged him before. He’s a good man. I just know it.”
She looked me in the eye. The woman loved to provoke me. I couldn’t tell if this was part of the game, or part of reality.
The taboo of it all was getting to me. To say I was aroused would be an understatement. We had made love five times the previous night, barely sleeping, and I was ready for another round.
“I’m fucking addicted to this,” I said. She just returned my stare.
“You might as well quit trying to break me,” I said sternly, continuing. “There’s no way you can escalate this any further.”
She looked at the package. With a nudge, it fell to the floor. The message was clear.
She had just turned a few nights of hot, passionate, carnal sex into a full month of primal caveman reclamation.. And she fucking knew it.
I held frame. She opened her robe, and her taut little belly sprung forth, just below her those delicious dump-truck breasts. With a quick flick of her fingers, she sent a text message and then placed the unlocked phone, just above her pussy. In the unlikely, but very possible, event that Patel had placed his child inside her, it was growing at a geometric rate just beneath that phone. It sat there as she closed her eyes, rubbing her temples.
After a long hesitation, I finally took the bait. I got down on my knees and leaned in to read the phone. I could smell her pussy, and I yearned to lick it from top to bottom like it was our honeymoon. I recalled his “baby spray” audibly bouncing off of her vagina just hours before. I read the text message.
“I love you. So, so much.”
I looked to her tummy as it softly waved up and down as she breathed. I’ve never wanted to fuck another human being more in my life. I looked to her face.
“What are you doing?” I asked in a gravelly voice. She kept rubbing her temples with her eyes closed.
“I’ve got options.”
My cock was concrete. I thought I was going to pass out.
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Although being a cheap sleaze-pig of 24, Andrea subconsciously tried telling herself she really didn't know why she was skankily-dressed and standing outside The HotSpot Adult Theater shortly after dark on a sweltering Friday night in July – except... … well, that wasn't due to the night's high temperature. As a submissive and hopelessly whorish young woman with medium-brown hair, a cute face, nice though smallish milk-dumps, a shaved gash between her thighs and a sinfully round...
Hi, guys Karthik back again with another story. I was simply overwhelmed by the responses I got for the story last time. Do thank you all for the responses and do continue sharing your feedback. As always you can contact me on For the benefit of my new readers, I am Karthik aged 27 from Bangalore. 5 foot 11 inches. Professionally successful and with and dick big enough to make women go wild. This incident happened in December of 2015. I wanted to purchase a car. And I had narrowed it down...
This is a true story with names changed...A few years ago we signed up on a swinger’s website. We had fun checking out the couples and we did some online chatting. After a few months, we found a couple that lived relatively close to us, and after some texts and sharing more private pictures, we decided to meet up for drinks to get to know each other in person and to check out any possible chemistry.We drove to a restaurant that they picked out near their home, and we were quite nervous but...
My wife, Jean, is a smart, successful business woman at work and a sexual slut in private life. At home she always wears sexy, revealing clothes and enjoys showing herself off to me. I have always been turned-on by this behaviour and encouraged it. When purchasing birthday, anniversary or Christmas gifts for her I always include something sexy; stockings, stilettos, erotic lingerie or revealing clothing and her collection is extensive After thirty-three years of marriage I can look back on a...
SwingerThat is not acomplaint though. I would do anything for this girl. The only rule is that I can not use her name...but I met her from this site, met her in real life for the first just a few hours ago. And now she has me sitting in fornt of my computer, naked. She is naked too, her long blonde hair sticking to her face from the sweat she worked up. Her sweat dripped all over my back as she held me on my hands and knees before her. I let her own me, use me, take me. She forced (can it...
A Poor Mountain Girl TransitionsMature and Young, Flashing, Upskirts, Kinky, Extreme, Fisting and Group SexEva watched Billy 40ft in the tree top installing her “Thunder Stick” CB antenna. It had taken 2 years of turning her ass up to have her own Mobile Home. She rented it from “Ole Larry” 70, a widower, small “dirt farmer”, with 6 acre's including a 1 acre pond/swimming hole. With a roadside stand to sell his product's, cheap fishing and a Silver Tongue, he survived. Eva's rent paid her light...
The faint sounds of the music filtered through the window screens to reach me as I sat on the front porch steps. Patsy Cline, I was not, but I hummed along anyway, watching the end of my cigarette flare as I took a long, slow drag. Although it was after midnight, it was too damned hot to do the walking that the song suggested. Summers in west Texas can be brutal and seemingly endless. I felt a drop of sweat roll down my back to catch on the waistband of my simple white cotton panties and, when...
We had been dating for a while now. The sex was what we wanted and her naked and aroused was perfect. Shy no longer, she'd be naked, or close to it whenever we were alone. She knew I liked her that way. Once we made it to the bedroom, she was pure slut, and happy to display herself fully, her clit hanging , small breasts, and happily lubing herself, smiling as I watched her finger herself deep, or used a dildo so I could watch. displaying herself eagerly.Tonight was special, we'd gone to...
They talked over the scene that Nicole was to act out. It was supposed to be a scene in a flower garden with a grass lawn. Nicole realized that she must do what they wanted her to do. It was too late and improper to refuse to act now. Joy said, "It's hot outside. Why not we do it in her bed room?" Joy's father agreed, "Yes, the bedroom can be used as a garden with the bed as the grassy lawn." So, they all went up to the bedroom which, Martha had said, would be Nicole's and her...
This is a story about me and my youth. The story is 100% true and I use as little artistic license as possible. Chapter 1 sets the stage and there is very little sex. I’m setting the stage, I am painting a picture, I am telling a story. I am doing my best Bruce Springsteen impersonation. I promise though the sex comes in the next few chapters. It’s fucking glorious, it happens often, and its fucking graphic as all hell. I welcome your constructive criticism. I was your ordinary high...
It had been so long since a man had touched me with my pleasure in mind, since a man looked at me with lust in his eyes, and since a man commanded my response. It had been far too long since my body responded to a man’s touch with unrestrained need, since that voice in my had begged for dominance, and since I felt that joyful ache of passion. Our conversations were fueled by sex. Our flirtation and desire had been pushing us to this moment. A few stolen moments together were not nearly enough...
Office SexMicro Skinny to Chubby Bunny Part 2 - The threesome Walking to her car feeling ashamed but still very tingly and turned on, Jamie was worried that someone may have seen her fingering herself in the booth, yet a part of her really didn’t care because of how amazingly good it all felt. As she got in her car her legs felt week and her tummy was still bloated but not nearly as full as it was right after the 50 bacon wraps. “God, I can’t believe I let that happen. At least it is over and I can go...
The Stanes By: lil-r-h-h ( [email protected] )Copyright 2005 I cuddled into Sam, her shapely curves cushioning me. The travel rug was ouronly modesty as we were bumped about on the backseat, the smooth leather providingno traction under our bare-asses. We had been travelling down twisting single-trackroads for hours. We passed the last house around 10 miles back (if you couldcall it a house; a ramshackle croft turned holiday cottage, waiting out thelonely months till the life spark...
Tory pulled Jenny aside and whispered in her ear: “Dirty…sissy…fuck puppet”. Jenny’s knees buckled when she heard those words. Tory’s filthy mouth was one of the things that Jenny was attracted to when the two of them had first started chatting online. Jenny has lost count of how many times she had creamed herself hands free from their intense cyber sessions. “Filthy…faggot…cum whore”, Tory continued whispering all the while licking globs of sticky cum from Jenny’s ear, hair and cheek. They...
Tiffany came home to an empty house; strange she thought as her two sisters were supposed to be at home and they had promised to help her with her latest project towards her A levels. Annoyed that they had let her down she stormed off to her bedroom and decided to do some research on the computer she had there; she had started the boot up process and when to get out of her school uniform before getting comfy; She cast off her blouse and her pleated skirt and was bent over the drawer looking...
Ikea… che palle!Katia mi aveva talmente stressato, tanto da cedere e soccombere ad una Domenica in quell’ immenso capannone alla ricerca di un divano per il suo appartamento; e la sera non si è nemmeno concessa a me.Effettivamente trovammo ciò che faceva al caso suo, e pure in offerta.Problema n1: in macchina non ci sta.Il loro servizio di trasporto era troppo costoso allora ripiegammo sulle amicizie.Mi accordai con un mio amico e il sabato pomeriggio successivo partimmo in tre (io Katia e...
She felt the pain inside her begin to subside with each step the demon took up the spiral stone staircase. Her crying slowed to soft sobs and she began to forget about the tears falling to the floor below her. She had never felt this way before. Confused and angry, yet soothed and calm. She didn't think to struggle, she knew what was below her, and was too afraid of what might be ahead. They climbed the staircase for so long she actually began to fall asleep. He shook her awake as he...
FinalI met Larry at a company party. His law firm is a client of ours and even after our work was complete he and I kept in touch. He was the one I sought out for advice and now I'm glad I did. After a quick call on his cell, he agreed to see me for lunch. I told him I'd pay if I could pump him for some advice. He said sure then picked a high priced restaurant. To the outside world Larry is a staunch family man. He and Pam have been married for over thirty four years. He has three successful...
I went inside, my mother was sitting crocheting on the sofa. "Have a nice time, dear?" I nodded, too aware of the fact that I hadn't gotten my bra back on. She didn't look up, and I went straight upstairs and closed my door with a sigh. I stripped out of my clothes and tossed them in the dirty clothes basket. Even my panties; they were still soaked. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and sundry personal places, staring blankly at myself in the mirror, moving by rote. I didn't...
She sits there on her porch on the hanging cane chair and the laptop on the small desk in front. It's a bit cold but she doesn't mind. She is a 32 year old full bloodied married woman from India. She is on her laptop surfing the net..when someone pings her. This guy is me "HypermatiC"...she asks me to fill up my profile and make it complete. I do that. and then we have a chat...one thing leads to another we have regular chats now, which are properly steamy and dripping with sex and sexual...
So my girlfriend and I had decided we wanted to visit the local adult store to try out a little gloryhole fun. We had watched videos together and she always said she's like to see me getting my cock sucked through the hole, and who am I to turn down getting head, eh? She'd also mentioned that she wanted to try her skills are sucking cock through the hole, so this seemed like a pretty win-win idea.Let me give you a quick overview of my girlfriend to bring you up to speed. She's 19 years old,...
First off, to get an idea of me, I work downtown and most of my wardrobe is mostly slacks, button-ups, polos, and proud of my dress shoe collection lol. So when I go out I am dressed well, and clean cut. Anyway, I managed to swing a night with a woman through the suaveness at the blackjack table. She obviously knew what she was doing and was up about $700. I sit down with a Anyway, this milf was stacked with a short black skirt on that kept riding up exposing he lingerie.. Which was a...
My sexy wife Christi is usually pretty reserved but sometimes after a few glasses of wine she lets herself loosen up a bit. I have always wanted to share her but haven't been able to get her to consent. Christi is very sexy. She has long brown hair, beautiful blue eyes and what I think is a smoking hot body. She is five foot six inches, weighs around 120 pounds, has nice firm 34b breasts and long sexy legs. This particular night she looked especially hot. She was wearing a short dress that went...
Wife LoversA cold wind blew across the plains, and xeno-botanist Shirelle Parsons pulled her jacket tighter around her. She was on an expedition to find a unique plant, as she hunted for what was called the Gorson plant. Now that mankind was making his way out into the cosmos, the closest star systems to Earth were being investigated, and her science vessel, the S.V. Einstein, had been assigned the task of investigating the star called Epsilon Eridani, at a distance of 10.5 light years, it is the...
I was looking for my first car on the web , been at it for the last 3weeks looking at Suvs and pickup truck, mostly honda and Japanese brandmessage sent and the usual back n forth messaging startedi saw 3 and it was junk, or too must rustcursing about my student stuff to pay i coudnt spend much on itThe next day i did the same until i found a decent one, too good for me actually missing 2500 bucks i coudnt deal it the seller a jerkI was going back to the bus when i was ask to wait , looking...
Our sex life has taken a dramatic turn with the advent of blue tooth. My wife likes to entertain young men while I work. We will usually coordinate a time when I am in boring meeting or alone so I can do a little something about it:Here are some of the things She says that I get to listen too when she's entertailing. They are in no particular order:"Don't get undressed baby, let me do it...I love the smell of a man when he's excited and I pull down hi underpants""Wow! For a teenager you are a...
Hello friends, this is Samir from Prabhadevi, Mumbai. I am 32-year-old and work in an MNC. This story is of a recent incident that happened between me and the wife of the landlord of the place. I stay with my roommate in a 2 BHK rented apartment, separate bedrooms for each one of us. Let’s get to the story which started when I was house hunting about six months ago. I came across my current place posted on the website by the person who used to occupy my room. I came to the house and liked the...
By Clove Hardwood http://clovehardwood.tumblr.com (Click on “my stories” to see previous chapters of this story) http://twitter.com/clovehardwood [email protected] The following story is entirely a work of fiction. It has minor plot elements inspired by my own life, but my real-life partner, Ginger (http://abitofginger.com) has been nothing but respectful to me throughout our open marriage. This story is, in fact, driven by my fantasies of what it would be like if she...
Your name is Eli Smith. You are a sophomore at Center Grove High School. You are in Sound System, which is the varsity show choir at CG. After practice one day, you are driving home when you pull up to a stoplight. The light is red, so you wait until it turns green. When it does, you drive accross the intersection. A car heading perpendicular to you doesn't notice his light is now red, and he plows right into you. You immideately lose consciousness. When you come to, you are in a hospital bed....
Mind ControlThe week went by faster than I expected. Today, Babita wanted to reward me by giving me a massage today. She was so ecstatic with pleasure and warm feelings throughout her whole body last week; she wanted to do the same for me. I told her to wait until next time because today was for her. I had never received a massage from a client before; today was supposed to be a day of firsts. Maybe she had forgotten what she said, but just in case, I didn’t want to ruin her day by unloading my self too...
IncestKelly dreamt that she was riding in a small fishing boat in the middle of a massive storm. The boat was purple. The waves were pink and they seemed to reach the sky. Her stomach tightened as seasickness threatened to overtake her. She was trying to find a life preserver that fit her, but her breasts were so huge that all of them were too small. Throughout her search, the boat seemed to rock in every direction. She was shaken awake by Ed. He was shouting, “Get up, Kelly.” She sat up thinking...
My wife works in an office with several women most are older than my thirty three year old bride. She is five foot four and a hundred pounds on the dot. Her natural hair color is mousey brown but she keeps it bleached blonde. It's shoulder length and kept straight with bangs. I love that almost fifties style pinup look. The dress code in the office is skirts or dresses only. Most of the ladies wear at or below the knee but my wife's legs have always been her best assets so she wears her above...
Eric and I were out fishing in his rowboat one day on a little lake that we know of.It was almost 11 or so in the morning and the fish were not biting at all when Eric looked at me and asked if was up for a bit of fun already knowing what my answer would be. I am a nymphomaniac to tell the truth. I said sure pull ashore by a some trees and we'll see what develops. He says to me no lets just do it right there in the boat. I take a quick look around and see we were still by ourselves and...
My wife was away on business and I was out watering the lawn when I heard, “Hey, check this out!” as Alana and Daniel got out of their car in my driveway. I looked in her hand that she was holding up what appeared to be a glass container of cum. A full glass, a quart at least. Unknown to me, my neighbor Ginger and her daughter Cathy were walking up their driveway adjacent to mine at that moment. They saw it too. It was hard to miss the way Alana was flaunting it around; what a...
Em had been at a loose end all evening, with nothing to look forward to except dinner which she would have in her room and then probably an early night. She was on another full-on business trip. The in-room meal had come and gone. She had done what she needed to do for her program the next day. It was nine o’clock. She thought briefly about looking in on the bar and nightclub in the basement of the hotel and rejected the idea. If she went there alone some man would try to pick her up and...
(Episode 24) This follows "Voyage d’Etude en Europe: The Sexy French Girl"I had no idea that I would soon be sucked raw and fucked senseless, by two competing girls.Upon returning from my trip to Europe, I sank into a deep and melancholy mood. I knew that I would probably never again see Yvette, the French girl, and that really had me down. I had also just received news that the ‘love of my life,’ my old girlfriend, Jennifer, was still seeing that asshole law student. No doubt I would have...
College Sex“Hello, I’m Dan,” said the man at the door. “Hello,” said Maria ushering him in, “I’m ... Susie.” The last thing she wanted was to use her real name. Kyle had prepped her about how to act and what to say. He had “arranged” her initial experience in her new profession by scouring a local convention and approaching some of the attendees until finding one who was receptive to what he had to offer. Payment had been arranged and Dan had been given the address and time. Actually this initial...
I was leaning back on the sofa at my girlfriend Pam's apartment, with her snuggled up under one arm. She was wearing her typical at-home uniform of a long sleep-style tee-shirt that fell to mid thigh. Nothing else. No panties or bra. She had her knees drawn up beside her on the sofa, and my hand was draped casually across her big right breast. Her nipple was a stiff peak under my palm. Pam was 18, although when we first met a couple of months earlier she had tried to tell me that she was 21....
Story to date: Mark Sherman graduated high school as a virgin, with no experience in sex. He had never even seen a naked woman. His mother paid for college if he would go where she chose – Anthony College. His first day Mark was horrified that a woman saw him naked in the shower. He soon learned that at Anthony the women have the power. And, it was an unusual place. Public nudity and even public sex were both allowed. Uperclassmen could have alcohol. And women could go anywhere on campus that...
BisexualWith me being the only female in the group, I knew I was always going to be eye-candy for the guys. And I won't lie, I don't think I can blame them for that. I'm not vain and I'm certainly no bombshell beauty but I have always had guys undress me in their heads since my breasts had fully developed. And with my body type, they always draw attention. I stand at 5'9, brunette, D-cup (since 14yrs old) , 156lbs, lean build and a slight tan, not too muscular but almost perfectly toned. That...
Lesley had slept for the best part of 14 hours, and still felt like shit. It was Monday morning and she had to face the fact that she could not stay away from work any longer. Rob had dropped her at 2 pm Sunday afternoon outside her front door, when she was sure there was no one home. She had spent the morning at Robs sleeping and apologising. She had finally got away from the stag party when Rob picked her up before eight that morning. She was a mess. Her clothes were ruined, one shoe was...
David needed some time away from game. He had flexibility with his job, but he had pushed that to the limit. Also, he needed time to take stock of where he was. The past day had been a whirlwind of activity. One real-world day ago, Ariel had started to work with real clients in the training brothel. Now, she was an initiate of the Whores Guild soon to be an apprentice. Even the David of three weeks ago would not recognize his life. The idea that it would feel natural to take a break from...