- 4 years ago
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You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in.
This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society.
Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due to some serious girl problems. Now he has met the twins, his next door neighbors, and is feeling confused about his feelings toward both of them. His first day of school was great until he got into a fight with the school bully. Now romance is in the air as Joshua and Carrie plan their first date!
Gifted: Book One
Soul Mates
The Date!
The rest of the week was kind of a blur to me. I made it through my second day of school ok. It was great actually! First off, I’m like a new celebrity in school, everybody knows me. Everyone I pass in the halls knows my name.
‘Hey Josh…’ ‘Josh my man…’ ‘Yo Josh’
My teachers are starting to wonder why I’m still in school. I’ve aced all their tests this week, even with no study time. I love having a memory like a steal trap… hehe.
Carrie was doing her part to make sure everyone knew we were a couple. She was walking everywhere holding my hand, and kissing me every time we had to part ways, in the most visible spots of the hall. I really loved all the attention I was getting from her. Not to mention the attention I was getting from all the other girls in school. It is true what they say, that all the ladies want you once you’re spoken for. I’ve dated several girls before, but they were just dates. I knew they probably wouldn’t last more then a few dates, and none had… However, this was the first time I had really felt like I had a steady girlfriend of any significance, so it was a bit of a new experience for me. I think I liked it!
Tuesday, James came up to me after lunch. ‘Hey, Josh. Can I talk to you a minute?’
‘Yea sure James, what’s up?’
‘Um, I’m not sure if you’d be interested but, the football team is holding tryouts next week for a new receiver. Two of ours got injured in the first couple of games and we need to find replacements. One of the guys we have filling in the position now is awful, he’s a forward tackle, but the only thing we had. Coach is holding open auditions, to all classes, because he’s not too happy with his JV guys this year either. We need at least one, maybe two people, so would you be interested?’
‘Um, I don’t know. I’ve never really been a big sports guy. Why me?’
‘Dude, you are the toughest ‘son of a bitch’ I know, after cleaning Mark’s clock! Besides, you seem well defined under that polo. I think you would be awesome!’ he said smiling, almost lustfully…
I smirked, ‘So, you been checkin me out huh?’ I could see the fear flash in his eyes, thinking that he might have said the wrong thing. I figured I should let him off the hook, ‘Just kidding man, when’s the tryout?’
‘Next Monday, after school.’
‘Cool I’ll try.’ I said smiling. I don’t know why I decided to do it, but something inside me said, why not!
When I told Casey that afternoon on the bus, he said, ‘Cool, I’m trying out too. I was on the team last year, but I didn’t join this year, because we were on vacation through out the end of summer, during training. I hear that there are filling two spots. So maybe we can both get on.’ That made me feel even better, because I would have someone else there I knew at the tryouts.
When I got home, I couldn’t wait to tell dad. I knew he was a big football fan. He was captain of his high school team, and was always a little disappointed that I had not been all that interested in sports. I know how to play all the games from sitting with dad all these years, whenever a game was on. Also, I’d played some touch football back home a few times. It was fun to play, but I had just never thought of playing it for real. This new prospect was kind of a new feeling for me. I was actually exited about the tryouts.
I did my homework at the kitchen table, so I’d know when he got home. I also wanted to spend some quality time with my sisters. Kim and Adria were happy that their big brother was gracing them with his presence. It also didn’t hurt having me there to help them with their homework.
When Dad got home I ran in to the living room to give him my good news. ‘Dad, you’ll never guess what I’m doing next Monday afternoon!’
‘What’s that Son?’ dad said smiling
‘I’m going to tryout for the football team! Two of their receivers were injured in the last few games so they are holding open tryouts next Monday!’
‘Son, that’s great! Are you sure, though? You’ve never been all that into sports?’
‘Well, James seems to think I’ll do well, and he’s the captain of the team. Also he asked me personally today to try out for the team. Besides, you know I’ve been working out for over a year now dad. I think I’m ready!’
‘OK son…I believe you! I can’t wait to see my son on the football field!’ he messed my hair.
‘Well dad, you know I might not make the team. It is only tryouts.’
‘Bah, you’ll be on the team, I know it!’ he winked at me and smiled real big, ‘I can’t wait for this weekend now!’
‘What’s going on this weekend?’
He smiled, ‘You’ll see!’ And dad left for the kitchen starting his ‘how are my girls doing’ routine.
There was a knock at the door. Since I was closest I opened it, and there was Casey!
‘Excuse me Mr. Kingston, can Joshua come out to play?’ he asked with a grin.
‘Thought you would never get here.’ I just laughed.
So, we went out to the courts to play some hoops. Man was I on my game today. Two of the games, I came within a basket of the final score. I think I was so excited about the football tryouts, I must have kicked it up a notch. ‘Man, were you feeling bad yesterday or what?’ he was panting a lot more than yesterday. ‘Yesterday, I was just playing around with you, but you sure stepped up your game today, I thought you had that first game.’
‘Hehe…I don’t know, I just didn’t feel ‘on’ yesterday. Today, I don’t know, it’s like a light switch was turned on.’
We sat on the court about five minutes catching our breath, and talking about the games we just played. After we felt fully rested, Casey asked, ‘Why don’t we go for a run before it gets too dark? Say, to the Seven-eleven and back home?’
‘That sounds good. It’s been about a month since my last run. We can work out the kinks before next Monday.’
So we went for our run. I figure it was about a two-mile run. Not too strenuous. The run was great. Made me think I’ll do well next Monday, if I can catch the ball.
Wednesday, was fairly uneventful, more classes to ace, more kissing Carrie, and more people saying hi. The only real excitement of the day came after I got home and Casey came over for more fun and games. I was really enjoying these b-ball sessions with Casey. It was really bringing us closer every day.
When he came over Wednesday, I was waiting for him on the porch, but he surprised me, he had a football with him today. I just smiled. ‘So a little pigskin action today?’
‘Well, with the tryouts next week I thought you might want some practice.’ Casey smiled.
So we went out to the park near by to the open field. ‘Ok, run out and I’ll throw you a pass!’
After I had ran out about twenty yards, I twisted around to look for the ball, it was coming down nice and straight. So I jumped up a little and caught it, but it slipped through my arms.
‘Hey, don’t sweat it, man. It was your first catch! We all miss a few.’
So then he ran out and I threw the ball to him. It wasn’t a perfect spiral, but I wasn’t going out for Quarterback either. He caught it easily. I could tell he was a fine athlete. He had probably been playing sports all his life. I had a lot of catching up to do.
We had fun. We ran all over the field throwing the ball back and forth. We were both doing well. We didn’t miss the ball much at all. I was getting much better. It was like the more I did it, the quicker I was catching on. When we were thoroughly worn out, we came back to my place. We sat on the back porch again, this time drinking orange Kool-Aid.
‘Damn man, you were really good out there today. I think you’re a shoe in.’ I said.
‘Yea man, you really are good too. And you’ve got just as good a chance as I do.’
‘No way man, I was pushing just to keep up with you man, you’re a natural.’
‘No I’m serious. The first couple of catches were a little off, but you really turned it on out there!’
I was blushing. I liked it when he paid me a complement. It suddenly dawned on me that I was feeling aroused right at that moment. Just sitting next to him was… It was then that I became aware of the aroma coming off of Casey. I had smelled sweat before, but his sent was… intoxicating!
Luckily, before it got awkward, Carrie came over. ‘Hey bro! Hey Josh!’
‘Hey, Sis!’
‘Hello, Baby!’ I said smiling, glad for the distraction. She came over and sat beside me, and leaned on my shoulder. ‘I was thinking about Friday night. I think we should go to the football game. We might have to start going anyway…’ I said laughing.
‘Yea, that sounds like a great idea.’ Casey said sounding excited.
‘Yea, I think that would be cool. I’ve always enjoyed the football games anyway. It’ll be fun.’ Carrie said. I could almost see the wheels turning now. I was pretty sure she was thinking of cheering on her new boyfriend, while he was playing in the games every week.
I was glad for all the football talk it had allowed Mr. Happy to go down. ‘Carrie, Casey! It’s getting late.’ Their mom called out their back door. Casey got up and waved bye. Carrie stood up, and I stood up with her. We kissed for about a good minute, and then she left too.
I though a lot about Casey and Carrie that night, I just couldn’t get them out of my mind. I had another intense dream about the twins again that night, but this time it started out with Casey. I couldn’t believe some of the things I was instigating. In this dream I was completely in to it. I mean it was like I was the aggressor. I had thrown Casey, face first on to the bed, jumped behind him and rammed all of me in to his ass in one thrust. I started really smacking his ass with every thrust.
Suddenly, Casey turned his head and it wasn’t Casey anymore, I was slamming into Carrie’s willing cunt, but that didn’t surprise me. It was as though I was expecting it, in the middle of my dream. I didn’t skip a beat! I immediately ran my hands around and began fondling her breasts. It was a very erotic dream! I woke up the next morning very messy.
Thursday, after school, Casey and I threw the football around some more, and I was getting better and better. I think I was doing the same thing I do in school. When I’m in class and the teacher is explaining things, I see the full scope of the explanation through the teacher’s own experience. Most teachers I’ve meet have been very passionate about their subjects, and when they teach I get the benefit of that passion, through them.
I was doing the same thing with Casey. Every time he went out for the ball I could feel his excitement, his passion for the game. I hadn’t realized how much Casey loved football. I find myself loving football the more we play it. Now as we passed the ball back and forth I was catching it almost every time, even when he would try and trick me by throwing too high or too low.
That night sitting on my back porch, Casey told me something that floored me.
‘So Casey, the other night you were telling me about this girl you like at school!’
Casey flinched and just about blew Kool-Aid out his nose. ‘um…yea. About that. Um…I was just going through something…I was really confused about things that night. I realize now that I should move on and find someone else. So we can just…um…forget about it.’
I was getting a feeling that that was not the case. Even with my mind mostly closed around him, I could tell by the look on his face. ‘Casey, you shouldn’t just forget it. If you really like her then you should tell her! If you don’t at least try, then you always feel like ‘what if’! And you will never let yourself live it down.’
‘But Josh, that’s part of the problem! It’s not… a… girl!’
‘Oh… OH!’
‘Yea, but the worst part is I like girls, I shouldn’t be attracted to him! I don’t understand it, I…I…’
Oh my God! Casey is going through the same thing I am! Just, for another guy at school! ‘Wow, so do I know this guy?’
Casey looked panic stricken, ‘uh…yea you’ve meet him…but I’d prefer not to tell you who. Josh, you can’t tell anyone about this! You’re the only one I’ve told, not even my sister knows this!’
‘Knows what?’ Carrie said coming around the fence. Casey went white.
‘Nothing baby, just guy talk!’ I piped up quick.
‘Guy talk huh! Fine you two can keep your secrets, as long as they don’t involve me!’ She said winking and smiling. ‘Mom sent me over to find you, Casey. Dinners ready.’
‘O…OK, later Josh!’ Casey practically ran to his house.
‘Night Babe!’ Carrie said as she stuck her tongue down my throat. After a minute she broke away and skipped home. Damn she is sexy.
That night I had another dream, but this time it was only Carrie. Actually it was almost a repeat of the dream I had the first night I met them. A noise came from by the window. Looking I saw Carrie climbing through the window.
‘Hi baby, what are you doing up here toni…’ I didn’t get to finish as she placed her lips to mine.
As she broke, ‘Josh, I’ve wanted you since I first laid eyes on you’ she replaced her lips to my eager mouth. I felt her hand messaging me through my shirt. She was feeling every inch of my chest. I was so hard I thought my shorts were going to rip. I felt one of her hands caress my erection through the cloth.
The next thing I know, my shorts are around my ankles and her head is moving down to my aching member. I leaned my head back, arching my back, as she began to devour my manhood. Oh God, that feels good! I thought, reaching down to grab her short black hair. She was doing a very good job, and as I was massaging her hair, she was taking both of my nuts and sucking them into her mouth.
After a few minutes, I pulled her off, bringing her up in to a kiss. Then, rolling her over so I’m on top, I ran my hand underneath her shirt until I find her ample breasts. After giving them a quick squeeze, I lifted off and pulling her up to relieved her of her t-shirt and bra. Then, I took one of her tits in my mouth while opening her pants. I reached in through the top, working my way through her bush, dipping my finger in her sweet spot.
She seemed to like it, as she moaned softly. She whispered, ‘I need you now!’ Taking the hint, I pulled her jeans the rest of the way off and went to my dresser to get a condom from my underwear drawer. Slapping my hat on, I got back in bed, moved in between her legs, and lifted them up. She wrapped them around my waist as I slowly entered her, and let her get used to me. I know I’m kinda big, and I didn’t want to hurt her, but she just moaned even louder. After hitting bottom, I started to pull out, and preceded to long-dick her for a while. I had to keep kissing her to try and keep her quiet. Her moaning was getting louder and louder.
She broke away from my lips and whispered, ‘
Harder!’ so I picked up the pace, ‘Harder!’ I started slamming into her, ‘HARDER!’ for the next several minutes I worked her like a jackrabbit, quick, short, and as hard as I could thrust. She began to cry, and shake. At first, I thought I was hurting her, but just before I said something, I realized her pussy muscle was clamping down hard as she was really cumming hard!
That drove me over the edge. ‘Oh…Fuck!!! Uh!’ as my eyes shot open. Literally doubling over in bed, from the sensation going through my groin, I shot at least ten times after that initial orgasmic jerk. Completely out of breath, I lay in bed for close to a half hour, couldn’t move. It was like my power jack-off sessions. Very intense! This had been the most vivid sex dream I’ve ever had. It felt almost like it was real.
Friday, after school, we had made plans. We were going to the football game, then to the Burger King beside the school. It was an after game hangout spot for the school. If there was no party, everyone went to BK. I felt so sorry for the kids working that night! We got to the game thirty minutes before it was to start. My whole family was going and so was the twin’s family, but we didn’t sit with them. Although, I did notice dad had to leave in the middle of the game, not sure why?
The game was a blast. It was so cool just hanging out with Casey and Carrie. Carrie surprised me, by knowing more about football then me. Their whole family must be into sports. It was really cool just hanging out with Casey. This was the first real time I had had to spend with either of them outside of school, except for me and Casey’s after school games. I really like both of them.
The party at BK was cool, I’ve never been to a fast food restaurant that had no problem hosting like half a school worth of people. They had the music turned up, playing some pop and some rap that was very popular music right now. The whole team was there, people congratulating them on a good game.
We had taken the twin’s parent’s car, as I had not gotten mine yet. Dad had told me that he wanted to get me a new car in few months. We had not brought my car from home… it would never have made the trip I think. It was a crap car, but one I could work on and tinker with. I had learned a lot about cars with that old car. I couldn’t wait to be driving again though. I was wondering what kind of ‘new’ car dad had in mind.
We headed home around eleven thirty. Dad wanted me home by midnight, and the twins had a similar curfew. We had had a great time though!
I woke up Saturday morning to a surprise.
‘Grandpa, when did you make it in?’
‘Last night while you were at your game. I hear you might be playing soon.’ He said with a big smile.
‘Yea, the tryouts are on Monday.’
‘Well then, I think I got here just at the right time! Eat some breakfast, and come out back when you’re done.’ Then he got up from the table and scruffed up my hair as he walked outside. Do they all like messing up already combed hair!!
I got some cereal and ate it quickly, then headed out back. Grandpa sat out in the middle of the yard with his legs crossed. He must have been meditating or something. When I walked out he opened his eyes and smiled at me. ‘Come, Joshua. Sit across from me.’ I did as he told me and sat just like him. ‘Now open your mind and let me see what’s been going on with you.’
I got a little scared at that. Grandpa often did this when he came to see me. But unlike dad who is around me all the time, Grandpa uses this to find out what he has missed in the last year since he has seen me. I’ve never had a problem with this before, but lately I’ve done some things and experienced some things I’d rather he didn’t know about. Especially, my feelings for Casey! I’m not so worried about Carrie.
‘It’s ok Joshua. I fully expect that you will want to keep things you feel embarrassed about private. I knew you would want to hide things from granddad one day, but it has come too soon.’ He was smiling. ‘Just block the things you don’t want me to see when you open, but there is another reason for asking you to open up this morning.’
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I train three tasty sexy slaves at my place: Alex and Aisha are experienced in any erotic encountersI train also Ai who is still a virgin in both her holy hot hairy holes, but who is good giving head!I entertain many visiting slaves for a day or sometimes a few more to offer my slaves sexy lecturesI entertain at X-mas Eve also sexy Swedish Sasha a blonde beauty with big BOOBs, firm and all real!I have my plan ready for a very sexy X-mas night with lots of pretty pleasure for all five of us I...
...Six weeks earlier… “Hey Dawson get over here.” I looked over my shoulder and saw my boss waving his hand at me form behind the kitchen counter. I excused myself from the table that I was helping and walked through the small diner I’d been working at for a decent seven months now. “Yeah boss.” The tall, soccer coach looking man gestured for me to follow him to his back office. For the life of me I always wondered why Steve was a fast food restaurant owner. He looked like he was...
Hai friends i am nico 35 year from Sacramento california , am working in softwere company ,i am white my wife is arab from syria she is 26 year, i given my wife to my boss...... my companies effect economic crisis , my boss protect my job, he is 48 year old man ,4 week befeore he saw my wife in my office and he told me, you ara a luky man you got a beautiful arab hijab wife ,and i am realy like ur wife, iam realy wanna meet ur wife and dinner with her ,ididnt say nothin,because of my situation...
The next day Vera woke warm and comfortable but also confused. She didn’t know where she was or why she had chosen to sleep in her human skin. It took a moment for her to remember the events of the previous night. Going to the bar seemed like a lifetime ago, then the chase and the crash. Vera sat up and removed the t-shirt she was wearing to survey the damage. The scrape was almost completely healed and the bruise was fading fast. One more good sleep should take care of it completely. Vera...
Chapter 5- Unexpected News Harry opened the door to his house and entered quietly. He figured Ginny was probably upstairs sleeping, and he didn't want to wake her. At least he didn't want to wake her until he crawled into bed with her. He kicked his shoes off, and crept through the living room, focused on the stairs that led up to the master bedroom suite. "Not even going to say good morning?" The sultry voice behind him didn’t startle him; rather it made him smile as he turned around....
The time had passed fairly quickly over the last two weeks. The news Misti had referred to was that she planned to quit her job at the club so she could take care of Carol. She would arrive in time to talk to Sharon and have a cup of coffee before she left for work, usually arriving either carrying her clothes or wearing just a towel. Many mornings she would arrive in time to send Dave to work with a deep kiss, and a good look at her bare pussy. She had had only a few strands on her mons, but...
Chris found himself in the middle of a beautiful green wilderness. There were beautiful trees and shrubs, luscious green meadows visible through a clearing in the forest. Beyond that, rolling hills. It was beautiful alright, but Chris didn’t know what was happening. A second ago he was in the dark hallway of his friend’s creepy old house and now he was in a tropical wilderness?! He was thinking that he was going crazy, or that it must be a dream. A voice filled his head. “Chris”, it was...
"Please fuck me," she heard her own voice whisper. The words, spoken in the midst of a hot dream, woke her in the darkness of a moonless night. Had she said them out loud? She wanted to slap herself for the fool that she was. She laid her head back on the satin pillowcase and closed her eyes. The sticky swelling between her legs was making her uncomfortable. Her nipples were hard as diamonds and ached. Why was she still dreaming of him after all these months? He wasn't particularly...
My name is Kathy Sullivan and you may remember me from reading that story about Trish Mulligan getting felt up on the train by those terrible boys. It is certainly true that Trish is definitely my BFF because we grew up together and even took showers and baths together and washed out each other's rumps with soapy fingers and lots of giggling. I found out from that incident on the train that I liked seeing Trish get all humiliated like that by being degraded right in front of me. It made me...
My Wonderful Obsession Part 23: Turning a Corner Miles had me scheduled for lunch-hours each day till Thursday, then Friday evening and two shifts on the Saturday of the upcoming long weekend. But I didn't have to work on the Sunday or Monday, which suited me just fine because my friends were talking about doing one last hiking outing before summer vacation came to an end. When I reported for work on my second day, I was surprised to discover that Miles wanted me to go it alone...
The summer of 2005 had set in. it was another session of IHM Kolkata that had started from the Month of July. Herds of wannabe hoteliers flocked the campus with senior students of year 2 & year 3 making the rookies’ life hell through ragging, which they preferred to call “orientation” “Hey you, girl, come here” Sreyasi, who had left her home in chandannagore and just joined in, was shriveled with fear of the voice of the seniors. She turned back and walked up to the seniors. She always went...
Stripped and BoundHands were rough on her, throwing her against the bed and pouncing on her unmercifully. Her hands were grabbed by two of them, powerful hands digging into her slim wrists, yanking her arms up to the corner of the bed, her body stretching up and out. She heard the click of metal snapped around her wrists, then her arm released, but not before she heard another click. Belinda tugged on her wrists, but the cold, unyielding metal cuffs had her pinned to the corners of the bed. She...
I lost track of just which man was fucking Natalie from one moment to the next, given the wild, frenzied nature of the gang-bang. She certainly had plenty of action from the menfolk, to be sure, though I wasn’t exactly lacking for company, either. About an hour left before the wedding, as we were all worn out from all of the sex, I looked around and realized that I had been intimate with every single woman in my circle of friends and family, and most of the men as well. I had cum in my mouth...
In no hurry to rise on Thursday morning, when eventually I did, the storm of the previous day's malaise had been washed away by the kind of beautiful sunshine the girls would doubtless have given up their precious cherries for. Though I did like to think that two of them, at least, had enjoyed their time indoors with me. Talking of the girls, as I hobbled from the couch, it was hard not to notice that the bungalow was as quiet as a library. A scribbled note from Sophie on the kitchen side...
“Hi sweetie!” I yelled, as I ran up to John, my neurosurgeon lover and client for the last 2 months. He had contacted me again, through my escort agency and this time he had flown me down to Cabo to spend time with him. This was the 5th time in 8 weeks that he had hired me for a vacation get away and I had loved them all. He was a wonderful lover and had the biggest cock I’d ever had. It was sad that he was married, but I was his, however he wanted me, when we were together. He had originally...
‘I think I can, I think I can,’ Kate chanted to herself as she dragged her broken body through the pasture by the creek. She had ridden off a cliff and both her ankles were shattered. Her shoulder was broken and she was bleeding from numerous cuts where she had slammed into the rocks. She knew if she could just crawl down stream far enough eventually she would find a house or something, anything. The pain was intense. It robbed her of sentience as it throbbed through her. Two thousand yards...
Indeed, it had become a long night. Serori managed to get back before Jo did from the movies. Of course she didn’t tell the best friend what she had done or that she had even left. After dinner the two did their usual of watching a little porn and getting themselves off. Normally that is what it took for them to go to sleep, but for Serori it just wasn’t enough. Now she lies in her bed, listening to the sound of her best friend’s light breathing and starring up at the empty ceiling. Her...
"So what the fuck was so important that we had to leave right in the middle of things?" Wilma asked when we were in her car. "Just drive to my place. There was something screwy there. They sent a 14 year old girl for me to teach. You know what I was supposed to teach her don't you?" I asked. "Fourteen are you sure?" Wilma asked. "That's what she said, and she looked fourteen," I replied. "Then why didn't we bring her out?" Wilma asked. "Then what do we do with her, turn her...
We had just finished picking up Molly from her Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Neither of us knew if it had gone well or not – she refused to tell us anything about it, and the two of us mildly accepted that. If anything, I think the both of us were glad that she took my intervention so seriously and accepted the ultimatum that she needed to do something about her condition. A part of me wondered if she wanted to do this herself and was waiting for someone to tell her, ‘Hey, you’re seriously...
WHAT! You say you're under eighteen or over 35 and still living with Momma. Or is it that you don't like stories with a transgender theme? Then - DUH! - don't read this! Simply Irresistible By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2001 It was a cheap carnival, the kind you expect to find in the parking lot of the Piggly Wiggly. In on Friday; out on Sunday. Sitting on a bench on the midway, Steve could see the trash all around - candy wrappers, drink cups, a few religious brochures, and,...
Lucy couldn't deny she was nervous. For weeks she had planned to attend the annual "Halloween Leather and Lace Fetish Ball" held in the nearby city with two close friends, Hayley and Kelly. They had all thought it would be a liberating experience and were all anxious to see attend an adult themed Halloween party. Now, she sat in her car parked alone, as her friends had backed out unexpectedly at the last minute. She seriously considered just leaving, but the ticket hadn't been cheap. The drive...
BDSMHello my dear readers of the ISS forum and I hope you are all doing well and eager to read the story of a 27 year old nymph bi sexual girl. Needless to say, I enjoy sex a lot and experiment with various partners. I am very choosy about the people I sleep with though and so don’t you go around developing nasty thoughts for this girl whose story you are about to read J I usually spend a lot of time in the act and I also like to spend a lot of time chatting about sex in various chat rooms....
Blonde nympho Jessie Saint is an ambitious girl who is just looking for a chance to start her career. Her stepbrother may have a lead on an opening, but he will not put in a good word unless Jessie does something for him first. To persuade him, Jessie makes a video of herself taking her top off, but she catches him jerking off in the process! A couple days later, Jessie admits that she has not been able to stop thinking about her stepbrothers cock. She is a virgin, so she wants to see what it...
xmoviesforyouGet ready to referee the hottest lesbian wrestling match you’ve ever witnessed. Our Euro Girls on Girls 4K premium porn cameras are on location and take you inside for this hot and heavy girl on girl gym action. Watch from the sidelines as the all-natural nymphos’ workout gets x-rated. Their titties shake wildly and they finger one another’s pussy so intensely that the whole place is trembling. It’s sexy and hardcore in the best of ways and you get to be there front and...
xmoviesforyouSUBMISSIVE HUSBANDChapter 1Aas is usually the case, three years of marriage our love making had growna little stale. I decided that we needed something to spice it up and Ibroached the subject of adult videos to my wife to see if she would like totry something different. She was initially hesitant about anything"pornographic" but I told her it was just "soft porn" and thought we oughtto try it just once. My wife is very strong minded and was raised verystrict so I knew it would be a big...
This is an actual encounter that happened to me a couple of years ago.As an author of erotic fiction, most of the work is precisely that. Just my deviate mind expressing my fantasies or something I've seen or experienced.But a few days ago, something happened that changed my world, and the idea of that would never happen to me. Everything in this story is a hundred per genuine, and I still can't believe it happened, so let me share with you what took place that rocked my world. It was Sunday...
CheatingJade Lampkin sat across from Mark Smith, she was dressed in a gray wool business suit her stunning legs were crossed, Mark on the other side of the table was signing documents. With a flash of the pen he signed the last one."Okay that's it, anything else before you go?""Yes we are going to need your social security card, ID and of course your credit card number to make this final."Jade cracked a smile as she looked at Mark, almost seductive. Jade got a great thrill out of what she was doing....
Jmac arrives at Ava’s home, he knocks on the door but nobody opens, so he goes around the back and finds Ava enjoying her pool, tits exposed while she plays in the water, he hides behind the corner to enjoy the view until Ava comes out of the water and starts applying lotion and caressing her juicy tits, then Jmac decides to approach her offering to help, she gets happily surprised, she invited him to come over and was expecting him, so Jmac gets behind her to massage her tits, Ava gets...
xmoviesforyouWhen we left off this story two years ago, Jesse Brown was an old for her years fifteen and now she was an almost adult reform school girl of seventeen with all innocence rubbed off the hard way by just trying to survive the day to day existence of an incarcerated white girl in a definite minority incarcerated for telling the truth until she turned the magic age of eighteen and was released into society as a full grown adult ready to meet the world on her own terms. Jesse had learned how to...
"So Lesley ... Is she Irish or something?" Julie asked on the ride home from classes one evening. Her hair was still slick from the pool, and the soft scent of chlorine was present in Trish's little car. "I'm a little curious about that too." Trish spoke up brightly. Her face took on that same faraway look that crossed her features whenever Lesley was mentioned. "I don't really know." I admitted, shifting slightly in the passenger seat. "She's got an accent I can't really...
We enjoyed another long late morning bath in the steaming waters of the pond, which included a subtle and non-conspicuous copulation with me standing up to her neck in the water with her arms and legs wrapped around me. The trip later down the stairs hardly taxed me at all, and my knee was still feeling pretty good when we got back into our room just before another wave of the snow storm hit. We enjoyed a fine luncheon and had a peaceful afternoon nap in our not quite so cold room, snuggled...
Neighbor Hood Problems Chapter 1 The parents Beckys a loser! Shes such a nerd!the bullies yelled at Becky. She was almost in tears, the kids had been making fun of her since she moved there at the start of the year from Montana. She didnt have any friends and no one talked to her unless they were teasing her. This would happen during school all day and while she was walking home. Hi Sweets, how was school? asked Beckys mom Fine. replied Becky Well thats fine! All I said was school was fine!...
Hi my name is Rahul (name changed) am 30 now with a normal body I am from Surat. Today am going to explain to you the real incident happened to me. I am a regular visitor of this site and this is where I can share my experience Bindas. This incident happened when I was 19. I was doing my degree at that point in time. I have one of my Uncles staying in Mumbai I normally visit there every year on my vacation. It was a summer vacation of my college I was been there. My uncle got a family of 4...