Deathbed Ch. 4 free porn video

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Part Fifteen

By all rights, the sun should have come up. I was sure that I had lain for hours in this bed with Deadman beside me, making love at wakeful intervals, sleeping now and then with his heavy body half atop mine as it was now.

A long time had passed since I had realized what was happening, and in that time, I believed, I had embraced my doom. I had been right about the implications of sex with this man–I had passed to another state of being, utterly transformed from what I had been, and in attaching my fate to his I had crossed a barrier that kept the world of the living separate from that of the dead. Never again, though he was undead and half demon, would I have the power to part from him.

My heart, unerringly guarded and cold, had opened to him as it never had to any man, and either I was a different person, or I had discovered who I truly was. I had entered into this state of my own free will, but in another sense I had been compelled, because it seemed that everything that had ever happened in my life had pointed me to this night, this bed, this feeling that burned within me and seemed to sear clean all the guilt and foulness of my soul. Free will and destiny intertwined nearly indistinguishably like the bodies of lovers, the night had passed in the ecstasy of existence made meaningful for the first time.

But the room was still dark. I still saw the glow of the lamp on the window that showed the blackness outside. I turned my head, my chin brushing the rider’s left forearm which lay across my neck, and looked right into the tattooed eyes of a skull cradled in a wizard’s hand. Just above the rider’s elbow, a spectral death’s-head figure crouched, its long dark hair trailing as it looked over a precipice.

I turned my head farther to the left. My cheek came up against Deadman’s ear and sideburn, for his face was pressed into the pillow above my shoulder, possibly in an effort to muffle his deep, resonant snoring. His left leg lay relaxed over both of my thighs, pinning me down with its weight alone, and his loose hair was tangled with mine. Warm in my nostrils, his scent enfolded me, and I closed my eyes for a moment and kissed his arm on the bony lips of the eyed skull.

The rider muttered something in his sleep and turned his face out of the pillow towards me. When his eyes opened inches from mine, he regarded me solemnly for a minute. Strange, acid green, no trick of the light, but a constant reminder of his unhuman nature. The musky, dreaming fancies of sleep began to dissolve, but one thought remained, what was I, that I lay entwined in sensual langour with the dark angel of death?

‘Evenin’,’ he said.

‘Uh…hello.’ Evening? My eyebrows went up.

‘You’ve been asleep for quite a while, girl. All day, matter of fact.’

‘Oh. That’s why it’s dark.’ Something sprang awake in my mind, and I tried to sit up. ‘The police! I’ve been lying here all day? They’ll have–‘

Deadman pulled me down again. ‘Ain’t seen no cops today. And if I did, you wouldn’t see ’em for long.’ I looked at him, and he smiled sideways with a click of his tongue. ‘Don’t you worry none about them, darlin’.’ He leaned forward and kissed me briefly, then rolled over and sat up, swinging his feet to the floor.

‘My Papa never got here?’

‘Nope. Probably driving in circles and turnin’ his road map inside out. Not like the locals are gonna show him the way to *this* hacienda.’ He chuckled.


‘Yeah?’ he replied, pulling on a pair of jeans.

‘What’s your name? Your real name?’


‘Will you tell me your name?’

He looked at me in some amusement, standing and zipping his fly. ‘What for…*Irene*?’

‘Well…I mean, we’ve been doing, um, rather intimate things–‘

‘Don’t like fucking a guy when you don’t know his name? You ain’t generally so particular, darlin’. Least not from what I’ve been hearin’.’

With that shot he opened the bathroom door and went in, leaving me bewildered. I thought I knew how he felt about me, he had expressed it over and over with every touch on my skin, every look in his strange eyes. Did he doubt how I felt about him, or how I could feel about any man? I had to admit he had reason to do so–I began to doubt it myself.

So unfamiliar a feeling, so novel and terrible. I confided and did strange things during sex–might that incredible emotion have been only a queer impostor? It still lingered as a burn in my breast, but perhaps I had imagined it into being.

I had never outright told a man I wanted him or that I loved him. I teased, I glanced, I provoked, and I let myself be taken, but never gave anything back. I liked to pretend I was being forced, because then I expressed nothing of my own desires. I only took a man’s desire, played with it, and threw it back in his face.

Could I really have changed so much in one night? Had I really given Deadman my heart and soul? Did I have a heart and soul to give? In this small, shabby bedroom, the events of the night seemed like a dream. I was no authority on emotional attachment, having used physical connection as a substitute for it my entire life. Perhaps Deadman’s face and touch had expressed nothing more than his carnal desires.

I sat up and looked for my clothes. They weren’t on the floor, but they had been washed and lay folded on a chair at the side of the bed. Knowing that Stephanie had unwillingly done the work, I felt a pang while dressing.

She hadn’t asked for her fate. She’d been an ordinary farm girl once, and her brand-new husband had gone into a ditch and taken her and her whole family with him. What had she thought in the last moments of her life? Had she panicked or prayed? Had she felt pain? And what had she thought when her ruined body had been reconstituted and she and all the people she loved most had stood lost and wondering at the side of the road, waiting for the reason for their continued existence to arrive?

When had it sunk in that this was all there was?

Never to have a child while she longed for one, embracing her husband night after sterile night, all the potential life in a young woman’s body cut off at the source. No wonder she had soured like curdled milk. It wasn’t right that they should linger here neither alive nor truly dead, taking out their pain on each other, but what could be done about it? How could they fight the forces of Hell, and did they even want to?

Hearing a splash of water in the bathroom I rose and walked to the open door. Deadman was shaving his throat and cheeks with an old-fashioned straight razor, the strop hanging down next to the sink. He raised his brows at me for a moment when he saw me in the mirror and wiped soap from the blade. ‘Yeah?’ he said, drawing the blade along his skin.

‘You have to shave?’

‘Yep. And eat, and take a crap. Might as well be alive, hey?’ He grinned at me.

‘Why were you made that way when you were raised from the dead? Um…Aitch told me how it happened. The race.’

‘Aitch,’ he said, expression darkening, ‘has got a big damn mouth. And a wandering eye, you may have noticed.’


‘And he’s such a sweet-talkin’, good-lookin’ son of a bitch.’ He wiped his gleaming blade again and gave it a few strokes on the strop. ‘He was a hired hand on this place after he got out’ve the Marines, just no-account scum on a dollar a day, and he got the boss’s daughter tumbled out behind the barn, and took her off and married her quick before she could think it over. In a week even Daddy was singin’ his praises.’

He inspected the edge of the blade. ‘He’s got himself a lot more practice with that kinda thing under his belt in fifty years, I’ll tell ya, an’ you shoved him off you like he was a dead skunk. Didn’t quite see it that way at the time, but I guess that’s what you did.’

I smiled a little into the mirror over his shoulder, he was almost apolog
izing for saying that I wasn’t particular. And asking a question at the same time. ‘I could see what he wanted the moment he came into the barn. He took me by surprise, though, because he’d been…helpful. Up until that moment. Will you tell me why you’re so human? Why do you feel pain and have emotions? When you’re the Undertaker? The Hellrider?’

His face disappeared under a towel as he wiped off all the soap. ‘Why?’

‘Because I want to know.’

Deadman swirled his shaving brush in the mug and applied a new coat of soap around his goatee, apparently his beard was dense or he was taking special care with the task. ‘You want to know what makes me tick, hey? Last night I was a ‘disgustin’ hoodlum’ or some such, and you even put a couple bullets through me.’


‘And then you fucked me like nothin’ I’ve ever had, darlin’.’ He looked as if he was trying to cover his expression with the soap. ‘Nothin’ I ever dreamed about. And it got me wonderin’ why, at least in the cold light of day. I went and sat by the crick a spell while you were sleepin’, and I thought it over, and I couldn’t see any reason why that would be so. Why a lady like you would just turn to fire under my hands.’

The blade scraped down his throat. ‘I saw that house of yours when I went to look for your husband. I went through all the rooms searching for him, and I saw that fancy carpet, and the windows, and the furniture, and all the clothes and geegaws you had in the bedroom.’

He flung soap and bristles off the end of the razor. ‘I’ve seen every kind of place where people live, naturally. I’ve seen palaces. But this was the place you lived, so I kind of paid attention. That was a fine house, and it cost plenty of money. I gather he got his money dishonest, and he sure was a waste of valuable space and drinkin’ water. But you married the man for his money anyhow.’

‘I was sorry for it.’

‘You cheated on the guy.’ He tested the smoothness of his jawline with a finger drawn through the soap. ‘You said the vows, and you broke ’em. Killed him dead to top it off. And then you came to these parts and looked at me the way you did, like, ‘c’mon there, you big dumbass, get yer hands on me right smart or you’ll be regrettin’ it the rest of your days’, which in my case is a hell of a long time. I guess I don’t regret it, because I’ll remember last night for that same hell of a long time. But, dammit, woman–‘

He finished shaving and scrubbed off all the remnants of soap. ‘When that Papa of yours comes to get you, or when I let you persuade me to take you into town to call him, I’m gonna regret that I ever had a feeling bone in my body. Why I had to find a woman like you, of all people, at this time of all times…’

He broke off and resumed in a harder voice, splashing his face from the sink with both hands and with his head lowered so that I could not see his expression in the mirror. ‘Reckon Aitch blabbed about how I’m bound to find a faithful woman if I’m ever to be free. I’ve longed for that, because I want to be released. I want to lie down and never open my eyes again. She would have brought me rest, I guess. But I don’t suppose she’d ever have brought me a night like that, Irene.’ He dried his face and turned to look at me, the burn in my breast had become a full conflagration, and I had no way to hide the glow from him.

Deadman slowly shook his head. ‘You’re a coy, fickle bitch. You ain’t quite sure what you want, or you’d rather you were made to take what you want without ever having to say you want it. You’ve killed and you’ve lied and you’re the opposite of true. But I wouldn’t have passed up that one night for all the faithfulness in the world. I guess I’m a goddamn fool, but that’s the gospel truth.’ Tossing down the towel, he brushed past me into the bedroom and rummaged in his motorcycle saddlebags, which were lying on the floor near the bed.

‘Deadman,’ I said through blurring eyes. ‘I won’t forget it either. I know I’m not the kind of woman you were looking for. I wasn’t looking for you either. But for some reason we did find each other, and I…I think I was meant to be here.’

‘Don’t be crazy,’ he said, pulling a black T-shirt over his head. ‘Yer pop will get here or we’ll go find him. I’ll give you a lift into town after dinner. You’ll go on home tonight one way or another.’

‘Don’t…don’t you want me to stay?’

‘What the hell for? This joint? You don’t like it any here, girl, and don’t go telling me different.’

‘Not the place, no. Of course not,’ I said with a slightly teary laugh. ‘The food’s bad and the people aren’t friendly. Or too friendly. But that’s got nothing to do with *you*. It’s *you* I was meant to be with. Don’t you understand…what I mean?’

The rider pulled his hair out of the neckline of the shirt and looked skeptically at me, obviously the thought had never yet crossed his mind and was having a tough time making it from one side of his brain to another. ‘You sound like you need a little food in ya, girl. Come on downstairs.’ He put an arm around my waist and urged me along.

I sighed through a smile. Of course this sounded strange to him–it sounded strange to me. I could not come right out and say the words–*’I want you…I need you…I’m yours and somehow I always have been…’* And so all I could do was show him in any way I could. ‘All right.’

Going downstairs with him, I noticed that the bloodstains from the previous night had been scrubbed away, though not entirely. The bullet holes were still there, ragged and dark around the edges. The rider noticed my furtive examination of the wall and laughed. ‘I ain’t holdin’ a grudge, darlin’. How about you?’


‘Yeah, you.’ He stopped and let go of me at the base of the stairs. ‘As I recall, you told me to knock it off, and I didn’t do that. That’s why you used the gun, right?’

‘Well…I was afraid the police would catch up with me if I stayed much longer. Obviously I shouldn’t have worried–‘

‘That wasn’t the only reason you shot me, darlin’. You figure I done you wrong?’ I hesitated in answering and he bent down to look in my face, putting a hand on the wall. ‘Tell me, Irene. I thought you wanted it and I was right, but I guess that ain’t the same as sayin’ yes. Did I do you wrong?’

‘You…said you know I wanted you.’ I looked up at him, his expression was stern and serious. I wondered why this meant anything to him–it hadn’t the night before.

‘Sure I do, but like I say, that ain’t the whole story. If a judge was to ask you in a court of law, official like, what would you say? I was kinda forward and I didn’t quit when you said to stop. Or suppose you were tellin’ someone–one of yer girlfriends, say? Would you tell her I treated you bad?’

I couldn’t imagine discussing him with any woman I knew. ‘I’d never accuse you of a *crime* for taking me last night.’

‘All right, I’ll take that as a no.’ He nodded gravely, apparently satisfied, then smiled with his mouth closed and leaned forward to kiss me, again a brief, dry contact, but I put my hands around his neck and opened my lips against his.

Deadman took a deep breath through his nose and let me stroke his tongue with mine. His arms went around me and our bodies began to fit together as we stood at the foot of the stairs. I combed my fingers into his long hair, cupping his face in my palms and humming softly into his mouth. The rider’s hands slid down my back and curled around my buttocks, lifting me to tiptoes and massaging in slow circles.

His lips were warm and wet, his mustache tickled under my nose, and he let out a soft groan, hips rotating into mine. Through his jeans I could feel his penis hardening against my stomach and pressing a groove into my flesh. I put an arm around his waist–it didn’t reach all the way around–and placed the heel of the other hand against his groin. Under his clothing, the firm ridge of his erection shifted into my palm.

I began to cur
ve my fingers around it and Deadman stood back with a gasp, removing my hand and adjusting himself through his jeans. ‘Whoa there, girl. If you want anything to eat before morning, you better slow down.’

Part Sixteen

I laughed in my throat and brushed my hair back over my shoulder. Deadman rolled his eyes and blew out his cheeks, then followed me into the kitchen. No one was there, but he didn’t seem inclined to call anyone to do the work.

‘Caught me some fish while I was sittin’ by the crick, Irene,’ he said. ‘They’re outside the door.’ I opened the door and looked, four fair-size trout were swimming slowly in circles, nosing the sides of a five-gallon bucket. The place was quiet and I noticed that the Firebird wasn’t in the driveway.

Finding a chopping block, I put it in the galvanized sink and fetched a large knife. Deadman watched as I hooked a trout with a finger through the gills and held it on the board while it flopped and struggled.

WHACK! I stunned it with the handle of the knife and quickly slit its belly. Its body still quivered slightly as I gutted it and rinsed the blood from the cavity, but I knew it hadn’t felt pain. I put it on a plate and reached for the next one.

‘You do that pretty good,’ remarked Deadman.

‘I grew up in the country,’ I said. ‘I don’t like fish, but I know how to clean them.’ WHACK! The next fish gave up its life.

‘Sorry, but I thought they might be better than canned meat.’

‘I hear that Spam’s popular in the South Seas.’

‘Yeah?’ Deadman opened a cupboard and got out a bag of cornmeal. ‘Why?’

‘Well, the islanders liked to eat each other before the missionaries got there. Cannibals. And apparently when the Marines came through during the war and hired the natives to help build airstrips and so on, they paid them in food and Spam was the most popular item. It reminded them of human flesh–pork is the closest thing to it–so they still eat it for old time’s sake.’ WHACK! ‘Or so I hear.’

Obviously something had truly changed between us, the conversation wasn’t precisely casual but compared with that of the night before it was amazingly easy. He seemed to accept that I looked on him very differently now, though perhaps he didn’t trust it very far. I wasn’t sure if I did either.

‘No shit,’ said Deadman, laughing. ‘I always kind of liked Spam, even in the Army.’ He put a pan on the stove and turned on a burner, striking a match to light the gas. The flame sputtered and burned yellow. ‘Christ. There ain’t much pressure left in the damn tank…’

‘They were messing with it last night. The valves. Maybe Aitch turned the pressure down too far.’

‘Ahh…they probably fucked it all up.’ He fiddled with the knob for a moment and got a blue flame. ‘OK. That’ll cook fish.’ Reaching for the gutted ones, he salted them and rolled them in cornmeal. I killed and cleaned the last one and handed it to him. He fried all four in hot shortening and turned them out on a pair of plates, their dead eyes bulging white under the yellow-brown coating. ‘There we go. You gonna be OK with this for dinner?’

They actually smelled decent, since they were so fresh, and I nodded. ‘That’s fine.’ Deadman took three fish and I took one, and with a few slices of bread we sat down to eat.

I tried a small bite and to my surprise it tasted good, hot and tender and not very fishy. He knew his fish cookery, obviously. He cut each of his in half with a fork, speared and ate them bones and all, I scraped the crisp skin and flesh off the ribs and avoided the head and fins. The rider chuckled at my fastidiousness and got up to fetch a bottle and glass.

‘You want a drink?’ It was a fresh bottle of rye whiskey, and he broke the seal and poured himself a stiff slug.

‘A little. With some water in it.’ He chuckled again and got out another glass to make me a drink. I took it from him and sipped it while he threw the liquor to the back of his throat, let out a rasping breath and poured himself another. ‘You don’t seem to get drunk very easily.’

‘Nope. I can’t be poisoned, so it takes some doin’.’ The rider grinned at me over the rim of his glass. ‘Ain’t impossible.’

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10th of June 2017 - Florida, Jessica Walker’s Residence: “I’m worried about your mother Jessica,” said a man’s voice on a phone, “she hasn’t called me tonight.” “You know what mom is like dad,” Jessica told her father, who was sitting he her kitchen in her apartment, “she could have her phone in her bags in the back of the minivan, and won’t use it until she gets here. Or the batteries are dead, and she forgot to charge them up yet.” “I know, I know, but I just worry about her and Liam,”...

1 year ago
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An Indian classic Tale

Note : This story is completely fictional! Helloo reader The classic writing from your favorite author Incester. Here is one of Indian Incest story classic this story Idea is posted me one of my Indian reader he loves my writings. I like the content that he written to me. It is another favorite writing is me and also Incesters Classic the Collector’s Item. He told that the Indians would like to read the Incest stories because the religious strictly told them it is sin and forbidden usually the...

4 years ago
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Bob Part 1

Introduction This multipart story was created to put on paper some ideas that have been running through my mind after reading stories like the 'FemCorps' series and a few others. I apologize if it might appear too similar to 'FemCorps' or any other story. There is no direct intent to plagiarism, and I hope that those writers are flattered that anyone would want to use that basic story concept. I think you will see that it is not really a copy or even a continuation of that...

2 years ago
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AlifChapter 5

Ana began learning her secretarial duties, and finding her way around the office and the software she had to use. There was a lot to learn and her only guidance was some unspecific instructions from the Director such as where she was to sit and what she was expected to produce, but her college training had prepared her well, and she soon felt quite confident in her work. She felt rather less confidence when she ventured outside the office to walk along the labyrinthine corridors to the...

3 years ago
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I Am Beauty

I AM BEAUTY By Katharine Sexkitten I was two months shy of eighteen that August day, when the fair was open. The day my life changed forever. A yearly event that lasted for a month, the fair had rides, games, food, a circus, and some lesser visited carnival type booths, with fortune tellers and freak show stuff. I was there with my first serious girlfriend, a lovely human being named Jill. I'd known her for years, as the girlfriend of an buddy of mine, and had come to know her as...

2 years ago
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Meeting My Sext Partner

We messaged back and forth and then got on the topic of sex. We talked and thought about texting and sending each other nudes. Of course we didn't really know each other which made it kinda strange. We texted and got to know each other better first. She was 15 and a sophomore in high school. I was 17 and a junior in high school. We talked and then I received a pic of her in lingerie. She had perky boobs and curvy hips. I took I picture of my dick. I was pretty easy to get hard. I sent it...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alicia Reign Submits In Nasty Hookup

Hottie Alicia Reign struts in high white stockings and red platform heels, showing her nubile body. She flirts with dirty director/nasty fucker Bryan Gozzling, and he squeezes her perky ass cheeks. Dominant Bryan licks her hard nipples and spanks her ass aggressively. She squeals in heated anticipation as he wraps his fingers around her neck. Alicia opens her mouth wide and swirls her tongue around the head of Bryan’s boner. She gives him a throaty blowjob, drool covering her face. Bryan...

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So here I am call me Joe Cater which obviously is Not my real birth name, but there,s always someone who seems to know you. I,m now a sprightly 73 though don,t really look my age. I feel I,m only about forty till my body says otherwise. Sometimes my poor neglected “Old Soldier” feels about eighteen, other times he just hangs there dejectedly and barely pisses. Just wish my wife still had her sexual desires. She also looks younger than her real age, but that,s no help as because of health...

2 years ago
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Fun with a BBw True story

On Friday night I went to the bar to just have some drinks. So I was there for a couple of hours having fun shooting pool with some friends. I went back to the bar to get some more drinks and this BBw came up to me and started talking to me. She was about 5'5. About 260 pounds. Big girl so I starting talking to her we talked for about an hour or so, she said that she was going to haft to go and get a motel for the night because she was having some problems with the roof on her house so I...

1 year ago
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Michael Phillips Part Three

When we got to Andy’s house, Corey and Kurt went into the house to help Andy pack. Before we left Andy and Corey went to the garage and showed me and Kurt where they first jacked off in front of each other. Andy showed us a stash of porn mags he had, one of which had pictures of me in it. I showed Andy and he said he tossed off to my picture. We grabbed the mags and left for Kurt’s house. The next week was pretty laid back; no real film shoots just relaxing and regrouping. My cuts were...

2 years ago
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Connected by strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! - Boys, come out here, we have a surprise for you! We both moaned into each other mouths - we've just found a more-or-less comfortable position to spend our humiliating wait for our wives while they were out having fun. Moaning and crying from the tugging and pulling on our sensitive parts caused by...

3 years ago
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CDay of Andy

We were being couch-potatoes as usual on Wednesday nights. There was a comedy show running on the TV. I lost my interest in it and started caressing my wife Pam. I massaged her hips and kissed her neck.When I got her moody, I whispered to her ear, "Let's watch something dirty, eh?"She chuckled, "What sort?""The sort that makes you drool.""There are many sorts that makes me... wet.""I mean your favourite one," I whispered and started kissing her neck."Mmh... Which one is it?" She...

1 year ago
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My best friend and I

This story is real, it happened to me a two and half months ago. For safety reasons we will call the girl "Abby". There was ten minutes left until the bell rang in my high school, me and my best friend "Abby" always sat beside eachother. We were passing notes on how much fun our next few nights were as it was the weekend and my parents were visitting my grandparents down in the states. The last note we passed was what started it all, she wrote me the note and it said "Can I sleep with you in...

First Time
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Hamari tenant priya

Hi dosto main rohan ab tak uncountable ladkion ke sath sex kar chuka hoon par maine abi tak apko 3-4 stories hi batayi hain. Aaj mai apni ek aur kahani apke samne pesh karne ja raha hoon. Ye kahani aaj se 3 saal pehle ki hai. Jis ladki ki main baat kar raha hoon wo mere ghar me rent par rehti thi. Wo ek student thi aur amritsar se patiala mein bsc(nursing) karne ayi thi. Us waqt uski umar 19 saal thi. Wo dekhne mein bahut sunder ladki thi lambi jyada nai. Uski height 5’3” thi lekin figure bahut...

3 years ago
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Jamie and Cindy Naked In SchoolChapter 4B

The punk girls were back and this time they were all wearing black t-shirts and short skirts with chains and zippers on them. Mindy's t-shirt said "my pussy can beat your pussy" below a drawing of that mean looking cat, who this time was wearing boxing gloves, and her skirt was hot pink. Kell's t-shirt said "I want you to know that even though I am talking to you, as soon as you leave I will be making fun of you" and her skirt was divided horizontally between black cloth above and a...

1 year ago
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LKay on vacation part 2 day three and four

Pierre is a massage therapist and Cal and I were going to ask Pierre if he would give me an erotic massage while my husband, Cal, watched. Role playing fantasies made our sex life so great for the past eight years. Getting a sexual massage while on our second honeymoon was a real turn-on, for Cal. I still wasn’t quite up to it, but I was willing to try anything to make my man happy. I have to secretly admit, the thought of an erotic massage did make me a bit excited. Just as luck would...

3 years ago
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Oh to Sister Mary Rose

Oh to Sister Mary Rose               This all started when Tommy “my buddy” throws some clay during art class and it stuck to the caulk board. Being the best buddy a guy could have, he points right at me, when Sister Mary Rose said “Who just throw this clay?!” I wasn’t even paying attention one bit when Tommy thrown it. It was quit a shock when Sister Mary Rose yanked me out of my chair by my shirt collar. She march me out of the room down the hall to her office, she push me in and shut...

4 years ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 14 The Garden in Mother

Holding hands we skipped down the hall. Ship suggested we see what sort of setup Mother had before we decided on how we got clean. "You'll be surprised." was all she would say, as her right hand scratched under her left perfectly cloned boobs. So did Simone ... same hand, same breast ... together. I was sure it wasn't preplanned. As for our reeking clothes, she suggested we use the 'refresher'. The refresher is some kind of ionizing cleaner that clothes are hung in, the door shut,...

2 years ago
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All About You 2

All about You 2   God damn you know how to eat pussy.  I get a chuckle from you when I say that.  I can’t help but gasp as you pull your fingers from my still trembling pussy.  God damn, you really know how to eat pussy.  Mmm, small shocks of pleasure are still riding through my body as you kiss your way up to me. You stop at my breasts, sucking a hard nipple into your mouth, pulling on it with you lips, just as you did with my clit.  I don’t let you suck it for long, and take you head in...

Oral Sex
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The Sisters Divine

Looking back on that day now, from up in a corner as if looking down on a dream, I look out of place on the starched linen draped over my mother's Italian sofa, green tea steaming on the coffee table as she twittered about the room, wringing her withering hands. The room was pristine, bleached and sparkling, I sat precariously near the edge of the cushion, my long legs crossed, straining against my tight skirt. I sipped on my tea, uttering a sultry hiss under my breath from the heat as I...

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Just as she had promised, the key was on the top of the doorframe. I took it down and unlocked the front door of a stylish, but moderate beach house. I had my clipboard, my measuring tape and my camera. The view from her great room was spectacular. The wall facing the beach was made of glass with tasteful Grecian columns to support it. It was a simple project. Extend the deck further toward the beach and extend the size of the room to take in the current deck.  After a short pause to get a feel...

Straight Sex
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Extreme wife dream

I've been married to my hot wife Andrea for several years and over time I've introduced some ideas for her to consider. My very small penis was the main reason I suggested her to take her first lover. Fully erect and throbbing my penis measurements are three and a half inches long and one and a quarter inches wide. I was her first and I had to really convince her that I was to small. Typical woman she kept saying you are all I need. I told her over and over I wanted her to fuck one of my...

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Helping him out helped me out

So I was walking to the comic book store that I have mentioned in my other stories when I noticed a neighbor a few houses down from mine was working on his back fence. (I was walking behind the houses) We said hello to each other but that was about it. He was maybe mid thirties but I didn't know for sure since we had never really talked. Anyway, I went on to the comic book store.I did my usual up there. Shopped a bit and waited for everyone but myself and the shop owner to leave. At which...

1 year ago
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The “I” in i Free Chat ain’t an uncommon prefix when it comes to modern branding. Hell, Apple started tacking it onto their products before the dawn of the 21st century, so a lot of you have literally grown up seeing iStuff all over the place. I initially suspected iFreeChat was just another copycat adding the letter for no other reason than making their site sound hip, modern and technological, but the front page of their site set me straight. “Welcome to Free India Sex Chat,” reads the little...

Sex Chat Sites
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Bengali Neighbor Aunty Ratna

Hi ISS readers…I am a great fan of ISS stories. Now I want to share one of my experience with My neighbor aunty Ratna. I am a sex loving guy and like to have sex with matured married lady. I am Sourabh, 25 years old good physic..having 7” tool. Before telling the story… I want to introduce Ratna aunty 1st. She is around 38 to 40 years old…her figure was very much attractive, having slit fat in belly area and on buttock which makes her more attractive. Her figure was like Bengali house wives....

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 258

I'd sigh for you, I'd cry for you, I'd tear the stars down from the sky for you, If that isn't love, it'll have to do, Until the real thing comes along... Laura hummed to herself, gathering some papers together from her desk, putting them in an orange manila file folder and labeling the folder carefully. She was a little troubled about love, having in sequence slept with Dawn and Deshona, both of whom she 'loved' to the ends of the earth. She melted with love at the thought of...

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A new start in Australia

Your mother is telling you to wake up, but you are so comfortable. You try to roll over and go back to sleep but you feel something poking into your side. Confused, you open your eyes wondering what is going on. You're in the plane flying to Australia. "The pilot just announced that we're about to land." your mother says. "What time is it?" you ask. "Yesterday" she replies with a grin. You look back confused for a few seconds before you remember the international date line. "Funny" you reply "I...

1 year ago
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Kaylees Wild Weekend

Message from the author: This story is quite long and has long build-up before the sex begins. So…if you’re looking for a quick, dirty read, you might want to skip down to the middle of the story.  Thanks.   Kaylee’s Wild Weekend “This is going to be the best weekend ever!” Kaylee exclaimed as she reached over to turn the radio up, raising the volume to an uncomfortably loud level. “Okaaaay,” Heather said dismissively, pushing her friend’s hand away and turning the volume back down. ...

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My CD friend

This story is fiction.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I had been chatting to people on a ts chat room as I had recently become accustomed to do, when I received a private message from a local cross dresser. She asked me where I was from, how old I was etc and we found out we lived a few towns away from each other, both young guys and both really loved wearing women's clothes.Admittedly she was much more experienced at it than me, having access to girlfriends, sisters and mothers clothes and had even...

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God of LoveChapter 27 Specialist

‘Master, you don’t have to explain her masochistic side. You just need to explain your sadistic side and say that this can happen more often in the future. Her pride will not allow more situations like that. Unless she realizes her masochistic side, she will be the one behind the eight ball. And if she realizes her masochistic side, she will take the initiative to end it.’ Lucas smiled bitterly when he heard that, he had been thinking about it since the beginning, but he had discarded it a...

2 years ago
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AmberChapter 7

Rob yawned, and rolled over to the increasingly-familiar sight of his older sister’s tattoo-covered boobs, and pierced nipples. He decided to wake her up by sliding his thick, veiny cock inside of her, while pulling on her piercings and - just to make sure she was awake - slapping her on the ass. As soon as he inserted the tip of his cock, however, she moaned loudly, and opened her eyes. “Oh, Rob,” she moaned, and wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in as far as he could go. “Stretch me...

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 192

Rone changed into lighter clothing, after complaining about sweating to death in the heavy furs Felli had given him, and went out to take care of the livestock as his bath water heated up. Felli joined him to see what kinds of things she could help with. Meanwhile, the women ran Kal and Jurien out of the house, so they could put something together for lunch as well as a large meal for Ikuno and another for the oni, Kal, Rone and Felli when they went back to the harpy’s cave later.Kal was...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Copyright© 2004 by Kien Reti I looked up at her smiling face. "Nice biceps, guy." Well, yes, and nice of you to have noticed. I hoisted the barbell back over my head and gently cradled it down in the supports. Maybe next time I'd break my bench press record of 235 pounds. Ah, well... One of the unforeseen side-effects of making the health club coed was the constant interruptions you had to put up with. Not that this didn't have its benefits now and again. "Thank you, my good woman, but...

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The BraceletChapter 4

We must have slept because an hour had passed. We all got up and went to the kitchen, naked, to get some water and lunch. Funny I was drinking water. This is new to me as I prefer coffee or coke-cola. I asked the girls to sit at the table and I would make lunch for them. Collecting 6 eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, 3 spring onions, 3 radishes, 6 mushrooms, 3 garlic bulbs, and two tins of chopped tomatoes. I cooked the bacon, garlic and mushroom in some olive oil in the large frying pan. Beat the...

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Cold Steel Part Two

My heart both leaped and sank at the same moment. I so badly wanted her to finish what she started in me, but to have the night continue longer and to remain hers for the duration was also quite enticing.“Mistress please!” I mumbled as she laughed.She lightly touched my cock with her finger continuing to make it twitch with desire then she laughed again.“Oh no big boy! You aren’t gonna get out of this that easy!”She poked my cock and I involuntarily twitched again. “Haha, I love that!” she said...

4 years ago
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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 6

“I had not looked that far ahead, Gereda. Come and you can meet Gerva.” He led the younger man up the grass slope to the cave mouth. Before they had got even halfway, there was a cluster of women at the cave mouth to greet them. One was Gerva, and at the sight of her brother, she squealed in delight. “Gereda! You are here! Welcome, big brother; did you come looking for me?” “Gerva, my sweet little girl! Yes, I came searching for you, but John had already rescued you, he tells me.” “Yes,...

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Bridgets NightsChapter 5

One good thing about being a vampire. When your government issued car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and you kick it, the car knows its been kicked. I surveyed the dented side of the vehicle and added one more good thump for spite. I checked my cell phone. Of course there was no signal. I swear, the only purpose of those infernal devices is to work when you don't want calls. I looked at my watch. Just about 3 AM. Being who I am, I naturally check the weather forecast for the time of...

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