What The Cuck: Caught Off-guard. free porn video

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Their hands were all over each other, humming away as they were locked in an embrace, admittedly I was frozen for a moment when Kelly reached out with her hand clasping the back of my neck bringing me in closer then turning to kiss me, our tongues danced together and it was passionate, powerful, sexual and deep. 

I woke up and completed my usual morning ritual for work, the cold dark morning sky and November air jump-started my body as I walked carefully but purposefully towards the tube station avoiding a slip on the fallen autumn leaves. A backlog of emails kept me occupied on my journey and I just about caught up on them as I arrived at the office.

As usual I'm the first to arrive so I make myself a strong coffee so I can hibernate at my desk and get on with my workload. After a few minutes my boss Gary walks in,

"Morning," Gary say's as he makes a b-line for the kitchen.

"Morning," I reply without even looking up.

Then I detect another presence in the office and as I turn to confirm my suspicion came a second voice,

"Morning," it was his wife Kelly.

"Good morning Kelly," I replied turning my attention back to my laptop.

I could now feel her coming towards me but I tried to ignore her up until she plonked herself onto my desk, picked up my coffee cup, sniffed it and said,

"How do you like your coffee?",

"Strong black Americano," I replied now looking back at her,

She smiled and remarked that it was her favourite,

"Strong black times two" she shouted towards Gary in the kitchen.

She then turned back to me and asked about sugar, I told her that I didn't take any and she bantered something about brown sugar, I smiled and excused myself to use the toilet, she followed behind me but only as far as kitchen to join Gary.

As I stood over the urinal to relieve myself, the door opened,

"Bring your wife to work day today Gary?" I joked,

"No, I come when I want." Replied Kelly,

Startled I swung my head around still standing over the urinal,

"What are you doing in here?" I questioned,

"I want some brown sugar with my black coffee, so I've come to get some." Kelly replied.

She stepped to within an inch of me and dropped into a full squat, slut drop style, I was shaking off the last few drops but she seemed not to care, grabbing my hips and turning me to face her enveloping my unprepared cock into her warm inviting mouth.

She sucked hard and cupped by balls firstly with one hand then with both, as my cock stiffened she began bobbing her head back and forth. She started making that uck noise as my meat reached the back of her throat and it was starting to get really sloppy, she leaned back and began polishing the head of my cock with her lips, kissing and licking it thoroughly then licking the full length of my shaft, sucking my balls when she reached them while tightly gliding her hand up and down my cock.

This was one of the best blowjobs I've had in ages, she gently began biting my ball sack and purring like she was really getting into it. I swept her hair away from her face then held it in behind her head with both hands as she looked me directly in the eyes as my hips moved in harmony with the flow of her hands and mouth.

Both hands were now twisting as she glided them up and down my cock and she sucked each of my testicles into her mouth so she could lick around them and release them with a pop and little nibble for good measure. I was thoroughly enjoying the moment when she went straight back for the cock and pushed it as far back as she could into her mouth and squeezed my balls, she held it there for a second then stood straight back up, wiped her mouth and stopped.

"We will pick this up later." She said abruptly.

She then flicked her hair and quickly rushed out.
I had a raging hard on and it was dripping with saliva, I was not ready to cum so I tidied up myself in a cubicle before leaving to return to my desk.

I did still have a semi bulge but guessed that nobody would notice as the office was quite empty, and the re-entered the office. As I approached my desk there was a young looking indian woman, Gary and Kelly waiting for me.

"This is Trishna," said Gary.

"Could you give her a health and safety tour of the office please and introduce her to all of the departments, she will be here all week then every Thursday and Friday as part of her apprenticeship, make her feel welcome." Asked Gary.

We exchanged pleasantries then Kelly turned and kissed Gary on the lips looking in my direction, which was very inappropriate by the way, and then they walked back to Garys office leaving me and Trishna alone.

I introduced myself a little less formally then gave her a tour of the office facilities, obviously very important! Then the fire assembly information and kept her talking throughout, she seemed to have come out of her shell a bit, she was shy but curious and asked a lot of questions, it became apparent that she knew Kelly by a few things she was saying so I delved deeper and found out that she studied at the university Kelly lectured at and was Kelly's favourite student.

I didn't let on that I didn't particularly like Kelly and it didn't show, Kelly had told her she would hook up this apprenticeship for her and that I was the only person she liked around here so she would make sure Trishna was paired with me. After introducing her to each department and a brief explanation of everyone's roles, we went back to my desk and I talked her through what I do in more detail, she seemed to enjoy my company or at least pretended to; laughing at all of my jokes even nudging and leaning on me repeatedly, if I didn't know better I'd think that she was flirting...

Lunchtime rolled by and Gary and Kelly asked me and Trishna to join them for lunch and added that they would pay for it, of all the years I'd worked for Gary I've never been offered lunch by the boss so there was no way I would have turned it down, I joked with Trishna that they're up to something, we got our coats and left.

We went to a Wetherspoon's for those that don't know its a popular pub chain and we had a pub lunch which felt like a weird double date because Gary kept buying alcoholic beverages for everyone and he was getting quite intoxicated, Kelly was talking very loosely and crudely about their sex life and Trishna went from shy and a little bit flirtatious to seriously on heat.

Kelly was letting rip about Gary's inability to satisfy her sexually, saying things like his cock is too small, he can't even lick it good and if it weren't for his wallet she would be out the door, Trishna though she was hilarious, falling over herself laughing and leaning into me, slapping my thighs, falling onto my lap and all sorts.

I thought it was terrible, how could she be so blatant? She said she has to keep herself occupied otherwise she would would dry up and have to declare herself barren, Gary just got more and more hammered and offered no rebuttals adding the occasional quip like,

"I'd buy her a dildo but it doesn't come with a wallet."

I could feel the embarrassment exuding from him and I couldn't help but think he was drinking to numb himself from the shame. We had now been on lunch for well over an hour now so I mentioned the time saying we'd better get back, the ladies went to the toilet together and Gary who was now slurring every word was telling me how great I am and not to repeat what his wife said at work which I wouldn't have done anyway.

I advised him to go home or else he would be signing off phantom invoices all afternoon and when Kelly and Trishna came back they agreed but had to go back to the office first, I agreed to drive him home in his car and then go back to work but he insisted on giving me the rest of the day off, I flat out refused but took him home nonetheless.

The drive was quick but I had to help Gary walk into the house as his legs seemed to have gone to sleep, I opened the door for him and put him on his couch, he was looking and sounding very sorry for himself so I made my excuses and left.

When I exited the house Kelly was parking up and Trishna was still with her so I waited until they got out and told them where I'd left him.

"Where are you was going?" Kelly asked.

"I'm going back to work". I said.

She asked me to wait, she said she can't take him upstairs with her back and she needed my help. I went back in with her and Trishna and helped her to take Gary upstairs to the bedroom, I left the two of them up there and went back down to see Trishna, she was quite fun to be around and I didn't mind the flirting either.

She had poured 3 glasses of wine waiting for us to come back down so I sat with her and we spoke and flirted until we heard Kelly on her way back downstairs.

"I hope you haven't started the fun without me," We heard Kelly say.

We both gave each other a slightly confused look and then turned towards the door, that's when Kelly stepped into view wearing a red lacy one piece teddy suit with a matching gown and patent leather strappy stilettos, my jaw fell wide open and so did Trishna's...

She strutted into the room holding a black leather cane? No a duster? No it was a dog lead... with Gary on the other end of it wearing a collar, leather cut out pants, and a fucking metal cage on his cock!

This was fucking freaky, the freak level went from zero to one hundred in one weird swoop, I had only one thought at that moment which was to get the hell out of there,

"What the fuck!!!" I heard Trishna say,

I turned to look at her and she looked afraid so I took her hand and began heading for the door.

"I'm getting the fuck out of here," I said.

Kelly stepped in front of us obstructively, looked me dead in the eyes and said,

"He didn't believe me when I told him how good you fucked me, and (while turning to face Trishna) he gets so horny when I tell him about our little escapades, now he is going to watch, and I want you both to fuck me like you have done before and show this pathetic little man how to please a woman."

I was so shocked, her and Trishna? Gary knowing I fucked his wife? Him stood there in that fucking outfit, being completely subservient to Kelly without even a hint of an objection to his wife stating that he will have to watch her cavorting with us...

My mind was fucking blown!

Kelly continued, "I can't wait to finish where I'd started, with your thick cock down my throat and Trish you didn't finish either, all I got was a taste of your pussy in the toilet, I want more."

She dropped her lead and ordered Gary to sit which he did instantly, then she passionately kissed Trishna right there in front of me.

I stared for a moment then looked down at Gary who looked mesmerised by it all, I can't described how I felt at that moment but my desire to leave had evaporated, Gary was off-putting but seeing his annoying but sexy wife with her hands all over this gorgeous, slim, dark haired, impressionable, young indian woman who had been flirting with me all day was enough to make me disregard Gary altogether and take in fully what was happening in front of me.

Kelly still had dark roots but her hair had been dyed blonde, her pale skin, peachy butt and generous bust, would not have changed since our tyrst, and she was now stood before me with her tongue in the mouth of a much younger, ridiculously cute Trishna.

Their hands were all over each other, humming away as they were locked in an embrace, admittedly I was frozen for a moment when Kelly reached out with her hand clasping the back of my neck bringing me in closer then turning to kiss me, our tongues danced together and it was passionate, powerful, sexual and deep. That's when I felt another hand, it was Trishna, she pulled me closer to her and then latched onto my lips feverishly, her lips were not as full as Kelly's, her mouth was rather small and as our tongues flowed together she pushed her body against mine, her small frame and supple breasts felt so firm my hands went from her waist to her hips where I found Kelly's hands also.

Trishna's dress was ruffled so I looked down and could see Kelly squatted low and lifting it from beneath beginning to peck at Trishna's smooth bare skin. Trishna was still locked in our embrace but began to rotate her hips backward allowing Kelly to access her most intimate parts, my hands traced her hips all the way up to her breasts and squeezed, she let out a small sigh and then I heard the familiar sound of a wet tongue lapping against a moist pussy.

I went onto autopilot fondling her small but firm mounds, her nipples felt hard against my palms, her kisses slowed as she moaned into my mouth, I kissed her cheek, then her neck down to her shoulder and began unzipping her dress from behind her neck. I peered down over her shoulder at Kelly who looked to be licking long strokes from beneath Trishna all the way back to her arse, I couldn't see Trishna's knickers I must have missed when Kelly pulled them down but she was in a zone with both hands on Trishna's arse cheeks, lifting them and burying her face within, going up and down slurping and hummming with delight.

As I unzipped her I lifted her dress from below and took it off over her head, I then unclipped her bra in a single flick and released her firm perky perfectly formed breasts revealing her erect chocolate brown nipples which I sucked immediately. Without my mouth to muffle her voice she groaned unobstructedly and the air swirled with the tones of mine and Kelly's low hums and Trishna's loud whines of passion.

I played with her nipples licking them, sucking them and gently nibbling at them but I longed to taste more of her, I wanted that sweet essence from within, I wanted her pussy.

As I began my descent kissing from breast to breast I glanced Gary sitting obediently where Kelly had told him to, transfixed on us three with his mouth wide open, eyes glazed and a sorry looking expression on his face. I felt ashamed for him but only for a second because I felt Trishna's hand grip the back of my neck, so I continued to kiss her soft tight body all the way down to her hips, following the natural curve of her hip bone and thigh muscle to her primed and ready waiting vagina.

Kelly's tongue appeared at her opening then disappeared as her tongue strokes continued behind Trishna towards her anus, I took this as my queue and licked her from her opening right up to her cliterous and gave it a gentle suck as I could feel Kelly return to her opening again to repeat her rhythmic sequence, I too repeated mine, tasting Trishna's sweet essence from within.

Trishna has a rather neat looking pussy with small outer labia, dark inner labia and a little cliterous hood on top, as I sucked it and my tongue flicked at it from beneath I could feel the tip of my tongue slip slightly under the hood of her clit, doing this while Kelly worked her magic was making Trishna moan enthusiastically and her grip against the back of my head became stronger. I could now feel her nails against my scalp and her pussy seemed to be producing more and more juices for me and Kelly to enjoy as she stood there helplessly, holding on firmly to my head and twitching her hips uncontrollably as we lapped up her juices sucking and licking her to a sudden climax.

She almost collapsed on top of us before we lowered her onto the sofa to allow her to regain her composure. I kissed Kelly deeply once again, we were both knelt facing each other and she began unbuttoning my shirt, I helped her to remove it and she continued to my belt and went straight for my fully erect cock which was longing to be touched.

I stood up to remove my trousers and she locked on to me instantly even before I got my feet out of my trouser legs, her lips were once again wrapped around my cock taking it deeper and deeper into her warm gifted mouth. I looked down at her as she set about cupping my balls, squeezing my arse and bobbing her head up and down on my meat.

Trishna was still laying on the sofa curled up, she stretched slowly and sat up to rejoin the action, pulling me onto the sofa and joined Kelly on the floor between my legs, she sucked my balls as Kelly kept on trying to get as much of my cock into her mouth as she could.

I looked up at Gary and he looked straight back at me, I told him his wife's mouth felt amazing,

"I wouldn't know," He replied.

Kelly removed her mouth from my cock for a second to scould him,

"I wouldn't waste my time on his thing," She said.

And went back to shoving my cock into the back of her neck,

"Her throat feels like velvet," I said.

"Mine doesn't reach her throat," Gary replied,

"It doesn't reach your balls" Kelly snapped.

"He doesn't please me at all, I've got toys for that." She scowled.

I slid down the sofa so I was almost on my back and reached out grabbing Kelly by the hips,

"I'll fucking please her!" I said.

And then I lifted her on top of me, she didn't let go of my cock as I took her lower body from the floor to above my head, she parted her knees to the sides of my sholders and began to straddle my face in the 69 position.

Her skin was not as firm as Trishna's, I could feel my fingers sink into her flesh as I caressed her, her frame was fuller than Trishna's also, all the things I am more acquainted with and love on a woman. She lowered her pussy onto my mouth and I licked her from her clit to her opening and all licked around it for good measure, her outer lips were small also but her inner lips poked out a little as if they wanted some attention, so I explicitly licked and sucked on them before parting them with my tongue and then headed back towards her clit which was also more prominent than Trishna's. I began sucking her protruding clit slowly and purposefully until Kelly began wiggling herself into a more comfortable position and circling and grinding her hips into my face as I attentively tended to her needs.

Trishna then climbed onto the sofa from the floor and placed herself onto my lap, my cock was laying against my stomach and she straddled it as she knelt at my hips, her warm slick pussy glided against my shaft lubricating itself in the process. She started slowly at first gradually getting more forceful as she sped up and her momentum got wilder, she rode against my tip, teasing it with the heat of her wet opening before reaching back and grabbing hold of the base of my cock, lifting it slightly and easing herself backwards onto it.

Her pussy was so fucking tight she had trouble guiding me in but as soon as my head was in I too began to tilting my hips and edging my cock further into her sweet warm pussy.

Lifting my chin slightly and pushing the back of my head down into the sofa I craved some oxygen, my body temperature was through the roof as I was at the mercy of these two vixens, Kelly was sitting on my face as I licked her towards her first orgasm and Trishna was riding my cock and was really getting into it. They were both facing one another God knows what they were doing and what Gary could see, I could only see the pale white buns of Kelly as she wriggled them on my nose while grinding her clit against my tongue. I set about flicking my tongue as far beneath the hood of her clit as it could go and licking it until I felt her weight drop completely and she lost control, slickening my face with her vaginal fluids.

I heard her let out a laboured moan as she came, she stayed there twitching for about 10 long seconds before rising to her feet, looking down at me and saying,

"Oh my God," With a shocked expression.

Kelly quickly attempted to wipe my face with her hand, I didn't know why until I saw a line of what looked like thick transparent mucus from between her fingers to my face. She was genuinely surprised and dare I say embarrassed by it but I wasn't, and neither was Trishna who snatched her hand and sucked her fingers before Kelly could react. She then she lay down against my chest, and kissed me muckily, rubbing her own face into Kelly's gruel, and licking up as much of Kelly's cum as she could in the process.

Kelly stripped off completely freeing her breasts to hang naturally and then stood back over me and knelt over my face again facing the other way this time but didn't lower herself down, Trishna began tongueing her ass as she leant forward onto the arm of the sofa which was a little above my head. I grabbed Trishna's arse and started thrusting my cock forcefully into her, her pussy was still too tight to go too deeply although I still tried my luck. She sat back up and rode me to the depth she could take comfortably and Kelly lowered her arse onto my mouth so I continued where Trishna left off and pushed my tongue into her arsehole which she reacted to by bobbing up and down and rubbing her pussy at the same time filling the air with the sounds of sex, rapid breaths and moans of pleasure.

Trishna was the next to crack as she steadied her movement and began to cum all over my cock, she bucked and almost fully impaled herself on my cock but caught herself and moaned loudly as she rotated her waist on top of mine trying her best to keep control and ride out her climax. Kelly wasted no time climbing off of me and positioning herself behind Trishna so she could pull my cock out from her pussy and sit on it herself, as she did she exhaled loudly while Trishna lay between us and I felt Kelly lower herself bit by bit until my cock was all the way inside her, and her arse was circling my balls seductively.

The pair of us began to fuck like there was nobody else in the room, her bum clapped as she enthusiastically bounced on my cock and I met her thrust for thrust with my upward motions. Trishna rolled out from between us and swigged her glass of wine before sitting on the floor to watch us in the throws of passion, I rolled onto my side making Kelly lay facing me with her back against the backrest of the sofa and pounded her relentlessly, her hands were squeezing my butt, my back, my neck, we tongue kissed, she kissed my neck, bit me on my shoulder, and began to talk.

"Fuck yeah", "Don't stop" and "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck". Kelly repeated.

I sucked and licked her neck and earlobe, squeezed her arse and breasts, thrusting my cock deeply and tugging her hips toward me while telling her how much she deserves a good fuck. I turned her onto her back and she went delirious, her legs spread widely one over the backrest of the sofa and and the other straight up into the air.

I knew I didn't have much time left as I was nearing my point of no return, I reached beneath her lifting her buttocks and inserted my fingertip into her arse, I could feel her sphincter tighten around it as I tried to push it deeper without losing my momentum as I repeatedly sunk my cock into her greedy pussy making loud clapping noises as we collided and she squeezed hold of my shoulders and neck. I reached my limit and released my load of hot sticky cum deep into her pussy and she didn't let go of me, I released a cry of passion and then flopped on top of her.

I tried to move but she held me tightly in position, I moved my hips and she jerked jist managing to utter the words hold on, making me wait another 10 seconds or so before slowly releasing her grip. I asked if she was alright and she told me if I went on for any longer or moved any sooner she would have pissed all over me and couldn't have helped it. I chuckled and accepted her answer, slowly pulling my cock out from her now very tender pussy. I swigged my whole glass of wine and sat back on the sofa, Kelly swigged hers and ran out the room taking Gary by the lead and shouting behind her

"Need more wine." Kelly ordered.

I looked at Trishna and she looked back at me from where she knelt while observing me and Kelly,

"I'd better be getting some of that," she said.

"You better stop teasing me then and take the dick properly," I joked.

"Okay, well I was warming up I want you to make me scream like Kelly did and run to the toilet after." She replied.

I smiled and she climbed onto the sofa next to me kneeling and facing me then she leaned in for a kiss, to be honest I was stalling I had just ejaculated and needed a few minutes, I kissed her back slowly and began to fondle her unbelievably tight body.

I reached in between her legs and started to play with her pussy, she sat on her side still leaning across me but giving me access to finger her with my middle and forth finger gliding around her wet hole and sliding her moisture up to her clit and back. I then started fingering her hole pushing past both finger knuckles and gathering pace, my palm was now bumping against her clit and she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck sliding her bum onto my lap and pulling me closer to kiss her more passionately, her feet were together but her knees were spread widely, my cock stirred and her wetness began to splash around my hand.

She told me not to stop and I was not going to go against her will, she tensed up and I continued fingering her making her shiver and jerk closing and reopening her legs. My legs were getting very wet at this stage and I was getting really hard, I eased her off of my lap and made her bend over while knelt on the sofa and against the backrest, I couldn't resist but take a cheeky lick of her little brown ring then ran my cock across the length of her pussy and gently pushed past her opening taking hold of her hips.

I could hear Kelly's heels now walking towards us so I knew her and Gary were coming back but I didn't want to neglect sweet Trishna, I didn't waste any time working myself into a good momentum and giving her most but not all of the dick then pushing her waist down making her poke her arse out more, pushing myself in deeper until the sound of her bum smacking against my hips were as loud as our groans. Kelly and Gary were now stood in the doorway watching. Trishna and I continued as if we were alone and was really in the zone until Kelly ordered Gary to take the glasses and wine to the bedroom and wait there, then she came over and kissed me and then quite awkwardly kept rubbing us both looking for a way in until Trishna cracked, pushing her head into the back of the sofa and bellowing out,

"I'm cumming" She said, while I'm still behind her pounding away at her sweet little cunt.

I keep going while her vaginal juices lubricate my crotch, adding to the wet patch we had already made on the sofa, when suddenly Kelly pulls me back and pushes her face into Trishna's exposed pussy, licking her flowing juices like a deprived sex fiend. I was still raring to go so I saw Kelly's pussy was free and started rubbing my cock against it while leaning over her to get another taste of Trishna's arsehole. Kelly then tells us both to come upstairs to finish this off in the bedroom.

Kelly walked us up the stairs and into her bedroom, the room was dimly lit and the bed was positioned between two bedside cabinets on which were a pair of lamps. Apart from the footsteps from the three of us the only other sounds I could hear was the heavy breaths of Gary, he was almost silent throughout the whole espapade with the odd peep and exitable sharp breath now he was laying on the bed clearly excited at being joined by us as he waited anxiously in his leather pants and caged cock.

Kelly ordered Trishna to sit on her pillow and open her legs, Trishna took one look at Gary and screwed up her face as if to say 'hell no' but Kelly assured Trishna that it was for her and Gary doesn't touch,

"He'd better not" Trishna said in disgust.

As she sat down Kelly crawled onto the bed and lowered her chest with her arse straight up in the air and went straight back to eating Trishna's pussy, I went back to tracing the tip of my penis up and down Kelly's pussy and teasing my tip in. Kelly began rocking her hips back every time I was in line with her opening but I wouldn't give her what she wanted, she shouted at me to fuck her between mouthfuls of cunt, and I continued to tease her until she grabbed hold of the backs of my thighs and pushed herself all the way back groaning deeply.

Trishna grabbed her head and shoved it back against her pussy, grinding against Kellys face, I began thrusting my cock into her from behind giving her long steady thudding hipfulls of unprotected cock, I looked down at her arse with every thrust admiring her shape and watching as shockwaves rippled through her soft arse cheeks and her anus peeped at me, I sucked my thumb and then pushed it into her arsehole slowly and oh my gosh, did it turn her into a freak.

Immediately she began throwing her hips back onto me with pace and screaming a whole lot of expletives, she reached out and pulled open a drawer then almost fell forward into Trishna's lap, I climbed above her with my feet outstretched and on my toes, hip thrusting away when I glimpsed inside the drawer... Dildos, butt plugs, a clit massager...

I switched back onto my knees and pulled out the clit massager and butt plug throwing them to Trishna, she gave me a really naughty smile.

"Spit on this plug for me, the massager is for you," I said.

Trishna did exactly what I asked and as she passed it back to me, I pulled Kelly's hips back so she was kneeling again, pushed her chest down and then eased the butt plug into her arse, Trishna slid her butt down a little and switched on the clit massager. I could now see her legs spread, the massager on her clit and she was sounding off like all inhibition was lost. Kelly leant forward onto her belly and I took the pillow from under Gary's head to prop up her arse as I went back to pounding her pussy again on my tip toes making sure my hips crashed against her arse for maximum butt plug effect.

I hovered over her back with my face inches away from Trishna's pussy when her juices started splashing all over Kelly's head and some of my chin.

"Oh Fuck", I shouted.

"Cum in my arse", Kelly yelled.

I fumbled around and pulled out the butt plug replacing it by plunging my cock into her tight, warm and welcoming arse causing me to erupt every drop I had left into her deep dark crevice, my arms went to jelly sending my body falling onto her sweaty back, getting a splash in the face of Trishna juice in the process.

Trishna who had just let go of the the massager was fully limp and twitching as she rolled onto her side holding herself, shivering and panting just as breathlessly as me and Kelly.

I just about had enough energy to reach out and switch off the massager, we lay in a heap for a few seconds and then I began to climb off and out of Kelly's arse.

"I need the toilet first", Trishna declares.

I sat up and Trishna stood up, that's when we heard it.

"Gary I'm dirty again", Kelly say's.

He sprung up immediately and began to lick her cum filled arse beaming with excitement.

...What the fuck!

Same as What the Cuck: Caught off-guard. Videos

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Help Make My Husband A Cuck

The scene was set, Renuka was in her white cotton bra and baby pink panty. Her wheatish complexion and toned body shone in the dim lit bedroom. There was a noise in the main door, someone trying to open unlock the door, we could hear the keys jiggle. She was sat on her knees, looking innocently at me, her dark brown hair let loose. She brought her hands to my boxer shorts and was rubbing my cock lightly. The more she rubbed her hands, harder my cock got and instinctively my hands reached for...

3 years ago
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My Wife His BBC Slut Cuck humiliation

Note: I wrote this from what was told to me by a couple I am friends with. This experience was an experience they had. I was a regular bull for this woman for almost 4 years. They both are very nice people.You wrote the ad on Craigslist as you have so many times before. And putting up some carefully cropped pictures of Karen enjoying past encounters with men seemed so routine now. How the men responding were so excited in hopes of attracting her to their reply. But you were just as excited now...

1 year ago
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Help Make My Husband A Cuck

The scene was set, Renuka was in her white cotton bra and baby pink panty. Her wheatish complexion and toned body shone in the dim lit bedroom. There was a noise in the main door, someone trying to open unlock the door, we could hear the keys jiggle. She was sat on her knees, looking innocently at me, her dark brown hair let loose. She brought her hands to my boxer shorts and was rubbing my cock lightly. The more she rubbed her hands, harder my cock got and instinctively my hands reached for...

3 years ago
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creating a cuck

So recently my wife found a new Bull. She’d started out envisioning our standard cuckold situation with him—she’d be fawned over, the Bull would fuck her for hours while I watched or played a partial role in helping them out when asked, and them at the end I’d get permission to jerk off. But a couple weeks after we met, our new Bull reached out to me on social media and started asking about more detailed scenarios, what else I was into, if I liked watching more or if I wanted to participate...

4 years ago
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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is Conceived Part 6

Jill was in that netherland of part asleep and part awake. She had been having pleasant dreams, so when her legs began moving apart she went with the dream, moving them wider as she stretched and began to fall back into the sleep side of her mind. Suddenly she came fully awake as Anthony’s tongue began circling her clit and his fingers began tweaking her nipples. Feeling and seeing his brown arms and head, she closed her eyes and just went with his sensual contact with her body. He was very...

2 years ago
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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is Conceived Part 3

After the mini-gangbang (GB) Colby started to become more of a regular fixture at their house. Jill loved getting fucked by him. Greg was used to it by now and actually enjoyed seeing her so enthralled with orgasms, something he could never do.This relationship with Colby had been going on now for about six months. Jill started fooling around over a year ago. They were mostly one night stands with married guys she found in hotel bars. They were looking for the same thing as her, a night of...

3 years ago
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First time giving the BBC to a cuck couple in Vega

If you are new to my stories, they are all real experiences that I enjoyed. Some of the details have been changed to protect the guilty. I had recently taken a new job in a small town in Utah. I enjoyed the job and the increase in pay but the lack of social life was killing me. I checked for locals on Adult Friend Finder (AFF) but nothing came up. Luckily, my town was only a few hours drive from Las Vegas. So, every weekend I started making the trip to Las Vegas. I went ahead and changed my AFF...

2 years ago
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The Happy Cuck

Met a guy and he told me that his GF would only do a threesome if it was MMF first. And he had to play with the other guy. He was bi- curious, but had never tried. Not knowing if it was true or was just a story he told to get gay sex. He also said his GF said “ If I watch you get anal, then I’ll decide if you can have my ass”! I’m very interested, but he says she has to see me first. Ohhhhh ?. We cam and she’s a gorgeous Asian. He is nothing special. I ask he if he has a big cock or a big...

2 years ago
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From friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 9

A little later in the week I talked to Rachel some more. She told me Eric would be into the idea of me being there while they fucked and them treating me kind of like their cuck. We set up a time for Saturday. They had plans for the night, so they wanted to do something early in the day, which was fine with me.Although I never had the feelings for Rachel like I did for Sarah, Rachel is very attractive. A pretty blonde girl, busty, curvy. She's soft in the right places. Unlike Sarah, I've...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday My Cuck

Getting home from work was really annoying today. I was in a rush so I could get ready and change so I could go out tonight. Today is my husband's birthday and he and my family are already out in a specific restaurant waiting for me. I get inside the house and instantly take a shower before I put on some new cloths. When I finally finished I recieve a text message from my husband Nate."Honey, you're parents just came here from Bolivia. When will you get here?""Soon baby, I am putting on my...

2 years ago
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Chuck the Cuck

Chuck the Cuck The most complicated diversions of our lives can begin with something simple. A wrong turn. A misdialed phone number. A car wreck up ahead by a total stranger. We are leaves in the wind. We are tumblers in a safe. We plot, and we plan, and we scheme. And in the end, it is simple chance that gets us. For instance, there was that might at Applebees, when my husband Charles and I met for drinks after work. If we had gone at another time, or to another restaurant, all of...

1 year ago
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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 7

When I woke up I helped clean Rachel's a little bit so the whole place wasn't a complete mess. Eventually Sarah and Mark came out of the room. It was awkward with other people there, and no one really said anything. I felt like everyone kinda knew I was a cuck, even though Sarah and I weren't together. I knew I had been in love with her, but she just fucked one of my friends. My two best friends were fucking each other and I was stuck masturbating.Eventually Sarah asked me to drive her home....

2 years ago
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Sissy sluts first cuck suck

Her husband's mind raced as he watched his big beautiful woman tottering in high heels between these two black men, one with his arm around her waist, playing with a breast, the other with his hand up her skirt, grabbing and squeezing her arse. So this is it, he said to himself. Inside the flat she was immediately pushed to her knees before the two powerful men, her hands already fondling the bulges in their sweatpants. 'This is what you wanted, wasn't it, sissy?' She said, her hands pulling...

1 year ago
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Pupose as a cuck

When i was little i wanted to work in genetic engineering. I wanted to start a federal funded grant research project called BEE.inc.( Biological enhancement engineering) then after a couple notebooks of writing down information about gene splicing and nanofabrication, I wanted to work for the CIA doing paramilitary operations. Meaning, basically i wanted to eliminate the monsters that exist on this wonderful blue ball we all live on. I was 14 and knew how to spell "Chechnya" and " Human...

2 years ago
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The closeted cuck in Vegas

This story is fiction. It was a normal week for me living in Vegas. By the time the weekend came around I just wanted to relax. On Friday night after dinner, I decided to head over to Mandalay Bay to listen to a lounge band and enjoy a nice cigar. I got to the lounge and found a nice seat in the back. The seats gave me a great view of the stage and of the dance floor. Pretty soon the band came on. I was enjoying the set. I was really enjoying the lead singer. She was a beautiful Asian woman...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of a Cuck continuePart 1

If you had told me that I would have ended a much-needed holiday in the summer of 2021 doing what I am about to tell you, I would have laughed in your face. Yet here I am confessing (or maybe secretly bragging) about the events of less than two weeks ago.If you have read my previous stories, you will know of my cuckold/wife sharing kink. If you haven’t then you can indulge me now or after. It’s up to you.Like everyone else, our family and social life had been completely altered by the pandemic....

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From friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 5

We woke up from our nap a couple hours later. I got dressed and we acted like nothing crazy happened. We went to her living room and started hanging out there. We poured some drinks, sat around, watched tv and talked. It was honestly nice to have a normal conversation again, not to have anything sexual come up. But then it happened, I started having feelings for her again. I thought I was done, but as we sat there enjoying each other's company, I couldn't help it. I started thinking about how I...

2 years ago
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26 From a faithful wife to a cucks sub

26 From a faithful wife to a cuck`s sub. A re-issue of the first of the stories in this series.I started chatting to a lass, called ‘Dawn’ on the X, Hamster website, she astounded me by her frankness, and explained her situation being both married to a cuck hubby (Andy) and a sub to a master named Ray. She also has a very smack-able arse and a joy in light Bdsm. So I asked her of how she had come to be a sub to someone not her hubby and this is the true account of what she told me,...

2 years ago
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26 From a faithful wife to a cucks sub

26 From a faithful wife to a cuck`s sub. I started chatting to a lass, called ‘Dawn’ on the x,hamster website, she astounded me by her frankness, and explained her situation being both married to a cuck hubby (andy) and a sub to a master named Ray. She also has a smackable arse and a joy in light Bdms. So I asked her of how she had come to be a sub to someone not her hubby and this is the true account of what she told me; “So how did you get into Bdms and sub and cuck scenario?” “Well Ed,...

1 year ago
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Cuck Experience Became A Gangbang

Hi guys, back with a new story. This time it’s a cuck experience of a hubby which turned out to be a gangbang session. Comments or critics welcome at I met this guy online and he said he wants to be a cuck. He has been showing group sex videos to his wife but never thought of opening up about sex with other men in front of him. I chatted with him for few days. Little info about the couples, they are 29 and 26. He is Raja and her name is malathi (name changed). They have been married for 2...

4 years ago
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My Sexual Reawakening A Journey To Being A Cuck

It was a hot July month; my wife left to visit her mom for a couple of weeks. I had to stay home because I could not get time off from work.  After a couple of days of being alone, I decided to go out to a bar to relax and have a couple of drinks. I sat at the barstool and saw a pretty lady wearing a white top.I could see she was not wearing anything underneath. She was also wearing very sexy red shorts. Her eyes were deep blue, and her hair was a very luscious brown color. Instantly, I was...

4 years ago
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A Lesson For A Cuck

Here I am sitting in this room next to my beautiful and lovely wife. I still don't know what this is all about or why we are here as I sit in this strange large room with other couples waiting. It's almost as if we are all in a doctors office as one couple gets called into a specific room ever 15 minutes or so. "Honey, why are we here?" I ask. "Stop nagging me with dumb questions darling, just wait and see!" she strikes back. It's a bit cold in this room, but yet she is wearing a mini skirt...

1 year ago
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If cuckold porn is your thing, Cherry Pimps' Cucked series may be what you're looking for. Cherry Pimps is a pretty well-experienced premium porn site. It's come with many different series, all of that serves a different fetish or kink. The site's Cucked series is no different in terms of the quality of videos and how hard it goes into the fetish. Cuckold porn is unique and those into it can fantasize about being either the man fucking the other guy's girl or the one being cucked!It seems like...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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Gift to a cuck friend

This is based on a true incident. Names and minor details are changed for obvious reasons. If you have read my previous posts you'll know that I'm a cock loving cum slut. Can't get enough, no matter what shape size or colour. Have been a cum rag for real men since I was 12. Ever since my 50 odd year old neighbour taught me all about sucking cock.In all the 30 years of my life I've only been an absolute submissive bottom. Well one of the main reasons being my dick. If you can call a 3 incher a...

3 years ago
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Paul becomes my submissive Cuck

Paul becomes my submissive Cuck: Part 2 of My Rules my husband might regretWhen we closed the door that day it marked a change for both Paul and myself in our lives. He was very happy with me because Paul had talked me his wife into fucking another man and I knew he wanted it to go well beyond John. My husband was never an aggressive man or rugged type of guy he was a business professional and a suit for the day was the norm. He was gentle and kind in our love making and never gave me an...

1 year ago
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The Cuck Across the Street

So it is a nice warm summer night. The k**s are all outside playing in the street and I have my garage open and I am working on my bike. Just a check over and a very good cleaning. I was planning on heading out tomorrow for a ride just to get away for the day. The night was cooling off finally and I pulled out a lawn chair and popped a beer. I was just sitting on my drive when one of the neighbors came over to say hi. I offered Dave a beer as I found out his name.he grabbed another chair and he...

4 years ago
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Putting a Cuck in the place he needs to be in

One thing you can say about a good quality cuck is the lack of balls!!! Yes my hubby is that alright!Ok I guess you should know his vital sizes...4.5"About as thick as a thumbNo often erectNo ball sack to speak ofFires only water-OK he at least orgasms-useful when he has a chance to see me with a tasty BBC!What made me so horny for the world of BBC? Well I never grew up with black guys about, just little white guys like my hubby and theylied to us ladies in out country saying they were big...

2 years ago
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Real Chats of XNXX The ForcedCuck Gang Bang

And I say: I'll fuck her... if it'll make you feel bad. :) But what I really want to know is toy of hers you were playing with and what were you doing with it? A: Mmm, thank you. I like that. I just got really hard, thank you. I was playing with her big vibrator. I was sitting on it. Me: And does she know you play with her toys while she's away? A: She has no idea. I took her panties and smelled them, too. Me: Oh, come on now… You know you did more than smell them. Tell the truth. A:...

3 years ago
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The Cuck Gang Bang

Me: So, you status says “Wife’s away — I’m playing with her toy and panties. Love to be f****d to watch other guys fuck her.” And I say: I’ll fuck her… if it’ll make you feel bad. ???? But what I really want to know is toy of hers you were playing with and what were you doing with it? A: Mmm, thank you. I like that. I just got really hard, thank you. I was playing with her big vibrator. I was sitting on it. Me: And does she know you play with her...

2 years ago
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Being a Cuck and MILF For the young guys

I know young men are masturbating to me, and in my own perverted way, I enjoy the celebratory feeling that I am providing sexual release, for my close friends and sisters boys.I dont regard myself as perverted, but my body, looks and demeanor, coupled with a high sexual drive and imagination, would put me in the predatory class, a tits, ass, and cunt, on two long legs, looking for boys.Of course as with all sexual matters, we keep these traits to ourselves, only relenting once we hit on the...

2 years ago
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Cuck Father

So the young man was forced to convert part of the attic into a bedroom. ‘That’s fine.’ He thought grumpily. ‘Not like I could bring any tail back here anyway.’ He was moving some boxes when one split open. The old cardboard ripping. Grumbling he picks up a collection of old books, paper, art supplies, an old camera. He stops when he notices a photo on the ground. It looks like a naked woman. He pics it up. It’s his mom. Ten or fifteen years younger. She looks embarrassed posing nude....

3 years ago
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Crazy Cuck Session

I'd been involved with some hot wife couples as a Bull before, a different thing from helping a woman cuck her hubby. Hot wiving means the husband is involved somehow, or may sit back and watch and direct. Can be Hetero or Bi. I always went straight hetero with couples, as I'm averse to sex with men. Nothing wrong with the Bi thing, just not my bag.When I met this particular couple it was pure happenstance. I'd told myself I was going get out of the lifestyle because my last experience had...

3 years ago
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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 8

It didn't take much to turn me on. Before I knew it, I was jerking off again for the third time that day. I was looking at a pic of Sarah and Rachel together. In my state of horniness, I texted Sarah."So I thought about it, I'm okay with you telling Rachel about me being your cuck," I typed.What I got back was a much longer response than I expected."Are you sure? I don't want to make you feel obligated. I really care about you and I don't want to ruin our friendship with this. I want to tell...

2 years ago
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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is C

As the door closed behind me I looked at my watch. One a.m. I should be home in less than half an hour. It smelled refreshing and invigorating outside. As I walked to my car the last few drops of his semen ran down my leg. My bra and panties were in my purse. I was dressed in my normal work attire, not having showered after. I was sure I was ripe with the fresh sent of rigorous sex. When I arrived home intended to drop my clothes, get into bed, odorous as I was, and shower in the morning.I...

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my first cuck experience

I became a hot wife years into my marriage after my hubby proposed the idea. Our sex life was always good but he always wanted to take it to the next level. When he suggested that i have sex with a random guy i was surprised and hesitant. I did not feel comfortable with the idea. My hubby insisted and asked that i film it. I finally agreed after some deliberation. Who would i have sex with? i thought. I thought of a guy at work that I talked to on a regular basis. I always had a feeling he was...

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I guess Im a Cuck 4

Well it finally happened and boy did I not see it coming.I had been getting to fuck my wife several times a week but always on her terms, which has involved her sitting on my face after I had cum in her pussy, after several times it has become clear "clean up" is part of our sex life now.I have no evidence if she's getting fucked by others, I've stopped checking as I'm fucking a neighbour on a regular basis, but I don't want us to split as I love and it would be a financial disaster.She...

4 years ago
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52 John Julie unexpected cuck

52 John & Julie unexpected cuckSaturday night, Julie and John, our Cromer couple, sat dressed to go out, they were waiting the k** sitter and they were eager to be off, both looking forward to an evening of swapping with Debbie and Kevin. It had become a monthly treat for them both Kevin had promised to make it a fun evening for her with a meal and wine at a steak house which she had looked forward too since he phoned her specifically last week. John had decided to take Debbie, to a pub he...

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Cuck Hubby wont disrespect Hotwifes Ow

Just a quick story to show how much I have accepted my cuckold role in our marriage.Last Friday night, my wife invited Nick over for dinner. It wasn't like she hadn't seen him for a while...in fact she had just spent the last two nights at his house...her usual Wednesday night and also she spent Thursday, Valentine's Day, at his house and in his bed.So, we all had dinner and were watching America's Funniest Videos, our daughter's favorite show, with My wife and Nick on the couch, me in the...

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emmas cuck hubby and dgs

He allowed his mind to wander back in time as he drove the car, the first woman's face leapt into his mind triggering an instant sexual response he eased his thighs apart to allow unrestricted blood flow to his cock.As he had ****d her he felt her body's involuntary response to his forced brutal entry her lubrication expelled along his thrusting cock her faint gasps as his huge swollen balls banged against her cunt each time he thrust deeply into her.He remembered her teeth biting into his...

1 year ago
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My sis makes me her cuck

I was just turning 18 at the time. I had one sister that was older and had just moved back in. She was staying in the basement because our parents had already converted her whole room to a home gym. My parents were out to dinner, and I was getting ready to do my own laundry. I normally did laundry in my underwear to get the most clothes clean possible. I went down beforehand, already stripped to my underwear to check to make sure the washer was available. I totally forgot my sister was here.I...

2 years ago
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Youre a Cuck Now

You sat close to your girlfriend, Amy. You guys turn on the tv to watch your guy's new favorite streaming show. A basic series about kids fighting off dungeon and dragons monsters. Her little pale head finds the perfect spot on your medium build chest. Her bright illuminated red hair forced her sweet baking-like pheromones into your nostrils. Her pale skin whiter than snow from the north pole. You held her closely, never wanting to lose her. Your first true love. You have been dating and...

1 year ago
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To Cuck or Be Cucked

You and Jesse have been dating for six months now. It's been going great on an emotional level, but sexually, there have been some problems. Jesse is fantastic, but she was a virgin when you started dating. You were her first and she always doted on you because of that. She's clearly inexperienced and you've had to teach her most of what you've known, which admittedly, isn't much. She's always been fairly conservative anyways, never liking when you've showcased any dominance in the bedroom,...

3 years ago
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Cuck and cucked

________________________________________The events I describe occurred nearly forty years ago, pre computer and mobile phones, but they still get my seventy plus year old cock hard whenever I recall them.Carol had long dark curly hair, a figure to die for, slim waist, and 34D tits. We met after I’d answered her advert in a magazine contact. That’s the way recreational sex was organised in those days. Arrangements were made for me to visit her on a night when her partner, Paul, was away from...

4 years ago
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Cuck Father

Reed was home from college for the summer. His room had been converted to an office for his milquetoast father. So the young man was forced to convert part of the attic into a bedroom. ‘That’s fine.’ He thought grumpily. ‘Not like I could bring any tail back here anyway.’ He was moving some boxes when one split open. The old cardboard ripping. Grumbling he picks up a collection of old books, paper, art supplies, an old camera. He stops when he notices a photo on the ground. It looks like a...

2 years ago
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

1 year ago
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What the Cuck Trishnas treat

Trishna was really excited and was recalling our threesome with Kelly, saying she wants to have another one but wants to try other things like a having black woman, or 2 men as these were fantasies of hers and she wanted me to be a part of it.  I’m not going to lie, I was pissed off. The way I felt Kelly could fuck off and so could Gary. Me and Trishna spoke throughout the night, she was of the thinking that Kelly was a bitch and Gary just listens to her, I didn't care for their dynamic...

1 year ago
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What the Cuck Trishnas treat Contd

Kelly then stumbled into full view, she took a long studied look at Trishna and Deborah's naked bodies reflecting the dim light off of their freshly oiled bodies. ...Quick recap, while away for a work conference my plus 1 and naughty intern Trishna and I had arranged to meet a couple who was local to our hotel for a foresome, it was all going amazingly well until we heard a knock at the door. We knew all too well who it would have been, my cuckold boss and his drunken sex fiend of a wife, but...

2 years ago
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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is Conceived Part 5

Jill had turned onto her hands and knees to lick up every drop of spunk that had leaked out of her. Big Daddy tasted especially good for some reason.When she turned back, he handed her a cool, damp towel in order to refresh herself. She gratefully used it to wipe away all the sweat and various pussy juices that covered her body.“Oh Big Daddy, I am really exhausted.”As she was saying these words, she could not keep her eyes off his cock as it swung between his legs. Even his ball sack was long...

3 years ago
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Another cuck wish

So, there we are at my wifes Christmas party. She works with mostly men. I am constantly asking her to flirt with the guys at work. Anyway, I see Steve, a 32 year old single guy eyeing up Mary.Mary is wearing a white strapless, lacy dress that dives in between her luscious 36D tits and is only about 4 inches from her sweet, bald pussy. She couldn't wear a bra with the dress and I convinced her to go without panties too.Steve is eyeing up Mary, and she loves it. I ask her, "Do you know that...

4 years ago
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They were a normal couple Arranging cuck w

They were a normal couple.Arranging, cuck & wife We are a normal couple. Sex was fun when we got married, but now the seven year itch has really got to us, but not from the one you would think! In reality, it’s my husband. I love him. I found him more and more withdrawn and when it came to sex, he started giving an excuse after another excuse. For one thing, his penis is a four incher when hard but, he seemed to enjoy when I told him that. In the past it was not a problem because what he...

1 year ago
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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First time giving the BBC to a Cucks Wife

The following story is true. Some of the details have been changed to protect the guilty. A few weeks had passed since I lost my virginity at the age of 22 to the MILF. I was eager to have sex again and increase my skills. I went back to Adult Friend Finder and a few weeks later I had a message in my inbox. The message was from a couple who lived about an hour from me. The husband was in his mid 50's and his wife was in her late 20's. He said he was having some trouble keeping her satisfied and...

2 years ago
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Cuck Wife says the Nasties Things

In order to fully enjoy this, you should first read what my wife wrote regarding some of the things she likes about being a cuck wife. Very hot, but I think she may have been a little shy. A little demure as a classy wife should. I however, will expose her nasty cuckold bitch side. Here are some of the things she's said to humiliate me when I am in the room or have been banished to the hallway. This is in no particular order. And though I may not remember the exact quote, my wife says I am on...

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