Yellowknife (Narrative 3) free porn video

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Our marriage of convenience broke up in Yellowknife.

We’d been together for about three years. She was Swiss-French, and I was English-Canadian.

Meeting in Indonesia, we’d travelled together for two years, overland through Asia to Europe. Then a year in Switzerland working at a ski station. Then six months in the Baja living on a beach in an old Volkswagen van.

When we started running out of money, we drove back up to Canada. Rumour had it there were jobs in the north. We finally ended up in Yellowknife, and things didn’t hold together for long.

Up at 6 a.m., work construction, then home at 6 p.m., wondering what the fuck had happened to the day. This was no longer a grand adventure: this was just bullshit.

Like all good relationships, it came apart quickly when there was no there there anymore. I moved out soon afterwards.



I’d been couch surfing with friends for a few weeks now, and my welcome was wearing thin. I needed a place to live.

At a Friday night party, I was introduced to Beth. A contract accountant, she moved where the work was: mining companies, parts suppliers, you name it. I couldn’t think of anything more mundane to do for a living.

Like her profession, on first impression Beth seemed a bit… bland.  Medium height. Medium weight. Non-descript brown hair, large breasts, large hips, medium belly. But she needed a roommate. Perfect, I thought. No complications here.

I took her up on the offer, and moved in the next day.



It was now about two weeks since we’d started sharing her apartment. With our conflicting schedules, we’d hardly seen each other. This was the first Saturday that we were both off at the same time.

Sitting at the kitchen table, we sipped our coffees. We’d both been out the night before, but on different circuits: I liked hard blues, she liked country. Obviously, we went to different clubs.

Still rolling hard with our hangovers, neither of us felt much like talking. Bleary-eyed, I looked at Beth. She looked back at me, pretty much feeling the same way. We blathered on, making morning-speak, talking about everything and nothing. We quickly seemed to run out of things to say, and finally settled into an awkward silence.

After a few uncomfortable moments, Beth leaned in, looked at me, and said, “I have a bone to pick with you.”

Oh great, I thought. Now I’m gonna get an etiquette lesson from a bookkeeper.

“Hmmm?” I responded.

“A bone. To pick,” Beth countered. “With you.”

“Uhhh… OK.”

“So... you’re neat, you’re clean, and you’re quiet.” She looked at me. I nodded.

“An OK roommate. But you’re just way too tight.”

“Tight?” I asked. I had no idea what she meant.

“Bland. Conservative. Ordinary.”

What the fuck? I asked myself. That was me describing her.

“Sorry?” I asked, completely confused.

“I thought you’d be more fun,” Beth replied, “And that I could be more… me.”

“More you?” I repeated stupidly.

She looked down at herself, sitting at the table. “Less… this,” she said, pointing at her black yoga pants and white t-shirt. “I just hate this,” she finished.

“You hate what you’re wearing?” I ventured, now completely lost.

“I hate that I have to wear it,” Beth countered. “Before you moved in, I wore what I wanted. Or didn’t. Now, when you’re around, I have to put this stuff on all the time, and I just fucking hate it.”

I took another sip of coffee and looked at her. I shrugged. “So do what you want,” I said. “You don’t want to wear something, then don’t.  No biggie for me.” I meant it. I really didn’t care what Beth wore. Jesus.

Looking hard at me again, Beth said, "Perfect. Welcome to my place.” She stood up, pulled the t-shirt off over her head, and then stripped the yoga pants down her legs, stepping out of them.

She stood in front of me, hands on hips. All she had on was a pair of slightly frayed, peach-coloured panties. Everything else was on display. Large, pendulous breasts, broad shoulders, wide full hips, a small belly, and an obviously luxurious bush that pushed against the thin fabric between her legs. Bland no more, she looked totally sluttish. I was shocked. And strangely turned on.

With her pants gone, I could now clearly smell Beth’s sex. I think she was enjoying this.

“Perfect,” I said, trying to sound nonplussed.

“More coffee?” she responded, turning towards the stove, her lovely broad ass on full display.



Things went on much like this for the next few weeks.

Beth never wore yoga pants – or a t-shirt – in the apartment again. Whenever we crossed paths there, she was always dressed essentially the same way: lace panties (blue… pink… white…), and nothing else.

I actually started getting used to seeing her walking around naked. She began to look odd to me when she got dressed to go out.

Beth had also started leaving her bedroom door partly open at night. When I’d first moved in, it was always pulled tightly closed when she went to bed. Now, it was usually left open a foot or so.

As I lay in my bedroom down the hall – my door now open as well – I could hear the sound of Beth’s eager masturbations. She seemed almost insatiable: it was now a nightly ritual. Sometimes twice a night.

Rhythmic, slippery noises regularly came from her room. The sound of a cunt being well-fingered, and a clit being well-flicked. She always finished with a deep, moaning growl as she climaxed. Conjuring up images of my ex, I often silently masturbated along with Beth, spurting into my hand as I listened to her come.



Another Saturday morning. Another set of hangovers.

We were seated at the kitchen table again, nursing our caffeine. As usual, Beth was naked except for a pair of white panties. Her large breasts hung seductively over the table as she leaned forward to talk to me.

“I need a pick-me-up,” she murmured.

“What kind of pick-me-up?” I asked, not really interested in her answer.

“A fun one. I need some new toys. I’m going to go shopping. Wanna come along?”

I nodded vaguely. I was bored and not really listening to what she was saying. A toy store. Sure. Anything would be better than another claustrophobic Saturday in the apartment.



We ended up in Yellowknife’s only adult toy store. My mind boggled at the walls of shrink-wrapped dildos, butt plugs, handcuffs…

Beth (fully dressed) wandered down the aisles, looking for inspiration. Walking up to me, she asked, “See anything interesting?”

I’d already been thinking back to my ex. She’d loved toys. Large dildos, small dildos, dildos with built-in suction cups that would stick to the floor, cock rings, vibrators… you name it, she had it in her magic toy box. She’d been so European.

I pointed at a familiar blue rabbit vibrator on the display wall. “My ex loved that one,” I said. “It grinds and flutters at the same time.”

Not even stopping to look at it, Beth grabbed the package and headed to the cash. I trailed along behind her.

Slapping the vibrator down on the front counter, she pointed at a jar of lube and an 8” black silicone dildo. “Those too,” she said, pulling out her credit card.



Back at the apartment, Beth wasted no time in hurrying off to her bedroom. Shedding her clothes as she walked down the hall, she called back over her shoulder, “I’ll give you a progress report...” She disappeared into her room, bag of goodies in hand. She left the door wide open.

Two minutes later I heard the tell-tale sound of the rabbit coming to life: the peculiar grinding noise of the rotating shaft, and the distinct ‘bzzzz’  of the rapidly fluttering ears.

Thirty seconds after that, an unmistakable “Awww… fuuccck…”  came from Beth’s bedroom. The grinding rabbit suddenly became muffled. I assumed it was now buried deep in her pussy.

Giving in to temptation, I paused in the hallway as I walked past her bedroom. I caught a glimpse of her, lying spread-eagled on the bed, her head up, watching herself in the mirror as she buried the bunny in her cunt.

“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck,”  she panted, the rabbit ears shimmering on high speed over her clit as she fluidly stroked the vibrator in and out of her opening. “Mmmmm...”

For the first time since I’d met her, Beth was genuinely turning me on. She had a gorgeous pussy: totally unshaven, with thick lips and a crimson clit the size of a hazelnut. She looked like she’d smell deep. Salty, and musky.

My right hand snaked down to my groin. I grasped my cock through my jeans and squeezed myself.

“Enjoying the show?” Beth called out, still watching herself closely in the mirror. She could see me reflected, standing in the background.

I froze, no longer fondling my prick.

“Ummm,” was all I could mutter.

“Well don’t be shy, for fuck’s sake,” she panted. “If you want to watch, watch. Uhhnnh… But don’t just stand out there in the hallway. You’re cr-creeping me out.”

Feeling almost trapped, I stepped into the room. Beth swiveled her head away from the mirror to look at me in real life. “Unzip,” she ordered, continuing to thrust away at herself with the rabbit.

I slowly unbuttoned my jeans and pulled down the zipper. My cock immediately sprang out at a 45-degree angle. It was red, and swollen, and very hard.

“N-nice,” Beth said, studying me closely. Her rhythm sped up.

“Unnnn...”  she panted, the vibrator now making slick wet sounds as she pumped it. “Gonna cum soon… this thing is amazing… yeah…”

I was standing beside her, watching her writhe on the bed. Getting into the spirit of things, I started jacking myself for all I was worth.

“Good… good… cum on me, cum on me, cum on my tits…”  she chanted, staring at my cock.

I stepped closer to her as I felt my balls tightening. And then I came hard, spurting spunk out across the bed, onto her breasts, and her belly, and her neck. I moaned loudly with the release.

“Fuuucckkk,”  Beth stammered, squeezing her eyes shut, now totally concentrating on bringing herself off. And then she exploded as well, uttering that now familiar deep growl.

I’d never seen a woman squirt like that before – an arc of clear liquid shot out from between her legs as she came. A high-pitched whine followed the growl as her contractions continued.

Gradually, her body relaxed, and she lay back on the bed, exhausted. Her legs were splayed wide apart, with the now silent rabbit still buried in her cunt. She looked like she was falling asleep. Uncertain what to do next, I quietly pulled up my pants, and backed slowly out of her room.

Well that was a bit unexpected, I thought to myself.



Beth’s open sexuality quickly became the new norm around the apartment. It wasn’t unusual for me to walk in and find her on the couch, watching some XXX movie, gently fingering herself. She loved being watched, and, quite frankly, I enjoyed obliging her. There was something wonderfully sluttish about her.

In a way, we were perfectly suited to each other: she liked to perform, I liked to observe. We’d never slept together, though, or even touched each other for that matter.



About a month later, Beth let me know that an old college friend would be coming to visit over the long weekend. They’d be sharing Beth’s room.

Giselle arrived late on Saturday afternoon, just as I was preparing to go out for the evening. As she walked into the apartment, I was taken aback. In her late twenties, she was a stunner: tanned, fit, and well-toned. She wasn’t an athlete, but she was close.

I was running late. After being introduced to Giselle, I wished the two women a good evening and headed out. I could feel them staring at me as I walked away.

Three hours later, now half in my cups at a local blues bar, I received a text message from Beth. It simply said: ‘Emergency. Please come home. Beth.’   I tried calling her, but it went directly to voicemail. Not sure what was up, and not really enjoying the band anyway, I headed back to the apartment to see what the problem was.

I walked in to the sound of giggles coming from the bathroom. Poking my head around the corner, I discovered both women lying in the large soaker tub. It was full almost to the brim with hot water. Surrounded by candles, they were sitting at either end, facing each other. Their heads were thrown back, faces flushed with the heat.  Their legs were raised and spread apart as they slowly fondled themselves. The bathroom smelled equally of scented oil and sex. I stood there, gawking.

Beth opened her eyes, looked at me, and murmured “So… welcome to our emergency,” as she continued fluttering her right hand over her clit. Giselle turned her head to look at me. Like Beth, she didn’t lose a stroke. “Mmmm,” she agreed, dreamily.

“What emergency?” I blurted out.

“No cock when we need one,” Beth lazily replied.

My heart lurched in my chest. Fuck.

I stepped into the bathroom, looking down at both women in the tub. Beth’s body I knew; full breasted, broad-hipped, with a thick, dark bush. Giselle was totally new to me: athletic but well proportioned, she had medium, firm breasts, a slim waistline, and a perfectly manicured triangle that ended just above her folds.

“Strip,” Beth ordered. Looking at the massive bulge in my jeans, she murmured, “It looks like it wants out anyway...”

Without saying a word, I kicked off my shoes, pulled off my t-shirt, and dropped my pants and underwear to the floor. I stood beside the tub, now stark naked, with my prick waving eagerly in the air.

Both women looked at me, and then at each other. They smiled almost hungrily.

“Join us,” Giselle whispered, her fingers now working her clit more emphatically.

I awkwardly stepped into the middle of the large tub, standing over them as they continued to fondle themselves. Their pace had picked up noticeably since I’d dropped my pants.

“Join us,” Beth echoed, nodding at my cock. Suddenly understanding what she wanted, I took my prick in hand and began pumping myself. Soon, all three of us were happily masturbating away, rapidly approaching release.

As if on cue, both women suddenly stopped what they were doing. I paused in mid-stroke, not sure what was going on.

Beth tentatively reached a soapy hand up to me, touching my cock for the first time.

“Nice,”  she said. “You have a lovely prick. I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile.” She wrapped her fingers around it and gave me some preliminary strokes. It felt marvellous.

At the same time, Giselle’s hand slid up between my legs from behind, and gently cupped my balls. I was only seconds away from coming, and they knew it.

“So…” Beth crooned. “First a quick release, and then a nice long shag?”

I swallowed, nodding silently.

Beth’s pumping motion sped up, her hand becoming almost a blur on my cock.

“Come on, come on, come for me, cum…” she muttered, fixating on my shaft.

Giselle’s hand moved gently over my balls from behind, caressing them. Her thumb stretched up to lightly rub my asshole. That sent me right over the top.

Arching my back and thrusting my hips forward, my sperm spurted out over Beth’s hand, onto her breasts, and into the water. She continued to jack me, slower now, almost milking me for any remaining spunk.

“Mmmmm…” she hummed. “That was tons of fun.” She and Giselle giggled. “I told Giselle you had a lovely cock…”

Letting go of me, she dipped her cum-coated fingers into the water, rinsing them off. She slid herself completely under water, and then quickly stood up. She looked at me and said, "Finish your bath. We’ll meet you in my room.” She stepped out of the tub, with Giselle following close behind. Wrapping themselves in large bath towels, they left me alone, still standing in the soapy water trying to catch my breath. My cock was now drooping at half mast.

How odd, I thought to myself.



Five minutes later, now washed and dried, I walked naked into Beth’s bedroom. I’d been listening to the two women getting it on while I sat in the tub. My prick was already hard again.

They were stretched out on the bed, deeply entwined in a 69 position, their faces buried in each other’s pussies. There was an overwhelming smell of sex in the room. My pulse sped up, and my cock throbbed. If anything, I was now even harder than before.

I stood, watching them tongue each other. They were definitely enjoying themselves.

Sensing me standing in the room, Beth pulled her mouth away from Giselle’s cunt and looked up at me. Her lips were shiny with juices. “Aaaaannd… he’s back,” Beth announced. Giselle kept her head between Beth’s legs. I could hear the squelchy sound of her tongue thrusting into Beth’s opening.

Rolling up on top of Giselle, Beth thrust her fulsome ass up into the air towards me. “Cock, please,” she said.

I looked between her spread legs. Giselle, now on her back, had moved her tongue to Beth’s clit, and was flicking at it rapidly. Beth’s vagina, soaked with her own juice and Giselle’s saliva, was now wide open, searching for company.

I eagerly crawled up onto the bed, positioning myself behind Beth on my knees. The tip of my cock was only inches from her opening.

“Now…”  Beth moaned, pushing her hips back towards me. “Please…”

Jesus, I thought. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard her use the word ‘please’…

Anxious to oblige, I moved forward, touching the head of my cock to her opening. “In…  in…”  she panted.

I thrust forward, sliding in between Beth’s sopping wet lips all the way the hilt. “Ah yessss…”  she hissed.

Giselle’s tongue skittered across my balls. She let out a muffled giggle. “Well hi  there,” she said.

That was all I needed to start pounding my hips up against Beth’s ass. We started rutting like mad - Beth pushing back at me eagerly, me shoving forward with everything I had. Giselle had turned her attention back to Beth’s swollen bud, and was matching our intensity, lashing at Beth with her tongue.

“Fuck…so close, so close,”  Beth moaned deeply. Her rhythm picked up even more, and she began slamming into me.

“Now… now… nownownow,”  she cried, as her muscles suddenly clenched along the entire length of my shaft. She squeezed once, twice, and then unleashed a torrent of liquid from between her legs. Jesus, I thought, I hope Giselle’s okay…

“Ummmm…” a muffled voice said from underneath Beth. I could hear the sound of Giselle happily smacking her lips. I guessed she was actually fine. Enjoying herself, in fact.

Now spent, hips still quivering, Beth pulled away from me, slipping my cock out of her with a soft sucking sound. She rolled away onto the bed, panting.

I looked down at Giselle, lying on her back, her legs pointing away from me. She tilted her head backwards and looked up at me kneeling on the bed, my cock pulsing in the empty air.

She quickly rolled over onto her stomach, pushing herself up onto her elbows. Her mouth was now only inches from my cock. Her face and hair were drenched with Beth’s cum. She looked like someone who’d just won the lottery.

“You need a cleaning,” Giselle observed. She slid the tip of her tongue over her lips. I shifted forward, more than happy to oblige.

Reaching up with one hand, she grasped my glistening shaft and began slowly pumping me. Moving me towards her mouth, she wrapped her lips around the head of my cock, and started sucking, twirling her tongue, and then sucking again. I was in ecstasy.

A minute later, I felt Giselle jerk, and then take me deeper into her mouth. Looking up, I saw Beth rubbing the large black dildo down the crack of Giselle’s ass. Giselle spread her legs wider and pushed her hips up into the air, now kneeling almost doggy-style as she continued to work my cock.

Beth slid the dildo further down Giselle’s ass, and then in between her engorged folds. “Mmmpfhhh”,  Giselle moaned, her mouth still full. She moved her legs even further apart, readying herself for Beth’s onslaught.

With no further ado, Beth began slipping the massive dildo into Giselle’s cunt, stroking it in, then pulling it out, then stroking it further in each time. For a moment, I thought Giselle was going to bite down on me with excitement. The thought must have crossed her mind too, because she quickly pulled her mouth away, now panting loudly.

“Harder…” she begged Beth. “Please… faster.”

Beth quickly picked up the pace, slipping the dildo rapidly in and out of Giselle's cunt. Reaching down with one hand, Giselle began urgently frigging her clit. Enjoying the show, I sat back on my haunches, erect cock in hand, stroking myself slowly as I watched Giselle move towards release. It wasn’t going to take long, judging by the sounds she was making.

Suddenly looking up at me, Giselle smiled wickedly, pulled her hand away from her clit, and pushed on my chest. “Lie back,” she said. I did. Pulling away from the dildo, she skittered down the bed over top of me, now straddling my waist. “Atta girl,” I heard Beth murmur.

Reaching down, Giselle grabbed my stiff prick, raised herself up, and then quickly impaled herself on me. She literally squealed with delight as she slid down my shaft.

I glanced over at Beth, who was watching us avidly. She had rolled onto her side, cocking one leg up in the air. The dildo that had been giving Giselle so much pleasure a minute ago now found a new home, buried deep inside Beth’s cunt. She was slipping it in and out of herself, languorously, breathing heavily.

I looked back up at Giselle. She seemed lost to the world, eyes closed, falling and rising and falling on my prick. She was gripping her breasts with both hands, tugging roughly at her swollen nipples.

“Huh… huh… huh…”  she grunted, her orgasm barrelling towards her. I watched Beth staring at the view from behind: Giselle’s foaming, swollen lips sliding up and down my shaft.

Unable to hold back any longer, I let go. My balls and prick contracted, and I unleashed deep inside her. I was amazed at how much I came. My head spun, and I felt close to passing out.

Feeling my cum spurting into her cunt, Giselle orgasmed seconds later. She uttered a long, high-pitched whine and then bucked forward over me, her hands landing on the bed on either side of my head. Her spasms went on and on. I couldn’t remember a woman ever coming like that for so long. Unlike Beth, there was no squirting, but like Beth, when she came, she really came.



We spent the next two days in the apartment, putting everything imaginable into every available orifice. We never bothered to get dressed. We ordered in take-out food when we were hungry, and called Dial-a-Bottle when we wanted a drink.

I still wonder what the delivery boys were thinking when one of us answered the door. The smell of sex must have wafted out into the hallway like a heavy London fog.

It was heaven.



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Being from a town in south Alabama there are really no Asian women to look at. This leaves me with one thing Asian porn, it seems like every night I would find myself jacking my cock off to hot Asian school girls, or a young innocent Asian getting rapped on a bus it did not really matter to me. About three weeks into my senior year an Asian family finally moved into town. It was an amazing day for me. It was a single mom with two beautiful daughters and a dream of living here in America. One...

2 years ago
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My Sons Black Friend PT2 Gay

My thoughts are soon interrupted by the sound of my door being opened and closed. I tilted my head to see Colby standing, still naked and hard with the same evil grin he gave Harper."You watched your son get fucked with my black cock, now it's your turn Mr. Chase."I just stare at him blankly, lost in the veins in his gorgeous black cock. Is he real, does he really want pathetic old me or have I dozed of without realizing it? "Are you gonna just lay there staring at it or are you gonna come suck...

3 years ago
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Daddys Baby Part 3

Hi, my name is Jaxon. Since my daughter was seventeen years old I have been fucking her. She is now twenty and pregnant with my baby. That night in the club when she told me she was expecting was the best night of my life. Here we are seven months down the road and Pan is very big with my baby. We have found out we are having a little girl which we have decided to name Lila. Here is another chapter of our story. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. ~~~My Pan has always had a nice figure but...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 17A

Saturday, August 24, 1957. I woke up at six. Martha slept like a log beside me. Even after a good night's sleep, I was grumpy; I was ready for life to ease up. Nothing was turning out the way I wanted it to. Two weeks left in New York. I had a hard run through Central Park, trying to run past unease and frustration but feeling it keeping pace with me. When I arrived at Martha's I was covered with sweat. Martha was in the kitchen shower. She swept aside the shower curtain and peered out...

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How a Husband Should Handle his Wife

Introduction: An unattentive wife and her outcome from her loving husband. First story. I wrote it to give a hint to a certain someone of what I wanted. Originally titled How a Husband should Handle those late calls from work. Might continue it… How a husband should handle those late calls from work. The husband gets back from working all day and all that has kept him in good spirits is the thought of his wife and how appetizing she looks naked and hungering for him. Yet, he is hungry and when...

1 year ago
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Client Visit With Swapna

If you have missed my first sex story, please check this link Quickly to describe Swapna, she does maintain her body and like mentioned in the earlier story, her bra size is 32b with a slim waist and proper ass. This sex story is not entirely true but a fantasy. So, our company had got a new client and we had to visit the client to understand their requirements and got trained in the process. Since I manage the...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 28 Leliana

She led him through the tree the way she’d come, to another, smaller clearing just out of line of sight. She had laid everything out already – two tarps for standing on, one already wet and one dry except for a few small, damp footprints; a clean towel; soap and shampoo, the scents he favoured; a blade to use as a straight razor; and a pile of new, clean clothes that had been harder to obtain than she’d admit. She turned to face him from the edge of the tarp and held out her free hand,...

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Sonias show

You see my wife is my slave, she likes it that way and has been devoted to me for more than ten years. She is 30, she is an exhibitionist, she is a pain slut and a fuck slut. While we often play with our ***********ion of whips in private she has this fantasy of being naked and whipped in public. We pre-warned our guests that today they were to be given a show of her real devotion to me. This wont be the first time they have seen her naked, we went camping together a few months back and...

4 years ago
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New StartChapter 8

Frank came out of the house to greet us a drink in his hand and a big smile on his face. "Paul how are you?" we shook hands before he turned to Katie and kissed her hand. "And the gorgeous little Katie, let me look at you m'dear" I'll admit to a silly pang of jealousy as he held her at arms length and looked her up and down. "You're a stunning young lady Katie, I think you're father is a very lucky man indeed!" I cleared my throat and he took the hint, "The three girls are in...

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The Retirees Club 17

"Thirty nine. But I don't expect you to swallow that story, like Tom just swallowed my jism. Actually I'm fifty four. Does that make me the kid here?" Tom bounced back with, "Yeah, but only by about five years. Pete must be next, he cheated by retiring early." "You guys are so jealous. Never mind I've got to live on peanuts until I'm 62. Hey, I've got something to play for you guys, Tom can you fire up your computer?" "Will do." It was on standby so it was almost...

4 years ago
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Junior Sex Club 2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That had been five weeks ago, and since each weekend since then had been perfect weather, the family had returned to the resort. Twice since then we fucked in the tent...and each time I knew that Mindy watched us. One of those times had been like the first...but the other had been with a naked Sue on top, straddling me as she fucked me with abandon...her...

2 years ago
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Predators Lust

It was nighttime in the city, but college student Kelly Lauer hadn't been here long enough to truly fear the darkness. The pretty coed had recently arrived from her home in the Deep South, where she had lived in a small town with very protective parents. She was still a virgin, and had been raised in a strict Protestant household to avoid skin contact with boys and save herself for the right man. This despite the fact that the 18 year-old was smoking hot, with long blonde hair, ice blue eyes...

4 years ago
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Great ending for a cookout

My wife and I invited one of my friends over one Saturday afternoon for a cookout. He had been depressed over a lost love for a while. We thought he might enjoy a good meal. We had a great meal and even consumed quite a few cold ones to loosen us up. After relaxing in the sun, a lot of conversation and more drinking, we retired inside to watch some DVDs. He and I were wearing shorts and t-shirts while my wife wore a yellow t-shirt and a flowered flowing summer skirt. She looked wonderful and...

Group Sex
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My first time VERY TABOO

When I was "younger" I used to go visit my Aunt Jenny down state. She had a large and pretty house, with three levels. The second floor was where all the bedrooms were. The first floor was the kitchen, living room, dinning room, and my aunt's boyfriend (at the time), Steve's office. And the basement.The basement had a rec room, a TV room, laundry room, and a place for my aunt's dog, Ozzy to be held if they had to go out.Ozzy was a big mutt. He came up to about my stomach with his head. He had...

3 years ago
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My Affair Part 10

We all decided that after a shower we wanted to go into town with short shorts and tank tops and no underwear then come back to get ready as we wanted to go out dancing at that bar again. The guys could pick out what we were to wear and they all agreed that that there would be no underwear. I liked that, trashy. Cunts. Before we got dressed to go into town they guys yelled for us cunts to come downstairs. We sat on the sofa facing them naked and they told us that we had to masturbate for...

1 year ago
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glory hole first

I slowly tugged my cock as I drove West from Ft Worth to the porn shop I had heard about. I'm talking about the one at Whiskey Flatts, about 20 minutes west of Ft Worth. I had read on-line that there was a place where they had glory holes. I had been up all night studying and was tired and horny and in big need of the touch of another person. I had read about these places where you could go to suck cock and be sucked anonymously. I wasn't a virgin but I had only had sex with asian massage...

3 years ago
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A Winters Tale part 1

A Winter's Tale (part 1) by Amy Winter (All characters and events are entirely fictional and any similarity to persons living or dead is entirely accidental) It was a cold and dark New Year's Eve, and by some accident I had managed to end up home alone. I didn't mind too much, I was used to being alone at home, but the time of year and constant reminders of people having fun on the TV and radio left me a bit fed up. I decided to cheer myself up by having a little fun, and went to...

4 years ago
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Bachelorette Party

Jason Moore stood in front of the bathroom mirror and looked at the reflection staring back at him. Condensation on the glass made it difficult to really see himself, but that didn't matter. In his mind he knew what was looking back at him. A freak of nature. That is how Jason thought of himself. At 6 foot 4 inches tall with a lean muscular physique, short black hair and piercing blue eyes, one would think that he would be overjoyed with his looks. But it was not his physical appearance that...

3 years ago
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Waves of time pt 1

Sitting in that damp sand between the water and the dry sand, my legs spread wide so that the waves could lap at my crotch, I thought about Brenda. I thought about how she liked doing that to me. I looked around and I was alone. I felt alone. Deep down, I was alone. I lifted my bottom and slipped the bottoms of the suit past my ass and over my feet. I held them to my face and inhaled deeply smelling the mixture of salt water and my juices. How I missed sharing myself with Brenda. It was the...

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Who Needs The Bathhouse

Hey my name Abdul Musaveer—20 years of age from Hyderabad, India…6feet 2inches tall…slim body. White complexion…with very cute face…and very sporty and friendly nature….I have very sexy smile as most of my friend says….One afternoon…with my 3 other best friends … my three best buddies, Mohsin, Ibrahim and Shahzad ..Wondering around in King Street in Hamilton…it was a hot summer day….and looking around lot of semi nude’s boys and girls….make us horny as fuck Short description for these three...

Gay Male
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Stacys Problem

Stacy had a problem, a BIG problem: her son. When she and her late husband, Chad (God rest his soul), found out that the baby rapidly growing in her ever-expanding belly was a boy, they had both been filled with such hope. What a handsome, strong man he would inevitably grow up to be, they thought! And virile too, though neither would dare say that part aloud (that would just be crude, of course). But then Chad died in a car accident, and Stacy was forced to raise their child, named...

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Fantasy Island Anniversary Gift

********************************************************************** Another chapter in the tales of Fantasy Island, and Mr. Rourke's gender- bending potion. Fantasy Island: The Anniversary Gift Don Jenkins should have been happy: He was sitting in a seaplane, flying toward an island paradise, for some easy consulting work. Why had he been picked by his company? He wasn't the best computer consultant; there were lots of younger, more ambitious people in the company. Such were...

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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 2

Sasha finishes up long after the school day has ended. Those student papers she never got to has tied her up. Normally she would just say screw it and leave as soon as the students did, but Jonathan had called her and told her she’d be running late because of the homicide. By the time she finishes it is nearly dark outside. She puts away the papers, cleans up the desk, and this brings a smile to her face. Earlier in the day she had barely gotten both her desk and floor cleaned up before the...

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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly.“Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

1 year ago
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A Week At Papaws chap 1

The Beginnings – An Unexpected Request They arrived on Friday night, my granddaughter Tina and a handful of her girlfriends from school. I am just a stopping off point on the way to a Florida spring break adventure. There was Tina, her roommate Laura, Rita, a small blond cheerleader type, Ruby, a brunette bookworm and Leah a rather shy quiet girl with shoulder length red hair. After my heartiest hellos I told Tina to take their bags into the upstairs bedrooms and that dinner would be in about...

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Stand Your Ground

The sirens and flashing lights jolted Clara Mangum from her slumber. She reached for her glasses on the nightstand. The digital clock read 12:09. Shocked by the uncommon activity outside, she shook her husband. “Lesley,” she said. “Wake up!”“Huh,” grunted the 78 year-old, light-skinned man.“Wake up,” she admonished him. “Something’s going on outside.”“Hang on,” he sat up slowly.Lesley put his feet on the floor and felt around for his fleece-lined, suede slippers. He eased them on and affixed...

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meeting with Mistress M

You might have read my blob entry – soon a couple of hours with mistress. This is the real story how this meeting went. the days and hours before our meeting have been a buzzing of messages back and forth. i was supposed to take several of my thongs with me, my leather cock ring, my butt plug and my vibrator.. all that was just prepartaion.. the night before Mistress M wrote me to travel with the black thoong with one whole in it and the leather cock ring arond my balls and cock. furthermore...

4 years ago
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Love Story Not Just Sex

Hi friends, I am Samainer ,currently living in Bangalore.You can contact me at do send a mail if u like my life experience. Ye story main re intermaindiate ke samaye ki hai,1st year katham ho gaya tha, hum sab dost ghar ja ne ke lie betab the lakin coaching chuti na dene ke karan hum ja na sake, main re town se mujhe chod ke main re batch main 4 jan aur the, 3 ladke aur ek ladki, sneha pg main rahe ti thi aur hum sab ladke coaching ke hostel main rehte the, hum sab discuss ker ne lage ki iss...

2 years ago
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Taking Her Virginity

I met Priya for the first time at a gathering in July, 2004. Let me start by describing her. She was from a small town, residing at a hostel near my home, studying engineering. She was dusky and slim. I got her number, before she left from the gathering. And in one week, we started messaging each other. In the beginning it was only forwards and casual Hi’s. By November, 2004, the messages began to become more personal. And by January, she was starting to miss me a lot. On 14th February, 2005,...

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Reginas Awakening

Regina's Awakening It was a bad idea to work late on a Friday night, she thought. Regina waswaiting at the bus stop for the bus to take her home for over forty minutes.This has not been a good day for her. First, she woke up late for work. Then,her car had a flat tire and had to run to catch the bus to work. Next, herboss was on her because her reports were late due to the computer system andservers being down for most of the day. Then, her boyfriend of three yearsleft her at lunchtime. And...

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Daring Sexual Adventures With My Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Amity, from Chennai. Recently I started dating one of my office colleague named Anitha. And it was really fun after a certain limit. We had our dinner and updated WhatsApp status online. It was around 1 am that I updated a status. She was the first one to see it within a minute of my upload. So I pinged her are you still online and the conversation started. The same continued for a couple of days and we got fit day by day. We started talking about an adult topic like BDSM, CFNM,...

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My Fat Fetish

Sex with an older women is something I’ve always weirdly fantasied about. My sexual thoughts were changing to something more extreme, I’ve never wondered about fat sex before, until one day it happened. It was a Friday afternoon and as I was heading home from work, I stopped in at my friend James’ house unannounced hoping to grab him and head out for some beers, and when his mum met me at the bottom of their stairs I asked if he was home “he is up in his bedroom” she said “head on up.” James...

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Step Daughter is a Woman now part 5 had just finished cumming hard watching Jesse's lips wrap around the tip of my cock, my bathing suit still dripping water from the pool. My head fought leaning back so that I could look at both of the girls,...

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Oh God What Have We DoneChapter 9 Oh love love I love you so much

Helen cuddled with Moira on the couch, and as happened when they went for the mammogram, she slid and pressed her body against Moira's. Helen's warm thigh pressed to Moira's and she took the glass of brandy out her hands. Moira's breathing rhythm was increasing as her heart began to pound even harder in her chest. She could feel the lips of her vagina throbbing and juice pouring out of her. She turned to answer the mature woman at her side, and saw that her eyes were looking at her...

4 years ago
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Trying to be Naughty

I was trapped in a conversation I did not want to be in. I was at work with two girls sitting in the break room trying to enjoy my lunch, however that was interrupted by Lisa and Haley. Who are they you ask? Well that’s simple. Lisa was a seven on that wonderful 10 scale us men rate girls on. She wasn’t the most beautiful woman out there, but she was pretty. Her hair had been dyed one too many times so I couldn’t quite tell if she was blond or a brunette, but she was tall, had a nice body, and...

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Shoplifter complete story

SHOPLIFTER (Complete story) By Lisa Lovelace ~ ~ ~ PART 1 Back when I was still a boy, I was a grad student in history at State U. Like all grad students, I was broke. I couldn't afford to buy the ladies' underthings I secretly liked to dress up in. So I stole them. Always from the same place: Dullard's, a locally owned, old-fashioned department store in decline. Their security was weak, no doubt due to staffing cuts and lack of investment. They usually had a clerk at...

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It’s not until almost 6 AM that you slip out of Christine’s dorm room. Walking down the silent hallway, you smile to yourself, thinking that any guy would be proud to take the Walk of Shame home from Christine’s room. You trace the familiar path down the stairway and out of Christine’s dorm automatically, not taking any notice of your surroundings. Instead, your let your mind wander, imagining Christine’s perfect features: her beautiful tanned skin, long dark hair, deep brown eyes always...

4 years ago
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A black stranger fucks my sweeet wife

That afternoon I could get off work early so I thought I could hurry home and surprise Anita by inviting her going a night out. It was a nice day, a bit warm; so I was in a good mood.I pulled into the driveway and barely noticed the car parked alongside my wife’s car. It was just a friend of her I guessed, so I paid it no further attention and headed inside, opening the front door slowly.I gently set my keys down and made my way through the dimly lit house. As I got closer to the bedroom I...

2 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 5

After the fun in the hidden cove at the beach, Rory rejoined her brother, finding him out swimming. They swim and soak up some sun, spending practically the entire day out there. Rory doesn’t disappear any more nor does she leave her brother unattended again. It is nearly evening when they decide to pack up and head home, both equally exhausted from the day’s events, though neither satiated from their sexual trysts. On the way home they grab a couple pizzas and a bottle of soda. Since they...

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The Pure and the Profane

"The Pure and the Profane"     Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Uponwaking, I looked in the dictionary of dreams I keep in my bedside table,to see if there is any significance to this particular nighttime vision.It seems a dream of a black horse is a dream of passion. Considering allthat has happened in the past weeks, I am not surprised.     For I awoke that long-ago night to darkness,the moon and stars obscured by low-lying clouds. Cold. Mist swirled thickand nearly tangible, like the...

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Ho visto tutto

Ho visto tutto.premessa: che questa è una storia vera erotica un episodio che mi è capitato di vivere, che cercherò di raccontarlo nel modo più semplice.ho 44 anni, sono sposato da 22 anni, mia moglie ha 39 anni.questa storia è successa 13 anni fa circa.premetto che eravamo e siamo tutt'ora felicemente vita sessuale è sempre andata alla grande, esaudendo anche piccole fantasie, come giochi di ruolo o voyeurismo.nel corso del matrimonio ho comunque avuto qualche scappatella, con altre...

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