- 2 years ago
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Waking the next morning, I was feeling lazy. I didn’t really feel like getting out of bed, but my ladies were having none of that! They were telling me to get up, that I had a lot to do before we left for town, and get up now breakfast was ready.
After breakfast, I went to find Grandpa. He had just finished his own breakfast, so we went out to the wagons, making sure everything was ready. We were hitching the mules to both new wagons, and saddling up the horses. We were taking Grandpa, hitched up his farm wagon, to carry back the ranch supplies, also.
We were ready to go. This time, the whole family was going to town. We started going over my schedule for the next couple weeks. It was decided that we would spend two days in Hill City, then three days in Deadwood, being as it was now a bigger town due to the Gold Rush. Then we would spend a day or two each, in Lead and Spearfish. Finally, there would be a day in Silver City, then back to the ranch. That should get us back in about ten days, if there were no problems.
After double-checking everything, we set off to Hill City. An hour later, Grandpa was driving his farm wagon. I was driving the doctors’ wagon, and trailing a pair of saddle horses. Dawn and the twins were in the living quarters’ wagon, and trailing an extra team of mules. We seem to be making great time. The mules were stronger than the horses, and had no trouble pulling the wagons up and down the hills heading for town. We arrived about an hour after we left the ranch.
We parked the wagons beside the cabins behind the general store, and took the livestock to the stable. Upon entering the general store, Miller saw us and just glared, I decided to try mending a few fences walking up to him.
He said, ‘What do you want, now? You already robbed me for the money from the cabins, plus a $50 fine! Now you walk in here as if nothing had happened?’
‘Come off it, Miller. You knew those cabins were not supposed to be rented out anymore, but you just got greedy and did it anyway. As far as the fine… if you check with Judge Mitchell, you’ll find that I gave all the money to him to be used to help the community. We came in here to give you quite a lot of business, if you’re interested. Otherwise I could just take my business to store up in Deadwood. I am sure the extra business would be greatly appreciated, there,.’ I told him.
‘What kind of supplies will you need? Miller asked.
‘Uncle Henry will be in here, in a few minutes. He needs supplies for the ranch. I brought two wagons in. I need to set one up as a living quarter’s wagon. I’ll need blankets, lamps, kerosene, and etcetera. My wives will need other things, such as: cooking supplies, extra clothing, and food staples.
‘The other wagon is being set up as an office. For it, I will need most of the patent medicines that you have. I’ll also need all the bandages, willow bark tea, and laudanum that you have on hand., I’ll need you to order other medical supplies, too,’ I said.
‘Are you out of any medicines? I’ve got quite a bit more in the back,’ Miller said.
I did see the look of greed on his face, as he thought he was going to be able to recoup some of the money that he had lost.
‘From the looks of what I saw last time I was here, I’ll take a lot of what you’ve got. But, some of it is just junk, and some of it is downright, out and out, dangerous! Like those packets of heroin. I know that during the war heroin was supposed to be the wunderkind painkiller, but it is so badly addictive! It’s out and out dangerous to use. I thought that laudanum was dangerous, but heroin is a hundred times as dangerous. However, I will buy what you have, just to keep it from harming others. Then I will destroy it,’ I told Miller.
‘What about the other stuff I have? The stuff you said is no good, but is not dangerous?’ Miller said.
‘Keep it, some them. Maybe some idiot will buy it. When it doesn’t work as advertised, or if they start having problems, have them get in touch with me immediately. Mostly the stuff is just alcohol and is potentially harmless. I’ll look through everything you have, and make sure that none of it is harmful. If it is harmful, it will have to be destroyed,’ I said.
‘But what about all the money I will be losing? Are you going to pay for that stuff too?’ Miller asked.
‘Don’t push it, Miller! You’re already going to be making a big profit on the stuff you’re selling me, now. I’m paying for the heroin, just to make sure that no one uses it. The other stuff is your responsibility. If someone is poisoned and dies, because you sold them bad medicine,. what do you think would happen to you? Now you need to get out your catalogs where you order this stuff, so we can go through it, and place a large order,’ I said.
About this time, I heard a large commotion going on outside, in the street. Jake came running in saying that his dad sent him to git me, fast!
Running out into the street I saw the same miner that I had trouble with last time with Dawn, assaulting a young Chinese girl. I ran over to him spinning him away from her and knocking him to the ground.
‘Just what the hell is going on out here?’ I yelled.
‘This is not your business, Doc! I bought this girl. She’s mine, and I can do what I want with her. I told her to do something, and she just sat and stared at me! So now I’m teaching her lesson!’ the miner yelled.
‘What do you think the war that we just fought was all about? You can’t buy or sell people, any more!
Slavery is illegal! I ought to just lock you up, and be done with it! You’re becoming quite a pain in the ass, lately. Now, who did you buy her from, and how much did you pay? I see you’re some sort of ‘big man’ that can beat up on little girl. What is she, fifteen? How about I hit you, and see how well you like it? Did you even check to see if she spoke English?’ I asked.
‘I paid her uncle twenty dollars for her. He told me that she spoke English, some, and that she was nineteen years old. Look, Marshal, I paid good money for her. She isn’t a white woman. She’s just a Chinese whore, not any kinda decent woman. Her uncle told me that Chinese women were of no value, and were bought and sold all the time,’ he whined.
I then handed him a double eagle and said,. ‘Here’s your money back. Where can I find this uncle, that thinks so little of his family, that he’s willing to sell it to the likes of you? I need to have a little talk with him. AND, if I have any more problems with you, you are going to be taking a walk down to the jail! Then you’re going to be having a talk with Judge Mitchell,’ I said.
‘He runs the laundry in the Chinese section, back behind the oasis saloon. He seems to be a big shot with all the Chinks, and pretty much runs things in that part of town. Twenty dollars is not enough, but that’s what I paid for her. She’s worth a lot more than that!’ the miner exclaimed.
‘Are you really that stupid? You’re really starting to piss me off again one more word, and you’re going to jail. I gave you back your money, out of my own pocket. I’ll get it back from her uncle maybe. You can just take the twenty, and be happy about it, or you and me are going to go round and round! I guarantee you won’t be happy with the outcome. What are you doing always hanging around town, anyway? Don’t you have a gold claim to work? I suggest you go out and work at it, and stop making such a nuisance of yourself. If I have any more trouble with you I will make sure that you get at least thirty days for causing a civil disturbance! Now git!’ I said.
He walked away, mumbling to himself. I started over to the Chinese district, to find this ‘so called’ uncle. Grandpa soon caught up to me, and asked what I was about to do. I told him.
‘I’m going to find her ‘uncle’, and find out what the hell is going on with these people! I thought slavery ended with the Civil War! But, apparently out here, nobody’s ever heard o
f it.’
Grandpa said, ‘Maybe you need to slow down a little, and talk to the girl, first. That damned idiot miner said that she spoke some English. I don’t want you to go off half-cocked. Maybe you should talk to her, and see if she wants to go back to her uncle.’
Turning back, I said, ‘Maybe you’re right. Let’s go back and speak to the girl. We’ll find out what she wants done. If she wants to go back to her uncle, I will take her. If she doesn’t,. we’ll try and help her any way we can. All I know is you don’t go and buy and sell people, any more. A lot of good men lost their lives to wipe out slavery. I’ll be damn if I am going to let something like this happen, now.’
Returning to where the girl was, I found her gone. Brad saw us, and came over. He said that Running Deer and Little Doe took her back around to the cabins, to check her over and make sure she was all right.
Going around to the first cabin, I found the young girl with my ladies. Checking her over, I discovered that she was not injured badly. She just had a few bruises and minor abrasions. She would be sore for a while, but no lasting harm was done.
I then asked for her name, and she said, ‘Sun Myung Moon.’
I asked about the sale of her, that her uncle made.
She said, ‘Selling off the extra women in the family is a common practice in China. Women have no real value. They were just extra mouths to feed. Men are the only ones with any value.’
She said that some female babies were actually thrown out on the trash heaps to die, right after they were born, as some families were too poor to support them.’
This was starting to piss me off even more, so I asked, ‘That’s terrible that an uncle would do that to another family member. Is your uncle so poor that he can’t afford to feed you or cloth you properly? And do you want to return to him?’
‘If I returned to him, he will just sell me again! No, he’s not poor, is one of the richest men in the Chinese district. When my parents died, he had to take me in, but he was not very happy about it. He’s a greedy and a resentful man. The laundry was my parent’s business, but when they died, he took it over as he was the only living male relative,’ she said.
I had already decided that she was not going back to her uncle, although I was still going to have a few choice words with the man. Leaving her with my wives, I asked Grandpa if he wanted to come along to talk to her uncle. He said he did, so off we went.
It didn’t take us very long to find the laundry and pinning on my badge. We went in to confront the uncle. Talking to the lady at the counter we ask about the uncle, and she went into the back to get him.
Coming out, he looked at us and saw my badge. He started to get a little nervous. I asked him about Sun. He looked at me in a kind of puzzled way. He said, waving his arm to the rest of his family, that they were all part of the family: Sun?
So I asked about Sun Myung Moon, and why did he sell her?
He said, ‘Moon is female child. In China, extra female child is usually sold. Extra money is used to help rest of family. It is no big deal.’
‘It is a BIG deal, here! We just fought a major war to stop slavery. Selling people is against the law, especially selling a family member! I took Moon away from the miner that bought her and gave him back his money. I then talked to Moon. She said that she did not want to come back to her family, because you would just sell her again. She also told me that this laundry was her family’s business. When her parents died, you just took it!’
He said, ‘Is Chinese custom. Females cannot own property. As the oldest male family member, all property and businesses are owned by the oldest male, as head of the family. I have read your history, and I know that it is done this way in America, too.’
‘It may be, but we don’t sell our family members, especially the females,’ I said.
‘You don’t? And what is this, I hear about dowries that long-standing custom here in America not just China,’ he said.
I could see we were getting nowhere. This old Chinese man was very cagey.
I told him, ‘Selling your females is still against the law, and is considered slavery in this country. If I find you doing it again, you will go to jail. Moon said that she did not want to come back, as you would just sell her again. She will be staying with my family for a while, until she finds someplace that she wants to be.’
‘It’s no problem. You bought her from miner. She is yours, now,’ he said.
I got to thinking that this was not what I needed. Another woman wasn’t going to happen, this time. I was going to put my foot down. I would try to help her get back on her feet, but three wives was enough! I did not need a fourth! I looked over at Grandpa.
I saw him start to grin and said, ‘Don’t even think about it! I’ve already got three! I don’t need another. Maybe I should talk to Dove to see if maybe you need another wife!’
He said, ‘Oh no you don’t! Dove would kill me. Besides I’m too old while you’re just a young whippersnapper!’
He then grinned even broader.
I said, ‘Oh, no you don’t! That dog won’t hunt! I’ve got enough wives, and don’t need any more. If you think that she needs to be married so bad, you marry her, or Don marries her… but I have enough wives, now, as it is!’
‘Ed and Don are both married now and I don’t think they could handle a second wife. Dove would get too jealous, and I know I can’t handle a second wife so that just leaves you,’ Grandpa said.
‘That ain’t going to happen! I don’t mind helping her out till she’s on her feet again, but I’m not going to marry her!’ I exclaimed.
‘That’s fine, if you feel so strongly about it. But she will still need a place to stay, and you’re the one with the most extra room. So how about it? Can she stay with you?’ Grandpa asked.
‘Sure. I have no problems with that. I’m not going to throw her out in the street. I’m just not going to marry her,’ I said.
We headed back to the cabin, Grandpa with his big shit-eating grin. As we walked back to the cabin, I started to get this feeling of impending doom.
Getting back to the cabin, I found Moon and said, ‘I talked to your uncle. He told me that as he had already sold you, that you did not belong with that family any longer. So if you would like, you can stay with my family until you find somewhere you would rather be.’
She told me that she would be happy staying with my family and me. She would help out all that she could, to earn her way. I told her that everyone just worked together, and that she was more than welcome to stay as long as she needed to.
I then went into the general store and talked to Miller, to see what all he had in his catalogs, that we might need.
As soon as I walked into the store, I noticed the little girl with the burned hand, and her mother. They were in the store browsing while Miller was waiting on me. Going up to them, I said hello to the mother. I examined the little girl’s burns, after unwrapping her hand. I saw that they were healing quite nicely.
I explained to her mother that the burns were healing well, and they didn’t need to be covered anymore. I told her that she should keep coating the burns with the lotion I gave her, so the skin would stay soft. This would allow the burns to fully heal, and would prevent scarring.
As I was finishing up, Pete (the man who had received a shoulder wound from the Baxter Brothers) walked into the store.
Seeing me, he came over and said, ‘I heard you are back in town and came over to see if you would examine me, and remove the stitches?’
I checked his wound and saw that the wound had closed quite nicely so I removed the stitches.
‘Your wound looks like it’s almost healed, but it’s going to be stiff, weak, and tender for a while. You should ‘baby’ it, for a while. If it starts getting sore or tender, ju
st stop whatever you are doing, and relax for a while. You should be fine. What about the Baxter Brothers that did this to you? I haven’t had a chance to talk to the judge, yet. When are they going to have the trial?’
‘We already had the trial. They were found guilty and were hung the other day. With all the evidence that you found against them, the jury was out just fifteen minutes before coming in with the guilty verdict,’ he explained.
This kind of puzzled me as I wasn’t called to testify or anything. I walked over to see Judge Mitchell, and asked about the trial. I asked why I wasn’t called to testify.
‘There was so much evidence that your testimony was not needed. If we thought that the jury would bring in anything but a guilty verdict, we would’ve held up the trial until you came to town, or I would have sent someone to fetch you,’ he explained.
Things sure went a lot faster in this day and age. In my time, it could be months or even years before the trial could be held, and longer before a conviction could be made and the guilty party executed. Here, they didn’t mess around!
I went back to the general store, and found several people waiting on me. I asked Miller if I could borrow his catalogs until the next day, and place my order then. Then I told the people that if they were waiting for me as a doctor, they should come around back to the medical wagon. I would start seeing them. Dawn and Running Deer came over to assist me, while the others got the cabin ready to occupy.
I saw patients for the next few hours. There wasn’t anything unusual just the usual cuts, scrapes, and minor ailments. I could not believe how nice this wagon was working as an examining room. My old truck seats were working as a bench for the ‘waiting room’, which was outdoors. I was just finishing up the last patient when Little Doe sent Standing Bear to tell me supper was ready.
The women had cooked supper in the other wagon, saying how nice and convenient it was to cook with everything so handy. They did say that the stove and oven were a little small. However, they liked the way that after the tank for the store was pressurized, the heat was so much more easily controlled, than cooking on a wood stove. It is normally too hot to cook inside a wagon. But when it was covered with the top half of the doors open, and the windows and vents open, the wagon actually stayed cooler than their normal kitchens. As we were eating, I noticed a large pot on the stove, boiling water. I asked about it. They told me that it was for doing the dishes afterwards. It was just so convenient, that way. They did not have to carry too many dishes at one time.
After dinner we sat around the table, and browsed through Miller’s catalogs, seeing what all we wanted him to order for us. He had explained to me that most of the stuff that we would order would be coming through Cheyenne and would take about three to four weeks to arrive after the companies had received orders. It would normally take about three months to get our orders back, once we sent our orders in. If we paid extra and telegraphed the orders in, we should be able to get them within three to four weeks.
I could see the girls were having a lot of fun going through the catalogs and dreaming about what they wanted but were afraid to ask me to buy it for them. I did see something. I decided that I would go ahead and order it for my ladies, along with the rest of the order.
As I was going through these catalogs, I discovered the Montgomery Ward catalog included the entire plumbing supplies and steel pipes and fittings to build inside toilets. I decided that we would order enough fixtures, pipes, and other supplies to make bathrooms in both grandpa’s and our houses at the ranch.
After a few hours of this it was time for bed when I discovered our next problem. With Moon staying with us, and all the cabins full with Grandpa’s family, we were a bit short of beds. I didn’t think Moon would want sleep with Standing Bear…
Then I had an idea and said, ‘Standing Bear, since Moon needs to sleep in your bed. How about doing me a favor? You sleep in the other wagon, to keep an eye on things, and help protect the wagon.’
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The following is a work of fiction. The people are real. But the encounter is pure fantasy. ***** They went to school together as kids. Not really friends, more acquaintances really. 25 years later there was a Facebook post about their high school home coming. A bunch of the folks from the mid 80’s classes were meeting at a bar to have a few and pretend they were 18 again. He recognized her instantly. In his mind she hadn’t changed at all. Granted, there was more of her to love, but he...
Once upon a time and far away in the small town of Desiter, there was an old man with an incredible story to tell. Everyone in the village thought him an old fool, but a fool he was not.For he had a plan that he had put into motion years ago."Glamora Tregares was a very unusual girl,” began the old traveler, Schulrod Ghet. "She was different and quite strange," he said, making ugly faces while describing her to the young crowd.The children cringed with fright as the story went on, and so he...
SupernaturalAtonement How a simple essay spawned a global movement Much has been made of man's inhumanity to man, but sadly, the notion of man's inhumanity to women has been under developed. This essay proposes to explore the methods men have used during the span of recorded history to control the minds, mold the bodies and silence the voices of women. This is not comprehensive, but does touch on some of the more insidious methods, as well as the obvious. With the woefully late...
That same evening I put a pill on Victor’s wine glass and my loving hubby just passed out in few minutes. He barely limped to our dormitory and fell on the bed.Then I went to Watson’s home. He was waiting for me, as he massaged his huge black dick.Entering the room I could smell fresh paint mixed with the sweat of that black man. He had been working there along with three other Mexican workers, painting several rooms of his house.After entering that place, Watson grabbed me by the hair and...
Having sadly been widowed some time ago, my relationship with Pete changed somewhat. I no longer had Ken at home to share my thoughts with and I rattled around in the house it seemed. Jane was busy with her art business and was very understanding about me needing support. Jane had become a good friend, we never mentioned my relationship with Pete. all though over the past three years it had become obvious that she had set me up to satisfy her man, and I had to say I have been very well...
EroticIt was early January and Amy had just turned twenty-one. She was a dainty little brunette with big blue eyes. She was beautiful and perfect in every way except one. She was still a virgin. Since she was young, she had always promised herself she would not have sex until marriage but she could no longer control the urge, the desire to be penetrated. One night, she decided this would be the night she would lose her virginity. She texted just two words to her boyfriend Chris “I’m ready”. He...
First TimeHi friends, i just wonder hum sb logo ki life me aisa ek event to hota hi hai jise hum zindgi bhar yad rakhte hai. Iss me aap sb ke experiences padhne k baad lagta hai mai bhe apni aapbeeti suna hi doon. Dosto ho sakta hai ye story aapko kuch zyada spicy na lage jaise ki aap iss me padhte ho, kyuki ye ek real story hai.Ye baat tabki hai jb mai 5th std. Me padhta tha. Tab mai bahot hi maasum, jaise dudh ka dhula lagta tha. Un dino mere door ki rishte ki koi sister (age 20)hamare yaha padhai k...
IncestArrived at Master’s house , as instructed at 10.30am wearing black lacy lingerie under my normal clothes and waited nervously and excited for him to answer the door. Master soon appeared and showed me into a darkened room. Sitting, he watched as I stripped down to my undies and paraded before him like the Sissy I am, desperately seeking his approval. Knowing he would not be pleased if he saw my small girly clit getting hard inside my panties. Standing up, Master told me to pull my panties...
Helen was at her computer chatting over Messenger to Steve. Having made contact with him through a dating site she had arranged to chat with him online, mainly to find out more about his interest in 'dogging', an activity which she knew nothing about. Until his e-mail to her she had never even heard the term used in all her forty-nine years and it intrigued her!Dogging, he told her, was the habit of spying on couples enjoying themselves in cars, mostly in the evenings and with the tacit...
The ad plays on the tv for the fourth time since I sat down in front the tv. It's like the satellite is trying to tell me something. I have been considering getting a few tickets for the last couple months. I want to take my sister out to that new resort, which she has been longing to go to. Chelsea has been more helpful to me the last year than I can begin to describe. When I got t-boned by a semi, she left college, moved in with me, and took care of me. I got a huge...
In the end, they'd had to recycle James Corbell. His psychological profile indicated that he was dangerously unstable, and CAP scoring proved to be impossible. Simply put, Private Corbell had been stressed by the events at Hesperus to beyond the breaking point. Fleet Auxiliary Corporal Henri Cournoyer happily adopted mother and child. The AI agreed that his less aggressive nature would allow Mary-Jane and her daughter to heal more quickly, and the Governor happily signed off on the request...
I hated Sarah.Well, I loathed her, to be more precise.Which was why it shocked me when she and my sister, Rayya, asked if I could be their sperm donor.We were at the local coffee shop, not too far from where Rayya and I shared an apartment. It wasn't a Starbucks—there were no Starbucks in this part of Toronto—but Rayya and I had known the owners since we were in elementary school, and besides, they served good latte.Admittedly, I thought it was weird when they invited me out. Rayya knew that I...
IncestI spent the morning doing what I always do, classes first at the local college I attend, and then off to breeze by Dads office to bring him lunch, and today I thought perhaps Id go to the gym and work out for a bit. I pulled my Honda into the parking garage at Dads office, I adjusted the mirror to put on some lip gloss and ran my fingers through my hair. I grabbed the Chinese I had picked up for Dad. I locked the door and walked to the elevator. I pressed the button to the elevator and the door...
First a well lubed finger. Then two. Then three. She found his prostrate gland and began to stroke it. Restrained, gagged, and shaved naked, he could do nothing now but moan and tears began to well from his eyes. "Oh, poor baby," she snarled as his now painfully engorged cock continued to ooze in a steady stream without her ever touching it. She looked around and noticed the continuous stream. "Well, look at that? I always knew you were a fag! You actually like this!"Christine removed...
“Good morning, Mrs Catherine Freeman. Kathleen Malone’s treatment proceeds as planned. It has reached 71 per cent complete, and all appears satisfactory. We anticipate completion at about 11.37 a.m. Was that all?” “That is all. Thank you and goodbye.” Rather than wake her spouses unnecessarily, she went through to the kitchen to make breakfast; mostly cereal and coffee. She scoffed the cereal hungrily, and sat at the table sipping her instant coffee, thinking about her new life in a...
“Good afternoon Mr. President, Troy, how is the weather in Washington this afternoon?” I asked. “The weather is great, but on the other hand there is a political storm brewing.” “I got word that the IRS seized the assets of Senator Waxdeller last night. The Senate is unhappy and the rain clouds are growing,” the President said. “You will have plenty of grounds to replace me as IRS commissioner on the fifth; by then the thirty six other delinquent Senators and Representatives will have...
0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0908 - Tara - Mara -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 2 - onboard Shelby, in Re-gen 0250 Tendra 1000 - Sherry 0999 - Zan - still lost Rescued from Tendraxians ----------------------- 6 on Shelby 8 on...
Well, I have told you about my predilection for dating grannies. One of my best Grannies is Joan, a well built, sassy redhead from Chicago. She was somewhat stocky but made up for it with the nicest set of large boobs I have ever seen on a granny. They still had plenty of lift and always wore low cut tops; her cleavage poured out of her bra. Now being a big city girl she knew the score when it came to a guy like me. She knew I was fucking other women. I would call her looking for a date and she...
You finally figured it out, after weeks of suspicions, you've finally managed to hack her email password and find out exactly what's been going on. You can't really blame her. You married Janessa five years ago when she was 20 and you were 40. She's still as hot and sexy as ever. Still fit, slender, blonde, with perfect white skin, and you've just gotten older, grayer, and even a bit heavier. You know you got some of the best sexual years with her, but she has so many more left in her, and you...
She returned home at seven pm and handed me the journal as she stripped. I smiled as again she’d been sent home minus the sexy underwear that she’d left in; she was going to have to use some of that monster salary to by new underwear sets if Steve carried on confiscating them. I settled down to read her next instalment as she went off to make my dinner; naked of course. ‘I was caught totally off guard as soon as I entered my office as I found Gerald and Trevor waiting for me. I was...
The Camp Out PT 8I woke about 4:00 in the afternoon. Still raining, some of the bois just lingering about the camp, others, like me, had just retired to their tents, dozing in and out. Blankenship asks me about packing out, and closing ceremonies. “Can we do that in all this rain”? “Well, it's possible, but it would be miserable. I'll go up to the office before they close to see about extending our stay”. As it turned out, because of the rain, most of the reservations had canceled for the...
This story may be offensive to some and contains scenes of hardcore sex, incest, and underage sex. Please be warned and do not read on if you are offended by any of these things. Everyone wondered why my best friend’s Dad had married an Asian woman. His son and I were just about to find out. Over the Moon He was the talk of the small village we lived in. The dirty old man, some called him. Others simply referred to him as lucky! Mr Thomas had lost his wife to illness a few...
Chapter Two: The Erinyes's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knight-Errant Angela – Ghost Wolves Tribal Lands, Federation of Larg I gripped my sword as I faced Injuriae, the furious winged-woman standing naked before me. Her body was pale, her breasts small and conical, and a silver ring pierced through her clit. The flickering fire of her burning whip, clutched in her right hand, painted her body in dancing reds and oranges....
It’s been a long day. One of those ones where you work all day and feel like you got nothing accomplished but you know you did because you had a lot to do. And people are so taxing that it takes all the patience and energy you possess to maintain your composure and not blow them up. So I get home, go to the gym, shower and have a glass of red wine to help unwind but what I really need is to fuck viciously and without remorse or regard and let go of the tension.I have another glass of wine and...
Mom must have had a talk with Dad a couple of weeks later, because I would catch him staring at me when he didn't think I was looking. I guess he was trying to decide whether I was his son from the future or if I was just plain crazy. Finally, when we were alone in the living room one evening, he asked me, "Is it true? Are you really Jack returned from the future?" "Yes Dad, It's true." He sat, pondering his next question. What's going to happen next year in Munich? "Israeli...
It was the end of my holiday so I had to return to my job. I booked a bus ticket from my native to Bangalore on a Saturday as I had to clean my room on Sunday. There were so many seats left so I took the middle one. I knew I will get the whole chair because the conductor’s seat was next to me. And most of the time, they used to go to the driver and keep them company. The bus was at 8.30 and the bus stop was not crowded at all. The bus reached on time and to my surprise, the conductor was a...
Sea Girls. Part Three. It was on the following Thursday evening that we all gathered together in the lounge and that included the first year students, to hear how us second year ones had got on with our exams. This was what we, Rosie and I, missed out the previous year for we had gone to bed early with it being our last night before the holiday. By the time Mr. Thompson, the senior teacher got his notes together, Rosie and I were sucking on each other’s cocks, making pigs of ourselves in...
First TimeIt had been a long day for 16 year old Alex. She had been at school allday, and was going on holiday tomorrow. She was going away on her own tothe south of France, and knew that she may get horny whilst she was away.She could probably get a good fuck whilst she was their. She had largebreasts, long flowing blonde hair and fantastic long legs.As she walked through town, she noticed a new sex shop over the road. Aftera moments thought she crossed the road and entered. When she was in...
I had invited my sweet wife to join me in one of my boring business trips away from town. This time it was at Jacksonville.The first evening, after some heavy conference meetings, Ana and I were finally enjoying a late night swim at the hotel pool.My sexy Anita was wearing a green lime thong; that barely covered her shaven mound and could hold her nice round boobs.Suddenly, she approached to me and complained about two guys who were there inside the pool, staring at her curvy body...I noticed...
“Dammit, Michael!” Her husband’s voice shot back toward the slant of light emitting from the hallway through the bedroom door, revealing the silouette of their son who had taken just a step inside. “It’s…it’s almost two in the morning and I have to get up in three hours – I have a Tee-time. What is it, son?” “I don’t need your help, dad. I need mom.” Michael replied, as if his request were nothing, if not perfectly reasonable, even at this hour of the morning. David laid his hand on...
'Thrift Shop Ingenue' I could feel him watching me, dwelling as I was in the attire, evening wear, cocktail and vintage things...Each movement I made touching and checking the sizes was watched with fascination, Trying something on would perhaps escalate the torchy vibe so tangible and dangerous... Selecting something in purple, with spaghetti straps and a daring hemline seemed appropriate since I was placing myself in this state desiring to shop and find some treasure. It fit...
We meet in a hotel room. I knock on the door, you shout ‘enter’ and I walk in. You are standing in the middle of the room dressed in a tight black pvc waspie, matching thigh boots, collar, arm length gloves, a riding crop in one hand and a wide slave collar in the other. You are wearing a large black strap-on and on the bed are various sex toys, dildo’s, butt plugs, etc. You tell me to strip and place the collar around my neck – tight. My cock and balls are already tied tight with my latex...
Lacey smiled as she made her way to her car. She was so happy for her best friend Kady. After an incredibly hard couple of months she was now happily engaged, with a newborn baby. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't a little jealous. Her ex-boyfriend, she thought bitterly, had dumped her several months ago for the slut down the hall in his apartment building. She tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear as she opened her car door. She sighed, she loved Kady but once again she was...