My Mother In Law And Me free porn video

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Note : This story is completely fictional!

I had always wondered why elder women were attractive to me. May be they looked sex starved or they were big breasted or may be I could enjoy them without worrying about them getting pregnant. What ever the reason was, the bottom line was that I was always attracted to them and used to look starvingly at them at every opportunity. I never had an opportunity or the courage to go after them. But the one woman who attracted me most was my mother-in-law. She was shorter than my wife, slightly heavier but on the whole very attractive and sexy. She had large breasts, firmly put in place by a tight blouse and always the pallu of her saree was fully covering them, without giving me any chance to look her curves. In the initial days of my marriage with her daughter, she almost hated me because of my middle level income, compared to her jet-setting first son-in-law. Later, she realized the love and comfort with which her daughter lived with me and slowly came to accept me. Of late, she used to talk to me well and I could some times detect a touch of attraction towards me, could be my imagination what with all my fantasies about making love to her. With this new equation ( imagination), I used to take every opportunity to visit their house with my wife and watch her wide swinging hips and protruding breasts from the edge of my eyes.

Recently, it so happened that my father-in-law wanted to visit a nearby town, for a couple of days, on property matter and my wife and MIL were to accompany him. At the last moment, my MIL decided to drop her going on the trip claiming that she had joint pain. I took my wife and FIL and dropped them at the bus stand by 6 pm. On the way my wife told me that my MIL had asked her to tell me that any time I wanted I could call upon her for food. Though this was music to my ears and potential feast to my eyes, I decided not to go there as I was not confident of restraining my visual impulses while alone with my MIL. As soon as I reached my home, the telephone rang and my MIL was on the phone. She asked whether I had anything to eat that night. I told her that my wife had prepared food in the morning and that would be enough. She was not prepared to take that for an answer and insisted that I go to their house straight-away as she had just prepared fresh food. Telling my mind to control sexual urges and limit my visual curiosities, I reached their place, which was just a couple of miles from my house.

MIL opened the door with a smile and called me in. She was wearing a dark blue saree perfectly matching her light brown skin colour and a tight dark blue blouse. I went and sat in the TV room and she brought a glass of water and offered me. I was surprised to see that the pallu of her saree was not fully closed as usual. As she bent down to offer the glass, I could see the V of her blouse and a little part of two bulging brown balloons of her smooth breasts. My imagination went wild and a sudden surge of blood in my lower part made my tool elongate straight and bulge against my zip. I just hid my emotions and enjoyed the moment full and returned the glass after gulping down water. I thanked my providence as she had not seen any of the internal struggles and resumed my TV watching. For some reason, she asked me whether I need more and getting no for an answere smiled sweetly, as though to tell me she understood my crush for her.

The dinner was ready and we both sat on the table and enjoyed the great food she made as always. I took calculated risks, in between, to look at her pallu which was covering her large breasts. Once, she just caught me at the act, and on an impulse to divert her, I said " Your saree is very nice and suits you, is it
new ?". She was pleased at my observation and said "Yes, only a couple of days back I purchased it". I said "it looks really nice on you" and then left the topic there and finished my meal. She looked tauntingly at me and I was surprised when her feet touched my feet below the table. Though taken aback, I owned the responsibility and said sorry and left the table. While watching the TV, I saw her coming with a tray in hand with two bananas. She bent slightly towards me and offered them. This time the view of her V cut was ample and I had an amazingly long look at her big, firm breasts, just waiting to bulge out. With great difficulty, I controlled my urge and exploding bulge of my pants and just took one of the bananas. Her large brown eyes looked at me and said smilingly "both are for you only ". I took the other one mechanically and asked an innocent question " what about you, you do not take banana?". She gave a mischievous smile and said " i do not like this kind of banana". As a fool I asked "which type you like, the small ones of coastal region". Her answer stunned me "No, the large ones which resemble the kerala type, but I like them hard and a bit hot". Saying that she smiled coyly at me and went inside, looking back again and again. I was totally zapped at her outright remark, my tool had grown long & thick and literally dancing with anticipation, and I was still unsure of how to tackle the situation, when she came back. She said "You liked my blue saree. Come inside, I will show you the other new ones". As I got up mechanically to follow her, she said "by the way close the front door properly, it is too windy here". I obeyed and closed the front door and went inside the house and into the kitchen. She was not there and searching I found her bedroom door slightly closed. Hesitatingly I tapped on the door, and she said " come right in". I opened the door and stepped inside. Inside the room was dark with only a small bulb at one corner throwing light and there was a full length mirror and a small table below it. My MIL was standing near that with a smile on her parted lips and asked me to come near to see the sarees. As I went near her, her arm touched and held mine sending electric shocks through my body and she said " which colour you like most?". My head was just reeling at the situation and I mechanically pointed to a red saree with a lot of designs on it and said "this looks just fine". "you mean it looks nice on me" she asked and I agreed. "would you like me to wear this and show you". I said "no, not required, blue saree is quite nice". Then she asked a direct question "you liked my blue saree or the blue blouse or the bulge inside that ?" and so saying she removed her pallu and let it drop to the ground. My eyes just ogled at two large bulges insdie her blouse. She said " if you want to look from the back, you can do so" and so saying she turned towards the mirror letting me the view from the back.

I could control it no longer and by now fully realized what it was she was offering. The fantasies of all my years lay open before me and her bulging breasts on the mirror were beckoning me. I love to take my woman from the back and she was just giving this as though she knew it. Slowly, i took my hands out and placed my palms on her middle and started squeezing her and pulled her close to me from behind. She purred and turned her head with eyes blazing and asked "how long you take to understand my desires ?". Her thick parted lips were beckoning and with no answer ready with me to her question, I surged forward and pressed my lips fully on hers, hard. Her whole body shivered at my hard kiss and she clung to me hard. My hands encircled her tummy and i raised them just below the bulging breasts making them almost jet out, while still keeping my lips tight on her lips and started sucking them. I don"t know how long i kissed her and finally when i let her go, she looked fully satisfied with her peacefully closed eyes slowly parting and said
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" next time you kiss me, make it mild but no less passionate". To this i raised her literally from the ground putting full pressure on her breasts and slowly kissed her all over her face. She was enjoying every kiss of mine and started moving her head to offer me different parts of her beautiful face for my kisses. I kissed her on her eyes, on cheeks, on forehead, moved down to her small, projecting nose and licked her pointed nose and slowly moved to her chin, kissing all over it, moved to one of her small ears and took it fully in the mouth making slurping sound. She said "Ahh" and as i moved my kissing lips all over her neck and reached the other ear, she eagerly offered it to me. I then moved back to her lips, kissed them umpteen number of times passionately, took out my tongue and parted her lips and started licking her lips from the inside. Her lips were wet and dripping honey and as i started licking her whole of the lips, she opened her mouth and offered her thin, long tongue. I eagerly took her tongue and pulled it straight inside my mouth and started sucking it hard. I was still at her back and now took my both palms and caught her two breasts from over her blouse and started squeezing them round and round. They were like two large water melons, only firm and too soft and they eagerly bulged to my touch. With my left palm firmly on her breasts and I lowered my right arm to her naval, softly squeezing her tummy and moved lower on her saree and started kneeding her thick soft thighs. With my tougue deep in her mouth rolling and licking hers, my left hand kneeding her breasts one after the other and my right hand squeezing her thighs, she was trying to press her body and her large buttocks against my large bulge between my thighs and she started making loud moaning noises. I moved my right hand away from her thighs and moved it right beween the thighs to where her feminine beauty lay. Even through her thick saree, petticoat and probably nighties, i could discern her thick lips of her cunt, dripping wet. I could control it no longer and i abruptly raised her saree and passed my hand inside. I could feel her smooth hairless legs and thick, vibrating thighs and her gasp for breath and extreme urge at this sudden move from me. I quickly moved my palm all the way up and tried to hold her nighties and jack it down.

To my surprise, she was not wearing anything inside and my hand stuck the rich haul of pubic hair, which was wet with her juices. With my fingers I parted her cunt lips and was rewarded with thick, bulging clitoris. I held her clitoris between my finger and slowly started squeezing it. She started violently moving her hips with pleasure. Slowly she freed her mouth from mine and looked with lustful eyes into mine, turned facing me. She said " i thought you will go for my breasts first but never imagined you will reach my cunt so fast ". So saying she removed her bouse and removed the clip of her bra from behind. I could not believe my eyes. Her breasts enlarged twice their size and just jutted at me taunting me to suck them. Her hands closed on the back of my neck and saying "come on, suck me" she just pulled my head and lips straight at her breasts. I took the thrust between her breasts first and started licking and kissing all over her mountainous pleasures. She literally yanked my head and thrust her large breast against my lips and said "come on, suck. I am just waiting for it". With all my energy, I took her large breast in my mouth and sucked deep inside, hardly managing to take a quarter of it. She loosened her right hand, slid down my tummy and removed my pants almost immediately. She pulled the elastic of my underwear and gave much needed freedom to my tool. My penis immediately jumped out and i was surprised at the speed with which it bulged again to its largest ever size, virtually dipping. Her slender fingers closed on my shaft and immediately she started moving it up and down on my penis, folding and unfolding my foreskin at each stroke. My penis head must have overgrown its size, as i was feeling pain first time after many years, and it was just relishing the reciprocating motion she was offering it through her soft palms. My wetness increased and my penis happily parting it into her eager hand. I came to my senses, moved my stunned right hand again, squeezing her clitoris, slowly parting her thick lips and down and down a long way to find her cunt hole. After what looked like an eternity, searching among thick grown pubic hair, feeling wetness of her dripping cunt, i slid my fingers deep into her hole. She just moaned loudly and started massaging my shaft much faster and stronger. Then she suddenly said " dont make me stand all night here" and shook free of my hands. She simply pulled my shirt and said "wow, you are really sexy" looking at my bare chest and quickly removed my underwear exposing me fully naked. "I hope you are not as shy as you want me to believe" so saying she removed all her cloths and stood totally naked in front of me. She led me to the large bed, propped a pillow against the wall and asked me to sit with my legs parted. My penis had grown to theoretical size and with parted foreskin was looking straight at her. She laughed at my penis, lovingly caressed it and took hold of my balls and squeezed. She crossed her legs on mine and sat on my thighs. Her wet cunt lips fully parted were pressing against the length of my shaft. She took hold of my head and put it between her breasts. As i sucked her breasts one after the other, she started moving her hips up and down, opening and closing her cunt lips tightly against my penis. As her speed of movement increased, my penis started oozing my cum all over her cunt and her cum simply dousing my thick penis from head to balls.

As this went on, we were both moaning with pleasure and i slid my fingers through the parting of her round smooth hips, all the way to the other side, catching her clitoris, squeezing it, parting her cunt lips. I could read lust in her eyes as she savagely sucked and kissed my lips and said " i want all my lips to kiss you lips, you know?". She freed her buttocks from my hands and breasts from my sucking mouth, stood on her knees and brought her thighs to my mouth’s level. As her thighs parted and revealed her opening cunt, i could get a strong smell of her sweet juices. I eagerly buried my head between her thighs and pushed her down on the cot. I asked her to fold her thighs up and open and greedily went for her cunt. My lips brushed past her thick hair and my tongue lashed out against the week defences of her pubic hair and rested on her cunt lips. I moved my tongue and opened her cunt lips and took the thick knob of clitoris and slowly started to lick and encircle it. I took her clitoris in my mouth and sucked straight in. She cried out in pleasure and dug her fingers deep into my skin of my back. Licking and sucking all the way, i moved down, parting her lips further and found her cunt hole. It was full of oozing liqiud, soft and hot. As i moved my tongue all over her hole and sharpened it and moved right in her hole, she almost burst with orgasm.

She controlled somehow and said "oh, come on. suck me all you want. i never had this pleasure before". I sucked her cunt to my full satisfaction, released her and sat back with my back on the wall. I helped her raise herself, took her neck with my hands and said " it is now your turn" and dragged her lips against my penis. She started licking all over my penis, started to move my shaft up and down and greedily licked my pink head like ice-cream. She pulled my foreskin full down and caught hold of my balls and started kneeding them slowly. She made her mouth round shaped and took my pink head in and sucked and sucked till my full shaft was deep inside her mouth touching her throat. She moved her head up and down on my shaft, coating it with her saliva all over my shaft with her tongue and kept on playing it, as though for ever. I said "come on. stop this and take my penis in your cunt mouth. i cannot hold much longer" I simply lifted her, held her buttocks and squeezed them with her large breasts firmly against my mouth. I slowly pushed her down on to my cock. Her wet parted lips met my cock head-on and my shaft smoothly slid in to her hole. It was the wettest, hottest and silkiest cunt i had ever imaged and she simply swallowed me full length and started fucking me up and down hard. My foreskin never had that kind of fucking before and all strength of her thighs were used up in fucking my shaft. She screemed "oh god, you are such a sexy fucker, i want to keep fucking you all night. it is ages since i had any sex and you have come at the right time with the biggest ever fucking penis i ever imagined” and laughed aloud.

Moving up and down, her breasts were dancing to her movements, and my penis was trying to put up the biggest ever , hottest ever and hardest ever size it could possibly manage and was thrusting deep into her dripping hot cunt. She looked at my mouth and said "oh your mouth is fully coated with my cunt juices and look my mouth is full with your penis juice. why don"t we unite the juices as i am uniting your penis with my cunt ?" Saying so she brought her lips against mine, savagely opened my lips and started licking my mouth all over outside and inside. My pulsating prick was taking the bangings hard and fast and i now took hold of her buttocks and started squeezing and moving savagely against her cunt. She just said "oh god" and reciprocated my action with even more vigour. After eternally long fucking she broke off her kiss on my lips and cried "OHHHH, i am coming, i am coming. Oh please you also come inside me. i want my cunt filled to the brim with your juices. oh come on. come on" We both could not hold it any longer, as her cunt lashed out against my prick with vigour, my penis throbbed against her insides, spreading her juice and mine all over the insides and we both cried out loud and started coming. I could feel the throbbing of her cunt muscles as she came and came inside me and my penis jetting the fluid inside her in ever lasting orgasm.

When we were both drained, we lay in each others arms. She gave me sweetest of her kisses and said "the way you always wanted me, i wanted you all along but never had the courage just like you. Today i thought it is now or never and hence cancelled my trip. Please stay with me overnight. I cann"t control the urges i get towards you and your penis only can give me this happiness. Please stay". She begged me and i said " i never knew why i was so much attracted to you and used to have sleepless wet nights thinking about you and your body. Now i know how sweet your love making is." She kissed me deep on the lips and said " i wanted to fuck you atleast twice but with one fuck you have made me totally tired. No matter, the whole night is in front of us and i am not going to leave you free. Fuck after fuck me till my body is totally drained off my juices, and i will wake you with hunger every time my cunt twitches. For now, my love, sleep with me." So saying, she put my head between her large breasts and moved her cunt against my dripping penis and kissed on my head thousands of times. Totally tired we both slept in each others arms, totally naked and fully satisfied.

That night she woke me up two more times and each time she was demanding and we made love madly to each other. As the dawn broke, she kissed my lips, moved down and took my tool inside her mouth and slurped it. Then she came to me and whispered "whenever situation permits from now on, i will call you.You have to come and bang my cunt this way. Ok?" . From then on, my MIL and I became regular lovers.

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mother in law 2

I hadn’t planned it at all and I blame my wife for the problem initially. Jenny and I were part of a crowd that went around together. There were six guys and six girls all white teenagers except Darren who was a black guy, well half cast really and his very black wife Jean who were in there thirties. Darren had always been a sexual predator but Jean tried to keep him under control. This couple had two small c***dren and Darren had an identical twin brother who joined our nights out on the town...

3 years ago
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My Mother-in-Law By Erica Wright 7/2/07-9/26/07 This dirty, nasty story of complete submission is dedicated to Michelle. I would have never written this story without her. Prologue: At the age of twenty-five, I can admit two things, first, I am a cross dresser. Yes, I get off on wearing women?s clothes. The sexier the better. Tight and sexy is the best. I can trace dressing for pleasure back almost 20 years. The second thing I can admit is, I am also a panty-sniffer. In reality I...

3 years ago
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MotherinLaw Panties Ch 02

Mother-in-Law Panties Ch. 02bytrianglestitch©This is the brave next step into pushing through my mother-in-law better...but first a little background for those who missed the first story.So I'm just the average Joe. But I married into a wealthy family...both in money and in looks. My wife is the eldest of five k**s, two of whom are budding and beautiful women. Now I don't want to take away from the k**s (of whom I will have another series of stories about) but the most gorgeous and beautiful of...

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Mother in Law

Katherine has a new outfit. You saw it in her car Every last ounce of you wants it, wants to wear it, wants You realize there is no way you can get it from her...but you can buy one exactly the same! Katherine, has such wonderful classy taste. you love how she dresses, her style, her wardrobe, everything about her. You've planned it out so well, you know she bought it at Nordstrom's, the size, everything. You have hatched this bizarre little plan, of you walking into the...

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Mother in Law Sweet

"I can't believe we're finally landowners!" Michael Woods stood on the front lawn, looking up at the house, the vinyl siding gleaming white in the sun. A mature oak shaded the big bay window of the living room, but none of the four bedrooms. He immediately began manhandling the realtor's sign out of the turf. "I can't believe you talked me into that," Kendra motioned at the French window over the garage adjoining the house. "What?" He said in disbelief. "Are you joking? It's a...

1 year ago
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Mother in law two lads me

On holiday abroad,Me & the mother in law are on the beech, talking to two lads about 30, there looking at her tits and ask if we would like to go to the happy hour with them, I said yes & asked the mother in law yes ok she says, I know we was going to get pissed so I told her to bring her stuff with her, We gets in the bar & I get the drinks whisky & orange for her & beers for us, Well we sit & we are talking, she says I will have to go for a wee ok I says, when she gone...

1 year ago
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Mother in law Bedtime Story

"Goodnight Christopher!" I watched my mother in law as she climbed the stairs to her bedroom and I heard the door close behind her as she went off to bed, carrying the mug of hot milk her considerate son in law had made her as a nightcap. She always said coffee kept her awake. I smiled to myself - this particular mug of milk was intended to have the opposite effect. If my contact with the chemistry degree was telling the truth my old bitch of a mother in law was soon to be in a very deep sleep...

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MotherInLaw Seduction

I’ve always had a good friendly relationship and a strange sexual fascination with Yvonne, my mother in law, maybes helped because she lived a good hundred miles away. Yvonne never gave me the come-on and never hinted in any way that anything would ever happen so I just put it down to one of those sexual crushes for the mother in law.Yvonne is no stunner, now nearing her mid fifties; she carries off her fuller figure well with the clothes she wears. She dresses very conservatively, skirts to...

1 year ago
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MotherInLaw Sex Pt 2 Grandmother Love

After our first encounter, that very pleasant sex together in the bathroom, I guess both of us were unsure how to behave in the days after, especially when my wife and sister-in-law were there to again make us into a Family of 4. I decided to try and be as natural as possible, though perhaps my wife wondered why I didn’t attempt love-making as often as previously, her rebuffs so constant these days and nights that I truly did promise myself I would become celibate! Well, celibate with my...

2 years ago
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MotherInLaw Sex

(Inspired by the sexiness of my mother-in-law and larger-sized women: Be Happy Girls!) Whenever I had any minor aches and pains, it was my mother-in-law, Mae, to whom I, and the whole family, turned to: she was an ex-nurse after all. We all lived in the one house (the one I had bought as part of my wedding payment): me, my wife, Mae and younger sister of my wife. Funny I guess, but I am older than my mother-in-law, though yes: I call her Mae (mother) – only 2 years mind! My wife and...

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MotherinLaw Panties Ch 03

Mother-in-Law Panties Ch. 03bytrianglestitch©Man, I'm in heaven! But first a little background for those who missed the initial parts of the story.So I'm just the average Joe. But I married into a wealthy family...both in money and in looks. My wife is the eldest of five k**s, two of whom are budding and beautiful women. Now I don't want to take away from the k**s (of whom I will have another series of stories about) but the most gorgeous and beautiful of them all is their mother.Her name is...

3 years ago
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Mother in Law Part 2

She smiles at you, she somehow seems to feel happy you made your just had a chance to get out of it, to end it all, and you chose to go out in public as your mother in law on a date with a mature gentleman who made you feel special as a woman. Katherine pulls the perfect off white small purse from the closet. It matches the cream of the piping and the pearls. She puts in a lipstick, some powder, house keys,and gives you a big smile as she tauntingly places her ID and...

1 year ago
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Mother in Law 2

It was New Years eve,my wife and I had went out to her mother's to see the new year in.My wife entered first exchanged the usual pleasantries, kissing her mum and dad and proceeding in,I entered after her dad having being second for my wife I shook his hand and he turned away, I went for the normal kiss on the lips but to my surprise I felt a tongue as both my father-in-law and my wife entered the living room. In response with the normal arm round for a New year's kiss, I dropped my arm and...

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MotherInLaw8217s Surrogacy

Readers don’t be astonished with the title of the narrative of the story. You may think this is the story of how wife of a person was born through surrogacy. No it is different and you will come to know it soon. Read …. In fact the story is entirely a fact. I got married when I was only twenty and my wife was eighteen years. We tried to have an early issue but even after five years of attempt my wife did not conceive. That made us worry as to whether we can really get our children or not. I...

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Mother in law working out at home

My mother in law was visiting us for some days.Anita was delighted by having her mother at home just for some days and I was also happy, or better I would say aroused, since Ofelia was a very hot mature lady. Now in her early sixties, she was a very fine piece of ass…On the second day, Ana called me to my office, saying she would go out for some groceries, but her mother would stay at home to get dinner ready.On early afternoon I finished all my paperwork and came back home.I got the car inside...

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Shortly after I turned 30 my wife and I found out that she was pregnant with our first c***d. We had lived on our own for a few years, and we lived pretty far from our parents. We had a decent sized house, since I had a good job, but with myself working full time, and her being tired all the time from the pregnancy, there was no way for us to keep the house up to where it needed to be. And she didn't feel like cooking either, and one can only live on so many pizzas. We both realized that...

1 year ago
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Mother Inlaw Helps Out

Shortly after I turned 32 my wife and I found out that she was pregnant with our first c***d. We had lived on our own for a few years, and we lived pretty far from our parents. We had a decent sized house, since I had a good job, but with myself working full time, and her being tired all the time from the pregnancy, there was no way for us to keep the house up to where it needed to be. And she didn't feel like cooking either, and one can only live on so many pizzas. We both realized that...

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MotherInLaw Fantasy Attained

I have always been sexually attracted too my mother-in-law. From the first time I met her 24 years ago, she was that older woman that I always wanted to have sex with. She and I have grown closer over the years, but she always stayed at arm length when I would jokingly fool around with her. Two years ago my father-in-law passed away and I have been going over to see her more and more. I have intimated that I think she is sexy and I even confided in her that she was my "older woman" fantasy. She...

2 years ago
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MotherInLaw Sex Pt 4 Ex MotherinLaw

I was offered a 3 month consulting position in another Asian country where I had worked before, and in fact where I had been married before for 6 years, before my then-wife ran off with another man and demanded a divorce, which I didn’t want and fought to keep her, win her back, but after 2 years reluctantly agreed. Into my third week, I was in the local market, around the corner from the small house which had been provided me, and I literally ran into my ex-mother-in-law. Ironically, the...

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Mother In Law Asked To Fuck My Father In Law

Hello readers, I am Sultanasinha, aged 36 male from Patna back with 50th story. The story has been sent by Latha to be published on ISS. If you like, the story, please send your comments via mail or The story, which I am going to narrate, took place after four years of my marriage. My first child was 2 years old at that time. Our small family consisting of yours truly, husband and a baby was staying at Bangalore. Husband’s parents visited us and decided to stay one month with us. I was still...

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Mother in law

Hi….Again…I’d been always drawn to older women. After having sex with my mother-in-law (she was 30 years older than me) I realized I really liked mature . I want to tell you a story about me and my mother-in-law. The story happened two years before. My wife was on a business trip, my farther-in-law was out of town too. My mother-in-law invited me for dinner on Saturday. While laying the table she bent down and her boob fell out of her gown. Her boobs were huge, the nipple was long and the area...

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Mother In Law incredible

Having lived abroad for a few years, I got a new job in my wife's home town. However, as it's a couple of months till we sell our house, I have left my wife to sort it out and have moved in with my in-laws as my work is just a few minutes away.I'd been looking forward to moving there thinking of all the opportunities that would be available to investigate some of the mother-in-laws tights and underwear. Unfortunately, in the first few days I wasn't left in alone at all so never got any...

4 years ago
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MotherInLaws House

Mother-In-Law's Housebyburasboy©I recently had to spend time at our old place of residence to take care of some business. I contacted my mother-in-law, Cathy, and she told me I could stay at her house. I arrived early afternoon and Cathy was still working, so I dropped by her work to get her house keys. We had a short visit and then I headed to her house to relax.As soon as I got there, I went straight to the clothes hamper. When I got to the hamper it was full of dirty clothes, and started...

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Motherinlaw and I Fall in Love

I was around 22 when my wife and I met each other through a mutual friend of ours. She was around 21 when we met. We married three months after we met.I'm a bit short I guess, standing at five feet five inches, with red hair brown eyes, and slender built with a six and three quarter inches penis when fully hard.The wife stands five feet three inches with a D cup size boobs, a little on the thick size in build but very beautiful, but she was more of a momma's girl I found out a short time later...

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Mother in law show off everytime

I had fancied my mother-in-law for a year or so since glimpsing her getting dressed one morning at my house. She had never entered my mind as a woman to lust over or fancy until then. However, after that day, she took my thoughts over and I fantasized about her regularly. I had seen her in a beige lace bra with a matching waist slip, and she looked gorgeous. My own sex life was nearly dead due to my wife losing interest after giving birth to two sons. As my birthday approached, she took me...

1 year ago
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MotherinLaws Secret Room Part 2

Mother-in-Law’s Secret Room (Part 2) My wife is lovely, my mother-in-law is gorgeous. I fell under her spell and became her toy. MF, BDSM, Fetish Chapter… Mother-in-Law’s Secret Room (Part 2) My wife is lovely, my mother-in-law is gorgeous. I fell under her spell and became her toy. MF, BDSM, Fetish Chapter Five. For the next few days I couldn’t concentrate at work or at home. This incredibly sexy fantasy woman was offering me what I wanted – but this was my...

2 years ago
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Mother in law surprise part 1

I've been happily married for many years but in all honesty I have always had a soft spot for my mother in law, like many other men. The thing that interested me most about my mother in law, Anne was that she rubbed me up the wrong way and she wasn't really the traditional MILF mother in law but she just made me incredibly horny, very primal, every time I saw her I just wanted to rip off her clothes and you know the rest... Anyway to give you some kind of idea, Anne looked a little like she...

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MotherInLaw Fantasy Chapter 1

It's one of those things some of us fantasize about but never expect to happen. Those of you who are married and have viewed your wife's mother as someone you'd love to have sex with, but know it could never happen can relate to this story.It began this last December, while the In-laws were here for Christmas vacation. I have had many fantasies about my wife's mother. I'm not a fool and realized them for what they were, just fantasies. I never did expect anything to become of them. My wife and...

2 years ago
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Motherinlaw and I Fall in Love part 2

As Linda drove, I slid over closer to her noticing that she wasn't sitting on her dress tail, with her pussy on full display. When I got next to her, I rubbed my hand around her landing strip of hair for a bit then slid my hand down to her pussy lips and rubbed up and down, smirring the cum around on them as it was leaking out of her pussy."Ben, what are you doing, besides making it hard to drive." in an excided voice."You might say that I'm trying to keep your seat from getting socked with cum...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 40. My wife is German. We live in the states. I went to Germany for business. I was to visit my in laws while I was there. I was excited to be back in Germany. I remembered the red light district in Frankfurt from when I was there before. I took the train from the airport. It had to go thru Frankfurt before I went to see my mother-law. Naturally I fudged the time that I arrived. I went to the redlight district and looked around.... It was so hot...

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Mother In Law

I have been with my wife Lisa for 15 years now and ever since I met her Mum Linda for the first time I have always thought how attractive she was.Linda is 52,size 12 and she has the most amazing breasts, I would say they are easily an F cup and when I am in her company I have to try really hard not to keep looking at them.Over the years I have built a good relationship up with my In Laws and would often pop round for a beer with the Father In Law after work as they only live round the corner...

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Mother in Law

When I started dating my wife I remembered the old story 'look at your mother in law and you will see your wife in years to come'. I did this and liked what I saw, my mother in law was a beautiful curvacious bubbly woman with a real zest for life. I prayed for the day my wifes breasts would measure the same as her mothers but in reality it was a pipe dream.As I got to know mum in law better the more I grew to like her, she was cheeky and flirty and would often playfully slap my butt or squeeze...

3 years ago
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Mother In Law Visits

I had always gotten along well with my mother in law, even after her daughter and I divorced. My mother in law stayed in touch, calling regularly and sending an occasional card to boost my spirits. I had taken the divorce hard and my mother in law surprisingly took my side during and after the split. One summer evening, my mother in law called. She and her two younger c***dren were taking vacation and she wanted to stop by and say hi. I readily agreed and viewed the visit with much...

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