Cupid’s Kiss Ch. 01 free porn video

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Author’s Note: The classic tale of Cupid & Psyche’s love thwarted by Aphrodite, but with some modern twists & characters.

The pen scratched on the plain white sheets. Black words drew permanent lines and curves in straight lines. Big scientific words described her to be raving mad, words that negated her experience held her imprisoned in a sterile world devoid of human attachment and warmth.

Broken nails scratched the table creating a grating noise that drew a pair of stony hazel eyes to stare at her worn out face. She had the beauty of a wilted rose on a hot summer day. Sad and forlorn but the thorns were still there to prick and draw blood. She was in a mad house but still held on to her story with the tenacity of a stubborn crab.

Green eyes glared back at the cold hazel eyes of the psychiatrist and she rapped the hard table with a loud bang and said “I’m telling you what I told that fat buffoon of a cop, I was raped by an angel!”

The psychiatrist who was listening to her with half an ear stared at her pen that had stopped writing, shook it hard and watched the ink fly and splatter on the pristine white walls.

She got up from her chair and traced the thin streak of ink and said in a shaking voice “His blood splashed on the walls. It was cherry red like human blood and white feathers exploded in the air like those torn out of a pillow. They flew and fell around me like snow falling from heaven. Soft and red around the edges, their purity was corrupted by these hands.”

She stared down at her worn out hands and continued huskily “I shot him but I had no choice. It was rape I tell you, even though I came to enjoy his attentions. He was a gentle lover but he always took me without my consent. That is rape, isn’t it?” Her mad eyes beseeched a confirmation.

Expressionless eyes stared back at her and a deadpan voice replied “Yes that sounds like rape but tell me Psyche, if you shot him where is the body?”

Sighing, Psyche walked back to the table and sat down on the chair like a weary old lady and whispered “He stared at me with such wounded eyes as if I had betrayed him. I saw the love and deep sorrow mingle in his china blue eyes and tears that shined like diamonds streamed down his cheeks. It was then that I knew that I had made the worst mistake of my life for I loved him too but it was too late, just too damn fucking late.”

The psychiatrist tilted her head, pressed the nib on the paper, drew the ink out and repeated the question “You said you shot him but then what happened to his body?”

Shifting on her hard chair Psyche cleared her throat in irritation and answered “Didn’t your mama read you fairy tales? Angels don’t die, they have eternal lives or at least they live till we lose faith in them.”

A smile broke through the cool façade and the psychiatrist asked in a slightly amused voice “So what happened to him? Did he just disappear into thin air?”

Rubbing a weary hand across her eyes she took a deep breath and replied “No he flew out of the window.”

The psychiatrist chuckled and said “If I didn’t know better I’d believe you.”

Folding her arms under her ample breasts in a defensive mode, Psyche responded “I don’t know what happened. There was a blinding light and every fiber of my body felt little needles of pain pierce through my flesh and I fainted.”

“So I take it you don’t know what happened to him.” Seeing her patient shake her head she continued writing on her papers and asked “According to your testimony to the police when you regained consciousness there was someone else who apparently tortured you.”

Psyche narrowed her eyes and snapped at the doctor “I’m sure somewhere in those neatly typed papers the name of the person is given. Why are you asking me questions to which the answers are already there?”

“Do you know the name of the person who tortured you?”

Knowing that the name of her torturer basically landed her in a mental hospital Psyche still clung to the events that transpired in the isolated Alaskan cabin. Taking a deep breath she answered “It was Aphrodite who tortured me.”

Not waiting for the doctor’s response she banged her fist on the table and said “I’m not mad. That’s what happened. She appeared to me and tortured me in all kinds of inhuman ways.”

The doctor’s eye fell on the angry scar on her wrist and Psyche covered it with her sleeve and whispered softly, “She slit my wrist. I’m not suicidal, I’m not prone to taking my own life.”

Tapping the pen against her thin lips the doctor replied, “But according to your sister – Cybele when she found you lying on the floor with that slit, you kept whispering that you didn’t want to live.”

“She didn’t hear me say the rest of the words. I said that I didn’t want to live without my love, my darling Cupid.” She wrapped her arms around herself and began to rock gently. “Aphrodite said that if I even dared to take his name then pain would shake my body like Zeus’ thunder rumbles the earth. And I have a massive migraine coming on. I need a painkiller.”

Putting the cap back on her pen the doctor looked at the curled up form rocking back and forth on the chair. Sympathy slowly sneaked into her heart. She really wasn’t cut out for this profession. Day in and day out she dealt with people with mental sickness and yet hadn’t been able to stay detached from the pain some of the patients and their family went through.

Psyche and her family were one such case. Psyche seemed to suffer from schizophrenia and was hypochondriac. She gulped down pain killers as if they were candy pills and still demanded more. Her family seemed to be beaten down with guilt and their visits became far and between, unable to deal with Psyche’s wretched state.

She wondered if some electric jolts would reconnect the circuitry in Psyche’s brain. Personally she hated to see anyone go under the ‘hot correctional mama’ as the technicians had named the machine. Seeing the electric jolts pulse through the soft human flesh seemed to be barbaric and she didn’t want to subject such a delicate flower to that sort of harsh treatment.

Looking at the pitiful figure the doctor wondered how she might be able to reach out and get her to think clearly.

Through the fog of pain and sorrow Psyche felt the doctor reach over and touch her arm impulsively.

“Did you know that the cops found a few white feathers?”

A light sparked in the wretched eyes and she whispered “So they know it’s true. Then they must know that I’m not mad.”

Grabbing hold of the doctor’s hand she frantically stared into the doctor’s eyes and said “His feathers were too big to be of any bird. They realized that, didn’t they? And still they sent me to a nut house. You have to take me out of here.”

Nails bit into delicate skin and she continued to speak in a harsh whisper “I have to finish the tasks she had given me. If I don’t, then I will never see him again. I need to get out of here. Please let me go.”

The doctor disengaged her mangled hand and said “We can’t keep you here indefinitely and the feathers are a mystery. As you said – too big to belong to any bird and they even ran tests on it and the DNA doesn’t match anything on this earth.”

Psyche banged her fist against the table making the doctor take an involuntary jump.

“Morons! You are all fucking idiots. Doesn’t that prove anything to you? What the fuck do you people need? Do you want Aphrodite herself to come to you fools and to certify my experience?”

Seeing the doctor twitch with nervousness, Psyche tried to push her anger down to a dark place and lock it with the toughest sane key she could find in her fragmenting mind. Rubbing her eyes with shaking hands she said “Look, I’m not go
ing to go crazy on you . At some vague level you must have realized that there is some grain of truth in my story. So why don’t you release me in your care and I will prove it you. What do you say?”

The doctor licked her lips and Psyche could see the calculations going on in the practical mind. To sweeten the deal she added “Transportation will not be a problem – my private plane will take us to the cabin.”

Seeing the surprised expression in the psychiatrist’s eyes she laughed and said “My father is one of the richest industrialists in America but I don’t need his money as my mother had left me a rich woman in my own right after her death. So what will it be?”

Tilting her head, the doctor asked “But your family might object and….”

“And do what? I’m going to be in your care and believe me I will make it worth your while. You will have more than enough money to start your practice. Now let us settle this once and for all. How soon can we get out of this place?”

Realizing that she was no longer in control of the situation the doctor made a token protest. “This isn’t right. You need to calm down and let’s talk this over in a sensible fashion.”

Being the daughter of a shrewd tycoon Psyche had seen enough people wavering under her father’s steely resolve and saw the same confused look on the doctor’s face.

Leaning back against her chair she folded her arms and said in a firm voice “This is a one time offer doc. The window of opportunity is small and if you take it your life will change. So don’t waste my time or yours. What will it be?”

Seeing her patient change from a frustrated doe to an angry tigress the doctor wasn’t too sure of her emotional condition but her offer was too sweet to refuse. She reasoned with herself that Psyche was a harmless person and that maybe the mystery of the feathers would be solved. The money part she didn’t even want to admit to herself but knew that it would be the stepping stone for her career.

Squaring her shoulders she smiled up at Psyche and said “When do we leave?”


Psyche reached across the passageway and touched the terrified doctor’s white knuckles and said in a reassuring tone “This won’t take long. Adam is one of our best pilots. He has flown us through the worst storms and as you can see the skies are clear today.”

Taking a deep breath the doctor closed her eyes and tried not to think of the loud engine noise or the rush of wheels below her feet that eagerly rushed up the run way to take flight. Biting her lip she tried not to think of a clear blue sky when her father’s crop duster came crashing down on the fields he loved so much.

Beads of sweat trickled down her temples and she tried to block out the image of the plane twirling down the skies, an out of control ballerina dancing to her death.

A cry left her lips as the plane took to air effortlessly and she felt soft fingers in twine with her clammy fingers. Startled she opened her eyes and saw a pair of sympathetic eyes look into hers. “It never is easy to face one’s demons head long. Losing your father in a crash was bad enough but to witness it must have been the worst kind of shit a twelve year old could have gone through.”

Anger clouded her eyes and before she could say anything Psyche stared into the doctor’s eyes and said softly “Did you really think my father would have let me go in your care without knowing your entire history, Melissa? May I call you Melissa? The formality has been getting on my nerves, anyways you don’t seem to be more than a year or two older than me -maybe we can be even be friends by the end of this trip.” Smiling impishly, she continued “Look at you now, all that anger has taken away the fear.”

Melissa tried to look composed and smoothing her skirt over her knees she said “Since when have you known about my father?”

A shrewd smile spread across Psyche’s face making Melissa wonder how the hell she ever thought that this woman could be a vulnerable lamb in need of her protection. She seemed quite capable of taking up any angry goddess.

Settling back against the plush seat Psyche answered coolly “I’ve known since yesterday. To tell you the truth I wouldn’t have known if dad hadn’t thrown the file on my face to prove to me how unstable you might be because of your past.”

Melissa opened her mouth in surprise and before she could say anything Psyche held a hand up and said “Hear me out. We need to have an honest relationship because of what we will be facing soon and by god! it’s not going to be easy for either one of us and the last thing we would need is the gnawing presence of distrust. So here is the unvarnished truth. Yesterday while I was packing for our trip dad came over and told me to try out some other psychiatrist, who was his stooge, and when I disagreed he tried to tell me that you might be a wee bit warped as you lost your dad in a crash and then your mom abandoned you in the care of your grandmother.”

Sighing Psyche stared out of the window and continued “Suffice to say I threw him and the file out. For once he couldn’t do anything since I had been officially released from the hospital and I know he loves me a lot but sometimes another word for love is suffocation. Anyhow I hope you can forgive my father, he loves to micro manage, and that’s what made him rich and miserable at the same time.”

Staring at the pensive profile of Psyche, Melissa wondered what she had let herself into. She was used to a sedate life unlike Psyche’s life which seemed to be full of high drama.

Shaking her head she rebuked herself for being a chicken and she asked Psyche a question “We never really got around to discussing how Cupid came into your life.”

A whimsical smile spread across Psyche’s face and she stretched her long jean clad legs and answered “Oh it’s a long story and that too a bitter sweet one and I have all the time to tell it to you provided you are willing to listen.”

Melissa gave a little laugh and said “I wouldn’t be a psychiatrist if I didn’t like stories would I?”

A warm fire lit in the emerald eyes and Psyche smiled back igniting the dormant beauty in her features, making Melissa draw a breath in.

Softly Psyche began to narrate her story. Eyes closed she began to re- trace the scenes in her mind’s eye as words left her mouth and pain began to seep through her bruised heart again.

“It was supposed to be a time for my heart to heal. My father had sent me to the cabin to get over a cad who had made me fall in love with him and then taken pictures of me in the shower and sold them to the tabloids.”

She laughed and shook her head at the thought of herself then “I had thought my world had come to an end, the love of my life had betrayed me. What a laugh…..that was just an infatuation but then I still have to respect the tears I shed over him. I don’t think you need to know his name as it’s of no relevance.”

Staring at her snowy tennis shoes she continued talking “The cabin had always been my sanctuary. It has all the modern conveniences and yet retains a rustic feel. It’s there that I feel one with nature.” A whimsical smile touched her lips and she sighed and said “Well I used to feel in tune with nature there but then things changed pretty soon. The first night itself I knew things were different. My dreams became more erotic and even when I woke up they felt so real. Don’t you get that feeling sometimes in the mornings when you wake up? The tentacles still clinging to the conscious mind and you can still feel the passions as if they were of the day before and not of the unconscious mind?”

Melissa nodded but did not interfere in the story.

“Well my dreams still felt too real to be shrugged off as dreams for I woke up with a gigantic climax on the first night itself wi
th a loud gasp. I shrugged off that dream but by the third day of my stay I was creeped out, I was no sexually starved babe and don’t get me wrong I loved the orgasms but you do agree it was unusual right?”

Smiling in affirmation Melissa asked “So were they really graphic dreams?”

Laughing Psyche answered “That’s the whole point. They weren’t dreams but real. How do I explain it to you? I was always seduced in my sleep. It was something like that movie called Entity.”

Melissa raised an eyebrow at the statement and Psyche leaned forward and said “Please don’t underestimate my intellect by thinking that I made it up from that tacky movie. I was just making an analogy.”

Leaning back she continued “It was always so real. I felt his hot kisses all over my body. The tug of his lips on my nipples , pulling them to hard peeks, the rasp of his tongue waking up my pussy or those delightful hands weaving their magic on my body bringing it to a point of delicious peek making me cry out for more and yet wanting it to stop.”

Spraying her clammy hands on her supple thighs she bit down on her lips remembering the hot nights “The first two nights he did not penetrate me – he just seduced me with his tongue and I just lay there mired in the cauldron of pleasure. Mornings came with me feeling all contented and happy like the Cheshire cat and its bowl of cream instead of moping over the bastard who conned me. So it was a weird situation and I had also begun to think that my mind was playing games with me as I was beginning to look forward to the nights, wishing the days to pass faster.”

Melissa tried to keep a neutral face and wished she had a recorder to tape the narration but knew that would bring the defenses up higher than the iron curtain so she tried to act as if it was a normal conversation between two people.

“When did you realize he was for real?” she asked, just as the plane bumped over an air pocket. She gulped a breath in suddenly reminded of her fear.

Shaking her head at the doctor’s pale expression she continued talking “I think I realized that he was real when he penetrated me on the third night. You see whenever I dreamt of sex I never ever felt the real penetration and always woke up unsatisfied but his cock felt so hard and real in me. The pounding of the cock made the sensations spread fires up my womb and I felt as if my whole body would erupt in flames of pleasure. It was as if I was having multi- orgasms in a single orgasm. And what’s more I felt his body under my hands.”

Caught up in the story Melissa found herself visualizing Psyche in bed with her ardent lover. She imagined Psyche’s naked beauty, lying on pelts of fur, being tormented by a golden god and the image made her clit swell up in sweet desire. Her mind conjured up the fingers caressing the muscled back and hips as the copulation reached its zenith. Feeling like a voyeur she couldn’t look at Psyche in the eye and yet she knew it was normal to feel so as Psyche was a good narrator.

Pulling a little pillow behind her back she asked “You mean to tell me you woke up and felt him in you?”

Shaking her head Psyche answered “No, I didn’t wake up but then the dreams had become as real as my waking moments. His body was as tangible as this glass of water.”

Holding up the glass she stared at the liquid “But I realized I wasn’t going crazy when I woke up to feel the semen between my legs. That’s when I got really scared, it was happening for real, it wasn’t some sort of mind fuck but the real deal. I went totally hysterical and felt reality fracture right before my very eyes.”

Anguish filled her eyes as she remembered her crazed moments “You don’t know how violated I felt. The agony of knowing that I had been raped by some entity, which did not exist in this world, was pure torture. I just lay in bed feeling the sticky white semen in my vagina and the horror of its existence had me frozen in horror. And when the tears came I curled into a ball and howled. Never had I felt so alone, so beaten and hollow. The sheets smelt of him and I wanted to burn them and yet hold them close. The paradox of emotions sent me over the edge and I grabbed the sheets and threw them out of the window.”

Unable to act as a detached doctor, Melissa reached out and took one of Psyche’s hands in hers and squeezed it. Letting her hand remain in Melissa’s grasp she continued talking “I ran out of the cabin to the shed where we kept gas for the generator and made a bonfire of the sheets. There I stood buck naked, watching them burn and just then the wind blew taking one of the burning sheets to the heavens and I screamed, screamed out the shame, the violation , the pain , the inconsolable grief that drove me crazy.”

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Tarzan Jane Kissogram

I got a phone call from my agency asking me if i wanted a kissogram job this coming Friday night, it was to be a double job with a guy and we were supposed to be Tarzan & Jane. I rang my boyfriend who told be to go for it so I rang them back to say I would do it. I was working till 9 on Friday and we were booked at a local working men's club for 9.30 so they arranged for the guy that was to be Tarzan to pick me up from work and bring my costume.Friday came and I left work and was collected...

2 years ago
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Insurance Company Kissogram

A friend of my boyfriends who knew i had done some kissograms asked him if i would do one for the company he worked for.As i would pocket all the money myself rather than give half of it to the agency i said he would to it.His friend was a few years older than me and worked in insurance, anyway i spoke to him on the phone and he told me it was a retirement do at a golf club and he would pick me up on the night and bring me home.The night arrived and his friend collected me in his car, i was...

2 years ago
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Kiss Hentai! I can’t say I’m particularly fond of animated porn, but even then I have to acknowledge that you never know exactly what sort of jizz-worthy content you might just find in this genre of porn. Given how sick this genre can be, I bet you won’t miss some porn images and videos that will totally blow your mind and get your junk throbbing with excitement. There’s something about how everything is presented that really builds into some of my fucked up fantasy moments. I mean, even some...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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You have to hand it to a platform like Reddit. They did not intend to have a fuck ton of porn that users can browse through when it was created (that I know of anyway!). They wanted the platform to be a place for communities could thrive. Over the years, that is exactly what has happened -and more!Today, even the smallest and most niche community and interest will attract new people and thrive. That includes unique genres of porn that you have probably never even heard of before! And that goes...

Reddit NSFW List
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Ghaziabad Ke Kisse

Hello dosto mere naam harsh hai. And dost mujhe pyar se sunny bolate hai. Ab dost to dost saale hamesa chudai ki baatain hi karte hai. Ab hum kon sa sarif hai. Hame bhi 6.5 ince ke lund par naz hai jo sala bada hi shakt hai. Kitni hi ladkiyo ne ishe comments kiye ki tumhara lund bada hi mast hai. Par ab baat mere sab se recently incident ki hai. Mai ghaziabad se ho or delhi c.P mai ak achi job bhi karta ho. Meri gym body kafi ladkiyo or auntyo ko attract karti hai.. Or fir hum bhi thakur chudai...

4 years ago
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A Night With Kissa

You fumble with your keys as we stand at your front door. I don’t mind though. I could just stare at you all night. I have never seen you look so beautiful. I study you intensely. Your hair done up, the shiny earrings, the black, satin evening dress that looks so magnificent on you, your ruby red lips, down to the sexy high heels. Everytime I had looked at you that night at the dinner party I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I wonder how many guys at the party thought to themselves how...

3 years ago
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Cupid Story 8211 Lesson Learnt In Seduction Of Housewife

It is continual learning about the behavior and expectations of women. I constantly question my level of winning them. Few of my trials or actions have failed mercilessly. There are few women whom I see in my daily life and wish to share my love with them. Some dont even look; some will throw cheap look; luckily some will look but will turn back if I look at them. I believed that the time and situation plays a vital role in bringing us together besides our ingenious attempts. The traveling is...

4 years ago
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Cupid Retires

I knocked on the doors of one of the nicest castles in the world. It was answered by a beautiful lady but what else would you expect when knocking on the castle door of Venus, the goddess of love. I was there to inform her of some not so good news. I asked the lady at the door if she would please get Venus for me? She replied, "Whom should I say is calling?" "Saint Peter. I think she is expecting me." She asked me to come in while she informed Venus that I was there. I sat on one of the...

3 years ago
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Joi was seeing stars. Literally, she was. Her head was spinning, too. Her whole body had just locked up like Master and her muscles were slowly starting to relax. She was coming down off a huge orgasm. It was the Fourth of July. Joi and her fiancé Omari were supposed to be going over to a friend's house for a barbeque. No chance of that happening now. Joi and Omari had their own fireworks going off.Omari had come home from work that morning to the sight of Joi bent over on his bed doggy-style...

4 years ago
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Cupid curse part 5 Fruits of lovethe rewrite

At 11:30 one monday, after a lecture on Euripides in History of drama, I took a ten minute walk to a little restaurant and had a burger and some fries for lunch. The place was a quiet back street and it had somewhat higher prices then mcdonald's or burger king, but you could relax there, and they knew how to make a good burger. They were a married couple who rarely spoke to each other, and they had one waitress. As I sat there eating by the window, a group of four students came in, two men...

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Cupid Story 8211 Sexual Intimacy With Housewife

This is the narration of sexual intimacy which I enjoyed with a housewife. I am Yuvraj from Chennai, aged 25 and work for a private organization. I am regular reader of ISS and have passion to explore the love with sex. I love housewives for their settled mindset and understandable feelings for others. This is my successful attempt in making love with such a house wife and felt the ecstasy of sexual intimacy. It was during the weekend I got to see her initially. I was window-shopping and it was...

3 years ago
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MM Kisses

======================== Sweets revenge exposes a weakness and opportunity This is an entry in the 2012 Halloween contest. ======================== In case you didn’t know… M&M is a registered trademark of the Mars company. Hershey’s KISSES Brand Chocolates is a registered trademark of the Hershey Company ======================== I love Halloween. The unapologetic, over-the-top nature of the whole holiday. An excess of candy, a shortage of material in costume making, a handy excuse for...

4 years ago
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Three kisses

A wee dram is poured, tablet is shared and the fire crackles like percussion to the lilt of my voice against the deep tones of the guitar being picked and strummed by your careful fingers. The song fades into the quiet that we both know is filled by the sounds of our heartbeats filling our ears as our eyes meet. I manage to hold your gaze for a moment before concentrating on the fire. I hear you place the guitar at your side but daren’t turn to face you again. I can barely control my breathing...

Straight Sex
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Moms Kisses

Part 1"I'd really like to give you something extra special for your 18th birthday," said Mom, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, "but I don't know what."Well, I could think of something extra special that I would like to have my mother give me, but I wasn't foolish enough to say it. For years, ever since I had begun to have the slightest inkling of what sex was, I had had a tremendous craving for Mom's big luscious body. Thousands of times I had fucked her and licked her and...

3 years ago
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Seducing Mom with Kisses

“I’d really like to give you something extra special for your 18th birthday,” said Mom, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, “but I don’t know what.”Well, I could think of something extra special that I would like to have my mother give me, but I wasn’t foolish enough to say it. For years, ever since I had begun to have the slightest inkling of what sex was, I had had a tremendous craving for Mom’s big luscious body. Thousands of times I had fucked her and licked her and fondled and...

2 years ago
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Seducing Mom With Kisses

I’d really like to give you something extra special for your 18th birthday,” said Mom, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, “but I don’t know what. Well, I could think of something extra special that I would like to have my mother give me, but I wasn’t foolish enough to say it. For years, ever since. I had begun to have the slightest inkling of what sex was, I had had a tremendous craving for Mom’s big luscious body. Thousands of times I had fucked her and licked her and fondled and...

4 years ago
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Sweet Valentines Kisses

You watched the oven intently as the chocolate hardened in the metal shells and you waited for them to be ready for the sweet caramel filling you had prepared. Once that was done they were to be topped with white chocolate. As always the smell was mouth-watering as I waited for your sweet Valentines Kisses to be ready. I looked at you and noticed the stains of sugar and chocolate on your apron. As you eased the heavy tray into the cold room and stood up I came up behind you and circled your...

4 years ago
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Seducing Mom with Kisses

Part 1 "I'd really like to give you something extra special for your 18th birthday," said Mom, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, "but I don't know what." Well, I could think of something extra special that I would like to have my mother give me, but I wasn't foolish enough to say it. For years, ever since I had begun to have the slightest inkling of what sex was, I had had a tremendous craving for Mom's big luscious body. Thousands of times I had fucked her and licked...

3 years ago
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A Motherrsquos Kiss

I'd really like to give you something extra special for your birthday Mark," said Mum, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, "but I don't know what.Mum was not the kind of woman who would immediately cause any man's cock to give a jump. Her hair was brunette, and now at 35. She had big brown eyes that I loved to look into. She was rather tall, about 5 foot 7, and she was a size 12 dress size. She did have sensational tits 38D, and her arse was pleasingly broad, her legs were shapely....

4 years ago
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He Wakes Her With Kisses

He enters the room and sees that she is sleeping. Good. It will be easier this way. It is warm out and she is on top of the covers, half curled on her side and facing away from him. He had mentioned that he might be coming over and he is glad that she dressed for that possibility. She is wearing a matching satin camisole and tap pant set and the lustrous, pale pink of her lingerie only serves to emphasize her long legs, smooth arms and bare shoulders. Cascades of walnut hair spill onto her...

2 years ago
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A Kiss is Still a Kiss

Introduction:Growing up in the same neighbourhood as Amy Jones and Samantha Williams, he'd known them from a distance since they were both knee-high to a grasshopper.Growing up in the same neighbourhood as Amy Jones and Samantha Williams, he'd known them from a distance since they were both knee-high to a grasshopper. But he couldn't remember a single time when the two of them were not together.If either of them had been in the least bit plain, they would have drawn snide comments from other...

3 years ago
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Kittenly kisses

I am kassandra.. female30 yrs. based on a true story *scrumptious, I thought... as aunt Kim locked the cabin door. The thunderstorm crashing on the windowpane. My breasts still dripping wett from the summer swim, shone glisning in the sun as I put on my hot pink robe. ( my pale breasts, curved over the top. ). Aunt Kim.. grinned.. gently and moaned. Stoking me between my legs. Rough.. ‘ hi...’ she whispered.grabing my vagina and twirling..’ let,s play.’.. she whispered softly.kissing up my...

4 years ago
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A Step Brothers Kiss

These two separate tragedies where sad enough in this crazy world without the fact that each one of these two people had brought an offspring into the world with them and these kids had to experience the self doubt and guilt of wondering if they had done anything wrong to bring on this life altering change to their tender development. After the initial shock of the divorce had run its course, she took part of her rather large settlement and hired a contractor to engineer, design and...

3 years ago
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Miss Kiss

Another story for one of the Literotica girls. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, hers was worth at least thirty-seven hundred. If only she would spend more time with us, post more, we would be in a constant state of bliss… * I’d known as soon as I saw her that I would rent her the apartment. It was her eyes I saw first, and it was those dark, dark eyes that had decided it. Christ, I thought, you could get lost for a week in those luminous pools, and their hypnotic effect had had...

2 years ago
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Just A Kiss

They had made a bet when they won, she'd get a kiss. He didn't think they would win. She did. So they made that bet.They didn't talk about what kind, so when they won, and he kissed her on the cheek, maybe he thought that was it. It wasn't. During the evening of celebration, she prepared to make her exit. She said good night, and put something in his hand, and whispered in his ear as she hugged him goodbye. "So I can claim my prize later," she said.She felt herself blushing so she left without...

4 years ago
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A Birthday Kiss

"I'd really like to give you something extra special for your birthday," said Mum. "But I don't know what."We were in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner. I had an idea what I'd like to suggest for my f******nth birthday, but I wasn't foolish enough to say it."Anything will be fine mum," I said, handing her a glass to put away. "I can always use some socks.""Socks," she said. Since I had first gotten my first hard-on, I had craved after my mother. Obsessed over her is a better word. Once a...

4 years ago
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Tummy Kisses

Tummy KissesIt was my first semester away at school. I was desperate to fit in, anxious to please. I signed up to be on this party planning committee. Despite the drinking age laws, there was no shortage of beer, wine, and booze.Soon, it was time to time to decide who manned the booths. I don't know how it happened, but my name was down for the "tummy kisses". It was a variation on that old game where two people went into a closet for seven minutes, except I was to stay in the "closet".The day...

2 years ago
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Teaching A Friend How To Kiss

Hi there readers. I am Anand (fake name of course). This is the story of how I lost my virginity with my friend. I am a 22 year old guy from Kerala. I just completed my engineering in computer science. Back in my college days, there was a girl named Swetha. She was from a different branch. We became friends when we were both working on the college magazine. Initially we were not close, and then as time passed we became good friends. I used to give her movies and all in flash drive and she used...

4 years ago
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It started with a kiss

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...

1 year ago
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The Kiss

I’m a twenty-nine year old stay at home mom with one son in the second grade and I love being at home, cleaning, cooking and doing all the traditional things that seem to piss a lot of women off. We had new neighbors move in two months ago, finally replacing the two assholes we had next door. Her name is Gina, her husband’s name is Tony and Gina and I have gotten very friendly. She is a stay at home mom too, she’s thirty-four with two kids in school and we have coffee every morning together...

4 years ago
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A Practice Kiss

We are fraternal twins. Jacques is, by three minutes, my younger brother. We're both thirteen. His namesake is that famous Frenchman; our parents being marine biologists and having met the man many years ago, naturally named my brother after him. I'm plain old Betty. Go figure. Our folks being scientists spend a lot of time at work so my brother and me are left alone together a lot. The two of us are very close and always share everything. We live in a two story house. Our folk's master suit...

3 years ago
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First Kiss

Nervously I leaned in for our first kiss. Kisses and kissing are tremendously important, they’re a doorway into the type of person and lover you will be. I especially love soft and sensuous kisses, building in intensity and urgency, with fingers entwined in hair, pulling a partner tight to your lips as the excitement gets too much to control. The sensation of hands roving for the first time over a fresh body, the promise and potential of things to come and enjoy. Drink in the intense feelings a...

2 years ago
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The Sexiest Kiss

The Sexiest KissVersion 1.10By Maximillian Excaliber IntroductionWhile I try to make the sex as steamy as possible, I don't write stories that just throw to people in bed by the second page.  And no, I'm not criticizing those who do.  Hell, I read them once in a while myself.Except for my earlier stories, most of my work has a plot to sex ratio of somewhere between 75/25 and 85/15.  So, unless you like your adult stories with a lot of much plot, you probably won't consider them 'jerk' stories...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Her First Riotous Kiss

She’d heard, just a little bit earlier that something crazy was going on outside. At first, it concerned her but when she “closed down” and got all her stuff so she could head home she found out what everyone meant. Emily, one of the newest employees walked out alone. She froze when she saw it. She could not believe her eyes. Buildings all around her, for whatever reason, were on fire. People were rioting and she had no idea why. She was frightened to death. Never before had the young woman...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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The Sexiest Kiss

Version 1.10 By Maximillian Excaliber Introduction While I try to make the sex as steamy as possible, I don't write stories that just throw to people in bed by the second page. And no, I'm not criticizing those who do. Hell, I read them once in a while myself. Except for my earlier stories, most of my work has a plot to sex ratio of somewhere between 75/25 and 85/15. So, unless you like your adult stories with a lot of much plot, you probably won't consider them 'jerk'...

2 years ago
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Maryannes Story Secret Kisses

Introduction: Girls night out Maryannes Story Secret Kisses One year after my husband Michael and I married and moved to Massachusetts, his company transferred him to Ohio, our first of many moves over the next twenty years or so. With the help of Pam, a wonderful real estate agent, we were lucky to find a small two bedroom house to rent not too far from Michaels work. Soon after unpacking and settling in, Pam called and offered to take me to lunch so I could get to know the area better and...

4 years ago
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Good Night Kisses

When we got back to the hotel room, Brian immediately went to his laptop and began downloading pictures of the elk. They had been magnificent creatures and he wanted to see his shots on the larger screen of the laptop. As I got ready for bed, he called me over to look at a particularly good shot several times. I was thrilled for him, of course. Snuggled underneath the covers, I had a beautiful view of Brian’s profile at the hotel room’s small little dining table. His face glowed in the soft...

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