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How I motivated my students to study as hard as they can

My name is Leila. I'm a lesbian from Iran. I migrated to Britain a few years ago. I was a teacher in my country and the story which I want to tell happened in mid 1980s when I was in my twenties.

In order to make my story understandable for a foreign reader, I should explain the situation of those years. Shortly after the 1979 revolution, a theocratic dictatorship began which harshly oppressed the women in Iran. In 1980, a war began between Iran and Iraq. Since the government couldn’t provide sufficient military hardware for its army, the army had to rely on human waves. Masses of humans had to be brainwashed into believing that they are fighting in a holy war and if they die they go straightly to heaven. But what kind of place was this heaven? According to Islamic clergy, heaven is a paradise full of tasteful food, beautiful palaces and Houris – mindless sex slaves who always stay virgin and unconditionally offer themselves to faithful people!

The government used propaganda to encourage martyrdom. Since it’s a little hard to brainwash a grown man with that promise, the propaganda mostly targeted children. Brainwashed child soldiers were suitable for human waves since they made submissive cannon fodders. There was even a lesson in school books about a 13 year old child soldier who tied grenades to himself and jumped under a tank! I'm ashamed to admit I had to teach such lessons at school without realizing their effects on my students.

Back then, I had made a small safe world for myself which was separated from the rest of society. Nobody cared about me and I didn't care about anyone else either, except for my partner Faranak. She and I were friends since our childhood. We grew up together, went to school together, realized that we were lesbians together and became partners in secret. She was also a teacher and worked in the same school with me. We are still together after all these years. Our families were close too. Back then single women weren’t allowed to live alone and homosexual relationship was a cardinal sin which could lead to execution as well. So, Faranak and I found a solution: we used our small houses as an excuse to ask our families to allow us rent a small unit in the apartment which my family was living in it. Since our new house was just across the corridor, in front of the old one, my family didn't really saw it as me and Faranak living independently. For them, it was more like adding a room to the house which provided more space for the family. Faranak's family was also okay with that for similar reasons. Thus, I managed to create a safe place for myself and my love to live freely and happily.

The government of Iran enforced mandatory Hijab for women and was extremely harsh on women teachers. We had to cover all of our body except for face and hands with thick black clothes. On the outside, I was a strict Muslim woman who dressed in black and preached the governmental propaganda at school. On the inside, I was a sexy lesbian who listened to western music and went to bed with another woman every night.

One summer I had to teach for the students who had failed their exams. Unlike the educational year before the summer when classes were very crowded, my class only had 10-12 students who had failed in their Mathematics exam. I tried very hard to educate them, but it was useless. I dressed in a thick black veil in an extremely hot summer, went to school, spent several hours teaching Mathematics and gave them a small booklet which was simplified as much as possible and contained anything they needed to know to fully answer every single question in the final exam. But all that was to no avail. They never listened. Their minds were not in the class.

I had become well acquainted with them. They were good people. Some of them had jobs and were providing for their families. We were at a relatively poor neighbourhood and as a result of hard life their faces looked much older than their age. Some of them had really believed the governmental propaganda and expressed desire for going to the war fronts. That saddened me. I felt that I couldn’t just hide in my little safe place with my love and ignore the outside world. Faranak – who didn't worked on that summer – agreed with me as well. She encouraged me to motivate them. Failing could have meant no future for them. Most of them probably would have ended their education after that.

They had all the material means for passing the exam. All they needed was reading my booklet thoroughly and carefully for once or maybe twice. But that was too much to ask. They had failed the pervious exam not because they were stupid or lazy, but because they felt that there is no point in schooling. The "heroic" lifestyle which was propagated back then for a student was abandoning education, becoming a religious zealot who sacrifices himself for the ruling government, goes to heaven and finds Houris waiting for him there!

At the last session I tried one last time to educate them. I explained a simple question which I was planning to put on the final exam. But when I asked them to repeat my solution, there was no response, as if I had talked only for myself!

So, I resorted to my final solution: a motivation. I knew they were close friends, so I said "if you all pass the exam I will buy you cookies and if you all get a high grade I will buy you ice cream". I meant to motivate them to work together and encourage each other for studying harder. But they started laughing. One of them said "how about giving us pacifiers? Those work better for us!" another one said "get a lollipup for me!" and another one said "I want a bedtime story!" I realized my mistake. They were not little children. I couldn’t motivate them with candies. I felt stupid and embarrassed. How could I have made such a mistake?

As I was processing my mistake in shame and regret, I heard another voice. "What if we all get the highest grade?" that was surely not a serious question. They wanted to mock me some more. I really don't know how it happened or what I was thinking; maybe I felt so belittled that I felt compelled to give a mind-blowing answer to put them in their place; maybe after realizing how childish my original promise was, I decided replace it with a grown up one; maybe I meant to challenge their manly pride by offering them something that rejecting it would have hurt that pride and belittled them instead of me; or maybe it was a combination of all these reasons. But at any case I gave the following answer: "If that happens, I will get naked and do an Arabic dance for you all!"

Suddenly the laughter and buzz stopped. They all stared at me with their eyes wide open and mouths half open. After few seconds someone replied "seriously?" and I answered "of course! You think I'm a liar?" at that moment I felt powerful for silencing them and ending their mocking. Now it was them who needed to defend their manly pride. In their minds, turning down an offer like that would have meant that they are not interested in women! And since one person's failure would have meant no prize for the rest, that put extra pressure on them for working hard to get it!

They made me sewer that I will do it. When some of them objected that fulfilling my requirement was impossible, I assured them that there will be no question which they can't answer if they understand my booklet perfectly. I promised to dance for them and to make it more believable, I reduced my promise from dancing buck naked to dancing in bra and panty. They all agreed to study as hard as they can in order to get the highest grade possible which wasn't very hard to achieve if they really tried.

I went home laughing. I thought to myself: They are such simpletons! They actually believed me! When they realize I had lied, it would be too late! By that time, they are all graduated with good grades! That’s what's important, not their disappointment afterwards!

I told the story to Faranak. She was shocked. We had talked before about how the governmental propaganda was harming the students. She asked how was my promise less corrupting for their minds than the promise of Houris in an afterlife paradise? I tried to convince her that the main point was giving them a motivation for something that actually benefits them. But she insisted that if I lie to them, I may motivate them for one time, but they will feel stupid and betrayed and will become untrusting for the rest of their lives. She said "if they graduate like this, they will fail next year, end their education there and you have merely wasted one year of their time."

She was speaking the truth. I had made a hasty decision without considering the consequences. I was thinking of my own success and not their future.

But what could I do after realizing that? That was the last session of our class. I couldn’t see them until the exam.

I couldn’t find any solution. There was no acceptable excuse for not doing what I had promised. Was counting on their mistakes a solution? One mistake was a sufficient excuse. I could have been very strict when it came to correcting their papers or even present them questions which were more complicated than what I had promised. But that was a betrayal of their trust.

Faranak asked me "why don't you actually do it?" At first I thought she is joking, but as it turned out, she was serious. She reminded me that I danced in the parties which we went to without our families knowing. She asked me "what's the difference? Are those students less decent or more outsider than some of those weirdo guests who stare at your good parts at the parties? Besides, the school is almost empty when you go there. The only other person except the students is an old janitor who never visits your classroom in that hour and you can lock the door to make sure of that."

I began to think for myself. I realized that I had become a tool in hands of the government for preaching its nonsense ideology. Why can we promise the students that they will see some Imaginary sex slaves waiting for them in heaven if they get themselves killed for some stupid cause but they can't see a real woman who is not covered in suffocating black clothes? How was dancing for them as a present for accomplishing something beneficial immoral but promising Houris as a present for doing something criminal was moral?

I thought if I leave them like that, never accept my responsibility in preaching that poisonous propaganda and never strive to correct my doings, how can I justify my own lifestyle? What if someone like one of them discovered what I did in secret? Even if that never happened, I had to live the rest of my life feeling guilty as a hypocrite.

I put myself in my students shoes for a minute. What was a woman in their imagination? What Image I had created in their minds? A strict and sullen person who always covers herself in black in order to not provoke their sexual desire – that was the legacy which I left for them, whether I liked it or not. I labeled them perverts who women needed protection against them.

But I didn't want that to be my legacy. I had one final chance to correct that. I could prove it for them that women can be fun and sexy without being slutty. I could prove that they don’t need to die for some stupid cause to receive sex machines as a present in the afterlife, they can have real women who have minds, care about them, are honest with them and actually reward them for their good behavior.

Faranak also argued that punishing all of them for a tiny mistake of a single student wasn't fair and would ruin their friendship with any person who has failed to get the highest grade despite trying hard; and if I'm going to do what I had promised, I should ignore a few slips and do it if I become assured that they have really tried their best.

So, I took Faranak's suggestion. I prepared a set of sexy black bra and panty which went well with my white skin. I got an Arabic music cassette tape and practiced some Arabic dancing. On the day of the exam I put on some makeup and did my hair. Faranak also accompanied me to encourage and support me, make sure that I will fulfill my promise and, perhaps more importantly, see me dance semi naked in front of the class!

As we were expecting, none of the school staff except for the old janitor (who barely left his room or cared about anything) was in the school. Students were disappointed when they saw another teacher with me. One of them asked "miss, what about your promise?" I informed them that my promise stands and Faranak was there to make sure of it!

I sat them away from each other to make sure no one cheated. The exam began. As I had promised, studying my simplified booklet was sufficient for answering all the questions. After the exam, Faranak helped me to correct the papers. And what do you know! There was not a single slip! They all got the highest grade! When I announced that, there was a hooray!

I was somehow relieved that I prepared myself for keeping my end of the promise. Disappointing them at this level could have made them very angry.

One of them asked "so, will you do it?" and I replied "of course, did you doubt me?" but I asked them to listen to me for few minutes before getting their reward. I explained the conclusions which I had arrived at and apologized for preaching the nonsense which I had taught during the year. I explained that being beautiful and sexy isn't equal to being a slut and they should see me as a person who is entertaining and rewarding them for their hard work, not a sex toy who wants to seduce them to having sex with her; and that they should respect women and value their personalities as well as their outer beauty.

After that I locked the door and put the cassette player which Faranak had brought on my desk. I asked the students to sit at the front row. Faranak also sat there with a big smile on her face. I was still covered in official black veil, scarf and gown but I was just wearing a sexy set of black bra and panty under them. I removed my veil and opened my scarf, revealing my black hair which the students were forbidden to see it and had no idea how beautiful it was. I wanted to make the last part a surprise, so I turned away from them towards the black board and undid the buttons of my gown. Then I turned towards them while I was holding my gown from opening with my hands. I asked "ready?" they simultaneously replied "yes!" and Faranak replied the loudest!

I dropped my gown and revealed perhaps the most astonishing sight they had seen in their lives (except for Faranak of course!). There was just silence and amazement for few seconds, until Faranak broke it with whistling and clapping and soon everyone joined her! I laughed and realized that I wasn’t ashamed or afraid at all. I posed for them for a minute and let them get used to my body. Then I turned on the cassette player and started an Arabic dance. The viewers clapped with rhythm of the music. My big boobs were swinging with my moves. I danced for about five minutes, until the end of the music. When I stopped, Faranak began chanting "again! again!" and not surprisingly, everyone joined her!

I was just getting warmed up, so I met their demand. I felt that I was getting better and their whistling and clapping encouraged me further. There was just one tiny problem. My sexy bra was so tight that it hurt. It was like it was getting tighter with my moves, or my boobs were getting bigger!

After the second round, chanting started as before: "again! again!" by this time, you don't need me to say who started it! But I gave a surprising answer: "nope. It's over!" I heard them saying "ahhh! please! we were having fun!" and I surprised them again: "no, don’t get me wrong. I meant that the prelude is over. I'm just getting warmed up. I'm not going to repeat the same dance for you until you get bored with it. Since you have been very hardworking and polite, you deserve a special reward." They asked what it is, but I didn't say a word. I just smiled, gently opened my bra and threw it on the desk! The class exploded with whistling and clapping! Especially Faranak was so excited that it was like she had never seen me naked!

I began the third round. This time I did my best and my big boobs swinging helped a lot! I just wish we had a video camera back then to record it. That day I danced a total of five rounds which lasted about half an hour. I was topless during most of it.

At the end I thanked them for their hard work and politeness. I had danced almost naked for them for half an hour without hearing a single indecent word. That meant a lot for me and proved that they really listened to me when I asked them to be respectful towards woman and not see them as sex toys.

I knew that I couldn’t expect them to keep the whole affair a secret, but I wasn't afraid of any gossip. On the contrary, I preferred to publicize what I had done without confessing to doing it. I felt that I had nullified preaching those horrible ideas during the educational year by my final act, and I stand by my decision to this very day.

That night Faranak returned my favor. We stayed up all night and had sex. I lost the count of how many orgasms we reached. As a result, two of my best memories took shape in a single day!

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Educated And Rich Maid

Hi, I want to tell you all my true sex story. Names changed obviously. I am Ankur and am a senior marketing professional. Had recently moved back to India after working for last 8 years abroad. My email is () Apologies for a long introduction to the story. But it will have a shorter & precise second part soon. Although I am from New Delhi but I took up this new assignment in a smaller city in South India. I wanted to be away from the crazy crowds, traffic, noise and have peace for some time. So...

1 year ago
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Educating Danielle Part One

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Educating Danielle Part One By Karen E. Lea Chapter One Nearly four o'clock, Friday. I looked out from my office window overlooking the photo-graphic studio where the days work was finishing up. I had dinner plans for...

2 years ago
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Educating Kyra

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

4 years ago
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Educating Special Boys in the Feminist Republic Chapter 2 Aptitude Test

Later that afternoon Kyle managed to get near Hillary on the school steps when no one was nearby. It almost appeared that she had been lingering near the door just to give him a chance to talk to her. "Quick, tell me what happened." "I was told that I should have been made into a girl years ago. I might still have a chance. Not a great chance, but possible. I need to make up for lost time. First I need to do extraordinarily well on the eighth grade aptitude assessment. I know this is...

4 years ago
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Educating Special Boys in the Feminist Republic Chapter 4 Hormones and Training

The after dinner conversation continued with Ms. Lee alternating between friendly champion and professional counselor roles. "Kaylie, I tried to convince Dr. Taylor that you needed medical help right away to prevent unwanted puberty. Unfortunately, the referral to Dr. Taylor did not work out as I hoped. She could have helped, but she decided to go by the book and insist that you have the personality assessment and get documentation from the psychologists first. Doctors acting as...

1 year ago
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Educating Special Boys in the Feminist Republic Chapter 6 The Assessment

Kaylie got up after a restless night of sleep. Today was the official psychological, gender identity, sexual orientation, political reliability, social adjustment, cultural literacy and everything else assessment that was going to determine her future. Madeline, her champion and personal trainer, had been constantly assuring her that she was totally ready to make a convincing case for being reassigned. But Kaylie still was worried. She sighted and decided to do a few minutes of yoga...

2 years ago
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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 2

I jerked off three more times last night to those pictures I'd taken of my mother. As soon as I got home, I uploaded them from my phone to my computer, stripped down and grabbed some lube. Fuck, I'd always known my 42 year-old mother had a terrific body, but I never knew she could look that fucking hot! That tight sweater and slim-fitting skirt showed off every scintillating curve of her voluptuous body. And the high heels and sheer black stockings enhanced the toned lines of her shapely...

4 years ago
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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 3

Man, did my mother ever look fantastic with my cum clinging to her face. When I'd been tit-fucking those slippery monsters of hers, I had no intention of blowing off all over her face; I thought I was just gonna spray my load all over her upper chest and those incredible jugs of hers. I think I'd been shocked more than she was when she looked down to see what was going on when I started to cum, and ended up with the rest of my load pasted all over her pretty face. I had expected her to turn...

4 years ago
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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 5

"Oh yeah, that's it, Mom," I said, kneeling next to my mother's gorgeous naked body and pointing my engorged prick at her pretty face. "Just open those sweet lips of yours and I'll fill that mouth with a nice big load." With my hand wrapped in a warm loving corridor around my throbbing erection, I thought back on what had happened in the last little while... After she'd sucked me off for the first time, she let me know she wanted to do it again. I was only too happy to comply, but I...

1 year ago
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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 8

RING! RING! Ah shit. Just as I started pulling at my tie, my cell phone rang. I hated all those different distinctive cell phone rings that people put on—I just wanted mine plain and simple, so it sounded just like a regular old phone. As much as I wanted to let it ring, the number of people that had the number of my cell was limited to a select few, so I figured this call might be important. "Hello," I said as I pulled it out of my jacket pocket. "Andy, we need your help—right now." A...

1 year ago
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Educating Lyra Ch 01

“Kyra, would you mind joining me in my office? I’d like to discuss some details of the paper you handed in last week.” Mr. Markman’s voice interrupted Kyra as she stood up ready to leave the classroom. The bell had just rung and she only wanted to leave that place, but once she had gathered her stuff, Kyra looked up at her Sociology professor and a pleasant shiver ran through her 18 year old body. Mr. Markman was the youngest lecturer in the school and in addition, he was very handsome. He was...

1 year ago
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Educating Katy

Katy’s sexy mum Jan helps me with her daughter Katy’s sex education. I couldn’t believe my luck when my next door neighbour Jan disturbed me one day when I was working from home and asked me if I could help her daughter Katy fix a puncture in her bicycle tyre. Jan explained that her husband was out at work, she had to go out shopping and neither she nor Katy had a clue what to do with a puncture. I was only to keen to help. I welcomed every opportunity to run my lustful eyes over sexy...

First Time
3 years ago
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Educating Melissa

Dominic had always been a bit of a heart-throb; six foot four, good-looking, well-built and well-endowed; he had it all. And he was still only in his mid-twenties. Julie adored him. She was two years younger, and petite by comparison; they were well-matched. They had been together for five years and married for three. They had both been around a bit before they had met and neither had a problem with the other’s history. Julie had often joked that he was hornier than a goat, could get a...

2 years ago
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Educating Bobby and Debbie part 2

Part 2 Debbie and Diane Introduction: My fourteen year old son Bobby has been seeing a fourteen year old girl named Debbie, for the last few months. I had given them a good education on the real sex between two people that schools won't teach and all teens should learn, as they gave their virginity to each other. Last week my brother Larry invited my son Bobby to go to a Nascar racing weekend at the Texas motor speedway. They left on Thursday morning, and wouldn't be back until late...

2 years ago
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Educating Penny Ch 02

He waited Tuesday morning, busying himself with work but his mind never wandered far from thoughts of his plans for her. She would be here, promptly after class… he had no doubt in his mind. Indeed, as the clock rang the half hour, he heard a car pull into the garage. Smiling to himself, he waited. He’d left an envelope prominently located on the tool bench, and knew that shortly he’d be hearing the garage door close as he’d directed, hiding her car from view and rendering her at his mercy and...

3 years ago
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Educating Anne Ch 2

Anne was in a ferment of indecision. Her position – between Kate and the side of the boat – made it very difficult to move. She would have to push past them – and where would she go? They were only allowed on this deck, and the galley, but Sofia had locked the hatchway to the galley so that she could have her siesta in peace. She watched as Marco continued his massage. Suddenly, she realised that his fingers were disappearing under Kate’s upper arms to stroke the sides of her chest. In fact,...

2 years ago
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Educating Harry Ch 05

Thank you to those readers who have responded, particularly by pm and email which have been more than I expected. Your opinions are welcomed. This is now the 5th part in what will be a twenty part series. * Harry strolled through the doors of the Church hall almost exactly on time. There were a dozen or so people milling around. His Aunt Diane spotted him, ‘Ah Harry, now the minister is around somewhere, he can show you what needs to be done, where has he disappeared to?’ Failing to locate...

2 years ago
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Educating Harry Ch 02

This is the second chapter of a twenty part story. Any feedback would be welcome. After returning from the Morrisons early Saturday evening, Susan had the rest of the weekend with Alice to look forward to before driving her to Sydney for her flight. She found her daughter fast asleep in the sitting room wearing pyjamas, a baggy T shirt and a very contented expression. Susan picked up the newspaper and had been reading for half an hour when a huge yawn signalled that Alice was waking up. Susan...

3 years ago
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Educating the Capo Ch 03

Educating the Capo Ch. 3 A lot of people have asked me to continue this novel so here is the next chapter. I apologise for the long break in the story but I made the mistake of starting another story, The Real Estate Connection, and falling in love with the characters and plot of that story. I felt I owed it to you folks and myself to continue this work too… so here it is. Hope you enjoy it folks. Kiwiwolf * Carol rolled over and slid off the bed. ‘I’m heading into town today baby. Maria...

1 year ago
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Educating Dustin Rhodes Ch 02

My ship pulled back into Pearl Harbor at the end of May. The deployment had been largely uneventful but, once again, we visited some intriguing ports around the Pacific Rim. Because of mission requirements, I had limited access to the internet so e-mails with Holly were sporadic. Hers were newsy and funny. Mine seemed dull by comparison. After a week or so of heavy pressure to get me to reenlist, everyone gave up and accepted my decision. My Division Officer even took the time to write a...

2 years ago
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Educating Ariel

Educating Ariel, a story by Ariana! – My actual name “Ariel”, I whispered as I came to sit next to you on your bed, you were taking a nap and looked up at me and smiled. I remember that smile, it was the same one you’ve given me the previous few weeks when we sat next to each other in math class. I didn’t pay much attention then but I can now remember how you moved your leg under the desk so that it would touch mine, your summer dress revealing your gorgeous leg up to mid thigh level – I made...

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Educating Cindy

Introduction: Cindy was only 13 Educating Cindy Cindy was 13 and in Junior high. She was a tiny little thing and her little titties had just started to develop. She hadnt developed pubic hair yet but her period had just started and she was experiencing new feelings. Her Mom and Dad were divorced and she lived with her Mom and she missed her Daddy. When Mom got a new boyfriend Tom, she liked him right away and being an affectionate little girl she always gave him hugs and kisses before she went...

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Educating the girls Part 6

Introduction: Arriving home the girls could not wait to try out their purchases Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 6: The Orgy Arriving home the girls could not wait to try out their purchases. Conrad told them to put them in Bonnies room for later. Hearing Conrads car pull up Jerry went to check with Angela and to find out from Conrad how things went. Conrad told him everything and left no detail out and Jerry was well pleased. Now he could fuck his own daughter any time he...

4 years ago
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Educating the girls Part 5

Introduction: Conrad looked round the room there were several booths all round the room and at the other end a section had been curtained off Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 5: Angelas cherry They were led down another passage and through a small door .Joseph helped Conrad and the girls carry the clothing they had yet to try plus the ones they had not rejected. Settling back to the task Conrad was left to help the girls choose. Joseph kept popping in and out to check how they...

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Educating the girls Part 3

Introduction: Bonnie was the first down to breakfast. Her parents had seen her naked and her Father had fucked he Educating the girls By anon y mouse Chapter 3: Showing off Morning was a heady one as all 3 woke they all had nice thoughts about the previous evening and what lay ahead. Bonnie was the first down to breakfast. Her parents had seen her naked and her Father had fucked her so she saw no harm in being naked. Conrad was the next to arrive but he was wearing his shorts Morning...

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Educating the Girls Part 9

Introduction: Maybe we should be in the movie business Beth exclaimed ]Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 9: Help me please Jerry and Conrad put the girls to bed. With the video Jerry and Conrad were able to show Beth and Ruby how the day had gone and both women were impressed Maybe we should be in the movie business Beth exclaimed That would need distribution and costs replied Jerry Besides it depends if theres a market for this stuff and the legal crap True Beth answered Just...

2 years ago
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Educating Poppy Part II

Next morning, Poppy’s on breakfast duty. She’s torn between wanting to see Don and Julie again, and feeling nervous about how she’d deal with it. She wonders if, in the cold light of day, they’ll regret being so forward with her the evening before, and will want to return to a more formal relationship, as appropriate between guests and staff.After she’s spent the whole of breakfast looking up nervously each time someone comes into the dining room, they don’t turn up at all. Poppy wonders if...

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Education of a Naughty Schoolgirl

A FEW NOTES: On the previous page, FIRST NAME should be the first name of the schoolgirl; LAST NAME should be the last name of her history teacher. When adding new threads, use (FIRST_NAME) for the schoolgirl and (LAST_NAME) for the teacher, except use curly brackets like this {} in place of the parenthesis. (Thank you to AaronWebster for educating me on how to use this feature!) The below is only a brief teaser, there are lengthy introductions after a POV is chosen. Setting: Bridgemont...


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