Glorias Glory
- 2 years ago
- 24
- 0
Finally moving toward buying a business, Buck made an appointment to see a business broker Philip Chandler who said he was about to leave to play golf but business was business so suggested Buck come right in.
That attitude impressed Buck but on the way to the office he wondered if Philip found he had time to play golf on a Wednesday morning because business for his company was bad.
He’d worried needlessly. Phones were ringing in the office, women were running in and out of the photocopying room and Buck was aware he’d taken the last parking space. He could see several of the brokers in cubicles appeared to be with clients.
He went up to the receptionist, a woman with a mighty bosom and huge pouty bright red painted lips who watched him approach, gaped and picked up the phone and Buck heard her say, ‘Mr Chandler, your client is the mayoral challenger. He’s arrived.’
A plump and balding guy came out beaming with his hand outstretched.
‘Mr Buxton, welcome.’
‘Call me Buck. I’m surprised I wasn’t handed over to one of your assistants.’
‘When you called you asked for Mr Chandler and Mr Chandler you got… it’s company policy. No client is too small for me but I suppose you are here for an election donation?’ the broker said as he sat behind his desk. ‘Please call me Phil.’
‘No my team has instructions not to solicit for donations but to accept offered donations. I’m actually here on business Phil.’
Phil grabbled his checkbook and said, ‘Well here’s two hundred bucks for the cause. Our present mayor is bad news for this city and I like what I read about your in the Guardian. What’s your stand on business expansion?’
‘We have to keep this city growing Phil, otherwise the threat is stagnation.’
‘Great you have my vote and the votes of my family once I tell them about you. So you wish to buy a business eh? Any firm ideas?’
‘I’ve heard a whisper the Ford dealership could be available.’
‘Damn rumors but that one happens to be correct. But it’s not listed with me and I advise you not to touch it. The asking price is $23 million. We were paid to do an appraisal and my team and I put in our estimate of $9 to $11 million and I can tell you they have their sights on $20 mil plus.’
‘Thanks for that info.’
‘Why Ford?’
‘Because I’ve always driven Ford, as have my dad and his father.’
‘Well founded blind loyalty.’
Buck grinned and said he liked that comment.
‘May I ask how much cash can you stump up with?’
‘Six mil.’
‘Well there’s not many businesses for sale around here in excess of that figure and then with your proven business experience, from what I read, you could add a hefty loan to your money and it’s likely I could turn up investors who’d have faith in you if that’s what you want.’
‘I haven’t decided.’
‘Well I don’t drink the coffee we produce here. Let’s go across the street for Italian machine stuff. It sets your nuts in concrete and that lasts most of the day.’
They laughed and walked over to Milena’s Coffee House.
‘Milly it’s Mr Chandler,’ one of the girls behind the counter called.
A gaunt hawked-nosed woman without makeup and dressed in black came out and gave Phil a stunning smile and the smile turned quizzical as she ran her eyes over the client.
‘Milena deBona, this is Mr Buxton…’
‘The man who wants to replace our mayor, yes I recognize him.’
Buck grinned. ‘I’m Buck. Am I welcome here?’
‘Do you like the idea of foreign immigrants coming to reside in city?’
‘Oh yes Milly, particularly Italian immigrants.’
‘Yes you are welcome here,’ she smiled.
‘Thanks but do I have you vote?’
‘I think so.’
Over coffee Phil said, ‘I did a private appraisal last evening for the wife of a golfing buddy and perhaps this is perfect timing for you. Sid owns the Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep franchise and is suffering heart problems and has been advised to go to Florida to live quietly. His wife is anxious to go while she still has him, although the medics assure them with the pressure off he may well live for many years. The site is under-development and I see upside in business potential as well you may if you inspect the outfit and go through the books.’
‘And the suggested selling price?’
‘Nine and a half. You might get it for a mil less if you negotiate well and can conclude the sale quickly.’
‘Right then let’s attack this prospective sale quickly.’
‘Right I’ll call Sally now. Sid’s home resting up.’
‘Thanks Phil, I’ll meet you outside.’
Phil came out from the coffee house looking non-committal.
‘Sally says she can see you now but I’m to tell you the price is $10.5 million.’
‘Well that conflicts with my thinking Phil. My objective is to buy a business below it’s assessed value.’
Phil sighed and said they best look at other options and he was a little fortunate in that it was a buyer’s market in business sales at present.
‘No I’ll just wait Phil. Please tell Sally that I remain more than interested but my threshold is well below that asking price. You may tell her what figure you feel I might deal at.’
Three weeks later Sally called Buck and invited him to look around the premises with her. He then spent two more hours with the company’s accountant going through financial performance of the business over the past ten years and looking at the age and maintenance expenditure on the buildings and the assessed value of the 3.25-acre site over the years.
Phil was called back in and the deal was done at $8.65 million subject to the franchises being reassigned to Buck and when that was accomplished Buck handed over a bank check that comprising $5 million of his own money and the remainder was a bank loan.
Gloria had been to the dealership three times with Buck and was developing three major ways she believed she could stimulate customer support for the business and lift the profile of the business.
When the deal was concluded a photograph of Buck, Gloria and Sid and Sally Rogers appeared on the front page of Saturday’s business section in the Guardian newspaper announcing the change of ownership.
In the article Buck quipped that he’d have to sell his near-new Ford Explorer to drive one of his dealership’s vehicles and as a result received five offers on his vehicle during the next three days. It sold on Tuesday for a price that satisfied him. He ordered a Grand Cherokee Overland 4X4 V8 painted white gold.
At his first executive meeting, with Gloria appointed as director of marketing and customer relations with the previous manager of marketing and customer relations agreeing to the promotion to becoming Gloria’s deputy, Buck made it quite clear he would devote considerable time in his mayoralty election bid and for that reason he was taking the title of company chairman and the deputy CEO Stan Grayson was being promoted to CEO and would run the business.
* * *
The weeks went by and the campaign team performed credibly and then Mayor Sloan Black tried the scarce tactics, claiming at his election meetings that no one could trust an unmarried mayor.
Rumors began circulating that the unmarried mayoral candidate and his campaign manager were romantically attached, in fact living together.
The Guardian sent a reporter to interview Buck Buxton and all he would say was, ‘Yes the rumor was true.’
It didn’t make a large newspaper story but it was published on the front page in a panel.
Mayor Black held a big meeting attended by almost two hundred of his supporters when he denounced the mayoral challenger as a slime ball from the cesspit who was living in sin with his fancy woman, a divorcee.
Gloria called Thelma to trigger her volunteers to begin calling homes to invite citizens to attend a meeting in City Square at 5:00 that afternoon where
mayoral candidate Buck Buxton would denounce the incumbent mayor as recklessly attempting to cling to power and he’d make a damning disclosure about Mayor Black’s breach of ethics.
Meanwhile Buck had an emergency meeting where he worked with Jessie Lime to produce a speech carefully worded to protect him against making libelous statements.
Citizens began assembling in the square from late afternoon and by 5:00 the City Square with its main traffic routes to the north, south, east and west blocked by an assembly of at least 5000 residents. Reluctantly the Chief of Police called his force to stop attempting to clear the streets of bystanders after being assured that the candidate’s speech would be over in ten minutes.
Buck, looking slim in a dark Italian-cut business suit, white shirt and not wearing a tie stepped up on the plinth of the fountain with a microphone in hand.
‘Thank you everyone for coming here this afternoon in the interest of fair play in this mayoral election and to hear me say right hear and now I denounce Mayor Black’s totally uncalled for attack on my personal integrity. I treat my girlfriend with the love, respect and care she rightfully deserves. I say if one of us mayoral candidates is a slime ball we know where that derogatory names rests, don’t we?’
‘Yes,’ roared the crowd with many people shouting, ‘Yes Mayor Black is the slime ball.’
‘This city has been slipping downhill under Mayor Black’s two terms as mayor and he now has the audacity of seeking a third term as if he believes the citizens of this city who are registered electors are either blind or irrationally stupid. But we know the majority of electors have been given hope now there’s a new man on the block called Buck Buxton. Actually it’s Charles Buxton but even since I was a kid only my mother has called me that.’
‘I have invited you good people hear today to hear me denounce Mayor Black for his underhand tactics in the past two elections by exerting strong-arm tactics to persuade his opponents to withdrawn, thereby defrauding electors of their rightful choice in a contested election.’
‘What do you said about that? Do we boo Mayor Black?’
The huge sound of booing drifted over the city.
‘Can you prove your alarming claims?’ yelled one of the assistants from Brett’s fish and tackler store.
‘Well I believe I can,’ Buck said. He pulled out of his inside pocked two pieces of paper and held them high.
‘These are sworn statements, know legally as affidavits, from two men, one from each of the past two mayoral elections, who claim that Mayor Black personally and repeatedly requested them to withdraw as candidates and finally, according to the evidence I have obtained, he allegedly paid one of them $2000 to withdraw and the other candidate accepted $3500 to withdraw.’
‘Omigod no.’
‘Out with Black’ were the calls.
‘Well there it is folk,’ Buck said. ‘I have been advised for legal reasons I should not divulge the names of the signatories of these affidavits. But I warn Mr Black publicly if he attempts to derail my election campaign I will file these affidavits in court and initiate proceedings against him. Of course if he admits these alleged claims then the police may well beat me to the draw.’
‘Well there it is folk and thank your for hearing me out. Please clear the square quickly and orderly because our Police Chief tells us traffic is blocking up for miles.’
Someone called three cheers for Buck Buxton and that produced a huge response.
Two reporters and a photographer from the Guardian surrounded Buck.
‘Buck please give us the names those guys who were bribed. There were other candidates involved at stages in the run up to those two elections.’
‘No I’m afraid not.’
‘Will you press for the mayor to be charged with bribery?’
‘Probably not. I want to fight Black at the ballot box. Is Rosemary Dell here?’
‘Yes I think so,’ said the photographer. ‘I saw her a few minutes ago. I have her phone number… here use my phone.’
‘Rosemary Dell.’
‘Hi it’s Buck Buxton. The time has come for that exclusive we promised you. Will it be okay for Gloria and me to come in for the interview at 7:00 tonight?’
‘Yes, brilliant, Bye.’
The two reporters were talking so Buck said to the photographer, ‘Be with Rosemary at 7:00 tonight as her photographer.’
‘Yes so wedding bells is it?’
‘You are a sharp guy Mark,’ Buck grinned.
He called Gloria by phone and she pushed through the melee to join him.
‘Rosemary will interview us at 7:00 about the engagement. We need to go and buy the ring you have chosen.’
‘How did you know I’d chosen a ring?’
‘You’re female darling.’
She giggled.
‘Oh my hair.’
”Fuck your hair, you can use my comb.’
She giggled and called Buck incorrigible.
At the jeweler’s Buck took a call.
‘Mr Charles Buxton also known as Buck Buxton?’
‘I’m Alan Groves, Mayor Black’s personal attorney. I have been instructed to warn you…’
‘Play your games with someone else Alan. Bye.’
Gloria and Buck went up to the editorial floor of the Guardian. The senior of the two receptionists came from behind the desk and said, ‘Good evening Candidate Buxton. This won’t take a minute. May I ask you for your thoughts about brothels?’
Oh-oh, Buck thought. This one could get him into trouble.
‘Yes brothels,’ he said. ‘What would you like to know?’
‘I really don’t know anything about them.’
‘That’s my limit of knowledge as well ma’am. I see it as the council’s job to keep them under tight control.’
‘Oh excellent. You have my support Candidate Buxton. Please come through to the newsroom. The editor wants you photographed in there with out news staff looking on, just to show that this newspaper has no problem if you become the people’s choice. We publish a photo of Mayor Black in our news columns almost every day and the editor is keen to show balance.’
The woman led Gloria and Buck into the newsroom where reporters and sub-editors stood and broke into applause.
Rosemary came forward. Buck kissed her cheek and Rosemary and Gloria shook hands.
‘You’re not wearing it?’
‘No Buck suggested for the photograph I put it on with you looking on rather than having a cheesy shot of just him and me close up.’
‘Oooh great idea. Can Mark take the photograph now and then everyone can get back to work?’
‘Yes sure,’ said Gloria who was used to photo shoots in her previous time in PR work. ‘Hi Mark, put us into position and shoot.’
‘Thanks,’ Mark said. ‘I like the suggestion of you Buck placing the ring on Gloria’s finger with Rosemary with her pad and pencil looking on, but standing really close to you guys so I produce a really tight frame.’
Mark shouted to the editorial people, ‘Gather round guys coming up to within three feet of the happy couple.’
With that done Rosemary sat the couple down and asked, ‘What made you decide to make such a public display of your engagement?’
‘People making snide remarks about Gloria living with me have really upset Gloria and her mother Amelia West. We had intended becoming engaged after the election but have brought this forward and have set the wedding date for the Saturday of the week following the posting of the final election result and the declaration of me as the new mayor.’
‘Isn’t that prediction of winning the mayoralty being a tiny bit presumptuous?’
‘No for the simply reason people in this city know if they go with me they’ll be backing a winner. Mayor Black won’t resign over his alleged disgraceful conduct. He’ll deny and such underhand activity and take this fight to the wire and then claim if he wins that will clear his name.’
‘And you honestly believe that?’
‘What will your
winning margin be?’
‘The size of the margin will not matter to me. Just a final result declaring me the winner by one vote will be sufficient. I grew up in this city when it was prosperous and now it looks a little weary, City Hall being a prime example. It’s exterior is a disgrace. If the city manager values his job he’ll have the exterior steam-cleaned and renovated, that work starting by this Saturday.’
‘And if he doesn’t or Mayor Black orders him not to do that renovation?’
Then two high ranking people will be clearing their desks at City Hall the day before I officially begin my duties.’
‘You sound as if you’ll be a ruthless mayor.’
‘Buck is firm but fair-minded Rosemary,’ Gloria said. ‘He hasn’t a ruthless bone in his body. But if he thinks something should be done his focus is to have it done.’
‘When did you meet Buck Gloria?’
‘We went through North Ridge High School together. We dated briefly around graduation time but I was rather skinny in those days but thankfully my breasts have grown since then. Buck has a softness for well-formed breasts.’
‘A softness?’
‘Well a deep attraction.’
Buck interjected, laughing. ‘Ladies I really think this concludes this interview. I don’t wish to gain a reputation I don’t deserve. I welcome women of 32s and under to vote for me and I welcome men without much of a breast line to also vote for me. Vote for progress and solid policies. You are nicely developed Rosemary.’
Everyone in the newsroom fell about laughing and Rosemary was clasping Buck almost hysterical in laughter.
There was a big splash about the Town Square meeting with photographs on the front page of the Guardian next morning and under it was a photograph of the angry-faced mayor saying if that damn young whippersnapper mouthed those outrageous lies again alleging the Mayor as an election candidate had bribed two opponents to withdraw from contesting the last mayoralty election he’d sue Buck Buxton and take him all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. The mayor said he was astounded that a green-behind-the-ears election candidate could lie through the teeth like that in a disgraceful manner to inveigle support for his floundering election bid.
A footnote stated that Candidate Buck Buxton had declined to comment on the mayor’s rebuttal of Mr Buxton’s claims.
Another article involving Buck appeared under the heading, ‘A Newsroom Engagement and my Big Breasts’ and under that were Rosemary Dell’s byline and a photo of her with her back to the camera.
The story was lightly written with humor and Rosemary’s impressions of Buck and Gloria.
Amelia who’s stayed overnight with her daughter and Buck because her husband Bryce was away for the weekend at a conference, said that delightful article showed them up to be a very charming couple while the front page comment by the mayor showed him up as a guy fighting with his back to the wall. Buck and Gloria agreed with that assessment.
‘You must now make more public appearances with Gloria at your side, to give the clear message that you are a solid couple, albeit not yet married.’
‘That makes good sense and thanks for that advice,’ Buck said charmingly and noticed Gloria smiling approvingly, they’d already made that decision to increase their joint public profile.
‘Right since I’m here and in a talkative frame of mind, should we begin planning the wedding, starting with venue?’ Amelia asked.
‘I hadn’t thought about planning. Oh god, we are running out of time,’ said her daughter. ‘All the decent venues probably will be booked.’
‘Buck where would you like the wedding?’ Amelia asked.
‘Beside Skipper’s Pool would be great.’
Gloria giggled and her mom said, ‘Behave please Buck, this is very serious business.’
Buck’s phone went and with the women nattering he left the room answering.
He arrived back smirking.
‘What?’ Amelia demanded?
‘That was Elizabeth Scott, general manager of the North Ridge Country Club. ‘The club’s executive committee is having its monthly meeting this morning and agreed to offer the club’s facilities to us for the wedding without charge.’
‘Omigod, omigod,’ Amelia said her face taking a purple toning and she clutched a hand just above her cleavage. ‘Gloria?’
‘Nah I think I’d prefer Skipper’s Pool.’
‘Darling you fool. You practically have to be royalty to have a wedding at the country club. Caterer’s vans would never get up to that damn pool.’
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On Saturday, August 23, 2014, I attended the wedding of my friend Lynn and her boyfriend Steve (well, Steve is her husband now). My girlfriend/lover Kat couldn't attend this wedding. She doesn’t really know Lynn, and her husband might get suspicious if she disappeared for a whole weekend. Besides her husband Frank (who she doesn’t sleep with) and me, Kat also has a boyfriend on the side, named Dave, who she has known longer than she has known me. And has been fucking longer than she has been...
Straight SexNOTE: You know the deal by now...if you have not read the previous three chapters...well, what are you waiting for?It was morning back at the Red Roof Inn in Danville, Pennsylvania the day after my cousin Nick's wedding rehearsal. Once again, I was sitting in a chair pondering my situation. Here I was back in the town where I was born for my cousin Nick's wedding. I came here with my step-sister Marcy with whom I was living with as a couple. I had just met my sister Laura the day before. It...
IncestElaine had to leave to spend the week supporting her brother. His wedding to Patsy was slated for Saturday afternoon. Donna was gone back to Chicago by three. Sora and Whitney each wanted some private time with me before they had to be back in their dorms by team curfew. In exchange, we got Josh, Cassie, Nicki, and Liz added to our tent. We switched the trailer back to the use of the younger girls and Leonard who had finally received permission to join us. The real surprise was when Mom and...
Avalon Young – May 2048 Vanessa, my now fourteen-year-old daughter, suckled at my breast. It was just after midnight. She was now fourteen. I stroked her red hair, still in a braid. I groaned at the feel of her hungry nursing, loving this. It had been so many years since I weaned her as a baby. Not it was so naughty. My milk flowed into her mouth. It squirted into her mouth. My cunt squeezed. I rubbed my thighs together. I groaned, the pleasure rippled through me. I gripped her hair as I...
The sound of my phone is going off; it feels like its right in my ear. ‘Who the hell is calling me so damn early?!’ I growl to myself, as I roll over, not even looking at the screen and answer. “Who’s dead, or dying? This best be important.” “Good morning to you to, Sunshine.” I hear him chuckle, I can almost see his smile. I bolt right up and look at the time. Its 8:30 in the morning and Mr. Hottie is giving me a wake-up call. I can’t help but smile. “Well, good morning to you, Harris.”...
Quickie SexHi indian sex stories dot net friends. This is Rocky, 29-year-old, a fitness trainer from Delhi. I am 5’11”, muscular guy. I chose to become a fitness trainer out of passion. I want to share a hot encounter I had at a friend’s wedding. He was my childhood buddy and has settled down in Delhi. It was a Punjabi wedding on a Friday night. Luckily my parents have provided me with sufficient treasure and I earn enough to lead a healthy and luxurious life. I wore a designer black sherwani with a red...
My wife Mona had a sister whose wedding was arranged and the date was near, Monty had ditched her by saying that he had work. She was very angry. He tried to console her but Mona was so angry that she didn’t let him touch her for a whole week. Finally the day before wedding she went to her house without Monty. Once she reached there she forgot all about the fight and started enjoying the pre-wedding celebrations. On the mehendi night there was sangeet arranged and everyone had come, she was...
My Big Sister's Wedding. By Tanya H. My Big Sister's wedding got off to a good start; by nine pm on the Friday night I'd already lost my virginity to the groom's mum. With her husband not due to come down until Saturday morning, she blatantly flirted with me, ordered me up to her bedroom and followed me there a few minutes later. "Has anybody ever done that for you, Stirling?" she asked, the words a little clotted, in the electric moments after she made me cum in her mouth. I was...
" Come on you! Quick shower and then we are out!" said Ashleigh, one of the maids of honour. " Stay right there Jacob and keep your eyes closed!" Narla said, another maid of honour. " Its bad luck to see your bride before the wedding." " We have 30 minutes Chris. Shower now!" Jessie commanded, the third maid of honour. Ashleigh pushed Chris out of the room and into the bathroom. Narla went to the kitchen and Jacob grabbed hold of Jessie. " Take care of him." Jacob said....
My Cuckold WeddingI stood at the altar alone with Rev. Carl, the minister, looking out at the wedding guests. It wasn't a large wedding, still to me it seemed there were a lot of people looking at me. I saw my parents and my brother, as well as a handful of cousins, all with big smiles on their faces. My family had approved of Laurel as soon as they met her. My father and my brother kept telling me how lucky I was to be marrying her. On the bride's side of the aisle there were many more guests...
At long last, the morning of the weddings arrived. After much, much, much discussion they had decided to split the weddings into two groups. Leigh and DT, Anita and Terry, and Sandra and Dave would be married in the morning, and they would have a wedding lunch. Queen Sparky and Prince Ross, Tony, Debora and Kyle, and Sean and Lee would be married in the afternoon with a wedding dinner. This way, one set of the crew could enjoy the first wedding and the second set the second wedding. Almost...
After dating Sarah for over two years, I asked her to marry me and she said yes. I couldnt be happier with anyone else. Im just your average guy. I'm 5'10" and around 200 pounds with brown eyes and hair. I'm a web master of a very profitable company. Sarah is a very beautiful woman. She is 5'7" with long red hair that fell half way down her back and had the most sexiest blue eyes I have ever seen. She had nice firm 36 c breast and nice curvy hips. Sarah is a lawyer at the biggest firm...
‘What do you mean he ran off with Karen? She’s my fucking Maid of Honor,’ Betty yelled hysterically. ‘The wedding is in an hour.’ ‘Uh, I saw them getting into the limo about nine this morning and driving off,’ Betty’s mom said softly, trying to stay calm herself. ‘They haven’t come back and the limo service said the car was back on their lot after dropping the couple off at the airport.’ Betty staggered back and sat down hard on the bed. ‘I’ll kill both of them.’ ‘Now dear….’ ‘Fuck you!...
The story until now.I had just returned from the US. Julie came back with me with the intent that I would coach her in her barefoot water skiing. To allow that to happen, I had helped her obtain a job as a support person for my administrative assistant, Ronny who was grossly overloaded with work. After spending the night at home with Sue, I was heading across to Julie when I had noticed Sue following me. I managed to give her the slip but it told me that Julie and I needed to be very careful if...
Wife LoversTHE WEDDING BY JANICE In my mailbox that day I found an envelope from Karol. She used to be Carol but she moved to California and became one of the in crowd, now she is Karol. It was a wedding invitation. She was getting married to her life partner, Rose. I knew Rose and liked her, so I was happy that they were getting married. The only thing that would make me happier would be if she were marrying me. The...
"Let's go for a walk," begged Eric. "It will be chilly soon, and then it's too late."He did not have to ask twice. Stella could not think of anything she liked better than walking in the park with Eric, except maybe listening to his deep, soothing voice. A voice she could listen to forever and not get tired of it.As usual, he took her arm as they slowly made their way to their favorite park bench. It was empty as they arrived, just as the sun started to disappear behind the tall trees to the...
Love StoriesMy name is Carol and I'm thirty-four years old. I am very pretty, or so I'm told, with large natural 32D tits and tight abs. This is a real story that my husband, John, is obsessed with. He beats off as I share the details of me getting fucked at a friend's wedding.I'm somewhat of an exhibitionist. I love to wear low cut tops that show off my large tits. John encourages my behavior and likes to see other guys check me out, which they do all the time. I don't always close the drapes...
Wife LoversXanthos -- A Saturday Morning in January I guess it's time to take care of another detail. I picked up the phone and called my best friend -- from before I found Master Control -- who was currently living near Dallas, Texas. Ken is 6' tall, slim (the last time I saw him), 27 years old, with grey hair. He says that the grey hair (that he's had since High School) was genetic... I prefer to believe that it has something to do with his getting hit by lightning twice when he was still in...
It was a simple ceremony, with only a small contingent of guests in attendance: our parents, of course; Allison ... sorry, 'Charlotte', and Molly, who were bridesmaids; and Rod and Selena, who were using the trip as an excuse for a second honeymoon – the kids were flying out the following week for a family vacation. Rod was also standing in, along with Bob, as one of my groomsmen to balance out the girls standing up for Lizzy. Lizzy had asked Amber to be her maid of honor; my Dad was...
My Best Friend's Wedding Ben pulled out a shoebox from the back of the cupboard and opened the lid. In it was a pile of old photographs, some of which he hadn't seen for almost twenty years. Flicking through them brought back memories of his teenage years, trips away and parties with friends from school. Most had been taken on his cell phone at the time, but he remembered making a special effort to print out and keep the ones he liked the most, so they would not be lost as...
When I saw what Karen was going to wear at breakfast I decided to dress similarly. My v-neck tennis sweater over an open-necked shirt, white pants and sneakers matched her outfit so nearly that if it had not been for her longer hair and cute little boobs poking out on her chest we would have been mistaken for twins. Well, I would have to admit that the way her pants hugged her shapely ass was another thing that distinguished us from one another, but the red and blue trim on our sweaters was...
“Give me your office contacts,” Jack whispered, as his cock began to deflate and slide out of Trixie Ann’s well-lubricated pussy. “I want to fuck you again next week.”She leaned on the stall partition to steady herself. She plumped her full breasts with her hands to settle them in her bra. It had been an energetic bout of sex in a stall of the airport ladies’ room and she was still breathing heavily. Her unbuttoned blouse was damp with sweat and her skirt was hiked up around her waist.Trixie...
ReluctanceThere was more eating and drinking than you could dream of. The catering was perfect. I had my first married kiss and first married dance with my husband and then lots of men lined up to dance with me and give me a wedding kiss. I must have danced every dance for an hour. Finally I begged off because I had to go to the bathroom really bad. My bladder was busting. I went down the side hallway and found the ladies room. I had to work hard to lift up my entire beautiful full white wedding...
Special thanks to JewelTran for proofing this story and becoming a dear friend. Your awesome Jewel. A year before we were married I took my girlfriend, the most beautiful woman in the world, out to a romantic dinner for two with wine, candles, soft music playing and our favorite dinners. We shared prime rib and lobster for dinner but before we ordered dessert I took her hand in mine across the table and said honey you and I have talked many many times and spent a lot of time with each other....
The wedding was six weeks after Ron proposed to Ronnie. The reason that it happened quickly was she was starting to show. Ronnie looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding gown. Mind, she always looked gorgeous to me. I guess I was a big bit biased on the subject matter.Ron’s brother, Colin was the best man. I had met him a couple of times and didn’t particularly like him. He always seemed to give Ron a hard time at every opportunity. I was seated next to him at the table as one of Ron’s...
CuckoldSUBSTITUTE - The story of a wedding ? by: Nicci Knox Chapter I - Before - an offer made and accepted. Abbi looked at me for several moments before she responded to my offer. "If you really mean it," she said, "there is something you can do. Take the Friday, Monday and Tuesday off work, over the weekend of the twenty/twenty-first, come round to my place Thursday evening and spend the weekend and the next couple of days with me." That weekend incorporated the Summer Solstice....
It was a night out for Savita and Ashok. They were on their way to Savita’s friend, Mamta’s wedding reception. Ashok was on the wheel and Savita was checking her makeup in the rear view mirror. “I hope we aren’t late for Mamta’s wedding reception” said Savita after looking at her watch for the third time. “Don’t worry Savita; we’ll be there on time” Savita and Ashok soon arrived at the reception and they made their way towards the newlywed couple. “Congratulations Mamta!” said Savita as she...
The WeddingNikkie SilkPart OneTrust me when I tell you I don't normally check the wedding announcements. I hate weddings. Ever since I was a page boy at my aunt’s wedding, when my mother made me wear a pale blue tuxedo. I was six, for God’s sake. She said I looked so cute.Aunts and Uncles oohed and aahed at me as I walked down the aisle with the rings on a little satin pillow, but I hated it. You see, what I really wanted to be was one of the bridesmaids in their gorgeous frothy, frilly pink...
The Wedding Nikkie Silk Part One Trust me when I tell you I don't normally check the wedding announcements. I hate weddings. Ever since I was a page boy at my aunt's wedding, when my mother made me wear a pale blue tuxedo. I was six, for God's sake. She said I looked so cute. Aunts and Uncles oohed and aahed at me as I walked down the aisle with the rings on a little satin pillow, but I hated it. You see, what I really wanted to be was one of the bridesmaids in their gorgeous...
The whole planet seemed more relaxed and alive with plans. It was a week before Michelle disappeared on Dancer and Huntress’s arms for her bridal shower. Even Striker had been invited, along with a few hundred other women. Tinker wanted to throw me a bachelor party but I had shot that down and spent the day in a garage with Albert and Samuel. My mother had arrived just in time to shuttle down to Michelle’s party before even stopping to see me. I retired early to my quarters in the Dragon...
Waits patiently beside the school, to feast on girls and boys." -"The Ghoul," Jack Prelutsky *** The first time the Night People came for Amina she was six years old, and it was Valentine's Day, and also her birthday. She stayed up late that night with a flashlight, looking at the Valentines from her classmates and chewing the small, chalky candy hearts the teacher gave out. The cards were flat, pink and red cartoons that didn’t really make sense to her. When she thought of...