Fantacies Of Sister-In-Law Become A Reality free porn video

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Note : This story is completely fictional!

I still remember the vision as I replay it in my memory. The summer sun had sent the blistering heat down to the pavement, turning the cement around the large swimming pool into an inferno for those brave enough to walk around with bare feet. As usual for a mid-July day, the pool area was covered with people. Small children were crowded in the pool itself and offered sounds of shouting, laughter and splashing water. Adults were crowded around the pool in various poses. A few sat on the edge of the pool with their feet dangling in the water. These were the ones trying to keep an eye on their kids while chatting idly with the person sitting next to them. Most of the remaining adults were sunbathing, either stretched out in their lounge chairs or sitting up in straight back chairs.

I surveyed the scene from my lounge chair, perspiration pouring off of me. I took a long swig on my beer before focusing my gaze on my sister-in-law Jean. She was sitting on the edge of the pool about 20 feet in front of me, watching her young daughter in the water. She had on large, dark sunglasses and a black bathing suit that showed off her tanned, golden skin.

I studied her in detail, marveling at the site of the fantastic body on this 32-year-old woman. Jean is short in stature with short brown hair. She is very pretty with big, beautiful round eyes that always seem to transmit a radiant glow. Jean has a rather unique body. Jean is short in stature; she has an ass that is perfectly shaped and nice size. Because of her height, the size of her bottom really stands out when you look at her. To go with her great ass, Jean also has thick, well-rounded thighs. Her beautiful lower body really gets your attention when you look at her. She looks absolutely mesmerizing in a pair of shorts. In fact, her body would be the envy of most 40-plus women. 

Jean had been the object of my lustful fantasies for a long time. I often fantasized about having those great thighs wrapped around my head or fucking that great ass. It bothered me at first that she was my sister-in-law but those thoughts soon faded. My physical attraction to her was too natural and too real and I couldn't deny it.

My attraction to Jean was also enhanced because of her great personality. She is extremely nice, a very friendly and personable person. She is a talker, very outgoing, and she always seems to be in a good mood. She is the type of person that you always enjoy talking to because she is always smiling and laughing. No matter how down you are or how bad you might feel at the time, you always seem to be in a better mood after talking to Jean. I always liked Jean because of this and because she was always kind and friendly toward me. 

When our two families initially started talking about taking a beach vacation together, I was hesitant. I'm not normally a beach person and would ordinarily not have been excited about the plans. But I must admit that the thought of possibly seeing Jean in a swimsuit was enough to get me very excited about going.

The vacation came at a perfect time for me. I was at a very down point in my life and I desperately needed to get away. As is the case with many people who have been married for a long time, I was lonely and desperately needed to connect with another human being. The stress of everyday life was getting to me and I was rapidly going down hill. I had no one to talk to, no one with whom I could share my hopes, fears and dreams. I needed a friend, a lover, and a soul mate. 

It had never occurred to me before because of she was family, but Jean kept entering my mind more and more as the person that I believed could meet my needs. There were several reasons. I liked her and had always felt that we had a lot in common. Our spouses were brother and sister and we always enjoyed sharing the marriage war stories. In a way, we just seemed to be kindred spirits. 

Of course, my motivation in reaching out to Jean was not to just find a friend. I readily admit that seducing her would be the realization of my greatest dream. I was extremely attracted to her. I readily admit that. But that attraction came not just from the physical alone. There is no way I could have had these same feelings for a stranger or for someone who I didn't know very well. That is why I was drawn to Jean. I liked her and I believed we could develop a connection on a real, human level as well as a physical level. And that is what I was really looking for more than anything.

We had reserved two condos at the beach and we all went straight to our rooms when we arrived at about 2 p.m. on a Sunday. But everyone was excited and we all soon headed down to the beach. Naturally, my mind was on what Jean would be wearing. She came out in a two-piece suit with bottoms that were cut high on the hip. It was a pretty impressive site. 

I spent the next few days trying to find excuses to be around Jean as much as possible. I flirted with her constantly, sometimes rather obviously, especially when a little alcohol gave me more courage. What surprised me, however, was that Jean was flirting back. Or was this just my overactive imagination? It started with some subtle comments she would make and then evolved into looks that I can only describe as "leering". They were quick glances at first but slowly evolved into long, glaring stares. These looks were obvious in their intent. She was trying to send me a message. It was not until Jean started giving me those looks that I really began to believe that this woman would be open to any suggestion or idea I might have concerning the two of us.

I made up my mind once and for all that I had to say something to her and I had to do it before we left Florida. With one day remaining before we left for home, I knew that my last chance would be a cookout and party that we were all planning that night. The problem would be getting her alone long enough to tell her what I now felt was a necessity.

That night, everyone was in a good mood. The food was good and the drinks flowed freely. Naturally, the flirting with Jean had continued and her looks continued. Just at the point when I began to get frustrated at not being able to get her alone, I saw my opportunity. With everyone outside, Jean went inside to the kitchen to fix herself a drink. I followed immediately without hesitation. I was lucky in that the kitchen was around a corner in the room, meaning that we were out of sight from the others. I knew I would have to act quickly.

When I got to the kitchen, Jean was filling her glass with ice from the ice chest. She heard me and turned around. I didn't give her time to say anything. Talking fast but almost whispering, I said, "Jean, I want you to listen to me. Don't say anything. In a few minutes, I want you to make an excuse to go back up to your room. A few minutes after you get there, I will knock on the door. I want you to let me in. Then I want to undress you. I want to see those beautiful breasts and pussy. I have to see it and the time is now. And I know you want to show it to me." Her face was flushed while I was talking but she didn't say a word. Without saying anything else, I turned and walked away.

Walking back to the party, I was both excited and nervous. What would be her reaction? I realized that I had taken a big gamble. Flirting is one thing but I had forced the issue. I had escalated it to a higher level. Did I do the right thing? After all, it was so exciting flirting with this woman. Had I ruined even that? As nervous as I was, however, I was still hopeful. Deep down I believed I had made the right move. Every instinct in my body had told me that she would be receptive to this. I could even feel the heat between us when I was talking to her. But I knew fully well that men's instincts towards women were wrong most of the time. But I would soon have my answer and knowing this gave me a sense of relief.

I was back at the party, mingling around but unable to concentrate. I kept looking out for Jean's return, thinking that she would arrive shortly after me. But the minutes dragged on and she did not appear. What was up? More minutes went by and still no Jean. Had she been so upset that she went back to her room, too ashamed to face me or anyone else. Suddenly, while I was thinking these thoughts, she walked through the door. I was all the way across the room but her face still appeared flushed. Was this my imagination?

We avoided eye contact as she walked around the room, mingling with the crowd. She didn't seem upset. No dirty looks toward me. So maybe this was a good sign.

Jean had been in the room about 10 minutes and my hopes were slowly starting to fade. If she were going to follow through on my instructions, would she have not already done so? Just as I was thinking this, she walked across the room to her husband who was talking to a group of people. She grabbed his arm, pulled him down and started talking into his ear. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him nodding, once, twice, three times. What was up? Had she told him what I said?

She let go of him and he went right back to talking with his group. Jean walked toward the door. At the entrance, she turned to give me a quick glance before leaving the room. My heart was racing with excitement. I was sure that she was going to follow my instructions to the letter. She had to.

What should I do now? How long should I wait? I went to the restroom and stayed a minute. I walked back into the room and walked straight toward the door. I left the party feeling nervous and just a little dizzy with the amount of drinking I had done. I went around the corner and up the stairs to her room. I took a deep breath and knocked lightly three times. 

After several seconds, Jean answered the door. She looked straight into my eyes but she didn't say anything. She walked back into the apartment and I followed her, giving me one more chance to marvel at her extraordinary ass. She stood in front of the sofa and motioned for me to sit down. When I did, I was eye level with her hips. Clothed in those short, white shorts, her hips and thighs were an awesome sight. I looked up at her briefly and then quickly returned my stare to its ultimate focus. I saw her hands reach for the button of her shorts. When she separated the button from its connection, I gasped with the excitement of what was happening. She pulled down her zipper, stooped to pull her pants down, and then stepped out of them. She returned to her standing position in front of me, this time without pants and wearing only white mesh bikini panties.

Neither of us said anything. The only sounds were the heavy breathing that both of us were trying to mask. I continued my gaze on her fantastic lower body. Her hips were even more beautiful than I imagined and they had that beautiful brown color that comes from a lot of time spent tanning in the sun or in the tanning booth. I leaned forward to get as close as possible to her without touching. I was so close I could hear her juices flowing and the scent was overwhelmingly wonderful.

Jean then reached down and grabbed both sides of her panties. Going more slowly than she did when removing her shorts, she lowered her panties, revealing a beautiful brown bush that surrounded her pussy lips. My mouth flew open at the site and I gasped. I instinctively clutched both arms of the chair to keep from burying my face in her pussy.

I looked up at her. "Jean," I said. "You are a fantastic woman. You have got the most beautiful pussy I have ever seen. What in the world are we going to do? You know that I have to eat you. I have to."

"I don't know," she said, her voice shaking. Jean was breathing heavily. It was obvious that she was extremely excited.

"Turn around," I said. "I want to see your ass." Jean turned slowly until the full measure of her ass was right in front of me. It was a beautiful sight. She started to turn back around but I stopped her. "No Jean," I said. "Stay right there for a minute. I just can't get over how beautiful your body is." For the next several minutes, I studied every inch of her backside. Outside of the heavy breathing from both of us, there was complete silence in the room 

Finally, I reached out to hold her right hand, motioning for her to turn back around to face me. Her face was flushed, exuding a reddish color. She had a slight smile on her face and was still breathing hard.

"Jean," I said. "Are you enjoying this as much as I am? This is incredible. You are incredible." 

"Yes I am and so are you," she replied. 

I couldn't keep my eyes off her pussy. It was wet and very beautiful.

We spent several minutes just gazing with lust at each other, neither of us sure what to do next or what would happen next. But Jean made that decision for both of us.

She reached out with both hands and grabbed my shoulders, pushing me to the back of the sofa. She then stepped on to the sofa, standing in front of me with her pussy only inches from my face.

As she maneuvered to wrap her massive thighs around my head, I reached around her, grabbed both cheeks of her ass and buried my face in her pussy. Like two wild animals, we simultaneously attacked each other.

The first sensation I remember is the heat. I have never encountered a pussy that was so hot. Jean was on fire. I gripped her ass as hard as I could and pushed forward with all my strength, desperate to merge her wonderful flesh into my mouth.

The next several minutes were a blur as I tried to lick, suck and eat every inch this beautiful woman. She was coming repeatedly as I strained to explore the deepest parts of her pussy with my tongue. 

A few minutes later, with us both still in a sexual frenzy, Jean pulled back to separate her pussy from my mouth. She then began rhythmically bounding her pussy off my face. All this time I had not let go of my firm grip on her ass and I followed her lead, helping her with her up and down motions. Her rhythm started slow but soon got faster and faster. It wasn't long before she exploded violently, shouting in a manner that can only be described as a sexual roar of ultimate pleasure.

Jean kept her legs locked around me while we both tried to catch our breath. With my face resting between this woman's legs, I felt warm and wonderful. I looked up and she looked down at me, smiling. Neither of us spoke for several minutes. Finally, Jean said, "We better get back before they come looking for us." "I know it," I said.

Jean pulled on her panties and pants and went into the bathroom. I sat there, almost motionless, shocked and amazed at what had just happened. When she came out of the bathroom, she came up to me and hugged me. "Call me one day next week and we can talk about getting together," she said. "I'm ready to fuck your brains out." 

"I'll call you," I said.

On the long drive back from the beach, my thoughts were consumed with Jean. I replayed in my mind over and over what had happened. It seemed like a dream. I could not wait for Monday so that I could call her and hear her voice and make arrangements for our ultimate meeting.

Yes, I thought about all the ramifications of fucking my sister-in-law. But ramifications or not, I knew it was going to happen and I wanted it to happen. What happened between us at the beach was the greatest sexual experience of my life and I knew that our first fuck would even surpass that.

I called her Monday afternoon at work and she said she was glad to hear from me. We talked about getting together and realized it would be tough to do it soon because, having just come back from vacation, we both had a lot of work to do. We agreed to wait until the next week to see how things were going.

It was frustrating to have to wait but just knowing it was going to happen helped my patience. Plus, I had the memory of her naked body etched in my head and the taste of her pussy was still fresh in my mouth.

I called her again the next Monday and we agreed to try to meet Thursday afternoon. Jean said she would handle all the arrangements. We talked about it and decided on meeting at 1 p.m. That would give us at least four hours before we had to head home.

For some reason, it seemed longer from Monday to Thursday than it had all of the previous week. Jean had already decided on a hotel in the area where she lived and called me with directions on how to get there. Not having to worry about the arrangements took a little of the pressure off of me. But naturally I was very nervous. I guess it was more excitement than anything.

Thursday finally arrived and I left work and drove to the meeting place. I knocked on the door and Jean answered almost immediately. She had on heavy makeup and her hair had been fixed. But she had on a long bathrobe. 

"Am I early?” I asked. "No, I've just got something planned for you," she replied. Just stand right here in this spot." I did as I was told and watched Jean pull a chair from the corner of the room to the center. She then stood up on the chair, towering right in front of me. "Now I'm ready," she said.

Jean reached down and loosened the belt loop and let the robe drop to the floor. She was completely naked, the most erotic vision I had ever seen in my life. Her body was a magnificent golden brown color and, at that moment, it seemed to be radiating sex.

After taking in the entire view of this ultimate vision, I moved my focus down to her beautiful thighs and her wet pussy that took my breath away. I had eaten this pussy only two weeks before and the taste, the smell, the sensation was still alive in me. But now it was even more beautiful and exciting.

"I shaved it just for you," Jean said. "I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since we left the beach and I wanted to do something special for you. I want you to know that I have never had my pussy eaten like that. It has caused a sexual excitement in me that I don't believe I've ever felt. All I think about now is you sucking and licking my pussy."

Jean's voice was trembling as she continued. "And now, today, I want it all. I want you to eat, lick and suck my pussy. I want you to fuck me completely. I want your dick in every hole I've got. It may not all happen today but this is only the beginning. I know you love my big ass and I want you to put your mouth and tongue all over it. I want you to kiss it, eat it, suck it and fuck it. I want you to totally possess it because my ass is now yours. Anytime you want it, anywhere you want it. How does that sound?"

"Jean, you are the most extraordinary woman I have ever encountered in my life," I said. "I've always wondered why I've been so drawn to you and now I know. It's not just a physical attraction either. I believe we are two kindred spirits destined to be together like this. I want to totally possess you, physically, mentally and spiritually."

"I feel the same way," she said.

I reached up, grabbed her hand and helped her down from the chair. I led her to the bed and asked her to lie on her stomach. As I hurriedly removed my clothes, my eyes were transfixed on Jean's beautiful ass. 

Kneeling on the side of the bed, I grabbed her hips to move her around so that her ass was right in front of my face. I then separated her thighs and buried my face in her pussy. She yelled loudly as I stood up, lifting her legs onto my shoulders. She locked her legs around my head while I gripped her ass tightly, forcing it harder and harder against my face. My tongue was buried deep inside of her pussy and I licked her feverishly. I licked her pussy, thighs and ass with a fury that I never imagined possible. Her entire body shook and I could feel her ass tighten as she exploded violently.

I unlocked her legs from my shoulders and guided her back onto the bed. In seconds I had moved behind her, inserting my dick in her beautiful, shaved, wet pussy. This was the first time I had put my dick inside Jean and the feeling was like nothing I had experienced before. Her pussy felt like a hot, erupting volcano and I fucked it with incredible passion. I exploded inside of her and our exhausted bodies fell to the bed. Instinctively we wrapped our arms around each other, breathing heavy with both exhaustion and excitement.

After we caught our breath, we talked and laughed for a few minutes. Neither of us could believe what we were experiencing. Our bodies were both wet with perspiration but we kept them locked together. 

After we had rested for several minutes, I rolled over onto my side, propping my head on my left elbow so that I could look right into Jean's eyes. She lay stretched out on the bed next to me and returned my glance with a big smile. I felt totally connected to her.

I reached out with my right hand and gently circled her lips with my index finger. She responded by licking it with her tongue. Quickly, I reversed my position, moving my body so that my head rested next to her beautiful legs. Just as quickly, I separated her thighs and again buried my face into her pussy. With my tongue furiously exploring her pussy, I rolled over, straddling her chest while at the same time gripping her ass tightly. At the same time, Jean grabbed my hot mouth sucking on my dick sent an electric shock through my whole body. I came almost immediately, emptying myself into her mouth. This only heightened my excitement. My body was on fire. I sucked her pussy harder and harder while Jean continued sucking my dick. It took just moments for me to be hard again.

Positioning myself on top, between her legs, I began to rhythmically fuck her and I knew I had found my ultimate sexual partner. As Jean locked her legs around my back and her pussy tightened around me, I felt totally at home inside her. I began exploring this woman's pussy with my dick, driving slowly but deeper and deeper. We were totally lost in each other. I had never had this feeling before. Our two bodies had merged as one flesh. After a few minutes I forced my dick as far down as it would go and locked it there by gripping her ass tightly. Jean squeezed me tightly with her beautiful thighs and we both came violently. Her spasms caused a bucking motion and were so strong that they almost lifted me off the bed.

We stayed locked together while we both caught our breath. I started playfully running my hand through her hair while kissing her lightly all over her face. Jean returned the soft kisses and started using her tongue to stroke my face. I moved down to her neck and began long licking strokes from her chest to the base of her chin. I continued the licking strokes on both sides of her neck and she began breathing heavily. I could feel myself getting hard inside her. I continued licking this woman, only faster and faster. Now fully hard again, I rose up and began fucking this woman with rapid, hard deep strokes. She was screaming with pleasure as we both came almost immediately.

Naturally, the hours we had spent fucking seemed like just minutes and our time was soon up. We agreed that what we experienced was so unusual and so good that we had to continue. We agreed that we would start fucking each other on a regular basis, at a minimum of once per week, more often if possible. Naturally, the "more often" became the case. We became obsessed with each other and started fucking four to five times a week. It is hard to find the time but we manage to do it. We actually once fucked 10 days in a row with one fuck session being better than the next. You would think that fucking the same woman so much would get routine or soon become repetitious. But that was not the case with Jean. It seemed like every time was new and different.

My encounters with Jean are the most intense physical experiences I have ever had with a woman. It is very hard to describe the intensity of our fuck sessions. Our attraction to each other is so intense that it consumes both of us totally. Even when we aren't together, thoughts of being together flood our every waking moment. 

I cannot describe our fuck sessions and do them justice. Our sex is so intense sometimes that the only adjective I can think of to describe it is "brutal". Not brutal in a violent sense. I'm talking about brutal in the sense of the sexual pounding that we give each other's bodies. It is not just a matter of dick in pussy for Jean and me. During lovemaking our bodies often slam into each other repeatedly from all angles. And this doesn't go on for just minutes. I make no exaggeration when I say that we attack each other's bodies for three to four hours at a time, sometimes longer. 

I think back to that vision at the pool and I marvel that I now totally possess her, both body and spirit. I have found my sexual soul mate and it is Jean, my beautiful sister-in-law.

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Help from sister in Law Ch 4

"I really am sorry about before," Tim says running his hand lightly across her neatly trimmed bush as he lowers his mouth to her moist lips."Ahhhhhhhh!" Rhonda sighs as Tim sucks her labia into his mouth and rubs the tip of his tongue against it. With his hand resting on her pubic triangle, he slides his thumb down to the top of her slit and finds her swollen love button."Ohhhhhhyeeaaaahhhh!" Rhonda arches her back and pushes her pussy against him. Tim presses his hand down to hold her still...

3 years ago
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My sisterinlaw

Xxxx hello every body i m raju from ludhiana ,i got site by searching for erotic stories i find this site very great n give my thumbs up for them…keep it up. N there boobs verry much . I have a story to tell you people about my first sex experience with my sister-in-law. Let me explain to you about my sister-in-law(bhabhi) she is my brother’s wife her name sushma. I live with them since i was young. She takes care of me alot; care about my things give me a bathe and most of...

2 years ago
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My sister-In-Law's New Flooringbyhungryfrog©It was Friday night, and Pierre was calling it a night pretty early on; he wanted to get a good night sleep as he knew he had quite a day's work the next day. He had promised his sister-in-law, Maria, that he would help her fix up her place. She wanted to sell her condo, but felt that she had to beautify some aspects of it first – her damn cat had done quite a number on the walls and carpet. Pierre had volunteered to put in laminate flooring to...

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My one sister one wife one motherinlaw

I was now 22 and Sally was 20 when l met Trudy at an aunt and uncle’s anniversary, she was their daughter, my aunt introduced us and l asked Trudy out on a date, Sally was angry to say the least, but l promised l would never give her up. Things got more serious with Trudy and she seemed to know there was something going on between me and my sister Sally, she would ask if l tucked Sally into bed that evening or joke did Sally mind sharing me, l just knew Trudy knew l was having a relationship...

2 years ago
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Craving For Sister In Law

Hi all. This is a real story. I decided to write in short parts. I had sex with quite a few women by now. I am 26 and just married. Even today sex excites me more than anything. Of all the people I had sex with, this one excites me the most. Because it was more passionate and fulfilling. It was with my sister-in-law and the more special reason being I may not be able to have this forbidden fruit again. I got married this year and one thing I noticed was my sister-in-law was way hotter than my...

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Sissy for SisterInLaw

“Oh! excuse me,” Tiffany said in a startled tone, shocking me awake from my intoxicating stupor as I enveloped the aroma of the decadent delicate I’d discovered in my exploration of her dirty laundry. I had been caught red handed, standing in her room holding a precious pair of her purple panties to my face in one hand while my other depressed at the distending underwear, bulging from my open fly. I fumbled around foolishly, nearly falling over, as I watched her turn and storm off down the...

2 years ago
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My sister in law

I’m so excited that I cannot resist myself from jerking off. A little bit strange. My wife downstairs in the living room, my sister in law in the bathroom next to my bedroom. I always tell my wife that I do not jerk off, but in fact I do know, she does not believe me. Sometimes I am wondering if she knows about my collection close-up pussy pics? Does she smell, when I have jerked off while she was not at home? I also start to wonder if she suspects my horny feelings about her sister? We have...

4 years ago
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My sisterinlaw

Ok.....I have to admit I did something that was totally perverted but I couldn't help it. A while back my wife and I had to move in with her parents. It was not my idea of a winning situation, but it wa better than living in our vehicles. My in-laws are decent people, but VERY religious so there was no drinking allowed in their house and my being a beer lover, this presented a problem. That's not what this is about....and before anybody gets any ideas....NO I did not fuck my mother-in-law....

3 years ago
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Affair With SisterInLaw In Bangalore

Hi to all readers. This is Mr. K (pseudo name) from Bangalore. Thank you for good responses for the previous story. The central character for this story is my sister-in-law – Rashmi (name changed). She is married to my cousin brother. As they got married few years ago only, they don’t have any kids so far. My sister-in-law is just flawless with silky white skin, 5 feet 6 inches height and she has the right amount of flesh in the correct areas. She has big round ass and her figure is 34-26-36....

3 years ago
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One Night With My SisterInLaw

Hi friends I am a regular reader as well as great fan of Indian Passion. I have read lot of stories in this site and this gave me courage to narrate my own true story which happened 4 months ago.I live in jamshedpur with my wife. We are happy couple and my marriage was since 2 yrs. My wife looks very beautiful and sexy, lot of time my friends have narrated my wife looks and they have been jealous about my wife look.I am a sort of man, whom sex is must daily, I have to cum myself at least to a...

2 years ago
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Help from sister in law Ch 1

Even though he's been married for almost a year, Tim is horny most of the time and jacks off in front of his computer quite frequently. He loves his wife. They grew up together, have always been best friends and are compatible in every way, except sex.Tim has the libido of a healthy 26-year-old male, but unfortunately his wife, Sharon, was raised to believe that sex is dirty and disgusting, something only done as a monthly obligation. It was drilled into her, from the time she was old enough to...

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Sisterinlaw Helps Out

Even though he's been married for almost a year, Tim is horny most of the time and jacks off in front of his computer quite frequently. He loves his wife. They grew up together, have always been best friends and are compatible in every way, except sex. Tim has the libido of a healthy 26-year-old male, but unfortunately his wife, Sharon, was raised to believe that sex is dirty and disgusting, something only done as a monthly obligation. It was drilled into her, from the time she was old enough...

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Inseminating Cathy mff sister In Law

Shortly after the kitchen door closed, I heard Cathy’s car start and leave our driveway.I found Ann, my wife of ten years, alone in the kitchen.“What was that all about?” I asked.It was the second time in three weeks that her twenty-two year-old sister had stopped by for an unannounced afternoon visit--very unusual.“Oh, Cathy is just having some problems with Ted,” replied Ann, getting up to start making dinner.I had some difficulty imagining that. Ted and Cathy seemed perfectly suited for one...

2 years ago
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Inseminating Cathy mff sister In Law

Shortly after the kitchen door closed, I heard Cathy’s car start and leave our driveway.I found Ann, my wife of ten years, alone in the kitchen.“What was that all about?” I asked.It was the second time in three weeks that her twenty-two year-old sister had stopped by for an unannounced afternoon visit--very unusual.“Oh, Cathy is just having some problems with Ted,” replied Ann, getting up to start making dinner.I had some difficulty imagining that. Ted and Cathy seemed perfectly suited for one...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed SisterinLawChapter 5

After returning from her trip to the nursery school to drop off her daughter, Sarah waited tensely for Gene's arrival. Maybe he's changed his mind, she thought, her hopes rising as the minutes ticked by. It could be that he and Fern had decided to do something else today instead. Her hopes were soon dashed, however, at the sight of Gene's red sports car pulling up to the curb. The nervous brunette stood by the window to watch Gene and Fern get out and start up the front walk together....

3 years ago
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SisterInLaw Is My Best Friend With Benefits

Never feel helpless because humans feel pity for other humans who are in pain and help them out. Here, things go a bit further than necessary. This event takes place when the boy named Rithvik returned home from the hospital after getting treated for the injuries caused by an accident. He had a fractured arm, bruised palms, scraped knee. Injuries to his both hands were extensive. So, he needed assistance for most of his daily work. His father helped him in his necessary tasks such as brushing...

3 years ago
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Gorgeous Sister in Law fulfil all desires

A few months ago, my sister, my only sister in law ( Nora) suffered through a bad patch with her Husband. They had been married for many years, but their relationship had been going south for a while. So she came to stay with my wife and I during that time, not wanting to be in the house alone. Now, my sister in law was a knockout; gorgeous brunette, 5'4" 135 lbs (enough to give her some curves, which is what I like), long smooth legs, a nice subtle tan, and a robust large C/small D rack. She...

2 years ago
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Taking Advantage of My Little Sisterinlaw

The story of how it came to be that I fucked my 14-year-old sister-in-law could be told in many more words than this piece here, but the truth is that it all boils down to a couple of nights. Obviously in the nearly two years after I first married one of Stacy's older sisters, a lot happened that led to the sex, but there was nothing really that could be written to hold the readers interest. From the first day that I was introduced to Stacy I was taken with her. I guess that being 22, fairly...

4 years ago
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BrotherInLaw8217s Sister Spreads Her Legs

A few months back, one day, I was feeling horny, with vague desire to have fun with an old woman, a really mature woman. I was wondering where to look for one, as I was away from my native place. I searched my memories of all the mature women I know of. First I thought of a close friend’s mother, whom I had fucked, when I was regular visitor to her house, years back. I came to know that she is not in Kerala and is with her daughter in Bhopal. So that was not an option. Then my search stopped at...

3 years ago
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I gave my brotherinlaw to my sister on the cell

Hello, my name is Yasmim. I am a blonde of 1.70 with delicious breasts with pink tips anda thin waist that makes my butt even rounder.I have 102cm of hips.I'm very little bitch. I love to give. Amooo pica that fucks thirty minutes and even a goodpussy. Sex is life! My sin is lust !!! I've realized several fantasies, but mybrother-in-law has always been a dream in my hottest nights of cum in a hot siririca. My sister and he have been married for almost seven years. I was always very in tune with...

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My Pretty Sisterinlaw

I have always liked my pretty sister-in-law, Miriam. She is about eight years younger than her older sister who is now my wife. At thirty-eight, I think that Miriam has gotten even prettier than when she was younger. Miriam has always been lovely but she was still in high school while I was in college dating her older sister. Back then, I certainly thought that she was off-limits as she would have been jail-bait if I had fooled around with her. She was cute, blonde and young but was always...

1 year ago
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Sister in law visit

My sister in law recently came to visit my wife and me to visit my father in law who is in a nursing home close to where we live. I am white American and my wife and her sister are from the Philippines. They have lived in the US for many years but still have accents. My wife has gotten a little chubby while my sister in law has an amazing body that she keeps in shape by working out and her job is a nurse which keeps her on feet a lot. She is a natural flirt and likes to wear clothes that are...

3 years ago
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Helping Indian sister in law getting pregnant

Hi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now.. I am fair in colour, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8 inch dick. My wife had been to US on a project work with our son and I was living all alone in my house right now. My younger brother Ramu and his wife Rajini used to come to my house to have dinner with me sometimes. They were a happy couple with no k**s even after 2 years of marriage and it was found that...

2 years ago
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Helping Sister In Law Getting Pregnant 8211 Part 1

Hi, Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now. I am fair in color, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8-inch dick. This is my real sex story. My wife had been to the US on a project work with our son and I was living all alone in my house right now. My younger brother Ramu and his wife Rajini used to come to my house to have dinner with me sometimes. They were a happy couple with no kids even after 2 years of...

4 years ago
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Seductive SisterInLawChapter 2

A gentle early morning breeze blew in the half-open window of Betty and Kent Howard's bedroom. The brilliant sun streamed through the opened curtains, casting a wide shaft of light on the thick carpet. It flooded over the bed where the couple still lay in deep slumber. Betty awoke slowly. She squinted her eyes and raised her arm over her forehead as a shield, then turned to her side on the bed in an attempt to escape the glittering yellow light. Her arm curled around her husband's naked...

2 years ago
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Love Lust Crime Thriller 8211 Pt 4 Sexy Smart SisterInLaw

“Ohh yesss!!” exclaimed the drug lord. After spending 3 years in that shit hole, the fresh air felt amazing. Professor too seemed happy but since he was having such a great fucking time, he was sure going to miss the bitch, Smitha. Getting out of the jail wasn’t much of a hard task as already most of the security guards had left, courtesy the asshole minister. And now they embarked on a journey which was planned many years ago. * * * * Previously * * * * Professor and his wife were having a...

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Cousin Helps Brother To Fuck Her SisterInLaw

Hi, Ram again with another incident! This happened a few months ago. I was in Bangalore attending a meeting and my phone rang. It was Buddi; my aunt’s married step-daughter whom I had fucked (). I ignored it. Later, when my meeting got over, I checked my phone. My cousin sister had left a message saying, “Can we talk?” I rang her phone and she disconnected the call. So I left a message saying, “Sorry! Was in a meeting. What is this about?” It was 2 pm and I received a call from my cousin...

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Sister In Law Dreams Come True1

I'm a 30 year old male, married to my 25 year old wife, who has an older 35 year old sister. My wife and her sister are very similar with their looks and physique. My wife is around 5'6" of slim athletic build, her sister is slightly shorter, say 5'4" and quite petite. We have holidayed with my wife's sister on several occasions over the years so I've gotten to know her body quite well, seeing her regularly in a bikini and summerwear. Given that she looks so similar to my wife, I...

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My Sister In Law Beth Conclusion

I turned in the bed glancing at the clock, it was six-thirty in the morning. I gently rolled back and looked over my shoulder, Beth was still sound asleep. Ever so gently, I rolled over on my side so that I was facing her. She looked so angelic laying there, a soft, serene look on her face. My gaze moved down her luscious body, following every curve, every crevice of her amazing body. I moved cautiously, ever so close, that I could feel the warmth of her body next to mine. I laid there...

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After all there is a naked sisterinlaw

My name is rocky, I read a lot of stories on interpolation and enjoyed it so thought that I should write a story of my own. I am 25 years old, I am the only man in the house. I am married and God has given me three sister-in-law . My three sister-in-law are 22, 21, 19 years old respectively. The second number is a wonderful product, but it did not come to my hand, so I started hitting the line with Sonu with the first number, she was also completely untouched.For the delivery of my wife, I...

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Jiju8217s Special Treatment For His Hot SisterInLaw

It happened all of a sudden and never expected to have in this way. It was night 9:30 and I was in the gym when all of sudden I got a call from my wife to come back immediately as her sister was not well. I rushed to my house and got to know that my sister-in-law called her and told her she was alone and was not well. I just pinged her and told her we were coming. Both of us left our place and rushed to meet her. Her chest was paining. I checked her medicine and found her tablet was missing. I...

1 year ago
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My sister in law

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello to the reader of the MyIS. Sushila is my elder brother wife she is very beautiful and one of his most out standing features is her boobs and regarding her nature she is very jolly. She is my favourite sister is in law though I have other sister in law but Sushila was something that has always attracted me . Her jovial nature brought me more near to him and in mind I began to admire her and same was with her. Many time when she use to change dress...

3 years ago
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sister In Law

Oh my sweet sister in LawI read a number of stories about how guys have a fling with their younger and old sister in laws. How they enjoy fucking other member of their family and how hot they are compared to their wives. But my story is truly true and to this day I still can’t believe what happened between us. It started when I was dating my wife and we went to visit my now sister in law in another town , My wife and I had not been sleeping together so I got to sleep on the couch in the family...

4 years ago
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Sister in Law Massage

About 5 years ago, I was home watching TV when my sister in law called and said she was coming by to catch up on a few shows we had on DVR. This was not out of the ordinary for her as she was always stopping by from time to time. I let her know that her sister (my wife) and my daughter were out for the day visiting the library, doing some school shopping and had a play date with a friend from across town and wouldn’t be home until later that evening. When Sarah called, I was a bit bummed...

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My little naughty sister in law

I was away on another boring business trip for at least four days.On the second night, while laying naked on the bed in my hotel room, with my hard cock in hand, I snapped a picture of my nice erection and prepared to send it to my sweet Ana…I attached the picture to my mail and lazily began to type in Ana’s address. After I clicked to send it, I felt my heart sank, when I discovered I had mistaken the names and had sent the mail to my dear sister in law, instead of my naughty wife.Both names,...

2 years ago
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Sex With SisterInLaw In Moving Train

Dear friends, this is the story of how I had sex with my sister-in-law in a moving train, that too with my wife and in-laws in the adjacent berths! Let me start at the beginning. We were to go to Hyderabad from Chennai for a relative’s wedding and my father-in-law had booked us by the superfast train in 2AC. We had more luggage as the three ladies, my wife, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law, were kanjeevaram silk sari collectors and the wedding was a good way to display multiple saris on a...

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Motherinlaw Her Sister Me Pt1

Leaving them to catch up l went for a walk when l returned Jodie poured me a glass declaring since l didn’t have to drive it would be fine for me to have a drink, l thanked her and sat at the table. I have to say it did feel strange sitting with my mother-in-law Molly and her sister Jodie listening to them rattle on about boyfriends in their teenage years and what they got up to, it was quite entertaining and sometimes a bit raunchy well coming from 2 woman in their 60s. It turned into a...

1 year ago
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Sister In Law Massage Part 1

About 5 years ago, I was home watching TV when my sister in law called and said she was coming by to catch up on a few shows we had on DVR. This was not out of the ordinary for her as she was always stopping by from time to time. I let her know that her sister (my wife) and my daughter were out for the day visiting the library, doing some school shopping and had a play date with a friend from across town and wouldn’t be home until later that evening. When Sarah called, I was a bit bummed that I...

4 years ago
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Dominating My Wife MotherInLaw And SisterInLaw

This morning I woke up with a tingling feeling on my dick , I opened my eyes to see my sister-in-law Tania sucking my cock , she was just 19 , short hair , fair , and small but growing boobs , with a nice ass , I don’t remember fucking her last night at least , but now she was sucking my cock , I was hard , my 6.5 inch cock was pointing right in her face as she began licking it and sucking it , I got up and she smiled at me , I instantly pulled her hair and made her suck me deeper and harder ,...

3 years ago
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A Sister In Law Holiday

Hello Readers! Before reading this story, I encourage you, if you haven't already, to read my previous story SHOPPING SPREE WITH SISTER IN LAW ( necessary but provides a nice background! Enjoy and please leave your comments!Chapter 1It had been 4 weeks since the shopping trip with my sister in law, Noreen. We have seen each other once or twice, in the presence of our spouses. A quick hello on the telephone, here and there,...

2 years ago
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Helping My Sister In Law

How this all happened I will never fully understand, but I'm not going to gripe about it. I'm married to a wonderful woman, and into a great family. We have always gotten along with each other, we have out fall outs now and then, but what family doesn't? Having been married for 15 years, it's needless to say our sex life had died down tremendously. It isn't that we don't still love each other, but with the k**s in school and other activities we are all involved in, there just never seems to be...

1 year ago
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SisterinLaw enjoys panty attention from her BiL

I was spending the weekend with my sister and brother-in-law and their two c***dren in New York City. I had come down for a good friend's wedding, but had decided to make a weekend of it and spend some time with my little nephew and niece who I seldom got to see. The day following the wedding, my sister and I set out early with the k**s to go shopping. I had intended to accompany them to swimming lessons at around noon, but I was so tired and hungover from the wedding that I decided I'd better...

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