Getting Ready For Vacation - Part 3 - The Trip Begins free porn video

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Note : This story is completely fictional!

(Jake is a and successful author. He is about to embark on a trip across the country and has invited Jill, a women he just met this morning, (she is the mother of a former student)to come along. The daughter is a grown woman now and the three of them had just finished a hot three-way, where the mother and daughter had incestuous sex. Jake has just been told by the daughter, Kris, that her mother is falling in love with him).

Kris and I walked hand in hand down the stairs as Jill looked over her shoulder. "Oh-oh, you two look like you are up to something." Kris just smiled and kissed me on the cheek, "take good care of her." She bounded into the kitchen and dove in to the carry out food that by now was pretty cold. Jill looked at me and asked, "What? What’s going on?" I told her that Kris just told me to take good care of you or she would kick my ass. We walked into the kitchen as Jill shook her head and said softly, "I don't believe this is happening, I must be nuts." I thought for a moment, took her in my arms and impulsively whispered in her ear, "I hope you know I am falling for you." She looked up at me and mouthed the words, "me too". 

We ate our micro waved takeout meal and went to the rec room to sit down and relax a bit. Kris broke the ice and said that she guessed she should head home and let us get some rest before we took off on our adventure in the morning. "Now promise me you two will rest and not fuck the night away." We laughed at that notion and told her there was really no way we could go again. I told Kris she was welcome to spend the night here since she was going to house sit for me while we were gone. 

Kris shook her head and said, "No, I think its time for you two to be alone together. Shit, if you can't spend the night alone, this will be a short trip." That sounded like a good idea and we cleaned up the mess in the kitchen and found Kris' clothing that was scattered about the house from the earlier sexual escapade. At the door she looked at me and gave me a hug and whispered a question in my ear, "You going to be my step-dad soon?" I just laughed and she looked back at me and said, "I know these things, really I do." She gave her Mom a long tight hug and simply said, "I love you Mom, enjoy life for a change, you took good care of me, now take care of yourself. And I want to hear all the lurid details, all of them." She kissed her on the cheek and out the door she went. Jill looked back at me as she fought off the tears. 

I put my arms around her and held her close and said, "She really loves you, if you didn't already know that." That was all it took and she began to softly cry. We stood there for a bit as she finished crying. I looked at the clock on the wall and it a little after 9:00PM. It seemed like it should be so much later. I took Jill by the hand and we went into the rec room and sat on the love seat. I could feel her breast on my side and she looked so sexy sitting there in just a tee-shirt of mine. Her hand was on my leg and I thought for a moment she was falling asleep. That was ok with me I could sit here with her for as long as she wanted. She opened her eyes and looked up at me, and got even closer. She rose up and kissed me, softly at first, then letting her tongue slip between her lips. Our lips remained glues together for quite a while as out tongues wrapped together. I could head her moan and whimper a bit as we passionately kissed. "What do we have to do to be ready for leaving in the morning" she asked? I shook my head as though to say, "Not a thing". She stood up and took my hand and said, "Then let’s goes to bed". Somehow I thought she didn't mean to sleep. We got to the bedroom and she sat me down on the side of the bed. 

She stood before me and looked down. "Would you make love to me, really make love?" With that she removed the tee shirt and we rolled into bed. Our mouths found each other again and we began to roll around the bed kissing each other, on the lips, the check, the neck, just about anywhere about the shoulders. I wasn't even aware I was hard until I felt her take me and guide me into her. No lubricant was needed, no powerful thrusting was done. No guttural sounds were heard just the rustling of the sheets on the bed. I don't have a clue how long we were entwined but I had not felt like that in a long, long time, if ever. I felt her tense as she moved her mouth to mine and she thrust into me as far as she could go. I never came but shit I didn't care it felt incredible to feel her cum like she did. She looked at me and whispered to me "what about you?" I shook my head and kissed her lightly on the lips and just smiled. We pulled rolled over and in no time we were fast asleep.

I woke up to sunshine blasting through the window and noise outside of my home. For just a moment I wondered if the events of yesterday were actually a dream. I noticed the bed was a mess so at least that part was true. Then I could smell her scent that was embedded into the sheets and pillow. Jill was not there. I sighed as I thought she had second thoughts and had left. Usually I sleep lightly and would have expected to feel her leave. Oh well, guess I will travel alone, but it was a hell of a day. Just then I heard a noise in the bathroom and the door opened and in walked Jill, hair wet and wrapped up in my oversized bath robe. As she ran a towel over her wet head she smiled and came over to the bed. "Hi, you were sleeping so sound I didn't want to wake you, but I really needed a shower. I guess you know why." She leaned over to kiss me and our mouths locked up and out tongues explored each others mouth. 

Then she broke the kiss and pulled the sheet off of me and said, "Ok buster, you need a shower too, off you go, we have a trip to make. If we aren't careful we will spend the vacation in your bedroom. Hey do you have a hair dryer?" I motioned to the cabinet and laughed. I stood up and said, "Yes mam". I took a shower and when I got out Jill was standing there in what was obviously a new outfit. She modeled a bit and asked if I liked it. I gave my approval as she told me her daughter picked up a couple of outfits for the trip for her. "Her tastes are a bit more daring than mine, but I thought she picked well." I told her that I would be the envy of everyone on the road. She was wearing red shorts; not like the old lady shorts but not so short that she looked trashy. The top was white and somewhat shear. Just heavy enough to hide her nipples, but when the light shined on her from behind the outline of her lovely breasts were apparent. Her bra was visible through the fabric and it too was very lacy & sexy. She was a knockout! "Come on, come on lets get going I can't wait to get started on this trip." We cleaned up the house a bit, (very little bit) and out the door we went.

We spent the next several hours in the motor home getting to know about each other, (about the only thing we really knew was how to make each other cum.) We spoke about where we grew up, our families, friends, schools and just about everything. I had headed east on the interstate highway, intending to go see an old teaching friend who now was an antique dealer out near Washington DC. The conversation found its way to sex, (of course) and she told me about her typical female teen years. "I guess I was pretty normal for a girl back then. I let a guy feel by breasts, figuring it must make him feel good, I really couldn't figure out why, but hell it felt ok for me. Of course that lead to the bra coming off and well you know how it goes, you get to doing a little more each time but I stopped at intercourse, at least for a while", she smiled sheepishly. 

She said that one thing she found she really enjoyed was oral. While most of her friends said they would never put a cock in their mouth and certainly never let a there, she would sit there quietly and think how much she loved the feel of a cumming cock in her mouth. "Once I found out about how well masturbating was, the best fantasy, the one that got me off the best was sucking cock", she said. She told me all about her first real fuck and how dull it was. "The guy, (she was in college) just climbed on and before I could even start to feel good he unloaded in me. I am laying there wanting to get off myself, cum oozing out of my pussy and he just gets up and fumbles around for his clothes and says he has to go study for a test. Certainly not how I expected to lose my virginity." She kind of lost interest in dating for the rest of the school year and then after returning the next year she had her first sexual encounter with another woman. "I had a new roommate and we were sort of getting to know each other and one weekend, after splitting a bottle of wine we got to talking and laughing about our sex lives and how guys were such jerks. 

I told her my story and she told me something similar and we laughed and laughed. Then we got a bit horney and talked about giving and getting head, masturbating, vibrators and just about anything else of a sexual nature." She said it got real quiet and then her roommate said she was getting sleepy and then she turned and told her that she should feel free to take care of herself anytime she wanted, that it wouldn't bother her. Then she climbed in bed and turned off the light. "It only took a minute or two before I could hear her playing with her self, you know, the moaning, whimpering and all that. She came real quick and damn I wanted to do myself but just couldn't make myself do it with her just a few feet away." Jill told me that the next morning she waited until her roommate was in the shower and then threw off her night clothes and went to work on her morning orgasm. She said she lost all track of what was going on around her and just as she was about to cum she noticed 2 legs just inches from her bed. Her roommate was standing there playing with her own breasts as she watched Jill finger herself and rub her clit. "I must have yelled out and jumped off the bed 2 feet, she startled me so much." Her roommate apologized, saying she thought she had taken her up on the offer to play whenever she wanted. 

She told her that she though that Jill was extremely sexy and very hot while she masturbated. "She sat on the side of the bed as I relaxed a bit. I hadn't cum and I figured with that fright I wouldn't be able to, but oh boy was I wrong. I watched her as she played with her nipples, then slip her hand between her legs and play there. It was really beginning to turn me on." She said her pussy desperately wanted attention and began to inch her hand back down there. Then her roommate asked her if she had ever done it with another girl. Jill shook her head and her roommate said she had not as well. "I couldn't believe what I did next; I just slid over, giving her room to lie next to me. As I laid back and started to play with myself she leaned over and stroked my leg, my arm and finally my breast. Then she rubbed my nipple and leaned over to suck it. I just closed my eyes and soon I was cumming and cumming. After I was done I sort of rolled on to my side and told her it was her turn, only I went one step further as I sucked her nipples, I replaced her hand with mine and rubbed her clit while she fingered her pussy." 

She went on to tell me that each time they masturbated together they went just a little bit further, first rubbing each others clit, then finger fucking their pussies and finally Jill knelt between her roommates legs and began to use her tongue. She made her roommate cum several times and they fell back on the bed when she was spent. Jill told her that she didn't have to go down on her if she didn't feel comfortable, but her roommate just laughed and dove into her pussy. Within a few days they were both hungrily licking each other and greatly enjoyed binding up in a "69". 

"We both dated guys and all, and we both slept with them from time to time, but we had our lesbian relationship for the rest of the school year. Until I did the threesome with my ex, I never did it with another woman."

It was getting very warm in the motor home and if we had found a rest stop we certainly would have stopped to get it even hotter. I just kept driving as we headed east.

It was mid afternoon and we were thinking about where to stop for the night. We had both driven a lot during the day and were getting tired and since we had no real schedule we could stop whenever we wanted. Jill was looking at the road atlas and told be to get off at the next exit. "There is little town up here and it may have some shops and a restaurant, lets go explore, ok?"

I pulled into the lot of market and we got out. She had been right; it was a quaint little village with shops and a couple of places to eat. After finishing dinner we were walking about the village thinking about where to spend our first night on the road. We found an Inn and checked in. It was only 9:00 PM but we were so tired that we fell asleep, nude in each other's arms without ever doing anything. Hell we even left the TV and light on. We awoke the next morning, having slept so soundly that we had hardly messed up the bed. I tried to focus on the clock and then noticed it was about 8"00AM, we had been asleep almost 11 hours. "Wow, we were tired", Jill said as she sat up in bed. 

Even with her hair a mess and no makeup, she was beautiful. She caught me looking at her and I guess I was smiling so she said, "Ok, there's that grin again, just what are you thinking? Hell I bet I know, you are wondering how you are going to ravage my body this morning, right?" I pulled her over to me and kissed her. "No", I said, "I was actually thinking about how lucky I am to be here with you. Clothes or no clothes, sex or no sex, I am really glad you came along. She kissed me again and said "me too". Then she hopped up and said, "But if I don't get a shower soon, you will dump me along the road." Off she went to the shower and I just laid back and the smile never left my face.

After breakfast we were off again driving east and we stopped to eat lunch at a rest stop. It was a beautiful area, on a hill overlooking a valley below. After finishing our lunch we just laid there a while, me on my back, Jill with her head in my lap. Cars and trucks came and went as we just laid there enjoying the time. Just then I heard footsteps and I looked up to see a police officer. We sat up and noticed the officer was a woman. She said, "Hi folks, just wanted to give you all a heads up, a bad thunderstorm is headed this way. I guess this is your RV and I bet you had better ride the storm out here rather than try to drive that big sucker into that storm." We said thanks and stood up. Even with the uniform on and the bullet proof vest under the shirt, she was quite attractive. Short blonde hair and long legs told me that out of uniform she was probably a knockout. 

Jill got up and cleaned up our lunch stuff and I noticed that the officer was eyeing her. Jill wasn't wearing a bra and the tee shirt she had on didn't hide the fact one bit. Her nipples were poking through the fabric and she looked very good. I wondered for just a moment, is she interested in Jill? We chit chatted for a minute or two as we walked back to the motor home. Jill surprised me by telling her, "If you need to wait out the storm you can do it with us, we have plenty of room." The officer smiled and thanked her but said she was just getting off duty and probably had time to get home before the storm hit. As we got to the door I felt rain begin to come down and in no time it was raining cats and dogs. We jumped in to the home and the office said, "Guess I was wrong about that." She radioed in that she was waiting out the storm at the rest stop and then she sat down. We introduced ourselves. Her name was Nancy and we told her about our trip, (although not about how we began the trip at my place). After telling her what I did for a living she said, "Oh yes Dr Parker, I have met you, last year at the university library. 

You spoke here about your book. I was taking a history course there hoping to get into law school. I want to prosecute the bad guys, not just arrest them." I told her that I remembered visit but apologized for not remembering her. She said that she had finished her degree and was starting law school in the fall. Jill was sitting next to me very close with her hand on my leg. Nancy looked at her watch and said, "Well that’s it, I am off duty." She radioed in again checking out for the day. Jill told her that she must be miserable and hot in that uniform, that she should feel free to use the bathroom to get out of all that if she wanted. Nancy sort of looked a bit confused and said that she was fine. After a while, as we talked, she stood up and said "you know I think I will take you up on the offer, usually when I get home I get this stuff off and get into my study clothes." We laughed at that and Jill asked, "Just what are your study clothes?" Nance was removing her belt and the outer shirt and then the vest. She smiled and said, "Not much really, baggy shorts and an old tee shirt, not nearly as nice as the one you are wearing, but comfortable. An old boyfriend left it." Jill laughed and said, "oh the best kind". 

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My Sea Sun and Sex Vacation Part One

I was nineteen and at university. For extra pocket money, I had been working at various jobs, and I had managed to save enough for ten days’ vacation with my then boyfriend, John – a fellow student. He was a year older than me, and not particularly handsome but nice enough. We had been seeing each other for three months, although in some ways, we really weren’t suited. He did have a great sense of humour, a devil-may-care attitude, and was as sexy as hell. I sensed it immediately, and we ended...

Group Sex
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Vacation trip to Barbados Anitas version

I had convinced my loving hubby to take a vacation trip to Barbados for our wedding anniversary. I told him that we would enjoy some nice sunny days at the beach and could take the nights to fuck like crazy, without thinking on the dull routine or stress. The first afternoon, when we arrived at the beach, I noticed that several white women were sunbathing totally nude. I was practically naked with my green lime thong and I could see that the local black men were getting quite an eyeful of my...

3 years ago
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Vacation trip to Barbados Victors version

My sexy wife convinced me to take a vacation trip to Barbados for our wedding anniversary. She said we would enjoy some nice sunny days at the beach and could take the nights to fuck like crazy, without thinking on the dull routine or stress. The day before, I bought her a new outfit for the beach: a very tiny thong in green lime, her favorite color. I put it inside of her suitcase, so she would find it when we were at the hotel there…The first afternoon she came out from the bathroom wearing...

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My Vacation With Mom Part 1

I had been waiting nearly six hours before they announced the arrival of my mother's plane. It was late, it was hot, and I was tired, and the last place on earth I wanted to be at the present time was the San Fernando airport. My flight from New York had come in earlier, and rather than take the long cab ride to the resort, then have to come back to meet her, I figured I'd just stay at the airport. Of course, her flight was delayed. And delayed. And delayed. At last, I saw her as she entered...

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The Unaffordable Vacation

by newbie2008Now I've been told that when men say "Your wife is beautiful," then she's beautiful, but when men and women both say it, she's hot. Well, Janet falls very much into the latter, but I think it's much more than her outer appearance, she's also a beautiful person to be around. She's one of those gals who, even in the grocery store, women will just arbitrarily say "You have the prettiest hair, I love your nail polish, Gosh, you are such a cute couple, etc."Once while standing in a...

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Vacation with Benefits Part 2 New Guests

We arrived at 227, and I opened it with the card key. I put his bags down and faced him. There was fire in his eyes as I could see him debate whether or not to jump me. I put my finger in the middle of his chest and said, "You should take a shower." He was incredulous. "A shower?" "Yes," I said. "I like my men squeaky clean." He frowned for a second. "Man, if this is one of Mitch's practical jokes, I'm gonna kill him." He went into the bathroom to disrobe, perhaps not...

4 years ago
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Josies California Vacation Revisited

It had never been my intent to hurt my husband. I looked across the bar at the 4 guys sitting there, and knew before the night was over I was going to be fucked by each of them. And it had all started so innocently. Samantha, one of my friends from college called me up one day and said she was having a get together for “the girls” at her beach house in Santa Monica and wanted me to come. It had been at least 7 years since we had all spent any time together, and it sounded like fun. I talked to...

2 years ago
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Vacation With Sexy Mom 8211 Part 3

Hello to my readers. First of all, if you have read both the previous parts, then a big thank you to you all. As promised, I am here with the third part. Let’s continue. The last 2 days of the vacation remained for Malini and her son, Anil. “Only 2 days!” Malini had thought to herself. She was up the next day. Anil was still asleep. “Maybe dreaming about his mom giving him a blowjob,” Malini thought. Malini wondered whether she had played the game too slow with her son. Women don’t appear too...

1 year ago
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Vacation at Aunt Jessicas Part 1

VACATION AT AUNT JESSICA?S - PART 1 By Nicki Germain Translated into English by Leah The main characters of this story: Myself, that is, the eleven-year-old Nicki. For his age very small and of girl-like stature with long auburn hair My Mom Aunt Jessica, also called Jessie, and the twin sister of Mom Nicole, or affectionately Nici, whom I still miss very much Sebastian, a twelve-year-old boy who in the story becomes my best friend Preface This story has...

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Vacation time part 4 of Past The Point of Pain

It is vacation time for Master and I and we always go to a cabin we timeshare with several other lifestyle couples, so a yearly schedule is planned out in advance for extended vacation times and the occasional weekends and holidays, once a year several if not all of the couples sharing ownership of the property have a get together for an extended weekend. For the next month and a half it is ours to go and relax and enjoy the surrounding woods, private pool and hot tub. The cabin sits...

3 years ago
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The Unaffordable Vacation Ch 02

by newbie2008The Unaffordable Vacation Continues...*You know? Wanting your wife to go along with your fantasy is one thing, but hearing her come around to it, actually explain that she's now okay with it, even enjoying it, is a pill you'll have to swallow if you roll down this path.I suppose a man feels more in control when she is reluctant about it. After hearing her utterly going along with the wildest things I could throw out, I began to seriously backtrack in absolute fear that she actually...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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Becoming Anthea Part 2

My name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Vacation Transformation

VACATION TRANSFORMATION by Throne My wife Jennie was, as usual, attired in a leotard. She seemed to live in those things. Not that I minded. They did a fantastic job of showing off her supersized boobs and doublewide butt. Problem is that I'm not the only one looking. We were at a seaside vacation town and there was no shortage of young studs feasting their eyes on her outrageous curves. There were plenty of sexy girls, too, and I wouldn't have minded looking at them. But if I...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 4

Taboos have been broken a long time ago. It existed with the gods and ended with human beings. We may have intentions to a particular person. A woman perhaps. Precisely we wanted to know more about having an intercourse with a woman. Be it your sister, mother, MIL, SIL, step-sister, step-mother, Aunt, Relative, Cousins or girls who want to get fulfilled. There are at times women in brothels who intend the same but for money. I have an intention too. Bethesda. Well previously I told you how...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 3

Well, it was on January 7, 2017, on a perfect Saturday morning that Bethesda received a call from her colleague stating they found something new this time and want her to visit her office which is like a museum to me. She called me as I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and told me to be alone for some time because she has to go to an urgent work in her office. I on the other hand, didn’t want to leave her and told her to give me 10 minutes to freshen up and that I too will be coming with...

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Fantasy Vacation Part I

They took months in planning their perfect getaway vacation. This wasn’t just any vacation; it was an escape from their separated real lives, real spouses, and work. Troy and Sabrina planned a fantasy vacation with each other to satisfy a whole year sexual yearning for each other and to get what they were not getting at home. Sabrina enjoyed researching vacation destinations, planning, and finding the perfect romantic room. Troy came up with the idea of escaping at some beach resort on the east...

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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

2 years ago
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Nancys Vacation Part 3

Please read Nancy's Vacation Part I and Part II for logical sequence. Nancy's Vacation Part III By Nancy Violet Introduction: It was Wednesday 1:00 p.m. when I woke up and I couldn't make it to work that day. My whole body was aching so badly. My face and butt were certainly reflecting all the slaps I received. My legs and feet were hurting because of the 5" heels I was wearing while they fucked the shit out of me last night. Oh yes, they fucked me good last night! I...

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The Transformation of Mrs Matthew Part 1

Mrs. Matthew was an attractive woman. She enjoyed gardening and painting. For a mature woman in her mid-fifties, she kept herself fit and healthy. She worked in a nearby vintage store, tending to select clientele and helping them dress in unique fashions and accessories. During her spare time, she practised yoga and was an avid reader of literature. Gregory was a thirty-six-year-old barber who recently took over his father's shop. He was the heartthrob of the town. All the young women swooned...

1 year ago
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Getting Ready for Vacation part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jake has known Jill for less than 24 hours. They are at Jakes home now, after they have been in bed for sometime, fucking and sucking until the 2 tired 40 something’s, (upper 40 something’s) could not go any more. (At least for now.) In between orgasms, Jake mentioned how much fun it would be if Jill joined him on his coming adventure. He has purchased a motor home, (Jake is a teacher and successful author) and is departing the next day on a trip...

1 year ago
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The BEST vacation ever Mother Son Incest

0The plane had just landed. Palm trees and sand was everywhere. THe captain announced the arrival at the island and it was official. They were on vacationSarah and justin had been anticipating this forever. As mother and son they went on vacation often together as Sarah was never married. The plane began taxing on the runway towards the drop off point , while Sarah and Justin just smiled at each other in happinessAs they stepped off the plane and went to luggage check, Justin couldn't help but...

2 years ago
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Vacation made in Heaven and Hell part 1

Vacation made in Heaven ... and Hell part 1 Alison Green and Jeanette Farrell had been friends and neighbours for many years now. Moving into adjoining houses as strangers, the newlyweds had bonded pretty much instantly and soon became the fastest of friends. Fifteen years later they had been through a lot together, the high and low points being the birth of their children and the loss of their husbands. While cancer had taken John Green, an affair with 'that dirty little slut from the...

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Virtual Vacation Coupon First Recursion

Virtual Vacation Coupon: First Recursion Joe Ingram reflexively rubbed the top of his head with a fingertip, absently feeling the thinning hair, as he read the fancy calligraphy once more: Dear Joe, Please accept this complimentary Virtual Vacation Coupon. With today's time demands, it can be prohibitively expensive or even impossible to get away for the kind of rest and recovery we all need from time to time. That's why we developed the virtual vacation. The virtual vacation...

3 years ago
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Haileys Vacation Part 4

Hailey went through the packages and except for Tim, delivered all the gifts her first week back. Tim was busy and unable to come home on the weekends so Hailey kept the things in the backpack she bought him. Hailey made one other terrible discovery when she unpacked, her Mother’s Eagle Pride necklace was gone. She called the resort and told them about the lost item. They assured they’d call if they found it, but after two weeks, she knew it was lost. She also asked about Rick, but was told...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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My Trip To The Porn Theater Part 1

My trip to the local theatre was on a Saturday afternoon. I had been to theaters in the past when I was in the military. They were filled with servicemen and locals but the movies shown there were dull and not as exciting as they are now. At that time there was censorship and no actual penetration as now. Mostly striptease and girlie solos without climaxes. No color and sound.This trip was quite different. It had been years since I had been to a porn theater and I expected the same as before. I...

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The Dinner Group A Virtual Vacation Coupon

Author's note: This is my second story, both in the Virtual Vacation Universe. Please consider this an open universe freely available to one and all who would like to use it as the basis for a story line. No hard and fast rules, just the basic concept. --- The Dinner Group (A Virtual Vacation Coupon) By Xyzzy It was a normal Saturday summer afternoon. I was making the last pass over the lawn with the mower. Hey, it's green, it grows, therefore it's a lawn; even if grass...

1 year ago
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Dreamy Vacation 8211 Part I

Hi everyone, this is my first blog/story, the story is very real & involves a no “guilt vacation” taken by myself & my wife. Okay so keeping intro brief and starting with story per say. Please do comment if you want me write further part of story. Introduction: My name is Yug 31 years old male from Delhi, well settled earning salary in five figures, as for physical attributes, height: 183 cm, weighing: 78 kg, dick: 8inch and have perfect six pack abs, thanks to tight exercise regime. Now coming...

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