Cookies and Cream
- 1 year ago
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‘Cookies & Cream’
Theresa Goodman, the woman with the saddest face I’ve ever laid eyes on, sat on the stool at the end of the counter, sighing heavily. There were shadows beneath her deep brown eyes. The eyes looked really red from previous crying. I have never seen anyone so forlorn in all my life. Emma came out of the kitchen and switched on the ice cream machine.
‘Theresa, you poor child!’ The co-owner cried. Theresa looked up at Emma and sniffed. ‘Child? Emma, I’m almost thirty-five!’
‘Could have fooled anyone, dear sweetie.’ Said Bill, the counselor who took his food to go. ‘Theresa, we are your friends. If you want to talk, you know where I’ll be.’ He gave out whistle at Charles. ‘Thanks for the turkey club, Charles.’
‘Anytime, Billy! Anytime! Oi Theresa!’ Charles stepped out of the kitchen, giving some of the young men their orders. ‘You’ve been under the weather today. Where’s your husband?’
Theresa bawled and started to make tears. Emma yelled at her husband, ‘Charles, remember that discussion we talked about last week??’
Charles made a reaction as he went back to the counter and held Theresa’s hands. ‘Oi there, girl, you’re all right. That man you married doesn’t know what he’s missin’. He’ll come back to the house and call you tonight. I’ll set ‘im straight.’
‘I’m afraid you won’t reach him, Charles.’ Theresa sobbed, looking up at the couple, her voice very weak from crying so much already. ‘After ten years of marital bliss and making him happy with my best ability, that cheatin’ bastard left me! And what’s worse, it’s for that blonde bimbo of a co-worker of his!’
‘Oh honey!’ Emma cried, patting the heart broken woman’s back. ‘It’s okay, Theresa, you’re still so young at heart. That woman can keep that soon to be stranger.’
‘What makes you think Alex left me for a woman?’
The rest of the customers kept their silence and ate their meals. Carl blinked as he looked at one of his pals, Kyle with a lime sherbet in his hand. They both nodded and walked out, leaving out of the conversation. The co-owners looked at each other, wondering what happened to the sobbing woman’s husband. They made hand gestures about Alex’s sexuality when Theresa sat right up from counter.
‘He wasn’t so sure about himself when he married me. Oh yeah, he told me the night before. He said his experiences with men were more pleasing than it was with women! He wasn’t so sure until last Christmas when he found himself in the arms of ‘Roger’!
‘Since then, he kept asking me for a divorce to be with him!’
‘Would be better if he asked you used a strap-on.’
‘Charles, please! Theresa, you didn’t sign the divorce papers, did you?’
‘I haven’t, but I may consider it. They’re in my cabin on the desk. I have all summer to think it over.’
‘You’ll have Alex back, darlin’,’ Charles said, patting her slender hands. ‘You two had a history together. He might think it’s a mistake.’
But Theresa shook her head. ‘It’s over, Charles.’ She said weakly, her head flung on the counter. ‘I gave him the best years of my life for him, and he threw them out like dross.’
Emma hugged her friend softly, feeling the same way she had felt. I had a feeling Emma walked in the shoes of a heart broken woman. That would be another story. The machine beeped and Emma nudged her husband as she comforted her friend. Charles took a red sundae cup and scooped out three scoops of chocolate ice cream with gooey marshmallows and crushed graham crackers. ‘Ah, Ems knew she was expecting ya. ‘Ere ya are, love. One S’mores sundae.’
Theresa sniffed the bouquet of sweet chocolate as the male co-owner put down the red swirled cup right in front of her. She inhaled deeply and took the cup with glum. ‘I know this treat first hand. I doubt this would make this situation feel better.’
Emma patted the gloomy woman’s shoulder. ‘Theresa, it might not work for the prime purpose of your trip, but who knows? Maybe you’ll find a reason to enjoy the sundae.’
In just those words, a young man just entered the parlor with a dusty tank top a tight pair of swimming trunks and a pair of thin framed, gray tinged sunglasses. He brushed his bronze hair from the dust before he was officially inside. He took his muscular body and sat next to Theresa, feeling rather stressed.
‘Hello?’ Charles said feeling an instinct of a man’s time stress from the young man, ‘I assume you have an important agenda today.’
‘Yeah, I’m here for a job interview with Mr. Bill Liberstat.’
‘Billy? Oh mate, I’m afraid you missed him.’
‘Ah! I’m late for an interview with him!’ When the man slammed his large hand on the counter, there were some stares from a few women, Theresa’s especially. The hand in question was a size of a python’s head. If you were a straight woman or a ‘Trojan’ man who loves to receive hand jobs, his hands would be so perfect. Charles checked to see if there were any cracks on his counter with a bang like that. Damn, that boy was strong!
‘Oi, it’s all right, lad. Billy never mentioned of an interview. He probably had that memory slipped. Tell me, son, are you into guys?’
‘What?!’ Oh, that question made that man really repulsed. ‘Fuck no, man! I’m totally into the V!’
‘That’s why. He probably didn’t remember with guys like you. Well, he’s in his office at the front desk. I’ll lead you to him…’ Charles walked out of the counter and gestured the man to come with him. The man nodded and followed the tall man forward the exit, asking for his name. ‘Oh, I’m Dustin Ferris. I’m hoping to be a lifeguard this summer.’
‘A lifeguard? Now that’s really wonderful to hear. We have a woman name Sumei that works in a tailor warehouse not too far from here. When you’re all settled with Bill, I’ll take you to her to have your measurements ready.’
When the two men exited, Theresa made a dreamy smile across her red thick lips. She looked really hopeful at that moment. Perhaps, she thought, there really was a right fish to catch. She turned to Emma with a giggle. ‘On second thought, Ems, since we are the best of friends, maybe I will take this sundae back to my cabin. I really need this.’
Emma never said a word. She just smiled innocently and stood back, looking at her friend as she took the cup. Then she jumped out of the stool and made a sexy walk as she exited the parlor. John looked at the woman as she continued to and started to eat her favorite flavored ice cream, scratching his head. ‘I’m missing something. Why did she take that sundae at the last minute? Emma, do you have any idea?’
Emma smiled at the young man beside me and replied, ‘Darling, Theresa is only making herself feel better. The best thing for her to do right now is forget about her troubles and focus on something that will make her happy.’
Oh yeah, something will make her happy all right…before the day is over, she will be beyond happy. And I had an idea on what exactly will happen.
Theresa would go back to her lonely cabin and finish her treat. Then, she would lie on the lumpy couch and start to fantasize about that soon to be lifeguard. Skin like butterscotch, head with angles as edgy as a two sided blade, eyes sharp and blue, his mouth thin and narrow, but a smile that was dazzling and dreamy. As soon as she had him in her mind, then ‘he’ would start to pleasure her.
First, some sensual kissing would start. Tongues rolling inside one another with their hands caressing each other’s bodies. It would soon be too much for her, and the thin clothes would soon be stripped. The man’s mouth might not look like they would do much, but he could convince her he would be the better lover. He would prove it by kissing softly at her long slender neck, licking her small ample breasts, sucking away on her hard nipples, rolling his tongue against her sensitive, blossoming flower. That last part alone, would drive her to the edge.
After that first climax, he would back up to her and spread her long legs. She was ready…oh man, was she ready. ‘Dusty’ would move his hips forward, slowly pushing his hard shaft inside her wild, longing slit. She craved for him to drive deeper, holding the small of his back. He told her to relax and he would do what she craved for in time with his smooth, quiet manner. He would lie on top of her and suck more on her yearning breasts as he drove more and more inside her, making her moan and grope him firmer.
I could picture the woman looking into space in sheer ecstasy, speaking in weird tongue as he penetrated her harder. Her back arching with each thrust, her muscles tightening, her eyes dilated before the last thrust went inside. Then, she would wail weakly, both man and woman climaxed as one. She held her man as he fell on her warm chest, repeating his name as she closed her eyes to slumber in peace after the realm of pleasure.
‘Kendra? Kendra?’ A voice calling me from this cloudy thought, fluttering my head back. John looked straight at me with his concerned look on his face. I made some deep breaths before I responded. ‘Sorry. I tend to have daydreams.’
‘You must have had one intense dream.’ John said softly, trying not to have the conversation overheard. ‘Kendra, it looked as if you went out and flew everywhere. Where did you go in your dream?’
I looked at him and he was smiling at me. I hope he wasn’t teasing me in a critical manner. I just smiled back and replied, ‘wherever you want me to be.’
Emma made a whistle and drew our attention to her, cleaning the counter with her cloth. ‘Kendra, you really know about this more than John does. Maybe you can explain to him what’s going on. Do you still have your ice cream?’
I nodded. I remember putting the ice cream cup in the mini fridge in the sea green kitchen. That was right before the whole bang party started. I knew from that question I had to explain John about the ice cream.
‘John,’ I said softly, standing up with my hand open to him. He looked up at me and he took my hand to stand. ‘John, I think there is something to explain. It may sound strange, but let’s put your logic aside.’ When we started to leave, some of my sorority sisters entered the parlor with their eyes fixed on the potential ice cream flavors. One of them (Brie Callahan) pointed at an item and asked Emma, ‘Is it possible for you to make a Chocolate Caramel Swirl Cheesecake ice cream?’
I led the man out of the parlor and talked to him about an adventure and a half I had yesterday. As we walked to my cabin, we came across couple after couple with different flavored ice cream cups in their hands. Different kinds of people, different kinds of needs, different kinds of pleasure. This wasn’t going to be a quiet evening. Call it an inkling.
John at first wasn’t convinced that a simple dessert would cause such a commotion. To him, there was no way that a few bites of a cold treat to make any woman’s pussy become stimulated and crave for sex. On the other hand, a man would do easy to stimulate. They didn’t need a treat for getting a boner. I knew on his end it sounded crazy, but I saw it firsthand how it worked. Better still, I was the proof.
A couple more events made John thought I wasn’t creating a story. He wanted to make a pit stop in an outhouse. He opened the slim dark painted shack and there was his best friend Carl with Kyle kissing passionately with their shirts off. Carl was standing over this smaller man with long chestnut hair that was about to take off his blue shorts. Before John closed the door with shock in his face, he caught a glimpse of a blue cup with a scoop of lime sherbet.
‘Damn!’ John shouted as he walked to the cabin with me. ‘Of all people, I would never think of Carl like that! He never told us about his personal life…ever! At least as far as relationships were concerned…’
‘John, it’s okay,’ I told him, holding his hand as we walked the stone steps that led to my cabin. ‘He just isn’t ready to come out yet, that’s all. For now, we need to test this theory.’
I opened the cabin door and as we both saw the second event. On the living room floor, Rosa and Hannah decided to invite Tony for dinner. The main course was a three-part meal. The main dish was a thick cock with the two pussy side dishes. There those three were sprawling on the floor in a circle, licking, slurping and sucking each other as John and I watched with mixed feelings about all of this. Rosa looked up at us as she parted her lips from Tony’s hard shaft.
‘Hey Kendra, hey John, did you enjoy your practice?’
I just watched her face as she smiled awkwardly, but that wasn’t because John and I caught them in the act. No, it was because Hannah kept on licking Rosa’s swollen clit. Apparently, Hannah wanted to explore her sexuality. Of course she adored Tony’s advances to her own wet pussy. When they both saw John and me, they both stood up with blushed faces, holding each other.
‘Golly!’ Tony cried, hugging Hannah so securely, ‘We didn’t expect you until later! Rosa, where is this Yuki you told me about?’
‘Oh she’s coming back with some ice cream from the parlor.’ Rosa stood up and grinned at me. ‘I promised Tony a four way.’
‘Rosa!’ I blushed from that horny girl’s statement. ‘Have you lost your mind??’
‘I don’t know. Hey ever since Hannah and I took a bite of that Banana ice cream, we felt so wild and crazy and craving for someone. Then Tony came by and…’ She gave me a shrug and looked at Tony and Hannah, ‘the rest is History.’
No, I thought, looking at John who had the same thought as I had, the rest is just the beginning.
After we sent the three horny stooges into Rosa’s room to make dessert on their own, I set the leftover Cookies & Cream sundae on the small table between us. The ice cream itself appeared softer than it was yesterday. It began to melt. I walked to the slate blue counter and open the top oak drawer and found a slot for dessert spoons. They looked like they haven’t been washed for a while. I took out two of them and wiped the dust from them before giving John one of them.
‘So, he said slowly, scratching his rugged chin, ‘this is the cream that is said to be an aphrodisiac.’
‘Yep, it is.’ I said, digging the top part with my spoon as I sat down. I looked at it and wondered if it would a same effect as it did last night. Perhaps this potent effect in this serum won’t last that long, I thought. Maybe it would only be effected in the product for a limited time. Maybe it would only be a regular Cookies & Cream. Well, there was only one way to find out.
I first started to lick the cookie covered cream first as John dug his share. He put the silver bowl part of the spoon in his mouth and looked at me. I saw a change from his green eyes alone. He just sat there, but his eyes…there was something about those eyes as he observed how I lick the frozen treat. Then, he smiled at me and chuckled. ‘You missed your mouth.’
I looked at him strangely. What did I miss?? I don’t remember missing a damn thing! The only thing I could miss was…oh shit! It was a come on! John then came close to me and slowly flickered standing up to reach me. Then, he used his soft pink wet, hot tongue on my bottom lip. Boy, was I trembling! Oh! Damn, his lapping was so soft! I loved it just felt so good, I wanted more. Thanks to the cream in the swirled bowl, it got me an incentive.
I dipped my two fingers in the bowl and placed them on his lips, dabbing some white cream on his mouth. Then I smiled at him, feeling a glow all over before I tilt my head and kissed him softly, licking his lips to wipe the cream away. I wasn’t sure who was more forward, but I was just all over him, coiling myself right on the seat. That was when I felt something cold right on my cleavage. I first, I froze, staring at the man who was giving me this pleasant smirk. Then I slowly looked down. There, he put two of his f
ingers down my shirt!
‘Oops, butter fingers,’ John said softly, rubbing his sticky fingers in my cleavage. My inner logical side said to him softly butter fingers my ass! It’s more like pervert fingers! Well, the fingers were short lived, He pulled me over to him, lean down and started to lick the melting cream right off my hot flesh. I think I was beginning to melt along with the cream. Damn him! Should I stop him by putting more cream down his pants? I wanted to…but his hot tongue was just too good on my chest!!
I started pulling his red T-shirt, my lewd eyes peering at his deep ridges on his abs. I pulled his shirt further when John pulled down my clean blue tank top, my melon breasts popping out of the cotton suffocating cotton prison. He smirked like vampire when he looked at my glistening tits. What did I do then? I pulled his shirt over his eyes, dipped my fingers in the cream and painted his firm toned chest. He raised his arms to take off the blind cover as I rushed forward, grabbing his bare back as I lick the melting cream off his hot chest.
Suddenly, when John arched his back with my surprise licking, he just fell on the blue marble floor, and I fell on him. When we fell on each other on that floor, I felt his large bulge rubbing on my crotch of my tight shorts. That was when I felt strange…this irrational emotion where spiritual and carnal levels about to head to battle and would soon merge. I could feel my head going lighter as I lifted myself on his lap, taking off my blue top over my head. Once the soft fabric was thrown across the room, it was time for battle.
I was gentle with him, my hands caressing his shoulders, his chest, his abs. My lips brushed his with fire burning within the core of my body. I did feel the roughness of his five o’ clock shadow with my fingertips, my skin tingled with his masculinity. My God, this was paradise! Oh, then the paradise ascended when I reached his big bulge in his jean shorts.
Damn, he sure had a big package! I toyed with it for a whole by rubbing the tip still suffocating on the denim prison. I heard deep groans from my yearning fellow, maybe pleading for me to release him. With my pussy getting all wild down in my tight panties, how could I resist taking off his shorts? When I grip on his zipper with my dainty fingers, my John sat up and grabbed my wrist.
‘What do you think you’re doing?’ John asked me, his eyes just going right through me like an ectoplasm. I always go with the truth. ‘I…want to take your boner from that prison.’
‘It can wait,’ he responded by placing his long hand between my legs. ‘Your pussy is throbbing, Kendra.’ His grin…God, his grin! I have the feeling I’m more of a prisoner in my shorts than he was at this point! ‘You really need to breathe.’
Oh, he wasn’t kidding. With a pair of white shorts two sizes too small and my pussy going hot and going a million miles every ten seconds, I really need some air between my sweaty legs! He pulled me over back to him, his big hard member rubbing my damp shorts. Oh, he’s teasing me! Dammit, one thing you should know about girls is never tease her when she’s going to burst at any given second!
He turned us over and now my bare back was at the cold marbled floor. My nipples became even more hard from the cold, but mostly because John’s hard on was still rubbing me so damn much. He loosened his grip on me and licked my nipple, rolling around it with his tongue. That made me jolt a little, but not enough to have the energy to run out the door. Hell no! I want him to keep going. And with his hand unzipping my shorts, I was officially hooked with his pleasure making.
Once he put his hand between my legs and caress my wet, pink blossom, I just melted underneath him, moaning deeply on the floor. I was under this warm, lustful spell, my body almost paralyzed. Only my hands moved to grip his back, rubbing the damp skin in tiny circles. He made a soft growl as he took his fingers out of me and delicately licked the hot juices into his curvy mouth. Now he knew how crazy I was for him.
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Four naked girls lying asleep on the kitchen floor is not exactly what anyone would expect to find.This was an amazing and exciting surprise to the rest of the young slayers as they came in to make dinner that evening.They all stood at the door with their mouths open as they looked around the room. It was easy to see what had been going on here all day. The smiles on the sleeping girls’ faces and the way they were holding onto each other told it all.The girls stood their staring and whispering...
Kennedy was surprised, but more than interested in what she had walked in on. Not only was Willow here naked in front of her, but Buffy and Dawn too. This was so hot to her that she immediately felt her pussy become damp.As each of the three girls gave her a soft, warm kiss, she could feel the hot liquid building up inside her pussy. She wanted to fuck Willow more than anything, and now she had two other girls here, and all three were inviting her to join them.She smiled at them and took a deep...
Dawn came home from school early that day. She told them all that she wasn't feeling well, but actually she was bored and restless. The last place she felt like spending an afternoon was sitting in some class room listening to the teacher drone on about ancient history.She opened the front door, and plopped down her books on the table. "I'm starved," she mumbled to herself. "I sure hope they left some desert for me."As she moved closer to the kitchen, she could hear sounds coming from the other...
It started by accident one love making session, certain times of the month or maybe it's just when my wife is super horny she puts out a thick white cream that coats my dick and balls. I have an average size penis but I one very rare ability for a male, I can usually cum 4 to 5 times during any of our love making sessions, that's right I can have multiple orgasms. My wife can almost always handle our sex life but occasions she wants me to cum faster as she gets sore or she gets tired of my...
Found this story in the internet, thought would be worth sharingMagical CreamIt was a normal day in the Washington area, raining, and a bit cold. I would use the word 'pouring', but not for the state of Washington. Anyhow, somewhere under the shelter of a bus stop, sat a woman, this woman was 22, 5'6", a set of B-cups, and short brown hair, along with decent figure, along with a decent personality. Her name was Liz; she'd been there for maybe 10 min. before her bus showed up. When she climbed...
Dear Diary,Today was quite eventful. It was my first time alone with Krista in a long time. Chris has gone on a camping trip with a couple of friends and won't be back until Friday. Krista woke me up with breakfast in bed. She brought me a tray with waffles covered in butter, syrup, and whip cream, and a big glass of orange juice to drink. The orange juice tasted so good, it was so cold and the pulp reminded me of Chris's cum LOL! She did a great job on the waffles, they were light and fluffy,...
Found this story in the internet, thought would be worth sharing Magical Cream It was a normal day in the Washington area, raining, and a bit cold. I would use the word ‘pouring’, but not for the state of Washington. Anyhow, somewhere under the shelter of a bus stop, sat a woman, this woman was 22, 5’6′, a set of B-cups, and short brown hair, along with decent figure, along with a decent personality. Her name was Liz, she’d been there for maybe 10 min. before her bus showed up. When she...
I looked around the restaurant nervously. I used to be really good at the dating thing, but years of not using my dating and flirting muscles had led to their atrophy. Blind dates like this one were especially trying because let's face it; a blind date is like sticking your arm in a geyser. Most of the time nothing happens, but if your timing isn't right you can get hurt pretty badly. A regular date is bad enough. But at least then you've already met the person and know something about...
That morning I called in sick at work. I was sick of !I ended up at a small restaurant for breakeast. I can't standhaving someone right in my face at breafeast time but I like thebackground voices and I watch the news or TV day shows from a TV hanged on the wall.I have the bad habit of sometimes commenting out loud either news on paperor on TV. Two men about my age ( in their 50'S ) were sitting nearbyand started stating their opinions too to me. I was in no hurry, feltcomfortable...
My God, it's hot today! Unusually hot for this time of year and I'll be glad to get home and get out of my boring, stuffy office clothes. I pull into the drive and park next to Richard. He's had the day off - lucky sod! As I go in the front door, I hear him shout "I'm in the kitchen!". "Hi there. How was your day?" I ask as I walk through. He's standing there with a beer in his hand, smirking. "Good. I've had a very lazy day - just lounging around waiting for my wife to come home." he says,...
Straight SexI am Zayin a male from Chennai an industrialist now. This experience I am about to narrate happened to me when I was studying in XII at madras. She (Zareena) is my brother in laws younger sister and she is studying in the same class too but from a different school. My sister was pregnant at that time when I was studying in XII and was there in our house as doctor has suggested her to take bed rest and people from my sisters in laws house used to call her and enquire about her health sometimes...
IncestWhile their wives lick whipped cream from each other’s breasts; the guys cream muff and butt....“Double cream are you sure? This is a very rich recipe.”“Oh as if it’s going to bother a slim skinny piece like you…besides I know you like cherry cheesecake…I’m the one who has to watch my weight now I’m seven months pregnant…shit I’m a whale… and the cravings…talk about eating for two” sighed Pauline… envious of her lost shape.“Not much eating out now I suppose either” queried Tanya.“Pardon “said...
The glorious spring sunshine flooded the bedroom with warmth, and golden rays fell across the bed, onlyslightly filtered by the pale curtains.Luke passed me a carrier bag as we entered the bedroom. As I opened it I saw a canister of squirty dairy cream, a punnet of shiny red strawberries and a frosty cold bottle of Moet. I wrapped my arms around him in apassionate embrace, savouring his warm moist tongue probing my mouth while his hands carressed my breasts and stomach,then glided up my legs...
A Very Magic Cream Chapter 1 New Beginnings Steve a slim 30 something, pushed at the smoked glass door, glancing nervously around him as he entered. Inside, the bright lights dazzled him a little compared to the dull wet day outside. "Hello, can I help you?" smiled the dark haired tall assistant. "No. Thanks, I'm just looking," said Steve trying not to make eye contact with her. "If you need any help, just ask." She said as Steve walked towards the rear of the store....
BBW Curious II -Coffee with LeahIt’s been a little over three weeks since my steamy encounter with Leah. In that time, I just seem to keep playing the mind fuck tapes of that night in my head. I realize I certainly surprised myself in many ways that night. One, I never thought I would be so turned on by what one would consider a plump/full figured woman- Two, I never had an experience that brought out such raw uncontrollable passion, and three, I cant believe I don’t even feel guilty about...
Beth loved going down to Gwen’s house. Her apartment was so cool and clean, with no k** clutter in all the corners. Even when Beth’s house was picked up, it still lacked the elegance of Gwen’s. Gwen’s bedroom was pale shades of blue and white, with an enormous bed taking up most of the room. Beth had a strange fascination with Gwen’s breasts. They were so different from the hard muscular chest she was used to. She loved their softness, and the way she could take the nipple in her mouth...
My friends all raved about the new restaurant that went up on the outskirts of town. It was a drive -in place where you could sit in your car and they would bring your food to you. Everyone said their ice cream cones were the best. I was skeptical. I didn’t like change and I never found ice cream I liked anywhere any better than the Tasty Freeze. One day I decided to go to the new place (Eat and Go) for lunch. I rolled down my window and waited for someone to take my order. A gorgeous, topless...
The maddening itch grew worse each day, and Peter was finally driven to seek relief. He had put it off for as long as he could, fearing the inevitable embarrassment and humiliation associated with revealing his problem, but at last he could stand it no more. He entered the d**g store shyly and looked around for the elderly pharmacist who ran the store. The place was empty except for a young woman in a white coat behind the counter. “Hi, can I help you?” she asked. “I, uh, need...
I had one leg out of the car before I realized I was still in my workout clothes. I sat for a minute studying my own leg, encased in a pair of bright blue leggings. I flexed my calf muscle, then my thigh. Fuck it, I’d worked my ass off, literally, to get these muscles. I had nothing to be ashamed of. Going into Whole Foods, wearing leggings, people do this everyday. I did grab a sweatshirt out of the backseat. The armholes of my tank top made my entire bra visible. I’m not that brave. I...
Straight Sexthis story is from back when i was 16-17 and a complete virgin, but i had a crush on this boy, Jason, during the summer he worked part time as an ice cream man, driving the truck and selling ice cream. this summer seemed especially hot, and i had just gotten into playing tennis at the local park ,which had an abandoned tennis court, so almost every day that summer i played tennis and then bought some ice cream. well, apparently one of my friends had let it slip sometime over the...
She was straddling me, riding faster and faster, her hair dangling over her face, her perky tits mouth level. Left nipple pierced. Both rock hard. She reached down and rubbed her clit while her cunt took every inch of my cock. She pressed down into it and sat there, masturbating, her cunt squeezing tighter and tighter over my cock as she inched closer to orgasm.Suddenly, it hit. She collapsed into me, heaving, her breasts against my chest, her face in the nook of my neck, moaning, huffing,...
"Dream Cream" By Louise My name is...err was Lou. A few months ago after work I decided to go to the city's newest gentlemen's club. They were promoting the nation's newest porn star, Kristi Peaks (56G-26-36) and one luck guy would have a free VIP "dream" dance with Kristi. I ordered my drink and made small talk with Danielle, one of the very buxom bar maids; she was something to dream about. The DJ made the announcement with all the hoopla expected: "Here is the one all you guys...
It was a nice summer, a couple of years ago. I had decided to go on vacations down in Spain with my then-girlfriend, but before we go, we had opted to relax a couple of days in my parents’ house. They were away and we had the house to ourselves, which after the long weeks at work that grew longer and longer as we headed into July, was very nice indeed. Of course, the fact that my parents had a pool and that the weather was just perfect, was something of an added bonus, and we had spent most of...
At the age of 23, Laura secured a job in the Australian outback as a cook’s assistant. She quickly learned how to assist these lonely cattlemen with more than just cooking. “Man can not live on bread alone.” The lure of earning very good money tempted me to apply to a small advertisement seeking a cook’s assistant on a cattle station in outback Queensland. Hell, all my life I had assisted Mom around the kitchen so I figured I was qualified for any sort of cooking tasks....
A Saucer of CreamIf you put a saucer of cream in front of a kitten, then it will surely drink.or equally,While the cat's away the kittens will playThe taxi pulled up out the front of the house, Andrew kissed Thuy “Bye sweetheart, I’ll back on Friday night.” It was a Wednesday afternoon, so he would be away just two nights.“OK, honey.” Thuy kissed him back “Behave yourself – no naughtiness with those Hanoi girls.” she smiled “Don’t forget - I know what they’re like – I know what tricks they get...
Brad's Miracle Cream by ~ MojoFu ~The buzzer sounded James walked over to hit the intercom button."Hello," called out James ."It's me," came Linda's voice back through the static filled box.James pushed the button to let her in then unlocked the door. He shuffled over to the couch and plunked himself down in front of the baseball game that was on. A few minutes passed until Linda came inside and shut the door behind her. She wandered over to the fridge and found a bottle of water. Opening the...
When I was twenty-five, I had a job as the manager of a frozenyogurt store in San Diego. I was often playfully teased by oneof my employees, Michelle, a nineteen year old sprite with a nicefull figure. She liked to jump on my back and mess up my hair.I'd joked many times about putting her across my knee, but I wasonly bluffing. It became kind of an inside thing between us."Watch out for Alex!" She once warned a new female employee."He'll take you to the woodshed!"One evening we were closing the...
Reddit Creampies, aka r/Creampies! If you've never used Reddit before, you might be interested in this site since it is one of the perfect ways of sharing and viewing free porn. Reddit is basically a giant online forum with the ability to create new topics and share information and photos with likeminded people. There are tons of boards on various topics and you can find people to connect or debate with on pretty much anything you can think of under the sun. This is a primo place to look for...
Reddit NSFW ListThe show was over. Tori the zombie was now makeup free and happy, glowing with the praise of Sophia Michelle, the woman who wrote the play she headlined – in zombie makeup thanks to Cat’s use of Grizzly Glue.Cat wanted more Freezy Queen ice cream.And Trina still wondered how she got into all this.“Trina! That ice cream was great! Let’s get some more!”Trina shook her head, “Cat, the closest Freezy Queen is in Bakersfield. That’s two hours away.”“There’s a Freezy Queen in Seal Beach.”An hour...
Lexi's best friend, Alison Stevens, had put her up to it. Alison's dad ran the ski club, and he had put his daughter in charge of lining up teenagers to be part of it. Alison wanted to play the hillbilly girl herself, but her dad wouldn't let her. He said her breasts were too big. Lexi didn't have that problem. Her body was fine, she had huge flirty eyes, boys loved her blond hair, and she had an incredibly cute, firm, rounded little butt. But, unlike Alison, she rarely, if ever, fell out...
If you’re wondering why I called this story Peaches and Cream. Have you ever met a girl that had the complexion of peaches and Cream, and a body to match? That I found out later. I was eighteen years old, and a senior in high school. We lived on a farm in the country. One day a new family moved into a farm down the road, about a mile from our farm. Our bus driver lived down the road the other way, so that meant I was the first one on in the mornings , and the last...
Molly yawned as she stumbled out of bed. She dragged herself to the bathroom, scrunching her face and blinking rapidly at the harsh glare of the bathroom light. ‘Goddamn rough night,’ she thought. Her hair was in a state of freshly fucked, as was her make-up. Black streaks ran down her face blending with the crusty white stuff she hoped was drool, but knew better. There was more dried cum on her breasts, across her tummy and along her inner thighs. “Ugh, it’s in my ear,” she whispered, and...
Group SexMy motherinlaw is 50 years old, long black hair, d-cup round breast`s and slim body.She loves to use thongs and other also sexy underwear.One day we were visiting her, an i couldn`t get my eyes of her body and tits. She had tight jeans and a black tank top with very low cut, so her tits were showing nicely.My cock got so hard when she came next to me and bend over the table to get some sugar for her coffee.I quickly drinked my coffee and went to her bathroom to release my cock out and jack...
Hiiiiii my salf Gavvy from Punjab…..Yeh meri es site pai phli story hai aur umeed krta ho ke aap sbhi maja se padhe ge aur maje krege….. Apko boor na kr siddha story sonata ho… Muhse bachpn se hi 2 shonk hai 1ek ekkla rhna aur blue film vkh ke muth marna….. Yeh story aj se 1 yr phle ki hai jb mai study ke liye ghr se door ikkla rhta tha ek P.G mai as a paying guest…. Mere pg ke malik ki uncle aunty the…. Uncle toh kafi budhe the lakin aunty mai abhi bhi bht jawani aur sex ki bhookh baki thi…....