Eviction Week 11
- 2 years ago
- 18
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Author’s Note: Because of the length of this novel, I have decided to break it up, posting each ‘chapter’ separately.
This is my most recent reader request project that I have been working on since July. As always, I would like to thank the reader who worked with me on this idea and helped me bring the characters to life. Since this is a novel, there is going to be a lot of plot, which may be a departure for some short story readers. That being said, there is still a lot of erotica in this, so be aware that there may be some space between erotic scenes, with one full chapter being devoted to plot (I’ll post a note at the beginning of that chapter).
This story is inspired by the reality show ‘Big Brother’, however loyal fans of the show will see a departure from its format. This novel focuses mostly around a contestant named Gwen, who must not only navigate the common problems that arise when you live with eleven strangers, but also fight the temptation of the men in the house, as she has a boyfriend watching back home. The novel is also interspersed with other character stories, and their issues and relationships within the house.
As always, feedback is appreciated, so please feel free to tell me what you liked and where I can improve. I will be posting each new chapter as soon as the previous one is approved and posted, so you will not have to wait long for this story’s conclusion.
Thanks for reading.
She was sitting in the green room of the studio, nerves frayed with anticipation. After an extensive interview process, health examination, and thousands of questions, she finally had approval to participate in her most ridiculous idea yet, to take part in the reality show Eviction.
‘Nervous?’ her boyfriend asked, sitting beside her on the white couch.
‘Yea. A little.’
He reached over and grabbed her hand, squeezing it lightly.
‘Don’t worry about it. You’ll be fine.’
‘Easy for you to say. You’re not the one who has to worry about making a fool of yourself on national TV.’
He chuckled.
‘True,’ he said. He pulled her face towards his, staring into her silver eyes. ‘But I know you. If you act like your loveable self, this will be an easy for you to win.’
‘Do you really think so?’
‘Yes. You made me fall in love with you.’
She gave a side smile.
‘That was not as easy as you make it sound.’
‘I beg to differ.’
‘Two minutes until show time,’ a garbled voice said over the loud speaker.
She stood up, her hand still clasped in his. It was now dawning on her that she would be without him for the next ten weeks. No letters, no phone calls, no video chats. No contact of any kind. She was going to feel hollow without him.
‘I’m going to miss you,’ she said, nervously biting her lip.
‘I am too,’ he said, bringing a hand to her face. He stroked her cheek gently, and she closed her eyes as she memorized his touch. ‘I’ll try to watch the show as often as I can.’
‘Hopefully the next time you see me, I’ll have won this game and we can get on with our lives together.’
She felt his lips against hers, earnest and intense. She pushed her lips against his and parted hers, allowing him to slip his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues twirled around each other, savoring the last time they would be together. After a minute, they pulled apart.
‘I love you, Gwen,’ he said, in panted whisper.
‘I love you too, Jessie.’
They gazed at each other lovingly, lost in the moment.
‘All contestants, please report to Soundstage A,’ the garbled voice returned, penetrating their silence. Moments later, the door opened and a studio hand stood in the doorway, waiting to escort Gwen to the soundstage.
Without another word, Gwen gave Jessie one final kiss, then left to face her future.
Week 1: Let the Games Begin
Gwen waited patiently outside of the house, nervous as the cameras rolled. She gazed around at the eleven other competitors she faced. Among them were a short girl with auburn hair, a heavily tattooed man, an older woman with short black hair, and a tanned, muscled man. Gwen felt she did not stick out like some of these people, but she knew that might help her in this game. Gwen planned to keep low early in the game, only to pull the rug out from everyone in the end. She knew if her appearance were radical, it would be more difficult to stay low.
The doors to the house opened, allowing the contestants to enter. The first to run into the house was a tall, broad man with messy brown hair. He bounded up the steps two at a time in excitement. Some of the other contestants followed and Gwen found herself in the middle of the pack.
Gwen entered into the living room of the house. The area was surrounded by a heavy black curtain, which secluded the contestants in the room. The walls were silver, which connected to a thin, soft dark gray carpet. In the middle of the room was a white table with a small collection of fake, blue flowers. On the left side of the table was a light blue sectional couch. On the right was a love seat in the same shade. At the closest side to Gwen sat a white armchair. At the far end of the table were two white ottomans.
On the far wall of the room was a large, flat screen television that displayed a welcome message. The other contestants looked around in confusion before the message on the set changed.
Contestants, welcome to Eviction. Over the next ten weeks, you will have to live in this house with eleven other strangers. Each week, someone will be sent home until only one person remains to collect the million-dollar prize. To stay in this game, you will have to earn the respect of your fellow housemates, who will determine who leaves each week. Your only safety net lies in the hands of America, as one person of their choosing will be safe from eviction each week.
Gwen looked at her housemates, each of which was sizing up the competition. In order for her to stay through the game, she was going to have to be friends with most, if not all of them. No two people seemed alike. Gwen swallowed hard as she realized this might be harder than she thought.
A bell rang out, drawing the contestants eyes back to the screen.
Play smart. Play bold. Or you may find yourself outside those doors sooner than you anticipate. Let the game begin!
Suddenly, the curtain lifted up, allowing them to access the rest of the house. Gwen watched as everyone sprinted through the house, cheering and hollering as they moved from room to room. Gwen followed the mass of people through the house, taking in a quick glimpse of her surroundings. She did not linger too long in any room. She knew she would become more familiar with this place in the coming weeks. For now, she was watching people’s behaviors and trying to determine who was a good match to begin forming an alliance.
She spotted a shy, fragile looking girl making her way towards the stairs. The broad man who was the first in the house sprinted past her and up the steps, nearly knocking the girl to the ground. She looked shaken as she regained her composure and moved up the stairs. Gwen followed her as she ascended the steps. Once on the second floor, the blonde haired girl turned left and entered the door at the end of the corridor. Gwen followed.
Inside was a large bedroom, with four full sized beds. The walls of the room were a light pink. Each bed set had a different color scheme, as was the adjoining lamp. All the furniture was white. Next to each bed was a nightstand with a lamp. Next to the door were four dressers, lined up against the wall, with the drawers matching the color schemes of the beds. The room reminded Gwen of her bedroom when she was five.
When Gwen entered, the blonde girl was in the right corner, sitting on the purple bed.
Gwen smiled at her as she moved across the room towards the blue bed.
‘Are you okay?’ Gwen asked gently. ‘I saw that guy almost run you over.’
‘I’m fine, thank you,’ the girl responded timidly. She looked at Gwen briefly before dropping her blue eyes to her hands.
‘I’m Gwen,’ she said, outstretching her hand. The girl looked up and smiled as she grasped it.
‘That’s a unique name. I like it.’
‘Thank you. It was my grandmother’s name.’
Gwen smiled, glad that she was able to break the ice with her. She seemed polite and innocent. She liked Hattie in just the few brief seconds of speaking with her and hoped that they could be friends.
‘Well, Hattie, is it okay if I room with you?’
‘Of course. I hope you don’t mind, but purple is my favorite color.’
‘Not at all. I’m partial to blue.’
The girls shared a laugh. Gwen could see they were going to be good friends.
Gwen and Hattie made their way downstairs to gather with the other contestants. The first man in the house wanted everyone to get to know each other and it really did not seem like a bad idea.
The two young women made their way to the couches. There were two open spots on the love seat, close to the ottomans. Gwen sat in the middle, while Hattie sat at the end, close to the muscled, tan man. He looked over at the two of them as they sat and gave a smile.
Gwen noticed he had a beautiful smile. Paired with a gorgeous set of blue eyes, Gwen was captivated by him. Although she had Jessie back home, they had agreed they could look and appreciate, but never touch. She was taking full advantage of this policy.
After a moment, Gwen had to force her gaze away from him. There was appreciating, but she was bordering on creepy. She distracted herself by looking around the room at her competition, although she could still feel his gaze on her.
‘Okay, let’s get the introductions out of the way while we all still like each other,’ the first man said. Everyone in the room laughed at his true statement. It would not be long until they were ripping each other apart.
‘Why don’t we start with you, little one,’ he said, pointing to Hattie. ‘Name, age, occupation, and where you’re from.’
Hattie blushed and cleared her throat. Gwen could see some discomfort in her face at being put on the spot.
‘Okay. I’m Hattie and I’m twenty-two. I’m from a small town in Iowa that none of you would know the name of and I’m a currently a graduate student at the University of Chicago, studying evolutionary biology.’
‘Wow. I now feel like the dumbest person in the room,’ said a woman sitting on across the room.
‘You’re turn then,’ said the leader.
‘I’m Samantha and I’m a thirty year old waitress from Washington state.’
‘Being a waitress doesn’t make you dumb,’ Hattie reassured her.
Samantha’s brown eyes darkened, insulted by the assumption. She began to twirl a piece of her two-toned, brown and black hair. It seemed almost therapeutic.
‘No, but I didn’t go to college,’ Samantha responded, unable to keep the anger from her voice. Gwen could see Hattie sinking back into the couch out of the corner of her eye. Samantha’s glare was forcing her back.
‘Neither did I,’ said the youthful man on the other side of Gwen. Everyone’s eyes were instantly drawn to him.
‘I’m Drew and I’m a twenty-four year old mechanic from Colorado,’ he said, running his hand through his short blond hair.
‘Did you bring any pot with you?’ asked the leader.
Drew let out a light chuckle at the man’s eagerness.
‘No, not my thing. Besides not everyone in Colorado smokes.’
‘Then what’s the point of living in Colorado?’
‘Okay, funny man. What’s your story?’ Drew asked, turning to face the man who sat in the lounge chair.
‘I’m Jeremy and I’m a thirty year old bouncer from New York City,’ he responded with pride. His brown eyes shown the giddy excitement of a child. It was evident to Gwen that he liked his work.
‘Ever hit a guy?’ asked the excessively tattooed man, who was sitting on the lounged portion of the sectional couch.
‘Of course. That’s half the fun of the job,’ responded Jeremy, who could barely contain his excitement. ‘Your turn.’ He nodded to the other man.
‘Alright. I’m Walt and I’m a thirty-five year old tattoo artist from Arizona’ he said, brushing his shoulder length black hair from his ice blue eyes.
An uncomfortable silence fell over the room, as no one was sure what to say to him. The woman to his left shifted uncomfortably, as if she did not want to be near him. Gwen felt bad for Walt, but did not know how to make the conversation flow again. It was the older woman seated to his right that broke the silence.
‘I’m Zoey and I’m a forty-one years young stay at home mom to three annoying teenage boys in New Orleans. Just so we’re clear, I came here to escape my children, not have to raise other people’s children.’
Instantly, the room erupted in laughter. Zoey appeared to be a woman younger than her age. Her jet-black hair was cropped short, barely reaching her jawline. Although she had bags, her brown eyes were full of pent up energy. Gwen could see this was a vacation from her boys, which was probably much needed.
‘This side of the room has been awfully quiet,’ Jeremy said, gesturing to the men seated at the ottomans. ‘What about you, buddy?’ He gestured to the man sitting the furthest from Gwen.
‘I’m Connor and I’m twenty-seven years old. I work for the Environmental Protection Agency office in Ohio.’
‘Aww. So you protect little animals?’ squealed the short, auburn haired girl to his left.
‘That’s part of our job,’ he replied smiling at her excitement.
‘That’s so cool.’
‘Okay, tree hugger. You’re up,’ commanded Jeremy.
‘I’m Quinn, I’m a twenty-four year old hair dresser from South Carolina, and obviously, I love animals.’
There was a light laughter amongst the group, but it was split by a booming voice.
‘Why is this starting to feel like an AA meeting?’ said the man seated between Zoey and Samantha. He was overweight and out of shape. His salt and pepper hair combined with the lack of liveliness in his brown eyes showed he was the oldest person there.
Jeremy turned to him, his eyes like daggers as he sized the man up. It was obvious that he did not like the man zapping the good vibe out of the room.
‘What’s your story, gramps?’ he asked coldly.
‘I’m Don. I’m a forty-seven year old banker from Michigan.’
‘Hmm, sounds incredibly boring.’ He turned away from Don, not giving the older man a second thought. Instead, he focused his attention to the woman to his left.
‘Now on to this lovely lady over here.’ She rolled her eyes and sat up like a proper lady. She was dressed in office attire and acted as businesslike as she looked.
‘I’m Patricia, no I don’t like being called Patty. I’m a lawyer from Los Angeles, and it is rude to ask a lady her age.’
The young guys in the group gave collective boos, as did Zoey. Patricia’s business façade cracked a little, but she attempted to recover.
‘You’re clearly younger than I, so fess up,’ Zoey ordered. Patricia relented, rolling her eyes again before she spoke.
‘Okay, okay. I’m thirty-two.’
‘If it makes you feel better, you don’t look it,’ said Connor with a smile.
‘Thank you,’ Patricia blushed.
‘Save the ass kissing for later people. We got two others to get to know. What about you buddy?’ Jeremy pointed to the gorgeous man on the ottoman closest to Gwen. He stole a quick glance at her before addressing the group.
‘I’m Tyler, I’m twenty-nine, and I’m a construction worker from Florida.’
‘And you are absolutely gorgeous,’ said Quinn breathlessly, eyeing Tyler up. Gwen had to agree w
ith her.
‘Hey, what did I just say about ass kissing?’ joked Jeremy, pulling Gwen’s attention back to reality. ‘Let’s let the last lady tell us about herself before you all start feeling each other up.’
Jeremy looked at Gwen with a devilish smile. She could not quite figure out what he was thinking behind it, but she did not give it more than a moment of thought.
‘I have a feeling we saved the best for last,’ he continued.
‘Well, you’d be disappointed. I’m Gwen and I’m a twenty-five year old nurse from New Hampshire.’
‘Emergency room or family practice?’ Tyler asked, giving her an admiring smile.
‘ER,’ she said, her gaze dropping to her hands. He was so beautiful it was uncomfortable.
‘Jackpot,’ Jeremy screamed. ‘You’ve got to have some amazing stories of people who have come through.’
Gwen turned back to face Jeremy, thankful for the distraction.
‘It’s New Hampshire. Not overly exciting. Just the occasional car crash, binge drinker, and rectal removal.’
The rest of the house burst in to laughter again, except Don who looked bitter. This was what Gwen had been hoping would happen. She wanted a chance to win everyone over quickly, or at the very least, not see her as a threat. She could tell that her plan was working.
‘Strangest thing ever removed from someone’s ass?’ Jeremy asked.
‘That I saw? A perfume bottle with the spray nozzle inside,’ Gwen responded nonchalantly.
The house erupted in laughter again. Jeremy was laughing so hard he fell out of the chair. It took a moment to compose himself to a sitting position on the floor. Through tears, he grabbed a filled champagne flute off the table and stood to his feet, still giggling like an idiot.
‘I think that is a fantastic way to kick of the start of the game,’ he began, raising his glass. Everyone else stood, taking a champagne flute as they joined him in a toast.
‘To a great season and just remember, everyone’s shit stinks…except that guy’s.’
Start the Show
Gwen was sitting in the lounge area in the backyard the next morning, soaking up some of the rays California had to offer her. From her position on the large outdoor sectional couch, she could see the whole back yard.
Across the yard, in the other corner next to the house were Drew and Connor, both using the free weights. Neither man was well built, but it seemed that their focus was to stay in shape, instead of bulking up.
Each in their own chair across from her was Don and Walt, however, neither man spoke. In the lone day that everyone had been together, they seemed like the outsiders in the house.
‘So Zoey, are you married?’ Quinn said, drawing Gwen back into the conversation with the other women in the house. ‘I know you mentioned you were a mom.’
‘Yep.’ Zoey sighed, putting her lemonade on the table. ‘My husband and I have been together for sixteen years.’
‘Aww. How did you guys meet?’
‘We were friends in high school and through college,’ she shrugged.
‘How long did you guys date before he popped the question?’ Hattie asked excitedly.
‘We didn’t. I got pregnant after a night of partying and we ended up getting married.’ Everyone grew quite, afraid to continue the conversation after it had taken an unexpected turn.
‘That’s awesome that you guys have been able to make it work for so long,’ Gwen finally said.
‘Being friends definitely helps, however, I still have the desire to ring his neck from time to time.’
The girls all laughed and the tension in the area washed away.
‘What about you, Hattie? Does studying give you time for a man?’ Samantha asked.
Ever since they first spoke, Gwen had noticed that Samantha had often made Hattie the target of conversation. She was not sure if it was genuine interest or something else, but something did not sit right with her about Samantha.
‘No,’ Hattie responded nervously.
‘How about in high school? Was there a hot guy between your legs?’
‘No.’ Her response was out just at the end of the question.
‘Have you ever had a boyfriend?’
Hattie shook her head, as her cheeks grew red in embarrassment.
Author’s Note: As promised, this chapter is packed with erotic material to make up for the lack of it in the last chapter. Hope you guys are enjoying the novel. As always, feedback is appreciated. Katie *** Week 4: Succumb New Target The house sat in silence in the minutes following Don’s eviction. Gwen looked around at the remaining contestants. The three most hated people in the house were gone. The nine remaining contestants all had allies or were universally liked by the house....
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Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...
Week 7: Last Alive Outnumbered ‘Looks like you’ll be seeing Jessie sooner than you thought,’ Quinn said smugly with her arms crossed over her chest. ‘Not necessarily. I could win America’s Choice and send your ass right out the door.’ ‘But if you don’t, you’ll be facing your boyfriend next week and have to explain to him why you spread your legs for another man in front of the whole country.’ The pit in Jessie’s stomach was reforming. There was a great chance that Gwen would be...
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ExhibitionismAuthor’s note: This probably won’t be relevant in the future but I’m taking a break from Arms of the Ocean for a while because I can’t get it to work properly in my head and I need it to brew some more. In the meantime, I give you this, a story that I wrote a while before I began submitting things to Literotica. It takes place in the same universe but the names of races, locations and a few other things have all been changed (Mostly as a way of separating erotic from non-erotic in the event...
Masters: I hope this tale drags you into a world that belongs to only us- SaintlyMouse ******** Prologue: ‘This way, shh, quietly now,’ Senka led the panting woman into her dim chamber. She secretly sighed with relief when she noted that the room had not been disturbed. The queen hissed as Senka forced her to keep walking. Senka, though smaller than the great sovereign, supported her with no more than a little arm around her waist. Queen Tiren-se slumped heavily on the girl, straining...
Prologue [The world is dark.] I can hear my own heartbeat. It pulses through my ribcage and I can feel it in my wrists as I hug myself tightly. Somewhere, I can smell urine and blood. She’s out there somewhere, sleeping. [She’s sleeping.] Never to wake, never to dream… You’d think that he’d have realized when she stopped screaming that she’d died. [But he doesn’t stop.] Every morning when he comes home from his rounds, he has his way with her husk, her empty shell. Maybe he doesn’t realize?...
©This story is an original copyright. Any similarity is pure coincidental. Forgery or publishing without the permission of the author is fraudulent. This is my second attempt. Critics are welcomed (as usual). I know that I have been receiving many critics due to my lack of judgment regarding my first submission so I try to make this story more understandable to all readers. I hope I have improved much with this story. So, please, comment! Thank you! * PROLOGUE: THE BEGINNING Tuesday May...
Prologue The image of a naked woman fills the notebook computer screen. She is on her knees, seen from behind and to her right side. Her asshole and dilated shaven sex are clearly visible. The upturned soles of her feet. The side of one white breast flattened against a burgundy bedspread. Her face, but for one startlingly blue eye which seems to be staring not at the bedspread an inch away but inward, is hidden by outstretched arms and a sweep of black hair. The arms extend to wrists bound...
This is simply the prologue for an idea that I think would make a good story. The feedback will decide whether or not I pursue this further. There will not be much sex or action in this chapter, but if more chapters are requested they will be considerably more graphic. I've tried to write what I feel would be something that could, in a very crazy world, actually happen. If you enjoy and would like to read more please leave a comment. [b]The Saint Nicholas school of whores Benjamin...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Prologue Kabul, Afghanistan Leo Yamasato came through the door and looked into the eyes of the enemy with a calm he did not expect he possessed. He took several steps forward slowly and come to stop in the middle of the room. The door closed behind him, its light wood frame made almost no sound except the latch catching. Leo stood with feet just shoulder-width apart, as his glance captured every relevant detail of the 3 guards in the room all pointing an AK-47 at him… and the merc holding a...
NO actual sex in this chapter but there will be plenty in future chapters I remained a virgin until................ Everyone is 18 or over in this Adventure. I may not specify the exact age but they are all 18 and over. I was talked into writing my story from the time I was eighteen from my daughter Barbara. I hope you enjoy the first Chapter of my Adventure. My life all changed back in 1974 and at 41 I still keep in shape. In 1974 I was the oldest of twelve children. My eleven...
Now that that is out of the way, I'm reposting this series because I truly loved it and it can no longer be found unless you have the right sources. I want everyone to be able to enjoy it and read it so I am sharing it again. If you have any authors from this sight that cannot be found anymore, I might be able to find their work and repost it. I plan to do Captius' Eternal series, and his defiance/divided, I also plan to repost most of the original work of Ka Hmnd. Without further wait, I...
PROLOGUEThe Renaissance Faire has always been a refuge for freaks and weirdos. A safe place for the socially awkward and misunderstood. For the last 3 years, however, Notts’ Renaissance Faire in Georgia has expanded it’s demographic to a new clientele. One with incredibly deep wallets and the need for total and complete anonymity.But before we get into that, let me start with a bit of history. My name is Aly Rook. Aly’s short for Alison. Just your average, pretty, slender, freckled, 26 year-old...
ReluctanceSecondly, there may be a missing tag on this story. It starts off somewhat ... rough. -Jeezy Prologue I wrapped her pretty blonde hair around my hand pulled it back sharply, snapping her neck back. “No screaming. You understand? That’s just going to make it worse.” I growled into her ear. My body was on top of hers, her face pressed firmly against the mattress. Her panties were dangling on one of her ankles as she continued to struggle against me. The combined weight of...
Sugar Cane Revisited – The Prologue Obviously this adventure had to end sooner or later. Our host of characters can’t simply hang out on an island hideaway forever. As was pointed out, jobs and mortgages and all the other shit await!! Where will we go form here? Since much of this is pure fantasy, why not play with another fantasy that we all have from time to time. The fantasy of leaving it all behind. The fantasy that made that country song “Take this Job and Shove it”...
Prologue It happened by accident. But that is what they all say, right? I think of myself as a nice guy, but the list of those who would disagree gets longer every day. Every time I indulge the darkness within me, I end up with someone who despises me. It all started after my divorce. I was hurt by my ex-wife’s betrayal and I couldn’t think straight. At least that is what I tell myself so my conscience doesn’t eat me alive. Of course, that assumes I have a conscience. Based on what...
Prologue Mid - April A single house in a street thumped with the pounding music of the house party inside. Light still streamed out of the windows, among all of the other houses which had their lights turned off after midnight. Inside the house, which was full of teenagers, who were either blind drunk or getting there, an incredible event was unfolding. Three girls were sitting on a couch, making out. Arianna was the blonde, sitting on the couch, her D cup breasts were suppressed...
An Erotic Novel of Suppression and Freedom http://randwrand.wordpress.com/the-books/ Prologue “Forgive him, for he believes that the customs of his tribe are the laws of nature.” George Bernard Shaw (1856–1959) Winner of the 1925 Nobel Prize in Literature “Corazoncito, flagelo y soy flagelada. No hay medio más seguro para despertar mis pasiones que una buena azotaina”(108). Donatien Alphonse Francoise de Sade (1740–1814) from Julieta o El vicio ampliamente recompensado...
If you want to check out some of my other stories, they can all be found on my profile. http://stories.xnxx.com/profile618345/OneNineNineThree Thanks for reading! The New Life (Prologue) Chapter One Mikael, a 35 year old man, witnessed his wife lose her fight with cancer last week. She had been battling it for the better half of a year. Those 8 months were the worst of Mikael’s life. The worst part was having to explain to his 8 year old daughter that her mom was never going...
Hope you like it!! Also any reference to historical figures is completely fictional if it offends you….. My Bad!! Glossary: Djinn - is a genie, magic lamp, wish granting, believed in ancient times to be demons, and therefore evil. They are neither demons nor evil. They are generally just mischievous or really pissed. (Have someone stuff you in a tiny ass bottle and see if you’re happy.) King Solomon the Wise- um….He was very wise and powerful sorcerer. Said the be the son of...
A man stands at a row of complex machines, typing data into a computer. The machines take up two of the walls in the small room, which is cut in half by a wall of sturdy glass. The man is of about average height with brown hair, accented by grey at the temples. He is of average build as well. He wears glasses over his light blue eyes. His lab coat is an immaculate white without even a speck of dirt upon it. He wears his coat over a grey shirt and black pants. With brown loafers to complete...
Prologue She was running down the street, fleeing for her life, the whistling man was behind her somewhere following her in the dark. She was running down an alley in the dark, she was completely lost and all she could see were a number of English style buildings on both sides of her. She came out of the alley and turned onto a sidewalk near a park, there was fog rolling in on the street ahead of her and a fence made of metal and rope lined the park to her side. The trees on the...
Prologue The creaking window sill did little to disguise the noises that erupted, like a flowing river of sound, from the room within. Gasps and groans could be heard from within. A male voice grunted as he released himself inside of his lover. Then, the woman followed suit with a gasp and moan of her own, also finding the heavenly release of orgasm. The night air was silent. The lovers lay in quiet contentment with their achieved feat. "Tarrin, my love, when must you return?" the...
[center]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~~*~*~*~[/center] James Bowker was 28 (nearing 29) years old and pretty well off in life. On the outside, he seemed like a pretty normal guy. He had short brown hair with bright green eyes and he was well-built. He looked ten years younger than he actually was. He had his own apartment, but spent a lot of his time at his childhood home with his mother (whom he was close to) and his sister Via, who was nearly fifteen. But, if you examined James a little...
Introduction: The beginning adventures of Barbie My Life Behind Pauls Back Chapter Zero – Prologue INTRODUCTION: 1. My Dad 2. My Mom 3. My Husband, Paul & I I want to introduce my adventures and will start with dad. I want to begin with dad because through dad I met Paul. 1. My dad always kept himself in good shape by working out in the gym. He was always busy with the church and always available for his congregation but always found time to work out in the gym. He had a free pass because...
A Beautiful Wish by 800ibgorrila Prologue Beyond the Cliffs of Torment there was nothing. The sunset cast its dying glow on the seas, crashing against the black volcanic rocks of the cliffs. Large curtains of steam blasted off the meeting between stone and sea, as the waves mixed with the liquid hot sludge cascading down the rock face of distant mount Hatred. Any normal man would have stayed worlds away from this dreadful place, but Sir George of Battlehaven was no normal man. He fought in...
PROLOGUE I arrived for my freshman year at college full of self-assurance. I had been an honor roll student in high school, popular, active in my community, and comfortably well off. Although I had somehow been unable to save more than $227 from my summer job, my parents had generously supplemented my bank account, bringing it up to $1500, and I was further armed with a major credit card with a $1500 limit. As I was living in a dorm and my meals were paid for by my board contract, it was felt...
Introduction: This is meant to be an epic: Jake Parker is a very long character an I hope that people like him enough to give me a positive review on this prologue. Thngs start getting interesting after this thought, so if you like it positive ratings please. Hello? His house was empty. The door was open though, it shouldnt have been open. He locked it every day. Hello? Walking inside, Jake looked around. The house was two stories tall with ten or so rooms. Jake knew someone was there. His...
(NOTE: This is a crossover between Totally Spies and Art Wetherell’s Treasure Chests. All characters 18+ and all rights reserved to the ones who own/created/produces/distributed/broadcasted them. I am doing just for fun and not for money intentions TOTALLY CHESTY – THE SERIES By Victor2K and Sgt. Snake PROLOGUE Steelport… A seaside town, just an ordinary town at the coast. That kind of place where everything seems peaceful and even boring at times. Why a city like this might get the...
(Author’s note: this is an early version of a much longer erotic novel. It’s been through a lot of edits, but I really like some of the early versions that got canned. I hope you don’t mind me reproducing them here. Of all the stories I’ve written – which is a lot! – Caitlin is one of my favourite creations, and I’m always looking to giver her greater exposure, as are the men (and women) in her life! You can follow her continued adventures in the different versions of the story called ‘Strange...
*This is the Prologue to a story I've been thinking up for a while now. I can assure you this: there will be plenty of hot sex, hungry women, and Relentless black cock. I've also got some drama in mind. If you read this and like it, please comment! I want to hear your thoughts. Now read on and enjoy!*THE EBONHARD SECRET Night. Inky darkness seemed to pour in through the windows, broken only by city lights shining from far below and the immense twinkling of the stars above. Quiet steps echoed...
InterracialPrologue Gabriel entered the dimly lit room. Machinery whirred and blipped. His sweet grandmother lay in a nest of wires and tubes, her silver hair a frothy halo around her head. She looked so frail, this woman who’d raised him with an iron fist. She’d wiped his nose, swatted his behind when he misbehaved, and soothed his fears when the nightmares had threatened to overwhelm him. She’d been his rock, his fuel, backing him up in his crazy dreams of stardom until they became a reality. ...
Love StoriesPrologue Elyse waited patiently by the open trunk of the car as the boy placed the last bag of groceries inside. She found herself smiling, for no particular reason. The sun was warm on her face, and a slight breeze played with her hair, tickling her cheek, teasing her in and out of her daydream. The soft knit of the light sweater fell away from the firm swell of her breasts as she reached to close the trunk lid, then settled smoothly over them again as she turned to the boy to tip him. She...
Wife LoversOut Of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B.Synopsis;Rhino Electronics, a South African company, successfully negotiates setting up a US subsidiary to manufacture and market its innovative Mobile Phone. However the phone is not all that it seems for it has capabilities that are hidden to the user; in truth it is a portal for posting subliminal messages to the user to do very explicit and compelling things when told by the Black managers of the company. The residents of Hawksville have no...