Harlotsville Ch. 06 free porn video

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(c) Embers

The commotion at the top of the stairs was fast becoming thunderous, vibrating the walls that surrounded Betty.

She could hear the thumps of heavy boots, and the guffaws and hoots of men who sounded nearly as agitated as they were happy. With a biting prescience, the expression ‘thrown to the wolves’ dashed through her mind.

The frameless mattress rumbled underneath Betty’s legs. Her rear end hung halfway off its side as she balanced herself with her palms against the floor, bearing down on her grease can.

She’d been sitting this way for nearly an hour, with the can now almost entirely buried in her rectum. Although the rim of her sphincter was already raw from a full day of preparation, she knew the worst was to come.

She looked at her watch. 10:56 pm. Leaning to one side with the can still planted inside of her, she grabbed the gin that Eugenia had left for her, remembering her advice: ‘It’s going to hurt in the morning either way, so you may as well be drunk.’

Although Betty had only drank alcohol a handful of times in her life, she did not hesitate to swig liberally from the sour bottle now. It was the closest thing to an anesthetic she could find.

10:59. She pulled herself up from her can, hearing it slide free from her distended port with an echoic ‘thunk,’ and put on her glittery eye mask. She then removed her dress, folding it and placing it neatly in the corner.

Now topless, she held her pocket watch at a distance, looking at her dim reflection in its crystal. She barely recognized herself. Her hair had been mostly lopped off, replaced with a jagged shingle bob of Eugenia’s design. Her dark purple lipstick looked garish in contrast to her pale skin, making her appear bloodless. And that devilish eye mask…

Suddenly she heard three rapid knocks. This was only kind of knock she had been instructed to answer. She felt faint with fear, but she knew that there was no escape now.

With shaking limbs, she pulled the long rope that lifted the oak latch from the door. Still holding the rope, she then positioned herself as she’d been instructed, with her elbows and knees on the mattress, her head down, and her bottom up high.

‘C-come in…big boy,’ she said with a timid voice, shutting her eyes tight. She heard the door swing open, and then the sound of dramatic panting. The door then slammed shut. She let go of the rope, and the latch fell back into place with a loud thwack.

‘Look at me,’ the man behind her began, sounding manic. ‘You look at me when I walk in the room, understand? Daddy’s going to teach you…he’s gonna teach you a lesson…’

Betty turned her head to look back at the man, noticing first that he was rather obese, short, and sweaty. As he hastily began to disrobe, he also revealed himself to be extremely hirsute, with brownish hair sprouting so densely across his chest and arms that it almost resembled a second shirt.

Betty felt sick to her stomach again, but she somehow managed to conjure a smile for her customer, which he responded to with visible enthusiasm.

‘That’s right. You know you want it, you little tart. Daddy’s got what you want…’

Betty wished dearly that the man would stop saying ‘daddy,’ mainly because it reminded her if how far away in both body and spirit she was from her real father and his teachings. Even as she tried to justify that she was doing all of this for his sake, the tightness in her nipples and the new wave of wetness forming at her crotch told a different story altogether.

The man pulled his trousers down, then his briefs, kicking them aside as he continued to mumble crude perversities. Betty had never seen a penis before in her life—she’d heard them analogized, described, and even illustrated in a text book, but seeing one up close shocked her.

On a scale, the man’s member was quite small, extending only a bit longer than one’s middle finger, though it frightened her all the same. Especially because she knew where he intended to put it.

‘They call you Butthole Betty, do they?’ the man asked, furiously pulling his stubby red penis with his fist.

‘Backdoor…Backdoor Betty,’ she corrected, wondering why she even bothered to. Her name didn’t seem to matter. All that mattered was what the man’s eyes were focused on. He stared at her big round backside with smoldering eyes.

‘Backdoor Betty,’ the man repeated, further pleased. ‘That’s what daddy calls his girl. You’re daddy’s girl, aren’t you?’

Betty winced and clenched her teeth. ‘Yes,’ she said with tight-lipped reluctance.

‘That’s right,’ the man said loudly. Without hesitation, the man mounted her, his clammy hands gripping her hips. She lowered her head again, hoping the man didn’t want her to keep looking back at him. Thankfully, he now seemed thoroughly distracted by her ample rump.

Feeling the alcohol kick in, she felt inspired to spread her cheeks apart for him, exhibiting her round pink anus. It gaped open about the size of a dollar coin, the interior deep and black.

‘Lordy!’ the man exclaimed, momentarily entranced by her open portal. ‘I’ve never seen a tart open her asshole quite like that. No wonder they call you Backdoor Betty,’ he said gleefully, diving into her.

She gasped as she felt the man effortlessly slip through her rear port. With a laugh he began prodding her anus with his squat prick, his flabby hips ramming into her vigorously.

After an initial twinge of discomfort, an oddly pleasurable sensation began blossoming in her bottom. Soon she found that each successive jab brought tiny shards of shameful pleasure, surging up her rectum like electric shocks.

‘D-don’t stop, please don’t stop,’ she blurted tipsily.

‘You’re daddy’s favorite,’ the man grunted, grabbing her doughy thighs so tightly that they nearly bruised. ‘Tell daddy he’s your favorite!’ the man commanded, smacking her bottom as he continued to bore her anus.

‘Y-you’re my…favorite, daddy! Pack your…daughter proper! G-give it to me straight up the wazoo!’ she let out, slurring her words slightly.

She gripped his penis with her ring tightly. The man immediately ejaculated inside of her with a roar, then fell to her side on the mattress, breathing heavily. His eyes were rolled back.

A few moments later, the man had dressed himself back up. He did not speak, nor did he look at her. Huffing, he reached into his pocketbook and thew a wad of dollar bills at her, then lifted the latch with his hands and left the room.

Betty could smell his rancid, alcohol-soaked sweat lingering on her body. She drunkenly gathered the money and tucked it away in a pouch under the mattress. She then took a few more hefty swigs of gin, and lay flat on her stomach.

The room started to subtly spin. She could not think of anything but preparing for her next encounter now. There wasn’t time to think of anything else. The next knock was only seconds away. And when it came, she pulled herself back up and positioned herself as before.

Three knocks. She reached out, pulling the rope again to unlock the door. She looked back, her voice now adopting her role as full-heartedly as she could, and she mouthed the words:

‘Hi there, big boy…’

The next few hours became a blur of flesh and fluid, moans and curses. By closing time, nearly every man in the pub had made use of Betty’s martyred anus. Yet now in her drunkenness, she couldn’t recall most any of them.

A few men who had presented themselves early enough in the night managed to stand out—there was the lanky bald fellow who claimed to be a prize fighter, there was the hideous fogey with the bent penis who paid extra to have her twice in a row, there was the fast-talking Irish grease monkey who repeatedly offered in vain to buy her in full for a sum of one hundred dollars.

Ultimately, she knew she would not remember any of them tomorrow. All she
would feel was the aftermath of their collective visitation.

The room continued to swirl around her as she lay dazed on the mattress, guzzling the dregs of her bottle in the hopes of staving off the residual hellfire building in her abused rectum. And then she heard the final knock of the evening.

One, two, three.

The knock had an unusual insistency and force to it that alarmed her, even in her dizzied state. With bleary eyes, she struggled up to her knees, crawling across the sex-stained mattress to the hanging rope in the corner. Weakly, she tugged it down.

The man who walked in was accompanied by Eugenia. He was extremely tall and lean, roughly in his early 50′s, and had a complexion the shade of gunstock. He smoked a fragrant cigar and his wide-brimmed hat cast a shadow over his rugged brow.

‘We’re already settled up, so she’s all yours, sailor,’ Eugenia said to the man, rubbing his toned arm. She walked past Betty, reaching under the mattress and grabbing the pouch of money underneath it.

Flipping through the dollar bills with a squint, Eugenia summoned her limited arithmetic skills to tally Betty’s spoils. Finally sure of the sum, she grinned.

‘Well, well, Backdoor Betty. I’d say tonight was a great success. Includin’ this fine chap who is going to have a last go at you, we’ve already made $465 off your sweet arse. You’re just about halfway to freedom, I’d say. Give or take.’

Betty said nothing. She merely wheezed and straightened her eye mask. Eugenia laughed to herself, then walked back to the door.

‘Oh, and Betty, one note about this last john of yours. His name’s Cleese, an’ he’s an…old friend o’ mine, so give him a good ride. Think you’ll find ‘im a bit challenging, but at least he weren’t yer first,’ she added.

Betty found something strange about the way the man looked at her, but she was too stuporous to conclude anything meaningful, so she just nodded. Eugenia left the two of them, closing the door behind her.

Cleese took his time. He untied his leather shoes with the casualness of someone preparing for a dip in the pool.

He unhurriedly stripped the socks from his feet and unbuttoned his white dress shirt. He gently placed his hat upon the previously unused rack in the corner.

Looking around the room, he took notice of the large quantity of cigarettes littered about the floor, and seemingly in response, he dashed his cigar, carefully placing the stub in the wastebasket.

In silence, he dressed down until only his briefs remained. Betty’s eyed widened as his crotch came plainly into view. Even through the white cotton cloth of the man’s underwear, she could see that he was uncommonly endowed, and she now had real experience to measure it against. She decided to try and make this go as quickly as possible.

She grabbed her can of cooking grease and reapplied her lube with three greasy fingers. Then, getting back down on her knees and elbows, she stuck her round bottom in the air and swayed it back and forth. ‘Come n’ get it, baby,’ she said, reaching back to pull her cheeks apart.

‘Ugh,’ Cleese grunted, turning up his nose.

‘Whass’…what’s th’ matter?’ Betty asked, looking back at him in confusion.

‘Looks like they did a real number on you,’ Cleese said with concentrated acridity. ‘That stinkin’ asshole of yours looks like an open sewer.’


‘It’s wide enough to drive a horse and buggy through, that’s what. You sure you’re good for another lay?’

Betty was taken aback by the contempt in the man’s voice, as well as embarrassed by his observation, but her lack of sobriety smoothed it over enough for her to stay focused.

‘I’m…I’m good, baby. I’ll jazz you good, promise…’ she said, weakly flexing her slack, sloppy anus. The man grumbled under his breath, then pulled down his underwear.

Betty eyed the man’s dusky, pensile member with legitimate worry. Pulled free from his briefs, it swung almost halfway down his leg, looking very much like a fully-grown aubergine in shape, length and girth. Making matters more troubling, it was not yet even erect.

Betty remembered Eugenia’s harrowing encounter with a ‘lout with a monstrous prick’ and wondered if this were the man she spoke of. Could Eugenia be that sadistic as to subject Betty to the same fate as her? Or was this yet a different man of such punishing substance? Betty could not tell, and thinking about it any more deeply only made her headache worse.

‘That’s right, baby. Cram my caboose with that jumbo cock,’ Betty said with ragged vocal chords.

‘I see. They put you to to talking a lot of whore jive, huh? How old are you, anyway?’

‘Uh…twenty-three on Tuesday,’ Betty mumbled earnestly.

‘I see. Well you’re a real filthy girl for your age, ain’t ya? A real tart,’ The man said, tugging at his massive penis.

‘Y-yes,’ she said, wiggling her plump bottom. ‘C-Cornhole me good, baby. I need that big prick straight up my backside.’

Hearing this, Cleese’s penis swelled to nearly double the size in a matter of seconds, becoming so thick that his grip could no longer fully encircle its circumference. Betty remained spread open on the mattress, beholding the rapid tumescence of Cleese’s root with sustained concern.

‘C’mon boy, pound my rumble seat…proper,’ Betty added, hoping that her unfamiliarity with the parlance of her new profession wasn’t becoming too obvious.

When he was fully erect—which created the effect of a man with a bludgeoning instrument rising between his legs—He came and stood above her. As he yanked his shaft, Betty could hear the rhythmic slapping of his foreskin as it rolled over his bulbous knob.

‘So, Backdoor Betty. You only take it up the keister, eh? Any reason for that?’ the man said with slight suspicion. Although the eyeholes of her mask limited her plane of vision, Betty managed to turn her head to look back at him. When their eyes met, she again found something about the way he looked at her peculiar.

‘Eu didn’t tell you? I’m a virgin,’ she admitted with a hiccup. ‘But juss ’cause you can’t drop it in that slot doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time…’

‘Huh. Twenty two years old and still a ‘virgin’, eh? What’s your real name?’ The man asked interrogatively. His penis was now so stiff that the veins across its swarthy surface stood out in sharp, shiny relief.

‘Wha? Thass’ my real name, silly,’ Betty replied with a nervous laugh. ‘Now come on, pack my…my poop chute!’

‘Ugh. Wretched wastrel,’ the man growled, pouncing on her. He grabbed her around the ribs and dove forward, pressing his fleshy root squarely into the dark, greasy ravine between her buttocks. At first, her body tensed, unable to accommodate this abrupt introduction.

With a careless jab of Cleese’s hips, however, the head of his penis caved her rubbery sphincter inward, and with yet another, bypassed it completely. Betty cried out in severe pain, even the hours of training did not prepare her for an object of this size.

‘Oh God, sweetie, please, slow down—’

‘Shut your pie hole and open your corn hole,’ he said, smacking her left rear cheek with savage force. The ear-piercing crack resonated throughout the small room, as did the second, and the third, as the man repeatedly spanked her.

She began to shriek in torment as he bottom went beet red. She felt the greater half of his penis slide up painfully deep, stretching the walls of her inflamed canal.

With another charge of his hips, Cleese buried the full extent of his large member inside of her, and he began to pummel the bend of her colon. Betty found this absolutely agonizing, it was truly unlike any sensation she had ever experienced, and it was a pain that simply could not be masked with alcohol.

She began shrieking like a dying animal, tears streaming down from under her eye mask. The battery deep within her back-tunnel grew to a he
ated pace, pushing the limit of her bowels almost to breaking.

He brutally sodomized the poor girl in this wanton manner for several long minutes, ceaselessly and with sadistic vigor. Soon her reddening rear bounced freely against his sweaty testicles.

Loud, squishy flatulence then began to escape her slackening sphincter with each perforation. Uncontrollable expulsions of anal gas quickly rose to Cleese’s nostrils, and he wretched.

‘My lord. Farting, now? What’s next? Can you help it?’

‘Oh God, mm, ‘m ss…sorry—’ Betty blurted, feeling acid well up in her stomach.

‘Jesus, you’re a wreck,’ Cleese spouted as he rocked her back and forth beneath him. ‘Eh, it doesn’t matter. I’m going to finish now before you surprise me with anything else. Now snap your asshole, Backdoor Betty. I’m ready to blow.’

Betty tried her best to squeeze her hole, finding her ring of muscle unresponsive, and her attempts only created louder flatus. ‘I said, snap your asshole, girl!’ Cleese ordered, thwacking her ivory bottom again with an open palm.

She cried out, frustrated with her inability to accommodate his wishes and hasten this ordeal. She prayed to God under her breath, pleading dearly for this to be over.

For some reason, the man suddenly slowed his movements and became very quiet. Halting completely, he began to grumble to himself. It appeared that he was distracted by something.

She opened her mouth to dirty talk him some more, but she caught the man’s face out the corner of her eye again.

He was staring at the crucifix dangling amidst the beads around her neck. There was a smoldering look behind his eyes as he focused on it, and Betty felt a new kind of fear.

‘You whore…’ he began, the hands on her thighs now trembling. ‘You dirty, filthy…’

The man grabbed her gold necklace and tore it off. Shocked, she turned around to face him.

‘How dare you wear this,’ he said with flickering lips. ‘How dare you…’

In that moment, something inside of the man switched. Before Betty could react, he struck her in the face with the back of his hand. The blow landed with restrained force, but it was enough to send her rolling off the mattress and to the cold floor.

In a flash, he was on top of her again. He wrestled her flat, holding her at the wrists and bearing his weight down upon her, and then flipped her over on her stomach. She could not believe what was happening.

‘A godless tramp like you doesn’t deserve to wear the cross,’ the man yelled. Betty struggled, flailing her legs screaming for help. She called Eugenia’s name, over and over, but no one came.

‘No one will help you!’ the man said with a maniacal grin. ‘No one…’

He pinned her until she exhausted what little energy she had, and then he grabbed the cross, pressing it deep between her tensing cheeks. She bleated, twisting and writhing as she felt grubby fingers stuff the necklace up her twitching anus.

‘Now to shove this cross so deep up your ass that you’ll always have Jesus in your heart,’ Cleese said with a quivering laugh that Betty would not soon forget.

He plunged back into her, his penis splitting her thick rump in half as it slid through her distended ring. He then resumed his rapid-fire assault on her bowels with increased enthusiasm.

The excessive alcohol in Betty’s system was also having its way with her, and she suddenly felt another wave of acid build up in her gut. As it quickly rose upward, she realized that she was about to throw up. As the man continuously packed her rectum, she heaved, vomiting all over the floor.

He pushed her head down into the putrid puddle, smearing her shiny dark hair in the hot yellow muck, then her face. He began mumbling what sounded like jumbled words of prayer, and finally he shook with that degree of intensity Betty knew meant he was about to orgasm.

‘Lord please forgive me…Lord please forgive me…’ the man repeated over and over in a long monotone blurt. Finally he erupted in Betty’s swollen rectal cavity, shooting a hefty load of hot semen up into her colonic depths.

She twisted, scraping her forehead on the rough wooden floor, and her eye mask came askew. With another squirm, Betty managed to pull herself from under him, but this also sent her mask flying completely off of her face. She tried to stand, stumbling about the room in confusion, before falling back down a few feet away.

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Most of us suffered through the winter, but a number of teenagers, mostly boys, of course, decided to make some additional crossbows. The gang had found a machine shop that they could get into operation because it had an axillary power system that turned out to be a steam engine. Anyway, with all of the energy of a bunch of teens turned on by something that interested them, they managed to put the machine shop back in operation. At first, they didn’t try to do anything special, but simply...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 65 Still Field Trip Day 2

I was walking proud as I headed into the hotel with my haul of high end sushi. I went right up to the room to change for the pool. I quickly got my high security card stashed in the special slot in the laptop and locked it back up in the safe. Might as well go swim after I let the sushi settle. It shouldn’t be too busy after I wait the half hour. As I was stripping down to put on my trunks I caught a whiff of pussy and saw I had crusty stuff dried all over my dick, balls, and pubes. I...

2 years ago
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Ill Be Home For Christmas

I'll Be Home For Christmas By Arecee "Welcome back Miss McFadden. Did everything go well?" asked Susan, my assistant. "Yes, even better than I expected, Susan. They signed," I replied, as I set my briefcase on her desk. "Are you serious, we got the account?" she asked. "That's what I'm saying, dear girl, we landed the entire job. We start after the New Year. I'm so excited, I can hardly breath. I'm going...

2 years ago
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A Very Merry Christmas

Being the last day of November, I was looking forward to the following day, retiree payday! The one day of the month where I feel a bit more...” normal”. Till I start paying all the bills. Oh well, at least the company notified me of a lil bonus coming soon. Part of something is certainly better than nothing. I was in a better mood of late, since I finally started some Christmas shopping, making the gifts a lot more meaningful this year. Little did I know how far this was going to go?! Marie...

3 years ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 22

I wake up to the feel of a hand gently caressing my hip, a warm body pressed tight behind mine.. I start slightly as someone leans in and nibbles my ear... "It's okay Angel, let Miss take care of you..." Miss Caroline whispers, "I was so worried about you last night, I waited outside Ravens office for hours but you didn't come... only later did I check here and find you.. and your poor ass..." She moves and her other hand slides on to stroke my ass gently, "So I slipped in to take...

4 years ago
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Atep Mother

Atep Motheri am a 18 year old young boy.es my own step Mom….The Day when I first look her on my father’s wedding after the separation of my parents, I decided to fuck her and always looking to get a chance to fuck her as she was very attractive with huge boobs and huge but nice round ass and white body like milk…Finally the day come and I fucked her and fulfill my all wishes.It was going to be my birthday on 3rd of November. Nearly 5 days ago she asked me that what I wanted on my 18th birthday....

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Riley Star Summer Seduction

Riley Star is visiting her uncle and cousin! Not only because she loves her family, but also because they happen to have the nicest swimming pool in the neighborhood and she was hoping to possibly seduce her uncle into giving her a summer job. The uncle was super excited to see her, but her cousin not so much. He doesn’t trust her and thinks shes sneaky. He knows what she’s up to. After seeing her ask his dad to oil her up, her cousin can’t let this go on any longer. He pulls...

1 year ago
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Yukos Chioce

Story: #UA-2 Copyright ©2009 Written: April 05 2009 A Story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** "Yuko dear" Her mother called from the changing room, to the thirteen year old girl still swimming in the clear water of the public pool house, "Yes mom" Yuko called back looking to her mother, "It's time to go come and get changed" was her...

2 years ago
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I'm 28 years old and have been happily married for 9 years. My husband and I have enjoyed a good (and regular) sex life in those 9 years. My interracial experience started last year when a group of girls I know got together to celebrate one of the girls 30th birthday. The night was going very well; we had a nice meal and more than a few bottles of champagne and wine.I was sat next to a girl I hadn't seen for a while even though we'd been real close a few years back. Her name is Karen and we...

1 year ago
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The TreatmentChapter 13 Tennis Anyone

I spent a lot of time when at home, swimming and playing tennis. We had a competition caliber tennis court and I made use of it frequently. Bobbie and Britt also became excellent players and even starred on their high school tennis team. It was great that our financial circumstances allowed Kathy the time and money so that she could travel with the girls. They began to play in tournaments all around the area. I never had the pure techniques that they learned but I was fit, string, and quick...

2 years ago
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Delivered Dick

Hahaha it I suppose is not that often that you can have your Dick delivered to your house door! Well I am not sure I went about ordering it? Just so happened a parcel and would you believe not even for me was offered to me to keep for a neighbour!I was upstairs and nor dressed-well it was 10 am so still in a white baby doll nightie.very sheer and see through, I love the way the nylon rubs my nipples up when walking about in it...mmm.Ding-Dong went the bell? I thought Mick(hubby) had forgot his...

2 years ago
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Alex is 17Chapter 8

"I don't have time to come down this week, Alex." Peter sounded frustrated. "Can you hold off with this girl until next weekend?" "Peter, the dance is tomorrow night." "I know. I said I'm sorry." He sighed deeply. "Alex. No pain until meet this girl. You wanna screw her, fine. But no scars, no bruises, no scratches. Clear?" I have a number of things I want to say but all of them are likely to get me suspended. "Clear, Sir." I answer. The next day was a long one at school....

3 years ago
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A stranger in the night

One night Candi was laying in her sleeping with nothing but her bra and undies on with a light sheet covering her as it was a hot night. Candi suddenly woke up to see her boyfriend Jamie standing there next to her bed. She then sat up to kiss her boyfriend as he realised she was only wearing a bra and no shirt. He then told her to lay back down, he then hoped on top of her and started kissing her passionately. He then started to move he’s hand down her body till he reached her undies and...

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Feel Of First Touch

Hi friends,mera aditya hai mai puna mai mba kr rha hu meri age 23 hai aur ye meri first story hai.. Mere family me mom dad and me bs hum tin log hi hai pap teacher hai.. Ye story mere 12th class ki hai.,humare side me sharma uncle rhte hai vo papa k boht ache friend hai unko 2 ladkiya hai badi ka nav sneha hai aur uski shadi ho gyi hai aur dusri ka nam avni hai last year uski bhi shadi ho gyi. Ye kahani mere 12th cls k wqt ki hai ap sb ko to pta hi hai ki ldke chote umr me kitne shaitan hote...

2 years ago
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1st time bdsm part eight

Both alan and john were told by pat to leave the room and amuse themselves whilst pat and myself would have helen all to our selfs , to ensure this the door was locked after they left, no time limit was in place , we drew the curtains to block out the bright sunshine and it enhanced the atmosphere in the room, helen was ordered to stand legs apart , hands behind her head , as pat explained to me with helen listening that she had never subbed to a man before, she had only even been dommed by...

3 years ago
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The guardian princess

Fiona walked along the path, hoping to find Tyler somewhere. It had been 20 minutes now, since Tyler had gone missing on their trek."Let's do something unusual this weekend",Tyler had insisted "I know a nice jungle path which we can explore and trek throughI should have never listened to him Fiona thought to herself as she pulled down the figure hugging dirt coloured and dirt covered t-shirt that was riding up her love handles. A tiny water bottle stuck out of the pocket of her khakhi shorts...

Group Sex
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Back in Skirts Part 3

Back In Skirts Part Three: It wasn't easy spending my teenage years as a girl but what helped me was that the school I went to was very tolerant of me and of pupils who were not heteronormative. Also I was never very social or good at sport anyway so, after a bit teasing to start with from some boys, I was left alone. As for the girls, my sister was already one of the most popular girls in class anyway, so the fact that her brother, one of the boys, had now become one of the girls...

2 years ago
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Caseys Canine Companion

CASEY?S CANINE COMPANION CASEY?S CANINE COMPANION  Lydia disembarked from her BMW, shutting the door. She tossed her briefcase in the trunk, looking around nervously, as she?d never liked Casey?s neighborhood too much. A couple of young black boys, adorned in baseball hats and doo-rags, laughed in her direction. ?Whatchoo looking at, white ho?? one jeered, and Lydia flushed, looking at the ground. Every week she promised herself she wouldn?t come back. Her therapist had worked with...

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Lap LessonsChapter 7

Sylvia Ritter was the first woman executive that Crystal Locke had ever run into who wanted to be fixed up with a date for the evening. Sylvia Ritter was married, but her sales executive husband spent a lot of time out of town. Crystal was both shocked and amused when the older woman asked if Crystal knew any presentable, available men who might go for a sex fling. It showed how far Women's Lib had gone... with the girls now ready to cheat on the boys! Sylvia said: "You get around to all...

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My pregnant neighbour

I live in a high-priced apartment in a big city and recently I got new neighbours. They were couple in their mid-thirties and they politely introduced themselves to me. He was a businessman named Arnold, she was a housewife called Paula, who was pregnant with their first child. They seemed friendly enough folks, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. I like to be by myself and usually have as little to do with my neighbours as possible. A few weeks after my new neighbours had moved in next...

4 years ago
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Remembering the first

Billy and I were always hanging out together. Because we lived close by, it was easy to see each other. We originally met in elementary school but we grew closer in our early high school years. We spent tons of time hanging out at the neighborhood pool, riding bikes, and doing my paper route together. Like most young teenagers, we were slightly mischievous, curious, and it seemed we could turn any conversation sexual in nature. I had just turned 18 in the summer before senior year of high...

Gay Male
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The creature Worms Mommy 2

Ashley spent her waking hours in complete bliss. Even when the creature, whom she was beginning to think of as her mate, seemed to be resting, she found that she could spur it on by clenching her vagina a couple times. Her body was still fully restrained in a doggie position. There were a few exceptions, such as her feet, which she found she was able to wiggle them freely. With not much else to do, she began clenching her pussy, hoping to turn the worm on again. Sadly, the worm did not seem...

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Tesss Transformations Life of the Party

Tess's Transformations: Life of the Party By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 "So, do you have your costume picked out yet for the boss's costume party, Jack?" asked Chris Washington, a tall muscular man with short black hair. He was thirty-two and was the department head for thirty employees at Chambers Industries. "It's still a week away," replied Jack Easton as he turned around in his chair to look at his supervisor who had just entered his cubicle. Jack was...

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my wife left meso what should I do

I should have been sad and confused after reading the note that Mar left me, but I wasn't. The boy that I thought was my son apparently was not ,just a product of her cheating.Mar told me that she lost her virginity at 16 and after that she just took their cocks in the ass. She mostly gave boy’s a blow job, and couldn’t count how many she gave. Well not being sad that she walked out I called her girlfriend Linda, she told me to call her any time. I have already had sex with her and even...

2 years ago
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She Comforts me

We had got to know each other quickly. She was everything I wanted, and I did everything to please her and make her love me. We had sex the second time we met, behind a skip outside a bar. I was behind her, and she tipped back her head to meet my kisses while I pulled up her dress and fumbled with my trousers. I could tell this wasn't her style, and it wasn't mine either, but we got caught up in the moment. Emily was so pretty and as we sat in the bar, buying each other drinks and moving...

1 year ago
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Giselle Clarize a Love StoryChapter 3

Pierre. The car hummed comfortably. It did not seem to touch the road. The landscape flashed by. So did age old trees and even older houses. It drove through crumbling villages and past endless knee-high walls that were meant to protect them from a dive into the lake. The twilight had a golden touch. The sun had already sunk behind the mountains, but the sky still held on to the light. It painted a myriad of feathery clouds in a shade of apricot. Angique sat in the corner of the tan...

4 years ago
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My Boss My SlutChapter 13

I went into Brendas office as soon as I arrived at work. She was sitting behind her desk with a very big grin on her face. "I just got off the phone with an old friend and I now know how to apologize to my fellow employees," she beamed. "Great, I'm glad to hear it. And I have a bit of news too. How would you like to quit your job, become an internet porn star and make more money than you ever imagined?" Brenda sat still for awhile, only her eyes moved as she digested what I...

2 years ago
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Hotel Champagne

Hello everyone. Just a foreword here really quickly. I thought that I would try this style out, so this story is written from both perspectives. From the view of the man (Tyson) as well, as the woman (Lucy). I really hope that you enjoy it, and please leave comments so I can know what you think and if there is anything that I need to fix! Enjoy! ,) * Lucy: I felt your eyes on my back… I’d have felt you looking at me and turned my head a little… Enough to see you out of the corner of my...

4 years ago
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My cum filled spring break

Hi, I'm Selena. I am a 19 year old girl who is a hardcore lesbian. I am 5 ft 4, I have medium length brown hair. I have small C cup tits, a gigantic asshole and a very tight but large pussy. I am in a family of 3: me, my mom and my dad.(Who both know I'm lesbian) I am going to tell you the story of how I met my girlfriend Jenni.It all started when I first saw her at the airport, she had small tits, long black hair and skin as white as snow. She looked like she was 5ft 3 and her body was skinny...

2 years ago
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Outdoor masturbation

Some of the greatest masturbation sessions I've ever had have been outdoors. For years I would drive up to the local mountains and back into the woods. I always took some porno mags with me to get me in the mood. The area was very secluded and rarely saw anyone back in there. Usually needed a four wheel drive to get to most of the places. Something about the peace and quiet with just the wind wondering through the trees always got me horny. I love to sit on a rock or log while flipping through...

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The Snow Storm

Introduction: My husband brought two boys home for me. The Snow Storm It started to snow at about ten this morning and at first the weather office called for flurries but it wasnt long before it was to be a winter storm with snow up to 3 feet. My husband, Doug and I decided to just stay inside, keep the wood stove burning and indulge in a day of sex. We had been cuddling and playing around on the couch when the phone rang. As I went to answer it I saw it was 1:30pm and the snow was coming even...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Victoria Voxxx Ashley Lane Security Risk Part 3 Angst

In “Security Risk, Part 3,” a thoroughly fucked Victoria Voxxx is sent by her boss, Mayor Dee Williams, to retrieve her laptop and return it to crime lord Quinton James. Unfortunately for Victoria, Quinton’s goon, Derrick Pierce, is slowly devolving into complete paranoia in Dee Williams’ home while waiting for the Mayor’s daughter, Ashley Lane, to return… Derrick was charged with keeping an eye on Ashley, but he lost her during one of here all-night party sprees, and he is praying she...

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The Princess and the CaptainThe Aftermath 3 Chapter 9

Jim was falling, damn you'd think they'd have a meal on this flight, spinning Jim looked at what he thought was the bottom or down. He could hear his sisters and brother screaming for him to save them, try as he might he wasn't getting any closer. Groaning his arms hurt, what the hell had he run into? Jim was a little disorientated he was seeing people he knew but they seemed to be ignoring him and it was really starting to piss him off. Reaching out Jim saw Amber leaning over him or...

1 year ago
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The Bookstore Ch 3

Every streetlight made Marie cringe. It took all her willpower not to scrunch down in the seat, but she held her position, sitting up straight with her hands behind her head. She was trembling. She looked at him beseechingly, pleading with her eyes, but he kept his eyes on the road.They stopped at a red light. He turned to her and said, "Spread your legs."The words sent a pulsing, hot rush of lust straight to Marie's pussy, making it throb. She gave a little sob as she obeyed, terrified by this...

2 years ago
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after clubbing with friends

we went back to our house with liz and john ann my wife got the drinks as liz helped her we had a few joints and i put porn on with two cples swaping ann said did i prefer blondes and i said no even tho her hair was dyed strawberry blond and liz said her john prefered them to her i said how can he as you are sexy asking john if he prefered ann to liz he said to me did i prefer liz as she was at the loo ann said to me you would love to and i said as much as john with her i have imagined her and...

4 years ago
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Alterist 2 Return to the SourceChapter 11

When the alarm went off at 3:45, I got right up, ignoring the snooze button I'd planned on hitting a couple of times. I thought about all the bullshit we'd gone through over the past couple of days, getting ready for the trip, then compared it to the planning of what to put in a backpack for a five day wilderness trip last winter. The attention was on making it light back then, taking only those things that I believed were essential. This time, space and weight were considerations but being...

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